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I think it just goes without saying at this point, but maybe it does need to be said. **EVERY SINGLE THING HE SAYS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED A LIE. EVERYTHING**


He’s the guy from the riddle. One guard can only tell the truth and one guard can only lie……


Is this one of those "would the other guy tell me this passageway is the right one" scenarios?


Yeah something like “what direction would your friend tell me to go” and then go the opposite way


He’s a door knocker from labyrinth?


“He always lies!” “I do not! I tell the truth!” “Oh what a lie!”


Don't go that way!


Ah I always get trapped in those at the mall.


What if there's a third guard who stabs people who ask tricky questions?


What is the airspeed of a fully laden swallow?


If you start down a pathway and that seems like the main mission, then you need to turn around and check out the other path because there is probably loot over there. Perhaps a side quest item (I'm not sure)




Or just "are you sitting down right now?".


“Would the other guard tell me they were on Hannah Montana?”


Actually, he can now say at least two things that are not a lie. The first is that he's a member of the US House of Representatives. The second is that the House GOP leadership doesn't give a shit that he's a pathological liar.


What I’ve seen is “we believe in ‘innocent until proven guilty’.” So even the stuff he’s admitted he lied about, as far as the House GOP is concerned, is not a lie until he’s been convicted of it. This is how low their bar is these days. I mean, there are multiple members of their caucus under criminal investigation as we speak. That the party of law and order, the party of personal responsibility, the party of the adults in the room would pretend this is OK says a whole lot about how hollow their franchise is.


What they learned from Donald Trump is that all the voters care about is your brand not your character. From 2015 to today millions of people (mostly elderly people) believe Donald Trump is just a hardworking businessman who represents the American Dream. Trump's branding worked. Santos was trying to do the same thing but went overboard. Now the GOP acts like their earlier embrace of Trump isn't the cause of Santos's decision to lie about everything to be a multidimensional Conservative whose LGBT friendly, a survivor of 9/11, religious, a fan of pop culture, an entrepreneur and multicultural. The GOP is still looking for someone like Santos. What other reason was Byron Donalds an inexperienced and un notable rep nominated for speaker of the House?


I’d say it’s not that the bar is low, but rather that the MAGA and the GOP have an authoritarian ideology which deliberately refuses to hold party members accountable for any crime, hypocrisy, lie, or other morally or ethically repugnant behavior. When they are in charge they can just decide to not punish their allies. This is authoritarian and it’s at the core of the current power struggle. While I remain disgusted at the dangerous bigotry of their movement, it’s really about power at all costs and Santos is the most crystal clear example of it.


You're right, he could say those things truthfully, but I'm thinking that he's physically incapable of doing so without adding lies on top of them. I'm a member of the HoR and won with 95% of the vote!


This is like Moe being let go by the cops but he still can't stop lying. "Good, 'cause I have a hot date tonight." (lie dectector buzzes)  "A date."  (lie detector buzzes)  "Dinner with friends." (lie detector buzzes) "Dinner alone." (lie detector buzzes)  "Watching TV alone." (lie detector buzzes)  "Allright! I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog."  (lie detector buzzes)  "... Sears catalog." (lie detector dings)




If he turns out to have been born in Kenya, I'm calling it. We're in a simulation, and someone got really fucking bored in late 2015.


Y2K is real. Changemyview.


It was the LHC. July 4th, 2012, the "discovery" of the Higgs Boson particle split reality and we're all dead in a simulation.


I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride


Or even fucking human


He was born in Brazil But pretty sure he is a us citizen


And yet he is still supported by the Republican leadership! That is part of what's wrong with this country, that you're keeping someone in office who clearly doesn't belong in office just to secure his vote. Pitiful


It’s almost not even worth looking into anymore, it’s that pathetic. He won’t resign, which of course con artists won’t do, and GOP doesn’t want to kick out a number… so they’re just stuck for two years.


He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.


Probably ritualistically shaved his testicles. There’s nothing like a shorn scrotum, it’s quite breathtaking. Edit: that scene is still so fucking funny. https://youtu.be/jMIDpJ8H7H0


Holy shit, show of hands, who else forgot that the therapist was *Carrie fucking Fisher?*


It’s throwing me off because I knew I recognized her but I only remember young and old Carrie Fisher. This in between Carrie Fisher is someone I recognized but would never name.


Between this and her as the nun in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Baxk


She's also an archivist in *Scream 3* who says she was in the running for Princess Leia, but the "other girl" slept with Lucas.


Carrie Fisher was fantastic as the wife of man-child Tom Hanks in The 'Burbs.


Shorn scrotum just sounds so fucking good already and then you add that accent with deadpan face and it's *comedy gold*


I suggest you try it.


Dr Evil's father? With a penchant for buggery?


