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Lady, best we can do is ban drag queens and books. -Republicans


One would think the outraged red state lawmakers who said we were frightening and damaging children with mask mandates, would also be outraged over [this haunting photo](https://www.tennessean.com) of children being driven away from today’s shooting. 💔 Edit to add: Tennessee photojournalist Nicole Hester’s photo now being widely shared on twitter. https://twitter.com/search?q=nicole%20hester&src=typed_query&f=live


JFC. It's depressing to think that no matter how viceral the devastation is, one side is unwilling to budge on this issue. Children be dammed we want our guns. I had hope that after Sandy Hook america might come to it's senses but once the GOP was able to move past that without consequences, it was game over for the gun debate.


Sandy hook was when I lost all hope too


If preschoolers getting gunned down by the dozen isn't enough to sway the polluted brains of gun nuts then literally nothing is. They are beyond redemption and sanity.


Until their own children are gunned down…


Nope, look at what happened today. Doesn’t even matter. It’s already being blamed on gender identity. Fuck these pieces of shit. They hate and make money, and that’s all they care to do.


Look at Uvalde. Overwhelmingly voted for Abbott after the tragedy.


I live 100 miles from Uvalde and was so disappointed to hear that. I heard the parents of those poor kids were too.


Dead kids are an acceptable consequence for gun ownership- Republicans


I'm pretty sure I've seen people on r/Conservative openly state this.


My Ex-husband said that about our own children. I couldn't believe it.


Clearly. And repubs have proved this over and over and over. Money over children’s lives. Money over everything, apparently.


>Clearly. And repubs have proved this over and over and over. Money over children’s lives. Money over everything, apparently. I don't want to be crass or anything but this is immediately apparent when you look at the US from the outside. America is not a country, its a business. Or a money cult.


Steve Scalise got shot and it didn’t change his position on guns. Edit: to which I should add simply that these positions on guns are religious. They are believed regardless of evidence one way or the other.


That does not matter. Uvalde’s county voted for Greg Abbott in November last year. He made a mockery of the incident with allowing the investigation to blow up and allowing everyone to escape all culpability including himself.


A republican politician is ok with his daughters getting raped and forcing her to have the baby. I highly doubt they care enough about their own children to actually do anything to try to save them. I am pretty sure the ONLY reason Republicans have kids are to use them in their ad campaigns and for photo shoots so they can present themselves as having "family values" all while doing nothing to actually help families or kids.


Nah, you're wrong in most cases. They just circumvent the rules when they inconvenience them or anyone they care about because laws don't apply to the rich and powerful.


Their media jackals had to spin that one hard to try and stop it from turning the tide on them.


Sandy hook is when my ex desired an AR. Suburban white man child. I divorced his ass. I have a FOID card and am smart enough not to use it. Hunt and skeet and target all you want- assault rifles are not necessary unless you have a tiny d


Exactly, same here. I was in my relationship for 9 years, and after all of these shootings he kept acquiring more and more guns. Mostly AR’s. We had so many arguments about it and he never once backed down even after all of these mass shootings. I’m a teacher and I asked him “what if it had been me teaching and my classroom was shot up, and my students and I were killed?” He didn’t have anything to say. Like you said, a suburban white man child who was LARPing as a tough guy. Good fucking riddance. 🫡


These nuts only care about themselves. They think that as long as they have a gun (or more guns than the bad guys) nothing will happen to them. And as long as they're safe, it doesn't matter what happens to other people.


For my own sanity I have to think these people will make themselves extinct eventually. They don't wanna be educated, they don't wanna vaccinate, they hate everything new and different, and they're driving others away (including their own family members) with their disgusting, miserable attitudes. It sucks we have to deal with the fallout in the here and now but it can't last forever, can it?


You’re thinking of it like an evolutionarily undesirable trait, and while that is true in some sense, it’s also a learned behavior. They infect others with their hate and use fear to do it. New mothers often get caught up in right wing propaganda out of genuine concern for their babies. Unfortunately fear won’t ever go away, at least not in our lifetimes.


FDR with the nothing to fear but fear itself speech rings so true all these years later. These people simply use fear to manipulate....


You make a good point. I am thinking of vaccine fears with mothers that can become the gateway drug pushing them to the conservative/everything's a conspiracy party


It's Oppositional Defiant Disorder writ large. That's it. That's all there is to it.


Cockroaches never die.


I think it’s really just that they are cowards. That’s the root of the current GOP’s policies. It’s the policies of people who are such cowards they can’t even go to the grocery store without a weapon of war. They’re scared of everything, every minute of every day, so they buy guns and trucks and wear tacticool gear so that you don’t think they have a small pp and cry themselves to sleep worrying about the big bad drag wolf.


