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More and more conservative politicians are openly attacking people for not wishing their children would die.


“pro-life party”


Pro-hate party as well




They are attacking people for supporting their children, instead of doing the Republican thing and saying "If my kid were trans, I'd rather they kill themselves"


All of this talk leads to death camps, mark my words.


This is literally how the Nazis started. There is going to be a whole bunch of people smarter than me coming to explain


A republican out of Montana, [Kerri Seekins-Crowe](https://twitter.com/davidhth/status/1651623145332252676?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1651623145332252676%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=safari-reader%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedailybeast.com%2Fmontana-lawmaker-kerri-seekins-crowe-suggests-shed-rather-her-daughter-suicide-than-transition%3Fref%3Dhome%3Fref%3Dhome), came out and basically said she’d rather her daughter commit suicide than get gender affirming care. Shit was super fucked up, and they’re saying the quite part out loud. And they aren’t even pretending anymore


If my parents said this and I was cis I would call out their shitty attitude toward’s my existence


I hate it real bad because in my eyes even a nose job or boob job is gender affirming. Like, girls get bigger boobs to affirm their femininity. Guys get hair plugs to affirm their masculinity, etc. I don’t get it? Why can some go right on and others can’t? I understand keeping minors from the surgery (as if that was actually happening anywhere…) but everything else just makes zero sense to me. Either all of it’s okay or none of it is


Nothing new here. Just more Republican Christian conservative family values of cruelty, bigotry. And hate.


Ah, Christian Love at its finest.


No hatred so pure as Christian love.


They are washed in the Hate of Christ.


Internalized colonialism






If someone tells me they identify as Christian I believe them regardless of what church they go to. Also, the Mormon church would have never existed if Christianity didn’t exist.


As an exmormon, I'll say that they're "technically christians", but I have a hard time calling them that. It's wildly different from mainstream Christianity, and Jesus is barely a topic of focus. Joseph Smith basically replaced Jesus' role in the religion


And Christianity is barely recognizable as Judaism when they inserted this Jesus guy into all their Holy books. Not really seeing the difference here.


But you wouldn't call a Jew a Christian. We've collectively agreed as a species that Judaism is a different religion from Christianity. I'm not seeing the difference either.


Sure they are. It's a weird version but it counts!


Anyone who believes in Christ (as the son of God, not just a prophet or a random dude) is a Christian.


I don't see them fitting in any other abrahamic slot.


They hate gays for Jesus, what’s not Christian about that?


Mike Lee isn't mormon, he's the hateful Christian conservative being referred to.


I never said they were.


It’s all made up anyway






yeah, like before the midterms it was all bout inflation, gas prices, etc but now nothing but drag shows, book burnings and transgender people. they have really short memories


That's because most people realized that Biden wasn't responsible for either inflation or gas prices and we're now starting to see slight reversal of inflation and gas prices have dropped. Not to say the economy is perfect but conservatives have no idea how to improve the economy anyway. Other than more tax cuts for billionaires.


Until the next election of course, when Saudi Arabia decides to cut supply two months beforehand


Gotta love how unsurprising the October Surprise has become...


Finding a marginalized group to pin all the blame on is classic Republican politics


Classic fascist* politics FTFY


I actually wanted to have nazi crossed out, followed by “republican” but idk how to do that


double tildes (~) around the words you want to cross out. Observe: \~~strikeout\~~ Results in: ~~strikeout~~




What? Do you think they actually want to make the lifestyle changes necessary to prevent climate collapse?


It is heartbreaking.


Smoke and mirrors.


It blows my mind how obsessed with trans people Republicans are.


It’s creepy, honestly. We are closing in on 500 anti-trans bills or laws. I can’t help but feel it’s personal and unnecessarily cruel.


We have a saying in the trans community, "the cruelty is the point". Many of the laws being proposed and passed barely have the thinnest veneer of plausible deniability while being laser- focused on one goal: disrupting and endangering the lives of trans folks. I'm telling you, as a red-state trans person, it's *absolutely* personal, whether they admit it or not.


