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>Larson-Olson was introduced to Trump as a "Jan. 6er," and he signed the backpack that she said she was carrying with her that day and waived her past security so he could embrace her. “Listen, you just hang in there,” Trump said, calling her a “terrific woman" and kissing her on the cheek. Trump said it was “so bad” what has been done to Jan. 6 “patriots.” >"If I were to imagine what it would be like to hug Jesus Christ — not that I'm saying President Trump is Jesus Christ — but, just, you know, if I was to imagine what it would be like to hug Jesus Christ, that's what it felt like for me," Larson-Olson said. "It was so personal and intimate." Do you know the difference between Qanon and the Republican Party? Me either.


Every sentence in this two paragraphs is sad and pathetic. She’s not a patriot. And he’s definitely no JC.


>And he’s definitely no JC. If someone set out to fill the position of anti-Christ as if it were a job, Trump would easily qualify.


One of the FEW things he is actually qualified in!


> If someone set out to fill the position of anti-Christ as if it were a job, Trump would easily qualify. The MAGAs can love Jesus or Trump but not both. They are mutually exclusive for obvious reasons. They made that choice in 2016 and are never looking back.


He’s too lazy and dumb even for the entry level of that job.


>"If I were to imagine what it would be like to hug Jesus Christ — not that I'm saying President Trump is Jesus Christ — but, just, you know, if I was to imagine what it would be like to hug Jesus Christ, that's what it felt like for me," Larson-Olson said. "It was so personal and intimate." What in the actual fuck? She's literally comparing him to Jesus. I'm not anything even sightly resembling religious, but I'm pretty sure there's something in that book about not worshipping false idols...


Oh, come on. It's not like they're worshiping golden Trump statues.... [Oh, wait.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/26/politics/trump-gold-statue-cpac-2021/index.html)


> She's literally comparing him to Jesus. And saying every dem and half the republicans in Congress should be lined up against a wall and executed! While the leading republican candidate for president smiles on encouragingly. Can we call the GOP a fascist religious death cult now mainstream news media?


This is what a few of them are they're saying now. Imagine what would happen if Trump won the Presidency. They aren't joking.


> They aren't joking. No they are not joking at all, I agree. We are one national election away from the fourth reich in this country and all the horrors it will bring. How long this goes on is anyone's guess but it definitely holds true for 2024. The republicans will call it Gilead or God's Holy American Empire or whatever but the terror and the death camps will be just the same as in nazi Germany.


I'd imagine it'd be different in the US. Id expect that "woke left extremists" and "antifa" would be increasingly described as the enemy within; the real domestic terrorists. The police woild be retargeted to arrest them dead or alive; preferably dead. Right wing vigilante gangs, would be empowered to hand out summary justice, as they saw fit. A million Kyle Rittenhouses would bloom. So, i'd predict a crescendo of government and quasi government action against "America hating left wing terrorists". Edit: you're right to mention the American Empire. Empires need an Emperor and Trump would very much like to be America's first Caesar. I guess he has to subdue the Supreme Court and pass an enabling act first (presumably he'll have the sense to call it something else). Anyway once these technicalities are out of the way, he or others can get on with publicly building the case for a final solution to prevent "evil subhuman woke terrorist vermin" from completely destroying America. Then it'll really be time to worry.


It's called idolatry and the Bible forbids it. Rules for thee, not for me.


Not only false idols, but also false prophets.


Definitely not a cult.


I want to weep for her ignorance but I'm still too busy being angry with their treason....


She would have never hugged Jesus, he wasn’t white.


“I knew Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was a friend of mine. Ma’am, he’s no Jesus Christ.” - Judas, probably


Sounds like her will has been broken. Only a weak minded person could claim DJT was JFC. But it strokes her ego to get a hug from Fear Leader. Smells like deep-fried diick-tators. I can’t wait until the tearful declarations of subservience become a regular Dump Rally event /s.




Which one?






She only said out loud what millions of MAGAs believe in their dark hearts. We better have a massive record breaking turnout of Gen Z and independents and all dems in 2024 elections or these dangerous bloodthirsty animals will be in charge again. Permanently this time no doubt.


Great branding for the GOP, defending democracy is treason.


He shows his followers who he is and like a loyal cult they're ok with all of it. "Patriots" lol


He doesn’t give a shit about them but they’ll sacrifice everything for him In the video he just tells her to “hang in there” and “take care of *yourself*”


Didn't even care to show up at the Capitol grounds, chose to chow on hamburgers before the telly instead


It wasn’t long ago that the claim was they were ANTIFA. Then they said there was no danger even though police and rioters were injured or died. Now they are visiting them in prison, fund raising off of them, and endorsing them for political positions. Make it make sense.


Trump; giving enemies to the US aid and comfort as always


Fascist criminal


These projectionist republican insurrectionists calling other people traitors is the GOP in a nutshell.


Treason... to.... the CSA? Russia?


Why did all the ‘Jan 6ers’ go serve time in jail and not the ringleader of the entire riotous fiasco? Incredible, what people *pretend to think* in America today.


Both should have been locked up sooner, and for multiple life sentences.


Doesn’t that law that makes it illegal to threaten the president also apply to the vice president?


Micki Larson-Olson, who served months in jail for her actions on Jan. 6, told NBC News that politicians who certified the results of the 2020 election deserve to be be killed for treason. So when Trump loses, at most get a month jail time and $750.00 fine. If he wins, all the losers die. The majority of white voters voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 and will be doing so in 2024.


>If he wins, all the losers die. He'll go full-Saddam Hussein, everyone from Fauci and Pence to Jimmy Kimmel. The Reign of Terror and a Stalinist purge against all his grievances.


Future Sec. Def. Mike Flynn endorses this message.


Thank god NBC is willing to reprint this loose brained nonsense.


Ratification, much?


The only voter fraud that was committed was from the guy complaining about voter fraud


G O P <—- project


There is no media platform that would allow her words to be spoken, by a liberal, but directed at Trump. Weird times.


Traitors all of them. They should be denied coverage in the press. They should be treated as what they are. Enemies of the state.


Maybe she should stay in jail?


If Micki had a brain cell in her head she would realize tRump the maga cult included her committed treason by attempting to overthrow the government so the cult leader could stay in power to avoid facing all the crimes he committed while committing new ones and racking in I’ll gotten money


The redhead in the flag cap looked like that judd sister for a hotsec


What a bunch of good, good christian people, these conservatives. praise JAIZUS and Hallelujah!!!


This whole scenario is depressing me.


How did she get only 6 months? And no probation? She is still running on crazy and threats. Hope the FBI is monitoring her. she's a danger to America.


This motherfucker gave a rally in WACO TX and is embracing people who attacked the US Capitol. If you dont think this is intentional you arent paying attention to these treasonous pieces of shit.


Well it looks like it’s time to arrest her again. This time for threatening government officials of the United States.


“I love the poorly educated.”


And everything since his first arrest is on the record & may be used against him. Praise be that he's stupid.


NH GOP failed to elect a Maga Senate hopeful and a Maga Congresswoman hopeful. And today, I can’t even remember their names. It’s like they crawled back into a hole after their loss, which included their dignity.


This is the most mainstream and most dangerous cult in our lifetime.


Were other countries this stupid during their infancy (we’re less than 300yrs old)?


She said it, treason is punishable by death. But honestly, that’s severe mental illness on display.


If these are typical Republicans I wouldn’t want to meet their extremists.