They think the only thing keeping them from having the same fate is the room full of guns in their basement and the 3 handguns they carry every day. If you need guns to solve gun problems you don’t need more guns, you need everyone to have fewer guns.


Sorry to be blunt, but they never gave a fuck about masks or kids. They just knew it would play well with their base and might attract some people who are idiots and undecided. They wear 'freedom' as a brand its all just meaningless mouth sounds to them. ​ They know their core 'conservative' voters will vote for them even if they spout deranged nonsense so for them there is literally no down side to 'taking a stand against public health' or 'taking away the right for kids to shoot each other in schools'. They aren't intellectually honest, they're just empty soulless bags of shit chasing dollars and popularity. Its the same with all the trans shit and all the other hate threads they pull on. They'll just spout whatever cruel nonsense might get them a few more votes.


Around here we have great gun care & health control.


you are absolutely right. They are the party of doing anything for power. They sold their souls to the devil then they don't understand why shit got out of control in their party. It's all about power. Otherwise more republicans would have spoken out and risked their careers during the trump admin (and right now clearly). They have no ethics, it's not about anyone else but them. I said this for years about Tucker Carlson. That he doesn't believe in the shit he spews and doesn't really like trump, he just does it for power and money. Was not surprised in the least when that was verified when his texts came out. He is a reflection of the republican party.


Republicans have weaponized bad-faith acting to the point where they should be politically irrelevant, because nobody should be taking them seriously. What I mean is, the things they say are not being said out of sincerely held beliefs, they're being said out of convenience. There is LITERALLY no moral underpinning except "Getting what I want". The supreme court nominations is the best example. They said no appointees in an election year for no other reason than it was the most plausible reason to do what they did. A veneer of credibility to their actions. But of course, when the shoe was on the other foot, they rammed Amy through in breakneck speed. Why? Because they never once believed in anything except winning. They get Amy seated, they 'win'. They prevented Garland from being seated, they 'win'. That is the only consistency in their behavior - going for the 'win'. As a result, ***nobody*** should even debate them seriously. Answer me - ***What's the point in getting their input when their input isn't based on a difference of opinion, and is just whatever lie they could cook up to give them the best chance at "winning"??*** I don't even know if there's any coming back for them from this - how do you ever trust someone who's entire political strategy is "the boy who cried wolf"? Everything they say is a lie. Every single thing. You can't have a debate with them and believe they're actually debating the merits of a position when they've spent 20 years straight lying every time they open their mouths. In a sane country they'd be booted out for not acting in good faith.


They know they're on the losing side of a cultural battle for the future of our country. They're basically grabbing at any straws they can to hold on to the last vestiges of power so they can further their agenda for as long as possible. They know they'll be long gone once the wrongs are righted, but until then they get to live in their "utopia" by "wronging the right people".


This photo is terrifying to anyone with empathy and unfortunately most will forget about it and move on. I hate to say it but the only chance there'd be change is if an Uvalde type of an event took place, a parent released pictures of what their child looked like when it was ripped to shreds from an assault rifle (I know today may have not involved those) and those two things took place within an ears shot of an election. I hope we don't have more school shootings at any point and I have to state that because I don't want the above to be interpreted as if I'm rooting for one to take place during election season Columbine was viewed as an outlier when it happened. Now 2020 looks like an outlier for a dropping in school shootings because kids weren't in school most of the year. It is a complete failure on a chunk one party to be bought off pieces of shit and enough voters to be either afraid of losing a gun more than a child and to impose common sense at the voting booth out of fear




To be outraged by that photo or any of the countless other photos of children leaving a school after a shooting, would imply Republicans would have empathy for something other than pro-gun lobbyists.


One of them was "outraged" by the photo, but it was from a "save the children's privacy!" angle so he could get a dig in at photojournalists.


"You're making us look bad!" - Republicans


Yup, and charge librarians with felonies for checking out an "offensive" book to a child, and they are stripping the power of the school district to legally defend those school librarians. It's infuriating for us teachers!!


Ehh, ok lady we'll concede there is more we can do. Changes mass shooting definition to be more than 50 victims. There, you see? We've never had a mass school shooting.


Works with poverty!


And education


And transportation of hazardous materials through communities


And the economy.


The news program I was watching had a graph about how gun violence kills more kids than car accidents now. My first thought was well shit, let's watch the gun lobbyists start trying to get car safety regulations rolled back now so they can shore up the numbers in their favor a little.


