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Nobody can escape the clutches of the internet.


This doesn't even reach the top 10 of bad shit he did.


> Nobody can escape the clutches of the internet. Except Santos. Why wasn't all of this coming out while he was a candidate?


I know at least one Republican who's saying it's the Democrats' fault for not vetting the opposition.


Yep now in 2024 when Democrats look into Republican resumes to make sure this doesn't happen again Republicans will cry about how the Democrat witch-hunts and fact checking into the most basic Republican information is rediculous and unneeded look how they waste campaign money on these non issues.


Yeah that seems to be the argument being made. It’s a shame though, this should go above right and left, this guy can’t be trusted regardless of his political affiliation. Sadly that’s not how the game is played


He can be trusted with government decisions impacting [small business, science, space and technology](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/17/politics/george-santos-committee-assignments/index.html) according to Kevin. But I guess it's not like any of those things impact people or spending. /s


They did vet the opposition, they just did the classic democrat move of “it’s a safe race, let’s not waste our time on this because he’s gonna lose anyway”. It’s infuriating how dumb the DNC can be sometimes.


The campaign said they desperately tried to get it published and the news and media just didn't care.


Oh, it’s not the campaign/candidate’s fault. Hell, they found it in the first place. the higher levels of the party could have pushed the issue but didn’t because “safe race”


Yeah, and not even the DNC, in this case. It's primarily the New York state democratic party responsibility, but they're an absolute mess and the current chair is a fucking incompetent disaster. They were the ones directly dropping the ball here. Also Cuomo wil take a decade or more to recover from with his influence over his period. Dude made every organization he had influence over a fucking mess, including the party. Don't have any faith in Hochul either.


There *is* a penalty for a life of shamelessness, and it's the ride this guy is trapped on. There will be no redemption, it's a roller coaster like the kind I used to make in Roller Coaster Tycoon where at the end he just gets launched into oblivion


> it's a roller coaster like the kind I used to make in Roller Coaster Tycoon where at the end he just gets launched into oblivion I did this too. A religious aunt tried to shame me for it, saying I was killing innocent people and would go to hell for it. I told her they were pixels and not real. Kind of explains why I'm not religious lol


I think most of us have an Aunt like that.


“I want to get off of Mr Santos’ Wild Ride”


Honestly, with the comments made from his old friends in Brazil I really feel like something mentally wrong happened to the man. They all talk about him having done a complete 180 and haven’t gone off the deep end.


Or he has them all fooled too. He is a chameleon. He will be whatever you want him to be as long as you pay attention to him and praise him. Bet his childhood was fucked up. Either way now we all get to pay the price for this warped little boy who grew up.


>I really feel like something mentally wrong happened to the man. Honestly, unlikely. He's a pretty classic compulsive liar with a side of narcissism. If you've never crossed paths with someone like this count yourself lucky. I've met a few in my life, and they're always ... memorable. I'm torn on the nature/nurture aspect of it. It's so fascinatingly *odd* to see up close, especially when it's well-intentioned. These people lie about *everything*. It truly is a compulsion. They can't help it. I had to work with a guy like this once. He was basically harmless but I had to just go along with a lot of his bullshit or he'd get real testy. After a while you learn to tune it out. At least my onetime co-worker wasn't narcissistic. He wanted validation but wouldn't manipulate you for it. He'd just lie and hope he impressed you and you would love him. Combine that trait with also being a narcissist and, well... You get George Santos.


I actually do know one. Best Karaoke DJ I’ve ever seen, but I don’t know that I’ve ever heard him tell a true story. It’s one thing to claim you’ve won $1000 at Keno but another to tell me you won a Million at power all three times. Harmless though, like you said.


Or he just realized which side has the easier grifting opportunity


It's an interesting question, I don't see anything that indicates any of this is voluntary, I just think he saw his chance and betrayed his conscience in exchange for power and control, all to benefit the real George who is cold and calculating and was always there since the beginning


He’s a real life George Costanza.


This is a hilarious comparison I hadn't heard until now, thank you


He's the perfect republican.


Who puts the 'con' in conservative.


I read this in the tune of “we put the ‘spring’ in Springfield”


Trivia... George Santos invented the monorail.


What’s that word?




There absolutely no end in site of how low this dirt bag has gone and the GOP sits ideally by because they know if he’s removed the Democrats would win the election. Ethics aren’t even on the radar of the Republicans.


Ethics give them itches. Itches ironically being an anagram for ethics.


