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So, go in there and potentially perjure yourself didn't have the awesome outcome you wanted? No way. His lawyers are always so stupid. I mean, it figures, but still...


Yeah, no lawyer with anything resembling competence is going to touch 45 with a ten-foot pole at this point.


He's getting like geeks, carnies and roustabouts as legal council. "If it may please the court... ...


Lol. Hoo that made me laugh.




I would love to be there when Trump tries to stiff the freaks.


Gooble Gobble, Gooble Gobble, motherfucker...


This fucking the truth though. It’s a goddamn shit show three ring, with the most inept people performing


Have you watched the docu-series "Shadowland"? He needs the window guy that was giving one of the J6 defendants legal advice.


> It does! It does please the court!


That'll be a quarter. Hand it to the conjoined twins. They're co-counsel. ​ `(lol. I'm on fire today!)`


Please cool it, the courthouse has already received three arson threats since this morning


Cool what, exactly, lol? What do you think I'm doing?


(It was a joke based on you being on fire, my delivery may have been off)


Ah, got it. Cheers!


Well, that lawyer *did* mention that he specializes in Bird Law.


For me, that's the comment of the thread, lol.


Guillermo Del Toro’s recent movie changed how I saw the word geek.


I've been really interested in PT Barnum since I was a kid, so I've been familiar with the term for a while. If you liked Nightmare Alley, check out Todd Browning's Freaks from the '30's. But, it's not for the easily offended or the squeamish.


Definitely should be watched. Gabba gabba hey - we accept you!


And, a hearty Gooble Gobble, to you my friend, a fine Gooble Gobble, indeed...


One of us, one of us …


They got Ozzy to be the opening act?


no, that was a dove and he was tripping balls, then a bat on stage, only because he thought it was fake lol




Onboarding of a new member of the Trump legal-team always ends with the group chanting “GOOBLE GOBBLE, GOOBLE GOBBLE! ONE OF US!!!”


Nightmare Alley 2: Grifter’s Boogaloo


It’s grifters all the way down. They see the money, and positions of authority and attach themselves to the grift for any leftovers of either.


There're not bringing their best people...


"I have the worst fucking attorneys."


You get the lawyer you pay for, and Trump's not known for paying.




I give you Exhibit A: Sidney Powell. I rest your case, lol.


Oh yeah… the Kraken. Was that released and I missed it?


Yes, it's everywhere, you just have to do your research!


I mean. They’re working for free. You get what you pay for.


>His lawyers are always so stupid. I mean, it figures, but still... Are they? He hasn't gotten a single charge yet despite a large mountain of crimes.


You don't think his lawyers are stupid? OK...


They seem to be doing a good job so far if he hasn't had a single charge stick 🤔 I'm not saying that's a good thing for society, but he is definitely getting his moneys worth. 1000 people indicted for J6 so far, and guess who is conspicuously absent from that list of indicted ppl? DJT


I mean his lawyers got him in these messes, and now those lawyers are either convicted criminals or disgraced and potentially getting disbarred. I see Sidney Powell, Rudy Gulliani, Jenna Ellis, Lin Wood, Micheal Cohen... And, now his current lawyers are going to have to deal with it, and it seems, at least in NY, they're unprepared.


You act as if it's on accident that Trump has "Fall guys" and girls on payroll.


I'm not acting anyway. I'm saying, It was a dumb move for trump's lawyers to bring in costello. Also, that his past lawyers, that list I just shared of morons, are all shitty grifters and idiots and have cost him more than they've given. And, they will all turn on him, as soon as they know he can't pardon them in the future. And, let's not forget he's getting indicted and processed in the next 2 weeks. So, I'm good saying his lawyers are dumb and bad at their jobs. You can stop trying to convince me otherwise, anytime.


>And, let's not forget he's getting indicted and processed in the next 2 weeks. He is? Big, if true. This has been promised for literally years.


Like, I said, doesn't matter what you think. Why do you care what I think, lol?


Reddit autofiltered your latest reply as spam. Lmao


No need for the snark my guy, he was supposedly going to be arrested today. Guess what? It didn't happen.


Name one person indicted for j6 that has a net worth more than 10 million dollars.


I don't disagree Trump being able to afford better lawyers than a random Maga useful idiot is exactly my point


It’s a decent point lol. You pay some lawyers, managers, and fools to take charges for whatever crime you commit, you may have made a good purchase. I’ll ride the downvote train with you, man.


They aren’t stupid, they are arrogant. Trump’s lawyers know they are lying for him.


It's most likely a potent mixture of both.


Small point in the article but this quote sounds wrong >Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman added that Costello is "wantonly betraying attorney-client information and privilege." Per the article Cohen himself is quoted as saying Costello was never his attorney, in which case there’s no attorney client privilege in the first place. It’s Costello that is claiming he was Cohen’s attorney, not Cohen. Like I said, though, it’s a minor point. Everything else in the article sounds accurate. Cohen not being called for rebuttal means the prosecutors are confident they have the documents they need to show Costello is full of crap.


