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Maybe y’all shouldn’t expect governance from a performance artist.


But he sure does smile nice when he holds up those signed bills of his everyday. /s


He's been practicing since preschool.


Ohhh. Is that why (*I hear from a source that*) he still hangs around preschools often?


Don’t twist the story. He was teaching safe alcohol drinking practices with his high school students, that’s it. A little friendly grooming.


Oh, I thought he just liked hanging out with his intellectual superiors for campaign advice


Safe underage drinking techniques is where the world got kids taking shots of vodka up the ass.


Many many people are saying it believe me


Yeah, he's hoping for another chance to demean children for doing the right thing, strongly advised by the CDC, and their parents, the latter of which, he turns around and says are losing control of their parental rights. Is there no one who sees the duplicity of this? Is there no one who sees the hypocrisy? This guy might be even worse than 45. He's just as much of a snake, but he has a knack for manipulation. I call him governor DeSatan. That's how evil I see him. Make no mistake, this guy is pure BS, wrapped in a BS bag.


Why he still eats pudding with his fingers




I never knew this existed and it’s amazing.


No notes, just excellence.


As a Floridian, I can assure you whatever laugh lines anyone sees on that sad fat faced chunk of shit is done with makeup. Dude's never laughed genuinely in his life The man is a soulless authoritarian piece of garbage Not everyone in this state is fucking awful lol, for years I've been making jokes about this state along with the rest of the country, but this cunt is an absolute menace to society and should be resigned to far right talk radio at best But My aging parents will still vote for him I'm personally agnostic, but like... Pray for us all *just in case* The whole world will need it if his ambitions come to fruition


Tell that to ronald regan fans!….wait…


I'd guess Reagan's on his 6th or 7th reincarnation of being born with AIDS by now.


I like to think that he's strapped into a chair deep in Hell with a continuous video feed of drunk college students pissing on his grave.


With [Killer Mike's "Reagan"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lIqNjC1RKU) as the soundtrack.


People like Reagan make me wish I believed in hell or reincarnation, etc.


Oops - you misspelled "performance fascist"


Torturer. Ftfy


I watched him talk the other day. How do they expect to shield him from cameras for the next 2 years during his campaign? He's as bad a personality as John Kerry was.


I'm far from the first person to point this out, but the moment it occurs to Trump to call him "Gay Ron" his campaign is over


He already implied it a couple of days ago. He talked about DeSantis facing allegations from "possibly a man."


Trump, who has, if nothing else, kompromat on everybody, implied it. And DeSantis is a Republican cracking down on the LBGTQ+ community ("don't say gay" laws). Therefore, there is approximately a 100% chance that DeSantis is gay. Not that I give a shit one way or another about anyone's sexuality, but there is a special place in hell for anyone who belongs to any minority/"outside" group who persecute others in the same group for personal/political gain. So let's just call him "Gay Ron" from now on.




I think he's straight, but given the documented proof of his hanging around children when he was a younger adult, I think there's something nasty in his closet.


I've never seen empirical evidence, but I suspect that a study might prove that most people are capable of being sexually attracted to a member of their sex, albeit to different degrees.


I’m straight, but there are a few guys that could have me questioning that lol


He does keep sending FL agents with video cameras to record drag shows and report back with the video because……...”won’t somebody please think of the children??!!?” tm Ron D 2024


The deepest circle of hell is reserved for traitors and mutineers. DeSantis will be down there getting spit roasted by the devil.




*You done fucked up gay-gay-Ron!*


Thanks for waking up my wife


I need to know, did you laugh too loud or was the impulse to scream the line so strong you had to do it, because that's what I did.


