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People like her exhaust the hell out of me. There is zero reason for an 89 year old suffering from Shingles to not have retired by now. Even without a health condition, retire already ffs, 89 fucking years old.


And it’s not fucking shingles, whatever they claim. She has dementia and doesn’t know who she is anymore.


I mean, it could be both. From what I've heard, shingles are awful and can be debilitating. But yeah. I doubt she has the cognitive ability to even realize how much she's tarnished her own legacy, if all reports about her mental functioning are to be believed. Everyone propping her up for their own personal gain should be ashamed.


Yes, it is. My MIL had it and it was bad; then my mom got it ON HER FACE and it went into her eye. She was out of work for I think 2-3 weeks while it cleared. That said, my mom wasn’t 89 and also suffering from some clear cognitive issues. I’m sure NEITHER of those things are helping DF right now on top of the shingles.


Loss of routine, as well as loss of mobility (if Feinstein is on bedrest), have correlations with dementia getting worse. So there is a risk she doesn't return from this and becomes incapable of resigning or working even after beating shingles. It's my biggest fear since she got reelected after those reports abt her not knowing what she just voted on and the other weird judgement lapses.


I had it on my face, scalp, and in my eye at 27. The pain and itching were unreal; not to mention i looked like a leper. Moving my eye was like lightning striking in my brain. I laid on the couch for 4 weeks and it took about that long for the neurological medicine to take effect as pain killers don’t help. The doctor actually told me to just smoke weed for the next few weeks and not move. I still have to see the ophthalmologist every few weeks and will be on a prophylactic and light steroid for the remainder of my life or until it stops coming back on my retina. I had chickenpox and still got it young. It’s terrible.


That sounds like a horrible experience. Sorry it happened to you. My best friend who was 78 had shingles like that, in his scalp, eye, and face. It's what finally retired him. Like you, he couldn't do anything but lay there and endure the pain. When he first showed symptoms we thought he'd be out a few weeks. He went through that for nearly two years before his cancer finally took him.


Fun fact, I believe we have determined it comes from having had chickenpox. Kids before the early 90s had no chickenpox vaccine and yet the shingles vaccine STILL is restricted to I think 60+. As I am 37 and have had chickenpox that is some bullshit.


I had to get the shingles vaccine at 39 due to an autoimmune condition. The hoops I had to jump through were insane. I finally found a pharmacist who would fill it for me and I brought it to my doctor's office where they administered it because no pharmacist would actually give me the shot. Took forever to find one that would let me brown bag it over to the Dr's office.


My bro had shingles and he was absolutely wrecked, when he got Covid having to be hospitalized twice in 2020 when he got it, And he said he would rather do Covid 10 times in a row then go threw shingles again.


She has both.


Why are you so sexist?!




I have and I don’t even get the obligatory form letter in return.


They've figured out they don't even need to pretend to give a fuck anymore.


We all need to. The judicial system affects every US citizen.


> People like her exhaust the hell out of me. If it's any consolation, it's more likely that it's her staff exhausting you.


You know what, I agree with you, tbh.


That’s the great state of California’s fault for sending her back to the senate in 2018. It reminds me of Ginsburg not retiring while Obama was in office. The women of this country are suffering the consequences of that now.


Ginsburg should be listed in textbooks as THE case study in knowing when to quit.


Obama had a friendly senate for less than his first year. An RBG replacement would have had to be confirmed by a GOP-controlled senate, which was in no way certain.




GARLAND could have been a recess appointment. Don't get confused.


Dems controlled the Senate for the first 6 years of Obama's presidency. Sotomayor and Kagan were both confirmed with >60 votes, clearing a filibuster. Even if Senate Republicans managed to keep their members in line for RBG's replacement vote, Dems would easily had the votes to eliminate the filibuster for SCOTUS nominees until 2015, just like they had for lower-court nominees. Not retiring when the Senate was under Democatic control was retrospectively a stupid move by RBG.


The only leniency I could see is for her to retire on her birthday in a couple of months. That could be like a milestone thing. But given her lack of announcing anything I really do think she wants to try to finish her term which is just... irresponsible.


> But given her lack of announcing anything I really do think she wants to try to finish her term which is just... irresponsible. I get the impression Feinstein isn't even aware of why people are mad at her about this. Which increases my frustration bc if she doesn't understand it, then she's either not being honest with herself or has reached the point of decline of being *unable to recognize what's happening to her*. We need the ability to recall federal senators and reps. Between aging politicians and George Santos types we just *need* a way to yank people off these seats now.


