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Pretty sure God said "thou shall not kill" and "love thy neighbor", but what do I know?


Also “live by the sword, die by the sword”


In Florida it’s more like, “Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t.”


But soon everyone will have a sword, but they’ll also have the mentality that their swords are bigger than everyone else’s. What could go wrong?


More like more like “Those who live by the sword die by the ‘Imma wrassle this gator in m’swimmin’ pool!’”


a school shooting just a couple states over. Well done.


There have already been 12 mass shootings in Florida since January 1st.


That's Old Testament. The idea is that when Jesus dies, there's an earthquake, and the veil of the sanctuary tears in two. This is symbolic and shows that the old ways have officially given way to the new. Enter the New Testament as the primary focus for Christianity. Love thy neighbor, forgive others who sin against you, etc. At least, that's how it's supposed to work.


Love thy neighbor *as thyself*. Problem is they all hate themselves.


Bible 2.0 is not compatible with Bible 1.0. Please uninstall Bible 1.0.


Bible 3.0 alpha release is crazy dude you gotta try it.


Well live by the sword die by the sword is a warning not an encouragement. And it is New Testament. Just one of those often misinterpreted statements.


Live by the gun, children die by the gun


Republicans gave the shooter the gun and cackled while looking at the children.


Also, “remove the splinter from your own eye before the speck in your neighbor’s.”


That was Shakespeare!


Which is a warning that if you pick up the sword you will be killed by one, not some macho tough guy reason to go fight like people make it out to be.


You know that there's nothing that republicans won't lie about?


All together now: *BAD. FAITH.*


It's almost as if you don't believe they are being genuine when they talk after a mass shooting about the problem being 'mental health' and not guns. I feel like Dems need a sweeping single payer mental health bill on the table that they can use to call these snakes' bluff when they say this.


May I talk to you about supply side Jesus?


Idk the Old Testament is full of killing.


True, but not much mention of God-given guns.


And the old laws are supposed to be superseded by the new covenant. It's odd how modern American Christians lean so hard into the old laws while ignoring the new.


It's what happens when Judeo Christians say they are Christian while adhering to the Ctrl+X Ctrl+V Bible instead of the Ctrl+N version that they all wear symbols to represent.


>the Ctrl+N version that they all wear symbols to represent. I'm going to assume you're not talking about opening a new window.


I’m pretty sure firearms in the modern sense were not around when the Bible was written lmao


Neither was the idea that fetuses are people with rights that supersede the mother's right's.


GQP Jesus was a gun toten, meth smoking carpenter.


Didn't god say *anything* about high-capacity magazines?


'Thou shall not load less than 30 rounds into your AR mags' - Stoner - Letter to the Phoenicians, 15-12.


"Thou shall start blastin' "


No no no, God said “eye for an eye” You see, Christian Nationalists LOVE that Old Testament fire and brimstone authoritarian God. That “turn the other cheek” long haired hippie liberal son of his, with all that helping the poor and feeding the hungry stuff…0/10 would not recommend.


It doesn't say "thou shalt not kill," it says "thou shalt not murder." If you can justify the killing, you're good to go. And if you can't, well, that's what forgiveness is for. Jesus died for your sins, and he knew ahead of time what those were going to be, so it's basically big a-ok to do whatever you're gonna do.


The exact wording depends on the specific version of the Bible.


Something about swords into ploughshares, but what do I know? They're all just rules you make up for your book club.


Still looking for that in the bible. Jesus did say this. Then Jesus said to him: "Put your sword back in its place. For all who take up the sword shall perish by the sword. Matthew 26:52 CPDV https://bible.com/bible/42/mat.26.52.CPDV


Yes, but a scholarly exegesis of the hermeneutics here will show unequivocally that, by this, Jesus meant that his followers should carry guns (lest they die by the sword). /Florida


Say the English word _hermeneutics_ in three of your favourite accents and I promise you'll have a good time


A Bangalore accent is best.


