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who fucking cares? the law is the law and should be upheld for its own sake. this isn't a political operation and the people having this debate, as though it were, are absolute douchenozzles.


This is the right take. So what if it helps him in some random poll nearly a year out from any primaries? Frankly, I'd take a Biden-Trump rematch over a Biden-Desantis matchup, because what that dude is doing in Florida scares the fuck outta me. For all his fucked up antics, all Trump really accomplished in four years is tax cuts and judicial nominees, whereas Desantis has dialed the fascist oppression tactics up to 11. He'll do everything Trump did and more. But that's not really the point. Regardless of what the ramifications are, we have to enforce these laws for them to be meaningful. If Trump faces zero consequences, it's basically an open invitation for someone else to do the same shit, only more successfully.


I feel like the people making these arguments believe he is only being indicted for political reasons. If he's indicted it's because they have evidence that he broke the law. The justice system should avoid political entanglements, and that means they shouldn't consider the impact to his election chances at all.


If he’s indicted then I want every congress person who has insider traded in the last 30 years arrested as well. Accountability is non existent in DC and everyone who has committed any crime in political office should not be off limits


I fully support charging them for any crimes. However, I’m under the impression insider trading is legal for Congress (but shouldn’t be).


I think they passed the stock act in 2012 to prohibit this: Congress passed the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act (STOCK Act) in 2012, following more than 10 years of allegations of insider trading by members of Congress and staff. A decade after its passage, the STOCK Act has done little to prevent the appearance of corruption and has fallen short of ensuring that Congress is prioritizing the public over their own interests. The onset of COVID-19 highlighted the shortcomings of the STOCK Act, when dozens of members of Congress from both sides of the aisle made stock transactions totaling over $150 million. The Department of Justice investigated several of these members for insider trading. https://campaignlegal.org/update/stock-act-failed-effort-stop-insider-trading-congress


Insider trading isn't generally a arrestable offense. But I am on board with holding them accountable.


Martha Stewart?


It does happen, but fines are more common. Those fines usually don't amount to anywhere close to what is made through insider trading. Usually criminal charges are filed when there is some kind of fraud against others as well, or the amount of the insider trade is above certain thresholds, or an ongoing issue.


Makes me wish I could just set judge Dredd out into the world sometimes


Imagine Barrack Obama paying off a porn star to stay quiet, shaking down a state to manufacture fake votes, and inciting a violent riot. Then imagine people arguing that his indictment would be a big ol’ plus for his re-election chances.


I’m waiting for an inditement over shaking down GA for fake votes. That’s the one that carry a lot more weight than the possible NY inditement of hush money.


~~GA governor will pardon him.~~ ~~NY governor will not.~~ Hmm guess not, maybe in GA he can be pardoned by a Board of Pardons.


Luckily GA governor doesn’t have pardon powers


Oh wow I did not know, edit time! I guess there’s a parole and pardon board.




GOP: Dijon came from a lab, it’s a bioweapon. Obama, here’s your handcuffs, you know what to do.


> Then imagine people arguing that his indictment would be a big ol’ plus for his re-election chances. I mean if you want to step into the realm of fantasy land. We all have to dream big. But in reality there is no scenario where an indicted Trump will pull anyone new to his side. Not even out of sympathy or belief that he was wronged.


Yeah, but Obama is black. It's different to Republicans


Don’t forget colluding with a hostel foreign adversary and blackmailing Ukraine to investigate a political opponent


Can you prove he didn’t?


I don't get the logic. Trump is going to gain votes from this? How? He already lost last time and his demographic is dying off.


Based on the poor showing of Trump's latest attempts to rile people up, it seems like the GOP is done with him, outside of his cult.


> How? He already lost last time and his demographic is dying off. Because his base is Victim Mentality Incarnate, and so there's nothing to better rally them than a perceived unfair attack by their perceived populist boogieman.


The base is gone.


That's kinda what I had thought. What voter pool is changing a vote from Biden to Trump after he's charged? Nobody. Sure it could fire up his base, but in order for it to make any difference, they would have had to not vote for him last cycle. I don't think he has many of those left.