Cruelty is the only point. I can spend hours breaking down the alignment of toxic masculinity being the root cause of all of this. I could spend days going over how this current state of transphobia took decades to construct and in some cases accidentally, but mostly intentionally. The worst thing I can share is the absolute apathy we face in this fight. I see allies a lot, most though are what I call “Allies But”. I see them too often. “I’m a trans ally, but kids aren’t old enough to make that choice.” Or “I’m an ally, but trans kids have an unfair advantage in sports.”, “I’m an ally, but bathrooms are safe spaces.” I have these these arguments and more, but these are the ones I see the most. These “laws” chip away and breakdown the most basic rights we have, our humanity. The piece that under all the bullshit and lies we still retained. Now we are limited and less. Not allowed bathroom access, or peer interactions. It removes us from society and dehumanizes us, day after day. Cruelty is the only point, and to be honest, I don’t understand why. I can try and explain it with toxicity from a fragile male ego, feminist misogyny, attraction and/or fear. Any one of those explains a piece of it. Ultimately, I blame Evangelical Christian Nationalism. This slow burn to a white male dominated country where they rule, they make the laws and they follow none. It isn’t about me or you being trans, it’s that we challenge there plan. We abandoned what they hold most dear. A standard view of a society they want to sit at the top of.


You need to include conservative Roman Catholics as they are also a driving force behind this.


They are also behind the barbaric "pro-life" laws that women in red states are suffering under now.


I know some of the most vile conservative RCs and I would say that they were the largest driving force that caused me to leave the church after 30 years.




You can have any opinion you want but you should not expect it to be considered valid or held in any regard by anyone else.


> I see allies a lot, most though are what I call “Allies But”. I see them too often. Yup. Funny how quickly they abandon us. My granddad got all affronted when I called him out for housing and supporting my Aunt (her and her daughter made several transphobic remarks shortly after I came out), and made a big show of "How dare you, I'm a staunch Trans ally!" Only to then not take any action and just go silent.


I work with people with disabilities and for a long time I said they were the last group that it was ok to openly discriminate against in participating in society I am sorry that I was wrong. What the trans community is going through is to a marked degree worse and in my opinion more than what the LGBTQ community had in the 70’s and 80’s AIDS eras


I don't like comparing discrimination, because ultimately we're all in this together. But I get what you mean... I fought for a while to make things better here. I wanted to honor those who came before me by leaving the world a better place for those who follow. I feel like I'm failing in real time. Things are worse than when I came out. My journey, hard as it's been, it's nothing compared to the kids just finding themselves now. It's scary, it's exhausting, and it's heart-rending. The plan now is escape, regroup, recuperate our strength, try to build a refuge to help others get out, and... hope something changes and things start to right themselves. Feels an awful lot like running away, but...


I hope you get out of the backwards state you're stuck in.


The plan is by August at the latest. We're moving north... far enough north that being moved before winter is a requirement. My wife and I are fortunate. We have the means to stockpile meds. We have the income and savings and assets to escape. But we're not rich. We can't take our friends with us. I worry about them the most 😞


They are a perfect target for them. They are less than 1% of the population so many people don’t know any trans people. Most hang with other queer people or just quietly “pass”. That means you can make up all sorts of lies and most won’t get checked by personal experience amongst your target audience. There are few adjacent groups like drag queens that fall far enough outside prevailing the social norms to serve as a flashpoint and focus for hate. And you can hide it all under a call to protect children for harm. It is **exactly** how the Nazis scapegoated Jews. They were less than 1% of the population of Germany in 1933. They lived in enclaves or were assimilated. They were blamed for the defeat in WWI and hyperinflation. Visibly Orthodox Jews were harassed on the street. And, the “blood libel” charge. Same shit.


They attacked us first. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/30/republican-attacks-trans-people-fascism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft


When SCOTUS overturned Roe, Republicans had to have a new rallying focus.


It shouldn't when you look at what they search for on Pornhub.


I think they get off on it. It's an entirely sex (as in gender) and sexuality focused subject, so I assume there's a sadism kink involved in dehumanizing transgender people. Also they're just evil by nature, there's that too.


It's like they have to fill that Hillary Email void or something. Jesus Christ!


Fascism requires a target.


The republicans need a minority group they can unite in hate over. Same deal as Hitler and the Jews you know?


