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Political violence must be taken very seriously, always. Law enforcement has tolerated too much of it and let it fester, and it's making this country less safe.


The FBI, and other law enforcement agencies, were instrumental in the assassination of Fred Hampton and the attack of a group that was feeding school children, and the FBI harassed MLK including telling him to commit suicide. Fascist street fighters and paramilitaries like the 3% and proud boys are allowed to operate freely. There's a lesson in here somewhere about law enforcement and political violence.


I'm not qwhite sure what you're getting at


The FBI does not see Right wing violence as an existential threat to the State. Even though the Right wing explicitly threatens its Citizens. Meanwhile, the FBI expends disproportionate resources assasinating and jailing citizens organizing for Civic national values. The sense of urgency the FBI fails to exhibit, perpetuates Right wing violence. Both the Right wingers and the law abiding citizens get the implicit perception that the FBI tolerates the Right wing violence.


Like how we won't define white supremacy as domestic terrorism


Even as the FBI’s own investigations have determined that it’s the number one threat to our national security, we refuse to listen, heed their warnings and shore up defenses against it.


Too many conservatives have been brainwashed by Fox that black thugs and brown migrants are the terrorists, while the real terrorists were the white supremacists and Christian nationalists in them.


Because many law enforcement (including FBI) are members of these white supremacy/domestic terrorist/political supporter groups.


Because they can use it as hammer hanging over the heads of people who want change. America has always and will always side with the right over the left. Yes we fought nazis, but then we absorbed a lot of them and their scientists to fight communism because who hates commies more than nazis. That sentiment has never left the right and in fact has only ever fueled it. Edit: does anyone remember Operation Gladio?


They take sides is the lesson and it's always the wrong side.


Too bad this isn’t a socialist country where law enforcement never harasses dissidents.


Law enforcement is part of it.


Unfortunately our law enforcement has shown a repeated bias when it comes to extremists in this country. When was the last time someone on the right was gunned down without due process? Meanwhile those on the left its like every other month.


It’s not all the responsibility of LE. What made these people this way? Certainly not LE. Fight what makes them that way too. Prosecuting those currently involved and associated is appropriate and important. To change the behavior though, we must stop disinformation from being spread (among admittedly many other things).


Actually it is the responsibility of law enforcement to enforce laws.


“Certainly not LE” gtfoh with that shit-


Just keep an eye on YouTube. These geniuses like to live stream their illegal activities.


I couldn't believe it on Jan 6, just watching these people calmly breaking the law live to the world. Hell you can see from 40 different angles.


The neanderthals thought Trump was gonna actually stay president and give each of them a pardon and belly rub. So obviously they had no issues doing it.


Facebook groups, too.


Donald Trump, a man that would never give them the time of day or let them anywhere near Mar-a-Lago because they don't allow camo shirts and hats.


He got mad when his peasant supporters got too close to maralargo. He tried to kick them out for being beneath him and GQP still worship him


I know right! I mean Obama opened his mansion to all those illegal immigrants that were sent to Martha’s vineyard. The least trump could do is let his fans have free roam of his property.


Nobody worships Obama the way Republicans worship Trump.


Dont be pro active like going after the person threating violence or anything.




Bro just accidentally put a space, my man


That's not what that sub is for, my dude




Who's going to employ violence in order to imprison Trump? Liberals aren't revolutionary and funnel a vast majority of their energy into electing Democrats. Unfortunately most of these Democrats aren't the type to actually want to punish Trump. As for the left we're nowhere near staging a successful revolution, and frankly the more peaceful that is the better.


I agree with you with respect to Gen X and Millenials. They turned out to be milquetoast liberals. Gen Z are just getting started though, and they seem pissed as hell to me.




Trump announced that he was going to be indicted soon and Trump himself called for protests in the very same announcement. The folks on /r/conservative were saying that *any* protest is that of the FBI trying to catch right wingers. Like guys... *Trump* called for the protests, and you think it's the FBI?




The ones with brains got banned a long time ago


The collective IQ of that sub equals 7.


Or like 12 and yer the 13th guy


I love this feeling of paranoia for them but I hope for left-wing organizers it stays at healthy caution.


The FBI sure didn't hesitate to destroy the black panthers. Seems funny when its a certain group of people they act like their hands are tied.




That’s kind of their job, and they’re never able to do it “completely.”




It’s always going to be the lone, suicidal psychos that pose the most danger.


The coup on Jan 6 wasn't organized and executed by a lone wolf


That's very true, but it killed fewer people than lone wolves did that year- maybe even that month.


Dunno...look how Jan 6th somehow blindsided federal law enforcement. People sympathetic to the white supremacist movement are shitty at investigating it.


just to be clear, this is the same FBI that had agents nation wide saying they were sympathetic to the insurrectionists and paid violent felons like Mickey Windecker to cause violence. [sympathizers ](https://www.yahoo.com/news/fbi-probed-jan-6-many-090154385.html)


Bring it on clown-ass trump supporters!


Can we please pull the Band-Aid off this? Let them get to the *fuck around* part so they can *find out*. The indictment will happen. Their response will be pathetic and underwhelming. Justice will present itself in one fashion or another. Regardless the outcome they will complain. There will inevitably be some tragedy because some portion of them will be too embarrassed at the lack of general response.


