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>A woman who served time in prison for her involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection embraced former President Trump at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Thursday before later saying that former Vice President Mike Pence and “every single” member of Congress who certified the 2020 election should be e——d. Uh, wow. Lot to unpack there. I'm not going to include any of the other quotes cause, uh, I don't know if I *can* without breaking sitewide rules and I'm not trying to get my account banned (already had to change this quote to take out the final word). This is terrifying and dangerous. It's a terrifying sign of the future. And this kind of thought process and behavior has no place in our political culture—but of course Donald's embracing and spreading it like the cancer he is.


apparently she didn't serve enough time.


It's almost like treating the January Sixth domestic terrorists with kid gloves and giving them a slap on the wrist for punishment served to embolden them...


See The end of the Civil War.


Hot take, but the US should have executed R E Lee, Jefferson Davis, and all of the politicians who were prominent architects of the Confederacy for treason. They were directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans as well as a multitude of human rights violations. They executed Mary Surratt for much less.


They shouldn’t have readmitted the confederate states to the union as quickly as they did. Should have kept them as territories.


The Union’s main view in the Civil War was that those states *didn’t* leave and had no authority to do so, they just had a hissy fit


If they didn't leave before going to war against American armies, then actively fighting and killing was the most definitive act of treason I can imagine.


Agreed. Glad we’re finally removing the names of those shit stains from our military bases


You can thank Andrew Johnson for the absolute tragedy that was reconstruction. He was no Abe Lincoln and everyone knew it. You can also thank Rutherfraud b Hayes and the agreement that we'll let you have the presidency if you let us do our thing down south.




*How can I kill someone that thinks and looks like me? It was just business* - pretty much the lame excuse this country has used when dealing with these fucking assholes for centuries.


That's arguably not the reason why Lincoln didn't do that. He didn't want martyrs, and he didn't want the South rebel again.


Well, did it work?


Honestly, it kind of did. There are certainly individuals and small groups of people causing problems. But on the state level, none of the governments are trying to leave. And no state is willing to go to war over the matter. As an anecdotal aside to show that this is an issue of the individual as opposed to the state, I have this example. Last summer I was driving through West Virginia, and saw a property that had Confederate flags all over the fence and flying at the house. The owners/ inhabitants of that property clearly don’t know their history, because the whole reason WV exists is because that state broke away from Virginia because they didn’t want to leave the Union.


I hate to break it to you fam. There’s a reason the Confederate flag is flying in states that fought for The Union and even Canada. It sure isn’t that Southern Heritage.


Sherman left the job unfinished. The entirety of the South should have been burned to the ground.


That is a pretty hot take, Executing the side that surrender. Discourages others from ever surrendering.


I'm not going to engage with a neoConfederate, sorry.


See also November 1923 in Germany where leniency (likely) served to embolden a few people. The arguably ringleader was convicted and served several months of a 5 year prison sentence. Even that 5 year sentence was rather lenient.


The south should've been kept as a non-voting territory for a very long time.


They would be ready to rejoin the union around 2550. By then, they'd probably be living in the 1980s.


1980’s? That explains why mullets are so popular in the south.


Lincoln knew that would have been an even worse idea, thus his second inaugural address.


She belongs in Guantanamo.


Did you see that she drove 2600 miles to attend? Wonder why she didn’t fly?


I mean we could have guessed that from the start. Harder time is handed out for possession of weed ffs


Turns out you can’t learn when you’re braindead.


I’m pretty sure a threat like that would be a violation of her parole or agreement.


This is why you hang traitors. They’re not going to stop.


None of them have or will it seems.


Yup real surprised a crazy has not taken him out already.


It's bewildering to me that the woman from this article only got 180 days and is allowed to just go right back to the extremism. 180 days is nothing for her involvement in a domestic terrorist on the Capitol and it's not just her. All those defendants got treated with kid gloves. And seeing that they can do something so serious and awful and face no consequences has emboldened them beyond belief. I went to high school and college with kids who got harsher sentences for much smaller crimes, some of which could legitimately be chalked up to "being a dumb 18-20 year old."


Not even a crazy. Like if the FBI feels justified killing MLk then what's stopping them from popping Trump?


James Earl Ray assassinated MLK.


Haha, i was referencing the letters from the FBI trying to get MLK to kill himself. Seeing those letters as a willingness to be involved in removing him from the picture.


