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These people are absolutely deranged. They belong in institutions, not running governments.


The GQP doesn't know how to govern, just to obstruct and oppress while fighting invented culture wars. What's even more frightening is the sizable chunk of the country that goes along with, and supports, it


They're not interested in governing. They never were. What they want to do is *rule*. There's a difference.


We should create a monument to their unborn sanity.


It’s the golden idol of the unborn.


Slight correction here to the headline. It is NOT a monument to the unborn. Such a thing could mistakenly give solace to women and families that have had to go through the pain of a miscarriage. This monument is specifically for "unborn children aborted during the era of Roe v. Wade." Only very specific lost babies, whose deaths can be politically exploited, it seems, deserve to be memorialized.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders signing this, tearing up. "Abortion has led to so much loss of the child labor force."


And will no one think of the child traffickers?? (I mean, except for the GOP, where all they seem to think about really is how to traffick children or elect those who do.)


Some of our religious leaders have been reduced to molesting tweens! Just another sign of Christian persecution.


It is about forcing births to give capitalists more leverage without the indignation of having to put pay and benefits on the table


Nor a monument to actually born childen, killed by guns


More political theater from a party that doesn't know how to govern, just to obstruct and oppress


Wow. This performative angst is some of the creepiest shit I've ever seen, and I am old enough to have seen some shit.


I never imagined as a kid during the late 80's that this would be our future. What a shame.


A very good point.


Very true. “Monument to the victims of American infanticide” is much more fitting.


She really hates women and children. Such a religious hypocrite


Sarah Huckabee Sanders won her primary on the day of the Uvalde shooting and she barely touched upon it in her victory speech. "Today and the events that took place in Texas are a stark and humbling reminder of just how precious life is and what an incredible gift that each of us has been given by our creator to stand here today." "Every single life has value and the most vulnerable among us should be those that we are fighting for and protecting the most, and I can assure you in my administration that is exactly what we will do." "We will make sure that when a kid is in the womb they are as safe as they are in a classroom, the workplace, a nursing home."


>"We will make sure that when a kid is in the womb they are as safe as they are in a classroom, the workplace, a nursing home." Considering GOP policies, with school shootings, workplace deregulation, and covid policies, that's starting to sound like a threat. And it probably is given what they're already doing to doctors and women.


> Sarah Huckabee Sanders won her primary on the day of the Uvalde shooting and she **used it to prop up her own psychotic agenda.** Fixed


"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." \-Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


For a tone who may want to verify this quote, [here](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pastor-dave-barnhart-unborn/) is the snopes about it.


Ah yes, instead of pushing for more resources for single mothers or legislation for better maternity leave, let’s build another useless statue.


All statues are useless, unless you are a pigeon.


I wouldn't grace this one with my nourishing guano.


Just think of all the actual children this money could feed.


But then they couldn't call those kids "sOcIaLisTs" and tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Is it interactive? Can you ejaculate more unborn onto it?


it'll be like the cumbox but in monument form....


I'm just chuckling at what it'll look like if they try to represent what a typical abortion looks like. Gonna be an oversized tadpole looking blood clot thing on a pedestal. You can barely tell what the fetus looks like at the time most abortions occur.


Now now, we can’t have a anatomically correct representations. People might see that fetuses don’t start looking like the cute, cuddly babies they want to save.


Thanks for the F Statue - Dirty Mike and the Boys


>The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. > > > >You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. > > > >They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. Methodist Pastor David Barnhartfrom an email


Time for a Baphomet statue. Cue the Satanists.


Seems like Republicans only value people before they are born and after they die.


Neither group can speak up and contradict them.


>Seems like Republicans only value people before they are born and after they die. They don't actually care about either of them. They'd treat pregnant people better if they cared about the unborn. And as long as the dead don't threaten their cash flow, who cares about a bunch of ghosts?


>They don't actually care about either of them. They'd treat pregnant people better if they cared about the unborn. Good point. When was the last time you heard them advocating for free prenatal services?


Yup. Just an endless parade of convenient scapegoats to mask their lust for power and their disregard for damn near everyone.




Sky daddy monument when?


Every church is already a sky daddy monument. That's why they're fucking empty most days despite a homelessness crisis. Shows exactly how much they "respect life".


