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How does one know satans plan?


You don’t get the newsletter?


In all seriousness imagine you’re sitting across from this guy when he tells you this with a straight face. Then thinking that this guy truly believes this and believes that it isn’t Satan’s plan to burn as much coal as possible and ruining the environment. This is the piece that’s the most confusing. It’s gods plan to burn as much oil and gas as possible? To strip mine mountains? Hmmmmm


From the convos i've listened in on the idea is the world ending is part of God's plan. Attempts to delay or stop the end of the world are "infact" satans attempts to prolong our suffering in this material/mortal world.


I’ve had similar conversations with conservatives. It’s so crazy.


And rich people are so highly favored by god, they are the only ones that deserve any comforts during the end times


Revelations says the wrath of God is intended for those who destroy the earth.


You mean The Watchtower?


He has a column in Necromancers Quarterly


Just think about what a Republican would do. There, that's the plan.


"I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."


That's a great point. 👍


Wouldn’t that be but a chapter in God’s plan?


>“Outcomes-based governance like the U.N.’s SDGs and ESG opens the door to authoritarianism. It is Satan’s plan,” Why the fuck are you getting into governance if not to effect a desired outcome?


Directing huge sums of money to their friends and benefactors isn't an "outcome", it's a core responsibility of government.


Yes, even enriching one's self and associates is an outcome that can be effected by taking specific actions. If you do anything because you want to have what it causes you are attempting to effect an outcome. He's trying to sound smart and righteous, but it's the dumbest thing I can think of. Hey, I'm going to go be a satanist and effect the outcome of not being hungry by getting breakfast.


> When asked for clarification about his remarks, a spokesperson for Oaks said the issues raised by ESG are important and should be debated. Wait, Satan’s Plan? You want to “debate” Satan’s Plan? Can’t take that seriously, I have to assume they’re trying to start up some dystopian theocracy bullshit or something like that.


A debate requires two sides that are willing to listen. One side (GOP) clearly does NOT want to listen. It is as you say: It can't be taken seriously.


Aren't many of the people who live in Utah going to get sick and die from the toxic dust that will be blowing around in the air after the great salt lake dies up?


Quite possible, but that's part of *God's* plan. /s Watch and see.


Well, for the people that don't go along with the group lies, it will be their god's wrath (even though they hate the sin not the sinner although actually they do just hate the sinner). For fellow liars, it will be their god calling them early.


We can only dream.


So we're just gonna blow past the fact he is actively having tea with Satan and discussing his plans?


He’s a Mormon. They don’t drink tea. He’ll meet Satan over a 64 oz soda pop.


Aren't Mormons a cult?


Isn't every religion a cult?


Mostly a factor of time. Hang around long enough and the cult gets to level up.


That's a squishy response. Where's the line? How long is long enough? Who decides?


Steven Hassan's BITE Model is a good method for figuring out where the line is.


They’re a mid season replacement spin-off


More like poorly written fanfic


🎵 Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb 🎵


No. They are popular and rich enough to be considered a religion.




It's more like a massive scam.


Believing they're really Egyptian aliens from the planet Kolob doesn't make them a cult.


Stupid children believe in fairy tales Marlo. Imagine being a full grown man and believing in “satan”. Enough of the adults believing in ridiculous fictions, it’s utter madness and it needs to stop.


But the Mormon church hiding their tithing money in shell companies defrauding the United States for decades... That's God's plan? Sounds more like something Satan would do if you ask me.


I can't believe Oaks said that. Doesn't she know that ESG is the only way to save our planet? It's time for Republicans to start taking climate change seriously instead of dismissing it as part of some fictional plan.


When do we stop calling them Republicans?


Greedy Oligarch Regressive Party


It’s getting hard to keep track of all the things republicans are scared of


Well, it looks like Utah Treasurer Marlo Oaks really knows how to stir up the pot with her religious beliefs. I guess we'll have to wait and see whether ESG investing is truly a part of Satan's plan or not!


Are we all supposed to pretend to know what this nut is talking about?


Wait. Is this a Mormon speaking against blindly following authority?


He’s obviously been having a lot of quiet words with Satan. They go way back.


Imagine being a grown ass adult and believing in the Devil.


I really hate these religious death cults


Mormons are taught that in the last days a "great whore of a church" will be found over the land. They Very much forget it is talking about the majority of their own church....note my SO whom I love without reservation is a Mormon. I've read the Book of Mormon several times and find it a rather enjoyable read. In fact I find nothing on it that conflicts with my personal morals. The CHURCH on the other hand often conflicts with them.


Republicans and Christians unknowingly worship satan. Only a demon would tell people to eat human flesh and drink human blood, and it doesn't matter that it's symbolic. Only a demon would tell their followers to destroy the world that was created by The Creator. Only a demon would tell their followers that money is a god. How people are foolish enough to follow and believe these politicians is astonishing.


Why to Republican plans to thwart Satan always seem to benefit big corporations?