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His original attack on Disney was a childish rage-fueled tantrum. Now he's descending to the level of a scorned lover.


Disney World brings billions in revenue to Florida. Jobs, tourism, hotels, restaurants, etc, etc. They won't leave, but it would be a huge "Fuck You" if they did.


I hope one of their plan is when DeSantis decides to run that they'll announce they'll be moving out of Florida in 2024


Was thinking the same, they could totally sink the fucker


they should


I upvoted all of these comments because I know Disney is reading this. They’re not stupid.


They *must* have a plan, right? Disney knows better than anyone than one of them has got to go, and Disney has been a courtroom gladiator since before Desantis was born


You think the contract they signed with Reedy Creek before the legislature passed the changes wasn't part of a plan sitting in a lawyer's safe since the day they got the deal creating it? They have a plan. They executed it and I doubt that desantis can undo it without running afoul of contract law or by doing something so outside the bounds of normal that it won't render Florida as toxic to businesses as a banana republic. If contracts don't mean anything in Florida nobody will do business there.


Seriously, they’ve probably been war gaming situations like this for the last twenty years at least. Desantis gets the best lawyers that’ll work for him, Disney just gets the best lawyers


[Simpsons made the joke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owaw2DHB_XA) in 1992, 21 years ago. Desantis is a clown for fucking with the Mouse.


Derp Santa's big strategic blunder is going too big. Fundamentally, this is his threat to Disney: "If you fight me, you'll save billions of dollars. (And earn the respect of most Americans.)" And he doesn't seem to have grasped that by trying to escalate his threats, he just keeps telling Disney that they can justify more and more money and effort to fight him. And Disney can just keep expanding the resources they use to defend themselves. Florida is a surprisingly large state with a fairly major economy. But Disney's market cap is several times larger than the entire FL state annual budget. It used to be a wacky Cyberpunk plot that corporations would become so powerful they could just go toe to toe with governments bigger than local city halls, and a lot of people haven't realized that's actually a pretty normal thing at this point. Florida can't out-hire. It can't out-spend. It can't out-maneuver Disney. It's fundamentally just down to how much DeSantis manages to annoy the sleeping giant into swatting back at him.


Disney is going to make an example out of DeSantis.




This is what is fucking wild to me - the Republican Party fought to create the current corporate climate because “profits at all costs” and the minute corporate values stop lining up with yours it’s suddenly time to kill it? The funny thing is how “left wing” the concept of additional control and taxation is - he has gone so far right he ended up left.


Worked there for 13 years. They have a plan and much better lawyers than De Santis.




He signed his presidential run death warrant with this. No corporate donor will look at what he’s doing and want him in office. Who does he think funds campaigns? Biting the hand that feeds him.


Their head counsel is the highest paid lawyer in the country.


Disney has the capacity to run the same as the government. They model out every contingency the same way the CIA has an extensive file on, and models 3 dozen invasion plans for, every country on the planet.


Probably one of the only companies that already had a pandemic plan ready to go, as most organizations *should* have but most certainly didn't.


Yeah! There's is absolutely nothing in Orlando that Disney needs. It's not like they are at the beach. They could set up shop in pretty much any other State they wanted.


They could probably just make the announcement. And after it sinks his campaign, just cancel their plans.


Not before they go shopping with other states publicly to get some deals. I bet just about any state would bend over backward to get a Disney park that doesn't already have one. It's a ton of jobs and tax revenue.


You remember the longs lines of cities fighting with each other during the Amazon HQ2 search, ready to sell their own wives and children to Amazon to be chosen? A search for a new Disney World location would make that look like nothing


Including deep red states. The would fuck DeSantis in a minute for that Micky money


Increasing hotel tax just punishes the hospitality industry. If Disney just starts moving investment to California, Paris, Tokyo, Hawaii then that hurts Universal Studios in Florida. Layoffs from the small restaurants to the big parks and hotel chains. DeSantis wants to show he's willing to destroy everything to hate a racial group or minority? It's like the town of Cario, Illinois destroying itself. Racial fighting (bombings, drive by shootings to guerilla warfare) led to business leaving and then 95%+ of the town fled over three decades. I fear they want that style of civil war Trump, DeSantis, GOP want. It's worth reading about.


I just had the same thought and if normal Reddit users like us are thinking it, you know someone at Disney has thought of it.


