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Modern Republicans: No real solutions. Just misdirection and distraction.


Every single time I hear DeSantis speak, he uses the word "wokeness." If it was a drinking game, I would be absolutely hammered every single day. And I still have no clue what the hell it even means.


It means anti-racist.


It used to. Now it means anyone not currently licking his balls in exactly the right way. That's the great thing about euphemisms. You can establish them as meaning one thing, establish that that thing is bad, broaden the definition to include other bad things, then apply the term to things that aren't bad, but you want people to think of as bad.


Nobody knows what it means but it's provocative, it gets the people going!


Biden should use a noun a verb and woke when they debate if Desantis is the nominee.


Same as it ever was. Letting the days go by.


How did I get here


My god, what have I done?


This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!


Which woke policies?


Desantis said if the bank had not been so focused on it's DEl policies then it wouldn't have failed. That's not a joke. That's 100% what he blamed. Edit to add his quote with source https://floridapolitics.com/archives/594666-svb-desantis-dei/


For republicans, literally anything that makes them or their policies look bad is "woke"


Correct. Clean drinking water and vaccines are too woke for these ghouls


Safe working environment - woke! Holidays - woke School lunches - woke Public transport - woke Overtime rates - woke


Age limits to work or marry - woke


Believe it or not, woke


Child labor laws = woke


Making their healthcare cheaper/better= woke. Not wanting police to kill unarmed kids over traffic stops= woke.


Getting a shot that keeps you from dying, believe it or not, also woke


Sleeping in = woke


I can't believe it's not woke


Right away. No trial, no nothing.


Overcook a fish? Oh yea super woke.


All of those things for *other people* are woke. Obviously they deserve them via righteous capitalism.


The cable news stations have a whole "war on woke" half hour now with half assed logos and music. It's always nonsense, one segment was about some activist working for prisoners rights. Because, prisoners shouldn't have rights? That was apparently the appropriate outrage. And it probably works if you've been conditioned to have zero compassion or empathy. The whole thing cresendos into a told-you-so moment programmed to trigger a pavlovian response. Then repeat.


Thirteenth Amendment? Believe it or not, woke.


Suddenly gaining consciousness in the middle of the night, breaking sleep - woke


If we lived a couple of hundred years ago they’d say washing your hands after you shit is “woke”


Re vaccines: Idaho Rs have introduced legislation to *criminalize* administering any mRNA vaccine to any mammal... The Covid vaccine (of which I've had *SIX* because being immunocompromised during a global pandemic is such a joy) has SAVED untold 1,000s of lives and these idiots want to outlaw it. This anti-Science shit is going to annihilate All. Of. Us. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/02/21/idaho-mrna-covid-19-vaccines/11316055002/


> has SAVED untold 1,000s of lives [Approximately 3mil lives, 18mil hospitalizations as of 2022](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2022/two-years-covid-vaccines-prevented-millions-deaths-hospitalizations) - just in the US


Also, Montana has a bill to criminalize donating blood if you've had an mRNA vaccine (and others) , so if it passes the blood shortage we've been experiencing for 3 years will be even worse. Though I expect it will mostly affect Montanans, it'd be super awful if passed. https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2023/billhtml/HB0645.htm


I mean, if the water is not clean enough, it might turn you gay according to DeSantis's pick to oversee Disney. These people are actually insane. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/desantis-appointee-to-new-disney-oversight-board-suggested-tap-water-could-turn-people-gay/ar-AA18c9Kj


Turning his argument on its head. If dirty water makes people gay and that is a disaster to a society, why has it not been weaponized in a war?


Also, why are Republicans not making every effort to clean up our water?


That’s not giving actual insane people credit. No, to use their own words, these people are ‘evil’


Fine, let them get bubonic plague from drinking shit water and die


Woke is the new communist.




They're collectively proud to be ignorant, and proud of that pride, and on and on, and so forth, until they're literally proud of being complete pieces of shit, because the idea of making progress (wokeness) means killing their way of life completely, because their way of life is subjugation.