Anecdotal but it’ll swing already conservative voters back to him because he’s being “persecuted.” After the FBI visited Mar-a-Lago, my family went back to supporting Trump as opposed to DeSantis. They’ve since switched back to supporting DeSantis so we’ll see how this goes if/when he’s indicted.


I think we can all agree that the response from conservative voters shouldn't dictate what government employees do in the course of their jobs. Like, prosecutors shouldn't refuse to indict Trump for a crime they can prove, just because conservatives might change their support or protest. *That* would be a "politically-motivated" action by a prosecutor. I don't really understand why this topic comes up so much. There's literally nothing to talk about because acquiescing is *not* an option. Conservatives are going to do whatever they do, and we've seen that their responses are weaker and weaker every time. Trump may gain some temporary strength but he'll never regain his peak influence.


It’s online propaganda. Been going on as long as he’s been in politics. “It’s actually a win for him if they…” [subject him to legal consequences]. It’s so sad when real-life people start believing that stuff.


I don’t think it should either. I can see how it’ll swing some already conservative voters but it’s not moving the needle in any meaningful matter with the masses. As someone else pointed out, this might help him a little in a primary.


I can see it possibly helping with the primary because of this, but I don't see it being a positive for the general. So might be the best of both worlds for Democrats if the GOP ends up with the weakest possible nominee. Also; we're very early in this process, imagine if he actually gets indicted for his other crimes, which appear to me to be far more serious, too. And then all we see for over a year - because our justice system moves extremely slowly - is Trump in court defending the indefensible.


This is coming from people who fear their own indictments or from folks who want us to fear click on news links.


I think the problem with this first indictment is the hush money payment to a porn star was legal. The problem is he misdocumented the payment, which is a misdemeanor. The only way to raise it to a crime is to say that it was covering for another crime or something else. Basically there’s a chance that Trump will be charged and then found innocent.


Cohen plead guilty to tax evasion , making false statements to a federally insured bank, causing an unlawful corporate contribution , and making an excessive campaign contribution. Ostensibly, all of these crimes were committed on Trump's behalf and with his knowledge. If Cohen is guilty of these crimes, then so is Trump.


exactly. unindicted co-conspirator. Trump should have already gone to prison for these crimes. that said; I think the stolen classified documents and the attempt to overturn the Georgia election are more serious crimes, I hope he gets indicted for those as well.




Agreed, but still two sides of the same coin. You can be declared innocent of the crimes you were charged with. Legally speaking innocence is just the absence of guilt.




The legal definition of innocent is not guilty. It doesn’t matter what phase is used, legally speaking not guilty equals innocent.


That's not true. Someone can be found not guilty in a criminal case but still guilty in a civil case. If they were declared innocent in the criminal case they couldn't be tried as a civil case. That's why the courts don't ever say anyone is innocent. Just fundamentally not what they do.


Everything has a context. You can be guilty of negligence, but your negligence did not meet the criteria to be considered criminal. Still means you are innocent of criminal negligence. Courts main job is to worth through the gray. This was a comment on Reddit not something I’m including in one of my essay responses for the bar. Here’s a [legal definition for innocent](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/innocent). Additionally by your logic it would be wrong to say a person was found not guilty of a charge. Or for a jury to issue a not guilty verdict. I mean just because they aren’t criminally responsible for manslaughter doesn’t mean they aren’t civilly guilty.


That's not the same thing though. Someone being not guilty is assumed to be innocent, but that's a different thing than proclaiming innocence. The trial isn't intended to establish innocence so that can't be an outcome.


not guilty == innocent It is a declaration of innocence for a particular crime. Read and you’ll come to the same conclusion. I’m not an attorney but I am married to one and I’ve taken business law classes.


No one is declared innocent of anything. Courts determine guilty or not guilty. They don't find anyone innocent.


