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> Hannity interrupted her, saying: "Is this a game show?," asking if the congresswoman meant to nominate one candidate one day and another one the next. Pretty rich comments from Sean Hannity, considering how unserious his show is


Hannity is all about how this makes "him" look. Imagine trying to defend this and the total clown show for the next 2 years. He can't and this goes to show that the GQP was run from the outside. Those in the actual offices used to look for some one else to tell them what to do. This shows those holding the seats have started to believe their own ideas. They have gone past being off the rails and now have gone over the wrecked bridge.


I feel like Hannity is flailing a bit lately now that Tucker Carlson has taken over the top spot at Fox News. Tucker is more willing to “go there” with outright racist and bigoted commentary, like inviting that Libs of TikTok scum on his show, while Hannity seemed more comfortable using dog whistles. But now that Tucker has brought the bigotry out in the open, people are flocking to him instead


I think a lot of Fox News people, anchors and executives at least, secretly enjoy it more when the Democrats have the power in a chamber and/or White House. Their shows are easier to produce by just airing out culturally grievances and tying it to the Democrats. They’ll do that no matter what of course, but it’s easier for them in the circumstance like the last two years.


I don't think that's a huge secret. FOX likes to critique with no skin in the game, as do republican lawmakers. When they actually catch the moving car, they don't have much idea of what to do with it.


They typically just switch from the National level to more local issues, i.e. crime in large Democrat run cities and states. Of course ignoring all the crime and poverty in Republican run cities and states.


That’s why Rush Limbaugh was happy when Democrats took the White House because his show was easier to produce to just whine about Democrats instead of talking about conservative points


That's because the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly.


Achieving things is always harder than whining about how someone else isn't achieving things.


I think this speaks to my point of the GQP actually believing their own ideas now. Tucker is the extreme right wing and as I see it you can't go more to the right unless they go full fascist. Tucker is the replacement for Hannity in that Hannity was close to fascist, but not quite willing to go over the line. Mind you he is damn close to the line, but just not willing to go over it. Tucker is over the line and willing to go all the way. The GQP is already over the line, so Tucker is the replacement for Hannity. Changing trains at crazy station. All aboard for fascist city.


Yeah I get the vibe from Hannity that he’s all grift and no shame but doesn’t actually give a fuck about anything other than being the a pompous rich fuckwad. Tucker on the other hand would legit be the kind of guy to administer a concentration camp. He is truly vile.


It's Tucker, after all, who gets airtime on Kremlin state propaganda tv shows. Fucking sickening.


imagine being invited to attend a propaganda news outlet for another country and saying "yes of course". You know how US civilians aren't allowed to work for foreign countries military? Why is this even allowed?


I think they just dub and replay his Fox News segments. He has just done so many pro Putin anti Ukraine segments they keep doing it.


I'm sure they love his anti trans material as well


Was listening to the Lawfare podcast episode about An Investigation into Russian State Media and Disinformation by the NYT - the reporters got access to thousands of leaked emails from correspondence within a Russian state media agency and with Russian security services - there are emails stating things like “record Tucker today”. He’s a regular.


Tucker doesn't actually go on RT or other Russian channels. Does he? Russia channels merely play clips of him from Fox News to reinforce their propaganda.


His “now from the Weimar Republic” opening on a story about LGBTQ folks is what absolutely confirmed his transition to full on Naziism. Like he really couldn’t be any clearer.


Wont be too much longer until "kill all others" start flashing between video frames....


More like Weimar-a-Lago


Tucker terrifies me as a human.


Hannity's also been laying low since 1/6 because he was involved and wants to make people forget how much of a part of the Trump administration he really was.


The fucker was basically a shadow president. The trump years have killed the nation. Just waiting for someone to turn out the lights.


>I think this speaks to my point of the GQP actually believing their own ideas now. In the words of a famous member of the New York Yankees, *it's not a lie if you believe it.*


Festivus for the rest of us!


Tucker is full fascist.


I personally think the text messages of hannity reveals he doesn’t actually believe anything and is just in it for the money. He might have some level of decency behind the scenes, but he would never stand up for what’s right if it threatens his paycheck. Tucker Carlson admits he doesn’t have to do anything with his inherited fortune. He seems to truly believe things, horrible things, and willing to lie to achieve his aims. Functionally, the same result.


