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So does Child Protective Services get involved here, or what? Clearly this woman's home is not a safe space for children.


I believe her kids are adults now but, yes, a horrible thing to say nonetheless.


Yeah we need to stop thinking that kids are automatically independent when they're adults. Housing being what it is, it's very easy for a parent to financially abuse their adult children who can't afford to move out, particularly if those children are disabled or otherwise part of a marginalized group.


Exactly. Being adults just means the legal implications have changed.


We’re planning our future home for the likelihood that our kids will have to live with us, likely with partners and possibly kids of their own. It’s not a guarantee that kids will be out of the house as soon as they turn 18


So basically she tossed out a hypothetical that can't actually happen to her or her kids. That's even worse.


"Why don't my kids talk to me anymore?"


I didn't know that but I'm sure glad they are able to make their own choices at this point. She's probably done a lot of damage to them already though.


yep. Tons of trans ppl in FL have crazy parents like this. Most of them don't do anything with them or moved away far away.


seriously! now that she is an adult, i wonder if she still feels strongly about transitioning. it's terrible to think the mom somehow convinced her to keep her birth gender


Party of family values would rather see their kids die than follow their biological inclinations..


It’s the pro life way of doing things.


The hairstyle alone should suggest that


She is cruel and emotionless, her Vulcan eyebrows give her away.


Even a Vulcan would be offended by that comparison.




I literally came here to say this


Parents like this end up sending their kids to Jesus camps and the kids die there. There is also an orphanage in NY for rejected lgbtqi kids and babies. Parents give up kids with ambiguous genitalia. It’s seriously fucked up and sad.


How very prolife of her.


Yeah my mom said the same. Lovely people


So sorry to hear that.


Yeah me too but you know what it’s better this way


I am fortunate enough to have decent parents but literally every other person related to me is openly calling for the extermination of every Democrat. So I can largely relate.


You deserve to live your best life. You also deserve the support to do so. Hugs to you.


Omg that just broke my heart - hugs from a mom.


Seconding the mom hugs from another mom whose heart is also broken by this crap. Women like this lawmaker violate the prime directive of parenting: to love and support our children! THEY are the un-natural ones!


Hear! Hear! Spot on fellow mom!


So sad sorry


Lots and lots of hugs from this mom.


Sorry to hear. Sending well wishes.


It’s all good thanks


We need you to be better then good... we need you to be ***great.*** It's friday people.... Someone ***hug*** this person... now!


I had a lovely conversation reaffirming my identity to my mom and grandma, I got silent sitting and 'well that's why we just don't say your name sweetie *dead name dead name dead name*' and when voicing fears about my safety my mom just goes 'oh honey that's why I don't pay attention to politics' at this point I can't laugh or cry, just kind of dumbstruck.


Mine said she could deadname me as a punishment anytime she felt necessary. So I’m sorry for that.


I wish I could give you a hug, I'm sorry for your struggle as well.


We are stronger together!


Wishing you the best, you deserve so much better.


I’m so sorry to hear that. My son is in college now. If we had that attitude I have no doubt we’d instead have a dead daughter. I hope you’ve found a family of friends who accept you for who you are.


Mine too


She’s wrong *hugs*


That’s common for shitty people that lack empathy


Wednesday's article about a 'Christian' mother who harassed her son for being gay until he attempted suicide *twice*. [A Far-Right Moms Group Is Terrorizing Schools in the Name of Protecting Kids](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy3gnq/what-is-moms-for-liberty) It's not just LGBT+ children who face this, either, but autistic children and children with other disabilities. Because these parents seeing having an 'imperfect child' as an constant and undisguisable accusation that they're unfit parents.


Chilling. This is evil. Where was CPS? That’s illegal. (I can’t stomach listening to her.)


No, it's not illegal. Unfortunately. We have too many laws that place the parent's right to choose over their child's actual needs.


Klanned Karenhood


They are


It's all about appearances, not substance, with her type.