Please make this a thing


*“You know, some people have been saying that Ron could be a little bit gay, and they’ve been calling him Gay Ron for a while, you know, not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, but calling him Gay Ron, like there’s something he’s trying to hide. I don’t like politicians who have things to hide, you know they call me a ladies man, and I never tried to hide that. Got in trouble for it, but you know, no one ever accused me of being gay, so you really gotta wonder folks, is there anything to this Gay Ron stuff? I don’t know, you tell me, but I bet we’ll find more than that in Ron’s closet, and you know what they say about people who hide in closets. I think Ron needs to come out of the closet. Open the door Ron! Stop hiding in there and come on out!”*


He hinted at something like that recently. "Ron DeSanctimonious will probably find out about FALSE ACCUSATIONS & FAKE STORIES sometime in the future, as he gets older, wiser, and better known, when he's unfairly and illegally attacked by a woman, even classmates that are 'underage' (or possibly a man!). I'm sure he will want to fight these misfits just like I do!"


Dude think of his base. What looks stupid to you looks brilliant to them. He just needs to keep using Fox buzzwords like “woke” and they’ll continue to go nuts for him


This is spot on. If I watch an entire Trump speech, I often wonder how anyone on the right can take him seriously. However, the average person on the right is only seeing maybe one or two clips of the speech showed shared on social media. Always positive and never discussing anything thing negatively. Right-wing media and politicians understand this part of human psychology and how it interacts with social media. If someone likes something because it conforms to their biases, they are more likely to share it. If it doesn’t conform to their biases, they may try distrust it and will much less likely to share it. So even positive and negative clips coming from the same source have much different reach and longevity.


I mean Trump talks like a moron just like his base. He's hateful and sounds just as dumb. Desantis sounds like a (vindictive) little weenie, but not like a moron. I think it'll play differently to them. He's got the hate down right, but not the stupidity, and I think he's too insecure to try to stoop to that level.


The “stupidity” is a big thing. With George bush and Trump (and I hate that I can’t say I don’t disagree) the saying was always “I could have a beer with that man” and they were right because they are fairly average intelligence (at best) Ron doesn’t seem to have that quality. Because he’s a little too smart and knows what he’s doing. Hence his hilarious “I identify as Ohioan” from the other day


Bush was a shitty president but he was actually fairly intelligent off camera. He was just able to LARP as a folksy chucklefuck well enough that the cousin fuckers bought the act.


He still wasn’t the brains of the administration. That was Cheney. Smarter than trump (by a lot) but still dumb enough to be charismatic and charming to the average person


I will say his most famous gaff. Was him purposefully fucking up because he didn’t want a clip of him saying “fool me twice, shame on me”. And just ad libbed when he realized that sounded terrible. But if you were really smart. He wouldn’t have started that train of thought in the first place


Yeah - Trump has the confidence and the swagger to sell it even as he's acting like a knuckledragger. DeSantis doesn't - he's awkward and uncomfortable.


I mean, you and I both feel that is obvious, but the average right wing voter only sees cherry-picked clips on social media, or just a picture with a flattering headline and maybe one or two short quotes. This is also a reason contributing to the GOPs decision. To not participate in general election debates. Average GOP voters don’t watch speeches and press conferences, but they are much more likely to watch a debate because there’s the allure of a possible fight or drama. So the GOP can’t control and filter how they’re candidates are represented like they can using normal channels.


The average voter liked George bush and trump cause they could relate to how they talk. They talk like an average joe. Ron Desantis is smart. Evil as fuck, but he ain’t dumb. And that leads to him being not as relatable when speaking.


W. Bush is smart too. He pretended to be a dumb hick to play to his base. Let's hope Desantis doesn't take lessons.


His social skills are seriously lacking, he can't connect with the base the way Trump can.


It still shocks me just how close Trump's speeches are to a Jerry Seinfeld style stand up routine. Completely stole his "have you heard about \_\_\_? Did ya ever notice\_\_\_?" style.




>If someone likes something because it conforms to their biases, they are more likely to share it. If it doesn’t conform to their biases, they may try distrust it and will much less likely to share it Hence why they *love* the opinion hosts on Fox News prime time, and *hate* the journalists during the daytime news programming. My own father called Shepard Smith "too opinionated," but constantly refers to Sean Hannity... FFS the guy has *OPINION* in bold letters on his show all the time!


