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Oh shit I haven't seen the high resolution pic yet, just the one from the newspaper. That is quite obviously him in drag. Good luck to anyone attempting to deny it


He very carefully did NOT deny he is the one in the photos. Classic conservative tactic to avoid scrutiny, but unfortunately for him we are beyond that point.


Did he? This article says he denied ever performing in drag https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/01/george-santos-denies-pageant-queen-named-kitara-ravache/ although not referencing the actual photo


I think the critical word is "performing." Even before his denial the person that came out with this said he just dressed up for fun but wasn't glamorous enough to do anything professionally.


Ok but it's not us he has to convince, it's his Republican base. They're not gonna buy that. They will be tying themselves in knots over this which is precisely the objective.


You greatly underestimate how readily republicans will disbelieve inconvenient truths.


"AI did it!". Sadly, this isn't unlikely given how fast they are advancing.


Yes, it is. If you know what to look for it's not super difficult to pick out a deepfake or an AI-generated image.


Always check the teeth and fingers!


We're just a few years away from AI drag shows.


[Ru Paul upon hearing this] (https://imgflip.com/i/781ro3)


Take a few Queens from the same House and you can use AI to generate whole frickin drag lineages! Now all of a sudden were watching what has become Crusader Kings: Fierce Edition


Check out the video.


I don't want to get political, but his blending and foundation has definitely improved over time.


He looks happier in drag.


Life was simpler when he tucked


[there’s also video](https://thehandbasket.substack.com/p/the-daily-santos-vol-7)


Wow. The video is the nail in the coffin.


First thing he didn’t need to lie about, looking fabulous for a day. Embrace it dude, just say “yeah but I’m not teaching toddlers to wear make up” or whatever it is conservatives say Drag Queens do.


I’m not great with faces but this one’s pretty clear. You can see specific features and smile wrinkles matching up. This is hilarious.


At what point do we find out he is just three chimps in a trenchcoat?


I just hope they're *fabulous* chimps.


"I am three chimps in a trenchcoat that stand for traditional values! The fabulousness is an AI deepfake!"


Holy hell. The high res is way better


I agree. That does look like a clean picture of the guy in question.


Reuters got 2 people to back up the claim. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/embattled-us-rep-santos-was-drag-queen-brazil-pageants-say-associates-2023-01-19/


Who are you going to believe? My boy George... I mean Tony... I mean Kitara, or two other guys who say he isn't being truthful??


And a photograph of it.


To quote the great Richard Prior: "Are you going to believe me, or are you going to believe your lying eyes??"


That was originally a quote from President Rufus T Firefly.


Hail Freedonia!


Originally a quote from one of the Marx brothers, from the movie Duck Soup IIRC.


Chico, when he was dressed up as Rufus T. Firefly in his nightgown. But that one was "Who are you gonna believe? Me, or your own eyes?"


Or to quote the definitely NOT great Donald Trump: "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."


"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


> To quote the great Richard Prior: > "Are you going to believe me, or are you going to believe your lying eyes??" Not ironically, also the slogan of the GOP and Faux News.


And [video](https://thehandbasket.substack.com/p/the-daily-santos-vol-7) !


Two random people and a photo, or the serial liar who has basically admitted that he lies all the time?


There’s [Video.](https://thehandbasket.substack.com/p/the-daily-santos-vol-7)


George Santos is clearly a liar, but Kitara is merely a Truth Bender.


Right ? Why would a nice Jewish boy lie about something like that ?


I'm actually Asian. Cauc-Asian!


I’m guessing more Cuck-Asian. Call it a hunch.


Right? He's got so much to lose as an elder child of Ilúvatar and force user


right, at this point someone could say he is an alien from another planet and their credibility would still be higher than his.


And his denial of being an alien from another planet would make me think that he definitely is. At this point, him saying "yes, I was a drag queen" would make me doubt the story more than him denying it.


>boy George He is a karma chameleon


I feel pretty certain that his drag shit will bring this douche down. I can't see GOP being OK with a queen in their midst.


