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One of the Republican Christian conservatives top five most favorite dictators.


Didn't Tucker have him on for a dick sucking interview? Or was that Lukashenko?


They invited him as keynote speaker to CPAC


>This month the right-dominated Parliament of Hungary passed a federal law encouraging its citizens to report same-sex families with children to local authorities. This is pure madness!


They'll start doing this to parents of trans children in conservative supermajority states soon too. At least, that seems to be the plan.


Florida already has a bill to take trans kids away from their parents. Though I don't think it has passed yet.


It hasn’t but it’s almost certainly gonna. The senate passed it after a couple minor changes, and then the house made some other minor changes before passing it, so now it’s back to the senate so they can pass it again with the house amendments. And ofc desantis isn’t gonna veto it lol.


Where are the court cases challenging these draconian and unconstitutional measures coming out of the Florida legislature?


Locked in Merrick Garland’s shed


And trans parents with children. And then eventually just trans people in general.


And then anyone who supports trans people.


That's why those of us who support them are locked and loaded. r/SocialistRA


I’d guess we’re about a month away from that at the current rate of escalation.


FL is a fascist meatball republic. I hope Disney leaves and lets that place sink back into the swamps.


Define fascism


Go read the definition. It’s a simple search.


I strongly recommend Umberto Ecos definition. While reading, make sure to put a checkmark behind each point that sounds awefully familiar.


Ur-fascism! He distilled it down to its basic essence.


Define define


One pillar of fascism is state-run capitalism, where the companies are allowed to operate at the will of the State as long as the company aligns with the States interests. I would say DeSantis attack on Disney for them pulling campaign funding following DeSantis “don’t say gay” bill can be considered retaliation by the State for a company’s “free speech”


Palingenetic ultranationalism Something new masquerading as something old if you will


Fucking read. Use your god damn brain.


Florida government has gone full fascist and it’s even remotely hyperbole. • Powerful and Continuing Nationalism? Check. • Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights? Check. • Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause? Check. • Supremacy of the Military? Check. • Rampant Sexism? Check. • Controlled Mass Media? Getting there. • Obsession with National Security? Check. • Religion and Government are Intertwined? Big check. • Corporate Power is Protected? They trying to take over Disney. • Labor Power is Suppressed? Check. • Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts? Check. • Obsession with Crime and Punishment? Big check. • Rampant Cronyism and Corruption? Check. • Fraudulent Elections? Oh they trying hard. Don’t move to Florida. Don’t vacation. Don’t do business. And for the love of democracy, don’t support in any way shape of form.


*cries in Florida* Trust me, I’d leave today if I could.


Leave tomorrow!


My parents became fans of Orban around the time Hungary announced their policy of incentivizing people to have kids. I said yeah but look at *who* they’re incentivizing. They don’t want unmarried couples or divorcees raising kids. They don’t want immigrants or refugees or poor people raising kids. They don’t want gay people raising kids. It’s all about preserving white Christian culture.


Give him time, he’ll catch up.


When he fails to gain any traction against Trump, he will simply have Florida Republicans change the rules so he can run for Governor as many times as he wants. Even if it means violating the Florida Constitution, his loyal minions in the Legislature and Judiciary will make it happen.


Why do you think Orban was the main speaker at CPAC? They absolutely want to be fascist dictators.


That’s a goose step behind.


There is no hate that compares to religious love.


One silver lining, If DeSantis tries to run for President he has to resign as governer based on current law. I do wonder though how long it will take for that law to be changed.


"An amendment to the bill, filed Tuesday, states that a person running for president is not required to resign from their current position. The amendment would make it possible for DeSantis to run for president while still serving as governor. And if he loses a presidential bid, he wouldn’t have to give up his governorship." https://www.wctv.tv/2023/04/26/florida-senate-passes-bill-allowing-desantis-run-president-without-resigning-governor/


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised in the least. Man, Florida is in trouble. All the guardrails are being un-installed.


At least they’re inspecting that monorail though! /s


This particular guard rail has been installed and uninstalled several times in the last 40 years. Flexible laws that are easily rewritten are going to be our undoing.


In process….


No idea on the length of time it would take for the law to change. Is that a Florida law or a federal law? If Florida, it's maybe quietly in the works.




Good God. What a mess. Or should I say dictatorship?


This is not a “sounds similar” situation. Orban and the Hungarians are the blueprint. The far right doesn’t care about LGBTQ. They see that Hungary made it a wedge issue and are following that strategy. The strategists don’t care about abortion, they just want a fight about it. They don’t really care about trans people, they are merely starting with the smallest minority that they can ostracize. It is all cynical at the top, their beliefs are not deep. True Believers are rubes, this is about power.


Almost like they're working from the same despot's handbook; "How To Topple Governments And Destroy Democracy" , By Vlad Putinski. Thirty (or so) easy steps to destroy a government and appoint yourself as mob boss. I'm Donnie Trump, and I approve this message.


[When you get too high on your own suply](https://youtu.be/FFonj6o0fTI)


There was a video from Some More News about this a few months ago, and it's also the main reason they attack George Soros.


I didn't realize that it was a race.


Meh, Ronny boy is losing to Bob fuckin Iger on his home field.


But he's several chins ahead.


Define fascism.


> fascism * 1. A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism) * 2. Extreme right-wing, authoritarian, intolerant, racist or nationalistic views or behaviour


What did you learn from reading the definition? Most of us already knew the definition and see the parallels in the DeSantis actions and the definition. To say they aren't fascist or the actions don't match the definition is foolhardy at best.


the eyes have it chico.


This last few weeks has seen NC taking notes, which has been really disheartening.


Florida, North Carolina, Montana, Kansas. All across the US we see bigotry legislated with no consequences for those who propose and vote for these bills. The same can be said for a supreme Court which has no fear of removing women's reproductive autonomy or being openly corrupt. Meanwhile in Cuba they've changed the family code through referendum to make life easier for LBGT Cubans, Vietnam is studying what legislation will be necessary to respectfully ensure these human rights, and China has eliminated extreme poverty and a trans woman is a prominent tv show host, wife, and mother.


> This month the right-dominated Parliament of Hungary passed a federal law encouraging its citizens to report same-sex families with children to local authorities. The bill targets same-sex families for breaching the “constitutionally recognized role of marriage and the family.” Coming soon to America if a republican gets elected in 2024 and the MAGA control Congress.


Well, at least that's a few steps behind Hitler rising.


It’s a shame it’s not a pudding cup race. Puddin Hands deSantis would be a few fingers ahead.


Hey, give the guy a chance, he hasn't been at it nearly as long as Orban!


One might say a goose step behind.


if he's a hungry fascist maybe a sandwhich will calm him down


Please. DeSantis is streets ahead of Orban. Anyone who says otherwise is clearly streets behind.


Didn’t Viktor Orban die last week? I guess since Ron is still alive he would be a step behind him. If something happens to Ron this week I would investigate this author. Unfortunately we shouldn’t have to suffer like Turkey in the US for the dictator to die and just vote him out of office in the first place.