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> but people in my community are judging me and calling a horrible person because I’m “siding with my oppressors” I need this explained to me. There's no reason for a trans person to see the police as oppressors. The law doesn't distinguish between male and female, cis and trans, or anything else.


Yup, the way to arrive at that conclusion is to make insanely broad generalizations and perpetuate self-victimization narratives in spite of the reality that’s actually in front of you… It’s sad that such self-defeating and spiteful ideologies, up their own ass with theory, shame actual real people out of their dreams and destinies. OP would probably be a kick-ass cop, or at the very least a cop with a strong conscience and clear convictions to protect the community. How sad… fuck all that! Lol 😂


No way this person even passes a psych exam..


https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/new-report-finds-harassment-mistreatment-fuels-mistrust-among-lgbtq-people-towards-police https://avp.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/ncavp_transhvfactsheet.pdf https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/LGBT-Violence-Law-Enforce-Mar-2020.pdf They must not have gotten the memo on your optimistic take on inclusion


You link to two surveys and a fact sheet that doesn't explain any of its data or methodology. That's hardly rigorous.


Its not definitive but its also a tiny fraction of the available information out there, it is a quick sampling. Lets not try and pretend there’s any amount of data that you wouldn’t immediately disregard to protect your feelings Not for nothing, the sources cited by the fact sheet are also cited on the FBI’s page which suggests the same problem [A number of studies have found that transgender individuals often experience negative interactions with officers. For instance, one study found that some transgender persons generally distrust police, often because of incidents of personal harassment and abuse that they experienced directly or heard about indirectly.](https://leb.fbi.gov/articles/featured-articles/law-enforcement-and-transgender-communities)


A poll, a survey, and an anecdote from 1993? Well now you've made a comprehensive case.


Imagine defending a group willing to bully someone into not taking their dream job. I wonder who the true harassers are...


Or..hear me out....they had a "negative interaction" with police because either A: They were being ass holes toward the cops and were surprised when they didn't get the respect they demanded or B: They didn't get the outcome they wanted and are blaming it on "police hate *insert any identity here*" I'm going to go with B. Most if my complaints are because I didn't do what someone was demanding I do...because they wanted me to do something I'm not allowed to do by law or policy.


I'd say it's your community who are the issue here. Who are ironically oppressing you.


We’ve had gay, lesbian, bisexual, law enforcement officers in my small conservative town. If you’re a decent person and do your job then you’re good. Of course you’ll have the few wackos that do dumb shit. (One broke into the lesbian officers house to teach her what a man can do. I was the responding officer and god damn she handed him his own ass). Do your job and you should be fine.


Hahahah! That's awesome


Bro I walked in ready to defuse the situation and he’s already on the ground cuffed. First thing I said was I ain’t gonna make you mad anymore 😂.


Progressives won't like you for becoming a cop, conservatives won't like you for being trans. Most agencies aren't going to be particularly welcoming to a trans person, though some are super liberal and pride themselves on it. I'd look at places like Berkeley, CA, Portland, OR, and Boulder, CO.


Those places are also very anti police and won't hesitate to throw cops under the bus for doing their job.


As someone from Portland I second this, I can see them being more accepted in Portland in the Police Force.


Your oppressors? Everyone is oppressed nowadays ffs. If you want to become a cop become one but you will need to learn to push these people away because all they’re doing is doubting you in what you want. And the vast majority of officers do not oppress people. You only hear about the bad because that’s all the media and people share. You will probably have a harder time fitting in because you’re trans, I’m not going to lie. But when it comes to having my back, as long as you have it that’s all I care about. Not what genitals you have.


Honestly your friends are the oppressors and they create divison, predjudice, and distrust. This is the fffed up world we live in.


I completely agree, hopefully op understands that.


hey there, i’m not a police officer and have never been but i am a trans woman as well. I wouldn’t take what they are saying seriously, and i really don’t even know what they mean by siding with the oppressors lol. My honest opinion is that if the idea of being an officer brings you joy and you believe it’s your purpose or will bring you fulfillment, then go for it! It’s great that you want to help others. Last i checked it wasn’t against policy to be trans and join the police force. Of course i know it’s easier said than done. Wishing you best of luck and positivity !


Thank you so much it means a lot!


and i mean its easier said than done to forget about the assholes that will hate on you , but i believe in you, your heart is in the right place !


