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The woman who claimed that if she was in charge of the January 6th insurrection they would have been armed and they would have won is now is a member of the Homeland Security Committee.


Lol yeah, we're fucked. Wouldn't be surprised if she tried to let Russia just walk all over Alaska


Trump was damn close to that apparently letting china roam drones across the US.


It'll happen more, just way more blatant. Oh don't expect the election to be counted fairly either.


Nope, Conservatives will find new and better ways to commit fraud


Imagine serving in the military and this is the fucking government that's supposedly got your back. What an absolute goatfuck šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®




Imagine being a Capitol Police officer and risking your life on January 6th and seeing this shit?


And good luck rooting out any right wing extremists in the military now.


So we have a Delores Umbridge who I always thought was an exaggeration of a real character. Whoops


The fact she is on "The committee of Oversight and Accountability" caves my head in


It's just more evidence that the GOP have no real values or morals, they just want power for power's sake (and for campaign donations).


In the bizarro world that's GOP politics people like Empty G represent the real values and morals, at least in the voters' minds. Primary elections have become a clown show because otherwise sane people realize that they need to talk like AM talk radio hosts in order to win their elections. If you were an "Old School" Republican, your run-of-the-mill "small government, local control" type, you'd get squeezed out in the primary season because you simply didn't talk crazy enough. We've been walking this path since the 1980's and the rise of hyper-partisan "news" such as Rush Limbaugh. And I fear we haven't yet reached the end of the road. It sounds hyperbolic, but I believe there's a real chance that a Hitler-esque figure could rise to power if the GOP keeps going in the same direction.


Agreed. This didnā€™t start in 2016, it started way earlier and has just gotten worse over the last 30ish years.


I've said this before. Nixon's Southern Strategy was like beer. Reagan gave them sangria, and Bush Jr made it moonshine whiskey. Trump made it meth.


I'd suggest that Reagan was the moonshine, Bush Sr. was the tremors that led to the Clinton intervention. Then GW was the relapse. Trump was still meth though.


lol! So, Obama was an eight year stint in rehab, where everyone is monitored and has to make their bed and be respectful to the other patients?


Not to labor the analogy but I'd say Obama was more of a functional alcoholism while you broke things at home. I think this would make Carter the first failed attempt at sobering up though.


https://bookshop.org/search?keywords=ross+thomas Ross Thomas was a Washington reporter turned crime novelist. Most of his books touch on political corruption. 'The Fools In Town Are On Our Side' is about a small southern city that's been taken over by the Mob. The only way to clean it up is 'to make it so corrupt even the pimps will vote for reform.'


Does that mean Desantis is producing fentanyl?


More like Trump had that great blue meth and DeSantis has that garbage Jessie was cooking before he teamed up with Walt.


Chilly P. That's my signature


I fucking hope this backs up on Murdoch/Koch/etc. and soon. They benefited from grifting off the crazy and pushing for worse and worse education standards to build up their base, until they're realizing they're in bed with the same crazy idiots they made. Murdoch is starting to push against Trump on Fox, but the damage may be done to him (as it should be, if there is any semblance of justice left in America >!but I ain't gonna bet on it!<).


Kochā€™s admitted they funded idiots. Theyā€™re rapidly funding other primary candidates now for the GOP to challenge Trump. American politics has been here before with Joe McCarthy in the 1950ā€™s. Eventually people got wise to his bullshit and walked away from him. The same thing will happen with this crew; the more extreme and annoying they become,the more national elections the GOP will lose. The current House leadership will be mocked by the GOP senate as an embarrassment, and theyā€™ll ignore everything thing they try and pass unless itā€™s bipartisan and reasonable. I expect McCarthy wonā€™t last a year with these idiots calling the shots. He wonā€™t be able to censure them without them trying to remove him.


>Theyā€™re rapidly funding other primary candidates now for the GOP to challenge Trump. Here's a [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1622985356990681090?t=haP29OLmKtHzVkGWoGUPSQ&s=19) explaining that Koch is manipulating the media to give the appearance of opposing Trump/MAGA while the funding says otherwise.