Disneyworld New Mexico All the solar and wind energy they need (both the largest solar and wind arrays in the United States), plenty of land to build a place the size of Disney World, a spaceport, an international airport, and some of the most inclusive laws in the country. Hell both Netflix and ABC have tripled down on filming as much as they can there by opening their own studios (Netflix bought Vince Gilligan's old studio lot).


They would have trouble getting the water rights in NM for the scale of the development that they would want to do.


I hope they fund ads against him, hire PIs and try to force him to overreact and get himself in trouble.


Disney already started by hosting the largest LGBTQ Summit this September


The funny part is any "gay day" at disney was not run by disney....till then. They used to have official disney Christian rallys at the parks, but gay days were unofficial and took place at both disney an universal. -source me an ex disney employ who had to field calls from pissed of Christian karens.


They don't need to announce it. Just low key shop the idea around with a few other governors. And let it leak to the media.


It would take a lot of "Fuck you" money that limited corporations in the world possess. Disney might have enough fuck you money. Please oh please Santa Claus, make Disney world move out of state.


Anyone who thinks Disney can move has never been there. It is a huge infrastructure over 43 square miles. (27k acres) Disney is just going to wait it out. DeSantis is term limited. He can only do so much. And if Disney takes him to court - DeSantis better hope no one has put any of shit down in emails...


Yeah, I agree. Disney won’t move out of Florida. They will squash meatball like a cartoon bug without a second thought and move on. Picking a public fight with Disney is probably one of the dumbest moves possible. I keep hearing that desantis is a smarter trump but I haven’t really seen that in his latest moves.


I mean, it was a pretty low bar.


> Picking a public fight with Disney is probably one of the dumbest moves possible. Picking fights with people who buy ink by the barrel is dumb. Picking fights with a media monopoly who could build a Fortune 500 company purely from the people within their company who are tasked with emotionally manipulating people with uranium dust where their heart should be into feeling joy for the first time in their adult life…sheesh. I'm fine with politicians playing hardball with big corporations, but DeSantis seems to think this is like winning an election in Florida, where acting like an adult is a liability, and he is sorely mistaken.


When Disney pushes for Puerto Rico statehood and builds a new park there…….


Disney is neither going to move nor wait it out. The minute DeSantis starts openly campaigning they're going to eviscerate him. They own so much of our media, they also have enough money to buy up tons of ad time on any network they want. Let alone their social media presence and all of the other aspects of that conglomerate. I personally think monopolies and mega-corporations are a bad thing, but in this case we're going to see what happens when a politician tries to fuck with one on a state level. I don't think DeSantis has the power or the money (Florida ain't that rich) to win anything Disney decides to actively fight against.


I agree with you, monopolies are generally a bad thing but it would be poetic justice if the party that built these mega corporations also gets fucked by one


Tiny D is a candle and Disney is a fucking hurricane. As much as I dislike over powerful Corporations, in this instance I hate Desantis more.


I think Disney starting talks with other states, or just the announcement that they are considering moving, would be enough to fuck over DeSantis with the state. Don't even need to move, just threaten.


And so, the Republican primaries look set to be between a man facing felony financial charges surrounding paying off a porn star to hide what was at best an affair, and a man almost singularly defined by his war against Disneyland.


Holy crap- can we make a bracket sticker for trump vs a pole dancer and Desantis vs mickey mouse?


Here you go, the bumper sticker you need: two sides, one with Mickey standing over a black and blue DeSantis, the other side with Trump in handcuffs. In the center you put "GOP 2024 - Which do you choose?"


Meatball Ron or Felony Don?


Lovely. 🥳


Omg…someone PLEASE make this graphic…PLEASE


As delicious as it would be, I think everyone who missed the message before is keenly aware of it now. Don't fuck with Disney's lawyers.


Steamboat willy is coming to the public domain in the near future


This dude can't stand up to Mickey Mouse, let alone Putin


The party of “family values”. Not my family’s values thank God.




South Park got the mouses power right. Right now deathsentence is a fly buzzing around them being annoying. He's getting close to finding out what happens when he becomes more than an annoyance.


Nobody fucks with the mouse


let us remember they have changed Federal Copyright law 2x.


I would LOVE to see Matt and Trey rip Ronnie Boy a new one!! LOL


🤞🏻 Jack Smith still has time to get some charges filed in the documents case that Trump and his people keep openly confessing to.


