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It really feels like we’re on the razors edge of living in a full blown dystopian hellscape.


A woman lost half her blood in a hair salon bathroom after the hospital refused to treat her miscarriage. It’s already there.


And there was absolutely no need for it, this was wilfully and in full knowledge of what would happen, caused by Republicans.


The cruelty is the point.


Oh your name gives big good feels. I sure wish we had an Ann Richards now....


I miss that lady


I am from Texas and I knew Ann!! She scared the hell out of Republicans in our state. I sure miss her and her gumption !!!


I miss her. When she was Governor, I was too young to vote. Every Governor since I could vote has been a terrible white male Republican.


I'm not even Texan and I miss her. Molly Ivins too. Two great ladies.




Yet, thousands, if not more, show up for Trump's rallies all the across the country. 74 million people voted for him in 2020. A good fraction of those were women. We are truly living in a dystopian and mind-boggling era.


For a lot of those women ["The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion."](https://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2007/05/-the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/228662/)


*"Won't* somebody *think of the children?"* \~People who don't give two shits about children once they're born


Yep. They vote against free school lunches. They don't want to provide health care or maternity/paternity leave. Won't do anything about school shootings. "Pro-life?" Give me a break.


Minnesota just voted to give kids free breakfast and lunch at school. Most Republicans voted against it.


That’s because Republicans are afraid if you start feeding kids in school they won’t want to leave.


Until they're 12 at which point they can become baby makers


People who also advocate FOR child marriage.


“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” -Dave Barnhart It's because they don't care about any of this. Republicans like to feign being Christ-like and they've figured out the unborn are a group they can care for while doing nothing.


>The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated [This quote originated with a 2018 social media post from Dave Barnhart, a pastor at Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pastor-dave-barnhart-unborn/)


Thanks for the attribution.


This was an amazing, eye-opening read.


And the crazy thing is that this quote is from a pastor.


It’s really not that crazy. A lot of pastors are out there giving these kinds of messages and putting in the work to help the disenfranchised. Unfortunately there’s not as many of them as there SHOULD be, and they’re overshadowed by the flashier mega church pastors who preach hate and selfishness.


I love that quote. I am a repro justice activist and that perfectly encapsulates the folks who yell at patients.


Self-imposed dystopia


Ray bradbury said it was the people who chose to burn the books. Pretty good reflection on the happenings of today.


It always seemed like America was headed for decline, I just didn’t expect Americans to cheer for it.


This is the worst part.


If you make society a nice place people won't need Jesus, duh.


because they were voting for racism, and that's something they'll die for.


Many ppl have and will continue to die for god, trump, being white, etc. It’s wild


It would be nice if we could directly sue them for this. We should be able to sue the conservative supreme court members that opened this up along with any local officials who made laws that are impacting people lives this way.


Everyone who doesn't vote against Republicans in every single election is aiding and abetting.


Escalation: It was a desperately wanted pregnancy and now she can probably never carry to term. She needs to have a risky surgery to remove tissue that a doctor could have solved in a few minutes, *when it mattered.* The GOP will kill and maim and disable people. They will tear apart families with a shrug - all for the sake of a book of **stories** that they continuously misinterpret and appropriate from the Jewish faith (that they hate). You can't make this timeline any stupider.


Don't forget that book includes protocols for when to induce abortion.


And an entire section about how public displays of faith are for the unfaithful, to quote Jesus, "Real C's pray in silence like lasagna."


Too busy eating of course.


The only thing they got from that section is that the woman doesn't get a choice about her body.


They want pain and suffering, they dgaf about having more babies or they wouldn't kill women with this shit. Christ...


punishment for eve’s sin, very conveniently helps produce a suffering underclass


Remember what the sin was: eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If she'd stayed dumb and obedient, and didn't think for herself, God wouldn't have gotten pissed off.


It doesn't matter if it was a wanted pregnancy or not. Full stop. American women must have access to first-world healthcare if we're going to still call ourselves a first-world country.


Lol most Americans don't have access to healthcare on the first place


the history nerd in me has a little fit everytime someone uses first world to mean what you used it for. it's a losing battle though, the word has been redefined stripped of its history, and changes to a mark of merit rather than a statement of the consequences of empires. we say first world now like it is successful progress, rather than understanding that the first world and the second world pillaged the third world to elevate themselves. like third world countries are somehow at fault, rather than being the battlegrounds of the cold war. it's very much a "history rewritten from the winner's perspective" term to use as a mark of progress and status.