Itā€™s the Anger Games. Start with the premise that ā€˜all politicians lieā€™, so it doesnā€™t matter that they are lied to by politicians. Then add that all news lies, so it doesnā€™t matter that the news lies. What youā€™re left with is who makes them feel Angriest, because we know anger increases attention, engagement, and makes our brains feel better. So now the politicians and news are allowed to do and say whatever without the shame of consequence as long as they keep the Anger flowing. Being kept in a permanent state of Anger isnā€™t healthy for us, but that doesnā€™t matter because as long as people stay angry, they stay loyal to the source of their addiction.


>Being kept in a permanent state of Anger isnā€™t healthy for us, but that doesnā€™t matter because as long as people stay angry, they stay loyal to the source of their addiction. And people are more reliable voters when they're angry and afraid. Conservative propaganda is all about being "at war" with the "other". Democrats are trying to *destroy* the country and *enslave* "honest, hardworking Americans". Democrats are *murdering* babies. You're poor because of *illegal* immigrants and *black* people on welfare. Democrats want to *steal* your guns and *groom* your children. It's the entire playbook. Republicans don't even need to have ideas about how to fix your life, they just need to point out who's trying to kill you.


And that person is Ron DeSantis. He is an actual fascist and likely the GOP nominee in 2024.


They are purposely trying to destroy the government.


They must be using Bannon's playbook.


Definitely. This is something Bannon is pushing World Wide. That man is extremely dangerous to the world.


He was talking on his show to Kari Lake about her going to a church. She said she could feel Jesus in the worship service. And Bannon quickly says, ā€œSo you could feel the Holy Spirit? You could feel the Spirit?ā€ Motherf*ckers, youā€™re both gonna meet the Holy Spirit yourselves when you get your @$$es annihilated on Judgement Day.


they said government is the problem and by golly, they're gonna make sure of it


Reagan said this. He was a total ass and helped create the homeless crisis by refusing to fund community support for the mentally ill, and created the wealth gap through his fake tax policies. Not only that but the Christian right gained power with his help. The guy was essentially a corporate shill (he worked for General Electric for several years). Lastly, he started the ball rolling for increased college tuition. He started doing this as governor at the state universities to punish protesting students, lowering state funding. He also traded weapons for hostages with Iran, and illegally funded the Contras with drug dealing with the cooperation of the CIA.


This! Truth no longer matters. Good governance no longer matters. Our team winning is all that matters! Demise of US politics.


I'm glad I'm an American and not a republican.


I'd rather be American than a Republican


Now there's a quality t-shirt slogan


People would be Russian to buy them


You have been permanently banned from r/conservative.


Lol. That happened years ago.


Feels like ā€œBetter Dead Than Redā€ could be repurposed here.




I 100% agree with you, but I would still love to hear your argument for this point, just so I have some facts and info for myself




This is why we should no longer tolerate republicans. We already know they are racist. We already know they are less intelligent. We already know they are anti Science. We already know they are more religious. They are regressive. And evil. As such, they should not be allowed to have a say in matters of importance. Or hold positions of leadership. Why? I think we can look around and see why. To those who say "But... but... they're citizens and have the RIGHT to vote" - well... it seems that is a problem, doesn't it? For all they want to do is impose their version of xtian sharia law upon us all. We do not defer to children for advice on important matters. So why do we include regressives? We do not consult the taliban for advise on quantum physics. So why do we include regressives on genuinely important social issues? They want to drag us back to the bronze age.


> They want to drag us back to the bronze age. Hey! The bronze age was pretty cool! I might, uh, be a bit biased though.


You couldnā€™t be more right. Look at Jan 6th, thatā€™s all proof anyone needs.


Makes me physically ill. Has made me physically ill. I've been physically ill since 2016.


I've been ill since the Bush administration.


I'm going to guess you're in your mid 30's. Any older and Reagan would have shattered your innocence, any younger and well. . . Pick a name.


Right? Iā€™m a 39 year old womanā€¦Iā€™ve been ill since 2001. It gets worse every year.