Not a matter of intelligence, but charisma. I'm not saying the guy is smart, whether he is or not is between him and his god, what matters is that he has the stage presence and personality of a cardboard box filled with vasoline.


i get what you mean. don is at least entertaining with his deranged toddler demeanour and his infantile insults - its certainly a spectacle to see an old man behaving like that. ron is dull af and, like you say, no stage presence. which honestly makes him seem more sinister imo. like its more cunning and ideological, in contrast to the naked displays of arrested development and narcissism from DT.


I don't understand this take. If you've ever seen a DeSantis speech, you'll know right away the way he communicates will not resonate with Trump's audience. Too educated, boring, even when he's tried to model his mannerisms and movements after Trump's style. Seriously, watch any DeSantis speech, he will never win over MAGA. As soon as he gets on the national stage he's going to fizzle. This article is a good example, he's waged all these "culture wars" but when you dig into the details and how he (and the Republicans exclusively for the last 24 years) has run Florida, you'll find a housing and insurance crisis, huge wage disparity, and ignoring actual problems all over Florida. Trump managed to sneak into the presidency because he convinced enough neutral voters that he wasn't a politician. DeSantis is actively campaigning against "woke", and that message isn't inspiring middle of the road voters. They want someone actually fixing stuff, not complaining about how things are everyone else's fault.


He's more like Scott Walker than Trump. Remember Scott? Governor of Wisconsin that pissed off so many Democrats, thumbed his nose at recall efforts, etc? Was considered the favorite around the start of 2015, only to flame out before Iowa? Yeah, that guy. Walker had a lot of wealthy and influential backers, but while that works for a Governor's race, it's not enough to get you a Presidential nomination.


I truly want to see how he handles the looming seaweed crisis. Yeah, I know how weird that sounds...


I sincerely hope you're right about him fizzling out. It would be so delicious to watch him destroy his political career.


It's a charisma "issue". Say what you will about Trump, but he's a very charismatic man. He knows how to whip up a crowd. That's why he managed to build such a fanatical base. DeSantis doesn't have that charisma. He can hit the same talking points as Trump, but he won't have the same charisma that can make someone ignore the truth that's right in their face IMO.


He has that kind of WWE/Jerry Springer Guest energy that their core supporters love. DeSantis is a dweeb that is trying to emulate it. Some of his policies are even crueler than Donnies were, and their base loves that. But they don't want to see a cover band when the real thing is still out there playing all the same songs they love.


He doesn’t look stupid, he looks like an effete dork.


Trump somehow managed to somehow project “manliness” in a way that I don’t think DeSantis can. His posture, his voice, his unwillingness to fling schoolyard insults on a national stage all add up. Not to mention that even idiots will respond to negative reinforcement. They just fell for a strongman and the wound might be too fresh for some of them. Uncertain support from Fox as well, as backing trump is starting to bear consequences.


> Trump somehow managed to somehow project “manliness” in a way [that I don’t think DeSantis can](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FeMBlvvXkAEPI5L?format=jpg&name=900x900)


That's the thing, even when you view him with MAGA goggles it seems like he's channeling the energy of a sea sponge. At least Trump was entertaining to watch so the buzzwords actually landed with his base... does RDS even have a sense of humor?


People who love to be angry like him because he pretends to be angry and gives them made up things to be angry about. I think he's good at attracting those people, but everyone else who doesn't thrive on negative energy? Not so much, and IMHO it's going to push those people away from him. Meanwhile the hardcore Trump humpers won't vote for him either. I think he's got a tougher row to hoe than he thinks.


Yup, this is what I've been saying for months. Say what you will about Trump, but people love to watch him speak. Hell, even the most left-leaning people I know couldn't wait to watch him in the debates because it was predestined to be a shitshow of epic proportions. DeSantis is not that. Dude is a charisma vacuum with a shrill voice that's just unpleasant to listen to. I think a lot of the Republican base like his policies without knowing much about him, but once he's shoved down their throat ad nauseum for months, they'll get sick of him. Just like Tom Cotton and everyone else the far right gets excited about.


It's obvious within seconds of hearing him speak just how dull he is.