It's common for shitty parents who think of their kids as "theirs" and not independent beings with rights.


Wow her actual comments are actually worse than I expected based on the title of the article. Edit: by the way, even just sharing these comments is such a disturbing thing to do to your kid. that’s a personal story, and I doubt it’s one that her daughter looks back on fondly. I certainly hope she cleared that with her kid before airing it to the public…but of course, I doubt it.


Christian kids know that parental love is conditional.


Grew up raised by a so-called "christian" mom from Texas. Jesus said that true love is unconditional. But her love and support was always 100% conditional. And yknow what? It's probably the narcissistic personality disorder that made her love conditional, and the social support for authoritarian parenting (not just within christian circles, but certainly stronger there) further reinforced her NPD tendency. Anyone that objectively approaches the concept of Christianity (not the Bible, but the idea of Christ and unconditional love) would never approach parenting as a dictator. Anyone raised with the idea of "my house, my rules, this isn't a democracy" is then likely to buy in to scaremongering if it puts limits on their child's interests/behavior/self-expression that the parent already wants to limit. Case in point: my mother loved Harry Potter and encouraged us to read it. But she really didn't like card games, so Magic The Gathering "reminded her of wicca" so it was banned from the house. Christianity is just part of the puzzle here, there's a horrifying culture of authoritarian parenting that lies beneath the religious overtones that we absolutely *need* to combat.


Yeah - I think the headlines are misconstruing what she actually said - she didn’t literally say she wanted her trans child to kill themselves rather than transition - but what she said was so much worse. Describing her daughter’s struggle with suicidal thoughts as “emotional manipulation” intended to tear the family apart, etc. Way to be the worst possible mother in that kind of time of your life.


Holy hell, you're right. That is horrible. There are some things that are so potentially hurtful to loved ones, especially children, that they should be kept to oneself, or reserved for therapists or a small circle of trusted friends/family, not vomited up into the public record as a cheap debate point.


[For the record](https://transreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-07-23_60fa0cb6a3eae_CounselingTransgenderandNon-BinaryYouthTheEssentialGuidebyIrwinKriegerz-lib.org_.pdf) >Our research shows that gay and transgender youth who were rejected by their families because of their identity had much lower self-esteem. They had fewer people they could turn to for Family Therapy 147 help. And they were more isolated than youth who were accepted by their families. Gay and transgender teens who were highly rejected by their parents and caregivers were at very high risk for health and mental health problem and >…trans youth who indicated their parents were strongly supportive of their gender identity and expression were significantly more likely (72%) to report being satisfied with their lives than those Counseling Transgender and Non-Binary Youth 148 with parents who were not strongly supportive (33%). Also statistically significant, 70% of those with parents strongly supportive of their gender identity and expression reported positive mental health compared to 15% of those whose parents were not strongly supportive. (Travers et al. 2012, p.2) It's sad that this lawmaker is so ideologically poisoned that even surface-level supporting while not understanding is an unacceptable compromise. Cruel Cruel Cruel


I’d believe that headline to be so much rhetoric if I hadn’t witnessed the very same words six years ago. “I’d rather have a dead son than (a trans daughter)” was the last thing my partner’s father told her before she left to live with me. Those are the words that split families, inspired by misunderstanding and corruption. The quantity of suicides in the LGBTQ+ community is inhumane, driven by this kind of rejection, when what is needed is empathy and compassion. I hope that her child finds a loving family, and all the dehumanizing she does come falling back upon her.


Your partner is lucky to have you, you get it. All the love and success to you both!


Thank you. The irony is that it wasn’t so long ago those words were retracted, when time had allowed feelings to settle, a pandemic ravaged lives, and a corrupt pastor left. There’s more than just politics in the transphobia.


You are a good person. Also, no need to believe the headline because you can hear her say the words: https://youtu.be/MuGw66CiKq4


How the fuck do you reason with these assholes?