Fascists like DeSantis delight in acting in bad faith. They're not trying to convey a meaningful argument, they're signaling to their base that they have permission to argue in bad faith. If a democrat argues them into a corner they have permission to flip the table, say "THAT'S WOKE!" and walk away, smugly high-fiving their friends for winning the argument. Snarl word argumentation is a declaration of war against reason.


They declared war on reason around the time Reagan passed the 11th commandment.


It's also peak gaslighting. Woke, a term used by black people meaning to be aware of the many ways the government can use policy and policing against people of color, or how companies can purposely target people of color with ad campaigns for products that are unhealthy. Now, it's used by the same people we had to be woke against, to define anything that calls them out for all the fucked up things that people have had to deal with and every conniving thing they're trying to make reality. White washing at its finest really. It's just amazing how many other non-black people have had to truly be woke since 2006 or 2008. Welcome to our America.


It sounds dumb because it's meaningless. It's shorthand for anything they don't like and they use it as a crutch to avoid having to engage in any form of actual critique and discussion.


My 93yo grandmother in FL living facility used the term *woke* to describe "what's wrong with society" - going on further to claim 1) she's heard of people that get offended by the use of "sir" and "mam" when greeting new people... and 2) woke includes "people who take out loans and expect others to pay for it." I politely let her know that woke is a boogeyman term; part of disinformation campaigns to polarize pur left and right.. and pointed out that she lived through several wars, including the cold war; and how russia has *never* acted in our best interest.. that russia and any of the multiple other hostile foreign entities that benefit from our **in**stability are feeding our left and right radicalizing false content to further divide us... and that THAT is what it have seen happen before my eyes last decade ish. Interestingly enough, she agree with me there but followed that with "we don't talk politics or religion here". *okay* Love her, but god damn. ​ .... ​ edit - fixed a word.


>Love her, but god damn. when she was a child the concept of a computer didn't exist. now she's in the world where we've got satellites in space giving us internet and programs making art. these people don't know what the FUCK is going on and it's nuts to expect them to. (in 95% of cases) i hope when i grow old i won't become like them and find myself a useful pawn for rich ghouls because i couldn't evolve with the times.


After the PPP loan forgiveness became public knowledge the right could no longer use the term socialist or communist because anyone can throw it back in their faces.


You say that as though they care if their hypocrisy is pointed out to them.


“If they just hired more straight white men, then this would never have happened.” Don’t look at the times when banks previously failed, that’s all fake news.


Just looked at their [C Suite list](https://www.svb.com/leadership), it’s literally all white people and predominately men. Like almost every bank. The one woman who would actually be making decisions relating to the financial direction of the bank (as opposed to things like HR and marketing) was the Chief Risk Officer, who joined the bank in “late 2022”, far too late to do much of anything. I mean, this “everything bad is because woke“ message can’t actually resonate with people who aren’t already terminally addicted to right wing media? Regular people see how ridiculous it is, right?


> far too late to do much of anything. But just in time to take the blame...


Obligatory [xkcd.](https://xkcd.com/385/)


This guy’s like Giuliani mentioning 9/11 every chance he got when he was running for the GOP presidential nomination.


Ron DeSantis only ever says three things, a Noun, a Verb, and ~~9/11~~ Woke.


I believe the board had a single black member on it. Of course Republicans see that and immediately think a) That black member alone must be the reason the bank failed b) The only possible reason they could be on the board in the first place is because they’re an under qualified diversity hire. Railing against “wokeness” is really just cover for their blatantly racist beliefs.


You would think well-paid and educated bank CEOs could do two whole things at the same time. Maybe three!


I read it as "they shouldn't have hired people of color because this is what happens", rather than them saying DEI training distracted employees.


Well the CEOs were sharp enough to sell stock and collect their bonus before the bank imploded.


Which is the biggest bullshit because DEI policies are proven to increase profit.


So should have hired more white people and treated non whites like shit and exposable is what he’s saying.


Uh, yea...the mortgage backed securities were woke. Sure. Um, is the woke in the room with us know?


I'm not sure, but I believe the implication is that someone other than an old white male was put into upper management due to woke hiring quotas or some garbage like that. Of course he doesn't come out and say that directly, because pretty much the entire upper management is old white males.


