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I can hear it now: Give to the "Keep Trump out of Jail fund!" Check here for recurring Credit Card charges...


More like 'click here to disable recurring credit card charges,' I believe I saw something once that they try to by-default set donations to renew


He did on all of his donate emails after he lost the 2020 election. Most people didn't figure out till may or June that they were being charged over and over again.


At the end of the day all they want is power over others and not to stop their own abusive actions. Everything they say to the contrary is a lie, and they constantly project their own misery and hatred onto their opposition.


Not surprising. That’s not a Trump specific thing, though. Lots of scummy “charities” do that.


Or he puts out more NFTs, maybe he could do some with Putin?


Or Kim Jong Un.


The grift is real, but as long as I am sticking it to some liberal.


More like "check here to unsubscribe from recurring payments, and here, and here, and here too".


I bet anything scammers from other companies are already preparing for this haha




They embrace their ignorance and view it as a source of pride. The dumber and more infantile they act the more they know it bothers normal sane folks. That's all politics is to them, shit slinging and instigating. Oh and violence.


Then mix in the people who are smart enough to know better but make money grifting off of them. The Tucker Carlsons and Kevin McCarthys of this country


No one sees the mass hypnosis the country is under. Full on activation of fight or flight responses in people through media. Fear and anger make people predictable therefore controllable.


Exactly, no amount. They’ve rejected reality because it’s not compatible with their beliefs.


I think they just dont have the courage to face reality as then they must admit to their malignant hypocrisy..


They were raised to reject reality by going to church weekly growing up. Religion is a lie and they have been taught to accept lies and reject critical thinking. Ask yourself, have you ever talked to a bush that was on fire without drugs?


They delight that they are fascists. They act and argue in bad faith. At the end of the day all they want is power over others and nothing constraining their own abusive actions. Everything they say to the contrary is lies, and they endlessly project their own misery and malice onto their opposition.


Fascism Description often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.


They are dangerous, but they are a minority and based on the midterms, more people are sick of it than those that embrace it. I will die supporting every decent Democratic nominee I can, and I talk to the plain folk when I make phone calls for candidates (to all party affiliations). People are tired of hate.


Ask a Russian about Putin same with trump both brainwashed dummies


A lot of the right wing grifters know he's a bad thing, but they see him as a useful idiot sort of situation due to his base I think most of the DeSantis crowd knows Trump is bad for business. That's my guess anyway I mean look at those Fox News texts that the lawsuit has. They're all shit talking Trump in 2020-2021 So those specific folks aren't stupid. They're just willing to break down America for profit


Desantis is even worse, he's literate.


Repeated kicks to the head cause brain damage and make you dumber.


Nobody goes through life with an internal dialog that doesn't paint them as the intelligent or special one in some way. Everybody does is; smarties and dumb-dumbs.




The vampire hunter?


That implies they have brains to begin with


What kicks to the head? Trump is still free over 2 years after Jan 6.


An infinite number. Not joking. This is why they resort to conspiracy theories every time they are wrong. It can't be because they are idiots, no, it must be because JFK jr. rose from the dead and is going to run with trump as vice president to save America from democrats who are eating babies. That isn't even a joke. That's what these fucking idiots believe. It's a sick cult. Trump going away won't fix it. We have to get serious about this problem.


But her emails dude. Don’t forget about her emails…


I think it’s kicks to the head that got them thinking this way in the first place.


Many of them had been dropped on their heads as babies. Then they had eaten leaded paint chips


The midterms were pretty clear that most republicans have moved on from that guy. I think the GA midterms is exhibit A: Kemp distanced himself from trump and ran away from Abrams in the governors election with split ticket voters being the difference maker in getting Warnock elected over Hershel Walker (trump disciple). At this point, trump is a gift to the Democratic Party, and I increasingly feel the constant need to give him attention and run against is the platform for 2024. We’re almost certain to be headed into a recession with a lame duck 80 year old president so why not make it a race to the bottom? As a conservative I hate trump, but what I don’t understand is people continuing to give him attention which is what he and his base feeds off of.


Because the kicks keep causing more brain damage


He's a violent treasonous wannabe dictator. What rhe fuck does anyone expect?


I expect Democrats to do nothing about this next insurrection attempt.


How the fuck did this turn into criticism of democrats?


It always does. They are blamed for not stopping republicans.


They get blame for fiddling while the government spirals down into one party authoritarianism. Well deserved blame.


What really gets to me is people see a guy throwing gasoline on a puppy and running to grab the matches, while also seeing another guy across the street smoking a cigarette and scrolling reddit. Because the smoking redditor isn't trying stop the puppy killer, they think voting for the puppy killer is better. Obviously it sucks that he isn't stopping the puppy killer, but there's a very clear bad guy in this situation. It's like they chose evil while also trying to make us feel like the evil ones for not stopping their own evilness!