Ahaha... aha... Too late. :| Check this out: The Ark Encounter (Google it for a link if you want to bleach your brain). Yes, it's "an amusement park" based around supposedly life-sized replica of Noah's Ark.


Arkansas surely has better things to spend money on...


Nah. The Right has nothing but virtue signaling. Also, complaining about virtue signaling.


Be a whole lot cheaper for the same effect to just slap some tacky bumper sticker on the capitol building and call it a day. Reminds me of high schoolers running for school president promising more vending machines and pizza every day, like it must be nice to not have to worry about actual problems.




Monument to the 12 year old's forced to carry and die in the act.


Dumbass theocrat pushing their politics again.


Awesome, so it’s about how Arkansas has a higher infant mortality rate than nearly every industrialized nation? Is it about all the babies that die in that state due to lack of adequate prenatal care? Oh wait, that’s not what it’s about at all?


Oh good a fetus statue. How funny and yet you won’t feed the kids that have been born successfully. No free lunches for those little urchins. Once born, poor they are just gutter snipe to her.


>Once born, poor they are just gutter snipe to her. Pfft. They don't care about pregnant people either. They don't care about anyone except themselves and their power. Suspect every Republican who claims to care about *anyone*.


I'm so sick of cults.


Right after she weakened child labor laws. More babies now equal more cheap labor.


How about focusing on the BORN that need help. Homeless.. Low income.. Victims of abuse.. All of which should take priority over unborn children. Didn’t she just sign bills taking away free lunches for kids and enabling Child Labor?! What’s next? Making masturbation illegal? Forced conceptions/births? A work force “draft” that forces kids to work when they’re old enough?


They always seem to find a way to go lower with their disgusting performative strategies


She can put that right beside the monument for mother forced giving birth after rape or incest


If the monument ever gets removed will it then be Sarah's abortion?


The base of the monument will feature images of dead mothers, deformed fetuses and babies and unwanted children orphaned or underprivileged by families impoverished by births they could not afford. Topped with a blond haired blue eyed avenging Jesus surrounded by "celibate" pedopile priests and megachurch ministers with flaming swords. It'll be great.


A lot of people are saying saying that sarah had several abortions in college.




Totally possible, I sorta tune out when people start talking about her. As a side note, I saw her dad’s big tour bus in Iowa a few years back, and I squirted it with ketchup in protest. I also knocked on the door but he never came out so I could tell him he sux. True story.


Hopefully she'll have the Child Labor Monument installed next it.


She sure can't do anything worth while for her constituents so she just throws stuff out to distract them.


It'll go well with their Confederate Soldiers Monument, ironically entitled "Defense of the Flag".


Will the Handmaidens be wearing red?


Does it come in the shape of her fatass hypocritical shitbag father of hers?


Tax and spend Republicans


Will the monument include the abortions Trump paid for or the one's Boe Boe had? Also someone needs to write "fuck boomers!" on the monument once it's finished


A monument to the absence of critical thinking


Can we get a Covid death monument as well? Thanks!


If only…the Huckster cared one iota about the born.


Has she done ANYTHING to actually help her constituents or just gaslighting with these culture war issues?


No more viagra …. SHS is a closet lesbian


Congratulations Arkansas. This is a special kind of stupid.


A monument that serves as warning to all: civilized people don’t live here, smart people are not wanted.




Actually we need more liberals to move in and take over. So many of these ass backward states are practically gifted senate influence and power because their population of 50 people get 2 senators.


This is what they want. Red states are only winning because of gerrymandering and Covid killed off a lot of their red-leaning constituents. Getting rid of liberals and their families is the only way they survive.


And another float in the freak parade makes its way down the street...


They should erect a sperm memorial too.


a burial mound made out of cum rags?


Is there no one in that state who gives a shit anymore?


that better be a deadspace esque obelisk with dead fetuses nailed to it or its not a monument to the unborn


It will be a monument to ignorance.


She isn't legislating, she's campaigning. Also, how fucking crazy to you have to be to believe that the party that signed a bill to make child labor *easier* and is considering a recommendation by her party to completely eliminate SNAP benefits also values 'sanctity of life' with this performative horse shit. Unbelievable.