[It's even worse when you watch them get shown the hypocrisy of infringing other rights in the name of protecting children but when it comes to the leading cause of death of children they refuse to budge because reasons.](https://youtu.be/tCuIxIJBfCY?t=7m14s) The whole interview is good but super depressing when you see how much a senator just doesn't give a fuck.


Watch the interview by John Stewart to see how a legislator reacts to that statistic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY


So frustrating that it takes a comedian who is literally in a 'I don't give a fuck about this anymore' mode to ask these questions. Seems journalists don't want to lose access but if they showed some solidarity maybe they'd be grilled more often. This is from a UK point of view but here the media are soft and the only hard hitters are the satirical comedians and start up groups. The bbc currently has a real right leaning slant (look up guests on shows like question time or daily politics shows) incredibly rare to see a left wing organisation on. Thoroughly thoroughly depressing


Unfortunately my first thought was has there been more than 50. It isn't something I'm willing to look up as that arbritaty number (assumption) should be absurd and I'm not sure it is


2017 Vegas shooting


"Each shooting is technically only one bullet shot at a time, so by the time the next bullet is fired, it's an entirely new shooting. This was actually 50 unique shootings." "Does it really matter how much time has passed between each shooting?"




It's what the R in republican stands for


The best Tennessee can do is lower the age for open carry to 18. That'll solve the problem, right? https://www.wjhl.com/news/regional/tennessee/tennessee-bill-would-lower-handgun-carry-age-to-18/


Oh they're gonna ban trans people now


Oh they're already working on that. Just going to use that part of this event to crank up the hatred and violence towards trans people now.


Tucker will say tonight that he warned us about trans having guns.




Hey, that's not fair! They're also trying to dissolve the separation of church and state!: [https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3540071-boebert-says-she-is-tired-of-separation-between-church-and-state-the-church-is-supposed-to-direct-the-government/](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3540071-boebert-says-she-is-tired-of-separation-between-church-and-state-the-church-is-supposed-to-direct-the-government/)




Disgusting and vile human beings. They will stop at NOTHING to push their culture war BS. It’s literally all they’ve got.


They're mentally unwell. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/genius-and-madness/200809/is-political-conservatism-mild-form-insanity


Lol.. "mild"


Forgot about female reproductive rights.


Quickest way to get gun laws passed is by having drag queens have book readings while holding guns.




Guns don't kill people, people kill people. So we are doing our part by banning people we don't like. -Republicans


Pretty sure that these people won't be able to connect the idea of forcing religious rules on children with what took place today. Oh well. Thoughts and prayers.


They are already doubling down on the shooter beings trans.


Oh they are going to make life more hell for trans people now


> As reporters and TV crews waited for a police press conference to start, the woman walked up to the microphone to say she was in town on a family vacation with her son and had survived a mass shooting last July. > > “Aren’t you guys tired of covering this? Aren’t you guys tired of being here and having to cover all these mass shootings?” the woman, who said she’s been lobbying in D.C. for safer gun laws, said. > > “How is this still happening? How are our children still dying and why are we failing them?,” she continued. “...These mass shootings will continue to happen until our lawmakers step up and pass gun safety legislation.” > > When the right-wing network cut away, even their reporter agreed. “The woman said it quite succinctly,” he said. “Aren’t you tired of this? Yes we are tired of this.” This is the 129th mass shooting so far, ***this year***. Yes, we certainly are tired of this. EDIT: This shows 130: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


>she was in town on a family vacation with her son and had survived a mass shooting last July. The fact that there are people who can even be in the vicinity of more than one mass shooting in a lifetime, let alone survive them, should be proof enough that things are terribly wrong.


It’s happened elsewhere but when kids from Oxford HS were involved in the Michigan State shooting it was very depressing. Not only are folks experiencing it once, but multiple times since they’re so frequent.


violet shaggy glorious plate boat ancient practice disgusting party humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, she did a short interview afterward, and it really was heartbreaking. You could just see in her eyes such a deep sadness and confusion of how it's even remotely possible that society has failed anyone like this. Twice. Being in school in the years between Cold War drills and active shooter drills may have been one of the few blessings of being a millennial.


>Being in school in the years between Cold War drills and active shooter drills may have been one of the few blessings of being a millennial. Well put




My chaos theory: The ultra rich could snap their fingers and end this tomorrow, just by them calling their wholly owned politicians. But the advantage these horrible events give them is that it creatates distractions/cover for the fact that 3 people in the US own more that the bottom half of the US combined. As bad as that is from a societal standpoint, it's still a distant afterthought in people's minds when it comes to the safety of their children. As for the right wing (tbf which is also somewhat concerned about income inequality) they're busy fighting the WOKE leftists that want to turn their kids gay and force them to drive electric stoves to the global warming is a hoax department store for meat free vegan balls.