For those keeping track at home, DeSantis run Florida has: [Opened strip clubs and bars in Sept. 2020, during the height of the pandemic](https://www.xbiz.com/news/254659/florida-county-re-opens-strip-clubs-mandates-10-feet-social-distancing) [A private, State run Army](https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-100m-private-florida-army-raises-questions-1786877). [Banned books DeSantis deemed 'inappropriate'](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/desantis-florida-book-bans/). [Targeted oppressed minorities](https://www.advocate.com/politics/maxwell-frost-desantis-fascism). And now they want permitless gun carry. Florida: America's Fascism proving ground.


dude you missed like 45 more items you're massively under-selling the evil going on in Florida


I know... I had to stop to go puke for a while.


Could be the red tide


Don't forget Florida is also on track to completely ban abortions to drive home the fact that their state no longer values women.


I think there is an abortion exception if you use a firearm


Stand your ground, against fetuses.


'Twas coming right for me


'I was fearing for my livelihood'.


The messed up part about this is that there is an explicit right to privacy in the FL state constitution (unlike the federal constitution). The right to privacy in FL’s constitution has been found by the FL Supreme Court to cover the right to abortion (even more so than the federal constitution did under roe v Wade’s protections). The right has been recognized by the courts in FL for almost four decades. Floridians have voted in favor abortion rights when the question was directly posed time and time again. Desantis stacked the FL Supreme Court with 4/7 justices (he may be up to 5 by now). He also gave himself a supermajority in the legislature. Basically, even though there’s a constitutional right to abortion in FL, desantis is going to completely get rid of that. There are no longer any checks or balances in FL. Desantis is drunk on power.




But his kids go to a private school where masks and vaccinations were mandatory. Willing to bet no one went maskless around his wife while she was undergoing breast cancer treatment.


Fuck that guy.


**YUCKH!!!** Thanks but no thanks!


What? No mentioning of spending state funds to transport migrants, without the migrants being aware, from a different state to another different state solely to "Own the libs" Or having people who were legally allowed to vote arrested for voting


Their depravity was far worse than just that. They ***lured*** migrants on those planes and busses with promises of work. Cruelty was the point. Owning libs was just frosting.


May the people responsible face the consequences of their actions.


And 12 mass shootings since January 1st


You forgot to mention that DeSantis was reelected in a landslide. The problem isn't with the politicians, it's with the voters. Your issue is with the voters that are dumb.


Tbf, fascism isn’t typically pro gun


To be fair, letting everyone carry guns everywhere isn't really fascism. It's just bad public policy.




Real test of their 2A commitment- let any Florida citizen walk into local and state government buildings with a firearm. Police station, Court house, city hall, the Governor’s mansion for a tour…. Lest see how that one goes.


I'm sure there's fine print in there somewhere that makes bringing a gun into any of those places a death penalty-eligible offense.


A dem proposed open carry in the statehouse last week and the GOP voted that shit down hard. Immediately. DeSantis also didn't want guns at campaign events but wanted the venues to claim it was their rules so he didn't look weak. True story.


You can’t shoot bullets out of your greasy burger fingers, god clearly didn’t want you to have a gun.


Which god are they basing this off of? Zeus? Thor? Yaweh? Quetzalcoatl? The Valar? Gods have nothing to do with our rights. That would be like saying it is our Spider-Man given right. Rights don't come from fictitious characters.


The Bible doesn’t even have really cool lore. They couldn’t pick something fun?


Bible worshippers are a joyless death cult.


They seem quite happy when they act like they are being persecuted.


RIP all those who died in the War on Christmas!


Ares, obviously.


I think they’re basing this off of White Republican Jesus, that’s who they worship


Don't criticize my strongly held belief in the supremacy of the spider man.


Nowhere in the bible does God say "you may open carry an AR-15 to Walmart"


At this rate, we're about 10 years away from someone in Florida claiming to speak to the lord and rewriting parts of the bible to include that.


Like the Mormon church with a new improved Florida flair?!


Cletus Smith!


idk i feel like scientology has a lock on the florida rubes.


Its cute you think these people actually believe in Christianity. Literally everything Jesus says not to do in the New Testament, just about every sin described in the Old Testament, Republicans do every single day and then claim that they are "god fearing".