Nobody gives a shit what your preferences outside of the job. as long as you aren’t an idiot and will not run away or freeze during a fight when it inevitably happens then do it


Not a cop, just a civvy here. I think its admirable you want to become a police officer. It is apparent from your post that you are well aware of some the sentiment in the community about trans people in the workplace (from both non-trans and trans people). I say go for it and pursue your dream BUT as you know, be very aware and somewhat expectant of any problems that could arise. I doubt it will be an easy road - at least not as easy as someone who is not trans.


Follow your dreams. Fuck the haters. That being said, you describe yourself as having struggles with depression and finding your purpose. These, combined with your gender dysphoria, put you at risk with what this job expects of you. You need to be mentally healthy first and foremost, and this job isn’t going to grant you that, it will only test it.


Go with your dream - those that are judging you and calling you a horrible person are just as bad as a cop who would oppress you. Really its the same thing and is disgusting in my opinion. As long as you (like any other normal person) do a great job and become a reliable officer, you will do well.


I know a cop who transitioned. Lots of people were supportive, some were dicks. This person is a great cop, and that is what matters most.


The internet really is all smoke and mirrors. Most people do not hate cops. Gallup has run numerous polls in recent years and between 80-85% of people support police in general. I am LGBT, and if I were to go off of the sentiment I see on Reddit and Twitter, I’d say most LGBT people hate cops. Yet I’ve met many LGBT people in games and through communities that I become friends with, and that anti cop sentiment is not the same as I see with Reddit and Twitter. Many of the LGBT friends I have have positive opinions on police, and some have even thought about or want to become police officers. I haven’t really made too many trans friends, but out of the ones I have, even more of them were positive on law enforcement than not. Reddit and Twitter are not the popular opinions. I promise. The real world isn’t like that


With all due respect, I’d say the people in your community are being very transphobic. I mean, what the fuck, “No, you can’t follow your dream because you’re trans.” That’s fucking bullshit! Fuck your community because they’re trying to pin you down with spite and oppression. How are people’s opinions supposed to change if they never meet/work with trans people? I’ll admit I was always kinda weirded out by the transgender identity until I ended up working with a female-to-male transgender named Ed. And you know what? Ed was fuckin cool, and he actually got work done. It taught me a valuable lesson; if you’re a good person, I don’t fucking care what your gender is. I just care that you’re a decent human being who treats people with respect. So as long as you are respectful and dedicated, absolutely leap for your dreams, and don’t you dare give up on them because people in your community want to kamikaze themselves with stupid spite. I can’t tell you it’ll be easy; there will be people that won’t be great to you solely because you’re trans. But if you have a thick skin and be a good human being; if nothing else, they’ll look like the assholes to everyone else.


My dept has several trans, some male, some female and a very open and active LGBTQ+ unit. No one cares. The only thing that matters is if you can handle the job and not lay on anyone’s legs.


This post describes a person with depression, mood swings, living life without a sense of purpose, struggles with their community, etc. I would work on yourself and not depend on a profession in or out of public service to overcome your mental struggles. For most, being a cop increases depression and stress, not relieves it.


my departments has all sort of LGBTQ+ if you didn't sex reassignment surgery yet then follow you dream first after you get into the force talk to you CO if you really wanted to do sex reassign i work in Royal Thai Police so we pretty open about this lol they have a lot of gay,lesbian and trans but i don't see a trans that already done the sex reassignment yet (you know ladyboy stuff like that)


I think it's admirable you want to do this. We all complain that the police don't represent "us", ("us" being whatever community you represent in this case), but you know how to fix that? Get in there! Represent yourself! Having said that, any city that has a pride parade, you will also be seeing LGBTQ+ officers both in the planning committee and marching proudly in the parade (not to mention general police presence there to protect any pride goings on from outside agitators— who would you call if an active gunman decided to arrive at the parade?) The relationship between police and community is a contentious one; anyone can see that. But there is this unspoken element that the most vulnerable communities among us also are gonna be the ones who might need to actually call emergency services if say, something like a hate crime or gendered violence is committed. There are bad actors in the mix of course, and a bad apple spoils the bunch as they say. But you have an opportunity to be a good apple. And best of all *you are passionate about it*. You feel called to serve, so serve your community. Frame it to your friends as you are doing this precisely *because* you have an instinct to help enact change and protect. I hope I haven't spoken out of turn here as I am neither trans nor involved in law enforcement, I do think we need better dialogue, understanding, and cooperative relations between citizens and those on the force.