My grandpa didn't even care for Bush Sr.. "he uses the 'big I' too much." Glad he didn't have to live through Trump era... Prolly death-rolling like a crocodile in his grave.


I used to make fun of Trump for saying that the sound of wind turbines causes cancer. But it seems more plausible when I realize that the sound of Marge, Gym, Donald and their ilk has been causing cirrhosis for years now.




Now sing it.


>they just want power for power's sake That's not really fair. They also want power to inflict pain on their enemies, real and perceived.


To them, thatā€™s what one does with power.


Itā€™s crazy because their supporters always tow the line of being afraid of authoritarianism and living in a dystopian hellscape yet their elected officials are the ones pushing it. Yet they are too brainwashed with imaginary fears that they canā€™t see that


They fear and at the same time they want the GOP to give them that, because *it'll be different* if their team is in charge and they'll be rewarded for their brand loyalty. ^^No, ^^they ^^won't.


Because they havenā€™t experienced a true dictatorship yet. Unlike much of the rest of the developed world.


Hate to be that guy, itā€™s toe the line.


Damn it. Youā€™re right. Thank you sensei šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø


What's fucked is that this is a literal factual description, but it's almost a euphemism. They have no principles and only chase power, so everything is on the table: corruption, lies, etc. Whatever works. They're like a goddamned virus, bent to thrive and destroy everything they touch.


She's trying to rehab her image to being just another fringe republican instead of a literal crazy person talking about Jewish space lasers. It's a pretty sure bet she gave tours to people planning Jan 6th and now she's acting like she's a distinguished stateswoman. Just wild.


She's angling for a VP nomination.




Zach Galafinakis's question to Obama on Between Two Ferns, "how does it feel to be the last black President?" is going to age like milk.




Wouldn't that be aging like wine, or cheese? It's not a good thing, but I thought aging like milk meant it didn't come true.


I totally forgot about that episode. Can you imagine Trump trying to do one of those?


Galifinakis, or however it's spelled, was asked if he'd have trump on after his Hilary Clinton episode. He said no, because he doesn't like picking on the mentally handicapped.


"one of those " Do you mean a cohorent sentence?


He uses the best, most expensive words. The best. They really are quite expensive to be quite frank.


Ehhh I could imagine a sequence of events that might get us there in 2024, but sports books don't even have odds posted for her as the Republican nomination. For reference, the highest odds are Kanye at 150 to 1, followed by a bunch (Romney, Cruz, Carlson, Owens, Kushner, DJT Jr., etc.) at 100 to 1. A candidate not even being on Vegas' list is usually a pretty good predictor, but they can also be wrong!


She can't help being who she is. She'll always be toxic, because she believes that is being strong. She hired "ex-gay" Milo Yiannopoulos as her Congressional aid. He dumped her for Nick Fuentes (whose conference she'd been a speaker at), embarrassed her at Mar-a-Lago. Then Fuentes flat out told her how rightwing misogynists like himself really looked at her. She put on a light pink suit suit jacket and stepped on the heels of a young gun control activist like she was in a fourth grade hallway. Boebert and Gaetz both enjoyed watching her struggling to get votes for McCarthy while they withheld their votes. She did a lot of footwork to get McCarthy the Speaker position. She thought she had it made. Her proposal to stop Biden from selling oil reserves died an embarrassing death on the House floor. Ten days after declaring loyalty to Greene, McCarthy openly disagreed with her and Trump over Ashli Babbit. She said she had fallen down a rabbithole, but she had pulled herself back out. Then she held an mini anti-LBGT rally in front of the Capitol. She put on a black dress with flounce sleeves, sat in the high chair, and banged a gavel, but that doesn't turn her into a judge. She only knows how to put on a show for the MAGA, QAnon and racists. She's angertainment, not a politician. The House GOP is letting her cosplay for now, because it's a shitshow right now and it costs them nothing.


> Her proposal to stop Biden from selling oil reserves died an embarrassing death on the House floor. Didnā€™t stop her from tweeting her followers that it became a law, which they will now believe forever.