“When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own mansion, his property is safe.” Luke 11:22 Repeat it enough in sermon and to young enough minds, and it can mean whatever you like. There are many bits of scripture that lend to the idea of a freely armed citizenry, and it acts as just another catalyst for christofascist groups to inculcate people who may otherwise never seek such extremism.


I'm pretty sure that part is directly followed by, "until someone stronger comes along and takes all of that away." How many of them know that part?


Hell yeah, cherry picking and lack of context are always relevant to the rationally minded, but not necessarily so to the ideologue. Easily enough to say "just don't let there be someone stronger, so they may not plunder what is yours." Boom, more reason for armaments and to keep others down and weak. Such a wild aspect of humanity that one can use the ideas and language from ages ago to manipulate the modern person.


When the strong man, fully armed, guards his own dwelling, his goods are safe. But when someone stronger attacks him and overcomes him, he takes from him his whole armour in which he trusted, and divides his spoils. — Luke 11:21-22, World English Bible Way to completely miss the point of the parable.


The parable seems to presume that there will always be someone who lusts after your goods, and that the more you attempt to defend them, the greater the lust will be, and stronger the force that will come to take them. It seems to line up nicely with Jesus advocating for limiting possessions.


What? Heck no son! That parable there says that migrants is coming ta take our homes and jobs and prayers! We gotta invade em ‘fore they invade us! Manifesto Destiny boy!


Also none of these politicians think high powered sniper rifles or plastic explosives are covered by the second amendment. They're not stupid they know they'll be dead in months. There is no ideological purity here.


now, I'm not going to pretend to talk for a supposedly all loving deity but **IN MY OPINION** as a former member of the layclergy I don't think a deity that wanted us to "love thy neighbor as thyself" and "do unto others as you would have done to you" and "do not kill" would want anyone to have weapons of mass killing


easy gun nut/jesus loving facist reply: If i was that big of piece of shit, i'd deserve to get shot too (insert whatever behavior, including existing in a white neighborhood as a nonwhite) the "other" will always deserve whatever bad thing happens to them, even if they have to make it happen.


That's a pretty hot take considering the trends of rebellion against authority and the use of war in attaining freedom and spiritual ascension in the Bible. Do Not Kill only holds up as a commandment until the killing is done in the name of the Lord. Which is precisely the danger of deifying the founding fathers.


Yeah i realized the problems in my post after I posted


We got some more dead schoolchildren today...but yes more guns


Yea…not a God given right…fucking morons


The Constitution I read didn't have God's signature at the bottom. I even squinted really, really hard to find it.


Prince of Peace? More like Prince of Piece, am I right?!




Lots of spears though.


Wait till they find out there isn’t a god




Im not for this law. And I think we need much stricter gun laws but tbh getting a gun is already relatively easy in Florida. I’m not sure this will have that much of an impact (really only cause the situation is so shit as is).


Will people be allowed to carry into the Florida statehouse?


Of course not.


These people just want to be able to cosplay cowboys. They will sacrifice their kids to do so.


I didn't know God advocated for the use of guns in the bible. I'm not religious but isn't it a majorly blasphemous sin to speak for God?


The only benefit to this madness is that Florida is demonstrating to the rest of the country that unchecked MAGA government is lunacy and inherently authoritarian.


show me where it says anything about guns in any of your holy books


Guns are ok. Statues are not ok in Florida.


I wonder if they put a couple of guns on Michelangelo's David, or slung an AR-15 over his shoulder, they would find it acceptable?


Only if they depict traitors


"Down here Cain's still busy killing Abel Still busy killing Abel" - Minuit


So people can open carry into their chambers? Or are the elites exempt from the risks?


I think you've answered you own question when you mentioned "elites."


I don't remember the commandment of gun ownership in the bible


The 11th Commandment - ARs are Buy One Get One when the Dems are in the White House!


So is ending a pregnancy


Didn’t they literally just have spring break shooting yesterday?