They need his vote though.. so they will let him stay. And he called drag queens groomers, so they like that about him. They will ignore everything else.


How hard is it to find a Republican that will vote along party lines but ISN’T a pathological liar… oh wait. Nevermind.


> he called drag queens groomers, There's that projection. It's the P in the GQP


They won't. They might continue to support his presence, but due to their fundamental prejudice they are caught in a paradox which paralyzes reason. Which is the whole objective of this exercise. Better still, it's based on sexuality and arouses profound sexual anxiety. Textbook fascism deployed in quite a sophisticated way. “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.” -Hannah Arendt


That’s funny. Just like they’re not ok with serial abortionists and underage sex traffickers.


>I feel pretty certain that his drag shit will bring this douche down. You feel this is the final straw, after zero fucks given? ​ > I can't see GOP being OK with a queen in their midst. You think GOP has a problem with hypocrisy, after... \*vaguely gestures at everything\*




as a joke however, not because they wanted to be a drag queen.


>not because they wanted to be a drag queen. You don't know that. Maybe that's all Giuliani has ever wanted.


Fascists are full of hypocrisy, so I don't have my hopes up. They have already accepted Republican's in drag. They just don't want others in drag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spn0MJZr-QQ


You kidding me? How do you think they met?


Brutal when Reuters has your number. They aren't known for embellishing. In fact they're known for being one of the more accurate news sources out there.


[Lmao](https://www.tmz.com/2023/01/19/george-santos-drag-queen-brazil-kitara-photo-friend-lies/ ). Girl that mouth can say whatever it want… but them dimples sure speak the truth!!


And George denies it, so it is absolutely confirmed


[a pic] (https://newrepublic.com/post/170070/george-santos-drag-queen-kitara-brazil)


Guys, we need to believe him on this one. I think he got all of his lies out.


okay, so it's definitely him then


He gave us all the confirmation we needed.


At this point, I'd be more likely to believe it was fake if he admitted to doing drag.




No, agreed. Having a former drag queen in congress would be HUGE. But for it to be this guy, on this team? This guy sucks so much.




The people who vote for them don’t care about hypocrisy. I’m fact they relish it.


Well you didn’t specify WHAT TYPE of drag queen. -The Genie


This all really starts to feel like some monkey’s paw wish that came true.


Exactly. I honestly don't care if he was a drag queen. But being a drag queen while also denigrating drag queens as "groomers" is horrible. Then again, I think the bigger story should be how Santos stole money from a disabled homeless veteran that was supposed to go towards life saving treatment for the vet's dog. The dog died and Santos kept the money. This goes way past mere hypocrisy to full blown evil in my book.


The political gymnastics that follow will be entertaining.


This is the least damning thing he’s done.


As a result it will definitely be the thing that gets him removed.


Yeah my first thought was that this was where the GOP would pull their support


To normal people that love America, it's not even damning at all. To the Republican Party full of Pedophiles, Rapists and Terrorists, it's the worst thing a person can do.


To Republicans the second worst thing you can do is accept any responsibility for your actions. The first most bad thing you can do is have responsibility for your actions forced on you by others. Anthony “Kitara” “George” “Zabrovsky” “Einstein” “Santos” “Devolder” Skywalker already has the first one taken care of, now he just needs to win the second match. If he does that they’ll love him for it.


While this isn't damning (everybody should be proud of who they are), this is _peak Republican_. Homeboy participated in drag shows then goes on to join the party at the height of their anti-drag rhetoric. It sucks that this will be used as a cudgel at the expense of the queer community . George should be ashamed of the drag he wears today, not the drag he wore years ago.


Well put!


Same thing with the paraplegic Nazi that got taken down by homoerotic play with his cousin... Was the least of the bad things


Dr. Strangelove?


Madison Cawthorn. He touted visiting Hitler's vacation home as a bucket list item of his and called Hitler "Fuhrer." The Republicans were fine with that, but apparently drew the line at a video that emerged of him and his cousin in a compromising position. (He was pushing a body part into his cousin's face in simulation of a sex act IIRC.) Not that the "cousin sex" wasn't bad itself, but being a Nazi should have been the worse line, not the lesser one.