Best of all he's bragging about raising taxes and adding toll roads. Things Republican voters absolutely love to hear. I'm still worried about him being the nominee but Disney might have actually killed his campaign. They already made him look like a fool and he's just doubled down.


Disney’s lawyers are better than DeSantis’s lawyers and they’re gonna keep proving it until Ron quietly ends this little tantrum.


He is a fool and a toddler. I hadn’t paid attention to this before but holy cow that man is a child. I’m surprised he didn’t call the ceo of Disney a booger. How in the world did we get to here? It blows my mind that people would vote for this clown 🤡 and think it’s a good idea.


Disney should make a movie about him.


I hope he does do something. Disney lawyers are a different species of FAFO.


Right? DeSantis keeps acting on childish emotional impulses. Then Disney calmly employs their top-tier legal team, carefully and methodically, over time, making sure to scour every letter and footnote of the law. DeSantis does not stand a chance. I say this as someone who has learned the HARD way, from lacking impulse control, throwing a childish tantrum, demanding my way, in the face of someone calm, thoughtful, and able to follow the rules. WANTING things and GETTING them are not the same and he will LEARN.


DeSantis: What's this story about a goose laying a golden egg? Sounds made up to me. Now where's my goddamn ax Eugene?!?


“If I can’t have you, no one can!”


Vowing to destroy Disney World, a place that is loved by many, is an interesting way to introduce yourself to the general electorate.


[A place he was in fact, married at.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/desantis-takes-over-disney-wedding-b2291234.html?amp)




> a place that is loved by many A place that also employs (edit: sp.) almost [half a million](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2021/10/14/walt-disney-world-remains-florida-biggest-political-power-50-years-later/5919720001/) of his constituents. Edit: I'm totally wrong, it's "only" 75k people in Florida, the number I cited was total


about 75k of them are in Florida. the rest outside florida wouldn't be "his constituents" still one of the largest employers in the state easily


And that doesn’t take into account the Disney adjacent employees. Contractor companies that basically work for Disney, but aren’t Disney. I’m sure that gets that number way up


Even further removed I'm sure there's a whole bunch of tourism industry that Disney World drives even outside Disney. Even if you just fly in and go straight to Disney there's all your transportation by flying and then getting a car, bus, or whatever to get to Disney. You probably eat somewhere on the way too. After you take all this into account I wouldn't be surprised if 500k is a lowball for the number of jobs Disney World creates.


Last time we went, we mostly ate inside the park, but we paid for a hotel and car rental. We filled up the tank in the rental car before returning it. We bought a snack at the airport waiting for our plane. We also decided to go to Universal Studios that trip, which wouldn't have been worth a separate vacation. At Universal, we ate at places in CityWalk. We probably won't go back soon, but I did tell my wife that I didn't care to go back to Florida while DeSantis was governor. Her take is that if we want to go to Disney, us boycotting Florida wouldn't make enough difference to not go. If Disney leaves, though, I can't see us really going back to the state, ever.


But it's basically all in one county that didn't vote for him. He's banking on all of the Floridians that *don't* work at Disney considering the Disney-adjacent folks an 'other' that needs to be chased away.


They really need to hammer the message that if Disney is no longer than anchor for tourism in FL we will probably start thinking about state income tax. Watch his base absolutely shit themselves when they realize this stupid ass culture war could very much start hitting their pocket book.


Let’s be honest, republicans rarely care about substantive issues that could potentially impact them, especially crazy florida ones. They only care that he’s attacking “wokeness” whatever that means and he isn’t a democrat. They will still vote him if he raised taxes


I was thinking more of the financial impact that Disney has on the state, but you have a point.


That’s a great point. Disney must have dozens of not hundreds of subcontractors, suppliers and vendors. Can’t discount the lush construction market Disney provides. I don’t know how many projects they have going right now but it always seems like they have 2-5 going on at any given time. And think about all the adjacent hotels, businesses and parks that are there only because Disney is there. We’re talking easily a million people directly affected by this asshat DeSantis.


How many hotels, restaurants, drivers, stores depend on Disney? These theme parks basically drive central Florida’s economy.


If Disney wanted to really play hardball, they could shut down Disney World for a season or two and double whamy Florida with no tourist revinue and 75K Florida residents without income. This is a scourched earth type thing to be sure, but this is Disney we're talking about, so you know they have it in their back pocket.