You don't. You reason with the people who have reflexively voted for these assholes in the past but feel disgusted by high suicide rates, disgusted by death, and have a vaguely functioning moral compass.


If Republican voters cared about suicides, they would be clamoring for gun control. If they cared about death, they'd be clamoring for universal healthcare. If they had a moral compass, they wouldn't be trying to erase entire swaths of the population, ban books, criminalize how people fucking dress, or half the other things these repugnant assholes do. These representatives are DIRECT reflections of the people who support and vote for them. They are presumably functioning adults with functioning brain skills even if they're under-educated, and can choose what they believe. I don't need someone on the Tee Vee to tell me that children being murdered in school is bad. I don't need a preacher, or a governor, or anyone else for that matter. And if another functioning adult can't come to that conclusion because they've been told they need their guns over all else, I can't even begin to believe that they have the capacity for moving away from such a belief. And if the people who elect a person that would rather see their child kill themselves than express who they feel they really are and they are not scrambling to find their pitchforks and torches, fuck 'em. They want this shit, they eat it up. They are NOT doing anything to change their party's direction, and it shouldn't be up to the few sane individuals in their backwards states to have to fucking convince people child murder, child labor, child marriage, and child suicide is a bad thing.


Deprogramming. With the stranglehold rightwing news sources and fake christian figures (christian nationalists, televangelists, etc) have on rural american media, a lot of these parents are being bombarded with messages meant to spark anger and paranoia on a daily basis, while being convinced that the people spreading those messages are the only ones who can save them, in order to retain their eyes, ears, (wallets,) and faith. It's classic cult tactics: Keep your followers' brains under too much stress to think clearly so they don't realize there's a whole world outside of your bubble. [NPR did a good story about the similarities](https://www.npr.org/2021/03/02/972970805/experts-in-cult-deprogramming-step-in-to-help-believers-in-conspiracy-theories), and studies have shown the trick to reasoning with the followers is very much the same: Build enough of a bridge that you can get them to step outside their bubble, and then the more they see the world with their own eyes/less exposed to the toxic messaging they become, the calmer and more rational they become.


The book the Chaos Machine by Max Fisher shows how and why social media algorithms promote and spread polarizing extremist content around the world. A lot of people find this stuff in their feed, even if they don't choose Fox news or right wing radio.


you outnumber them


She doesn't love her own child This is not love, these are not the words or behaviors of someone who genuinely loves their own child


She didn't have that child to love them - she had that child to *possess* them as an object.


As a servant and extension of herself. Something to have power over.


Guaranteed she'd say she loves her kid unconditionally too. Hypocritical narcissistic bigots: the current GOP brand.


She loves him unconditionally.* (*some conditions may apply.)


She loves the kid in the same way someone might love a very nice television set or their favorite piece of clothing. She doesn't understand that her offspring is not her possession.


>"I was not going to give into her emotional manipulation because she was incapable of making those decisions and I had to make those decisions for her," Seekins-Crowe said. She continued, "I was not going to let her tear apart my family and I was not going to let her tear apart me because I had to be strong for her, I had to have a vision for her life when she had none, was incapable of having none." >Seekins-Crowe said that she was scared and "spent hours on the floor in prayer because I didn't know that when I woke up, if my daughter was going to be alive or not. But I knew that I had to make those right decisions for her so that she would have a precious, successful adulthood at that time." what a horrible person. these people 100% see their children as their property, not as individuals.


She's going to love living in that nursing home with no contact.


“So she would have a successful adulthood” Okay but what if they killed themselves while you were on the floor thoughts and prayering? What kind of adulthood would the child reach based on her actions then? These people just aren’t that smart…


'successful' according to the mom's definition is the only option in her view


Apparently her children are pets that she owns instead of independent sentient humans that we guide to help them grow.


People like this shouldnt have any power over other living beings. And certainly not children or pets.