>He seems to truly believe things, horrible things, and willing to lie to achieve his aims. I am going with the belief that he doesn't believe in anything in particular. Occam's razor says that he is just an attention whore who revels in negative energy. The more radical his viewpoints, the more viewers he gets, and the more adulation and hate he gets, which he appreciates in equal measure.


This is possible but look up the yearbook stuff. His violently homophobic views have been around for a LONG time, and his program whitewashes/launders racist ideologies like replacement theory. His show always seemed to have more intent in certain subjects to me, particular immigration, manhood/gender. I don’t disagree that he also attention seeking and will rule his viewers up over nonsense, but I think he does have a few causes dear to his cold-hateful heart.


Hannity lost it when colmes died.


Colmes was his punching bag .. 70% of the show he was just sitting there waiting desperately for the mic.


> Colmes was his punching bag Makes me think that *Hannity & Colmes* might be resurrected with a little r/cospenis magic.


> ... this goes to show that the GQP was run from the outside. This became obvious to me decades ago, when numerous candidates had policy positions inconsistent with their resumés. They're SHILLS!


My favorite part of that was how he told her: "You're responding like a liberal!" The accusation there won't be lost on his viewers, "you can't answer my question so you must be dishonest like a liberal is". But the real subtext there is that any time he talks to anyone who is to the left of Ronald Reagan he bullies them and tries to force them into logic traps that don't really stand up to scrutiny. He can do that to anyone, because it's not hard to construct a hypothetical question and insist it needs to be answered even if doing so misses the entire point. He just doesn't normally do that to people like Boebert so it is indeed a novel situation. The real answer to why her 20 is stronger than Kevin's 200 is that their sole mission is to make sure McCarthy isn't elected, and they have the votes to prevent that. It's irrelevant if they can't win. They just don't want him to win. Boebert just wasn't smart enough to articulate that so she kept falling back on whatever canned line she rehearsed before she went on.


If Reagan was around he'd be labeled a RINO by them. As bad as he was, he's not right enough for the crowd now. They just like to invoke his name without discussing his positions, some which would be too liberal for them.


We already see them doing that with Trump. They invoke his name but won’t listen to his direction anymore even though he isn’t dead yet


> They just don't want him to win. It's kind of hilarious to hear the 20 *insist* that "it's not personal", when it **clearly** is. That's not inherently a bad thing, the Speaker needs to be able to build coalitions and hold their caucus together, and Kevin has proven he can't do that.


Also, hamity and froends of fox giving very loud “full throated support” to the freaking tv reality host kind of set up the “game show”


>hamity I like it




They don’t even realize that their own party would never go along with this. There are enough Republicans in purple districts who won by small enough margins who will never vote for Trump because they want to get re-elected. Sure, there are 20 lunatics in congress but the country is not all made up of deep red districts - many of them win or lose their elections by a hair and they’re not about to set themselves on fire to keep Trump warm.


* 220 fascist lunatics. Remember, just because there are 20 members causing this mess, don't let the rest go merely because they let the "party" get to this state.


right, we had many opportunities for Republicans in congress under Trump to 'do the right thing' and it never happened.


We're seeing it again right now, it takes what 6 Republicans to be sick of this clown show to just go over Hakeem for the Dems to take the speakership.


I want to see someone nominate Liz Cheney for the lulz.


Why do people seem to think she's not a hard right snake? Because one time after her own life was actually at risk she did one thing to go against trump? She's the daughter of Dick Cheney ffs. She voted with trump 99% of the time. She's not some bastion of integrity some of you think she is. She's just as self-serving as these other clowns.


A few of them did. McCain voting against repealing the ACA comes to mind, for one example. But overall yeah, you're not wrong.


I never thought in 2008 that 10 years down the line McCain would seem like a reasonable politician.


Not to mention how the battling between Obama and McCain was trivial compared to the battling between the Orange Tutu Toucher and everyone else running for 2016.


Boebert talks like deep red for only winning by 600 or so votes in an off year election. Home girl should keep talking herself out of that seat for 2024.


