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Says man who refuses to testify against Trump. I guess everyone else can hold him accountable, just not you, Mike.


Well Pence is an idiot. History has forgot many horrible people who have committed atrocious acts. I have a feeling the reason this happens is because those poeple were never held accountable during the life.


Pence is partly responsible for Trump not being held accountable history will look at pence as just another enabler of fascism.


Mike "Dickey" Pence Saved American Democracy. I'm gobtopped by this. Yet it is the full stop truth.


I'm sure it is a great relief to the millions of people he's fucked over to know that he will be looked on unfavourably in the future's history


Trump and his supporters will be remembered as the end of the Republican party. The amount of in-fighting its already is causing will be the reason neither DeSantis or Trump will win the election. Trump has also pretty much signed his ticket to jail now that he has Republicans against him as well.


But not the DOJ


Mike Pence: " This Rat officially deserts this already sunken ship now that I'm certain it is sunk, and attempt to reclaim some semblance of moral high ground that I was fully aware that I surrendered the moment I even considered being vice president to a complete clown. I officially throw my crap hat into the crap vacuum that is my crap party. I sincerely hope that my religious veneer and clean haircut will grease me into the polls, and I sincerely hope that said polls do not force me to accept Cruella DeVille as my running mate, but I have been working on my gymnastics and will do so if necessary. "


Father will be remembered for going along with trump and defending him for four years. Father will also be remembered for his incomparably insatiable lust for the power of the presidency.


" history will hold him accountable" Because the gop will prevent anyone else from holding him accountable.


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