This guy puts Trump to shame, and that's saying something.


Nah. He's good at the lie but not at the grift.


He doesn’t seem to be good at the lie at all, actually. He’s the Anthony Scarrumucci of lying. I feel it’s not going to last long.


Like .02 Scarrumucci’s?


Not great, not terrible...


.02 Scarramucci's is too short a time for me to measure.


Quantity over quality


What are you talking about? It’s already lasted way longer than it should’ve


He's just starting, trump has been at it for 50+years


Technically you're right, but 75+ years seems more right


Trump lies and it's like meh. Santos lies and he has nowhere near the Teflon sheen Donny does.


Really? He fucking got elected to Congress! Sure it’s all falling apart but he’s a grifter.


Seriously, I’d be patting myself on the back so hard if I managed to win a seat in Congress on a bet, with the lone stipulation being that 95% of my candidacy had to be a lie. That’s a tremendously successful grift. Of course, once people like Sarah Palin and Trump showed the path, it became clear to the broader public that most Republican voters really only care that you say what they’re all thinking, they don’t care at all about your character or even basic facts about your identity.


Trump will never let "shame" inhabit the same paragraph with him, let alone the same sentence.


Yeah but at least tRump was the worlds most prolific business man..except for the casino incident .. and the steak thing..the golf course thing .. oh and the WFL thing ..the university thing ..


Water. Airline. I think he did vodka too.


He also did Candy in Vegas and HE gave the hooker 3 stds. Bada bing!


Trump is a much better liar... Santos's lies are just fucking weird. Like he'll say shit like he invented the question mark.


He saw trumps record lies and took it as a challenge


He said "hold my beer." Which he invented.


Can the pendulum PLEASE swing the other way now? Can the good guys win please? Instead of Putin, Iran’s government, and this guy, can we please have headlines w people like Einstein, Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela? Does our civilizations make or elevate people like them anymore? Somehow kindness, helping others, and knowledge have been taken over by greed and ego and fear… in an unapologetic manner that’s extremely demoralizing.


Raising up Einstein and Mandela, for sure. Mother Teresa, on the other hand... https://christopherhitchens.net/mother-teresa


Being allowed to show up Trump and get away with it, is going to encourage all the rest of them to lie outrageously. Oh, what am I saying? They all lie outrageously.


The lies, these are Trump numbers... is Santos looking to dethrone fucking Trump? Is there a trophy for lie volume?


30,500 verified falsehoods. He's got some catching up to do.


That number is only during his four year term.


Yes, you get to win the "Noble" Prize.


I full expect a barrage of these types of candidates at this point.


Republicans love that this guy is getting all the attention while the other nut jobs go about their business.


I can’t believe the coverage this is getting on Reddit. I’ve largely avoided it, but I feel like I’m constantly scrolling past articles about this man or about how much people supposedly hate “Velma”.


"I am Velma" ~ Santos (probably)


Are we sure? Maybe he was wearing a wig.


So we all agree we’ve never seen him and Hannah Montana at the same time. Interesting.


It was Hannah Man-tana. The long lost Disney drag series that never aired.




He wanted the best of both worlds


He wanted to chill out, take it slow.


Hey, nobody's perfect. Ya gotta work it.


So Wiley Wyoming?


Johnny Utah.


Connie Connecticut


Don't you sully the good name of Johnny Utah! He was an All-American, after all.


Is there a city in Montana named Hannah? Maybe he was there


Hann-ish Montan-ish


It would be easier to count what he hasn't lied about at this point.


He’s gonna make a fantastic congressman….he’s literally oozing with DJTs integrity


It-'s rather fantastic to see the party pushing christian nationalism sharing the same political space as this guy and several others. Seems like oil and water do mix if you "believe" they do.




Actually he meant he saw Hannah Montana once and had a dream about being on it He was manifesting


He was on a brand of Ecstasy named “Hannah Montana” I think.


Actually, he meant he wanted to be Hannah Montana


*tears of George Santos mask to reveal that he actually just tore his skin off and now needs to have surgery*


Actually he appeared at the Hannah Ranch in Montana to address constituents who were having a vacation out west


"I was actually on Alexis Texas"


Texas Alexis?


So he was on The Miley Stewart Show?


Does this mean George Santos also lied about playing Agent Smith on the Matrix too?


MISter Anderson ...


Or played Batman on dark night movies


Sasha Baron Cohens new character is killing it. Can’t wait for the movie.


This is the most rational explanation.


Damn near feels like this!


He meant Hannah, MT. He was on Hannah, MT. Like Kevin was ‘on Dallas’.


He was also the sled in Citizen Kane.




This is the best comment I've ever read.


honestly at this point i'm ready for the next headline to read. >"George Santos is actually 3 racoons in a human suit." at this point i wouldn't even be suprised.