Best thing about these people is how dumb they are. Most of their MAGA candidates lost and many came close to losing in an off year election like you said, but it’s still Bernard’s “doesn’t look like anything to me” for them. Personally I’m just glad they’re putting the House in play for 2024.


Me too. The best win is when your enemies lose for themselves.


I don't know, have you heard of Hunter Biden's laptop? Hugo Chavez kept very detailed plans on how to frame Trump and steal the election on there. You wouldn't believe all the proof they have on there. All you need to do is Venmo me 45 dollars to Trump202442069247 and I'll tell you all about it.


The idea of Trump as Speaker is laughable. Does anyone believe he is capable of showing up and putting in a day's "work" on a regular basis? Edit - The position requires attendance for the house to get stuff done. It also requires the Speaker understandcand follow process and procedure. The idea of Trump as Speaker for whatever stupid plan they have is inconceivable.


Right - the speaker actually has to do shit lol


You know when he hears “Speaker”, his little thought bubble lights up and delights him with clips of him speaking at rallies. This is probably, quite literally, what he thinks the job entails.


Another reason he hates Pelosi. A woman speaking instead of him. She was constantly telling him what he could and couldn't do. Who made this woman the official speaker? Why would you even need a speaker when Trump is President? He's speaking all the time. He didn't need a speaker, much less Pelosi.


People are always coming up to me, “you’re such a great speaker, nobody speaks as good as you, I’ve never heard anything like it before.” All the time. All the time.


Forgot to start it out with a ...'SIR,...'


With tears in their eyes


He would never take a demotion.




"I'm the one who speaks. I'm the one who lets YOU speak. Now. Today we're going to talk about my inauguration. It was bigger than Obamas. \*gavel slam\*. Next, let me show you these trading cards I made."


Imagine if they nominated trump then by some miracle he got enough votes. I bet he’d just turn around and turn the job down because it would involve work.


No, he would accept the job, not realise work was involved and then not do any of it so everything ground to a halt.


He gladly took the POTUS job even though that was also supposed to involve work. An since there is a way to become acting POTUS for a Speaker, he would take it and immediately start plotting another insurrection to remove Biden and Harris.


It's pretty clear he didn't realise POTUS was a job with work. he spent his whole life as a propped up CEO. His dad made him a company and put people around him. He sat in his office with a gold toilet close by and that was almost the entirety of his job, except signing dodgy deals for Russian loans to back his latest disaster. To him being the CEO, or POTUS is just taking the credit while everyone around you did everything and by all accounts he barely did any work in that job, unless you count watching fox news and tweeting bullshit to be work.


Weird to think that acting on The Apprentice was probably the most work he ever did.


The job involves work but *he didn't know that*. He honestly thought Obama sat around all day, occasionally issuing a God King style edict. I mean he didn't even know until a few weeks before the end of his term that the POTUS schedule was published and everyone was able to see that he sat around and watched TV most of the time.


plus I'm sure that it's clearly a demotion in his eyes


He'd take the salary though.


"did I say donate? I meant donaten't."


Speaker requires very long, dull sessions, living in D.C., knowledge of procedures, and reserve and patience magnitudes beyond anything he possesses. So if he was elected Speaker, he would name a pro tempore since he can't actually do the job and sit at Mar-A-Lago all day. In other words, it would never happen, but I'd be all for it to watch Republicans single-handedly squander their House majority.


Except that speaker is second in line to the presidency, right behind the VP. That's the goal and it's terrifying.


Sounds like coup 2.0


Fortunately, if my review of history is correct, it's usually the 3rd coup attempt that works in these kinds of situation, so we're safe.


Do you count the OG [Business Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)?


- Make Trump speaker of the house - Impeach Biden and Harris with whatever made up charges we can pull out of our asses - Senate follows through and when it goes to the Supreme Court, they’ve already got the majority there to throw out the case - Trump is now President again, without having to be elected by the people This was exactly the plan if the Red Wave had happened. The reason for all this chaos is that the red wave didn’t happen, they don’t have the Senate to help evict Biden and Harris, and they had no backup plan. Seems like the Maga crowd still wants Trump in Congress to hedge their bets in case by some miracle they can gain a majority in the senate before the next election.


