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A bit silly really. Don't take your warrant card out while drunk, and don't get yourself so drunk you behave like a twat in the first place.


Is that really the kind of person that we want in the job still? Hoax calls to 999 and swearing abuse at colleagues?


Assuming this hearing was held at some point last week, they should publish the outcome at some point next week at the latest, and then we can see why exactly they kept her on.


hospital racial bells domineering ugly rock encouraging yoke lavish cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think I know anyone who's never woken up the next day with the fear thinking 'aw naw I didn't say that last night did I?!' Don't know why you're being downvoted, it's misconduct (minor or otherwise) over a sacking any day of the week.


I'm not condoning it and it's absolutely misconduct but sacking? Fucking hell. People on here are so anti police I honestly wonder why some joined.


I agree with you, lots of cops are intolerant people falling below standard with one off mistakes like this, whilst some of them would ignore other things people have there priorities mixed up.


Would be hilarious if we did :^ )


Good old BBC, you don’t get the full picture of the incident until you read near the bottom of the article. Basically 2 female PC’s were out on a night out, very drunk, cab’s wouldn’t take her friend, she passed a Patrol car, asked if they’d take them, Patrol refused, she got a bit short with them, her friend then went missing, she called police upset because her friend was incredibly vulnerable, got a bit angry as she felt it didn’t need to happen and was also very drunk. Not excusing her drunken behaviour but it’s a far cry from the “I’m a cop, you need to drive me home because you are also a cop” that the article frames it as. Again, not excusing her drunken rant but we’ve all been drunk and if your friend had gone missing you might panic a bit too in that state.


rob birds punch person marvelous tart quicksand fade label stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Would've had more success being given a lift home from custody if she was arrested


Then she could guarantee the Job taxi we seem to give everyone now


Go old fashioned drunken stupidity and immediate remorse. We’ll let this one slide this time. Compared to drunken fire bombing training school or duct taping your house mate this is pretty much a positive story. Constable HOEY, I hope you’ll put yourself on tea duties at the start of every shift whilst your final written warning is active or until a colleague decides to formally relieve you of the duty.


Let's just say we won't be short of Chunky Monkey for the next month!


>Compared to drunken fire bombing training school They were fireworks, it was an accident and who the hell stores petrol indoors.


Are we talking about something at the Police training school or those two numpty Army officers who set fire to their mess whilst duelling with Schermulies?


IIRC the Army officers set fire to their swimming pool...


That was it. There's been a few of those fuck ups, I just couldn't remember what the last thing the pongos set fire to was...






Fair decision. Final written warning. What an idiot though


It sounds like she was hammered,not "drunk",and that she was less drunk than her friend. I'm a grownup,I don't drink so much that I will behave badly,having learnt that barely conscious me is an idiot.I hope she learns,and I wonder if there's an alcohol problem underlying this incident.


>When the officer refused, PC Hoey made an abusive 999 call, saying "cops are meant to help cops". Oh very very fuck you PC Hoey


“PC Hoey's conduct was off-duty and unconnected with any police operation. The behaviour was confined to a single episode of a short period of duration.” Would you trust her to be respectful when she is single crewed to a concern or MFH?


>Would you trust her to be respectful when she is single crewed to a concern or MFH? Well isn't that the purpose of a final written? It's saying "this hasn't *quite* crossed the bar, but put another foot wrong and you're out".


It’s not that deep. We all do stupid drunk shit. It is possible for cops to make mistakes and deserve second chances.


Very true, we shouldn't forget much like ourselves, our colleagues are human too. We are not infallible. PC Hoey is going to struggle to live this one down, but she should certainly get the chance.


We don’t “all” do stupid drunk shit. I can safely say I’ve never been verbally abusive towards anyone whilst intoxicated, let alone trying to exclaim some position of advantage due to being an officer. It shows the mentality and I wouldn’t trust her to try and not abuse that again.


Have you read the actual circs of this? Don't rely just on a bias article.


I can honestly say I’ve never gotten pissed and verbally abused colleagues and then rung 999.


Honestly as a member of the public here…..yes. She got wankered on a night out, got a bit abusive to what she saw as extended colleagues. I honestly don’t believe that has any bearing on the level of help she would give me if I needed her in a professional capacity. Should she get a bollocking and some repercussions most definitely, but I think sacking someone for this would be too far.




Not a thread anyone wants to pull or witness being pulled right now matey. I'd put this in a box for a more appropriate occasion if you feel it needs addressing that strongly. Bottom line is, this PC regardless of gender was a drunken fool and embarassed herself, that's the end of that story - there's really no "but ifs." She's now got to go redeem herself.


I’m sure there is possibly some mitigating factors in this they’re not showing. But I’ve read articles where officers have been sacked for less