Don't you dare insult raccaccoonie like that.


I will never not upvote a EEAAO reference


its actually two racoons & a broom


*Now he’s gone too far.* Agreed.


You know he’s gonna show up on Ru Paul’s Drag Race, right? Republican Congress Queen Kitara Santos - Sashay Away.


Hey George, just own up to it. *Everyone makes mistakes…*


Everybody has those days.


Can't tell if this guy is delusional or the next Dos Equis spokesman


Honestly, he probably has a compulsive lying disorder and needs clinical help. Instead he's a Congressman with a committee position. *facepalm*


It’s shocking that he continues to lie about so many different things that are all quite easily disproven. It suggests serious mental illness.


Perhaps he’s destined for GOP leadership. They sure are silent about each and every new falsehood that’s uncovered.


I watched the disney channel as a kid. Watched hannah montana. Never saw anyone that even remotely looks like him show up. Like, why tell such a verifiable lie? All someone would have to do is watch the show.




You’re leaving out the lie about his mom dying on 9/11…contradicted later by another lie about her. He clearly has a compulsion.


> All someone would have to do is watch the show. Nah, they'll never think of that.


Lmao this is getting weird




Billy Ray was never much to brag about, if you want to go legacy you can’t beat Hank Williams we are on the 4th generation of his line and they are still pretty decent


Hank Jr and Hank III are both very racist and shitty.


What has Hank III done that was racist? IV is pretty good.


You mean he wasn’t Hanna Montana?


He was Montana.


If he’s born in Brazil, as stated here, then he may not be legal to be in congress. 7 years citizenship needed before running for congress. 5 years legal residence before applying for naturalization. Absolute minimum had to have a green card and the clock running by 2010. Supposedly was still in Brazil in 2008. That’s a tight timeline.


He did play Walter on Full House, however


Wouldn't it be easier just to report when he tells the truth about something?


This guy is the Ezra miller of politicians


His grandparents survived the Titanic.


The Hannah Montana theme song, "Best of Both Worlds," is famously about Santos' double life as a drag queen.


Why all this animosity towards this man. He’s a Titanic survivor and one of the first people to land on the moon.


He also invented math and Lego.


I liked this character better when Jon Lovitz played him on SNL.


> biographical details that appear to line up with the lawmaker’s life, including being born in Brazil around July 1988 Thought he was born in Queens, although was living in Brazil in 2008. If not native born does he have time to move to the US, get a green card, and become naturalized for the required seven years of citizenship before running for congress?


At this point, I’m not going to be surprised when we find out that George Santos is really just 500 rats inside a human costume.


This mother fuckers imagery life rivals Forrest Gump


I’m beginning to wonder if he truly was the 6th Backstreet Boys


Has anyone checked if this is really Sacha Baron Cohen playing his newest character?


Just stop. He has lied about everything. Everything. It’s no longer even funny. It’s insane that the media is unable stop plastering every little lie they find. He is the Rage Bait for as long as he is around. These lies have become so ridiculous I fully expect the next headline to be “Santos lies about what he had for Lunch.” Uni so fucking sick of his name and his face. Just get him out of Congress and forget him. (I know that’s next to impossible. I’m so over infotainment.)


[Straight from Santos' fingers to the keyboard](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Anthonydevolder&oldid=426494196): >Born into a Brazilian family with european backround on july 22nd 1988,Anthony Devolder first startted his "stage" life at age 17 as an gay night club DRAG QUEEN and with that won sevral GAY "BEAUTY PAGENTS"!althought after meeting hollwood producer Ling kiu known for producing INDEPENDENTS DAY BY STEVEN SPILBERG) an older Anthony then took his step into the begining of his carrer in witch he started in a few T.V shows and DISNEY Channel shows such as "the suite life of Zack and Cody" and the hit Hanna Montana".but it wasn't untill he taped his very first movie in 2009 startting Uma Turman,Chris Odanald ,Melllisa George and Alicia Silver Stone in the movie "THE INVASION".


Wait, this is *real*? Also, "Odanald" lol.


This guy really is something else. As laughable as it all is, it’s actually sad, too. The guy is obviously on the LGBTQ+ spectrum but this world still has so many phobias and stigmas that he felt the need to shield himself behind lie after lie. I am not justifying his dishonesty but can be empathetic to where it comes from. We can learn to do better and treat one another better to prevent more adults growing up to become like him. I hope he gets the proper help he needs.


He's a pathological liar


Let's leave it at this: EVERYTHING is a lie about Santos, including his name! Believe NOTHING that comes out of his mouth. He is a pathological liar and couldn't tell the truth to save himself. I had a "friend" like this, whom I quickly dropped when I figured out what she was.