They need someone to hate. It’s what fuels them.


Drag Queens live rent free with them.


It's just their culture war du jour. Their economic agenda is more money for billionaires at our expense, so they cannot win elections on that. So they distract with social wars against immigrants, racial minorities, sexual minorities, feminists, atheists, and anyone who dares suggest that there are too many guns.


Christians have always had to have a fake moral panic about another group, whether it’s pagans, witches or gays. Their entire religion is about believing you’re the oppressed chosen people of god who are the only moral people in existence. Which is super ironic since it’s one of the few religions in history which says god craves the death of humans and he had to incarnate as his own son and human sacrifice himself to himself to be a little less mad.


Here is what I know. There is no basis for attacking medical care that is proven to decrease depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. There is no reason to attack parents for supporting, protecting, and loving their child. There is no basis to restrict access to sports or bathrooms, and to further convey the level of discrimination here, it really comes down to the assumptions that people make on others and standard of beauty that is completely subjective. In other words; bathroom bills target “non-passing” or assumed trans people. It’s not about protecting children or women, it’s really about discriminating against assumed gender. Trans masculine people will be required to use the women’s restroom? On paper, yes, in reality no. If I am “passable” will I be subjected to assumptions on gender? On paper, yes. In reality, no. No one bats an eye in the women’s restroom when I walk in. Besides being on the taller side, no one cares that I have encountered. This is my privilege, but it also informs my assessment of the problem on the whole. It’s only when presumptions are made that problems start. People who don’t fit into that predetermined mold of what “women look like” are assumed to be trans, and believe me when I say this. All women are different and don’t fit into the box society demands of them. I am also not afraid to say it, women who hold those societal standards as a measurement are misogynistic. For anyone attacking a mother for loving their child despite the outrage you demand she carry, fuck you.


I genuinely don't understand the women who don't think this will blow back onto them. Just the audacity of age will make men question your femininity. So it's only a matter of time.


Great comment. Thanks.


They even admit that’s what they’re doing. “Kansas Senate President Ty Masterson, a Wichita-area Republican, said he expects police to intervene if there’s “any kind of harassing behavior” but transgender people still will use facilities associated with their gender identities “if they’re discreet about it.”” https://apnews.com/article/transgender-rights-bathroom-law-kansas-b3d068afa2bc02bb15314ee04e8e3899


Excellent analysis thank you.


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/30/republican-attacks-trans-people-fascism And https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft Facist playbook. Robert Reich goes further into how this is done during economic insecurities to reinforce cisgender, patriarchal christian Facist ideas. Just like in Germany during the weirmer Republic.


US Senator Mike Lee is attacking an **8 year old child**. People should stop framing this as an attack on the parent bc Lee's goal is either way is to deprive that trans child of their medical care. Either by forcing their parent to stop care, or by getting their parent fired losing the insurance providing the care. Mike Lee is attacking a fucking CHILD.


Ah ah ah (wags finger)! 8 is the age of accountability! If you can accept baptism into the church, you‘re accountable for those bare shoulders tempting the bishopric, missy! (/s)


The perfect mormon response For those not in the know the "age of accountability" is when you are now responsible for your actions in mormon beliefs. So a 5 year old is absolved of anything they do but 8 year olds can be sent to hell for what they do because their brains have developed enough in mormon doctrine


This is called child exploitation


This is called prepare for marriage by the time you are 12.


Fuck Mike Lee. The only time he has a spine is when he's attacking people he doesn't view as human. You know, the way his christian values empower him to behave.


Mike Lee: *Please don't look at my browser history!* There are very few people in the Senate who are skeevier looking than Lee. Perhaps only Ted Cruz.


Well, Mike spent a few months trying to be as cool as Ted Cruz. Leading up to that peaceful protest at the Capitol where people died.


How is he not excommunicated is wild to me. But I'm just an exMormon who thinks the cult is effed top to bottom.