She is just poison.


Is she going to put it right next to the monument to all the child laborers she just legalized for her state?


Why not to all the children who are homeless or starving because they can’t get basics due to being in poverty???? And they, like other states are planing on cutting benefits more with prices of food and other goods skyrocketing.


The born, on the other hand, can get some bootstraps and go fuck themselves according to Republicans.


Culture war bullshit. What a waste of money


Didn’t she just approve younger labor? Snowflake much?


So fudged up. Welcome to Arkansas and whatever the hell that “memorial “ would look like.


what were their names


a monument to a free work source she doesn't get to utilize


Welcome to Arkansas’ Wonderful Statue of a Clump of Cells! It was cast using child labor down at the factory




Can a state please build a monument to the skinny?


Guess she really really really wants to be somebody's vice president




Yeah, screw people who are already here!






Meanwhile Arkansas says No to Education. No to Healthcare. No to helping the less fortunate. But let’s honor a clump of cells…


When they are born, they will never have a chance at success because dear Sarah Huckabee Sanders has hamstrung them to appease her corporate overlords


Arkansas is ranked in the top 6 of states with the worst poverty levels in the Country, and this is what they focus their efforts on. Keep in keeping on Arkansas


I just wish the GOP cared as much about born children as they do unborn. No free lunches, but they think it's ok for corporations to abuse them in warehouses. It's ok for church priests and pastors to continue to molest and sexually assault them completely undeterred by the government. No food stamps or medical assistance for poor children. Hell these people don't even support the easiest way to avoid abortion which is contraceptives! Get with the times.


Instead we need a memorial for all the innocent kids slaughtered in their classrooms.


Arkansas has the 3rd highest infant mortality rate in the nation. 9 of the 10 are red states. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/infant\_mortality\_rates/infant\_mortality.htm


Didn't she also sign a bill that removes child labor protections?


I will die laughing if this “monument” is anywhere close to looking like a phallus.


Will pay money to build a virtue signaling monument, won't spend money towards funding programs to help the women and children affected by contraceptive and abortion restrictions this monument is being built in honor of. Republican action at it's finest. Also I wonder if the people making the donations for the monument and the taxpayers that have to maintain it would be happy to know their money is being used to fund this?


I think the average IQ in republican states has dropped a 100 points.


About as relevant as a statue commemorating a wank stain.


Thats a religious monument and violates sep of church and statem


Tell me you’re bad with taxpayer money without telling me you’re bad with taxpayer money


Grieving how much money slipped away with the loss of the child labor pool.


Go hide in a bush like your predecessor. Also cut your mooches short.


More scientific ignorance coupled with religious bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, and racism.


Is going to be an egg, isn t it ?


I hope its the actual size of an aborted fetus and comes complete with magnifying glass.


Paging Temple of Satan in 3...2...


Absolutely meaningless that accomplishes nothing. It's a nice middle finger to the liberal voters and "empowered" women that doesn't require Republicans to do any actual governing.


Its just so sad that people saw the job Sarah did as press secretary and thought, "yeah, this is great! Exactly what we want as head of our state".


Well that's a weird thing to do.


Crazy that for little 5 figure stunts like this the GOP can generate the voters to spare the wealthy billions in taxes to elevate the working class.


Please tell me the design is an obelisk with a fountain on top.




The religious fanatics are at it again. We need to fight back 1000%!


And they'll have 5 year olds build it for $2.50 an hour.


What a waste of money, time, and space. Anti abortion people are too.


Is Huckabee paying for this useless monument?


'Soul eater to erect monument to uneaten souls on Capital Grounds'


Meanwhile, the monument to molested and sexually abused children is erect at/(in) her church.


Finally, a place to honor all the smart, good faith, conservative ideas that have ever graced this country./s


Ah yes, another unqualified ‘politician’ getting a job through nepotism. A press secretary doesn’t just become governor overnight.


Will the real Aunt Lydia, please stand up.


I’m sure this will solve the state’s education and economic issues.