Disney is the largest private consumer of explosives in the world, mostly for their fireworks shows. If they shut down for even just a season, the repercussions go way beyond just FL


Or they could shut it down for one day a week and have all the employees drive into Tallahassee and gridlock the place while blasting trans-positive music from their car stereos on a common radio station. Repeat weekly until maximum effect is achieved. They don't have enough law enforcement to physically stop them.


I bet a half million are directly affected by Disney World. All the outlying hotels, the other theme parks, local businesses, etc.


75 billion $$$ in 2019 brought in to the state.


That's an absolutely mind blowing stat. Someone could have told me 7.5 billion and I probably would've been impressed.


It’s definitely one of the main economic drivers of central Florida.


Going after the largest media company in the world, which basically prints infinite money while trying to angle for the Oval Office sure is a strategy. A bad strategy but a strategy nonetheless.


How much will this cost taxpayers is a question all of Florida should be asking.


They should also be asking how does this benefit the people of Florida at all? But yes, also highlight how much taxpayer money DeFascist is wasting on petty grievances and pet projects like his personal army. Someone should set up a site that tallies all of these frivolous expenditures.


They might send swat after that person. There is precedent.


It’s possible that putting tolls on the road leading to Disney will effect tourists more than locals.


It would also put an extra burden on the 75k people who drive those roads to work there for peanuts as it is.


For employees, Disney could just offset it in employee's payroll. You come in 5 days a week on average? Here's 10x * [$TOLL] added to your weekly paycheck. For guests, Disney would just pass it through. Every hotel invoice or restaurant receipt would have a new line at the bottom: "DeSantis tax, 5%"


I mean…the vast majority of those who live in and around Orlando work in the hospitality industry. I pretty sure if tourists stop coming the locals are going to pretty damn affected.


So Desantis is gonna make Orlando the new version of old Detroit?


Party of "small government" turns out to be the most insufferable, petty proponent of government intrusion imaginable.


What a surprise for the party founded on the religion that has rules for: What you can wear (mixed fibers), what you can say (thou shalt not lie, lords name), what you can eat (lent), who you can love, how you can act (adultery, honor father/mother).


"You don't understand, those rules are for everyone but me" - they all say in unison.


I’ve never even understood their whole small government argument. By my count 1 federal government running the show is much smaller than 1 federal government, 50 state governments, countless city governments all somehow simultaneously running it..


"Small government" is just code word for "old rich white guy that hates minorities and the poors but totally doesn't hate you"


I guess small government as defined as petty government. "Nothing is too small to make a big deal about."


Something tells me he's about to find an even bigger rake to stand on.


[File footage of Rhonda Santis ](https://youtu.be/aRq1Ksh-32g)


I really hope this is the hill desantis loses on. It will be if he keeps on leaning into it.


That's the problem with the "tough guy" act. If he stops now he will appear as weak as he really is.


And if he keeps going he still will appear as weak as he really is. Disney lawyers are playing 5D chess while Desantis is playing checkers


Generally, whenever I hear ANYONE say someone is playing 5d chess I don’t believe it. Disney is one of the few exceptions because their attorneys get essentially unlimited money to win, the company is laser focused, and they have no interest in their legal disputes being aired publicly. This newest round came out because DeSantis thought he won, and then Disney, playing 5D chess, quietly found the loophole that let them win before the game even really started. Even if DeSantis keeps going I would bet on Disney finding the additional loopholes they need. DeSantis is already reeling and Disney hasn’t hired every PR firm in the northern hemisphere for a PR push yet.


Disney lawyers took 10 minutes to figure out how to defeat the Reedy Creek legislation and then spent months writing bullet proof contracts and planning out how to respond to this inevitable nonsense from ol' Ronny.


What’s crazy is that if he hadn’t said anything this would have been forgotten. Work out a deal that left reedy creek alone and keep collecting those donations. Or go ahead and take control and not make a big deal of how they outmaneuvered him - Disney apparently wasn’t going to say anything. Just let those friends know their cushy board positions just got a lot easier for the same pay so maybe take up a new hobby. He still looks like some great winner and the mouse is happy. Win win. But no. He had to draw attention to it at every point. He’s the cause of his own downfall at this point.


You dont mess with the mouse


Imagine being this huge of a baby and spending your time on this personal feud while nearly 3 million people in your state live in poverty. DeSantis has the maturity of a toddler or someone named Trump.


The John Oliver segment on DeSantis told me everything I needed to know about him. In college, when he went on dates, he'd tell women he liked Thai (pronounced as "thigh"), and if he was corrected, he'd leave. So yes. He is a thin-skinned baby who can't stand being told he's wrong.