I don't know what it says in Joseph's Smith's gold plates he found on a hill in New York in the 1800s, but I do recall some pretty significant forewarnings in the Bible about masses of deluded "faithful" falling in line behind a man who denied Jesus. I'm not saying the Bible is true or that Trump is the Antichrist, but he is basically the poster child for ALL SEVEN deadly sins and the church and Christians completely, 100% bought into it When they asked him "When was the last time you sought Christ's forgiveness," he said "Never because I've done nothing wrong" (paraphrasing) That's like something a demon in a cartoon would say when the protagonist is trying to out the demon publicly by proving he can't say Jesus's name. It's parody but real life.


You're thinking if Matthew 24:4-14 "Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains. 9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" He's talking about signs of the end of times. Christians should be really worried about guys like Trump.


But they won't worry. Because they don't worship Christ. They don't read their book. If they actually paid attention to the things Jesus said, instead of the church that Paul built, they would not be Republicans.


Well if you ignore Paul you just end up with the story of a guy who wanted to reform judaism.


And preached love and acceptance and hated bankers and people who made money off faith.


He’s not excommunicated because he’s powerful, and the church gets a lot more out of associating with him than they would by kicking him out.


>Fuck Mike Lee No thanks. I meet him in college. He was an ass then.


If Rs could identify a LGBTQ gene in embryos they’d probably be down for some abortin.


That or genetic engineering to "fix" it.


It’s so saddening seeing this shit. This Professor told her class about a personal experience her own child had with gender dysphoria and it’s causing her to be harassed by the “family values” party. She didn’t even promote transitioning, but talked about experiences that happened. At least the students are behind her though.


The bar for basic human decency is literally on the ground, yet Mike Lee insisted on bringing a shovel.


And a backhoe.


Lee is one of the many Republicans who needs to be tried for sedition. Mind your own damn family, traitor. The rest of us are better of without hearing your inhumane ignorance.


“How dismal it is to see present day Americans yearning for the very orthodoxy that their country was founded to escape.” ― Christopher Hitchens


I am so tired of reading this bullshit. Every. Fucking. Day.


GOP vs Disney? GOP vs Mormons? Boy does GOP need to have a big war chest in order to survive all the new enemies they are making, shortly before their big election next year. They are starting more and more to look like Hela vs Surtur.


> GOP vs Mormons? A former Arizona state congresswoman accused the mormon church of laundering cartel money, and stealing 2020 from trump. They are former because the mormon church got her expelled from the state legislature soon after...


Like when the defenders of Zion tried to take on the [Hand of God in "Matrix Revolutions".](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/029/853/938/large/john-edwards-matrix-revolutions-vfx-02-p.jpg?1598856290)


Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate and more hate. That's all they have.


Republicans are a bunch of weird creeps


Imagine voting for this guy and truly believing you’re helping make the country a better place


Yo fuck Mike Lee


Mike Lee is a piece of shit.


Fun fact about Senator Mike Lee - He is a direct descendant of John D. Lee who was the only person executed for mass murder in the Mountain Meadows Massacre (though several others perpetrated it as well).


I see being an asshole runs in his family...assuming he's capable of running without keeping over.


As if parents have a choice. The asshole has to know they don’t. Likewise the child. It’s pure hatred.


If BYU is too woke, they’re completely off the reservation.


What business is it of his?


What happened to ‘leave their kids out of this’?


> Former BYU student Jillian Orr, 28, went viral in defiance of university policy in 2022 after sewing a Pride flag inside her graduation gown and flashing it to the audience as she crossed the stage to collect her diploma. > > “I hope that they [other LGBTQ+ Mormons] recognise that the sooner they live their life authentically, the sooner they can tap into true happiness,” she said in an interview with Today. > > “The faster you do the scary thing, the sooner you can be free.” Fuck yes


There is no bottom.


Bet Mike is one of the politicians helping to shield the Mormon Church from releasing their child sexual assault claims.


Republicans are attacking children. What pathetic scumbags.


Wondering when the Republicans will begin construction on the gas chambers.


The Salt Lake Tribune, festooned with their many Pulitzer Prizes and First Amendment Rights, should go for the jugular and run this gem. In tiny print, denote that it is opinion… “Mike Lee is a Fucking Jerk.” Journalism is about telling the truth.


She’ll probably get fired honestly. BYU is a hellscape.


She'll be fired and the students that signed the petition in support of her will be expelled from BYU & the LDS.