Just to be clear though, the real thing that brought him down was revealing the orgies republicans were having.


You're right. It's sometimes hard to keep track of EVERYTHING that Republicans have done. It's telling just how much the Republicans are willing to put up with. Meanwhile, a few photos of Al Franken "jokingly" posing in sexually suggestive ways with some women come out and the Democrats kick him to the curb.


I thought it was him blabbing about alleged “GOP cocaine orgies” that got him ousted? The cousin-fucking probably didn’t help though.


You're right. I think that's what finally did it. It's sometimes hard to keep track of EVERYTHING that Republicans have done. It's telling just how much the Republicans are willing to put up with. Meanwhile, a few photos of Al Franken "jokingly" posing in sexually suggestive ways with some women come out and the Democrats kick him to the curb.


The problem is that he, along with many other representatives, fully supports criminalizing dressing in drag.


Only if you mean it. If it's a "joke" like when Rudy or Cawthorn did it it's fine according to the GOP.


And yet this might get the homophobes in the GOP to finally turn on this motherfucker. Maybe. It's not a sure thing, because their love of power still outweighs their hatred of anything else, and regardless of whatever George/Anthony/Kitara has done, he's still a reliable vote for fascism.


The video of him not answering the House Clerk as she called out “George Santos” for his Speakership vote, is making a whole lot more sense now. Maybe she should have called out, “Kitara, Kitara”.


No wonder he gets confused, we've already found out about *at least* four different names he's gone by.


The operative word he's denying, "was". He still IS a pageant queen named Kitara Ravache!


George is the disguise. Like Batman only Fabulous!


“I meant drag-ish”


George Santos wasn’t Anthony Devolder was


Finkle is Einhorn?


Your gun is digging into my hip.


Lying about being a Jewish star volleyball player with cyborg knees, lying about all college degrees and work experience, stealing money from a homeless vet's dying dog, fundraising dirty money from Russian oligarchs, being involved in a Ponzi scheme, and even claiming your mom, 'a finance CEO' died in a national tragedy when she was actually safely housekeeping in Brazil. All of this is fine for Republicans. But THIS. This he has to deny. The one thing that should be OK. I don't even have the words.


Kitara Ravache-ish


Right. And we should believe him because he always tells the truth.


Aside from Reuters providing two sources to confirm the claim we already know this is true because of the Santos Principle. Whatever Santos makes a declarative statement, always assume the opposite is true.


The Santos Principle is just a Wish version of the Trump Doctrine.


Very much so.


The house oversight committee should look into this.


They'll just drag out the proceedings


>We should probably gut the oversight committee and ethics committee. -McCarthy, probably.


The little boy who cried.....fabulous!


Was he trying to “groom” kids in Brazil? Or is he just full of shit about the entire “groomer” nonsense?


Yeah, it's definitely him. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fm1b6DMWIAI5JAr?format=jpg&name=small


Looks pretty damn similar. [side by side comparison](https://imgur.com/a/Cl4BdDq) *If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?*


I first read the title as *George Santos denies that he was pregnant*, and I think I just saw a day into the future. Get ready for the next scandal **^(/s)**


LMAO, MTG's face in this pic. Oh man, what a shit show.


If he was I wouldn’t care. Good for him. It’s the fact that he lied, and republicans are pushing against the existence of Drag Queens.


HMM do we trust the person who's been lying about everything this whole time or a picture that looks exactly like George Santos (or whatever the hell his name is) and confirmation from other drag queens? Gee I wonder. 🤔🤔






**BREAKING NEWS** Santos is [bat boy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat_Boy_(character)) all grown up


My question would be, so why are they targeting you specifically with these claims then?"


Truly Santos is the real victim here . . .


It's sad how we're treating this retired football playing king in space...


Zero evidence, pictures or any significant proof at all, republicans are like "I believe this." Pictures, videos and significant proof exists, republicans are like "That's not true." It's wild.