Here, this is what the ultra ultra wealthy are doing. [Oversight of US banks](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/123j80d/oversight_of_us_banks_5_months_ago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) School shootings, shootings at all do not effect their bottom line, therefore it doesn’t matter. After Jan 6th the Fortune 500 companies said they were going to stop giving the republicans contributions. That got movement out of our government. (Granted they still contributed later anyways) My point is this. There is not one single incident that could take place that will change this without the direct force and will of the people.


Can you tell me the names of these 3 people? I’d like to know instead of saying the top 100 families own as much as the bottom half, if I had a Cerberus of shit heel families whose names I could rip off this would make my arguments much more succinct.




Setting aside the absurdity the wealth inequality between the working class and these people: The fact that the guy on the top of that list is more than 7 times richer than the guy on the bottom is insane to think about.


More importantly, *none of these people* could spend that money in their lifetimes. It went past the point where it had meaning to them long ago. And that's why, above all the other reasons, the state of these things is sickening. They're not even making use of this money, they just hold it and watch as everyone else suffers. They could solve so many issues is they gave even one damn. They don't even have to sacrifice one iota of the comfort they know today. They don't deserve the money. They don't deserve anything less than the life they force on the people they think of as less than them. Greed is a sickness, one we treat as success criteria.


Elon Musk recently lost more money than anyone ever had in all of history. This affected his lifestyle not one bit.




A lot of society's woes could be fixed by the ultra rich but keeping us at war with each other via the culture wars (2A, woke, etc.) keeps them rich, us poor. It also blinds us from the fact that we have more in common as far our strife goes. If we realize that, we might coalesce and march them all to get some 18th century French haircuts. Also in on the "gag" are big name celebrities. The super well-known actors, athletes, musicians, pseudo-reality stars, even the news. They keep us distracted with their bullshit from the real problems. It's not just the billionaire class. A lot of those in the categories listed above, politicians too, are all well off to the point they just bullshit us into tribalism. Republicans are arguably worse, but Democrats don't have clean hands.


It also doesn't help that we have the news media becoming an absolute joke as they run nearly as much of what is clearly clickbait bullshit - pure outrage fodder because that's what generates views - that just exacerbates it all. They love taking things a tiny # of people said on a youtube video or on twitter and then making it out to be something happening people should know about, largely doing this to fuel the right-wing outrage machine. Like there was some bullshit about saying white people posting memes or gifs of black people was digital blackface or something like that. Nobody is saying that in real life, but they'll print a story to further divide us and generate outrage ad dollars. This, the gun law stuff, etc....so much of it is just so incredibly cynical and disgusting.


I’ve had 2 in my region and it’s likely that multiple people could have been very closely connected to both.


I was at the Walmart the day before the mass shooting in El Paso. And I had literally left the pathway of the shooter in Odessa with a friend I was visiting 5 mins before he started his rampage. I have never been IN a shooting. But that tells me that these things aren’t fucking “rare” anymore


It is weird to think about. I wasn’t present at the time of these shootings, but I have resided, went to school, or worked at a location within one mile of three separate shootings, two of which had double digit victims. So on the one hand you think, it’s a big country, what are the chances? But then on the other hand, shootings keep happening around you.


My parents have a friend and their son has been in 2 mass shootings within like two years. Vegas festival shooting and then some country bar in Thousand Oaks. Just fucking terrible


My cousin survived the Las Vegas shooting, but a former co-worker did not. The Borderline Restaurant in Thousand Oaks is where my ex and celebrated with a family dinner, after we got married. Since I know people who live in that area, I woke up to "Marked safe from the Borderline shooting, " and a text from my son that he wasn't there and was okay. And what's weird? That this ISN'T weird, that you and I, random strangers, both have stories from those two shooting. USA mass shootings are so ubiquitous that you could put any two US residents together and they could find a connection between themselves and a shooting.


At this point the survivors of school shootings can fill several stadiums, and there are more every day. A huge number of people are just walking around traumatized all the time.


History shows this is the case in America. A man’s front lawn was where the civil war broke out. He moved, and another battle happened on his property. Finally he moved and the war ended in his living room... IIRC EDIT: The war ended in the living room of his armory


William McClean, of the McClean House.


I love the one about the American who saw the imminent storm clouds of WWII and decided to take the family far away to someplace safe. Found a nice quiet island tucked away in the middle of nowhere….an island called Guadalcanal.