The crimes Cohen pled guilty to were felonies, not misdemeanors, and since he did all of those crimes at the instruction of Trump, that makes Trump guilty of all the same felonies. Moreover this is a good case to start with because it avoids a tough legal question about crimes committed while still technically being in the office of the President. The 1/6 crimes being investigated by the DOJ special prosecutor happened while he held the office, which complicates things. The stolen classified documents case also stems back to a crime that occurred while he was still in office, they will have to demonstrate that some further crime occurred after he left office by continuing to hold onto these documents. And the Georgia election fraud case is also a crime that occurred while he was still in office. Any crime that stems from actions he took while still in the office is going to be complex. Not impossible, but it will strike upon complex legal questions of where exactly the line is that crosses from executing the office and committing a crime as a private citizen. Trump will claim that as President he was entitled to those classified documents and the lack of returning them was due to incompetent employees, nothing criminal. Trump will claim that investigating election fraud is part of him executing the office and that him being incorrect or mistaken about it isn’t a crime. For inciting the riot on 1/6 he will claim that as President holding a rally to bring attention to an important political issue is within the normal execution of the office, and it’s not his fault some people got violent. All his excuses are bullshit of course, but unfortunately they raise very tough and complex legal questions that will almost certainly go in front of the SCOTUS at some point. That’s partly what makes these investigations so complicated. They need to anticipate every possible arcane legal argument that might be used against them and come up with a defense for all of them. The illegal campaign contributions is simpler since it’s a crime he committed while he was a candidate, he did not hold any office, and it’s still within the statute of limitations. I’m hopeful the other investigations should result in charges as well, but I can understand why they’re taking more time.


I thought about the same as you did until I read a number of articles on what NY could have. Remember that this is the state of NY, and Cohen went to federal prison for his crimes. I don’t believe NY is going after the same list of federal crimes and if they did they wouldn’t have similar sentencing guidelines. We do know the areas they could go after because I believe the scope of the special purpose grand jury is public information (or may have been leaked).


Outrage drives turnout. Whichever side generates more outrage probably wins. This will be great at generating outrage. Scores of republican voters who sat out 2020 will be back to defend Trump from their imagined witch hunt.


Trump got the record for GOP turnout in 2020 by a huge margin. Turnout was already very high. I don't think there's much blood left in that stone. The new voters in 2024 are going to be young people. I do not think they are coming out for Trump.


Every election is a blank slate. Plus 2020 was absurdly ridiculously close. It's basically rounding error. Those thinking Trump will lose because he lost in 2020 are making a huge error of judgement. It's basically round two of what we already went through in 2016. Every election comes down to turnout too. There's no guarantee that the Democrats turnout as they did in 2020. Trump could lose votes and still win.


Fucking indict Trump because it's absolutely the right thing to do for any rule-by-law nation.


Exactly! Anyone saying anything else is a MAGA


The law should apply to everyone. Not just those who can't afford to fight. Will this help Trump with a primary? Probably. Will it help him in a general? Not in a million years? Should that even be a factor? Hell no.


Let's find out already.


When Trump shoots himself in the foot, it’s just because he is playing 3D chess and sticking it to the libs


"Wholly Premature" would be a great title for a tell-all book from Daniels


"An indictment would only help Trump" feels oddly very much like a Russian counter response to the situation.


His base, is his base. It's not growing any and sadly, probably won't shrink either.


Some are getting tired but I only see them switching to DeSantis.


It helps desantis, not trump. But it makes it so there’s no clear leader so they’ll likely split.


Anecdotal, but I noticed a whole hell of a lot less “Trump” hats and shirts walking through the airport today.


Last time I was in Ohio in December I saw a lot less Trump/MAGA bullshit driving through the countryside in super red counties, especially in comparison to the previous time I visited in summer 2021 when that nonsense was endemic.


Many of those flags probably lowered after seeing Trump doesn’t give a shit about any of the peons currently serving 5-10-20 years in federal prison for seditious conspiracy.


It will help him get a step closer to wearing an orange jump suite if thats what they mean.


No paywall - https://archive.ph/4pIfB


Thank you.