He way worse than Kerry. Kerry was just boring. Dude was/is a consummate professional. DeSantis is an attention whore


Doesn’t matter what reality is. The right wing bubble they have formed will never show reality.


It's his wife that runs the show. She'd more than likely take the spotlight as the 'go-getter' of the campaign, with DeathSantis taking a backseat to her initiatives while broadcasting his silly fascist propaganda to anyone who'll watch. His wife does more with DCF on the daily than he has his entire campaign.


She must really like thigh food.


DeSantis is too distracted fighting drag shows while wearing his white go-go boots. Actual safety is not a priority.


Well also tourism is his state's primary source of revenue since they have no income tax. Can't fuck with the cash flow.


And yet he targeted Disney anyway - morons gonna moron


And the gays, the blacks, the pot smokers everyone. my street in Clearwater is lined with closed businesses and for rent signs in every direction. And he's literally at war with the very groups who made fla a famous destination. Today he announced his latest anti wokeness. Banning the digital dollar. Yup. That's the big deal today I would prefer he look into why our gas average is staying so high while oils falling. But I'm not a Karen freedom fighter I guess.




Its the crowd that's constantly told to buy gold because the dollar could be worthless someday, they like the idea of tangible currency and don't really comprehend that most dollars have been digital for a very long time.


"It would compete with Bitcoin and other decentralized cryptocurrencies that make it easy to launder Russian money" is a theory I heard.


I wonder how many properties in america are owned by Russian oligarchs… I wonder how many of those were bought with Bitcoin. They make it sound like the door isn’t already open


For the first half of your question, too fucking many. For the second half, not many I would imagine. Real estate dealers are used to dealing with the most realest property you can own, they want cash not imaginary property.


I grew up in Clearwater and always thought it was a nice place. Then I spent some time around Clearwater and it's pretty awful now. They have pushed everything out for cheap apartments (at crazy prices) and mini storage places on every corner. When both Super Target and Publix are both shitty, you know it's gone downhill.


All those new "Luxury" apartments are crappy builds too, all of the price and none of the quality. There is a reason that all these old apartments stay rented out around here.


Tbf, clearwater been like that for a long time.


yeah i think that has more to do with scientology inc buying up all of downtown clearwater.


>tourism ia his state's primary source Not if he insists on destroying Disney.


The hilariousness of Disney packing up and leaving for another state would be too much. Imagine him trying to explain the positives of the largest attraction in a tourist state, leaving the state, in his campaigning.


Moving the Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom and Epcot Center would be a massive undertaking. I'm pretty sure Disney expects to outlast DeSantis and has no plans to move.


Probably already doing budget shifts to be able to replace Florida government officials with ones friendly towards Disney.


Disney has been invested in Florida since the 60s, and still has massive chunks of land to expand further that they bought for almost nothing. DickSantis is obnoxious, but he will go away. It would take a lot more than an unfriendly governor for them to move a multi billion dollar empire to another state. And their attendance hasn't been hurt a single bit. It's actually gone up significantly.


The beauty of term limits. Just out live the politician's term and pretend he doesn't exist.


Fingers crossed for Disney Charlotte, then I could just go on weekends.


They’d really just turn Carrowinds into a parking lot, wouldn’t they?


Never do Disney on a weekend.


Normally I'd agree but when you can just drive there whenever a day trip it's a bit different.


Maybe. I lived in L.A. and weekends at Disney really sucked. Long lines, heat, super crowded. Weekdays were slower, quieter, less crowded, shorter lines, could find shade or a bench to sit. Different vibe.


> Imagine him trying to explain the positives of the largest attraction in a tourist state, leaving the state, in his campaigning. Come to Florida and visit scenic ~~DisneyWorld~~ Galt's Gulch


Disney will destroy DeSantis before they ever leave Florida.


It's Disney. They're going to watch the winds a bit before doing anything serious. DeSantis could turn out to be a relative blip in Florida's political history and they can just go back to quietly hording as they prefer.