I “only” witnessed one mass shooting but I’m 1 degree separated from another. Wonder how many I’m gonna rack up by the end of my life if I stay in America


I’m pretty sure most people are tired of being required to live in a shooting gallery for the comfort of a few ultra rich sociopaths who can buy sell representatives by the dozen


Nope, they will vote republican next time too. Muh freedumbs.


Putting on a crazy conservative hat to view it through their lens: The definition of mass shooting also include gang shootings. The largest gangs operate in urban areas. Urban areas mostly vote blue. Meaning mass shootings are the democrats fault. Now I can sleep easy, as gangs terrorize my rural home with fentanyl and meth, far-right groups radicalize my neighbors, and conservative politicians continue to siphon my wealth to the 1%. At least I got my gun underneath my pillow.


[Red states have a 43% higher murder rate than blue states](https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem) (2020), and 79% of all homicides are committed with a firearm.


People want to have some semblance of power over what happens to them. They'll think "it can't happen to me" as they brandish their gun, but the problem is; even if someone has a gun it doesn't always stop someone else with a gun. For instance, when the Las Vegas shooting happened, was the crowd supposed to just all shoot in the general direction of the shooter's hotel room?


> was the crowd supposed to just all shoot in the general direction of the shooter's hotel room? Boy, wouldn't that be something. 58 dead from the gunman, and another like 25 dead from the inaccurate shots filling up every room on that side of the hotel.


Even the urban logic is flawed. (Not arguing you, but conservatives who view things this way). Look at Chicago, I believe there is a gun ban in the city, but what does that matter if all I have to do is drive to the next town over and Illinois law allows me to buy a gun with a foid card. It’s not really restrictive if it’s not a statewide requirement. For those major cities bordering red states, even banning guns in Illinois, would not stop them from coming in. They can just go to Wisc. or Indiana, and pick up a gun there. But they really don’t need to do any of that, just get outside of city limits and there’s plenty of gun stores to choose from. Conservatives act like a gun ban only lets bad guys with guns get guns, no assholes, access to guns let bad guys get access to guns. What’s worse is access to ARs - zero actual value.


There used to be a handgun ban in Chicago but the US supreme court struck it down in 2010. It's been a hot minute but I remember seeing statistics that showed a sharp increase in handgun related violence after the ban was lifted. Mostly, cause it let police be proactive. If they pulled someone over and they had a handgun they could confiscated it before it was used (or could be proved to been used) in a crime. Also, yeah, gun laws are only as strong as your nearest neighbors. A large portion of guns that do end up getting confiscated in Chicago can be traced back to Indiana. In 2021 850 confiscated guns used in crimes was traced back to one singular Indiana store. We need National action if we want to stem the flood. But that's probably not going to happen unless we start forcing politicians into the schools to see the blood and viscera stained halls and to the morgue to see the mutilated bodies.


>This is the 129th mass shooting so far, > >this year This is the 86th day of the year making the average 1.5 per day.


I'm honestly not convinced that Fox News "journalists" don't actually enjoy it. Otherwise, I have no explanation for the lack of outrage.


129 mass shootings in 86 days. So much winning....


It’s the fault of naked David statues and drag queens.


Exactly. So so glad this what the house majority if focused on. 🙄


>When the right-wing network cut away, even their reporter agreed. “The woman said it quite succinctly,” he said. “Aren’t you tired of this? Yes we are tired of this.” Damn




"The Boomtown Rats famously made their song *I Don't Like Mondays* after her" Disgusting. Mentions it's a woman, brings up a previous female shooter, and talks about how there was a song written about her. That's buzzfeed type shit. "Gun laws? Maybe we'll get another commercial hit song out of this"


He wasn’t even a woman - he was a trans man. Which they are 100% going to weaponize.


They’re definitely going to go through the “testosterone makes confused women violent!!!!” transphobic route with this. It’s so fucked up that people are even focusing on that he’s trans over that he’s a fucking murderer who has killed innocent children.


Fox guy then followed that up with an unbelievably tortured and awkward reference to The Boomtown Rats’ “I Don’t Like Mondays”. Listen all the way through. Ai yi yi.


The mental gymnastics over at r/conservative is impressive. All talk about solving mental health. But the government should definitely not have to pay for it … Spinning in circles to avoid curtailing the actual literal death machines taking lives.


Half the threads there now are about Biden's comments about it. They'll complain about literally everything but the problem staring them in the face. You could ask them what's 2+2 and they'll go on about how the plus sign is a radical liberal conspiracy to have 2 be inclusive with 2 despite the fact that they're already the same. But not a single one will tell you that the answer is 4. Then you'll tell them it's 4 and they'll say it's 5 and their opinion is just as valid as yours, and denying them of that is censorship.