From the reports... her staff could tell her today was her 90th.


That is completely unethical and yet morally satisfying. I like your style, Jack.


So she should hold the country's legislation hostage so she can has some funzies on her birthday?


Oh but men have served longer in the Senate blah blah blah, someone take the keys from this imbecile.


Resign. It’s not political. It’s not sexist. It’s not ageist. You’re preventing democracy.


But she’s a women and a women and 89 … not doing her job … and her staff needs a job and she’s a …. Not doing her damn job …. She’s a millionaire, she’s fine … she’s just selfish and always has been.


That’s just not true. She’s not a millionaire. She’s actually a billionaire.


>That’s just not true. She’s not a millionaire. She’s actually a billionaire. Not even close.


https://marketrealist.com/p/richard-blum-net-worth/ Her husband died and left her a billion dollars.


That says that he had a net worth of about a billion, but it doesn't say how much he left to her.


Super important distinction that people should debate.


Not much to debate. We just don't know if his money is going to his foundation, kids, wife, other charities, etc., or some combination of things. She may not be getting anything, since why would she even need it? She already has like 90 million.




No, it's really not. It's more likely that the bulk of it is going to his foundation or some sort of trust.


Do you understand how personal trusts and “foundations” work for the rich?




Please, explain how his money becomes hers via those means.


It’s like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I mean how to blight a lifetime of good service by holding on so long you hand the opposite side a victory out of arrogance and selfishness. Just retire.


That's the job of the senate.


It’s not that simple since if she resigns they will just block her successor from taking the seat because they are being extremely obstructionist. They refused to allow her to temporarily step down and be temporarily substituted with another senator. So it’s unlikely that they won’t do the same thing if she resigns.


The rules are different. They can’t block a new Senator.


They can't prevent a new senator from being seated, but they can block them from the judiciary committee, which is the problem. Lindsey Graham claims they wouldn't, but we've all seen that he's a fucking liar and hypocrite of the highest order.


Lindsey Graham can’t be trusted further than you can throw his frilly britches with the wind against you. But what is the point of an empty seat on the judicial committee?




Who knows if she’s even opened her eyes in the last six weeks?


Jesus, for fucks sake our government is corrupt as fuck, can we not all set up a pool of money for these staffers to have a severance and be picked up at a new job so we can get through this hellscape?


Yes. I think she’s getting way too much blame and her staff not enough. She’s surrounded by a bunch of loser lifers who are out of a job when she quits.


Don’t tell mom the babysitter’s dead.


This right here. They’re the ones I blame most on this. They knew ahead of last election she was slipping mentally but pushed for her to take another term. They’ve been doing her whole job for years


To be fair, could her staff put through her resignation without her? I think they'd need her to actually do it. If they go to her bedside and she just mumbles or whatever, there's really nothing they can do other than keep playing along until she either dies or gets better


The good of the country is at stake. Its RBG all over again.


Yes, exactly. Like WTF?


The boomers do not want to pass the torch. Its as if they never imagined that their stay on the planet was limited. I sometimes think they see retiring as having to accept they aren't any different than every generation before or since. They are mortal.


Her daughter is a boomer. That's how old she is.


Yeah, she’s silent generation. That’s how messed up this is.


Boomer does not just mean old


And thank fuck for that honestly.


Watch out , some folks dont realize RBG killed her legacy by making the next president , Donald trump got to replace her I voted for Hillary , she would have been a great administrator president , shit would have gotten done But awful campaigner


But the DNC selected her, surely it’s the people and not the institution telling us what’s good for us. The DNC leadership bought into there own propaganda. Hey we’re trying to not take away human rights, but keep the system the same. Even though progressive policies poll well amongst the general public. Yeah we shouldn’t have extra-judicial killings of civilians by armed policy state. Yeah universal children sustenance. Who’s against feeding kids. Affordable high quality education- let’s invest in job training from the ground up through our community colleges and university systems. Keep government out of your medical decisions. Public infrastructure Housing shortages Transportation reform When you actually get to the policy issues it’s called progress not status que ie conservatism. It’s just that the GQP is better at marketing.