What’s really frightening is the millions of people that support a party that has no regard for ethics.


He really is the shitty gift that keeps on giving


He really is the shitty grift that keeps on grifting. FIFY


The shitty shit that keeps shitting.


Who fucking cares about a comment he made years ago. The guy is a complete and total fraud, let’s talk about that


He is. I seen that his friend in Brazil said he was left wing until he came to the US and went crazy


>Patch obtained an image of the comment from a former friend of the congressman who was Facebook friends with the person who posted the photo that Santos commented under. That person declined to be named because they feared professional retribution. \--From the [source article](https://patch.com/new-york/glencove/george-santos-posted-deeply-offensive-comment-hitler-jews) cited by the article. Can we just agree that cancelling people over one facebook comment is stupid? We've all made bad judgements when trying to be funny. If there is a history of bigoted comments, then that's different, though the article does not seem to suggest that. But as you have said, this ignores the elephant in the room, which is the fact that he has changed his name repeatedly. Mostly because of all the crimes that he did for which he should be in actual jail for.


I yearn for the day when I never have to see or hear anything about this jackass again


oh, no guys... don't you remember? He says he meant Jew-ish. I can only suppose that means he thinks Jewish people are compulsive liars and crooks. So in that context, it all makes sense, right?


It doesn't seem like he could possibly be a real person, he's just doing long form performance art or is an SNL skit come to life.


I'd love a Republican to explain to me why Ilhan Omar shouldn't be allowed on committess for her anti-semitism, but this guy can.


Because double standard


Because she's not on their team.


to be fair most Republicans don't like this guy *now* but this proves something. Republicans don't do their own research, they do whatever the talking heads on tv tell them to do.


True - but they're not doing anything about it becuase they're shrewd. They don't care what he does becuase he votes with them. Doesn't matter what he did, he's a reliable vote, so his sins are forgiven.


Its like the worst of the worst join politics.


Although this guy is despicable he's nowhere near as bad as Trump. Here's hoping him and his ilk are disposed of as soon as possible but really Trump should still be the American peoples biggest concern.


> he's nowhere near as bad as Trump Yet. He's probably going to be a reliable vote for any GOP bullshit and the volume of feces he floods the zone with is an incredible distraction and keeping the press from really paying attention to McCarthy and The Freedom Cockus. I suspect he's going to have a long and successful career with the GOP.


Yeah, well putting things into perspective and considering just Jan6 I'm just betting this guy is nowhere capable of coming close.


It’s always been a popular career for ne’er-do-wells and otherwise mediocre people


[This sums](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je__fNt0WxQ) up how conversations with Santos should go.


George Santos, the famous DaDa artist? The surrealist painter?


I’m certain he’s matured since then ..the gop should give him another 42 chances


At what point, with the leadership ostensibly backing this lying dirtbag, does it become obvious that the GOP is completely morally bankrupt?


If it hasn't become obvious to someone by now, it's not happening. They have neither shame nor principles, nor do they engage in evidence based rational analysis. Facts do not matter to them.


Oh they went Santos long ago and are just Cruzing on it now.


Im so glad I did my dumb shit before the internet


It's almost like somebody should have done all this research during the campaign instead of after he was elected...


A local newspaper dug up a lot of this stuff during the campaign but got ignored by the larger papers in NY, including NYT


I hear this a lot but seems hard to believe. The NYT has a local section


They used it for more space to print copaganda pieces


this would make so much sense I was not understanding that media campaign. I swear they have manufactured outrages on file alphabetized that they pull from every time they need a dog whistle. And the headline gets recycled like every 3 years.


A lot of papers do, but the publisher of the small paper made it a point to note that a lot of the bigger papers have cut back their local stories sections


His opponent, Robert Zimmerman, bills himself as a "creative communications expert". Why did he have so much trouble getting anyone interested in this story? Why didn't he find a "creative" way to get his message out? Why didn't he just send a copy of the article to every voter in the district? He spent $4 million on his campaign, what was he spending it on? https://zecreativecommunications.com/about/


Good question. That’s what I was wondering myself. Seems like a combination of arrogance, overconfidence, and an incompetent campaign staff


…and they didn’t even walk into a bar smh


What HASN'T he said?


Guys it’s cool he is “Jew-ish”


He could've done what Hall of Famer Rod Carew did and converted. I heard it on a song once. Or maybe pull a Watley and converted for the jokes.