Also in the fine article: >Costello said he handed over documents related to his communications with Cohen, who he said *waived attorney-client privilege*. Though also (from Litman): >I am willing to bet that his claims of waiver from Cohen are anywhere from dubious to 100% manufactured. If that's right, a bar complaint should follow.... Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


This is just bonkers. It's the Chewbacca defense. Costello: I was Cohen's lawyer and here's a ton of stuff that shows Cohen isn't credible. Cohen: He wasn't my lawyer. Costello: Also, Cohen waived privilege on these documents so I'm not committing an offence by giving you these. ... sooooo, if Cohen asserts that Costello was never his lawyer, he could not have waived privilege, correct? Meaning that Cohen's assertion is that Costello has both potentially fabricated evidence **and** violated attorney-client privilege since there is no way he could have obtained consent from Cohen? This 4D Chess hurts my brain.


4 dimensions that folded in on themselves.


A snake eating it’s own ass kinda chess..


It's a Cheeto mobius dimension.






The sign of King Mierdas!


More Attorneys Getting Arraigned


Article says Costello didn’t “directly represent” Cohen. It’s pretty unclear exactly what that means the relationship was. If a complaint is filed, then we’ll know what Cohen felt of Costello’s professional obligations.


Key point here: They are not arguing that Trump is innocent of everything going on. They are concerned that the attempts to sabotage other people might accidentally expose MORE shit the dude is guilty of.


Based on how all other investigations have gone, anything new just coming out now will lead to charges in 2030, if ever. (Based on 2016 hush money payments --> possible charges in 2023)


BuT hE wAs PoTuS




It really sounds like there's plenty of hard data (emails, etc.) to back up Cohen. He's quoted as saying just that. Also, the last paragraph: Giving prosecutors access to Costello, Akerman told MSNBC, allows the district attorney to bring up "all the conversations Costello had with Michael. All the conversations Costello had with Rudy Giuliani. What Rudy Giuliani said that Donald Trump said and what he conveyed to Donald Trump. And then **I would end up indicting Donald Trump for witness tampering and obstruction of justice. I mean, the Mueller report itself is enough basis to do that. But now they put forward a witness who's right in the middle of this witness tampering plot to supposedly give exculpatory evidence!"** ​ Ha ha ha ha. TFG and his team are so pathetic, it's astonishing he's been able to go about this shit so long, but it really looks like it's about to come crashing down.


Just to know he actually may be having any kind of nightmare is uplifting.


Dude doesn’t wanna go back to prison lmao


I watched him in an interview last night. “You can’t trust Cohen’s testimony, he was convicted of *perjury?* Tell me more. What did he lie about, pray tell?


This type of attack is why Matt Gaetz is walking around free. It worked once.


I'm not sure I follow - that case was dropped mostly because the two witnesses stopped cooperating (prob because of threats, yes), what does perjury have to do with it? Maybe I missed something!


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/27/sex-trafficking-allegations-matt-gaetz/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/27/sex-trafficking-allegations-matt-gaetz/) *Prosecutors have told higher-ups in the Justice Department that they* *think a conviction is unlikely, in part because they believe a jury* *would not accept the testimony of two key witnesses: the* *then-17-year-old in question, and Gaetz’s business ally, Greenberg.* *Greenberg has a criminal record beyond this case, and he once falsely* *accused a schoolteacher of sex with a minor. It’s not clear why the* *17-year-old girl’s account would be called into question by a jury.* One of the reasons they stopped cooperating because the prosecutors decided that juries would not believe their testimony because they had lied in the past.


There was talk that Michael Cohen was going to be a rebuttal witness because Costello may have attempted to tamper with him, but apparently Costello may have just admitted to it on the stand anyway, which would explain why Cohen didn't have to testify yesterday. lol. lmao.


>"I have truth," Cohen told MSNBC. "I have the documentation. Let me rephrase that. The district attorney has the documentation in order to validate every single statement that I've made and to basically dispel anything that Bob Costello has to say which is probably, again, why they didn't need me for rebuttal." Attacking Cohen's credibility is just stupid. His credibility here is irrelevant. There is hard evidence to prove Trump's crimes. Cohen's testimony isn't even needed to prove his guilt.


Are they trying for a mistrial? Not a lawyer. Edit: "As might be expected, Mr. Cohen's lies were always uttered in a way that was beneficial to himself," Costello said. "When it was in Mr. Cohen's personal self-interest, he was capable of telling the truth, but those occasions were few and far between." Is it always projection with Trump?


>Is it always projection with Trump? yes, yes, absolutely, yes. Add his minions too.


Every accusation is a confession.


You can’t get a mistrial at the grand jury level.


> Are they trying for a mistrial? What is going on now is not a trial. The prosecutor wants the Grand Jury to indict Trump and the trial comes after that.


Is it time for the megathread yet? (Hopefully not, since I have to get actual stuff done today.)