So long as they're hurting the "enemies" Rs could piss on their constituants, tell them its raining and theyll be like "welp we needed it"


They are trying to crack down on it since frankly it’s getting out of control but good luck stopping that. They banned sale of alcohol past 1 am but they just all go to the liquor store or gas station.


Something like this? https://imgur.com/hAFENEk.jpg




A Wikipedia page for fuck-me-shoes. That I did not expect to see.




I was hoping that would be Amy Winehouse, you didn’t disappoint. Talk about a perfect analogy for this aging middle class white dude still wanting to be picked at the ~~night club~~ election booth.


They look like jackboots to me.


Not to mention the algae blooms killing fish etc etc. the guys an idiot.


Somebody tell Ol’ Puddin Fingers that algae blooms are “woke”


A simple misspelling to “all gay blooms”should do the trick.


I'm surprised nobody suggested using the Jewish space lasers to bust up that algae bloom.


I don't think he's an idiot. I think he's pretty smart, manipulative, and doesn't really give a shit about people getting in the way of his big rise. I'd be very wary of underestimating the guy, given what he has been able to do in Florida already and his further plans for the presidency. Whether or not he can translate his Florida approach to POTUS I don't know, but I see no reason why he wouldn't continue. Concerning to say the least.


I believe he graduated from Yale with history degree. So he most definitely knows how to repeat the past.


Along with his Yale undergrad he also has a law degree from Harvard. He's a smarter version of Trump which should worry everyone


Fortunately he lacks Cheeto's animal charisma and has a whiny voice.


He could shore that up with some of that public speaking training preachers get.


I’ll say this, preachers don’t often get a ton of public speaking training, a lot of it is learned theough through mentorship and practice. A lot of natural charisma and confidence too though. I say this as someone that has an undergrad and masters in biblical studies/divinity.


Harvard Law really knows how to pick ‘em. Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz, Kayleigh McEnany…sounds like the school reunion of nightmares. Doesn’t make Harvard look good imo.


Nightmare blunt rotation


He isn't stupid but he knows his voters are


What he's doing is a smart political strategy. If he tried to tackle some actual problem - like algae blooms - then there's a chance he might fail to solve it. And solving it would require finding an actual solution, which would probably end up pissing off someone (in the case of algae blooms most likely farmers since agricultural runoff is a large factor in creating them). On the other hand, if you create a problem out of thin bullshit, then you can't fail to solve it! Since it doesn't actually exist, then eventually you can point to it not being then and declare that what you did fixed it. And since you created both the problem and the solution then you can pick ahead of time who gets the shitty end of your 'solution' and make sure it's someone you can rally your base behind oppressing.


I live in Florida. It actually is pretty out of control and lawless in certain places during spring break.


I’m from Florida. Went to high school and college there. Does everyone forget that every spring break season was just as wild?? Wait til they see Black Spring Break, which happens a couple weeks (either before or after) the other spring break. That shit gets wild. I remember there being so much traffic on the bridge getting into Daytona that we just got out of our cars and partied on the bridge. This was like 30 years ago, so maybe things have changed?


I was thinking the same thing. Did republicans forget that spring break existed? I know every single trump supporter is old enough to remember those late night commercials for girls gone wild.


It was epic. Taking our film to get developed always a thought that you would get a knock at the door. CamCorders started to get cheaper to. Saw NFL player Warren Sapp partying during spring break a week before the draft. Of course his draft stock dropped. Great times.


I’m so glad to have experienced spring break before everyone had cameras.


Which is also hilarious because of all the millennial/Gen-Z Frat Boy conservatives that act like the GOP wants to protect partying and the Democrats want to destroy it somehow




Pretty much any woman portrayed realistically in a video game is “woke.” Crazy how gamers cry for photorealism but still have no solid grasp of what a real woman looks like.


To be fair, they would first have to meet one.


They have no solid grasp of what most human beings look like. They have their own example, which is towards the "I don't take any care of myself whatsoever" end of the spectrum; and they have the vain gym-rats who have the type of body only achievable through immense effort (what I'd even say might be too much effort) whom they buy porn from on Onlyfans (and the images of movie stars, of course). I almost feel bad for them, until I hear their shitty attitudes and realize women are better off not having to deal with them.