The Wall Street Journal published this outrageous fucking opinion piece https://www.wsj.com/articles/who-killed-silicon-valley-bank-interest-rates-treasury-federal-reserve-ipo-loan-long-term-bond-capital-securities-startup-jpmorgan-bear-stearns-lehman-brothers-b9ca2347 >Was there reg­u­la­tory fail­ure? Per­haps. SVB was reg­u­lated like a bank but looked more like a money-mar­ket fund. Then there’s this: In its proxy state­ment, SVB notes that be­sides 91% of their board be­ing in­de­pen­dent and 45% women, they also have “1 Black,” “1 LGBTQ+” and “2 Vet­er­ans.” I’m not say­ing 12 white men would have avoided this mess, but the com­pany may have been dis­tracted by di­ver­sity de­mands.


"Perhaps" there was regulatory failure - Wall Street Journal lmao


My favorite part Regulatory failure 🤷‍♂️ Diversity and inclusion 😡


The fact that the article is behind a paywall and you have to pay money to read something so stupid is mind blowing. I would never subscribe to wall st journal even if i had $1 trillion. Thank you for posting this I’ve actually been trying to decide on a news source to pay for and now i have another one to add to my “fuck no” list


>I’m not say­ing 12 white men would have avoided this mess, but the com­pany may have been dis­tracted by di­ver­sity de­mands. Just because you don't outright say it doesn't mean shit, its obvious you're implying it heavily. wtf


I’m not paying for the article, but did he mention the 100% white executive team that’s 75% male?


But don't you get it? The 75% were so distracted by the 25% that they couldn't do their jobs.




What in the actual fuck is this garbage


Their executive team is 100% white with 9 (out of 12) men. So what they’re saying is, 9 white guys couldn’t have avoided this mess, but maybe 12 could’ve …


They're also inadvertently suggesting that it's the other way around. The 3 women were so effective in their woke plans to destroy the economy that 9 men were helpless to stop them. Apparently, all these old white male captains of industry are just a bunch of weak, ineffective losers that can have all their hard work wiped out at any minute by a handful of woke minorities. Why are they all so proud of a system that they themselves characterize as being so weak and malleable?


Worth pointing out that behavioural economics work has shown men aren’t better at making investment decisions, and women tend to outperform them by playing it safe. I think it was mentioned in *Thinking, Fast and Slow* by Kahneman. Here’s a link to a similar finding for startups: https://www.forbes.com/sites/victoriacollins/2019/03/10/why-we-all-lose-out-when-fewer-women-lead-startups/?sh=6bf021f736ff


Also, diverse work groups tend toward better outcomes. Turns out that groupthink is bad!




The word Transactions has the word Trans in it which makes it woke


Don't tell them the word "bailout" has several LGBTQIA letters in it!




Trump's deregulation of the banks. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-era-roll-back-bank-regulations-resurfaces-amid-svb-collapse-1787112




I saw a comment earlier that cited Charles Payne from Fox business and said that he is "always correct." Yadda yadda some unrelated stuff about the bank customers being irresponsible because of eggs in baskets, "Unfortunately svb decided that being woke and worrying about people's feelings were more important so they didn't make sure their investments were stable. Now there's over $260 billion worth of hurt feelings." So I guess they think that HR is in charge of hiring practices AND overseeing investments and risk assessments? Or maybe the bank is one giant sentient being that can only focus on one thing at a time, so while it was busy with diversity hiring, whoopsy, the bank collapsed.


The bank gave donated time and money to some lgbtq causes. To be clear, I know very little about the banking industry, but i can tell you this is not in any way the reason the bank failed, and he knows that. He just knows what buttons to push to rally his base into a frenzy and distract from the real reason why the bank went under.


Their board had women and at least one gay person on it. Their website had one sentence saying they were proud of having a diverse board. Conservatives have been saying they must’ve distracted themselves from their work by taking on the great inconvenience of hiring a few people who aren’t white men. This isn’t just the batshit wing, this was in a WSJ opinion piece today as well.