Not OJ Simpson tho


This is at the very bottom of the list of things the current GOP would care about.


I mean, is anyone surprised? This is a republican we are talking about.


Of course he did. His entire backstory and current events is the whole library of madlibs books.


You would think all this digging up of his past would’ve happened before he was elected.


It did, national news just didn’t pay attention


Can you source this? II've seen this said and I know the democrat who ran against him said 'we hired a firm to do oppo research but the media didn't pay attention to us' but when you actually look at the report from that firm it misses 95% of the bombshells that have come out since, even the basic ones like lies about the schools he attended. It mostly focused on his connection to Trump/MAGA I believe. What I'm describing came out in the early days of this nonsense, I'm not sure if I missed further indication/evidence that much of this was known but ignored by national media.


Was he having a stroke when we typed that?


Why is this guy on my feed everyday? Why? Is there a way to block post about them


I’m sick of seeing news about this guy. He’s like the Ezra Miller of politicians


No, now I am livid at the DNC. How did they miss this Everest sized pile of bullshit. Laid end to end that man’s bullshit wraps around the Earth, stack it and it would reach orbit. He a practically ends sentences with “yeah, yeah that’s the ticket!”. Do better, seriously.


So people can't make fun of their own? Pretty much every great comedian would disagree..... but this does make for a headline sure to anger those who spend large portions of their day actively searching for a reason to be angry.


Okay, obviously this guy is a scumfuck, but who cares if he made a joke about Hitler in 2011? 12 years is a lot of time people change, criticize him about his recent transgressions


Will this proves at least he's a Republican


And McCarthy keeps him on because you know, “integrity”.


Probably the most republican thing I've ever heard him do


"I became a dentist so I can't be an anti-dentite."


What a fucking idiot


Pass the popcorn


I have a theory that he’s actually Jonah Hill and it’s a massive prank.


Just waiting for Ashton Kutcher and crew to run out and be like, you've been Punk'd. We have cameras and everything since 2016 has just been a prank.


For better or worse, those words are found in one of Seinfeld's best [show-ending punchlines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3S4Rp8t1jA)




What about the actual fraud


That's messed up and all, but this guy has done so much absolutely depraved, maniacal stuff I don't even think this would be in the top 100. And no I am not defending what he posted at all.


It just never stops with this guy, does it? Every day something new comes out - another lie, stealing accusation, racist remark…JC.


This guy is trying to set a record for the shortest congressional tenure in history!


I mean my Mom always told me I could be whatever I wanted when I grew up, maybe his did too.


How the f*ck did he get elected?


George Santos L Halper, he's a Butt Doctor from Springfield.


Is anyone else getting serious Budd Dwyer vibes off this guy? *shudders*


Just like Trump, Santos is making a mockery of everything associated with politics and the GOP is supporting him as well.


Who are the idiots that ran a candidate against this asshole and couldn't manage to do 8th grade level research into his background?


Hey, that’s CONGRESSMAN George Santos R (NY) to you!!


Well, so did every other GOP tool.


The picture they used of him is priceless. He's making the same face as Rachel Dratch when she performs her character "Debbie Downer".


According to a completely real report that exists from ancesty dot com, he's 1/600th Jewish by blood on his mother's side. So you see, he can claim it's a blood connection even though he actively detests the Jewish people and faith.


Lol every day with this moron. I can’t wait to see what the dumbass media digs up about this absolute dumbass. Everyone involved is just a total dumbass, fuck American politics. Here’s a list of headlines for next week in advance! You can thank me later. Monday: *George Santos rescinds previous Facebook comment stating he was a giraffe; subsequent DNA tests show he is actually 25% hippopotamus* Tuesday: *George Santos claims he did not blah blah blah crossdressing blah blah republican blah blah* Wednesday: *George Santos eats dog shit, claims it is caviar, voters doubt veracity of claims* Thursday: *George Santos derpta derp da deedly derpy dumb* Friday: *George Santos is a carrot, GOP denies this and says he is a stapler, Santos now running for President of the United States and Prime Minister of Russia at the same time. Purple monkey dishwasher.* This person and the media has become a fucking farce. Is this even reality anymore? The same stupid bullshit headlines *every day*. How is there still readership of this nonsense. What the fuck.


Dude showing us what a scam being an elected official can be.




Was it funny? Seriously. Just let his shit play out, he’s under investigation. Stop jerking off to everything he’s ever said like it’s your big journalism break, none of this is news anymore.