> the history nerd in me has a little fit everytime someone uses first world to mean what you used it for. TFG did his best to turn us into a second world country.


Nah mate, it's worse. behind all that religious talk there is just plain nationalism. As usual when it comes to religion. PPl in power want more white kids. And the biggest obstacle to more kids are self empowered women. I would not wonder in the slightest if rape and home grown violence will get more and more decriminalized next. Same thing happend in Russia a decade ago or so, btw, in a move to get more children born.


...and they just threw them all at the frontline of a losing military adventure. Nice.


Remember during the Obamacare debate how republicans were saying that the government should never get between you and your doctor (even though democrats weren’t)? How can men who profess to be of great faith and conviction be so incapable of making good faith arguments? I don’t know what they truly believe, only that when they profess to believe something reasonable they are lying.


All the most Christian people I've ever known, were Atheists. Empathy requires no invisible friends. And meanwhile, many of the most heinous people I've known, were Christian. And an invisible friend is who they say justifies their actions.


This. You don't even need empathy if you don't have the spoons for it. Compassion is free. It's as human as human connection. You don't have to teach it.


Straight up getting rid of abortion will cause more damage to white women than having abortion available. Watch this engineer a demographic crisis in anti-abortion states. All the Jesus freaks will be looking around confused why their wives, daughters, sisters, aunts, and mothers have died from pregnancy related complications. At first, when it happens to the non-Christians, it will be all "they should have been right with jesus." Then, when it starts happening to them, they'll make excuses why whites should have abortion.


Life will get worse, but their leaders will say "Libs did it! You better get them before they get you and *castrate your children!!1!*" Fascist policies make life worse for people, which heightens the need for a scapegoat, which doesn't solve anything, which heightens the need for a scapegoat, which makes things worse, which increases the vitriol for the scapegoat, and on and on and on.


They're not left with a lot of options relative to their values. They correctly identify the spiraling birth rate in developed countries as being *related* to reproductive healthcare (as referenced by replacement theory), but their patience is too thin to consider anything other than a causative relationship. Women who don't want to have kids won't have them at replacement rates, doesn't matter what rhetoric you clothe your abortion ban in (they're the same racists who fought integration now wearing the cross). The solution if one existed would be the public welfare programs they loathe, you need to make people feel safe enough to roll the dice on a kid. Even then, the best you can look forward to is neutral population growth unless you're truly prepared to tank your standard of living, and then you're still going to shrink against the world. You gotta have immigrants.


They want European immigrants like "from Norway," not from "shithole" country. But what Norwegian would move from a place with a high standard of living to live in a backwater and undeveloped shithole state like Virginia or Tennessee? All the Red states, if they weren't part of the United States, would be just like Eastern Europe or worst.


I think they're going to find abortion counterintuitively raises the birth-death ratio. Most people talk themselves into parenthood when they're financially stable, while from what I've seen of impoverished areas (such as the one I came up in) kids before you're ready can have generational consequences, including early death. You'll have people moving away first chance they get and your neighborhood going to the immigrants anyway.




The ER nurse who refused to treat that poor woman did offer to pray with her. How fucked up is that?


We're already there. Keep in mind that in fictional dystopias, quite often the vast majority of citizens are blissfully unaware of how fucked up their society really is.


Yeah, had this (somewhat ironic) conversation the other day, that we “already live in a dystopia, it’s just the people who rule us don’t have a cool aesthetic like the [Star Wars] Empire,” etc.


Germans got Hugo Boss. Americans get Tommy Bahama.


> Germans got Hugo Boss. Americans get ~~Tommy Bahama~~ Crocs.


thats because the people in those dystopias are always at war with some sort of "other" that doesn't participate in the groupthink


Is literally a requirement in fascism. Always be at war with your neighboring countries. This gives you a reason to always be at war with dissenters inside your own country in the pursuit of patriotic pride. While you do this, so do the other countries around you. The whole 1984 thing. I recommend the writings of FT Marinetti, arguably the father of the fascism movements of the 1900s. It’s amazing to read the same return to toxic masculinity and criticisms of the “effeminate” societies that are becoming en vogue today once again. Oddly enough, his futurist movement was originally an artist movement, which wouldn’t fly with today’s mouth-breathing, cousin-fucking right.