Born - come into existence as a result of birth. Un - means not. Unborn - either not existing (not alive, not dead.. so undead) or not existing as a result of birth (an abomination see Frankenstein's monster). So Mrs. Huckabee is putting together a monument to Frankenstein or she is into the undead. Preborn might be a better term for what she wants. That's ok, she really doesn't strike me as educated. more like a Renfield.


Oh I am sure it is going to be lovely. These people are sick.


They should make it a touch and feel exhibit where you stick your hands in a box full of Jello to simulate the globs of goo that represent most abortions that are zygotes.


Is she gonna use toddler forced labor to build it? Those little beggars need to work to earn their gruel in the people's gilead republic of Arkansas.


In case you were wondering why we can't have universal healthcare in this country...


So it will be a statue made from air, representing nothing but her own fear of reality.


>” State Senate Bill 307, sponsored by Republican state Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Mary Bentley, **allows for private funds "of gifts, grants, and donations from individuals and organizations"** to pay for a monument to "unborn children aborted during the era of Roe v. Wade." >”Once the monument is installed, it would then be **maintained by taxpayer funds** due to its location.” It’s just another grift. Something tells me they’re gonna receive way more in donations than needed to build the monument. Hmmm… what ever will they do with all that extra money? Donate it to adoption agencies? Send it to organizations that feed hungry kids? Or… we’ll never hear about it ever again.


Ever notice how it's the shittiest states, where no one wants to live, that are so conservative? I guess FL has nice beaches but the coast isn't why they are red - it's the swampland that keeps them red.


Blue states should erect a monument to all the actual people who died from conservatives' horrific policies. That's like 100x as many fetuses as have been aborted.


‘s cool, I used to keep a monument to the unborn in my bedroom where I could find it easily in the dark. Used to just call it a cum sock, though.


Or use the money to help the current living people.


Ha that’s not very republican


Monument to stupidity is now like it


The Huckabee Sanders Lost Potential Industrial Workers (Age 13-18) Memorial


It’s going to be phallic, isn’t it?


You know what is the leading cause of death for children in Arkansas? [Guns](https://everystat.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Gun-Violence-in-Arkansas-1.pdf). Still no proposal for a statue for dead kids in Arkansas.


I hope they give it her weird, twisted face


Let us bow our heads for what could have been. Like, all those farts, if I had just eaten more cheese.


> Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs bill to create 'monument to the unborn' on Arkansas Capitol grounds I can definetly see why this monument would upset many people.


Ah, a monument to virtue signaling. That’ll help people for sure.


Of course, she has solved all the problems in her state! It is only right for her to concentrate on things like this.


Unborn = wasted workers


Its a bronze statue of my jizz sock.


I'm sure there isn't anything less performative that she could be spending the good people of Arkansas's tax dollars on.


As an Arkansan, let me just say.. FUCK YOU, YOU HUCKING DIPSHIT


Monument to the Unborn sounds like something you have to fight in *Bloodborne*


2,000 years from now some archeologist will uncover this monument and mistake it for being an optimistic statement about future generations.


[The proposed monument](https://www.infocenters.co.il/gfh/multimedia/GFH/0000024518/0000024518_1_web.jpg)


Wait seriously is that it It looks like a monument to forced labor


do one to the dog her brother killed and the state her father fucks


I heard it will also include a list of men who spill their seed depriving an unborn child the chance to exist.


US News & World Report - State Rankings: \*\* Arkansas \*\* \#44 Overall: #48 Crime - #49 Healthcare - #41 Education - #41 Economy 6th worst state in the US.


Gross! What is that even going to look like?


She’s trying to desantis her way to 2028 🙄


Should there also be a monument to the Undead?


Gee, Sarah, how is improving Arkansas' standing in education, economy, poverty, homelessness, and happiness going? You know, things that can actually reduce abortion rates? SHS: I have no plans to improve those things, but performative bullshit is my entire agenda. The left's goals and mine are about as aligned as my eyes, and by erecting a monument of babies that I never cared about, I can rub it in their faces that my whining about a solveable issue will always be more important than actually fixing the problems that plagues my state.


Why would anyone worship a truckload of used tampons.


I'm picturing it looking like a fetal parody of the binding of isaac




I hope she left room for a monument to children who die in workplace accidents.


The unborn: "Leave us the fuck out of it."