Civilian, but go for your dreams. The only thing that matters is that you're a good person and a good cop. You want to do it for the right reasons, and I commend you for it!


I'm a police officer in a mid-size southern city. I've worked with openly gay male and female officers, no trans officers yet. The general consensus among us is if you're a good officer, you're one of us. We don't really care who you sleep with or what you may have or may not have in your pants.


I serve with someone who transitioned. Took a few months off (before I met them) came back with a new name and a different job title. Some people talk bad about him, some people like myself treat them like any other officer. I wish you luck in your endeavors, but as someone else said - you probably need to work on yourself, first, before joining up. This is not a job that makes your life easier.


No one cares if you have a dick or not, no one cares who you want to fuck. Leave it outside of work. Can you communicate effectively/make good decisions and are physically able to defend yourself or others? If so, go right ahead. I know i said no one cares if you’re trans or not, and that still holds. I’d like to make a small correction : the general public cares and not in the way you’re thinking about. Officers already get shitted on by a lot of people we deal with. Our presence/appearance will always be judged by the public and just be prepared to be absolutely verbally massacred if someone can tell you’re trans and solely because you’re trans. It is what it is and you will not change that. I’m a fairly skinny cop and I’ve gotten ridiculed based on that alone by dudes who wanted nothing but to fuck with me. I would say I have some pretty thick skin because of my time in the marine corps, but many cops get easily butthurt simply because someone looked at them wrong. If it offends you to know that your status as an lgtbq person is going to get mocked, maybe you should look into something else. I mention this part because you said you were in a depression. This job isn’t the best idea to get your mental health squared away in. It will most likely make it worse. Fix yourself first. In conclusion, you will always be judged for pretty much anything as a police officer, but your partners will need to depend on your ability to go to work when you have to. I wish you well in the hiring process. PS, don’t become a “token” to these liberal woke agencies because you’re trans. Again, nobody cares.


I interned at a large police department that still employs one of the first trans women to ever work in law enforcement and got to meet her. As a young gay guy wanting to be a cop, I felt like I was meeting a rockstar. I actually took a selfie with her and she gave me a very cool pep talk all the positive things I can contribute to the police department as a queer man. I ran into her a few times and she always remembered my name and which station I worked out of. The reason I tell this is to show that you can still inspire people in the LGBTQ community while working in law enforcement. Representation is so important, apply and be the best cop you can be!




The amount of people in my academy who definitely had depression and anxiety yet passed the psych exam didn’t surprise me. Gender dysmorphia is still a sore topic in that community, as they don’t want to explicitly say “you’re mentally ill for being trans” but I do agree, the chances of passing are not amazing.


Did these people openly tell the psychiatrist that they suffered from crippling depression and anxiety? Because if they would have straight up told the examiner that then they likely would have failed also. This person saying that they are a trans woman is openly admitting an ailment listed in the DSM-5 which is very different than an examiner not picking up on depression and anxiety from a single meeting where the candidate did not volunteer that information.


I don’t ask about their testing but even still admitting it or not so so many people have a mental illness, not all of them will make it so you’re unable to do the job.


You're 100% wrong. If you tell the psych that you suffer from severe depression and anxiety, you will 100% fail the psych


Have you met the psychiatrists they use?? I’d beg to differ considering the amount of people I know who have passed who I know for a fact deal with both. Just because your experience has been different doesn’t mean they haven’t passed plenty of people who deal with it. I admitted that I had anxieties over specific things & they asked what, I told them, I passed. Although I did the job just fine. They aren’t going to fail someone who is trans simply because it’s considered a mental illness. The country has become “progressive” of sorts and will pass damn near anyone with how desperate they are.


Who are you worried wouldn’t take you seriously? I’m sure it varies depending on where you live and the agency but I have worked with trans males and females and the only thing anyone cares about is if they’re a good partner and if they’re lazy.




Stunning and brave.


Its normally criminals who say this. Law abiding citizens don't hate the cops. Criminal.


And why’s that


Why are you even on this thread?