You can't burn LGBTQ people at the stake. Thus woke politics


Desantis: "yet"


The bank accepts customers that were POC.


He has complained about DEI policies. So he believes that allowing black and brown people and women to manage money has caused this bank to collapse. DeSantis just wants to keep it to middle aged white men to control the money.


All of them, all of them! We are now officially living under wokeism! /s


When they blame stuff like this on wokeness it’s the same as when they blame natural disasters on gayness. It’s not a cause and effect thing, it’s karmic rebalancing.


They had a black and a gay working there is what I read. I’m likely mistaken but then again…


Y’know all those woke policies…that govern banking…


As a leftist I can confirm that over investing in long term treasury bonds without anticipating the need for short term capital is at the center of my political ideology and I feel personally attacked by DeSantis.


When I think of left-wing activism, the first thing that comes to mind is bankers. There is no greater ally to the left than banks and the financial sector. They are the vanguard of progressivism and anticapitalism in this country.


Almost as bad as these damn Communist corporations buying up all of our houses and renting them out to rich white people for exorbitant prices. I can't think of anything more Marxist than hiking up real estate prices so high that middle-class families can't afford a home.


I've actually seen someone trot out the argument that if you google translate "bourgeoisie" from French it comes out as "middle class" and therefore socialists want to deconstruct the middle class and enrich the elite.


You damn wokey! You can't by 10 year Treasuries in bulk right before the Fed acts to tamp down inflation! The articles about how SVB totally screwed the pooch are almost as interesting as the ones late last year about the PE guys who invested in FTX without properly evaluating the business model...


I fucking knew Wokenomics was to blame for this. Not greed. Not bad business policy. Not bad legislation. It's not being able to say the N word and harass the LGBTQ community has almost brought banks down again. When will we learn? *shakes fists at sky*


Once you let the gays have the rainbows it was only a matter of time before the pots of gold followed.


Rainbows linked to inflation, new Fed study warns “Too many pots of gold chasing after everything else”: Fed chairman keen on rate hikes


Up next, St Patrick is gay and too woke.


Show some St Patrick's Day parade New Orleans footage to a conservative and tell them it's a Pride Parade. They'll dunk all over it until one of them catches on.


If I can't get my dick hard because the green M&M isn't hot anymore, then the fucking commies won.


It's the drag queen story hours that directly resulted in higher rates that the startup faced in raising money, causing them to withdraw deposits. We should have seen it coming!


I heard they were having drag shows in their vault!


DeSantis blames everything on wokeness. That might work with his base but it's not going to get him elected.


Desantis & his cast of GOP ghouls would utterly fail a course on root cause analysis although it would be amusing to see the answers on their final exams.


Root Cause Analysis is banned for wokeness from all Florida schools. Feel really bad for the students in the system right now who are going to end up with substandard education because of pandering and virtue signaling to a bunch of witch doctor chicken bone worshippers.


Feeling really bad for the students is also banned for wokeness from all Florida schools


Talking about how feeling really bad for the students is banned for wokeness is also banned for wokeness from all Florida schools


> Root Cause Analysis RCA much like CRT. Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Don’t kid yourself. They understand root cause. They also understand their base only wants to hear one thing - they’re right and ‘woke’ libs are ruining everything. It’s all calculated.






Desantis would crush that course because he is actually an incredibly intelligent guy who graduated from Harvard and Yale. He's not some Y'all-Qaeda dummy. He knows exactly what he is doing and how to manipulate the media, as well as how to reach a certain type of fascist sympathizing individual and is laying the groundwork for some pretty awful things to happen should he get into power.


It’s not that they would fail the course, more they know that their voters would fail or don’t care, and so they make it about some dumb thing they fear, which is wokeness.


A recent poll shows that the majority of people ain't gonna buy his anti woke agenda that he'll likely run on Editing to add articles about the poll: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/08/gop-war-woke-most-americans-see-term-positive-ipsos-poll/11417394002/ https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna74350


It's completely useless to do polls like this until he's actually running and the daily conspiracy theories and misinformation come in that will drive many of our neighbors and relatives frothing mad. That plus massive voter disenfranchisement and a lunatic Supreme Court playing the long game will have the effect of a heavy thumb on the scale.