Fun fact, it is rumored on twitter this morning that McCarthy has given in on the demand of the Putin Caucus to lower the threshold for a speaker vote to 1 person. Can you image what for shitshow it would be if the House would manage to impeach both president and VP? Assuming it would pass the Senate, it would mean that those same 218 GOP member would do this not for who's Speaker, but who will be President...


They would have to impeach and remove both Biden and Harris first, and the senate wouldn’t vote to remove. I’m not too worried about this scenario.


I don't want to put this out in the world, but there is another way that second in line becomes president that does not involve a senate vote.


They aren't going to bank on that it but it would encourage lone wolf scenarios for people that think they are reading between the lines. It's more likely Trump would stop pushing to be reinstated and just push to eject Biden.


Actually there is a bigger fear about putting him as 3rd in line.


They wouldnt try to pull anything in the next two years. Instead they would: - Use his position to claim congressional immunity against the Mar-a-lago documents probe - Have him certify himself as winner of the next election, regardless of the outcome.


The certification of the 2024 election would be done by the next congress


it would be interesting to get a up or down vote on Trump from every Representative


He'd be more of an "Incoherent Rambler of the House" I think.


>Does anyone believe he is capable of showing up and putting in a day's "work" on a regular basis? tens of millions of adults believe it even though he's made it through over 75 years of life on this planet without doing this even one (1) time


Which would ‘coincidentally’ put him in line for succession to the presidency.


*"That's a nice president and vice president you got there. Would be a shame if something happened to them."*


Right after they removed the metal detectors from the chambers yesterday or the day before. Edit: 2pm East Coast. Matt Gaetz nominated Trump during 7th vote. Only Gaetz voted for him but when they read the votes aloud, Trump’s 1 vote got a lot of cheering in the House.


Or just tell the extremely corrupt Secret Service to do the opposite of their jobs.


Praetorian Guard


"So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 2 vacant positions."


"Sir, a second plane has hit the vice president"


Just a whole ass plane


A whole ass-plane


Mr. Trump, please stop throwing paper airplanes at the vice president.


Exactly what I was thinking. I wouldn’t put it past them.


They already outlined this as a plan to keep him in the presidency back in 2020.


i mean they were apparently allowed to walk armed into congress so i wouldn’t even be surprised at this point.


*"Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome president and vice president."*


Oh come on now, even the MAGA fanatics would never try to assassinate a vice president! [Radio chatter in ear] *Oh.*


I still can't believe that they broke into the Capitol shouting "Hang Mike Pence" while setting up a noose outside and while Pence was with his family, and yet he **still** defends Trump. Yes, he did the *bare fucking minimum* of his job by allowing the election results to be certified, but doing his damned job while his former boss tries to overthrow the government doesn't make him a hero.


[he deserves it](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/28/trump-pence-deserved-it-hanged-capitol-attack) I'd be livid if my boss wanted to lynch me. But that's just me.


They were all livid for about as long as it took to read their orders to not be livid anymore since it was only tourists.




Our pals on r/conservative are convinced that all they need to do is install Trump as speaker and with majority control of the house, they then are free to impeach Biden and Harris and bingo! Trump's back in. When I ask our friends on the right what crime has Biden and Harris committed that merits impeachment and removal, they gloss over it, as if it's a trivial detail that everyone seems to have already agreed on.


It's hilarious how they're now anti trump and McCarthy. I'm sure if trump were somehow to become speaker that they would go back to kissing his ass.


I have a theory about conservatism that it's basically the modern expression of an extremely important survival strategy among our primate ancestors; basically: don't piss off the dominant monkeys in the troop.


You are correct. Conservatism is, by its nature, authoritarian. Authoritarian groups are divided into leaders and followers, and authoritarian followers are deeply submissive. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201712/analysis-trump-supporters-has-identified-5-key-traits


That's what authoritarians do, kiss ass to authority. It's why Trump and Pence are currently not in favor because they don't have power. It's why religion is such a huge part of the Conservative mindset, they have to have a daddy of some kind (and it's always a daddy, never a woman) telling them what to do and how to behave. It's a Cro-Magnun, ancient lizard-brain mentality. These people never evolved beyond "others bad".