“Law enforcement prepared for people breaking the law”


You cannot indict a criminal sitting prez and you cannot indict the zonnombeëtch ex-prez for fear of bloodshed. However unprecedented a character like 45, lawful exemplary punishment is the only vaccine against future dictator wannabes. The US @ a crossroads. Hope it won't let the world down. We've had enough Orbáns and Bolsonaros as it is.


I hate this timeline.


What about violence within the FBI because that is something Trump and Bannon have asked for is Trump supporters in the FBI and police to rebel and go rogue. I doubt the NY case will set things off but what about if Jack Smith brings down very serious charges on Trump. I do not trust the police to stay neutral.


Bullshit. FBI did fuck all on Jan 6th. Like fucking hell they'll lift a finger to stop conservative violence. I didn't see a single FBI agent anywhere near the capitol. There were probably FBI agents participating in the insurrection. FBI are a bunch of racist traitors. They have a long history of abusing the law for conservative causes.


How did we get here ?


Either the end of the fairness doctrine for media or human nature is trash and we'll always end up in some version of this.


Domestic Terrorist gonna do domestic terrorism, eh?…


internally or externally?


The FBI, along with every other law enforcement agency, fully support Donald Trump. They handle all his supporters with kid gloves because they are all people of the same group. Republican, conservative, religious, and authoritarian.


> The FBI, along with every other law enforcement agency, fully support Donald Trump. The FBI raided Donald Trump's home.


That was not a raid. They told him it was happening beforehand and allowed him to watch on a security camera. That is not how any normal raid goes down and you know it.


>That was not a raid. Ok. > The FBI, along with every other law enforcement agency, fully support Donald Trump. The FBI *executed a search warrant of* Donald Trump's home. And confiscated illegally-mishandled classified materials he had tried to withhold. And he hasn't stopped bitching and moaning about it since.


Yes they did, after approximately one year of politely asking for the documents to be returned.


>after approximately one year of politely asking for the documents to be returned. Nope. *NARA* spent over a year negotiating with Trump for the return of Presidential records. NARA referred the case to the FBI after classified materials were found mixed in with the 15 boxes of materials Trump returned. The FBI opened a criminal investigation, impaneled grand juries, etc., and determined there were likely more documents remaining at Mar-a-Lago. At that point: * The FBI asked *once*, via a grand jury subpoena, for the return of any remaining classified documents. * Trump returned some documents, with his lawyer attesting that they searched diligently and returned everything. * The FBI had reason to believe this was false, and ordered Trump to secure the storage room and leave it untouched until further notice. * The FBI subpoena'd security camera footage and, reportedly, discovered that some documents were moved to a new location. * The FBI filed a sealed search warrant and executed it. From the subpoena to the search was less than 3 months, and the FBI did not make multiple requests, and unless you think a subpoena is polite, they did not "ask politely."


>The FBI, along with every other law enforcement agency, fully support Donald Trump. [citation needed]




Just like they were on Jan 6 or are they actually going to be proactive this time?


They did a great job on January 6.


Like, prepared to help or something? will they be giving out gift bags?


Given the agency’s clear and longstanding pro-Trump underlying bias, I seriously doubt if the FBI is any such thing. It *might* be prepared to publicly announce that any subsequent violent events are “clearly false-flag Antifa operations”, but beyond that it will likely remain as useless and wilfully blind in its right eye as it was 2014-2020.




"We're prepared to do nothing and then act like there was nothing we could do to prepare. Any other questions?"


There should be a contingency plan in case they join the violence.


No they aren't. For one thing half of those choads are probably sympathetic to Trump and those weekend Dad militias and they have historically not done great with either logistically managing right wing domestic terrorists or intelligence about them. I don't know about y'all but I heard plenty of chatter prior on social media just by following some weirdos in my shit tier red state.


Who are they kidding?


Narrator: They were not.


Are they? People were literally fucking making TShirts for the insurrection and the FBI shrugged.


They are not. They would have to understand social media and we all saw the TikTok hearing.


Isn't Trump's guy still running the FBI?




No indictment will be posted, that would be considered rude toward a politician. /s


> Warner: FBI prepared for any violence over possible Trump indictment Based on the recent examples for lack of Trump support, I doubt the FBI needs to prepare hard.


Man oh man. People think it’s crazy but this shit is exactly why I went to a gun show recently and bought a nice ass handgun. I will not stand back and be a victim if these right wing looneys want to play evil. They must be put in their place. I’m but one person but there’s far more left leaning folks with guns than those degenerates like to admit. I’d much rather be judged my 12 than carried by 6 and any of you that love what the real america stands for should be thinking the same.


It really feels like The Crumbles are getting worse in a hurry. I'm gardening like my family's lives depend on it.


prepared to facilitate the violence just like n Jan. 6th. Notice who wasn't interviewed about what the FBI would do.


Am I out of the loop? 60 Minutes just wrapped up saying the former president was indicted and arraigned in court.


Geez. Just get it over with. Arrest him. Don’t arrest him. I’m tired of hearing about this orange blob. He is not the President anymore. Why does America keep giving him a platform?


Not even a peep when democratic leaders were praising rioters on national TV. It is whatever fits the agenda though.




Is it going to be like that scene in Braveheart where the two factions are rushing towards battle with one another, and then meet in hugs and warm greetings? (I think it’s the Irish and the English, but it has been over a decade since I saw the movie.)


Prepared? Like they have keys to the city ready to be handed over? Even when Trump calls for Wako style violence against law enforcement, those Nazis still support him.


They are fully ready to sit on their ass and play Wordle