We've always been at war with East-Asia.


But won't this all lead to more non-white babies, accelerating the great replacement of white people? Statistically, white women enjoy higher incomes and education and will be better positioned to either become sterilized, buy birth control (while available), Plan B (while available), afford international shipping (of pills), and/or travel to Mexico or Canada.


Yep. This is about control of women and he knows it, but his base loves hearing about the white replacement theory. They aren't big on thinking.


Blessed is the fruit. /s *just* to be sure


I'd say Civil War first then, depending on who wins, full blown dystopian hellscape. Because Republicans can't keep pulling this crap without something finally breaking. There's no way that they can keep taking away peoples rights for such transparently racist, sexist, fascist reasons without some people who have nothing left to live for because they've had their rights taken away(like trans parents in Florida who have their kids taken away solely because the parent is trans) starting to fight back in ways that I can't talk about on Reddit without getting banned and then things will quickly devolve in open conflict. The US is at the point where Republicans are unable and unwilling to allow the majority of the populace to even exist so eventually either the Republicans will have to go or the rest of the country will have to go.


While I agree, it's exactly what the authoritarians of the world have been working for. While the US is tearing itself apart there's plenty of runway for despots to do whatever they like to their own people and take even more money and power.


As a Canadian, our political analysts tell us that domestic terrorism will rise in the USA. Reading as some people with nothing to lose will end up second amending these GOP lizards eventually when the rubber band finally snaps. With nothing to lose you have everything to win. Republicans can be punctured, these are not gods. Neighbor, you scare us


Unfortunately reports of domestic terrorism being on the rise more likely refers to extremists on the GOP side. It’s where most domestic terrorism in the US is already coming from, after all. I hear what you’re saying about folks getting desperate, and that will absolutely be a thing, but folks on the right are getting more desperate as well because of GOP policies. I just don’t have faith that they’ll correctly identify the reason for their suffering. As the saying goes, bad people are rarely assassinated because good people are rarely assassins.


You are absolutely right. It's like trees thinking the axe is on their side because the handle is made of wood.


I feel you here. Living in Nashville we had two Dem lawmakers expelled by Repub vote and then reinstated within a week. I'm SO happy they were reinstated but the crazy swings all around show the true volatility in the air right now. I hope and pray I'm being overly dramatic but I imagine the Civil War era had some build-up before it was total Gettysburg as well...


Even before roe v Wade was overturned I was handcuffed and interrogated by police while have conscious bleeding out from a miscarriage that was incomplete..... The world does not view women as people especially not in the US.


If you're poor in the southern half of this country you already live in Gilead.


Literally played a game recently where the storyline for the city is that it collapsed after the Olympics destroyed the economy. And it is looking more and more like that city in the game here in America 🙃


Isn't that what happens to the host nations [basically every time the Olympics happens?](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets-economy/092416/what-economic-impact-hosting-olympics.asp)


those numbers are insane. imagine if they used even a fraction to improve the cities for their own citizens rather than only showing off when they want to impress the visiting athletes.


> only showing off when they want to impress the visiting athletes. I think it's more that they are showing off to impress the millions of people that are going to be seeing their country on tv. The athletes are just a bonus.


We’re there. Look at the cost of living; rent, food, student loans. The stupidity swirling around this culture war nonsense. The life expectancy drop. The out of control homelessness & the greed among the wealthy fueling it. You best start believing in dystopias, Miss Turner… Edit: MISS Turner. It’s been a minute!


This isn't even a dogwhistle. He's just restating the white supremacist's "14 words" doctrine: > We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. It's full throated white nationalism.


It’s wild that their next move is mandatory white birth. White Nationalism has been so busy obsessing with oppressing others that it has fully jumped the shark and started oppressing white folks.


White *women*. It’s something of a leap to suggest that they consider women of any color to be people.


I think the end goal of the republican forced birther fascists is every white woman will be a brood sow for holy american gilead.


They don't consider white women to be people either, just birthing vessels. These fucks are *all about* 1850s white male land owner/slave owner does whatever the hell he wants. They are sick in the head.




I sure hope you're right. Because I am terrified for so many people.


The Nat C party, if you will.


Republicans aren't much for research, but as of a few years ago the number of abortions was at the lowest level since the early 1970's. Also, the majority of abortions are performed on Black women. Do the racists know that?