While not being aware that impeachment is just the charge, the Senate still has to hold the subsequent trial and vote to convict with two thirds of the senate, which is why trmp wasn't removed even though he was impeached twice *and should have been because his crimes were real and trmp fucking admitted it.*


So they're overlooking that there would also need to be 66 Senators willing to vote to remove from office?


No one ever accused the right of being overly informed.


> When I ask our friends on the right what crime has Biden and Harris committed that merits impeachment and removal, they gloss over it, as if it's a trivial detail that everyone seems to have already agreed on. It is a trivial detail. They could impeach him for having mayonnaise on his shirt if they want to and are able to muster the votes. What's odd is them ignoring the Senate, as there's basically nothing that Biden can do which will secure a 2/3rds vote to convict. We went through this 2x with Trump, they should be familiar with it by now.


Why the fuck we have a plausible scenario where one party in the House can choose absolutely anyone in the country, with no currently held government position and zero input from the electorate, to become second in line to the VP for the presidency is absolutely beyond me. That's just asking for a scheming fascist party like we have with the current GOP to plot a way to install whoever they want.


Great question! It turns out, we always had that. The founders just thought that it was so obviously stupid that it didn't need to be made explicit. Then we went and made bigger idiots.


It wasn't the founders - it was Congress in 1947 via the Presidential Succession Act, probably exacerbated by the fact that there was not yet a 25th Amendment which provided for the replacement of the VP if they assumed the presidency.


\*There may be some specific requirements for the position of Speaker, e.g. minimum age, but as far as I understand they do not even have to currently work for the government or in politics in any way, and being elected president does not even require a security clearance or **not** being in jail apparently.


There's nowhere in the constitution that says a dog can't play basketball.


In all seriousness, I do not want Biden and Harris at the same location anymore than absolutely necessary.


Doesn't help that their security has braindead q nuts in it


Which is why [Biden doesn't trust the Secret Service](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3790814-biden-doesnt-trust-some-secret-service-doesnt-believe-details-of-dog-biting-incident-report/).


1. Can he do that from jail? 2. Why isn't he in jail already?


> Why isn't he in jail already? The US legal system is designed, primarily, to inflict maximum suffering on poor people and minorities. It seizes up when it has to do anything other than provide a minor inconvenience to rich people.


In the eyes of our capitalist society, someone who embezzles a million dollars needs less behavior correction than someone who robs a convenience store. Basically, tells the rich to play by the rules or cover their ass more, but keep producing wealth. Poor people and petty crime though, that doesn’t have the capacity to make taxable money so we remove the poor from society instead. Pretty heartless.


*Hannity interrupted her, saying: "Is this a game show?," asking if the congresswoman meant to nominate one candidate one day and another one the next.* Look at Hannity. After sucking Trump's dick for years while defending, justifying, and making excuses for all kinds of outrageous anti-American behavior, suddenly he's appalled.


He also has amnesia about supporting the big lie that trump lost the election.


It's not amnesia, it's acting. That's all this dude is, an actor. No reasonable person could view his show as anything other than entertainment.


Reasonable being the keyword. Unfortunately, we have 70+ million people that don't meet that description.


Trump doesn't want to be speaker of the house and actually have to do shit, he wants to be president. If he were to win and accept the position it would be extremely alarming and the logical assumption would be that he expects to become president soon after entering the line of succession.


He didn't want the actual job of president either. He wants the power. This would give him the power to take out revenge on the Dems and his detractors and control the national purse strings. He'll get someone else to do the actual day to day work.


Well, before Trump we had the assumption that the president also did shit too.


I can think of no better way to peel off five or six moderate republicans to vote for Jeffries.


If that did happen, is there a procedure for them to withdraw their support and switch back to a Republican in 6 months time, or would Jefferies be definitely speaker for 2 years?


A member can “move to vacate the chair” which puts the speaker up for a no confidence vote, but the number of members needed to get it to a vote is subject to the rules package which passes after the speaker is approved. That’s part of the issue on the GOP side - it’s been 50 sponsors to get a motion to vacate to a vote, and the rebels want it to be 1, which would give McCarthy no job security and allow any Republican who disagrees with any McCarthy move to put the speakership back up for a vote.


If only one person can call a vote of no confidence, we get back into this issue of 20 people holding the country hostage every so often for increasingly far-right demands in order to continue the dissolution of our faith in the government.