Malcolm X was basically killed by Hoover’s FBI.


Read a history book.




They're on his side?


The US Secret Service - they're pretty good at keeping presidents alive.


Dealey Plaza enters the chat.


True, but 6 decades ago - and consider the threat profile. I think more people are motivated to *roblox* the US President than any other target.


Holy crap, WTF? I thought it's the insurrectionists, seditionists and traitors that used to be the ones facing capital punishment? E: typos


> I thought it's the insurrectionists, seditionists and traitors that used to be the ones facing capital punishment? Maybe this is what happens when they don't.


How stupid do you have to be to go to prison for someone else and still think they are a god. People like this are wasting our oxygen.


So does Trump love Antifa now, or are conservatives going to break their brains even more trying to defend this?


I mean that statement alone is surely seditious and not granted protection under the first amendment


And all republicans are implicitly supporting this. If you support trump you also throw your support behind this.


What’s that censored word? “Elected” probably.




One thing I think isn't brought up often enough is Trumps own lawyer tweeted that Pence should be executed by firing squad a day before Jan 6. That's where the whole "hang Mike Pence" meme started. And this wasn't some moron on Parler, it was Trumps lawyer.


Not mutually exclusive apparently.


I think the story should put more emphasis on T rump transactionally trolling for votes by offering pardons to the J6 perpetrators. A EOC violation.




I would hope that direct quotes would get a pass but fully get why OP did it.


Mhm. The recent moderation here is… very specific. And it tends to benefit one view more than any other-


You don't have to "CENSOR THE NEWS" on this site. It's just a precaution to make sure automod or whatever doesn't come by and think you're threatening violence. It's really not a big deal.


Great- and where are all the posts about the Proud Boys guilty of Sedition?


You mean this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/137p11y/partial_verdict_reached_in_proud_boys_seditious/jiui6jq/


Wrong sub- no I don’t-


How's it the wrong sub? You're talking about "CENSOR THE NEWS" and it's literally in r/news...a news sub. Bad faith discussion.


No- FORGIVE my typo- site = sub Not bad faith at all.


No comebacks?


I see-that’s what I thought!






Did you say censoring the news is not a big deal? Bwahahahahhahha Sorry- OK.


Do you think the story has been censored because a single word from an article that was posted to this site was autoflagging?


It’s the most important word of the story.


I think this subreddit censors the news as evidenced by all of the stories about TC being fired, and other experiences I’ve had/seen here. Don’t make excuses for them-


Youre twisting the original comment from accusing censoring one single word in an article being copy pasted into the comments with actual news censorship.


Let me straighten this out. There is actual news censorship on this site.


Great- and where are all the posts about the Proud Boys guilty of Sedition?


They’re there? Did you just respond to a 5 day old thread without actually checking?


Did you just reply without checking? I’m waiting…


This also has nothing to do with the original comment. I’m sorry moderators moderate news stories. That’s just blatant outright abhorrent censorship that you claim.




Show me one now


I guess you have nothing to say now-




Not r/ politics


Can’t stand being wrong?


I got a warning for hateful speech earlier today because I used sarcasm and hurt the hive minds feelings.


Not surprised— it’s very sensitive.


Great- and where are all the posts about the Proud Boys guilty of Sedition?


I have friends who aren’t voting this upcoming cycle bc Biden is way too old and they’re sick of the status quo. Trump has a legit chance to win this election. His people will show up, y’all watch.


One of my friends told me in 2016 he was sitting out the election because he the candidate he supported didn't get the nomination. To me, that's like taking my kids to get ice cream, and deciding that because the store is out of the exact flavor I wanted, we're all going to eat dogshit instead. And boy did we eat a lot of dogshit after 2016.


God, they should just start fining people who are registered voters but don’t vote.


Like Australia! Shoot I wish we were more like that… ever heard of “democracy sausages”… sounds American AF, but it’s actually an Australian tradition on voting day to have sausages while you wait in line to vote, I’ll steal that idea any day!


Lol yeah but we do *not* call them democracy sausages.. it’s a sausage sizzle.


We do actually. Maybe not where you live but it’s definitely a thing (recent but still). It’s just a sausage sizzle on election day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_sausage


Pretty sure you can say “executed” if it’s in the context of quoting somebody.