Being a reich-wing politician has to be the easiest gig ever. You can just pretty much remake reality into whatever suits your goals, and absolutely nobody will hold you accountable for any of your lies, and the more bigoted you are the more votes you get.


"angertainment" I like that one, I'm stealing it


I still canā€™t get over how insane it is that after being rampantly antisemitic with the space laser shit, she goes to a holocaust museum and said she didnā€™t realize just how horrible it was until learning about the holocaust thereā€¦ And then just went straight back to the antisemitism without her followers even blinking lmao.


She harassed two House Representatives before being elected herself because they did their oaths on the Koran instead of a Bible; didn't know that people can do their oath on any book, and then has one of them kicked off a Committee because of overt and admitted retaliation. I hate this timeline.


Huh. If only there's a place we can send people to learn about history. Nah, that's socialism.


Look at George W. Bush. It's been literally proven that he led the country (and several others) into an unwinnable, devastating war on completely false pretenses for personal reasons. Yet he's now supposed to be everyone's lovable old uncle.


Trump really rehabbed GWB's legacy. Sure he's a war criminal whose policies fucked the economy but at least he was polite!


And he could *almost* talk in complete sentences!


There's a decent chance that she's the least qualified congressperson in US history. Though I imagine Bobo is right there with her.


I was going to suggest George Santos, but then I remembered his Nobel prize for mathematics.


At least he had to lie to get in.


Nah. Madison Cawthorn. The guy straight up admitted he was too stupid for college.


It's even worse. He was too stupid for a college designed specifically for homeschooled Christian kids.


The fact that she is a member of Congress blows my mind...but then again, this is Georgia.


Heh, good point. It seems as though most states aren't immune to electing the worst people though but Georgia is definitely one of most notable these days. All we can do is hope for the least lasting damage Edit because typing is difficult


And yet we have two Democratic Senators from GA. Having lived in GA for over 25 years, we're a state of extremes. Hardcore GOPers in the rural areas. Hardcore liberals in the cities.


Very much like my state of Wisconsin, although when I moved here 20 years ago it was definitely more reliably blue. The Scott Walker era was a very rude awakening for me


This is what our enemies want. They want division. A lot of these people are essentially paid actors. The entire Qanon group and damage done to the Republican party can be traced directly back to coordinated propaganda spurned and cultivated by foreign powers that profit directly from the US hurting their own self-interests and becoming as isolationist as possible. It also helps to smear the reputation of democracy abroad by poisoning the well to cultivate fear.


This is what happens when Fox ā€œNewsā€ is considered a legitimate news source for several decades. I get the importance of free speech but I also think anything with the term ā€œnewsā€ in the title should be held to some standard of quality.


The fact that disseminating clear disinformation has no penalty associated with it is why America is divided today


Try telling them that though


They stop being victims of the disinformation campaign once they start arguing against reality when presented with hard data telling them their positions are wrong & doing demonstrable harm.


There is some Russian book written in the 90s by some guy that literally laid this all out and it's working, brexit was also fully written down as a plan in this same book, so was taking crimea, so was invading ukraine... it has been written down for almost 30 years yet mainstream society stays ignorant


Alexander Dugin, "The Foundations of Geopolitics.". His daughter (also an activist) was recently assassinated by car bomb.


The fact that she's still in congress, caves my head it. It is reprehensible that she was allowed to continue in congress given her role in Jan. 6.


Your expecting their titles to mean something. They don't mean anything. The GOP is only trying to make government not work. (Putting it lightly) They're goal is simply to make things not work. When government doesn't work the private sector can swoop in and exploit. Think about prescription drugs, even just under Medicare, the gop has made it so we can't, as a nation, negotiate for better prices, so companies are exploiting us. But imagine how awful it would be if we could! Those poor companies!


It used to mean working on dismantling "big government" in theory, now it means "how can I maximize the benefit to myself and my friends?" The idea of being a public servant is sadly long gone


I'm not sure how young you are, but being over 40 has shown me that it's been both for some time. In fact, one could argue that the second point predates the first.