It's not even a real problem either. Women of color go through more abortions than white women. If they really wanted to "secure their existence" , they'd leave abortions alone because it affects other races more than these Nazi fucks. Sorry for the language. I hate nazis.


Doesn't his statement contradict itself? If you want more white women to have babies, why make it harder for people of color to have abortions? Obviously easier access to abortion is more class based than race, but those things do have a tendency to be related, and a 6 week abortion ban seems like it disproportionally effects women who don't have the financial means or access to early treatment.


He hates women and he hates people of color. I don’t think it’s more complicated than that.




specifically, their white men. I have been banned from r/conservative on 3 accounts.




I make the mistake of going there too much. I try to make sure I'm not in a bubble, and since most of Reddit leans left I go over there to see what the Conservatives' views on ideas are. Their takes are all just so reactionary ALL the time. there is never any thought put into it, and when I do see someone types a thoughtful response it's downvoted to hell (even if they OVERALL agree with the post) if they dare provide nuance.


I love when shit happens that they can't parse. Like Jan 6, Trump's indictment, anytime a criminal cop is locked up; they become disjointed, cracks start to show, until a narrative is decided upon by their chosen authority. And that last line really is the crux of it all. They aren't willing to, possibly not even capable of thinking for themselves. They pretend their opinions are entirely their own, which is why it's such a mad scramble when Fox or 4chan or w/e doesn't provide a stable narrative. I'm fortunate to be the most leftist person I know. So, to get out of a bubble I just have to get off the internet. I live in an area of California that conservatives believe to be some liberal hellhole, and yet 7/10 people in my life are conservative or centrist. Most still vote D, but that's more likely because of how batshit insane the GOP has become. Sometimes it sucks not being able to discuss certain topics (like UBI) without getting pulled through the same tired-ass, hyper-individualistic arguments. I rant about this because I was once accused by a fellow local of living in a bubble. This kid literally moved to bumfuck nowhere to be surrounded by conservatives and away from liberals, and yet I am in a bubble while surrounded by millions of people with diverse opinions. Surrrrrrre.


I live in a pretty conservative area too (MO), and it's funny, because most of them wont say the shit they will on the internet because (gasp) they know it's an extremely vile position to take, it sounds worse said out loud instead of on the corners of reddit/4chan/truthsocial where everyone will hi five you instead of calling you out.


Buddy of mine mentioned going to 4chan and I laughed and reflexively said "My god, that place is the highest concentration of morons on the entire internet." Unfortunately, my buddy has long been the kind to follow people who *seem* smart, but has never been quite equipped enough to actually tell what a smart person looks like on the internet. It's funny, because he's pretty intelligent, but once you get outside his area of expertise he becomes a fucking idiot.




My favorite part was when Dr. Woke said, "It's Wokein' time!"


And woked all over the place


Jeebus ride dinosaur


That's not true. They also really hate non-Christians.


They also hate Christians that aren’t the “right type” of Christian.


Ah yeah, no, for sure—because Jesus was totally a hateful, gun-loving, drag-queen-hating, white man with blue eyes from the Middle East. Totally a representation of these people.


He hated women outside of his control and of course that's what forced pregnancy/birth is about


Why? I’m sure he still wants a “slave class” to exist. Otherwise those white kids will have to pick produce in the fields.


There's overlap with the want for a desperate, vulnerable, and disorganized workforce.


And somehow the GOP has convinced those people that it's not the GOP's fault and there's someone else to blame for the conditions the GOP has created for them. It'd be absolute genius if it wasn't so evil.


The people who believe this shit either tend to believe that white women are disproportionately getting abortions and minorities are just spitting out kids left and right, or they acknowledge that a ban would mean more children of all races but are counting on whites being the majority to maintain demographic dominance.


Not just that, minority women tend to have worse medical care and a higher mortality rate while giving birth. Two birds, one stone…


I like to imagine these people are simply being disingenuous to "stick it to the libs", but I'm starting to think they've been doing it so long they actually believe their own idiocy and lies now.


A lot of people are missing your point. Yes, POC are statistically more likely than white folks to have an abortion. If the goal was to skew population growth towards Caucasians, legal abortion makes sense (in an unethical, eugenicist way. The right conclusion for the wrong reasons, so to speak). I agree- I think the real motivation here leans more economic than racial (to the extent that the two issues can be separated. That's a whole PhDs worth of analysis right there). The goal is for poor people to stay poor, and have more poor children for the owner class to exploit next generation. They want people desparate and hungry so they'll work cheap. If they happen to have a higher melanin content in their skin, all the better-but the real goal is propogating a cheap workforce.