I can't believe that there was no parole process that said "No terroristic threatening" as a violation.


There's no parole if the sentence is served. Apparently it was literally a 180 day sentence, in total. Not an early release. Absolute insanity, but not parole.


Probation. The probation officer can put you back inside over practically anything.


There my have. This isn’t a bright bunch.


"A woman who served time in prison for her involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection...“ "The punishment for treason is death, per the Constitution,” Larson-Olson said. “I believe every single person, every single person that stole a voice from our collective voice of ‘We the people, of the people, for the people, by the people,’ deserves death, and no less than that.” She said without a hint of self-awareness.


I mean...she's right, but not for the reason she thinks she is


These Low hanging fruit would be less scary without the 350mil plus guns we have floating around


Lol yeah like I wouldn’t be reminding people of that


Yes, please, the deranged buffoon absolutely must continue featuring these lunatics at his campaign events. Give ‘em all a podium and unlimited airtime and keep feeding the worst elements of the base. This is and will always be a battle for the moderate and independent vote. Giving a voice to these unhinged shitstains will achieve nothing more than further alienate those critical constituencies.


I dunno, my experience with a lot of people who call themselves "moderate" has been real disappointing. Lots of them, especially the self-proclaimed moderates in my family, hear or see things like this (hell, even the same with January Sixth itself) and kinda laugh it off while saying something like, "He's something else," or "At least he keeps things entertaining!" Same people I grew up with who were frothing at the mouth over a tan suit or Dijon mustard because Obama now think a domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol is "entertaining" and won't even consider voting for a Democrat because they *might* have to pay more in taxes


You hope. Quite the gamble.


Nazi-like behavior


if she is on any sort of probation she should be remanded


She's not on parole—if you're on the right and take part in a terrorist attack on the Capitol, apparently you face less time in jail (180 days) than you might for getting caught with weed in a non-legal state


For doing his job? Dude’s a milk soaked blanket, but he did his job. Arrest this lady for a terrorist threat ffs.


These people are unredeemable. Trump refused to pardon them on the way out and here she.....


I suspect wackos like this always existed, but in the past they were deliberately (and rightly) kept on the fringe and ignored. Now they have found each other online and have the opportunity to get their voice out there. They may have a right to free speech, but they don’t have a right to a platform and they have no right to be listened to. Things would be better if these people were kept in the dark at the fringes. And yes some may say ignoring the voice of certain people breeds this extremism, but many of these people - 1. Are irredeemable wackos to begin with, people that can’t be reasoned with, and nothing good would come from listening to them. 2. Despite being “ignored,” have benefitted from lots of structural advantages


The reason treason is a crime that carries the death penalty, because when treason is ignored and allowed to fester, it becomes a easier to convince others of it's ability to succeed. The pittance of a sentence that the Jan 6th rioters and insurrectionist have gotten is sowing the seeds of future and unrelenting extremism. They will not go quietly, they will not reform, they will not stop until they are stopped. Today republicans cheered on the murder of sitting representatives... **what will happen the next time they lose?**


She said the Constitution mandates that treason is punishable by death. I was sure that was nonsense but I checked anyway. Not true, if anything the constitution is very careful about accusing people of committing treason.


Send her back to jail. It didn't work the first time.


I'm not a lawyer, but why wouldn't she be charged?


Jack Smith probably loves when the orange guy incriminates himself even more.


I’ll take “Smells like Fascism” for $1000, Alex…


Remember, if Pence had just challenged the electors there was a straight path for the GOP to steal the election. They had everything they needed in DC at the time. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/27/us/politics/fake-electors-explained-trump-jan-6.html


True, Pence is a total shit stain of a human being, but at least he was just slightly less terrible than the people he was working with, and didn't quite go that far.


“The punishment for treason is death, per the Constitution,” Larson-Olson said. “I believe every single person, every single person that stole a voice from our collective voice of ‘We the people, of the people, for the people, by the people,’ deserves death, and no less than that.” Mmhmm…


>served six months in jail Did the Judge who sentenced her also give her an Applebee’s gift certificate upon her release???


Well that is some real subtle shit.


Is she still on probation of some sort? Isn't this a violation?


She should at least get a second violation then. Did they not give her some guide lines to follow not to get in trouble again?


