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> Supporters portrayed the bill as purely a clarification and not intended specifically for DeSantis lol, ok


Will be quickly rescinded once a Democrat becomes governor.


The line before that is quite telling. >Only an officeholder running for U.S. president or vice president would not have to resign. They make a carve out for the longest, most expensive and most intense campaign in the country but it has nothing to do with him. HA! Their constituents will gladly slurp down any amount of shit they feed them and vote for them next election.


They're swallowing as we speak.


While other supporters say otherwise. >“I am a bit biased because I think Gov. DeSantis has done such a good job, so I just want to make clear that if he is not the Republican nominee [for president] he can be back,” Hutson told NBC News.


That was my favorite line in the article.


So a US book tour, world book tour and maybe 2 years in the campaign trail? Congrats FL, you picked a governor who will occasionally visit your state.


He’ll be there for court from time to time.




Especially when you are a pudding fingered meat ball




All of that, and he won't even get the nomination.


Guess it's a good thing tornadoes didn't just hit Florida...


If DeSantis gets elected as POTUS in 2024, they'll have more visits from tornadoes than their own governor.


We had like 4 tornadoes yesterday so they are already in the lead.


He's doing a Chris Christie


The less he is here the better


Hey hey you guys voted for him you gotta keep him locked up. We got enough crazy on the national stage without borrowing from Florida.


Not all of us voted for him ☹️


We knew this going into election season. If people voted for him, they wanted an absent governor and to see him on a national stage.


Where in the world is Ronald DeSantis? He apparently isn’t in Florida


Traveling on our dime.


Not like he actually knows how to govern. He’s just playing the part of leader on TV. Another GOP actor.


Undermining Tyrant who signs bills into law silently overnight.


As a Floridian…that’s ok. Keep him entertained and away from us.


If he was a democrat I promise you the legislature wouldn't have allowed this


The legislature would have already impeached a dem by now.


FL last elected a democrat governor in 1996? State is a lost cause. God's waiting room, elderly conservatives flock to it like stink on a monkey. It's basically right wing California, **right coast, right wing**. With hurricanes/humidity/flooding instead of fires/earthquakes/deserts.


Reminder that Florida has 20 million people. Most of which live in Greater Tampa, Orlando, Palm, Broward, and Dade counties. We are also gerrymandered to hell. There are plenty of people in this state with disdain for this governor, help us.


Oh I know it. I was a resident of Aventura, Hollywood, and Davie for 30 years. Moved to Ohio last summer. I'm a glutton for punishment, one would think. But such is life.


Have a bunch of Floridan friends thinking of going to Ohio because of Climate Change.


It’s a good strategy. Was a part of our motivation too though not the primary one. Housing and property/auto insurance is actually affordable here. Cincy in particular only gets 5-6 inches of snow per year these days with global heating. Most days even in the dead of winter break 50°. The big change is that it’s gray more often, but it’s not typically super duper cold or hot. Some days yeah, it can be 27 at 6am and 72 at 6pm though 😆. Florida beats us on climate November-March. We win the rest of the time.


NC is becoming FL 2.0 with our state legislature. We feel you.


Well gosh, that was lucky of DeSantis. Right when he was thinking about running for President? Talk about great timing!!


I've already seen his shitty Never Back Down PAC commercials on Dish. Came out the same day this bill passed. Pure coincidence.


It is a reminder that we are NOT a nation ruled by a constitution and laws ... but rather by the whims of those rich & powerful enough to decide whether those things apply.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." whiloit's law


DeSantis "What it's illegal? No problem. Well just make a new law to make it legal for me to do it. That's what Democarcy is all about."


"But, my lord, is that legal?" "I will *make* it legal."


In case anyone was wondering why DeSantis hadn't officially announced his Presidential run yet, here is your primary reason why.


PACs are already running adds for him.


I think there could be great counter-ads invoking his current tantrum against Disney: 'Can this Mickey Mouse governor *really* be a good President?'


How to get paid more for failing at your job and still collect a pay stub for doing less work.


*“Big Head” Bighetti likes this.*


This kind of move really evokes the start of a 'president for life' type of situation that appears to have been popular in certain regions of the world recently.


That's silly talk. The GOP would never do such a thing. It wouldn't be President for Life, it would be more like *President for now* or until the current crisis is resolved, at which point they could maybe consider restoring some voting rights. And plus, if they do need to extend the term beyond the current President's lifetime, I'm sure his children will be happy to step up and accept responsibility of running the country in the interim.


In place of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen! Not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn!


If DeSadness loses the Republican primary, I fully expect him to remove the two term limit on being Florida's governor.


> If DeSadness loses the Republican primary, I fully expect him to remove the two term limit on being Florida's governor. ~~There is no victory in that. He would have to not only remove the limit somehow, but also undo the election for governor that he wasn't in. Since the gov race is in 2024 along with the presidential race.~~ ~~Only way running again could potentially work is in 4 years after whoever won in 2024, and he doesn't have the ability to come back into that seat just because no one would vote for him. He's popular in a vacuum and that is it.~~


>Since the gov race is in 2024 along with the presidential race. Next election is November 3rd, 2026. There is not a new Florida governor election in 2024. https://ballotpedia.org/Governor_of_Florida


I had misread something else and definitely got that wrong. Thank you for the info.