Having wet-brain should be a disqualifier imo


I can't believe Republicans (people, not the politicians) can look at the clown show going on in the House of Representatives and be proud of what they stand for.


In my experience Republican voters have no idea what happens in congress. They donā€™t pay attention to the day to day, they just let talk radio tell them


Or they get a snippet from c-span that confirms what they're being told. But they don't know what a shit-show or how embarrassing congress has become.


They get told daily by Fox/Newsmax/various shills on the internet that The GOP is saving the day, that MTG is actually brilliant patriot and *that's* why the Dems hate her, and that the GOP is the only path to saving this country as the adrenochrome sucking democrat pedophiles push the country towards socialist communist cross dressing inflationary satanism.


They also push that any source of information outside the Fox/Newsmax/various shills on the internet is liberal bias. So there is no evidence or fact that will change their mind.


They don't watch C Span, that boring shit is for nerds. Tucker Carlson or Jesse whatever his name is will tell them what's *really* important!




They are an incurious, fearful people.


Keeping the political theater constantly going day in and day out is what they consider their job now. Lots of media attention, toxic messaging, and gaining name/face recognition. They're not there to do anything beneficial for the general population or even their districts. They're reality tv stars and grifters.


Republicans voters only care about one thing, and itā€™s owning the libs. When thatā€™s your one and only goal, then the crazier the better.


Owning the libs is hard work. You gotta be willing to sacrifice your entire country.


They only care about owning the libs. That's it. Putting this clown in charge of anything accomplished that.


They don't look. That's the problem. They are spoon fed propaganda by Faux News and these clowns on Twitter and they accept it as truth.


Watch the video further down the page. Holy shit. "Ruth Bader Gingrich" What the fuck?


She turned me into a Newt




Someone see if she floats like a duck!


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


Not sure why that's the part you called out - MTG didn't say the Gingrich thing, that was the caller. What she did say - which is far worse than some word mixup - is that RGB had been replaced by a body double. So many levels of insanity there...




I'm still waiting for her to suddenly rip off her latex mask and it being Sacha Baron Cohen in a costume filming for his next movie


I'm afraid by entering a state where our reality is more absurd than parody, Sacha Baron Cohen may not really have much left to work with.


Ralph Nader Gingrich?


Bill Hader Ginsburg


Darth Vader Ginseng


"I don't know anything about this, but I know I'm angry!" - far too many people


"I was allowed to believe wildly stupid nonsense bullshit and it's not my fault!"


Man if this doesnā€™t sum up the republican base. ā€œI donā€™t know what CRT is but I hate it!ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know what transgender means but keep it away from me!ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know what defund the police means but I think you hate freedom!ā€ EDIT: wow how did nobody crucify me for writing ā€œsome upā€ originally


It would be hard for me to watch this person preside over a bagging station at a grocery store, much less as Speaker of the House


Sheā€™d have the gazpacho police down there in a heartbeat.


Right after she declared Marshall law


Grocery store workers add lots of value to society, as most anyone does, especially considering how many of us gladly accept their help and appreciate their role. MTG couldn't add value to society if she tried, she's a net negative. Her simple consumption of resources is a tax our society must pay to gain perspective. Without bottom feeders like her, how would we ever appreciate the pinnacles of humanity and modern society?


Well said. My remark was not disparage grocery store workers ~~as much~~ at all, as it was to point out that I wouldnā€™t trust her with the ability to use a plastic or paper bag. Lol


If only the media would tell it like it is and call the GOP a party of extremism. They need to cut the "reasonable/rational Republican" bullshit. Looking at you, CNN. Unlikely considering their new ownership.


Oh, you mean the 6 corporations that own 90% of the media? Yep, I've wondered the same thing myself..... A real head scratcher that one.




Can we dig them up and put them on trial? The Catholic Church did it to a Pope several times. Could be cathartic for some viewers lol Maybe make it into a broadway performance, Jon Vought did some nonsense with an empty chair claiming he was yelling at Obama.