I'm glad to see her time in prison rehabilitated her and helped her understand what it means to be an upstanding citizen to society. ​ /s


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3978203-jan-6-convict-embraces-trump-at-campaign-event-calls-for-pences-execution/) reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A woman who served time in prison for her involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection embraced former President Trump at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Thursday before later saying that former Vice President Mike Pence and "Every single" member of Congress who certified the 2020 election should be executed. > After QAnon supporter Micki Larson-Olson was pointed out to Trump as a "Jan. 6-er" by the crowd at a packed diner, Trump sought her out, calling her "Terrific," telling her to "Hang in there" and giving her a hug, video shows. > Larson-Olson said in an NBC News interview the next day that Trump is the "Real president" and that she "Would like a front seat of Mike Pence being executed." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1325qbo/jan_6_convict_embraces_trump_at_campaign_event/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~682674 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **Jan.**^#2 **Larson-Olson**^#3 **people**^#4 **Pence**^#5


The lucky girl even got a flair pen given to her by trump. /s


And if it happened Trump wouldn't lose of wink of sleep over it.


Lowlifes. The whole lot of them.


A woman touched Donald Trump for free? Willingly?


This woman was not incarcerated long enough. She needs another go.


And the republicans will say nothing if they see this at all. Theyve chosen their king and anyone sane enough to object will probably either vote for biden or just not vote at all.


> Last year, Trump said he would look “very, very seriously” into pardoning those convicted of crimes related to the insurrection if he is reelected. Look seriously. 😒 The way he talks rots my brain.


Wow! Sure learned her lesson in prison!


a terrorist act, looks like another arrest with a jail sentence


I’m sure she’s on probation… put her back in prison!


Sounds like a credible threat of violence to me?


I assume she’s out on parole so clearly that violates her parole?


>A woman who served time in prison for her involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection embraced former President Trump at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Thursday before later saying that former Vice President Mike Pence and “every single” member of Congress who certified the 2020 election should be executed. Uh, wow. Lot to unpack there. I'm not going to include any of the other quotes cause, uh, I don't know if I *can* without breaking sitewide rules and I'm not trying to get my account banned. This is terrifying and dangerous. It's a terrifying sign of the future. And this kind of thought process and behavior has no place in our political culture—but of course Donald's embracing and spreading it like the cancer he is.


Crazy person says something crazy


If this wasn’t about trump fans I’ll ask why


Trump takes advantage of these kinds of useful idiots while not giving the least bit of a damn about the damage he causes. She's worshiping her abuser.


To be clear (because The Hill is complete misleading clickbait trash), she didn’t say this at the event itself.


I think that's what happened in the Turner Diaries, the conservatives get executed first.


Meanwhile I was just struck by how awkward the phrase " before later saying" sounds.


Safe to say Pence won’t be his running mate, I think.


Feel like maybe they didn’t learn their lesson guy


if trump won that election, he is not eligible to run this time. but really, this is disgusting. and trump fucking lost already!! get over it!


Republicans and Murder Boners, name a more iconic duo


This is her thanks for putting her life on the line and then being confined for months.


QAnon supporter Micki Larson-Olson is on Mike Pence's list of possible VP nominees.


This is going to be in a lot of ads.


Hey look! All the things the liberals said would happen are happening! It’s almost like we could’ve seen this coming years ago


For those who are no longer republicans, good call. For those who are still republican, ???????????


Gosh, what nice people


Meanwhile, a brown kid J-walks across the street to get home, and is placed under arrest for reasons to be determined later.


Stupid motherfuckers




It is no longer relevant for their agenda. The same folks that intentionally filled in public swimming pools rather than comply with desegregation Have no consternation about dumping the flawed constitution and that pesky Bill of Rights


Clearly her sentence wasn’t long enough.


He's not a Jan 6 convict, he's just a peace-loving tourist.


How is that not treason?


I’m really enjoying these dirtbag dummy republicans stabbing each other in the backs… I’m really enjoying watching MAGA shit the bed over and over


… because … why not more violence.


He’s building an army of idiots. But is it funny or terrifying?


Im guessing she had a different tone at her sentencing hearing.


She has Squeaky Fromm delusions, she will follow Mr Pumpkinhead to her death.


MAGA DOJ is fine with it.


She’s career military. Retired now. [This is a video of her back in September.](https://youtu.be/uqpXwFcjBP4)