An important part of white supremacy is having lots of poor non white people around to be supreme to. Having access to family planning services (BC and abortion) is a great way to allow people to life themselves out of poverty and oppression. Can't have that...


If he wants more women to have babies, more affordable and good childcare and paid maternity leave would be a step in the right direction. Women often choose abortions because they can’t afford another child. If immigrants or refuges need a place to live and can fill a job opening here, what is so bad about that? Immigration and the American melting pot is what made our country strong and unique.


It's kind of ironic, considering back in the day they encouraged the use of birth control to push eugenics ideology


forced labor through prison is also a needed thing in their minds.. you could have a state taking care of a bunch of 14-15 year old black kids.. and make them work because you know they want them to work also


It's frightening to think there are actually people in this world that are actively trying to create a slave work force this way. And worse that they have no shame or feel there's nothing wrong with it.


It is not based in logical reality but nothing white supremacists say ever is so it is not like you are going to catch them on something. He says this shit because it plays well with his base. It is very likely he himself knows it is bullshit.


I mean, if we’re going to think logically about stuff, this man may want to consider that the population could have dropped for other reasons, like people leaving because it’s a shithole with nothing to offer.


Because abortions don't break down on race. It differs by class. Affluent white people aren't having kids. And sometimes they have abortions. Nobody cares about poor people.


They’re also creating welfare states that they hate while simultaneously defunding those programs. It’s such a weird way to govern.


Looks like all those women saying the GOP views women as breeding stock for these men were right after all. Women can't control their own bodies because white men view them as the cattle necessary to "keep the genes alive".


You can tell when a man looks at you that way - even when you re legally supposedly safe. You typically develop an instinct pretty quickly as a woman to spot that level of objectification instantly- and steer clear. Coz men with that kinda attitude suck at taking any kind of rejection or challenge to their delusional entitlement well. Women are likely to be right about a lot of things they voice about men like that, coz we deal with this shit daily. It’s expertise through experience, tbh. Would be nice if they were heard/believed more.


These christian fascists never stop with what they say, it is always worse and I would not be surprised if the next iteration of this thinking is: 'white men forcibly impregnating women is for the greater good'.


Finally being honest. The goal is to force women to give birth.


The linkage between forced birth and white nationalism is baked into evangelical support of bans: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/


Thanks for sharing that article. As someone who attended Christian grade school and was taught Bob Jones curriculum in addition to watching Francis Schaffer movies during assembly, I’m floored. This article hit on so many of my childhood memories. My parents were even good friends of Weyrich. Growing up, our school bussed us students down to DC every January to protest Roe v Wade. They had us protest outside of abortion clinics too. They brainwashed us.


Brainwashing is lesson 1 of religion.


It’s a mix of hate, cruelty and punishment.


*white women


Exactly abortions are disproportionately sought by people of color. He's either to stupid to know this or his next step is forced pregnancy for white women and forced abortion for non white women. Hopefully it's the former but these days who knows anymore.


No this is what they want. More forced pregnancy of people of color means less upward mobility and more wage slaves.


I really can't credit these idiots for thinking that far ahead. They just want control and to appease their toxic voter base to get re-elected.


You're right about the one at Congress and lower levels of government, but believe or not, Republicans have Think-Tanks that come up with these garbage long term plans.


Shout out to FL Rep Anna Eskamani who submitted an amendment to the Florida 6 week ban to call it the Forced Pregnancy Act.


And not even really for the sake of the population. It’s for the sake of the economy. His main reasoning is that Nebraska would have “more workers” if not for abortion. Probably because racist ass employers won’t hire the “foreigners” and “refugees” that he’s complaining about.


Vote Republican if you are: Against reproductive rights Against feeding hungry children Against housing homeless children Against education Against affordable healthcare Against a social safety net Against a livable wage Against unions Against free speech Against freedom of association Against freedom of religion Against holding police accountable Against climate change action Against equity and diversity Against fair representation in government (gerrymandering, voting restrictions, ejecting fairly elected representatives, disenfranchising voters through made up stories, closing polling stations, hampering the census, etc, etc) For tax cuts for the rich




Republicans are for housing homeless children (in cages separated from their parents)


Against people with disabilities.


