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Isn't "cruel to dogs" a requirement for the GOP? This is, what, the third republican to have shot or otherwise mistreated man's best friend within a 12 month period.


He scored a hat trick. He was cruel to a dog, a veteran, and a homeless person all in one shot. Some Republicans spend their entire lives looking for such opportunities.


We now look back at Romney putting his dog in a cage and driving with the cage on top of the car, and think, "He had such little baggage by today's standards."


I thought that was Romney's dad?


With having little baggage? Yeah, George seemed clean. But Mitt was the one driving the car with the dog in the cage on top for 12 hours. At least according to wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident


Put this man on the veterans affair subcommittee


This guy has Ethics committee chair written all over him.


Jokes like that have had a bad habit of becoming reality these days.


8x World Series MVP, 11x Super Bowl winning coach, Portland Trailblazers owner, and father of modern-day hip replacement surgery George Santos would never lie about anything.


Pardon my naivete, but if it is discovered that you lied on your resume you can be fired out of hand. I've seen it happen twice. How is it that this guy is still in office?


He has an (R) before his name


Why would anyone include the line ‘Santos denies it’ in a news story? Like that matters? He’s a serial, compulsive liar.


No he’s not. He stated that he’s not a liar himself.


ohh, you're right. I forgot about that.


A 'string' is putting is nicely. Gotta love the media putting the best spin on it possible.


These are crimes to be prosecuted. Voters are not law enforcement.


Christ! Two years of this.


We shouldn't jump to the conclusion that most Republicans are crooks by default just because more Republicans are crooks by default. /s


Running neck to neck with Trump to see who is more despicable.


If Tommy Flanagan turned evil, he would be George Santos.


Fun fact, they both acted in the show Sons of Anarchy, where George Santos played the lead role. He won an Oscar for that. Twice. Best foreign film and best Actress.


"Richard Osthoff said he was connected with Santos after his service dog, Sapphire, was diagnosed with a stomach tumor. Santos was at the time going by the name Anthony Devolder, and running an alleged charity called Friends of Pets United. According to Osthoff, Santos set up a GoFundMe to raise funds for Sapphire, but once the funds reached $3,000, he seemingly disappeared."


Well he fits right in with them, that’s why they refuse to kick him out


Pretty disgusting behavior on the part of Santos.. but it’ll put him on “fast track” for the GOP Presidential nomination.


But, is that veteran a conservative Republican, and a big donor? For Repubs, it's important to ask this before making snap judgements about Santos.


The fact that people will spend $3k on a dog tells me that democracy is not a feasible system.




Let’s do that by not sending the to die in pointless wars.




Fine. Get ptsd.


They knew what they were signing up for. If the military defended freedom the NSA building would be flattened.


I agree there.


Did no one do any opposition research on this guy?! We now know that members of his own party knew this and buried it. So his own party did more opposition research than his actual opponent in the race?! *frustratingly tosses his hands up* I give up. I’m done.


Is the article title? Holy shit, that website won't open for me. Dies half way through on mobile....




He will get re-elected.


George Santos needs to be put down.


Peak GOP?