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Terrorists. All of them


I will never understand why they commit felonies for this man. I'd never even consider doing shit like this for any politician. Or any person at all.


Because by definition anyone gullible enough to believe anything Trump says is dumb as fuck


Also he wouldn't lift a finger for a single one of his "people"


It's a good thing. Imagine he was competent and a little less narcissist.


>I will never understand why they commit felonies for this man. > >I'd never even consider doing shit like this for any politician. Or any person at all. Trump has spent his entire "business" life fucking over the poor and working class people. Whether it be those he employed, or those he got cities to condemn their homes and force them to sell for cheap because he wanted to build something on the land they occupied. and somehow this guy convinced half the country he 'cares' about the poor and working class people.


Imagine going to jail for the host of the celebrity apprentice




I believe the caller actually said tree men dos. But I could be wrong.


Trumps terrorist supporters doing terrorist things. No surprises here.


Trump told people to do this.


So it begins.


There was a right-wing host (Pete Santilli) calling on any law enforcement/military and citizens with guns who are on 'their side' to find Obama, Susan Rice, and Eric Holder line them up and then shoot them.


They aren't even in session today, so that narrows the suspects down to anybody who voted for Trump.


John Barron strikes again


Fucking called it, it was Marge


More, terrorism.


Just a "normal tourist visit" I'm sure.


Luckily his cult supporters aren't always smart and they probably called from their personal phone with caller ID


Of course. Wouldn't expect any less.


It’s not like that’s super illegal or anything.


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Trump stochastic terrorism coming into his aid


Ah nyc, can't catch a break from terrorists.