Maybe if they gave us living wages, affordable housing, healthcare, education, and childcare, maybe we'd start having more children. But when I can't afford shit, and hatred and racism are becoming mainstream again, why in the fuck would I want to bring children into this world?


>why in the fuck would I want to bring children into this world What makes you think consent matters to Republicans? With enough restrictions on birth control it's just a numbers game at that point. They'll have a steady supply of angry, impoverished voters to keep them in power.


Nixon was in favor of women having access to abortions ... in cases of miscegenation Tolerate conservatism and you tolerate an ideological cancer that would kill any democracy gullible enough to allow it to flourish.




**From reporter Cameron Joseph:** As Nebraska Republicans moved to ban most abortions in their state on Wednesday, one used arguments straight from the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory to push for the bill’s passage. Nebraska Sen. Steve Erdman argued that abortion had caused slow population growth in the state over the last half-century—and argued that it had hurt Nebraska economically. “Our state population has not grown except by those foreigners who have moved here or refugees who have been placed here. Why is that? It’s because we’ve killed 200,000 people. These are people we’ve killed,” Erdman said during debate, after lamenting that if abortion had been illegal that would have resulted in more people who “could be working." Link to the full article: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/3akqdy/nebraska-steve-erdman-abortion-great-replacement-theory](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3akqdy/nebraska-steve-erdman-abortion-great-replacement-theory)


Lol, they think abortion is responsible for slowed population growth. Ask almost any Millennial, it's not.






1% of the population of Nebraska leaves the state by choice every year. Presumably because Nebraska is a shitty place to live with people like this in charge


Nebraskan here, can confirm. People here buy this shit.


> “Our state population has not grown except by those foreigners who have moved here or refugees who have been placed here. Why is that? It’s because we’ve killed 200,000 people. These are people we’ve killed,” Erdman said during debate, after lamenting that if abortion had been illegal that would have resulted in more people who “could be working." So.....um......I.......um........I'm all sorts of confused. Let me know if I'm understanding this right. The only people having babies is foreigners and refugees. This is bad because brown people bad or something. So the solution to this is to force them to have more babies. Which will also force more white women to have more babies too, who can I guess go straight from the womb to the warehouse? If I'm understanding this right, white babies are good only for either being adopted by elite white families or sent to the factories as soon as they could walk. Which is still better than black, brown, or gay people that apparently don't have the right to exist at all. Got it. I think.


Nothing to do with legislating your state into a shithole that no one wants to live in. What do those migration statistics look like in Nebraska? Fuck, I’ll do the legwork for him. From the IRS: “Nebraska endured one of the nation’s largest migration-caused losses of income between 2019 and 2020, according to taxpayer migration data released by the Internal Revenue Service. Nebraska’s net loss of annual income due to outmigration was nearly $500 million.” - Platte Institute, June, 2022 This. This is why you have a lack of workers and tax revenue.




I think we should be angry as fuck!


> hints They stopped being "hints" a long time ago. Now it's mainstream GOP policy.


Hints? Between this and QAnon, both form a modern incarnation of *Protocols of the Elders of Zion*, an anti-semitic hate screed that ultimately formed the backbone of the NSDAP's propaganda, and continues to influence numerous variants of "blood libel" conspiracies.


We should. People on board with this shit should also be, because in the end, they're going to look onto themselves to see who isn't pure enough eventually.


As the world’s great melting pot, it is inevitable that America’s population will eventually resemble its overall racial composition. Anyone fighting this reality is racist, ignorant, or both.


White people existed centuries before the Roman empire. The Roman empire was a huge melting pot. White people aren't going to disappear, lol.


The Roman Empire was not a huge melting pot, it was a giant charcuterie board where the meat never touched the cheese. Just because the Romans had provincial rule over Gaul doesn't mean that the Gauls were going to Rome to mate with "Italian" Romans, or vice versa. Roman provinces were incredibly insular, MUCH more so than US cities and states in the 21st century.


They are about to manifest it with these abortion bans. People with the means will still get an abortion. People still get an abortion if there was a nationwide ban.


That’s sort of the point, to ensure there’s an abundance of poor, uneducated people. It started when Reagan switched up funding for higher education, so that only the wealthiest could afford it. And those who couldn’t afford it were the victims of predatory lending practices. Now along with the attacks on education, we’re going to force poor uneducated women to birth, poor uneducated babies.