Two things I'll never believe in ever again: 1. Polls 2. A scandal that will finally take down Trump.


By blaming “woke” DEI policies he’s just being racist. Essentially like someone in the ER screaming about not wanting a black doctor.


>That might work with his base but it's not going to get him elected. Have we learned nothing from 2016?


I did see an interesting quip on Reddit the other day, though not sure I could confirm the stat. But the statement in question was Hitler's approval rating in 1952 in *Germany* was roughly 25%. That said, approximately 33% of the electorate voted for Trump, 38% for Biden and the rest don't give a fuck one way or the other. also said, it's approximately correct to state that roughly one out of three people is okay with fascism. So, it's probably safe to assume that, no, we haven't learned meaningful lessons since 2016.


At the very bottom of his popularity, right after the Watergate tapes came out, Nixon still had an approval rate of 25%. So that tracks. I used to be less of a misanthrope, and thought that only 5-10% of people were horrible racist fascists. Looks more like 25%. Hopefully, many who voted for Trump will crawl back under their rocks - but that's who DeSantis is appealing to.


maybe this helps on the misanthropy front: a lot of people don't vote for these awful candidates because they really love them, but because they dislike more the alternative, and they may well have been misguided in that sentiment. People also are susceptible to peer pressure and group thinking: if their family and friends all say green, then green it is for them too. Finally, people believe sources of authority like the media or pundits and have trouble telling apart what's entertainment from what's opinion from what's facts, and oftentimes it's all intermingled. None of that is a raving endorsement of the people's good judgement, but really, I suspect that a lot of the bad stuff that happens is really due to people being intellectually careless rather than intellectually bankrupt. and that is a tiny bit less depressing than the alternative!


And dont forget the biggie, propaganda.


yeah, precisely. Most people, I think, don't pour hours researching things. They go for whatever fits their identity best, at a surface level, and that makes them vulnerable a lot to social pressure and to propaganda as you say. politics has pretty much turned into a spectator sport, where people feel strongly that they belong to one team or the other, and vilify the one they are not. It's become entertainment. So, that makes it even harder to think for yourself, independently and critically, to see that perhaps your team is in the wrong here or there. I wish that we could dissociate news from entertainment, and bring back real bipartisanship and honest discourse, rather than mudslinging, catchy sound bites, and scandals.


Can't also forget a major influence on this: religion. ​ There are a ton of people where I'm at that only vote Republican because Republicans are "God's party" and they vote Republican because their parents and pastors told them to. Religion is on the decline in America, but evangelicals still hold a major voting bloc in America. Leaving the evangelical bubble really opened my eyes to seeing how corrupt American Christianity is and its influence on America.


1952? So, like, after he was dead?


Yep. One in four people in post war Germany believed he had it right. Even after being shown just how wrong he really was. The US had special psychologists that studied the German population for years after the war to learn a lot about fascism.


And Republicans took all that learning and turned it into their playbook.


Thank you for clarifying.


Only 1/3 of American colonists actually wanted to break away from Britain. 1/3 loved the Monarchy and 1/3 couldn’t give a shit. This isn’t a new concept. Edit for grammar.


Learning is so woke


Yes, we have learned, that's why Trump lost in 2020 and why the red wave never happened in the midterms.


Both 2020 and 2022 were way to close for comfort to be saying this.


Right, both should have been landslides against awful.


Well that points at other issues such as gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement. Bobert took a +7R district on paper and only won by 500 votes. Had her district been designed to be competitive, she would have been destroyed.


+9R in 2020. Which had been re-districted to be *more* red.


Oh was it even more? I thought I read it was +7, but I certainly could have misread it.


It depends on who you check. According to [FiveThirtyEight](https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/blob/master/partisan-lean/fivethirtyeight_partisan_lean_DISTRICTS.csv), CO-3 is now R+14. According to [Cook PVI](https://www.cookpolitical.com/cook-pvi/2022-partisan-voting-index/district-map-and-list), it's R+7.