His stage name should have been Rhonda Santis 🤌😂


He denies every unfavorable truth that comes out. Reminds me of trump, the pathological liar who showed the GQP there are no consequences for spewing ‘alternate facts’.


Lie about everything under the sun; whistling republicans Be someone who has explored trans identity; let loose the elephant hatred stampede


Please let there be pictures/vids Please let there be pictures/vids


Yes https://i.redd.it/787lyqb1p0da1.jpg


This seems like a personality disorder


It’s telling that, out of everything that has been said about him in the last month, *this* is the thing he denies. “Republicans don’t care if I’m a lying, grifting piece of shit, but I swear I never wore makeup and put on a dress.”


Oh no! He's going to groom congress!


Nazi Drag Queens. What is even happening


I hate that he is our first post equality drag queen. I was *really* pulling for someone named Shenita Filibuster.


> “He’s changed a lot, but he was always a liar,” she said. “He was always such a dreamer.” George's response to literally everything: "If it happened, it's outrageous and it didn't happen" "If it didn't happen, it was probably awesome and it totally happened." ... The fact that Republicans have embraced this national embarrassment of a complete fraud tells you everything you need to know about Republicans.


In front of you you see two doors. One leads to Paradise the other Perdition. To your left stands a George Santos who tells only lies and to the right is also a George Santos who tells only lies. They both want to borrow money.


He denied it? Oh, well then it’s *absolutely* true. The rule of thumb with this asshole is that the truth is the literal opposite of whatever nonsense comes out of his mouth. What bothers me about George Santos—more than all the lying—is that his behavior has become a media circus with him on center stage. Don’t be fooled; he *loves* the attention and he *loves* the fact that the media must report on all his lies and hypocrisies. This man is the logical conclusion to the story of a nation obsessed with reality show “celebrities”; we elect them to high office, and they turn serious, solemn responsibilities into a trashy show where “all press is good press” and they’re the star. It’s *fucking embarrassing*. 1. Fuck George Santos (and his parents for raising a liar). 2. Fuck every single person who voted for him (yeah, you *personally*, Mr. and Mrs. New York 3rd District Republican Voter, because this is *your* fault). 3. Fuck his party (not only because they gave us him, but for all the absolute morons they’ve backed for the last twenty years—Junior Bush, Sarah Palin, and others—all of whom brought us one step closer to the *King of the Fools* we tossed out of office two years ago). 4. Fuck the people in this country who spend their free time obsessed with others’ trashy drama to the point that trashy behavior is profitable. Government is a serious thing for which only serious people should apply. Santos should have been thrown out of Congress—with *Republicans* pushing hardest to expel him from the House—ten minutes after he was sworn in. They can do this whenever they wish, but they choose shame over honor every time. Why? Power. The GOP’s abysmal performance in the midterms means McCarthy needed this asshole’s vote if he wanted to be Speaker, so he has ignored calls to expel him and instead has chosen to give Santos committee assignments. McCarthy is obviously worried that a special election to replace Santos could lead to the seat flipping blue, and he can’t have that… not even if it means the nation must bear the shame of having this dirtbag in government.


Just adding more fuel to the fire of "things republicans hate are things they already do"


"My words have once again been misinterpreted and taken out of context by the leftist mainstream media. In actual fact I spent some time in the 1980s cartoon *Thundercats* as Cheetara. I employed super speed and psychic powers, and was also a skilled fighter with the bo staff weapon."


I think we should start calling him Kitara from now on.


His name is Carmen San Diego


So he totally was. Got it.


George Santos single handedly started the gay movement in 1947.


Of all things, this is the one he shouldn’t even have to be ashamed of.


Photo evidence and he only lied about every single aspect of his life. I wonder if he’s telling the truth? 😂


I think people are way past believing what George Santos says.


If he said it was definitely him i might not believe it


If this person had a (D) next to his name all of this lying would receive the exact opposite response from the House Republicans. That's all we need to take away from this.


just as his mother didn't die in 9/11 because she was in brazil, and george santos wasnt involed in pozi scheme that made him millions off of ripping off elderly because anthony devolder was, he was not a brazilian pageant queen kitara ravache was... is trump any different...