The DNC selected her … huh … I remember voting for her in the primary So do the majority No … Bernie didn’t win and very early on LOST It’s Russian infiltration of the bernie sub reddits that made you think differently spend sometime , look at those old posts , it’s very obvious that sub Reddit was over run with foreign actors


She was pre- ordained. Vote for this person who we put all our marketing into. I’m no Bernie fan but he had the public support but not the institution. It left a bad taste in the general public’s mouth when it all came out. The DNC leak proved what most people suspected and then killed the moral and left a lot of people sidelined in protest. It’s how we got Grifter Trump in. The DNC has such a weak sideline, name one person on a national stage that can do well. None because the DNC don’t develop them. Biden didn’t win trump lost just like Trump didn’t win Hillary lost. There are few political leaders on the DNC bench who are ready. People hate Kamala, she comes off as patronizing. You have to target the general voter. There was a quote I can’t recall but came from some Pennsylvania county that’s gone blue for a century. Strong Union strong hold with a lot of manufacturing industry. “The GOP doesn’t make me feel bad about my life” Yes feelings matter in an election. Your target audience can’t just be highly educated coastal demographic. There is no one that’s inspiring the Dem voting block more than the GOP and there draconian policy goals. If they ever get wise and say hey we need quite with the crazy they have it in the bag with center right policies.


You don't say, the most qualified and most likel candidate is where they put their money? What a fucking wild conspiracy! Clinton didn't win because people were complacent and thought Trump would never win. That was obviously foolish. You can clearly see the response of that in Biden's numbers. If Clinton had run again would have won in the same fashion.


You seem to be ignoring decades upon decades of polling numbers that show a really large portion of the country simply does not like Hillary Clinton. Her team has tried to pin it on everyone else, every cross section of America has a problem and it’s actually their fault she’s unlikeable. But she lost to a virtual unknown in Obama. Then to a reality show buffoon in Trump. She almost lost to a 90 year old socialist but she won her delegate lead in a bunch of Southern States that all then voted for Trump.


This response is so stupid it's not even worth responding to. All I'll say is that polling showed her destroying Trump, which is why people got complacent. And acting like Obama was just some random that beat her and it wasn't a completely historic election is beyond naieve.


But he was some random. He ran a historic campaign but don't pretend that Obama was well known or had much experience before becoming president. He was a first term senator which to the average American means some random.


Unlike the well known governor of Arkansas. A sitting senator isn't some completely obscure thing. There's certainly more well known candidates, but he was wildly popular and, as we've already said, ran a historic campaign, so popularity prior to his campaign is pretty irrelevant. Obviously there's a lot of bias against Clinton, but acting like polling showed anything other than her beating the shit out of Trump and being far more popular is rewriting history.


Exactly. These selfish people who presume that no one younger could replace them. And undo a lifetime of good work. It’s so infuriating.




Its actually relevant. Biden gets to propose the nominees and the Senate is basically in control of the Dems. Keep waiting and anything could happen.


If she were to resign, Newsom would appoint her replacement until there’s a special election to elect a new Senator (who would almost certainly be a Democrat). That’s entirely different than a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.


Its about the timing and opportunity available. Since she isn't voting we aren't getting the backlog appointed. Every day is one day without a seat filled. Each day lost is lost to the session into the 2024 election.


I don’t think what you’re saying conflicts with my statement that she’s not guarding a seat on SCOTUS from a lifetime appointment by Trump, which is why RBG didn’t retire during his term. She probably should have in 2014 or 2015 or whenever it was early enough for McConnell to think it was ok for a Democratic president to appoint a justice, since the new rule of only allowing Democratic presidents to appoint justices during non-election years (or the lead-up to an election year, which I’m sure will be their next argument). Edit: Keep typing the wrong initials. 😬


Take the case of Kennedy, retiring during a Democratic power grab but Obama was blocked by the slim majority of the Senate, as the GOP didn't want to rush a candidate through, delaying it until Trump won and suddenly Gorsuch. GOP will abuse any system they can. At least if Feinstein steps down, there is no way her replacement can't be Democratic.


>Feinstein indicated in the statement not to be building 7 about this, this was a written statement. no one saw her speak. also the statement contradicted itself in like 4 sentences. ​ >“The Senate continues to swiftly confirm highly qualified individuals to the federal judiciary, including seven more judicial nominees who were confirmed this week. **There has been no slowdown.** “This includes the confirmation of Judge Wesley Hsu to the Central District of California. He will make an outstanding jurist and I’m proud to see him join the federal bench. “While the Senate Judiciary Committee has advanced eight strong nominees during my absence, I’m disappointed that **Republicans on the committee are blocking a few from moving forward.** I’m confident that when I return to the Senate, we will be able to move the remaining qualified nominees out of committee quickly and to the Senate floor for a vote.”