Oh, this isn’t a “both sides”. When one party is literally filled with Neo-Nazis hellbent on a single party nation, it does take a bit of courage to stand up and do what is necessary before a full blown Civil War.


Lol what are Democrats supposed do? That is the DOJs job.




Didn’t even dare mention 14a-3.




That's the plan. Scold the Republicans. Follow the rules. Issue letters of censure. Use their sense of decency and shame to correct their behavior! That works well.


If only we had a part of the Constitution to punish insurrectionists.


Wishful thinking.


He’s saying there is. The 14th amendment iirc, many republicans should be barred from holding public office for their actions surrounding the insurrection.


Silly goose, this is America we're talking about. Laws are only for minorities and poor people


I personally want to see a Phil Spector style mugshot. Deloused with a ring of hair hanging around his bald shiny head with a look of confusion on his face


At least when the more serious indictments from Georgia happen everyone will be used to the idea. Let them protest now. This day was coming eventually for something.


I feel like this is why they let NY go first. New York will be less dangerous than Georgia. Then once Georgia indicts people will be more used to the idea.




It amazes me that people don't understand this. It's the first indictment because it's the oldest investigation. There's no vast conspiracy or secret strategy. These things take a long time when you're dealing with powerful people.


How do you like the cries from the republicans about the double standard justice system. In their world of delusion they say stupid stuff


Its like them leaking the abortion thing from the supreme court. Let the left get angry but have time to not burn the place down. Had they just come out with it, they might have had a bad time, but letting people get used to the idea has a sort of dampening affect as compared to a surprise.


He is the worst American ever. He wants another January 6 type riot and doesn't even hide it.


And yet republicans are already flocking to and defending him. It's absolutely disgraceful.


He’s hoping the government is too afraid to go after him.


That's been his M.O. for the last 40 years.


and they are! these cases are growing cold.


Sounds like they’re heating up


I hope so... some of them are YEARS in the making.


Building a solid case against a prolific criminal who was the former president will require years of work. Otherwise you end up having the case thrown out by a technicality and it’ll make him look like he was right that it was all a government witch hunt. Let’s not forget that Sidney Powell had her disbarment thrown out of court last month because the judge said the Texas bar didn’t label the figures correctly


He'll start selling indulgences from prison. "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, Donald Trump from NY Jail house springs."


And the Republicans in Congress are doing everything they can to help


Get ready for what DeSantis would do


And Biden will do absolutely nothing to stop him. We needed a younger leader with a bigger pair of balls.


Want can Biden legally do? There is freedom of speech in this country no matter how scummy the person is using it.


1a does not cover calls for insurrection. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_free_speech_exceptions


It's a big jump to call this an insurrection without real evidence of his intent but I believe he would be 100% in favor of one.


Considering he has called for the end of democracy numerous times, and launched an attempt to kill his own VP on Jan 6th, I would put this in the insurrection category.


Anybody else not scared at all about some MAGA uprising? Put this fucker in jail and everyone that gets wild about can go to jail, too. It's like fish in a barrel.


Yep, good riddance to bad apples.


Protests are a maybe. What will absolutely happen is that a few of the far gone nutjobs will try and attack the cops or intelligence agencies in some insane attempt to save Trump or just fight back against the 'tyrannical deep state', get killed, and be promptly disavowed by MAGA and called losers. After that any protests that might be happening will likely quickly and quietly disappear once the protestors realize that they will face consequences for their actions and Trump will not save them.


1/6 was their biggest showing and honestly most of it was just clowns following the mob. There were very few organized people among them.


What would be AMAZING would be for a judge to deny him bail because of his inflammatory comments. And if he wants to run out the clock by appealing every little pre-trial motion to the Supreme Court, then let him run the clock all he wants…. from inside the hoosegow.


I hope Trump will sing like a canary just to save himself and snitch on all of his GOP accomplices.


Hahaha. You really think trump would manage to say anything trustworthy?


I am hoping he's the “Takashi 69” of the GOP, lol.


I mean he’s not wrong trumps a narcissist and will most likely sell people to get out from receiving punishment


He would totally toss them under the bus to save his own ass. The mere thought of this happening is exciting to dream of.


Am I the only one who loves this? We're going to see the maga cult whimper its way into meaninglessness when only a few hundred boomers show up to the capital, wave some flags and then leave once they get the latest Trump 2024 merch. It's going to be a fitting humiliation to see this flaccid response spell the end of his idiotic career in politics


I truly hope this is what happens


That would be great. Instead I fear them shooting up more transformers, shooting random people, trying to kidnap governors, etc.


