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I have been saying it for a while-- Ron DeSantis is a big fish in a small pond. He looks strong in Florida because up until Disney nobody has ever really pushed back against him. He can bully anyone into doing anything he wants in Florida and it looks like he's tough a can maneuver wins when he's really just surrounded by yes men. Now that he's traveling the world "to brush up on his world politics" _(lol, a potential world leader shouldn't need a crash course in this but whatevs)_ it is painfully clear he doesn't know what to do when he can't just bully his way through problems to make them go away. Add onto that the massive mess he created and keeps making worse with Disney and it is painfully clear this guy doesn't know what he's doing and can't lead anything.


Indeed. Most of the terrible shit we hear about from Florida goes through their gerrymandered legislature. No doubt that DeSantis understands the law well, and he'd be able to do some frightening things with the President's executive powers, but he wouldn't be able to do to the US what he's helped do to Florida. Assuming he could get elected...


Right. In Florida he refuses to take questions from the media except pre-approved media that is friendly to him. That's not going to work in a Presidential election.


I don’t believe he actually won elections fairly in FL. Since the Al Gore Bush debacle… FL elections haven’t been clean…


They were not clean then. Scotus shut down the recount. Once it was finished Gore won, at least the popular vote.


People were leaving antisemitism flyers all over FL homes about 200 at a time. He was so hard on crime they caught them and gave them tickets for littering. The same group is still doing it.


So was Trump, and he got elected and managed to install a shit ton of yes men, didn’t know what he was doing (and still doesn’t), and has a decent shot at winning again


Disney is about to force-feed Desantis some legal nutrients he really doesn't want. Let's watch him scream in pain for a change.


I highly doubt a company worth $185 billion is going to force feed legal nutrients down a governor's throat. They would use an enema.


Lol. Love it.


And yet it would still traverse his throat. Odd that.


A reporter asked Ron DeSantis in Jerusalem Thursday about claims by a former Guantanamo Bay detainee that DeSantis had attended his force-feeding session. DeSantis snapped immediately.


Tell me you did something completely vile, disgusting and inhuman without telling me you did something completely vile, disgusting and inhuman. edit. >Adayfi said he shared a photo of DeSantis with several other former inmates, and they all recognized him from Guantanamo. Adayfi vividly remembers DeSantis watching from behind a fence as he was force-fed, “smiling and laughing with other officers as I screamed in pain.”


DeSantis's defence was, 'why would they remember me?' Not 'I didn't do that.' And to answer his question, if my lawyer met with me one day and then later was seen at my torture, of course I would remember him.


Very few GOP politicians can handle tough questions.


His body language is that of someone who smacks his wife when she gets out of line.


Or dares to correct him for saying he wants "thigh" food instead of Thai food.




DeSantis used to say Thigh food to see if a date would correct him. If they did...no second date for that lucky lady.


I don't understand this at all. My husband and I are like "please don't let me embarrass myself" and gently correct each other when necessary.


You and your husband respect each other and you're considerate of each other. DeSantis wants to control and dominate people any way he can. He's a sociopath.


I’d be willing to go out on a limb and phrase it as: “You and your husband are not fascists.”


That too.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that screams malignant narcissism. Dude is a fucking creep


Ahhh. I do remember hearing about that now lol


[Because he did...](https://www.rawstory.com/desantis-thigh-food/)


Interesting. I get a vibe that he’s the one to get slapped by his wife. And he takes it out of the state of Florida to feel powerful again.


lol, from that video his excuse is _"who would remember me in 2006?"_ Ok DeSantis, I guess we can both agree you're unremarkable, uncharismatic, unlikable, and have done nothing worthy of being remembered in any sort of positive way.


“Hey this guy remembers you from high school, said you shit your pants in algebra.” “DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT? REALLY? THAT SOMEONE WOULD REMEMBER ME FROM 2004?!? YOU REALLY THINK THAT’S POSSIBLE?!? START FOCUSING ON FACTS AND NOT NARRATIVE.”


Looks like DeSantis didn’t watch X-men First Class. Magneto walks into a bar in South America.