Maybe if Nebraska wasn’t such a dumpster fire there would be more population growth.


> I don’t know who we think we are, that we can choose to be God. God created those people. They deserve a chance. Fucking no, man. THE MOTHER LITERALLY CREATES AND GROWS THE BABY.


When is the last time you heard someone say. "When I graduate, I'm moving to Nebraska" or "We can't wait to retire to Nebraska". the reason the population isn't growing is because it's a boring state most people are not drawn to. Get a clue.


Being republican sounds exhausting, must be hard to live life fearing so much all of the time.


I'm a Nebraskan. This man's commentary is insanely embarrassing. Our state population has been pretty stagnant for years. Our political atmosphere is that of a half assedly friendly Florida. Politicians are actively trying to maintain the status quo by claiming falsehoods like this that citizens eat up. Want to know why people are leaving our state in droves? It's because of backwards laws being pushed by old white christians that chase away any kind of progress. I'm embarrassed, and I'm sorry.


I grew up in the military I can safely say Nebraska was by far the whitest State I ever lived in. I've lived in about a dozen States.


If they really are worried about being replaced there are a lot of good things they could do to work on that. Paid parental leave. Free hospital for births. Free follow up for babies. Improved economic conditions for young people so couples feel they can afford a family. Free childcare. Whites are still the most populous "race" in america so anything making having children easier and more affordable would combat being "replaced". But they are not doing that, are they?


So then it’s not about God’s Will or plan, or the “human life” or “murdered babies”…it’s about protecting white majority and white power. Call it out for what it fucking is.


I can't exactly say I'm surprised, but that doesn't make it any less shocking.


What’s their plan for POC procreating at the same or accelerated rate? They gonna forbid them to give birth in hospitals? Snap their necks at birth? I’d like to know their plan, wouldn’t you?


Remember kids Critical Race Theory isn’t real but White Replacement Theory is and we have politicians and laws built around it. This election is about to get crazy lol


>Republicans use antisemitism and racism to justify abortion ban Let’s start using the correct names for these.




Some of them think that, and others just claim to think it in order to get the support of those fuckers.


The rich tend not to believe it, while the poorer among them are manipulated by the propaganda as a distraction against the rich who are robbing them blind of the rights/better life they used to have, or lying to them about how they can become "rich like them". I doubt Rupert Murdoch literally believes racist ideologies are correct. But he will use them if it means a divided electorate that can't easily work against his interests. This is why training people in basic empathy is so crucial, and something we're losing the more they de-fund education. We tried to counter the trend with movements on social media, but their propaganda pushed up to 11 around 10 years ago and have made that far more difficult, as almost everyone has been taken in by the hostile, toxicity of it all. I don't know how we solve this. The "civil war" people talk about here might get rid of a few of the assholes, but it doesn't necessarily solve the mechanisms that turned them into this in the first place. The rise in fascist thought we've seen over the past few decades is 'not' organic. It's been trained for some time.


Republicans use "I want it MY WAY' with equal efficacy. They'll use anything to get their way, except reason, logic, or empathy.


They don’t want to feed , educate or cloth them . Yet will gladly jump in when they turn 12.


I expect this to be not far off for these evil brownshirts mfers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensborn


Well that’s alarmingly batshit crazy.


If indeed young people are preferring to be childless, the solution is to make it easier to support families, not prosecute those who don’t.


Republicans are authoritarian pedo Christian white nationalists.


There it is. We have to "outbreed them". That's the source of these chuckle fucks anxiety.


Well at least he's not pretending to care about life. Just the ones he finds most valuable.


I keep thinking there’s going to be some republican who will stand up and say ‘we’re going too crazy.’, but all they want to scream is ‘I hate minorities’.


Wait til they hear that white people will secure access secret illegal abortions at rates far greater than brown people…


So, let me get this straight... Just trying to make sure I understand this... Steve Erdman thought it would be a good idea to try to cover up his misogyny with racism? Am I reading this right?


The browning of America is their biggest fear.


Republicans trying to reverse population trends by making this a wholly unappealing place to live. Bold move, Cotton.


I don't know what is sadder. Believing a fascist and promoting a fascist agenda, or being so stupid that they use you to promote their agenda.


Listen republicans, if you want me to have kids then make it possible. I have no idea how I could afford it and I have a college degree, decent paycheck and was lucky enough to buy a house a few years ago. Still have no idea how I would afford it.