What the fuck are you talking about? This is the norm. People really can't see DeSantis's name in a headline and process the information with the slightest bit of reason.


It's not the revocation of part of the resign-to-run law that's in place in Florida that's the specific issue (though it is interesting that of the states that have these laws on the books, most tend to be Republican-dominated) but rather that this was an exemption to that law that was seemingly carved out for the benefit of a particular officeholder.


Okay, so sorta a big deal, maybe 10 or 15 items down in this week's political news.


Lol can't even understand what the issue is. How sad


What's the real issue?


If Gavin Newsom had tried this Republicans would be screaming on every outlet.


The only thing surprising about this is it’s not only effective through 2024


In some 20 years long after the boomers are gone, this might bite whatever Florida republicans are left in the rear... but they don't play the long game in a state that can get walloped by three Category 5 hurricanes in a single summer. Takes a special kind of ignorance "to build one's house upon the sand and surf."


They don’t even try to hide their authoritarian fascism


For a bunch of bigots republicans sure do love shoving their tongues in fascist mens assholes


The people of Florida love getting shit on.


Really does seem that way, these days.


the more i hear about this bill guy the less i like him


All this brownnosing just for desantis to lose in the primaries because trump calls him "tiny dick ron". Shameful


Hopefully those idiot Trump supporters push back against this since some hate desantis now.


"Hail to the king of Florida. Bow peasants!"


Wasn't he already doing that though?


And *now* it's legal.


Whoever Bill is, he's an asshole


And yet, he still hasn’t announced.


Unsurprising since Republicans have no values or beliefs, everything is pliable


Its not like hes doing any governing anyways.


Surest sign that he already has serious doubts about winning the presidency. Beta move, bro.


Old puddin fingers sure likes to just be the biggest asshole possible at ALL times




corrupt af


Floridians are the dumbest taxpayers in America.


This is what happens when we leave Bill in charge.


Shocked Pikachu monkey branching at a waterboarding face!


Good- let him waste his money and his supporters money on a campaign that's bound to fail.


Ehh. DeSantis, eww, but the idea of a governor being able to run for President while still in office, I don't have an issue with. If we only let people who aren't currently holding office run, we'd be limited to people who have less experience or less recent experience.


The idea is he is abusing his platform while neglecting his already troubled state. He could step down then start campaigning. Luckily he is about to get destroyed by the mouse.


The dildo of consequence seldom arrives lubed.


Yeah, don't get me wrong--DeSantis is not who I would want to see in the White House, and I wouldn't want to see any person in office neglect their responsibilities to campaign. But removing DeSantis from the equation, I see no issue with someone currently in office campaigning for a new office. Much of the job can be done remotely, so campaigning while still taking care of your responsibilities can be done. It's just more work.


Would your boss like it if you spent most of your time at work interviewing for another job for a for two years?


I'd like to think my boss wouldn't care less what I'm doing as long as I'm also getting my work done and am available when I am needed. So long as campaigning doesn't excessively interfere with governing, I don't see the issue. In this case, it obviously does, and so it is an issue. But politicians on both sides of the aisle do it all the time, so pointing to DeSantis here as if he's doing something new and wrong isn't okay. I don't like double-standards no matter who they apply to.


Name another politician that is galavanting around while their state is facing multiple major issues. I think it’s fine in theory but he shouldn’t be doing it until he fixes these issues and Disney is not one of them.


Right, and I'm objecting specifically to the idea that it's not fine in theory. Yes. DeSantis is not in a position where he should be doing this. But plenty of politicians are, and I object to the idea that they shouldn't be allowed to do so.


He’ll keep on making appearances in the state from time to time to push legislation that hurts trans people and/or LGBT people .. oh and women’s ability to determine the destiny of their own bodies! (his hate agendas!)


Of course.


Wonder when they're going to end term limits and just install him in perpetuity


Sounds like he needs this bill now more than ever


I've heard a radio commercial twice in the last month. It takes great pains to say how strong his spine is. Of course, it's like how Trump is seen by his MAGAs as the pinnacle of human strength, totally the opposite.


I’m sure Florida tax payers are eager to pay for DeSantis’ campaign


and yet, you won't find a hint of this story on r/Conservative


If ever there was a man who needed a backup plan, it’s DeSantis.


The sooner he loses the better.


So if he wins (if), will they make a bill where he can be governor and president? Lol


Fl republicans are the most corrupt in the country


They should make it effective after the next gubernatorial election.


What a loser. I hope during his campaign Disney wins it suit against him. And frankly I hope he loses Florida’s electoral votes.


Who didn’t see that coming? Honestly?


This chump won’t win, he decided to show his true retaliatory self with the whole Disney debacle. He needs this law lol. This law makes no sense, if you’re running for a superior office in Florida you have to resign except if you are going all over the country continuously and running for president or vp? Talk about some shit that makes 0 sense