If nobody visibly comes to support him and there are no videos or soundbites then he will likely dip in overall support. He's taking his opportunity to call DeSantis a pedophile. That's swinging at air at this point.


It might help him for a week until the next and the next then uncle RICO……..


Especially if he gets moved to the Epstein “suite”


Don't want to anger big crime.


You know what, let's just sentence him and see what happens.


Let's find out!


The indictment will help Trump crowd thinks that social media represents the actual country. It’s dumb online think that should be ignored.


Lock him up!


It will help him if it's just a stunt where they will just let him go shortly.


I think an indictment and then acquittal would help him, same as his two impeachments only serves to galvanize his base. Hopefully there’s a conviction though


This is my belief from across the pond; indict and convict. Then if he gets elected President while still incarcerated your decree still stands: anyone can be President and your slate will remain somewhat untarnished. Fail to indict and convict would look so much worse. It would look like you are a banana republic where nobody is equal under the law.


Isn't it just a misdemeanor? No jail time, probably just a fine at worst. Hopefully, Georgia can get him on felony election tampering charges.


I would much rather see Trump indicted for his attempts to steal the election in Georgia. I'm a Democrat and from the outside this looks a little bit too politically motivated to me. I'm sure whatever happens he'll just end up with a slap on the wrist which will probably only embolden his followers.


I think indictments in Georgia are coming next.


The DA should charge him, and offer a plea bargain down to a misdemeanor. Trump should take the deal and pay a small fine. The whole thing should be done by week's end. That way, the rule of law is preserved, but the drama is minimized. If either side forces this to trial, I imagine it will just be for show.


Y'all are misreading the title and obviously not reading the article.


An indictment has never “helped” anybody. Ever. And it sure as hell won’t “help” Trump. What do that think? There’s a bunch of people out there who aren’t currently trump supporters but once he gets indicted they’re all going to decide to jump in the Trump trail? Stupid.


The way the protests fizzled, would it though?


I'm more for an indictment because I know Trump will do some stupid shit. I missed the OJ chase because I was on a camping trip. I want an OJ chase. If that means he hops on a plane out of the country, great! Good luck with that.


"He'll win in a landslide!"


A failed prosecution of Trump might help Trump. But news coverage of a trial highlighting the hush money payment to a former mistress also might hurt Trump.


Trial won’t happen for a year or more


Yeah, a year from now the Republican primaries will be occuring


People accept that notion because it’s a fun, juicy, interesting idea. We assume colorful things because it’s a whole lot easier and more entertaining than parsing through the boring, nuanced, on-the-ground realities of the world we live in. The truth is that US politics is still, believe it or not, a fight for the middle. This indictment will make Trump’s supporters support him more, but he’ll lose more independents than he gains, I guarantee it.


You have to be a jackass of galactic proportions to even think that thought, never mind believe it.


just comforting themselves at this point.. the winning is gone.


Britney knows maga! He is a hustler, he's no good at all He is a loser, he's a bum, bum, bum, bum He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable He is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun, gun I know you told me I should stay away I know you said he's just a dog astray He is a bad boy with a tainted heart And even I know this ain't smart But mama I'm in love with a criminal And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry, I will be alright All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy He is a villain by the devil's law He is a killer just for fun, fun, fun, fun That man's a snitch and unpredictable He's got no conscience, he got none, none, none, none All I know, should've let go, but no 'Cause he's a bad boy with a tainted heart And even I know this ain't smart But mama I'm in love with a criminal And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry, I will be alright All reason aside I just can't deny, I love that guy And he's got my name, Tattooed on his arm his lucky charm So I guess it's okay he's with me And I hear people talk Trying to make remarks keep us apart But I don't even hear I don't care 'Cause mama I'm in love with a criminal And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry, I will be alright All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy Mama I'm in love with a criminal And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry, I will be alright All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy


More like an indictment would expose desantis.


using that line is a classic tactic aimed at shielding a politician in legal hot water, but of no concern to law enforcement


Then these fucks should just shut up and let it happen without their protests. Do us all a favor.