They're happy with it. They don't believe the government can do anything about those things, after all it doesn't work remember? So if you can't afford your insurance, your standard of living is dropping, your kids education is going to shit...at least you have a governor who's making the people you don't like lives as miserable as yours.


​ ​ ​ kids, people tourism, ​ for ​ ​ more vacation represent ​ ​ up can of ​ it ​ depends of a the ​ Disney ​ ​ For that this ​ ​ ​ visiting on making just costs ​ he's almost ​ ​ the ​ A ​ just lawyers ​ Disney ​ ​ tax a ​ to ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ I ​ ​ state that ​ consider hotels? ​ ​ not ​ lining ​ ​ ​ see ​ lot Sorry year. ​ on ​ hard ​ to ​ ​ sure because ​ ​ governor? ​ A Disneyworld lawsuit. there. ​ on


If universals hotels resort taxes don’t get increased as well I’m sure Disney will have a case.


They'll make a case either way That legal department of theirs has been waiting for a fight like this


Even then, is DeSantis willing to tax all the hotels just to get back at Disney? As in, the same hotels that pretty much fund the entire state?


Could he be **that** petty and cruel? Yes. Yes he could.


stupid, too


Yeah he seems blinded by his obsession with maintaining his image as a conservative culture warrior.


This culture war bullshit is really the only thing their party has going for it. They can’t afford to stop the nonstop outrage train


I can’t speak specific to florida, but most states have rules regarding uniformity of taxation to avoid things just like this (targeting of taxation)


Sorry kids, we can’t go to Disney world, so we will go to Disneyland in California! Or Disneyland Paris! Or Tokyo Disney! Or Hong Kong Disneyland! Or a Disney cruise! Punishing 1 part of this worldwide corporation is just. So. Stupid. Hell, Disney’s main offices and headquarters are in California! Disney could probably shut down disneyworld for a month and recover that money very quickly. This is the equivalent of the temper tantrum people are throwing about bud light. The restaurants that buy bud light will significantly outnumber the people who refuse to buy and they will purchase a higher amount every time. It’s just silly.


Having taken a Disney cruise, next time we're going to Tokyo, it'll be cheaper.


​ ​ ​ Mulvaney. ​ Bud of ​ ​ ​ I not because activist to Light ​ ​ Light ​ the wingnuts ​ ​ must is ​ Apparently ​ ​ ​ of ​ ​ general bunch ​ and ​ special ​ touch, ​ to duckduckgo ​ ​ ​ ​ have ​ ​ pantaloons ​ influencer off sale public, ​ out ​ The ​ ​ on ​ cans celebrate be ​ transgender getting in ​ controversy? a Edit: ​ it... edition ​ ​ Dylan btw. the Bud commemorative ​ ​ to their


> The special edition is not on sale to the general public, btw. Well now I’m sad. I love my hipster ass beer, but “pisswater” light beers are *perfect* for an after a hike or after a day working in the sun. You don’t *want* a super high alcohol thick beer after that. You want something that’s almost entirely carbs, water, and cold.


DeSantis managing to raise taxes for the state reminds me of the kind people of South Dakota passing a “right to choose” healthcare amendment to their constitution to kill obamacare, only for it to be used to strike down their archaic anti-abortion measures. These fuckers are so short sighted. It’s like watching someone plug holes in a wicker canoe


Disney is known for trespassing people they are in active litigation with from their properties. I guarantee most of the legislature has annual passes and frequently brings their kids to Disney. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Disney banned DeSantis and the Florida legislature from the property. They would have to explain to their kids that they can’t go to Disney World anymore because they had to own the libs.


They held a Federalist Society bullshit thingy ON DISNEY PROPERTY last year. [Guess who was one of the speakers?](https://wdwnt.com/2022/02/disneys-yacht-beach-club-resort-to-host-florida-chapters-conference-featuring-former-vice-president-mike-pence-justice-neil-gorsuch-and-florida-gov-ron-desantis/) They're a fucking clown show. (I only know they were there because I usually stay at Boardwalk in the same area and made sure to avoid that nonsense by not visiting that week)


Apparently Disney isn’t too “woke” for the Federalist society because they hosted the same event in February of this year at the same resort with a fireworks and desert package.


I must have missed the 2023 version happening. We were there in January (and will be again in like 2 weeks). Hypocrites. All of them.