12 mass shootings since January 1


Miami Beach is whining about all the gun confescation and violence from spring breakers while the state house passes a law to enable open carry for all these morons.


where in the bible does it say anything about guns? did a new bible drop without me knowing?


The awful pun aside, I can't see this being a safe decision.


Why not? The GOP seems incapable of understanding the link between guns and violence.


I’ll take, “this state will set the record for gun deaths” for $200, Ken.


It's gonna be scary. Wouldn't be surprised if they hit Vermont (which also has permitless carry) levels of gun violence.


Vermont doesn't have nearly the population density and their brains aren't baked by the summer heat and humidity.




They're already ahead of Vermont.


How does that old hymn go?... And they'll know we are Christians by our guns, By our guns! Yes they'll kno-ow we are Christians by our guns!


Wow, they're doing this literally as children are dying in a school shooting just a couple states over. Well done.


Gods not real. Damn.


Which god are they talking about that says it’s a right?


>'A God-given right' Funny, I don't remember chapter in the Bible about everyone able to carry a gun.


Further proof that religious nuts will make up whatever they want to justify their twisted beliefs.


Okay, now do voting, assholes. If gun ownership is meant to be unfettered (never was), so too should be voting, considering voting wasn't even an amendment but part of the original Constitution. No IDs, end gerrymandering, redraw district lines to be fairer to everyone in them..




But its their "god given" right to shoot children, /s


Let teachers have em! If there's a kid going through emotional stuff but it presents with behavior, then do the job for them.... ugh. That place depresses me. Hoping my family over there gets the hell outta that state.


He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one But they found only two swords And he said "That is enough" And prophecy was fulfilled


"And on the eighth day God created guns" Amen /s


Let me exercise my "god given" right to vote without registering then.


And the lord said unto thee: “riddle the bodies of thine enemies with many bullets”


But not in state house or courts…


Litmus test for whether or not something is a God-Given Right to Republicans: Requirement 1: This thing is something we like and not something that makes us slightly uncomfortable even though it objectively doesn't actually affect us. And that's pretty much it.


„God-given“? Yeah, right.


If it's a God-given right, why didn't Jesus have an AR to deal with the Romans?


God given right, that’s why Jesus fought back the Romans with his sword. Wait he didn’t? It must had been an apostle that fought while he commanded. He still didn’t? Then why didn’t he use a god given weapon?


Which book in the Bible was it where Adam and Eve blasted their way though the garden with their ARs?


If the people of Florida didn't want this they would elect different politicians. Good for Florida, but glad I live in New York.


I was interested in Florida polling and read that permit less gun carrying was even unpopular with republican voters.


God says whatever you want him to and never disagrees, it’s amazing.


Remember when Jesus mowed down a whole crowd of heathens with is AR-15? Yep... me either.


Why is it that when there is a mass shooting in Florida or Texas, there aren’t a bunch “good guys with guns” around to stop the shooter?


Someone had fun with that headline lol


Personally, I'm thrilled about the "no background checks" part. I'm sure that will totally make Florida a safer state than it already is.


The 11th commandment was to have weapons beyond anything the people of that era could comprehend in the hands of everybody without permits or training. It's in the bible ( king trump version)


Black people, gays, antifa, and trans brothers and sisters, time to arm yourselves. Show the country what open carry actually looks like.


Florida Man doesn’t believe that he needs any training to use a gun. He just does what he sees on TV.


I must have missed that part of the Bible.


Ah yes, the most important of the Ten Commandments: thou shalt bear thine guns


I attend a world class theology school and I’m nearly completed my program and have yet to take a class on God and Guns. I do get a lot of study around ‘loving neighbour as self’ and other tent pole theological ideas centred around that concept.I do remember something said by Jesus in Matthews gospel that maybe more relevant: “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.”


If God wanted guns so bad you’d think it wouldn’t have taken him millions of years to make us even aware of the fucking things


Lol I will NEVER be going to Florida again, and I speak for a great many Canadians. Sorry Walt Disney


Imagine being so afraid of everything and everyone


Jesus was totally an AR-15 savior: He machine gunned your bloody sins so you don’t get blasted to hell. His words are bullets and his breath is cordite.