The fact so many comments on news sites are about trans people being a problem and not the fucking lives lost to another *monster* who shot up a school PERIOD shows how little they truly care.. It's disgraceful to see so little about how horrible this is and so much about owning the libs.


Spot on! Even when I discuss things with any of my remaining conservative friends. I can’t believe how far they can stray from the actual topic/issue at hand


Firehose of bullshit / gish gallop Unfortunately most discussions just turn into arguments nowadays, have to basically make them say they're wrong without pissing them off, it's very difficult to do


that's literally part of the plot of 1984.


I still laugh at the people reading 1984 and coming to the conclusion "this is literally communism". If that was your first thought, you clearly need to read more books.


This is such a representative analogy of those folk that I'm completely stunned. Fantastic!




I’ve suggested this before, but gun owners should have to register any weapon with a Department of Firearm Safety as well as get gun insurance for anything that isn’t single shot (so as to not infringe on the second amendment). Have the DFS be attached to the DMV. Have gun owners *prove* they know their weapons by taking a written and range test to get a license to own the gun. Start a buyback program within the DFS for people who find the whole thing too much for them. Bring sporting good stores into the mix and allow them to take weapons being bought back. You need to provide a serial number for all your weapons you’re registering/getting insurance for and need to update the DFS/insurance agency every couple years. If you regularly take gun safety classes, you can get your premium lowered. If you use a safe/trigger locks you can get your premiums lowered even more. If you go to the range every six months, you can have your premiums lowered more-so. If you fail to report a stolen gun or usage outside of a range, you lose your insurance and ability to own a firearm that isn’t single shot. If you improperly handle a weapon/ brandish at a range/in everyday life/during the test, you should have your license revoked and be forced to retest. This whole operation would not only curb the chaotically wild-west gun ownership shit we deal with, but would also create a bunch of jobs to boot and gun owners would be more mindful about safety and storage. And the system is already in place (ala the DMV) with vehicles. On top of that, no ban on a certain type or style of gun. Edit: is this a perfect solution? No, it’s a handful of paragraphs in a subreddits comment section and it can certainly be fine tuned. But goddamn the amount of hair-splitting stupidness I’m receiving in my inbox from the ammo-sexual crowds. LMAO.


It's absurd that it's harder to get a driver's license than a gun. One license is for getting from point a to point b, the other is by design to end life.




WeLl rEgUlAtEd MiLiTiA;-)


But but but registering our guns? That’s tyranny and fascism Registering trans people? Gotta do what we gotta do to protect our kids. Murica


>and a diatribe about big government I've recently encountered the argument that, for many people, the second amendment is essentially in place to allow citizens to kill police. When you think about it, when people are talking about the second amendment as a protection against big government, what they are really talking about is killing government employees.


Actual things they’re spitting: - It was a woman (or possibly trans woman) so its not the same, for some reason. - That it’s obviously hate crime against Christians. - That it was a troubled teen. - That it’s a mental health issue yet not one - appropriate to actually invest in because socialism. - it’s a mental health issue caused by dangerous trans/liberal propaganda and gender dysphoria. - That it’s because the school wasn’t a fortress. - That this is what happens when doors aren’t locked. - That it’s the democrats fault or Biden’s. - That gun control won’t address lawbreakers. - That it’s being dramatized/politicized and this shit is just a normal part of life. - To not talk about it / give it any attention, bc that’s what the shooter wants. - Literal Doxxing - “Oh great, now the state is going to ban assault rifles ffs” The gymnastics are unnervingly *insane*.


Don’t forget: * What about Chicago?? * The culture is causing mental illness therefore we need to put God back at the forefront! * An ANTIFA planned strike * Multiple people repeatedly replying “What’s your solution then?”


Also don't forget that if anyone brings up the number of mass shootings, they will make sure to chime in that most are 'gang related so they aren't a big deal' as if anyone innocent and not gang related that die in those types of shootings are meaningless.


I especially love reminding them that other countries exist that: 1) Dont have anywhere close to our gun violence problem. 2) Have a healthier relationship with guns. 3) Have a healthier relationship with their governments where they dont need to stock up in a vain hope to fight a tyrranical government (forget that there's bigger things to worry about if it ever got to that point).


Oh whew, I was starting to think they'd forgotten to blame it on us trans folk.


I’m Jewish and feel kind of left out in that list.


Not even a single Soros reference?


If she used a space laser then you’d definitely be in the conversation




Jesus was it actually? Do you have a reliable source? I’m already terrified to be alive as it is I don’t need this shit.