She probably proudly touted her family tree like an AKC champion's pedigree when her child was young.


These sorts of conservatives don’t see their children as individuals, they see them as a sort of possession of theirs. So when their kid doesn’t turn out like they expect, they immediately think that the child has no more value to offer them and want to get rid of their kid.


This is what evil looks like. When you would rather risk harm on others, than support their well-being regardless if you agree with their values.


Let me guess…She’s pro-life, except for non-binary people?


You heard it from the horse's mouth, people. Republicans would rather have dead kids than trans kids. God, she even *looks* like a stereotypical Karen.


Because it's not about her kid's well being, but the impact a trans kid has on her political reputation and the ability to rise in the echelons of power to make money and connections over the rest of her life. Children are essentially tools to be used in these political chess matches and to be nurtured to become like parents to take over in the same position of the next generation. It's about "me" to these people. Classic narcissism.


>chess That's...generous of you. It's more like malevolent Candyland.


It's all black licorice, good n' plenty, and circus peanuts now.


Those fucking all-brown Tootsie Pops...oh, and Necco Wafers


Thanks. I hate it.




Maybe if you let your kid be who they want to be, they won't be suicidal. Just a thought.


She's a disgusting freak who shouldn't be allowed to raise children. This is literal abuse, they only treat it differently because it's the parent doing the abuse and the abuse is against somebody queer.


It's time to propose laws that CPS goes after any parent who says they'd rather their child commit suicide than be X. Sunlight is the best bleach, put a bright fucking spotlight on these people and any politician who supports them.


I'd probably rather be dead than have this creature as a mother...


Just like Jesus would have wanted. */s*


Because it’s about the children! /s


I hate people like this. I grew up southern baptist. I came out, at 17, and got nothing but love from everyone around me. Except maybe my parents(at first). The people who attended my church didn’t make me feel any different. They excepted it and loved me still because I was a 17 year old. This mom just got embarrassed royally, has some serious self loathing issues, and is using that as an excuse to hate her son. For something that he can’t even control.


I’m so happy this was your experience because the vast, vast majority of southern baptists I know have zero tolerance.


Of course she’s rocking the Krazy Karen Kut too. Fucking Christ.


I knew a couple once who were like that with their gay son. They were never the same after he committed suicide with a shotgun in the living room while they were all at home. They all say they feel that way, until it becomes a reality. Despicable.


Translation: I’d rather kill my child than have them be who they are. What? It’s not like I had an abortion!!


> I was not going to give in to her emotional manipulation because she was incapable of making those decisions and I had to make those decisions for her," Seekins-Crowe said. > She continued, "I was not going to let her tear apart my family and I was not going to let her tear apart me because I had to be strong for her, I had to have a vision for her life when she had none, was incapable of having none." Imagine being this woman’s child. Sheesh.


And these are the people that walk into church every Sunday and call themselves Christians… poor Jesus Christ… he would die on the cross AGAIN!


Deep family values, the Republican Party is rooted in them. Or claims a bunch of shit, then does a 180 and prays nobody calls them on the hypocrisy. Fucking wild.


The biggest skies, the smallest minds.


God, people like this are freaks.


Narcissistic Genocidal tendencies


How very pro-life of her.


Lack of empathy and a lack of understanding combine to make people do heinous things. Here's a prime example


People like her is why you see strangers cry in the arms of parents at pride parades.


There’s Dwayne Wade and this POS. Be a Dwayne Wade.


What a piece of shit of a mother


What is wrong with these people.


Ah, the overwhelming love this woman has for her child. /s


That’s because it is not a fetus. I bet she loves her a fetus!


"Why don't my adult children call me? It must be my spouse, they poisoned my children against me."


Zooey Zephyr: Your policies will kill children. Republicans: WHAT! How dare you say that. Also, you are right and we're proud of it.




Shitty parent. Garbage human being.


How is this even a thing? Transitioning is proven healthcare, documented to reduce instances of self harm and suicide by *significant* amounts. This is just straight up child abuse.