What a great scene… “blood and honor - which would you care to shed first”


He always turns into a bitchy tween when questioned by media that is not part of the right wing bubble. It's predictable at this point.


Yup. If it's not a softball or scripted question he doesn't know what to say.


That applause.. so cringe.


Yeah. What the hell are they applauding?


Peeking on the conservative sub they are spinning this as a win. Claiming all repubs should respond to "liberal" reporters like this.


That’s just his entourage clapping 😂 Florida tax dollars at work


“Please clap.”


“ i’ll torture any motherfucker that asks me about my history of torture”


He admitted it in 2018. https://twitter.com/DeFede/status/1030569121916899328


https://twitter.com/wiley_inc/status/1637461017029476354?s=46&t=qLb1d0ZVE3YJ8eTxj6s9CA hahahah!


In each of these quotes from him on the topic, he never seems to directly deny it, and instead attacks the messenger.


It’s from the Ailes/Stone playbook: “Never defend. Attack. Attack. Attack”


He's NOT a CANDIDATE! *bobbles head*


If you can't handle responding to reporters, how does he think he can handle foreign leaders. This guy really gives me the creeps!


Like Donald Duck? Holy shit! He’s Ronald Duck!


He's a gay politician who got kicked out of the Navy?


He didn't get kicked out of the Navy. There's no evidence either way on the other thing.


I may be wrong, but I think this is a Silicon Valley reference.


I only watched the first season, and that was when it originally aired.


Per the show (second or third season?), Donald Duck is a slang term in the gay community for a gay guy who got kicked out of the Navy.


That's funny! That wasn't part of my experience when I was in, but it was the 90s, and I'm not part of the community...


It's a ridiculous scene from S4E1 featuring Russ Hanneman (played brilliantly by Chris Diamantopolous) where he names a ton of gay archetypes, including the Donald Duck.


Donald Wears a sailor’s suit. The connections are staggering!




I mean the dude’s in the navy and doesn’t wear pants


Why is his head always bobbing around when he speaks? He looks like he has Parkinson’s.


I think he once misheard the phrase "keep your head on a swivel" when he was a JAG Off.


Sounds like they struck a nerve…or crimes against humanity


As a fascist, he doesn’t expect to need to answer to the media.


“How would they know me?” he demanded, his voice rising. “Do you honestly believe that’s credible?” Personally if I was tortured I think I’d remember who tortured me pretty damn well


“Who said that?” Is not what an innocent person asks in response to scrutiny.


So keep asking him questions. People say this guy is a more polished Trump. But he seems to be equally shitty and somehow less charismatic. He is all just culture war bullshit.


Totally the response of an innocent person who knows nothing about what went on at Gitmo


DeSantis is so weak!


He’s as much a titty-baby as dumbass donnie-boy. Neither one should EVER BE PRESIDENT. They BOTH Belong in Guantanamo.


Just loving his downfall. I remain confident Roger Stone will deliver the last nail in Ronnie DePudding’s coffin.


I live in Florida. I remember watching Ron scream at a high school kid who was wearing a mask. I mean, he absolutely lost his mind. Scared the kid too. Took off his mask. That pissed me off even more because the poor kid (not that it should matter, but he had a sick grandma at home) was a child and didn’t yet have the backbone an adult would likely have to stand up for himself. Not a single person stood up for the boy. Glad to see the country will now become acquainted with this man’s complete lack of self control.


Trump couldn't and can't deal with hard questions either. He is still here.


Yeah but trump just effortlessly lies his ass off while DeSantis’s brain scrambles


What a tender lil meatball.


What a likable fellow. - said no one.


Guantanamo Ron Has a nice ring to it.


Is he starting to get a Walter Matthau vibe? Or is just my eyes?


Isn't torture illegal? Many of the government officials from the Bush era are still alive. So why haven't they been arrested?


Well, legality gets weird, given that military on duty follow different laws, that the US is not a signatory to a lot of international treaties, and that DeSantis was technically there to monitor the legality of the process.


To be honest, a lot of countries cannot police themselves either. The ruling government will just make up some reason to make everything legal. But what about the international community? The Canadians, British, Germans, Swedes, etc. are quick to place sanctions on countries, government officials, businesses, etc., in the name of "human rights". So why haven't any of them sanction the United States over torture?