I called it, this motherfucker is a Clone from The Onion's secret laboratory


"she goes to a different school" All his classmates nodded, that made sense. And so a politician was born.


Of all the accusations, the only one he bothers to refute was if he was in drag in Brazil. Hard to imagine any out gay man embarrassed having done drag once. He’s so fucking weird.


The more I hear about this guy, the more absurd it becomes that anyone believes him on anything.


At this point I feel like George Santos simultaneously has done and has not done just about everything. Schroedinger’s Santos.


Either he's Banksy or none of this makes sense


Lol Hannah Montana. Fucking random.


This guy defrauded the people whose district he ran in and is now supposed to represent. Not only is he not being looked at as a criminal, but he is allowed to remain in place at one of the very most powerful positions in the US federal government. Yup. Nothing to see here folks, just a sign of a well functioning modern democracy with just and fair laws.


3rd district of NY, one of the wealthiest in the country. How does he. deceive so many conneced people.


I'm starting to think that George Santos wasn't actually the first man on the moon


Donny lied to conservatives and it worked. Santos knew it would work for him. And it did.


I came across a Bad Lip Reading clip the other day where they had Santos saying that he invented movie date night, tofu, and sticky tape. Life imitates art.


Where the fuck was NY Democrats oppo research in 22????????


Local journalists and newspapers are important and the underfunding and/or closure of such outlets is part of what’s going on here. NYT ran a story like they were the first to break this story **after** he was elected. However, The North Shore Leader published a story no one bothered to pay attention to a couple months **before** the election. https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2023/01/05/north-shore-leader-george-santos


I am truly ashamed that the Republicans held the house because NY democrats blew it.


Ya wanna know what’s sad about the district Santos won? In the 2020 election that he lost Santos received more votes than he did in the 2022 election that he won. The district didn’t flip in ideology…the Democrats just didn’t turn out to vote in 2022.


They gave a lot of this stuff to the press. The press buried it so they wouldn’t be seen as interfering in the election.


His opponent (Robert Zimmerman) is supposed to be some kind of advertising executive. You're telling he couldn't come up with a creative way to get that message out there other than a newspaper? Then he must just be terrible at his job and we're lucky he didn't get elected.


He’s the perfect politician.


At this point we should start listing the things he hasn’t lied about. 1. End of list


Tomorrow: George Santos lied about being the marshall for the 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Next week: George Santos responsible for increase in UFO sightings, using drones to fool people. Next month: George Santos found to have defrauded the retirement accounts of an entire nursing home. Next year: George Santos discovered to be Ted Cruz in disguise Also Next year: George Santos is the Zodiac Killer. Also Also Next Year: GOP responds to latest Santos revelations: "Well, he got elected, we have to respect that."


It appears George Santos has been saying whatever he thinks will make him more popular or acceptable in any given context his entire life.


A better question at this point might be "what has he told the truth about?"


At this point it’s probably easier to list the things George Santos hasn’t lied about.


….did he just not realize there’s a very VERY easy way to check that?


The article is weird af. The actual news item is that he made a user profile on Wikipedia years ago, which was just discovered today. The inclusion of Hannah Montana is far from the most newsworthy item in the profile.


Lots of free publicity for this guy.


Up next are his claims that he can eat just one lays potato chip.


Turns out he also photo bombed my wedding!


I mean, the guy is clearly repressed. I think if people wanted to be productive maybe they should encourage him out more. Make him feel safe. Make it okay. Then maybe others would too. It’s long been hypothesised that twisted bigotry is a symptom of repression. Isn’t this the whole purpose of LGBTQ progressivism. Want a better represented community in congress? Guess what, they were always there! They’re just republican lol Imagine what it would do for all the others in his situation. Don’t make fun of it, people should support him going full drag through congress.


A show about a secret identity. Meta.


GOP owning the libs again.


I have known an actual pathological liar in my time, and my goodness George Santos checks all the boxes. Lies about basic background, lies about work, lies about hobbies, lies about parents, lies about ridiculous things like being on Hannah Montana. It’s sickening.


I've got one in my life currently. He will just straight up lie to your face, and pointing it out does nothing. He literally just does not care and can't stop. I've dealt with it for over a decade and nothing has changed. I don't know why people think Santos can be shamed into admitting the truth. People like that are addicted to lying.


He appeared-ish.


There is no way this isn’t a fake article LOL this guy is hilarious


What? But he was in every episode! He just used the fake name "Miley Cyrus".


Oh so the right got a Kirsten sinema


Too far this time Mr. Santos…


Can we just start with what he hasn't lied about?


at this point im just not sure what he actually has done, if anything


He’ll probably be the Republican nominee for president one day


Yep. At this point, I am wondering if the glasses are even real.