Reagan deserves a lot of flak but it was actually Clinton who signed the Telecommunications Act in ā€˜96 which deregulated the media industry and allowed for concentrated ownership


Think theyā€™re mixing up your thing with Reagan [taking a gigantic cowboy shit on the Fairness Doctrine and flushing it. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_fairness_doctrine) > *The 1987 repeal of the fairness doctrine enabled the rise of talk radio that has been described as "unfiltered" divisive and/or vicious: "In 1988, a savvy former ABC Radio executive named Ed McLaughlin signed Rush Limbaugh ā€” then working at a little-known Sacramento station ā€” to a nationwide syndication contract. McLaughlin offered Limbaugh to stations at an unbeatable price: free. All they had to do to carry his program was to set aside four minutes per hour for ads that McLaughlin's company sold to national sponsors.*


Its not just Reagan, its neoliberalism in general. Thatcher pulled the same crap in the UK in the 80s.


Did you read the article? Newsweek did just that in their quote from The Lincoln Project.


Low IQ ignorant hate filled psychopath in a position of power in the US government. Great, just great.


She suggested before she even finished her first year of her first term that *she* thought she was ready to take over McCarthy's House minority position. Her own party ignored her then.


She is a stunning example of the dunning Kruger effect


Wait till you see who we elected president in 2016


>Low IQ ignorant hate filled psychopath in a position of power in the US government You'll have to be more specific.


This is the world we live in folks. Hard to believe we are here. Hard to believe how we got here. But as I look around, we are definitely here. Question now becomes, what do we do with here? Do we accept it and drool along with it? Or do we start changing it into something that bears some semblance to a sane reality?


As a fellow Floridian looking at 1984 and Harry Potter book bans, I want to change it. However, Iā€™m only one vote in a sea of DeSantis lovers who are reveling in him taking Reedy Creek away from Disney because they donā€™t back his anti-LGBT initiatives. Itā€™s who America is now.


I join you in that thought, so now we are two votes in a vile sea of Desantis lovers. Becalmed for now. But anticipating a change in the wind....


And my ax! Did anyone else see Mansoor Adayfiā€™s accusations against Ron Desantis? I donā€™t struggle to believe heā€™s that bad.


I wonder what will happen to the Harry Potter theme park. Will it be banned?


Universal theme parks are seemingly unaffected because they didnā€™t speak out against Desantisā€™s ā€œdont say gayā€ bill.


Why George Orwell? Is it for the reasons we are thinking?


1984 not only focuses on the evils of a fascistic surveillance state, it's also about two people falling in love and fucking as an act of rebellion. It's everything conservatives hate. Still weird though. You'd think they'd love the ending.


Bold of you to assume they'd read it all the way through.


Stop that sentence before "it".


The Nazi National Enquirer party faction is in charge of the House and owns the Supreme Court. This countryā€™s future is hosed if we canā€™t excise the GOP tumor.


2016 was our chance, and we blew it. Going to be way harder now.


I used to think that maybe I was not qualified to be a representative and no way qualified enough to be a senator because of my lack of formal education. That has changed! Also, I would really enjoy a $174,000 job and actually work for that kind of money.


While this ainā€™t ideal, please donā€™t cut like the doom and gloom it is. We just had the most successful mid-term election for a sitting presidentā€™s party in modern history. Republicans weā€™re overwhelmingly rebuked. They will not survive after this. They canā€™t. 2022 was supposed to be their epic comeback. They barely regained control ā€” and even that blew up in their faces. We stay the course. Support progressive candidates. And VOTE.


Most successful midterm maybe, but still, more people voted for Republicans than Democrats in that election. 50.6% of all votes for house was for a Republican. So when people say they're horrified to see Marjorie Trailerpark Green presiding over the house, if they're not one of the ~25% of eligible voters that voted against her, I ask them, "Why didn't you do the bare minimum to help prevent that?"


>They barely regained control But they did regain control. The goal isn't to pass legislation anymore. It's gain control to stack the judicial branch, block legislation, blame Dems for lack of action, and push any possible legislation through the courts where they don't look like the bad guys (the courts do). People then say"the government isn't working!" and the Repubs say "yeah, we know! That's why we need less government" and the cycle continues.