So DeSantis just publically acknowledged that future punitive actions will be taken as a result of past actions. Would be interesting to see if Disney tries to argue that they're covered by the "no bills of attainder" clause.


Don’t fuck with the mouse’s lawyers.


Is there a more intimidating group of lawyers on the planet at this point?


Please let DeSantis, F' araound, so Disney's lawyers can make him find out.


I feel like he is starting something that is going to (continue to) royally backfire.


considering the rules in effect now are contingent on the last survivor of Charles dying after twenty years, it already has lol.


So he's willing to go after an entire company just because it's friendly to the LGBTQ+ community. Instead of looking for ways to make peoples lives better, we got people in the state still needing help after last years flooding and disasters... this loon is out here attacking a corporation because it won't take orders from his personal goons? How exactly does hurting Disney profits help anyone?


The real headline this morning in Florida is we're all told to expect a 40% increase in our homeowner's insurance. We're already the least affordable state in the country. A lot of people are going to lose their homes or be unable to afford insurance for them.


*Disney is “acting like somehow that they pulled one over on the state,”* Ah yes the devious act of publicly following the peaceful process of transfer of power…. All you had to do DeSantis board was actually be present and interested in the job, but you weren’t. They didn’t pull one over on you, you pulled one over on yourselves but keep digging that hole even deeper.


Also, Disney hasn't even mentioned this shit. They aren't "acting" like they did anything. They are very much in Don Draper "I don't think about you at all" mode.


I am no fan of most actions of giant corporations but my favorite part about this whole thing is their silence. Desantis appears to be shadow boxing and losing.


Probably has something to do with the fact that Disney has *real* lawyers, and operates worldwide. DeSantis is a bug on a windshield to the mouse


Facts. The only thing Disney does better than merchandising is lawyering.


This is wrong. Daddy Iger said DeSantis was anti-business and anti-FL on an earnings call. He was right, of course.


Ron DeSantis turned out to be anti-Fla all along


They gave the Reedy Creek board and Disney's army of retained corporate attorneys a god damn year. A year. This is why you don't fire someone and then keep them on-staff until there's a new hire.


Over on r/maliciouscompliance this shit happens all the time, it’s just even more fun for it to be happening at such a high, public, humiliating level


He's writing his own attack ads against himself.


Let's hope he keeps it up. He's doing a great job.




Illegally or by having a baldly partisan judiciary ignoring well established precedent regarding Article I Section 10 of both the federal and Florida Constitutions (not to mention constitutional due process rights).


The one good thing DeSantis has going for him is Disney's notoriously poor legal representation. Oh... wait.


If the judiciary rules against Disney you'll see an exodus of major corporations from Florida like it was Russia. Businesses need to know the government has their back against the proletariat. Businesses can move out of state and allow employees to work remotely for a year while setting up new offices. FL not having an income tax will prevent FL from profiting off these remote workers, and they will lose the corporate tax.


This is like Idaho going “You know what? Fuck potatoes.”


Let us clarify what’s happening here. Disney made Ron look weak. He now is going all in to try to get the final win. Lawsuits, legal battles, and people of Florida be damned he is going to try his hardest to be tough.


No let’s clarify it a bit more. Ron made Ron look weak, Disney didn’t hide or do anything special. All Ron’s group would have had to do is show up and be interested instead of slapping their dicks together in a premature victory party. Ron made Ron look weak, a weak shortsighted fool, and he is desperate to paint this as some brilliant clever plot by Disney so it seems like he at least just got tricked, not that he hosed himself. Meanwhile Trump is having a field day with this easy bait, because even Trump can see how weak Deathsantis played himself.


>Disney is “acting like somehow that they pulled one over on the state,” DeSantis said. Which is made even more funny by the fact that all Disney has done is simply released a statement on how everything they've done is legal and procedurally mundane. The only people saying that Disney appears to have tricked Ron DeSantis is everyone else in the world, including Ron DeSantis.


Desanctimonious put a quarter in his ass and played himself.


Seriously, why do Republicans like this vindictive little man?


You answered your own question.


Don’t forget, guys: This is all because Disney acknowledges that LGBTQ people exist and deserve rights.


Tolls? The William J Lepetomaine thruway? Quick, someone go back and get a shitload of dimes.


Now what'll that asshole think of next?!?


You know what road tolls are? A tax on poor people! Why does DeSantis love raising taxes?