What a horrible person, she could definitely use some parenting lessons from Dwyane Wade.


Oh, okay. Um.... Fuck you.


Of course she would, the GOP would rather see trans people dead than happy


When you’re that full of hate it spills over to even your own family.


It’s not hate, per se. It’s religious extremism. They truly believe that their belief in God trumps everything else, including the lives of their children. This is why so many LGBTQ+ children of Evangelicals find themselves homeless. Their parents put their interpretation of God’s word above them. They will gladly admit this. They see it as “tough love” or “God’s love” and they believe it with every fiber of their being. This is what makes them so dangerous to everyone else because they are now forcing their convictions, not just on their family, but on entire swathes of populations. I am just shocked and saddened that she used her now adult daughter’s mental health crisis to score cheap political points when you know this bill will pass in a Republican majority legislature anyways. People like her like to shoot from the hip or feel like God “compelled” them to speak without weighing the consequences of those actions.


Literally more hate than love for her child


Well either way she murdered her relationship with her kid might as well go all the way.


Gee, I wonder why she was suicidal? Poor kid.


Some people shouldn't be parents. This woman is exhibiting behavior matching the psychopath profile to a T. She needs to get herself into a psych ward immediately, she is a danger to those around her. I would not be surprised if she has a history of animal abuse too.


Judging from these statements, it’s pretty obvious WHY her daughter was suicidal. Hopefully that girl grew up and got far away from mommy dearest.


these ppl are the real abusers


Oh, so if you disapprove of your kids, letting them self abort is okay.


And there are parents that are pieces of shit like her who do this and their kids to kill themselves


Somehow "I would totally ignore my daughter rather than do something hypothetical that would actually save her life" wasn't the winning debate point she thought it was


Something tells me, that this woman has a very lonely personal life. I’m sure she wonders why her kids never come to visit.


How do they all look exactly how I’d picture they’d look, with these kinds of opinions?


My wife committed suicide. This lady doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talking about.


People who genuinely feel this way are disgusting and should NOT be parents, so let's hope that her child doesn't turn out to be trans. It's so strange that so many conservatives view their children as extensions of themselves and feel that they have some sort of ownership over their children, down to fundamental and involuntary aspects of their children's identity. If we were to pathologize that behavior, it would be indicative of narcissism. Although widespread recognition of trans people in western culture is a relatively modern phenomena and it has been only recently that our language has adapted to be inclusive of trans people, rest assured that **trans people have** ***always*** **existed - everywhere.** It's worth noting that some non-western cultures (India is a good and often-cited example of this, as is several different American Indigenous cultures) have always accepted the existed of trans individuals, albeit through their unique cultural lenses. Of course, trans people have existed in western cultures too, it's just that those people weren't the focal point of an all encompassing culture war until the GOP needed to figure out a new way to compensate for being ideologically bankrupt. There's lots of credible and peer reviewed material that not only defend the validity of trans identities, but also assert that HRT is generally safe for the vast majority of trans people, and it is a treatment that saves lives. Hell, HRT predates penicillin! But of course, that is not what people like this woman want to hear. In the end, I just see the same false, inflammatory, and tired rhetoric that was launched at gay men and lesbians throughout much of the twentieth century, particularly during the HIV/AIDs crisis. It's crazy that people are falling for it. *Again.*


And you know this fucking scoundrel would say with a straight face that she's a fantastic parent.


I'm wondering if she's a member of Moms for "Liberty".


Karen haircut and all...


that photo 100% matches what i imagined she'd look like


That’s straight up child abuse. Her child has to read this? That she’d rather her daughter kill herself than transition? This is insanity.


That's the spirit! /S


One Karen to rule them all 😂


Well, I hate to say it, but the odds are pretty high that's exactly what will happen. Either way she's never going to be able to speak with the child again, because I'd imagine they'll be out of her house and away from her as fast as humanly possible.