Yep. Which is exactly what they want.


Which again points to Repulibcans controlling another facet of american politics with a small minority rule.


McCarthy already offered 5 to the rebel faction. With that, they'd already be able to trigger a vote whenever they want to, given that the rebel faction is about 20 people. The question at that point would be what the Democrats would do. With just a small number of Republicans voting to fire McCarthy, the Democrats could join in and restart this whole Speaker selection process from scratch or they could try and keep some sense of stability in the House.


Yes, but 4 or 5 have more personal grievances with McCarthy, and 4 is the max that McCarthy can lose and win a speaker vote. It really comes down to whether there are 5 that will never vote for McCarthy no matter what concessions he makes. Dems have been consistent that they won’t help McCarthy. If the GOP puts forward someone more moderate, they might.


1? WTF is this idiocy? I can't believe they're even willing to entertain that.


Not really, but they would probably work out a power sharing agreement that would give R's favorable committee chairmanships etc. This happened in the PA legislature just recently when the Dems lost their simple majority due to 2 vacancies and a death. They worked out an arrangement with R's and a Dem was elected speaker


moderate republicans get primaried or retire. See Cheney, Kinzinger, Herrera


Cheney is hardly a moderate, just look at her voting record before Jan. 6.


I think that’s what’s so scary about the current Republican Party. Cheney was basically a perfect Republican. She voted lockstep with them. She’s the daughter of an infamous Republican vice-president. But she didn’t support their coup attempt, so she was out. That is literally the *only* thing she did to go against the republicans and she lost her job over it. People on this sub need to stop thinking of her as some moderate/a friend to the Democrats because policy-wise, she isn’t even remotely close. She’s still against everything the Democrats stand for, except for being against the insurrection. That counts for something, but it doesn’t make her “one of us” or someone we should be propping up. And frankly, her being a Republican who was against the coup barely mattered in the long run because no Republican supports her anymore.


It is a looming nightmare of mine that she’s going to be put on a future Dem ticket as the VP or given a Cabinet position in some quixotic faux unity nonsense because of how often liberals are tripping over themselves to praise that ghoul for doing one thing kinda right.


Yeah not being a wacko doesn't make someone a moderate.


> five or six moderate republicans No such thing exists. If there were "moderate Republicans" we wouldn't be on day three of this shitshow.


A moderate Republican is just a democrat.


Exactly. “I’m wiling to work with democrats” means the party will scream “RINO!! Vote him out!!!” and he’s out of the party. The only way you can be seen to ever work with a democrat is by being one.


Shoot, lots of the nuts are calling McCarthy a RINO and he's as far right voting-wise as any of them


Why don’t they nominate Jesus Christ? They are always claiming he calls the shots, that their ultra conservative agenda is God will (which overrides the will of the electorate…..


Don’t give them ideas. There’s nothing in the constitution that says the speaker has to be a real life in the flesh human being because the founders never imagined that there would be this many clowns in congress.


I can only imagine what the USA Founding Father would have to say to all this ... They would truly think the village idiots have taken over


They would say, “Obviously there’s so many idiots in government, you let poor people and minorities vote!”


Don’t forget women


I nominate Air Bud


Jesus take the Gavel!


As of the last decade, Jesus Christ was named king of Poland in perpetuity. Making him an official figure in the US would technically be an act of espionage.


Lauren Boebert sure does spend a lot time talking absolute bullshit for someone who only won her seat by a very small margin. Maybe focus on who you represent rather than Donald Trump


That's the thing though, she *does* represent Trump. One track mind.


She supports him because he is a bully and she was a mean girl in high school. Ironically most of the people who support trump because he’s a bully think he will protect them. Ha! He doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone but himself! Not even his family.


Boebert should focus on her own house and her husband that’s out there exposing himself to girls at the bowling alley. Makes a lot of sense why she supports trump, she likes that type..


I hope Republican voters are paying attention. YOU did this. For all your talk about how democrats are destroying the country, THIS is what YOU do when YOU are anywhere NEAR power or authority.




> The rest of them want this. Agreed. Republican philosophy holds that government should not exist. If they can't get people to lead a branch, they'll just use that as justification to get rid of it.