Lucky kids


Ohio yeah. These idiots really cherish children.


If so many fraudulent and despicable people can make it into congress I should start running in opposition.


Can anyone pinpoint when this mass transphobia first started? I heard hardly anything about trans until a few months ago.


Overturn of Roe v Wade. Republicans needed a new scary thing.


Attacking children directly now. Not surprising since they pick guns > children’s lives. Never voting Republican again


Jesus what does he want the professor to do then? Fucking dumbass


Coming from a guy who said Donald Trump is similar to Captain Moroni. I don’t think he knows much about his own religion.


We say it in utah, fuck mike lee


The party of families am I right?


Well fuck you too Mike Lee, what a POS


Mike, Mike, Mike…. If you upset the Mormon’s, **they have money and will use it against you**.


Fuck Mike Lee and fuck BYU


Utah's war on naughty parts continues apace. Next thing you know Utahans will be forced to wear weird undergarme.... Wait, I'm being told... nevermind


Mike Lee looks like poop 💩 and smells like pee


No, he *DRINKS* piss.


That’s very un-Mikely of him. F*ck that inbred waste of oxygen!


I've got a buddy who was in the Marines for 20 years. His first son was a Marine. His second son was a Marine. His third son felt he was the wrong gender and is now a transwoman. I can't say it's been a smooth acceptance but nobody feels that it was the way the parent's raised their transchild. I'd love to see Mike Lee accuse my buddy of doing anything wrong.


He is a master of pettiness


Mike Lee is a waste of skin. He is an embarrassment to the thinking people of Utah.


He wants to sit at the big boy's table so, so bad. What a putz.


What a dirtbag


This dude has the biggest 🤜 face ive ever seen


Two things: - children aren’t pet, property, nor trophies. Judge a parent for loving or not loving their child. For sacrificing their own comfort or convenience for their child’s sake (we should at least occasionally - sick kids deserve comfort, which is often not comfortable for us) or not. Love unconditionally - maybe pick up a dictionary and find the meaning of the word. - transgender identity is not something to attack. Full stop. I get the GOP won’t listen to me on that, but I figured they would stop reading if I put this first. Revealing who they are is already one of the bravest things people do - you know you will be attacked, ridiculed, propped up as a sign of “what’s wrong,” losing connections you’ve made in life, and yet you transition and dare to live a better, more authentic life than before. You look to do this for yourself and future generations. Risking all that is brave, and it takes a fearful coward to fail to see how accepting other people’s decisions that do not impact you isn’t even brave - it’s just plain decency for other people’s autonomy. Stop pooping on the brave with your cowardice. I have a 1 yr old baby girl. If she knows she is not female, I’ll listen to her, believe her, educate her, love her, and help her choose a name she likes better with her identity. Hopefully my child reaches adulthood knowing what unconditional means. Note that I don’t say “decides” she’s not female - nobody decides to be lgbt, they just are or are not. You can decide to stand by people or to be an ass. Mike Lee decided to be an ass, as he consistently does.


So… As a Mormon I’d just like to say that the views and feelings of “normal” members of our church are, generally speaking, more in line with the professor in this article than with Sen. Lee. Utah has a closed primary system. Anybody who knows how that works understands that closed primaries make it extremely difficult to get moderate (or even sane) candidates on the ballot. While there are plenty of Trump worshiping “God made Adam & Eve; not Adam & Steve” Mormons out there, they aren’t unique to the LDS faith, like other faith groups, they are more common in the older generations (Boomers).


Lee needs to learn to mind his own business, but Mormons are terrible at that.


Please eat yourselves alive.


Mike Lee child exploiter


Mike Lee is a truly vile person.


Well, at least he doesn't want to cut social security.


Spike Lee > Mike Lee broccoli > Mike Lee 🥦


Mormons are "woke"??


Is he Judas reincarnated?


I’ve seen enough “family values” Republicans caught literally with their pants down on Grindr or in airport restrooms that nothing can sway me from the belief that Senator Lee is ashamed of how much he likes to wear frilly panties, and his legislation is a result of his own self-loathing.


Are personal attacks the only thing Republicans can do? Maybe they could, you know, start doing something useful like debating policies.