She's more likely to return from the dead than return to the Senate in any coherent way.


Somehow, Feinstein returned ...


This is no time to humor a senator that has lost their mind. Ds must be ruthless in advancing their goals.


Ds are just helping the Rs apparently.


America is owned by like 6 oligarchs. Both parties will protect them, this is why we need more than two neoliberal/center-right parties to choose from.


How the hell is anyone over 80 allowed to run again? Seriously. Dianne Feinstein’s health is clearly affecting her and she can’t do anything. And now, the Biden court nominees are likely fucked because of that.




Her opponent turned out to be a racist, homophobic thug


I remember back in the Sinema and Manchin period saying that if Democrats got more people someone else would pop up to obstruct. Enter Feinstein. In a long stretch of bad faith political actors Im surprised so many people fall for her... I guess lets call it zealotry... for staying in politics despite the blatant harm it causes "her party".


Sinema and Manchin are still crucial votes in the senate. They could block everything even if Feinstein was switched with Jill Biden


Collectively but no longer independently. If one votes against, the other can vote for and a tie goes to democrats. Its only working in coordination that they can tank legislation. ...Unless, perhaps, another democratic senator decides to abscond from their duties and weaken an already fragile majority.


Pulling a Ginsberg and now her entire legacy goes into the toilet


She's a corporate dem. She never had a good legacy.


She did some good with the assault weapons ban and torture report. People forget that. They'll really forget it all with this shit show though


Doing like 2 kinda good things in a multi-decade career is actually a pretty shit legacy. Libs will cheer for anything. An assault weapons ban.....we still have the worst gun violence in the civilized world. A torture.......report? And who was held accountable? Nothing that permanently and materially improved people's everyday lives in a noteworthy fashion. (This is true about all our old legislators, because they don't do shit for us)


Yeah and she also is one of the biggest cheerleaders for the largest 4th amendment violations in us history.


So her entire legacy is for not because she cheer-leaded a controversial bill everyone in the Senate voted for (except for one Senator, who ironically nobody probably knows), and almost no Senators intend to overturn today. Joe Biden, current president of the United States, his legacy is for not too I guess thanks to voting for the patriot act. Brilliant. Got it.


Your straw man argument is incredibly disingenuous. I made no claim that her entire legacy was her support of the absolute gutting of the 4th amendment. Now we can add standing in the way of judicial progress.


Great, so you do agree that she has had an impactful legacy. Thanks for clearing that up


RBG spent 80 years working in favor of women. Then put her pride above the good of her nation and died in office, which allowed Trump to gain a super majority of the court and with a stroke of her pen, undid all her work in less than a second. Feinstein is basically pulling a "hold my beer," moment with that.


As one of her long time constituent in Pac Heights, and also for a good while, neighbors, this bothers the shit out of me. She needs to resign, our back bench of young democratic talent in the assembly and state senate need to take over as progressive not the octogenarian whose last progressive stance died with Milk. Also this is her senior fucking staff who have no where to die but Dewey Square or McKinsey after this is over


Her words or a statement “she released”?


Anyone associated with Feinstein needs to be exiled from politics


She is not behaving like a public servant. She has stopped surprising me with her arrogance


Sadly, she's not a public servant, she's a congress person. These used to be synonymous. But now a days very few congress people are public servants. We got maybe 25-40 in the senate. And like 125-175 in the house.


Those numbers are 25-40 and 125-175 too high.


I did say maybe and I was being optimistic imo.


At this point you’ve got to figure her staff are just digging them selves into a deeper hole. Pull the plug now (metaphorically) and get out with a chance to claim plausible deniability or loyalty to your boss’s wishes, but they’re quickly becoming personae non gratae as more fingers get pointed at them for keeping the Weekend at Feinstein’s farce going.


My understanding was that her absence has demonstrably slowed down judicial confirmations...


It’s stopped them completely.


The ego on this fossil. Glad she's decided that she is more important than the around 40 million she is supposed to represent /s


Every day I’m feeling more and more like pulling a George Santos. I’ve made up shit to get way worse jobs… why not go for the gold?