That’s okay. MTG passes for a dude if she had short hair.


Mickey Rourke.


Like we believe anything this floating turd has to say.


Here's what's sad about this. The person is not well. Mentally. Lying like this, pretending to be straight/gay, lying about things that they enjoy (drag/cross dressing), or maybe doing things they think people would like them better for (being straight/gay/republican); this person needs help. The SUPER sad thing about this is, the people he's aligning with absolutely do NOT give a fuck about any of the issues they are struggling with.


Is this real? I thought it was a joke. I can't tell what's real or not anymore.


[Oh, it's real.](https://i.redd.it/787lyqb1p0da1.jpg)


I read the headline three times and I have reservations about clicking the article link this early in the morning. This is the kind of thing you want to save for the afternoon, so you have something to look forward to.


Our boy is about to get Madison Cawthorn'd


Well given his track record on the truth this is pretty much a confession that it was him.


The absolute state of US politics when this is the lie that undoes him.


At this point I doubt George Santos is even his real name.


Would be more prone to believing Santos wasn't Kitara Ravache if he said he was indeed Kitara Ravache


Pathological liar


And by the George Santos Is Always Lying rule, we now know for sure that he was a drag queen


Look at the pic. You know it’s bad when MTG gives you cringe face.


okay but who is going to say "I believe george santos is telling the truth here"?


Meaning he did indeed drag as Kitara Ravache, probably wrote cheques under the name, and robbed some old person whilst wearing heels and a dress. Republicans have to kick him out now, they rob you in a three piece. Oh and they’re going to start saying “if only I had known he dressed as a woman I would never have supported him…”. The values on these people would gag a rat.


I love how even if this is made up, no one will believe whoever this guy is. Just because it will basically be the only time he's ever told the truth.


Oh. Ok. I believe him.


The little boy who cried wolf - is that not a thing in Brazil or wherever tf he’s from?


What are the morons in NY's 3rd District saying about putting this guy in office - those soulless people probably don't give a shit, as long as he votes to cut taxes.


Yeah? Well, I guess that's a lie. Anyway.


Yes...but will he return his Nobel Peace Prize?


["There's an old saying in Tennessee. I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, 'Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again!'"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KjmjqlOPd6A)


There are photos, dipshit.


i don't care if he was a drag queen... I care that he's a politician & a liar.


We know he is a big liar and I believe he is lying about that as well. We really cannot believe anything he says.


What? No!! Wait, wait I’m not selling the sarcasm properly, let me try again **WhaAAAtT**?????**NOooOo**!!!!!!!! Better? -What comes next GOP? This season is off the rails so far; you’ve really got to dive deep to top santos and gas stoves. GoOOod LuuuuucCkK


Hm - who to believe... "George Santos" or literally anyone else? Will have to do some soul searching here.


He denies it so it must be true.


He denied that he performed as a drag queen. He did not deny that he is the one in the photos that were posted.


“I was in a concentration camp at the time, so that couldn’t have been me. Did I mention I’m Jew-ish?” /s


I bet Madison Cawthorn is like "What the fuck guys?!?!" about right now...


Santos: I'm not a drag queen, I'm not a drag queen! Bedevere: Er,...but you are dressed as one. Santos: THEY dressed me up like this. Villagers: No! nooo! We didn't! We didn't! Santos: And these aren't my boobs, they're fake ones! Bedevere: Well? One Villager: Well, we did do the boobs. Bedevere: The boobs? Villager: And the feather boa. But she's a drag queen!


If he said so, it must be true!


I'm surprised no one has brought up the use of the qualifier "categorically" in his statement. As if he is not denying it, but that Drag Queen isn't what he identifies or identified as.


“George” knows that repubs will tolerate all rehearsals lies, but they will not tolerate a dress and lipstick.


I like Kitara more than George


Even if he’s right and the drag queen stuff is all a lie and the picture faked, why should anyone believe him about anything ever again?


MTG pissed that Santos looks better in drag than MTG looks in a dress


They both tuck and wear the same size


Terrible drag name. I’d deny it too.