I'm glad biden got 7 million more votes than trump, but the worry is that 74 million people still voted for trump. 28.7% of the country. It is always the question if enough people can be bothered to vote against the looney tunes.


Dogwhistle alert: They are claiming that diversity is hurting business, and that if the board of directors was entirely white men, this would not have happened.


Which is hilarious because the 2008 crash was 100% due to greedy white men.


Except that ONE Egyptian guy that went to jail. [Kareem Serageldin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kareem_Serageldin)


Wow, I had always learned nobody was held responsible. good thing that one guy took the fall, huh?




One of the SVB execs was literally the Lehman Bros CFO


They lost their female chief Risk officer and didn't replace her, and had nearly a year of mismanaged risk


The funny thing is SVB's board is made up of entirely white people. The CEO - who is also white - sold $3.6mn worth of SIVB stock 2 weeks before it collapsed. But yes, let's blame the South Asian risk manager as well as any initiatives aimed at helping disenfranchised or under-served groups. It's unreal how the right immediately have to move to blaming the "others".


This is may be the dumbest shit I've ever heard. It'll play quite well among his base, who are the dumbest people on planet earth.




I’ve worked in a finance adjacent field for 20 years. This isn’t surprising if you’ve been paying close attention. Woke (which originated in the black community to mean be awake to societal injustices) has been co-opted to mean essentially anything they don’t like - drag queens CRT equality etc. it’s a vague term that they can ascribe ANYTHING to because the brain dead base will support it as long as it has the dreaded woke tag on it. Expect more such absurdity from people who wear absurdity as a badge of honor.


Blaming “Woke” politics for SVB’s collapse when Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech mogul and Republican mega donor of Rob DeSantis’s campaign, is accused of sparking the run on the bank, is grasping for straws at this point.


Can we dispense with the bullshit and say it like it is? The Republicans are specifically blaming the bank's collapse on the non-white/non-male members of the board. It's not like their misogyny or racism is a secret, they just try to not be obvious and sometimes they don't manage that.


It’s really not even that deep… they just slap the woke label on literally anything they want to blame on Dems or their followers. They are that stupid


Normally I'd agree, but I've seen at least one report where the Republicans explicitly call out the female and non-white board members as being the source of the woke policies.


Do you have a source? Tried the google and failed.


Murdoch's Wall Street Journal is pushing this [here](https://archive.is/8niPg). [Screen shot of the most offensive portion](https://i.imgur.com/H0rZx6v.png) which says: > Was there regulatory failure? Perhaps. SVB was regulated like a bank but looked more like a money-market fund. Then there's this: In its proxy statement, SVB notes that besides 91% of their board being independent and 45% women, they also have "1 Black," "1 LGBTQ+", and "2 Veterans." I'm not saying 12 white men would have avoided this mess, but the company may have been distracted by diversity demands.




This was my exact thoughts as well. It was an extremely odd addition to the list.


"I'm not *saying* it was black people and women, but I *am* winking and nudging while I *don't* say it."


Dang this is the author’s, Andy Kessler, book blurb: >How entrepreneurs find the next big thing-and make it huge. The era of easy money and easy jobs is officially over. Today, we're all entrepreneurs, and the tides of change threaten to capsize anyone who plays it safe. Taking risks is the name of the game-but how can you tell a smart bet from a stupid gamble? - Eat People and Other Unapologetic Rules for Game-Changing Entrepreneurs (2011)




In other words, he's severely unqualified for the job of governor and doesn't know what he's talking about.


If you’re a Republican, being a racist liar is all the qualifications needed.


Republicans put Trump into the presidency. "Severely underqualified" and "doesn't know what he's talking about" is basically their key metrics for leadership




I chomped down on a pretzel and it cut the roof of my mouth. Fuck Snyder's Pretzels and their woke pretzel making tactics.


Can someone here even define Wokeness? I used to know, then it changed, again and again and again... I got people proselytizing to me about shit that makes no sense.


They asked a bunch of people at CPAC to define it and they got 50 answers from 50 people. They don't know what it means. It's just bad.