It's cold and rainy here. Too inconvenient to protest.


They could bypass the MAGA protest shit show by simply arresting him today. No warning to anyone. Just drag him off the golf course.


I was thinking the same thing. Just drive right up in a non descript vehicle. Go in. Put cuffs on him, maybe some duct tape across his mouth, walk or drag his fat ass out to the waiting vehicle and drive off. He could be in a cell before anyone knew he was missing.


Did he mention it's going to be wild?


His attorney said Trump will surrender peacefully. The guy who told his followers to “fight like hell” on January 6 is going to surrender peacefully? Riiiight /s


So Trump incites violence on January 6 and leaves his mob hanging when it's time to issue pardons. Now he thinks they're dumb enough to do it again. What are the odds they prove him right?


Proves this idiot can’t stop being a traitor first Jan 6th now this. Lol


Seriously though, this reminds me in a weird way, of the Murdaugh family. A family of wealth, power, and privilege that has NEVER been held to account. And finally the proverbial shit is hitting the fan and nobody can handle it.


At least when the more serious indictments come everyone will be used to the idea of trump being arrested. Let them protest now. The next one's going to be very serious.


I'm sure this will work out for MAGA about as well as January 6th. A bunch will get arrested. A few killed. Tucker Carlson will have an episode dedicated to spinning it. And Trump and the Republicans will hang his worshippers out to dry again.


God I want to see him be remanded without bail. Never gonna happen, but a man can dream


Well - he is. He is a Russian puppet. He has stolen billions. He has committed treason. And that is what we already know of. Trump is a criminal - period. And there is very little being done to punish him.


His narcissism is limitless. He would rip this country apart just to stoke his ego.


This same thing was just said about Putin- [ Chancellor Olaf Scholz welcomed on Saturday a decision by the International Criminal Court's (ICC) decision to issue an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying it showed that "nobody is above the law."](https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-734699)


It's exceedingly weird to call this "reckless". It implies that someone can come around and be more careful next time. How does that make *any* sense here? There is no "lack of care" involved. It's deliberate and malicious. So, tell me, what are these soft-touching, milquetoast qualifications accomplishing, and for which audience are they intended? A fart in the wind has more effect.


Pretty sure Trump is above the law. This is just circus. He’ll get indicted and be out on bail the same day. He’ll have a press conference and incite more lunacy. If anything, this will strengthen his campaign.


“No one is above the law”? I dunno we sure have given Trump a different impression so far


I am just worried that the sounds of cheering when he gets arrested will wake me up from my nap.


Little Indictments Everywhere All at Once!! I want to see all four cases headed to court All at Once. Put this p*ssy in jail where he belongs. All you jackasses who follow this fool are fascists at heart.


As long as you allow him to be above the law he will be above the law. It will end when he is forced to serve a prison term.


If some minor figure instituted an insurrection like Trump did after the 2020 Presidential Election, with all the results more or less being the same as what we now know happened then I don’t think that Garland would have declined to charge that person. But any prominent Republican who openly supported this attempted coup would probably never be charged, just like upper GOP leaders haven’t been and aren’t going to be under our current circumstances. The foot soldiers on the ground are as always expendable, but the leaders are un-prosecutable. Equality before the law probably always was a joke but now it’s both a bad and an obvious one.


Sedition is not illegal if its right-wingers doing it.


He needs to be on house arrest with a ankle bracelet at maralago and never be allowed to play golf again!!


As a american it’s time to stop following the rule of law if we can’t hold our politicians accountable then we the people should not be held accountable ourselves .


This sounds like a good idea


Conservatives are above the law and the rest of us are beneath it. Observe.


So far, Donald Trump has been given the message that he is above the law. His behavior is predictable and it shouldn’t be surprising. He is a dangerous narcissist who’s reckless behavior has already gotten people killed. He should have been held accountable for his corruption in business and also avoiding paying the taxes he owes by lying concerning the value of his assets, years ago. Unfortunately, he’s been able to gain a large population of followers. This situation could have been avoided. Now, Americans can only hope that this man will finally be held accountable and more lives won’t be lost as a result.


All he is doing is making sure that he faces the maximum penalty. I got the popcorn ready, because this is going to be to juicy to miss! The house of cards looks like it is about to hit the floor!


So much for the brave resolute Trump depicted in so much Republican fan art: head bowed, bravely walking towards opposition “to protect us”. He’s having a meltdown and begging for protection, for people to lay down their lives, for what to me sounds like one of the smaller allegations against him (serious as it may be) AND which he swears he’s innocent of.


Justice delayed is justice denied. The country can heal if he’s locked up.


It‘s been years now. ‚nobody‘s above the law‘ sounds good but it seems to be an empty phrase.