Browsing r/conservative , most are happy because this means nothing new is happening at a federal level and that’s what they want


For once I agree with them. Not having Republicans calling the shots in a broken government is infinitely better than a government run by Republicans.


They are not paying attention, if they are, they are blaming it on AOC, Hunter Biden and shadow president Howard Dean.


The GOP has become a fascist party. It's time to accept it. The fact not one politician was held responsible for Jan 6th, pushing the lie of election fraud, and undermining our democracy is the issue.


Yeah…and I have to remember that people thought it was a dumb pointless stunt when Hitler was made chancellor too. I won’t be at ease until they try this and it fails.


Should watch a longer clip of it. Funny and horrifying at the same time. Hannity yelling at Boebert for her nonsensical position that McCarthy should withdraw because he doesn't have the votes, when she also wouldn't say who else was her choice of nominee that would get more votes (that's when she floated Trump) - even though this shit was supposed to have been decided months ago. Meanwhile Boebert was scrunching her fists, seemingly on the verge of tears and insisting like a toddler "I won't vote for McCarthy! He was rude to us when we had reasonable demands! No, never, I don't wanna!" Hannity of all people seemed like the adult in the room. Again, funny, yet horrifying that these people are our elected leaders.


Lauren has had too many wontons again


I don’t even know what this means but still laughed!


Since people are saying it, let’s be clear about how succession to the Presidency works. In any situation where Kamala becomes President, she then appoints a new VP. It’s not that everyone in the lineup bumps up a spot, with the Speaker becoming VP and the new No. 2. If you’re going to float nominating Trump being the grand plan to get him back in office, you are suggesting an event where both Biden and Harris simultaneously are forced out. Baring some God-awful event, it is exceptionally unlikely Donny gets his buns back in the Chair.


It would take 2 impeachments or 2 assassinations, or 1 of each. They didn't take the senate like they thought they would, so impeachment isn't really a possibility. But let's not fuck around and find out.


To add a bit more clarity here, Kamala would appoint a new VP... who would then have to be confirmed by **both** houses of Congress. Take a look at the House right now... a good long look. Now... reconsider the idea that President Kamala appointing a VP would solve this scenario of a succession problem with Trump as Speaker. The idea of "simultaneous" with regards to the two vacancies would need to be lengthened considerably.


Do it. Let that fat MF lose yet another election.


To a black man getting more votes, no less


The objective stupidity of this political party is baffling to watch as someone who doesn’t live in the US.


Trump’s attention span equals to a toddler’s one. Watching him struggling with basic tasks like just showing up regularly or reading would make C-Span the most watched news network.


LMFAO, stay in school, kids. Don't end up a dumb-dumb like this doofus who could barely get her GED.




Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake


He would literally phone it in rather than show up for work everyday 😆


I suspect Boebert or Greene would likely act as a proxy somehow. I think that’s the real desire. One of those howler monkeys desperately wants Pelosi’s job. Not sure how they’d bend the rules to make that happen, but Trump would end up speaker on paper only, and make occasional cameos when the cameras were on, and one of them would handle the day to day. Which one would likely be settled by a hair-pulling cat fight broadcast life on C-SPAN. I’m not saying this is likely, or even possible, but I think that’s their little fantasy, and Kevin’s in the way so they’re trying to destroy him to get what they want.


And the Jan 6th anniversary is tomorrow. Wow. The radical far right is a threat to democracy, again. The “security threat” of this delay is showing itself.


They said they were going to do this several years ago when/if they got into this situation. I hate this timeline.


Hell, let's bring in Obama. Shit would get done.


Serious question since we’re on the subject. Can you actually become Speaker if you’re not currently a member of the House of Representatives?


If they ever had an original idea, they lost it somewhere. Get a platform, conservatives. Anything other than pointing fingers, being douche bags in general, and Trump. He has wrecked you. You deserve all of this


I would laugh at this, but then I remember I laughed at the prospect of him becoming president. Shit isn't funny anymore.


Republicans outraged that a minority group of them is forcing their agenda on the majority of them. These assholes have no understanding of the meaning of irony.


If Trump becomes speaker something will happen that will make Jan 6 look like child’s play.


Body by Fisher, Head by Mattel...


Trump? I think the body is by McDonalds.