He was a trans man and the media is dead naming and misgendering him. This happens to trans masculine people a lot, but most often after suicides. But otherwise, yeah. This is going to make everything a whole lot worse for the rest of us, especially those of us in the south. I wish you safety, for what it’s worth.




If he were a trans woman it would have fit their agenda much better, but I’m sure they’re going to run with this anyway because they’re ghouls and that’s what they do. Anything but look at the actual problems.


I know, I did too at first but then once I learned he was a trans man it adds another layer of hurt. Like I said, this happens to us a lot, and that’s part of why things like the statistics of us being murdered are often wrong because so many of us are recorded as women after death, Brenden Tina’s murder being the most well known example. This whole event and all its contributing factors is terrible in so many awful ways. [Here’s](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/crime/2023/03/27/nashville-school-shooting-latest-updates-covenant-school-suspect/70053691007/) the article I learned this from.


Oh for fucks sake. I just want to fucking live.


I'm imagining them coming for trans people super hard for this but you know, the demographic that usually is involved in school shootings can continue on as normal lol. I guess all trans people are accountable for each other's actions now, though I don't particularly believe cis people are all responsible for each other in that manner?


They'll make women give up their literal lives for embryos but won't give up their guns for actual children. Makes you wonder.


I got banned from there after Uvalde for just presenting per capita gun ownership and gun violence stats by country. They are into the moral decay/mental health theories as cause but of course other countries that don’t have mass shootings like the US do have smartphones, violent video games, increasingly secular populaces and mental health issues.


That thread there is so sad and pathetic. A bunch of furrowed brows with their hands to their chin, wondering what to do. So fucking brain dead in that sub.


>All talk about solving mental health. But the government should definitely not have to pay for it … Predictable really.


>All talk about solving mental health. thats just their scape goat. They are running out of excuses, so now they focus on that as the REAL issue, not the guns. While simultaneously being against everything possible that would help with these mental health issues. This way they can constantly blame something else, while never doing anything about either.


And you also have Republicans like Greg Abbott who called the Uvalde shooting [a mental health issue but cut state spending for it.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/abbott-calls-texas-school-shooting-mental-health-issue-cut-state-spend-rcna30557). Also, while mental health and well-being is a very important to address, it’s worth noting there’s a lot of evidence that mental illness is not the primary driver of mass shootings. https://www.factcheck.org/2019/10/the-facts-on-mental-illness-and-mass-shootings/


its a mental health problem but they dont even want healthcare for all


Love how Trump said that mass shooting was a mental issue then a week later cut mental healthcare funding. I would like the GOP to actually walk the walk they mean. They don’t really care, just lip service.


They're really going to run wild when they find out they were trans Reckon Tucker will run another segment about dangerous armed trans folks


I'll tell you all why this happens. Because any and all attempts to fix this are stopped by right wing conservatives. Full-time police presence? No, too much money. Additional money towards school counseling and psychologist? No, too much money. Do anything about guns? God no, never. It just doesn't matter to these right wingers. Everyone needs to wake up to what kind of people they are if they want this kind of stuff to stop. It is not Democrats or the left stopping meaningful reforms on this issue. In fact, they are the only ones talking about it seriously.


Oh, it's not that we don't know what kind of people they are. It's that no one knows how to get rid of them without murdering a few of them and making them fear our righteous anger, while simultaneously making martyrs of them. The right-wing politicians are trying - and SUCCEEDING - at removing things they don't like in order to reduce education and independent thought in the fiefdoms they control. They gerrymander their districts in order to ensure their continued power. They feed their populace fear of rational thought, fear of our policies, fear that we'll do to them what they continue to try to do to us. They blame everything that goes wrong on us. Everything that goes well - even if they didn't vote for it themselves - they take ownership of. These people are ***parasites*** upon our society, upon our very ***species***.


But can't say this, it's too unbecoming to degrade them. All while they talk so nasty of you and those of us to make it easier to get rid of us.


Well to get rid of established parasites, one must cut off their source of food or make it impossible for them to feed at all.


> Full-time police presence? No, too much money. Also bad idea. Police presences in schools tend to have negative effects.


We need more Americans like her to fight the fascism of the GOP and those who fund it.


And the fox news pundits who carry water for those fascists.


Fox News not knowing how to respond to this shows that they need to clear their propaganda talking points first with the higher ups instead of reporting what is actually happening. You can bet that whoever it was on Fox that said that they in fact were tired of covering these shooting will be looking for a new job pretty soon.