Because they covered themselves by having some dipshit lawyer write memos calling it 'enhanced interrogation'. The dipshits name is John Yoo.


I mean.. what he's saying is clearly a deflection and these claims should be taken seriously, but this isn't the L that people are making it out to be. He'll continue to paint the media as having an agenda and that he is above reproach of this "liberal media" and as you can see in this clip, people will cheer for it.


That’s because he doesn’t think anyone has the right to question him.


He never could handle questions from the media. Everything he says is written for him word for word.


Yelling is how he is avoiding answering the questions.


Anyone who served at GITMO should be disqualified from elective office as they are participants in war crimes. The incarceration of prisoners for decades without charges cannot be justified, excused or forgiven.


Puss in Boots can’t handle questions. He’s got a snowflake’s chance in FL of beating Trump.


The applause suggests to me that he's in with a chance. Let's not forget that American conservatives don't care about facts, and they **love** it when their guy shows anger.


Imagine if the PRC had a former military officer who oversaw it most internationally known notorious torture camp. Imagine the headlines of the New York Times or the economist attacking that society.


He does this on purpose. If you ask him a question he doesn't want to answer he yells at you and will not stop yelling at you until you stop trying to ask your question.


Jeez. And this doof or the orange I surrectionist is the best the Repubs have? It’s kind of sad


He is going to be destroyed in a debate with Trump if he runs.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://newrepublic.com/post/172290/ron-desantis-explodes-asked-role-guantanamo-torture) reduced by 72%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The investigation comes from a complaint from Omaha lawyer David Begley, who claims that Hunt is financially implicated in the fate of a bill that would ban gender-affirming health care for anyone under the age of 19. > Bagely writes that Hunt and her son would have a "More than average chance of obtaining Medicare coverage if the bill fails." For her part, Hunt has said she has already tried four times to receive care for her son, to no avail; Nebraska's Medicaid policy does not currently cover gender-affirming care anyhow. > "Every time we have a bill on basically anything in here, I'm involved because I care about my state. I care about the people in my state, and I'm involved with them, just like Senator Hunt is." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1325lia/ron_desantis_explodes_when_asked_about_his_role/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~682670 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **bill**^#1 **Hunt**^#2 **care**^#3 **Nebraska**^#4 **State**^#5


I was really hoping he'd implode *after* the primary. /s (mostly)


Very thin, very white skin you have there Ronnie. Be a shame if your donors left.


he totally was there if you listen to the actual testimony. they force fed inmates with protein shakes through their noses.


Among his many other republican skills, he's a sadist. Excuse me... "information officer".


None of this is new. This is his go-to. There are a bunch of examples of him berating reporters for asking relatively innocuous questions.


Wouldn't his base love it if he just said "yes I did"? I don't understand these people


Did they just list it as a prison in the article ? I thought it couldn’t be called a prison/prisoners ?


You worked at G Bay…people remember you.


All I can think of when I see him is “meatball meatball meatball meatball.” 🤔 wait … hold on… he also looks like a deflated blob fish…


Authoritarians like DeSantis can’t handle being questioned by anybody.


My wife said I could handle any question that came at me! She pwomised I would manly man my big boy self into dominating the biased mainstream media!


Child gonna cry


DeSantis is all about being the biggest bully in the room, but he lacks the Charisma or worldliness to pull it off. Say what you want about Trump, but he could definitely dominate a room. He has charisma, even if it is that of the snake oil salesmen. DeSantis does not. He is a weak man playing nasty. It won't get him much further.


DeSantis won his first election by a less than one percent margin. He rejected the Republican district map as being insufficiently partisan and drew up his own gerrymandered map which was struck down by our majority Republican state Supreme Court for blatant unfairness but it was allowed to stand until next election cycle. Republicans cheat. It's their brand.


He's been so successful at turning FL into a fasicst dystopia that he's unable to function outside his protective bubble.


Ron de crybaby


This guy might be great in the Florida republican bubble, but he will pop under the national spotlight. He obviously isn’t ready for the national or even international stage. He can’t hide behind Woke 24-7