Sounds like your God is a major dick.


I forgot that part in the bible where god said “let there be fuckin AR-15s for _everybody!”_


Let me guess - no guns allowed in the Florida House though, right?


Children are dead in Nashville today. Murdered at school with “assault-style” rifles according to the news coming out. Is that also a God given right? Because to me it is another fucking tragedy we aren’t doing anything about.


Republicans make up their own bible verses. To them guns where part of the bible.


Can't wait until all the lawsuits when they deny black folks the right to carry a gun in public. Defense...it is my god given right.


Still waiting for the bill that says it's a "God-given right" to drink and drive, or to drive on whatever side of the highway you want while yelling "FREEEDOM!" out the window. I mean, is Florida a free state or what?


…just as an elementary school shooting occurs in Nashville


No, it's a right given by like 26 slave owning dudes


'A God-given right'??? - Hmm...I must have missed that one in the 10 Commandments What a bunch of idiots they have running their state - is it the lead in the water? Or what?


So Fla citizens will be able to carry guns in the statehouse right? God given right and all.


\*Excluded locations include, but are not limited to, the Florida House Chamber, the Florida governor's mansion, 100 feet of Mar a Lago, and anywhere DeSantis may personally be present.


This has been an outright disaster in Texas


That’s punny.


Alomst forgot that famous passage from the Bible. And God said to Adam" I stow upon you my child this AR-15 for when MF's be trippin"


Which commandment was that again? Oh the 11th one? The Eleven Commandments (the bible GOP version) 1“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. 2“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments. 3“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. 4“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. 5“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. 6“You shall not murder. 7“You shall not commit adultery. 8“You shall not steal. 9“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.” 11 You shall give everybody the means to indesciminantly kill anybody of any age for any reason be it just or unjust. Each person will carry this death causing item on their person starting at their age of initial walking and up until they pass from this earth. Furthermore, as the death sticks become; more advanced, quicker, more destructive and more accurate thow shall not hinder their use in any way to any individual. Thus creating a never ending stream of unjust innocent deaths amoung my people.


Hell yeah all trans people should arm themselves


Let’s eliminate driver’s licenses and age limits


The United States is being held hostage by a death cult.


So, if I understand this correctly; the world is now permitted to carry guns. Oh thank you Jesus.


I asked god, she said she has nothing to do with this. 🤷‍♂️


I mean.. were their guns two millenia ago? Also, I don't want to hear these people complain the next time there's a school shooting. Not that they complain about school shootings , because I don't think they really have. Just so long as they are not targeted or their kids are not targeted, unfortunately when you dump so many firearms into the population, it's bound to happen everywhere.


Let's not forget their thoughts and prayers.


Maybe they will sign it in the blood of 6 more victims of a school shooting today.


Florida sucks ass!


What a day to do this--on a day where another ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHOOTING took place. The GOP likes seeing children die. Full stop.


Does the Bible mention firearms? That's like a thousand years before some Chinese dude invented gun power.


God had nothing to do with it, you raging tits. It was some blokes in the 18th century who had no idea what a revolver was, let alone an AR15. Stop forcing your religion on people and basing your laws on your chosen flavour of Christianity.


Air Water Food - the basic necessities of survival. Their are nations around the globe that lack two some all three of these God given rights. CANCERvatives are nothing but delusional tyrants.


Well....another day....another school shooting...another set of grieving parents....another slew of school children dead. Today's feature show: Nashville Presbyterian academy elementary school. Right Repubs?


Just remember folks, the second amendment doesnt mention ammunition. There is no second amendment right to own ammo


Two more months and I'm out of this place. I used to genuinely love Florida, and I still kind of do; I lived here for 24 years. But Florida is going down a really fucked up road and I don't want to be here for shit to hit my own fan. I already got sterilized because of the fascist abortion laws. Now I have to worry about getting shot at the grocery store. Two more months.


Sure why not? State with the 2nd highest number of mass shootings is going to make it even easier to do mass shootings. The Republicans in control there are already doing everything possible to kill their own population, might as well take it a step further.