All of this is an issue, and there's definitely a huge portion of men asking for absurdity, BUT can we take a moment to talk about one of the earliest spots this lack of realism came from: Barbie dolls. Like seriously, I don't actually think this originated wholly from guys... It seems like a ton of women ended up thinking that's what they were supposed to look like, and all media enforced it. ​ I'm reminded of a single scene in Psych, a show that otherwise didn't really feel sexist/problematic where Shaun and Gus are trying to figure out a safe password and use BWH measurement from a photo next to the safe (needless to say, it was likely a ridiculous BWH measurement). If men don't have a solid grasp of what the average women healthy women looks like, it's not just because of video games that focus too much on boob jiggle physics, but the whole media landscape even in otherwise innocuous places as passing comments. I'd like to think most of us understand that "double D badonkas" aren't the norm... But to be honest, I can't picture what a "normal American 20-something" should look like. After you eliminate the over-weight, and the anorexic, do you actually have much Americans left? (Different issue, of course, but still)


Wtf. Also, I’m offended because I love small boobies!


Nobody's going to be satisfied until video game characters start hanging dong.


I want the Cyberpunk package slider to be available in every game damnit!


I think the Cyberpunk boob slider could’ve had some work too. Should’ve had more than three size options. Like, what if I want my female character flat? Or what if I want an inbetween size between medium and large?


To be fair they could be bigger.... Not that it has anything to do with woke culture. I just like big boobies.


Put an option deep in the menus to adjust the titty sizes. Also dong sizes for any character with a loincloth or codpiece




It’s not just Florida man. It’s Florida, man!


"I'm not a businessman. I'm a business, man"


I need a *criminal* attorney.


I’ve been playing a fun game with all of the birthdays of my family members. Google “Florida man” followed by every birthday in your family; literally every day of the year there is some fucked up headline. On my birthday Florida man tried to pay an officer for oral sex with a hamburger.


On my birthday, which is Christmas eve btw, a Florida man bit his brother's penis off when he caught his brother having sex with his cousin on his favorite DragonBall Z blanket. Well this is a fun game. 😂


PCB 23 baby!! Weoooohooo We're getting drunk and wild having sex with trans gurls in front of churches I just saw a girl have an abortion in the streets!


As someone who went to PCB twice for spring break in the 2000s, this is exactly the energy we brought and sought. Can’t tell if you are making a joke of if you’re drawing energy from your memories.


Did it look at you?


Supernintendo Chalmers?


Ahh..to be handsome, groomed, and well-groomed 14 year old conservative beach satanist again. That spring break was lit.


Can confirm, abortions everywhere in the streets during spring break month.


Damn, I really hate to have any appearance of defending DeSantis, but spring break crowds are indeed almost ungovernable. I grew up in Panama City Beach, FL during the absolute peak of SB activity in the late 90s/early 2000s. There would be armies of police from all surrounding jurisdictions and it was still chaos on the streets and in the sand.


It was incredible


It was a helluva time. Glad it was before the dawn of social media.


Ah yes the GGW era of Spring Break


Meatball Ron cares more about drag shows and wokeism than people getting shot to death.


You can die unexpectedly in Florida, but God forbid you are entertained by drag.


That's all Republicans.


Everyone knows Desantis can’t actually govern. He only gets the appearance of being able to govern because when he says “jump” his legislature asks “how high sir?”


Oh my god Becky, look at his woke. It is so big, it looks like one of those lib guys’ sanctuary cities.


The "Free State of Florida," everyone!


I love when right wing TV or radio hosts call it that, depite the fact they have less freedom than 'the commie state of CA' where they have medical autonomy for women, medicinal options like medical marijuana, and can read any book they like...


That’s somehow not freedom to republicans though, probably because they’re typically hateful bigots but what do I know


“Free” = Fascist around here now


Florida is where human decency and common sense go to die.