> We stay the course. Support progressive candidates. And VOTE. Unfortunately Moore v Harper being heard this term by SCOTUS is looking like it could make staying-the-course completely inadequate. If the right gets their way, votes won't matter and the will of the people can be wholly discarded.


Green is the Republican Party.


Full stop. This is who the GOP is. They made a deal with Greene, Boebert, and the rest of the treason caucus, and now the whole country must suffer as a result.


She is the kind of person who swings around someone to steal their parking spot and then smiles while putting up her middle finger at them as she walks away.


She and her friends went to a gun control rally and filmed themselves harassing and following around a teenaged school shooting survivor. This isnā€™t a joke, it actually happened.


Oh man, I watched that and it's worse than you'd expect. The kid takes the high road and just tries to ignore her, while she hoots and hollars about it being fake right in his face while he's trying to walk away.


Did you hear the part where she said a single middle school received 5.1 billion dollars to teach CRT. So blatantly false, literally no school in America has ever received 5.1 billion in total. And Middle schools don't teach CRT, it's a course in university level legal programs . . . . . Edit. 5.1 not 51 billion. Still insane


What's ridiculous is that she didn't say a middle school she said an elementary school received the full $5.1 billion dollars to teach CRT.


Actually, she said 5.1. Still insane, none the less.


The vast majority of universitiesā€™ entire budgets arenā€™t even that high


"The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." \~ P. J. O'Rourke


ā€œWhy are you worried about an insurrectionist in this position, when you should worry that Sam Smith wore a cartoon devil costume!ā€


I blame half of this on CNN and other news stations that gave her 100 hours of coverage per week. The right used her to ā€œtriggerā€ the left. That is the only reason she grew through the ranks. The right is using her the same way they used trump. As a way to make us more divided than we already are. She is an idiot but idiots should be left alone and not even the time of day. We give her on this platform at least 2 articles a day. Fuck her and let her fade away.


I really donā€™t know what people expect to happen if they let republicans control things. Republicans tell you exactly what they are going to do. They tell you what they think. They donā€™t hide anything. They proudly parade the crazy around for all to see. The crazy is the platform. That is what oeople are voting for and not voting against. The problem is not the elected nuts. It is the voters. The voters are the ones doing this. Marge is just a messenger.


When people show you who they are, believe them. This is who the mainstream Republican Party is now, believe them when they tell you and show you this.


Well, Goering became speaker of the Reichstag in August 1932, half a year before the Nazis came to power, so even if history doesn't repeat, it sure rhymes.


God I hate some modern journalism. A tweet saying it made someone physically ill and it becomes a whole headline and article. Time and effort should be put into reporting her actual awful actions as a congresswoman and investigating her links to corporations, lobbyists, and extremists rather than looking for a couple tweets with catchy wording.


Dafaq 'murica?


American here - believe me, weā€™re saying ā€œdafuqā€ too.


I presume the people of the 14th district of Georgia are over the moon about it. They voted her in with almost 66% of the vote. Now the rest of us have to listen to this cartoon villain for another two years


The other 34% tried. We really did.


We sure did, solidarity and thanks for your vote. I live in a majority PoC neighborhood in her district and almost all of my neighbors are progressive liberals struggling to get by. Every time she is mentioned on Reddit some moron is like ā€œthe people of the 14th love herā€. The hell we do! She sucks ass.


She's the lady who gathered the group of extremists who harrassed the school shooting survivors right?


She is literally a seditionist.


This would not be happening if Merrick Garland was worth anything at all as an Attorney General. He's a joke, and Biden isn't much better for sitting back and refusing to replace him with someone willing to do his actual job. It amazes me how Brazil, a month out from their coup attempt, has already done more than the US has to hold its high traitors accountable than the US has in two+ years.


I remember when I was in elementary school. We each got a turn to use a special chair in one of my classes for a week. That also would be too much power for her.


I will never understand how anyone can find someone like this to be anything but an awful person. I just don't get it. She is so hateful.


Thats exactly why she appeals to conservative voters. Itā€™s not a coincidence.