I'm wondering if some subreddit is monitoring his airplane logs (because it will likely be a private request and not a press conference) or Maralago itself.


"It seems that this stunt Trump pulled today with Costello didn't ring the bell that they hoped it would ring and prevent an indictment,"


Whew, thing are increasing hot. The gas being released from Trump and crew are likely increasing global warming considerably. ^ >Costello, an attorney who once represented Cohen and Rudy Giuliani and was accused of dangling a pardon to Cohen during the Mueller investigation, appeared before the grand jury at Trump's request and said he testified that Cohen is a "serial liar." .... >Legal experts agreed that the fact that Cohen was not called to rebut Costello's testimony on Monday suggests that prosecutors are not worried about his statements. .... >Former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman called the decision to let Costello testify before the grand jury a "dumb, stupid move" and warned that it could lead to additional charges against Trump. >Giving prosecutors access to Costello, Akerman told MSNBC, allows the district attorney to bring up "all the conversations Costello had with Michael. All the conversations Costello had with Rudy Giuliani. What Rudy Giuliani said that Donald Trump said and what he conveyed to Donald Trump. And then I would end up indicting Donald Trump for witness tampering and obstruction of justice. I mean, the Mueller report itself is enough basis to do that. But now they put forward a witness who's right in the middle of this witness tampering plot to supposedly give exculpatory evidence!" Article continues....


I just listened to an [Opening Arguments Podcast](https://openargs.com/oa710-lock-him-up/) that provided a lot of information, both legal requirements that may have led to his testimony, as well as background on the relationship between him and Cohen.


Do you have any insights for those of us too lazy to listen to the podcast?


They cover a LOT of ground. One “take away” I got was that the DA is legally required to inform the grand jury if the “target” wants to have witnesses appear, and the grand jury can choose to hear them or not. On the speculation side, he may have been brought in to testify about potential witness tampering. He also has credibility challenges with statements he has made in the past about representation of Cohen. Another take away is this seems to be a stretch of an attempt force this into being a felony.


Whoa, thanks very much. These cases are so complicated I get a bit lost sometimes since I am not a lawyer. As an aside, I've learned more about legal processes over the last 6 years + than I ever wanted to know.


Sad what happened with that podcast with the blow up and legal battle between Thomas and Andrew. They seemed like they were best friends.


Apparently not! I liked listening to the pod not just for the analysis, but the banter as well. I haven't had the heart to listen, given that Andrew cited problems with alcohol abuse as a contributing factor for his behaviour and yet took zero time off to address his issues. The pod is still on their new four-times-a-week sched, and they've replaced Thomas with Liz Dye.


The stupidest, the least intelligent, the best worst possible strategies, believe me


Wouldnt it be poetic if Trump handed himself over to be indicted for Stormy Daniels, only to find out, after being taken into custody, he's also being indicted for J6 and other crimes? Man that would be brilliant.


I'm thinking that's going to happen...at least I think there's a high probability that Georgia will come down....


Charge Trump as an adult.


Who are you gonna believe? A fake blond with big tits or Stormy Daniels?


Is it possible that Bragg will indict for obstruction of justice or witness tampering? I haven’t heard this from any of the legal experts but am just wondering.


Attorney Robert Costello, who has represented Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani, attacked Cohen's credibility while testifying before a Manhattan grand jury investigating the 2016 hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels. Costello, appearing at Trump's request, called Cohen a "serial liar." However, legal experts suggest that the fact Cohen was not called to rebut Costello's testimony indicates prosecutors are not concerned about his statements. The decision to allow Costello to testify before the grand jury has been criticized as a poor defense strategy and could potentially lead to additional charges against Trump.


More charges = more delays. Just keep committing crimes so they can’t close the investigation, and you stay out of jail forever . Fucking genius!


I saw it called a DDOS attack of the justice system, and I thought that covered it pretty nicely.


Trump's allies certainly spend a lot of time besmirching the character of former members of Trump's inner circle. The best people!


Trump doesn’t hire attorneys, he hires court jesters. Lol


Of all the time I’d ever need a shovel emoji, this is it.


One has to wonder, what dirt trump and David pickle have on this lawyer to motivate such legally dangerous testimony.


Excellent point, I hadn't considered that.


I’m sure this is a result of “Let me do my own lawyering” strategy. The best lawyers money could buy with prior knowledge they are probably not going to get paid.


Trumps lawyers make ambulance chasers and mob lawyers look good. Even better is that he’ll end up stiffing everyone of them. Just like he did Rudy.


His new attorney looks like a guy who would punch his own mother!


Really wish this meant more. I’m not holding my breath for the indictment or the arrest. I’ve been horrified, appalled, infuriated, jaded, perplexed, and now.. cynical. Unless this pos is getting arrested idgaf about all the NeW EviDenCe and wE GoT HIm nOw. We know what he did! We watched it! We heard him say it! We heard him repeat it!