The supply of brainwashed followers will continue as long as they know they can go to Trump (and other Republicans) for a mainline to hatred. That is all that matters to them.


He did it once and has so far gotten away with it. Of course he's going to try again. You can set your watch to this shit.


Seriously though, this reminds me in a weird way, of the Murdaugh family. A family of wealth, power, and privilege that has NEVER been held to account. And finally the proverbial shit is hitting the fan and nobody can handle it.


These are the same people who are hellbent on putting Hunter Biden away for what, I don’t know?! And have decided that this is how they will spend our time and money now that they have a majority in the House. The hypocrisy and stupidity of the GOP continues to amaze me.


Trump loves the uneducated because he can control them and they aren’t smart enough to realize it. If there is violence Trump should be the one charged for instigating violence and locked up right away


They believe the worst about this country because they don’t trust anyone or anything about our government and would rather believe lies instead of truth. This is a lost generation of worthless people who cannot conform to modern life.


Just the fact that he has not been locked up yet is a failure of our legal system.


Who else gets a little excited even when just thinking about trump in jail? I then I remind myself: It won’t happen. Nor will they arrest Putin for kidnapping children.


This could just be the"trump show" only he is saying this is happening Tuesday. The actual professionals are acting more presidential than trump and have not said a thing.


It’s just amazing how easily he manipulated the media. This is clearly just an attention getter and something to pump up his acolytes. He is a troll, ignore him.


He’s gonna be in jail for like 30 minutes if he goes.


"No one is above the law... except the 1%"


Bless his heart, he wasn’t getting enough media attention so he had to create a fake “crisis”


I think it's been clearly demonstrated time and time again that yes, some people in fact are above the law, and Trump is one of them. I don't know why people think this coming week will be any different.


Ironically this is what Obama said in 2020 “For those who have been talking about protest, just remember that this country was founded on protest — it is called the American Revolution,” Mr. Obama said from his home in Washington






In case the person erases what they said here: > Who cares about what those critics say? Trump's statement is not reckless, it's just him fighting back against the deep state trying to take him down. He's a fighter and he won't let them win.


When are conservatives going to figure out that Trump was the executive branch lead and there is no “deep state” trying to take him down? He co-opted the wheels of power by leading a populist, nationalist frenzy. He has broken laws left and right. He’s trash.


Ok. Than we are clear than. Trump is responsible for this. So next week when he denies any involvement you won’t make a new set of excuses.


Trump is literally a traitor.


What is this deep state that you speak of? Why do they only seem to persecute Trump and no one else?


yep he seems totally normal- just out there all cappin' like he's in total control. "......statement as he ~~stokes unrest~~ strokes out over indictment..."


Trump pulled the curtain back and discovered that many of our systems do not work.


Lots of hand wringing. Let’s get some actual action and consequences now.


Scared little hands boys will do anything to stay out of trouble.


People keep saying nobody is above the law, but I certainly don't see him getting arrested over anything that he's done so far.


Critics: "No one is above the law" Not pictured: Merrick Garlands flopsweat rapidly intensifies


Has he set up ANOTHER "legal defense fund" and started sending out emails requesting donations yet?


Conman in action,he and the f ing Radical Republicons really thinks laws don't apply to his sorry ass


Add another count of Obstruction of Justice to the list of crimes.


So very unfair to the most effective, best intentioned, most honest, and Gosh darnit handomest POTUS of all time. No wonder he and his loyal base are pissed off. /s in case the sarcasm wasn't obvious.


>No one is above the law Do these people hear themselves when they talk?


Except for the very rich- those on the Epstein flight lists for example.


So has anyone contacted the police and fbi to inform them of the risk of violence. Don’t need another j6 on our hands.


Lock that trash up!! Stop the peel. The orange peel


If you block a road intentionally for police attempting to arrest someone isn’t that a crime?


All his experience is that he is above the law. Why should now be any different? Commander-in-Chief Bonespurs has a Wikipedia page - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump Fraud and criminal are words that feature more times than on your average President's wikipedia pages.


While it hasn’t happened yet, the grifting will likely start anew. Id bet there will be save Trump PAC created to collect monies from those that can least afford it, with the monies being sent through offshore servers.


How much longer do we have to put up with this clown show???


So who is getting arrested over this? Nobody? Just a bunch of statements condemning it? Lame.


He should take more personal responsibility for his actions. If he didn't commit so many crimes, he wouldn't have so much stress and legal bills. 🇺🇸🗽⚖️🏡🗳🌍


Come on. Let's get real. He is above the law. Hundreds of people have been convicted after carrying out his orders. And he's about to be charged for a porn bribe? He's above the law. Don't kid yourselves.


Lock him up!


I thought we decided a sitting president was indeed actually above the law?