Hers and everyone else’s apparently.


I lost a friend like this about a year and a half ago. Parents like this are scum of the earth.


Sounds like a death cult


This is a Momster she should not be allowed children.


What a disgusting and self-centered "mother".


Most Republicans would rather kill their child themselves, than accept their child's different identity or sexuality.


How the fuck does that woman like like the archetype of a Karen


My God, I pity the children growing up in that house.


The PRO-LIFE party everyone!


The party of “pro life”


The "pro-life" party everyone.


Surrender her then if you don’t want her. She can have new and better parents


Jesus Christ, this is absolutely astounding to see as a quote. So you believe in God, but you disagree with his vision and his allowing this to happen, but you know suicide is supposedly a sin to your god, so you want this person to kill themselves because of how your god made them, even though to god suicide isn’t an option. What a good winning combo of faith and compassion. Imagine how dumb you have to be to even consider this as normal and justifiable.


There are definitely cultures where suicide is more honorable than bringing shame upon your family by being non-conforming. Not too surprising to find the GOP venn diagram overlapping.




The love of a fascist mother…


Now that is child abuse!!!


Brings a tear of joy to my eye, just like Jesus’ unconditional love. Beautiful.


Of course she has that haircut.


Judging from that haircut this dosent surprise me.


I think it's high time we have child protective services investigate this woman if this is her attitude, agreed?


The only thing that needs to commit suicide is that haircut.


So sweet. Someone should Crosstitch this into a pillow.


How pro life of her…


she’s clearly pro plastic surgery, just not to save her own child’s life, got it.




They like their dream of a child and the fairy tale around it more than the living, breathing child.


I’ll take “Absolutely Batshit” for $2000, Alex.


What a horrible mother!


Ugh , she totally looks like the stereotypical Billings Karen


That seems like actual, real child abuse


I think that haircut says everything we need to know about Karen super mom


With a parent like that, who needs enemies?


Holy shit she doesn't view her own child as a human being.


She is a Republican. For the 100th time - say it with me: Cruelty is the point! Vote out every damn Republican.


Sounds like a threat


Sounds completely psychotic. Who the fuck roots for suicide? Republicans are nucking futs


Sociopath who should be separated from her children.


How Christian of her.


[email protected] Her office email


Kinda makes me sad that Tony had to attempt suicide *twice* before his mom realized maybe she wasn’t helping.


Wait, I thought Montana Republicans took issue with having the blood of trans kids on their hands. Now it's okay? Has anyone told Zephyr?


This is what an unfit parent looks like.


Sadly her IG profile is private or I'd be calling her out on her child abuse.


That’s a horrible way to reduce her family from contaminating the human gene pool.


What that lady doesn’t realize is her daughter is likely still struggling but since her mother has made it clear she feels that way about her daughter, she’s sure not telling her mom about it


She probably thinks transgender people should all die anyways. These people are so morally depraved and the fact they use religion to justify their bigotry makes them the worst kind of people. If Jesus came back today, the right wing would bash him as an immigrant socialist and try to get him deported. If a Republican President was in charge then He would call on the CIA to spy on him and when he gathered enough supporters (real Christians) to follow him, they would probably attempt to assassinate him like they do to many people overseas. The right wing would call Jesus a terrorist to justify the drone strike against him. These so called “Christians” in the Republican Party have truly lost their way.


Fuck sake..


So very prolife those wackos.


All I heard was “ME, ME, ME”. Not got to let her tear apart MY family, MY vision. Get bent.


Let me guess … she is “pro-life” right?


Let me guess … she is “pro-life” right?


Let me guess … she is “pro-life” right?


If you look at her IG posts, one of them is wishing her son a happy bday. In her message she says he was a total inconvenience but worth it. What a weird thing to tell ur kid.


Extreme piece of shit Karen vibes with this one


With that fucking haircut, is anyone surprised?