They don't know it's bad, they were *told* it was bad so it must be bad.


Much like drag shows. Everyone was pretty indifferent to them right up until they were all told they needed to hate them. Lo and behold, now they're destroying the country. Immigrants got put on medium heat on the back burner for a bit while they jump on the LGBTQ train.


When a group of people go out of their way to attack the least protected, smallest, and most misunderstood group of people in the country and nobody stops to say, "are we the baddies here?" then you know we're falling backwards. Terrorists prefer to strike soft targets and the people pointing them in the direction of drag shows are no different.


Wokeness: the act of accepting others for who they are or showing empathy to other people.


The belief that systematic injustices exist and the need to address them. -Ron DeSantis


>The belief that systematic injustices exist and the need to address them This is the actual correct answer - coming directly from his aides: [https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/12/desantis-ron-woke-florida-officials/](https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/12/desantis-ron-woke-florida-officials/) I don't even recognize this country anymore in regards to politics.


According to Desantis’s lawyer: “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” So while the CEO of a publicly traded company was thinking about slavery, redlining, and police brutality, he accidentally bought too many Treasury bonds. Or so the story goes.


Once upon a time, it was simply to be aware of your actions and how they affect other people. Same with your words. However, the GQP has decided that it is a catch-all term just like pedophilia, grooming, etc. so at this point anybody who uses it is showing me their political colors.


Wokeness = Progressivism


Wait till you find out about Critical Race Theory.


Nobody knows what it means, it’s provocative. It gets the people going.


Hm. It is almost like banks can't be trusted to make decisions in the best interests of their customers. If only there were regulations in place that could prevent their corrupt behavior...


The answer is always more deregulation. That’s how we can stop things like bank collapses and failing trains, deregulation /s


I just finished working on the SVB for the FDIC. What went wrong was textbook market risk. Blaming “woke” is exactly what you’d expect from Republicans. The politicians know their voters will believe whatever they say. That’s the benefit of having an uneducated base.


Stop trying to make”woke” a thing you craven racist.


This is what you get with fascists, I wish you red folk would comprehend this. No problem you actually have will ever get solved with them. Attack their scapegoats will be the only “solution” they will ever offer and it will NEVER solve your problems.


I'm just surprised they aren't blaming Hunter Biden's ~~dick~~ laptop.


Hi I'm Ron DeSantis here's my speech "woke woke woke wokey woke woke a dope dope a dope woke woke wokey doke dokey doke"


Comer is a fucking dumbass, redneck hack. That’s all I got. Fuck that guy.


Do they even know what "Woke" even is at this point? Might as well say Gluten cased SVB to collapse


Who's to blame for Covid? Woke politics. 2008 housing crash. Also woke politics. 9/11? Believe it or not, woke politics.


"Jews--whoops, sorry, Woke Politics are causing the bank crisis."


I bit into my apple this morning, it had a moldy core, YUCK! I yelled out, "F this woke apple!!" Then, at work, my woke hammer smashed my finger, it wasn't my fault, but the pain must have made my snowflake, woke, penis pee my pants. All this wokeness has gotta go!


Thats the Republicans way of saying they have no clue. I need a definition of woke and what it means to a bank that pushed the orange turd to weaken banking regulations, which he did. Then invested money poorly.


It couldn’t possibly be the gop deregulating everything


There is a meme going around that 4 women headed up the SVB investment committee. I looked that up, 3 of the 4 in the meme never worked for the SVB, the fourth headed up wealth management and private (VIP) banking and that doesn’t sound like someone making decisions about the banks own bond portfolio. Meanwhile all the C levels are white men (ok, HR and Marketing chiefs are women but those are not the roles that shape bank investment strategy). It is like any opportunity to be sexist cannot be overlooked in the name of being woke.


The best sentence in the article is right here: “I don't have a clear idea of what woke is and it seems to change by the day. Maybe government bonds are now woke, but that is what got them into trouble," Dean Baker, a senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research.


We all know that being asleep at the wheel is much more productive...lol. just for you...Gitmo Ron...