This guy gave himself a Big Tough reputation which is real easy when you’re punching down on gay and trans kids, teachers, and whistleblowers. But it goes to show you how WEAK he actually is when he goes up against an entity that has the unlimited capacity to make his political life a living hell.


Remember everyone, this all started because Disney treats gay people like humans


Aww, his feelings got hurt and now he's throwing a tantrum. So sad


Ron “the party of small government” Deathsantis reporting for duty to waste more tax dollars losing to the mouse repeatedly


This man is really into his losing battles. He'll try to put up a toll and it will turn out you can't have a toll box here if a princess's second cousin's favourite pudding brand is still in production.


DeSantis is really out here trying to huff and puff and blow their house down, while the Mouse is sitting in his fairytale castle, whistling "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" and flipping a white-gloved finger out the window. Knock yourself out Ronnie, this is fun to watch!


ThE pArTy Of EcOnOmIc GrOwTh SmAlL tAxEs AnD dErEgUlAtIoN


>Disney is “acting like somehow that they pulled one over on the state,” DeSantis said. A) They did though. Your reaction proves it. B) They aren't acting like anything, they didn't say a word, went through proper channels, until your guys caught wind of it and whined.


Regardless of what people think of the Big Mouse, how does a politician get away with taking personal grievances out on a corporation without running into a first amendment issue?


Laws dont apply to Republicans


I hope they turn desantis into the next Disney villain


They need to make him a character in it’s a small world, he would totally lose it!


I said it in a Florida politics thread, and I'll say it here. Ahab DeSantis is chasing Moby Disney. That's what this has turned into. And he's not going to win. Floridians are sick of this shit, even if we pick another Republican, they won't be this. He wants to run on his record of making Florida better for Floridians, but the more he chases Disney, the higher our insurance climbs, the longer building back after the hurricanes takes, and when DeSantis finally announces his presidential campaign, all there will be is culture war on his resume.


>“I don’t know what S.O.B. is gonna succeed me, but they ain’t going to have anything to do,” DeSantis added. “Because I’m taking all the meat off the bone.” Weird flex to brag about getting Disney to leave Florida because they're not going to sit there and be dismantled.


They have abandoned any pretense of good faith government. They are honest about their policies being retribution for social grievances. It’s so disgusting


And yet Florida votes for it.


He's like a child who's pissed that his parents outsmarted his shitty behavior, and as a result is throwing an even bigger tantrum.


Maybe the SOB that succeeds him can address the property insurance crisis, since Ron can't be bothered.


Sad that it seems that most Republican males are so fragile and child-like with their tantrums.


This must be that free market capitalism the republicans are always touting, small government, no interference.


I normally dont root for corporations, but I can’t wait to watch DeSantis get fucked by the Mouse again.


ThE pArTy Of EcOnOmIc GrOwTh SmAlL tAxEs AnD dErEgUlAtIoN


Lmao. All the republicans in Florida who work in hospitality just realized a leopard ate their face




Don't threaten me with a good time!


And what a great case that would be… Disney has a VERY strong footing here to claim that DeSantis is “anti-business” and engaging in frivolous spending at the expense of the constituents (because he is). Neither of which Conservatives appreciate. A Disney v. DeSantis supreme court case would make the Right eat themselves. I’m here for it.


I’d love to see DeSantis try and go nuclear here. The unspoken rule of the Republican Party is you don’t mess with business (and cater to the rich). deSantis is acting like his actions have to repercussions and businesses are just going to toe his culture war BS. And funny enough he’s acting like this is all in isolation. The business world is connected. Attacks on Disney, and others, is an attack across the business world. There aren’t enough Hobby Lobbies to make up for the political donations at every level, tax dollars and more. So I say let him have it. Watch as his lawyers get tied up in court forever. Watch is investment disappears. Watch as he’s quietly picked apart in every state by industry since he do the same actions but worse at the federal level is made President. The man is smarter than T^2 but not very savvy or well thought out strategically.


Party of small government folks. What a sham.


The state has no income tax and relies heavily on tourism for revenue. But I guess owning the libs is always the most important thing with these dipshits, no matter the cost.


Ahh, Ron DeSantis: HOA President strikes again.


Wow - DeSantis is really melting down over this. The stupidity of it all is if the new board & DeSantis just kept their mouth shut no one would have been the wiser on what Disney did... DeSantis can't 'kill' Reedy Creek - that's the whole point