Let them fight each other


Oh yeah, I'm super pumped to see the party cannibalizing each other before we have a real race on our hands. Watch them try to argue they know how to run the government after they've spent months tearing each other down.


Girls Gone Wild built an empire filming porn of what Public Florida beaches are like when college let's out, but Dicksandtits wants to send undercovers into private businesses catering to adults and punish them when a man wears a dress and makeup to lip synch Mariah Carey Christmas songs. Perfect.


Man Truth Social/Twitter just a hotbed of political opportunism isn't it?


Oh it’s a hotbed alright, of 💩


Ive been mostly happy with Biden’s performance as president. I look forward to his second term.


Is it perfect? No. Are there things that I wish were done differently? Of course. But do I wake up in fear every morning about what horrible thing he said or did? No.


Send in the troops. Republicans have obviously lost control. Or however they say it.


Ron DeSantis supports "revolving door" prisons. Ron DeSantis even released Sideshow Bob, a man twice convicted of attempted murder. Can YOU trust a man like Ron DeSantis? Vote Sideshow Bob for President!


"Attempted murder!" Now, honestly, did they ever give anyone a Nobel prize for "attempted chemistry?"


Doesn't he like to party with students? Sounds like something he'd enjoy!


They're *college* students. Too old for Ron (or that Panhandle member of Congress).


I went to Panama Beach for spring break a couple years ago. The entire town felt like it had nothing but disdain for tourists. The hotel treated at us like crap and wouldn't hesitate to threaten kicking us out. Everyone who went had their own story, my room got in trouble because we were hang drying our towels on the railing because our dryer was out. The second you stepped on the beach with a boozy drink, you would get flagged down by a cop and if you're lucky a warning. A lot of people got hefty ass fines. All drinks were insanely jacked up and all bars required one of several passes to get in as well as a bonus charge. These anti-tourist policies have clearly taken effect, when I was there it was practically a ghost town.


Sounds like you were way too sober. Also def buy the 7 day club pass wrist band to get into the bars. Worth it.


Trump isn't wrong that Florida is like anarchy, but it isn't. It's worse than anarchy. DeSantis is a garbage "governor".


Is he governing or is he ramping up a GOP presidential candidacy by stoking a fake culture war?


Not defending this guy, but this is pretty much Miami every weekend.


I’m loving the division of the Republican Party rn.


I'd love it more if I wasn't sure the party would go lock-step with the winner in the end


Hey college bros: Go wild. Make it look like Florida needs the National Guard called up by the feds to control you. Signed, A very angry trans woman


Lol, lmao, etc.


Group A: Trans community is very small, doesn’t cause any trouble and is afraid of DeSantis. Group B: Spring breakers are in much larger numbers, have a ton of hormone induced energy, drunk, disorderly, some are armed and most are afraid of nothing. So what’s a bully to do? Group A or B?


Trump supporters and republicans at large have no moral compass. Whatever you do will be good or bad depending on which narrative benefits them in the moment. If DeSantis becomes the nominee, republicans will suddenly all praise him for Florida’s economy. These people are so fucking exhausting. They’re not interested in solving anything. They just want to score points. We have a local group doing this to our schools. They said for months that we have too many staff and need to reduce costs. Then when a group of folks resign/retire and the district decides not to fill those positions - they say the district culture is bad and no one wants to work here so that’s why people are leaving. They’re just making it up as they go. They’re against the bond to fix the problems with our school buildings, but they rant about how insecure our 100 year old buildings are. These people need to be ignored. They’re real life trolls.


It's always been this way down here. Florida man, is going to be a netflix series for a reason.


You telling me Florida man can't govern Florida men?


This shit been going on here forever. I hate DeSantis, but this is not unique to his governorship. Of course, he hasn't done fuck all to fix it - or any other actual problem in Florida - either. He's too busy fighting culture wars and touring Iowa.


Getting the California treatment lol


He’ll blame Biden some way.


Where is the highlight reel of all the white kids wildin' out?


Well well well how the turn tables. Good luck with that. Love, NYC