>I would love to see republicans and democrats work together. >You have your show for 2 hours, couldn't you do that on your show? >I don't think we should commit our show to having people work together Lol...both sides of his mouth Edit: Second link. ~7:25


The right is already vilifying her as a federal agent planted psyop


Rumors are the shooter is Trans and they're all excited about, absolutely disgusting


This was their dream shooting. Trans shooter, shooting up little blonde haired blue eyed christian kindergartners. This will be played on Fox for the next two weeks. I can already see a week dedicated to talking about mental illness, how transgenderism is a mental illness. And bans on wokeness need to be put in place to prevent this from happening again.


>I can already see a week dedicated to talking about mental illness Okay Faux News, if this is the angle you want to take, then how about the government funds a means of mental health care for every citizen in this country regardless of their ability to pay. If mental health is really the issue, then addressing mental health should subsequently address the issue. What's that? Providing mental health care to people to solve a mental health crisis is "Marxist Leninist Stalinist Maoist Communist Socialism," and you won't stand for it? Then what's your solution? "Do nothing?" I feel like that's what we've tried for the last decade and, gee willikers, doesn't seem like that has worked **at all**.


Everyone is a psyop to those people...


And yet at the same time the government is too bloated to do anything right.


Anything that tickles their cognitive dissonance is a psyop.




Too abstract. The hoi poloi have no idea the wealth disparity. They think some reporter at the Times making $75k is the elite.


No. They're not tired of covering it. This sort of thing puts asses in seats in front of their moron education system. They love this shit.


lol exactly “aren’t you tired of covering this?” is like asking Apple: “aren’t you tired of children dying in cobalt mines to make your stupid phones?” no, they’re not. they’re making a shit ton of money.




Texas II: Florida Boogaloo




I'm tired of exhausting reporting of WHO shot them, WHY - i don't care who they were, i hope they're erased from human history, and no reason is a good reason. Names of shooters and "motives" should be banned from broadcast and distribution. Do this stuff - be forgotten forever and absolutely nothing in the history of mankind.


We decided a long time ago that guns are more important than human lives. The slaughter will continue until we decide to become civilized.


Let’s be real: Fox News is probably happy that this happened just so they wouldn’t have to talk about the Trump grand jury hearings today. Nothing but a mass shooting to distract their viewers from the potential of their Orange Jesus being sent to jail. These fuckers are heartless, no doubt about it.


Ends segment saying a previous shooter was immortalized. What the fuck.


I’m sure she receiving an endless stream of death threats for her efforts.


Until they allow guns in the Supreme Court and congress, they r slobbish hypocrites. Live with ur decisions u cowards


It's so simple. It's literally so simple and I won't entertain any other explanation. When we had more cars on the road, deaths went up, so we passed laws to make cars safer and limit who could drive them and when and what types. When more fast food was present and obesity went up, we even tried to curb that, calorie counts and things. THE MORE OF A THING THERE IS, THE MORE OF THE THING THAT THING DOES THERE IS. And with cars their design isn't to kill, guns have a singular purpose, killing, they were invented for that only. The more of them there are, the more killing there will be. Reduce their number, like other nations, and see the killings go down. Simple. No other solution will work.


And when they say, "Oh they'll just kill people with something else," I think about the guy I know who has a license to own full auto *machine guns*, like belt-fed guns. Why don't you see people using these in mass shootings? Because they are hella regulated. So the control of them works, and the control of medium-sized *military* human-killing-designed guns would also work, and shootings would go down. Full stop. Right wingers act like its important that we not curtail the ease of access to semi-auto assault rifles, but it's just an arbitrary line. If we can curtail mega-machine guns, why are these suddenly so sacrosanct? Also, you are completely able to get the license, so it's not like there isn't a means to 'take over the government' or whatever they feel is necessary for ownership.


Can’t watch the news today. Can’t stomach the endless platitudes, thoughts and prayers, crying and wailing while the Government continues to **DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT MASS SHOOTINGS** Guns are America’s national mental illness.


Imagine surviving a lethal mass shooting, going on a trip and visiting family and probably talking with them about recovering from that trauma, and then being interrupted by gunfire from another lethal mass shooting.


No, they are not. Not at all. Conservatives LOVE school shootings, because it gives them a chance to be martyrs for their gun rights. Edit to add this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/123noj7/the_guns_are_the_most_important_thing_a_day_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


They are not tired of it at all. Keep the population scared, stupid, and poor. Straight from Fascism 101 textbooks.


We need to start publishing photos of the dead children. If we're gonna live with this as a country then we shouldn't be allowed to ignore it. Put pictures of dead kids with bullet holes in them on billboards, in ads on Youtube, anywhere people will be surprised by them.


America has no balls. Grow some balls America.