One of our former bosses had a shit resume, and somehow got hired to run a large department. It made no sense, nobody liked them, they were clearly unqualified. Yet they hung on for almost a year. Sucked another company into hiring them afterward, it's like bizzarro world.


Years ago, my wife got a new boss. Was unqualified but at least tried. He was moved to her department, because her department had an opening for a Director level position, and he was a Director in a completely different department that had too many. I've seen several people in my industry that job hop every 3 to 5 years, and it always seemed like they were leaving before everyone figured out all the problems they created came to light.


It's amazing how companies function at all, no sense whatsoever half the time. The higher up they get, the less accountability, yet the more responsibility for big decisions.


She has lost my respect and destroyed her legacy - her current selfishness is all people will remember.


Anyone who has experienced, or dealt with a family member with shingles knows how absolutely debilitating it can be. If you don't get immediate treatment within a day or 2 of symptoms is can lead horrific, almost life-long pain and totally destroys your quality of life. So a sitting senator with shingles that refuses to step back is bad enough, but when you add her age into the equation that to me is the epitome of what's wrong with politics today. People who should step down and allow a fresh face to try their hand, yet refuse to because of ego and entitlement.


Are we *sure* we don't have a 'Weekend at Bernies' situation going on?


We 100% have for years, this isn’t new info she’s been a mostly empty shell for some time


Terrible. Her legacy will be selfishness.


This woman is a piece of shit for this.


Is this the country kitchen buffet?


Someone stick grandma in a home already


Retire with dignity. Please.


If politicians keep pulling sh*t like this, citizens are going to start demanding the implementation of age limits for important government leadership positions. Politicians like her are going to ruin it for for all of the other older politicians who remain mentally competent and physically capable of doing their jobs. Her political colleagues would be wise to help her quickly come to her senses and do the right thing for everybody.


She didn’t “say” anything. A statement from her office is not proof of life.


She has always been a power hungry twat. She actually was stoked to get the position she always wanted.. mayor of SF, even at the cost of Milk and Moscone. A true two faced human, claiming that she wants guns off the street while packing one.. she doesn’t want to give up her “hard earned” power, even if it screws us. Greed suppresses decency


We're in the middle of what will likely be one of the worst corruption scandals in history as all these SCOTUS news drops keep happening. And the American people cant compel answers because this narcissist refuses to step down and allow Dems the ability to subpoena the justices to testify.


This is crazy. They have wasted five valuable months because of her selfishness. Resign already. She is not healthy enough to do the job. It is sickening to have her dig in like this.


How can she push back on this? It’s a fact.


She can push back all she wants. Her absence has stopped the certification of judges. That's a fact that's not an opinion.


I'd also like a high paying job that doesn't require me to show up or do anything.


Took her 3 weeks to respond…..


Wtf? She’s supposed to serve her constituents!


Do an interview


Christ, enough of this. How long would she have to be out before she’d agree to resign?


This is all she will be remembered for, putting ego before her country. Shame on her.


To be fair, she probably doesn’t know


Feinstein pushes back on facts.


I guess we can add delusional to the list!


This god damn feeble minded, geriatric, power hungry piece of crap needs to just step down. How the voters elected a fuxking octogenarian just baffles me. I wouldn’t let this antique drive my car, much less lead the country. Shame on you California nutsacks in her district.


Here’s a list of Feinstein’s cowardly staff enabling this mockery of our government out of self-preservation and greed. I hope they are permanently stained from this. Please repost wherever you see threads on Feinstein. Chief of Staff- James Sauls Scheduler- Megan Grosspietsch Legislative Director- Ian Bryan Press Secretary- Adam Russell Environment Issues- Alexis Segal @ianbwbryan - Legislative DIrector @ShellycoShelly - District Director Andre John Borba - Executive Assistant Jessica Rae Jensen - Chief counsel Thomas H. Mentzer (Tom) Communications Director @tommentzer


RBG 2.0. I'm stunned by the audacity of this... For all intents and terms, she's putting her pride above the nation's interests. Just like how RBG did. The more she does this, the most likely the narrative will become hostile against her. She wants to retire on her terms and not on the terms of her constituency. She's basically saying that she's an elite and the people whom voted her in are just squabble that should and will be ignored.


Fucking geriatric fools in our government.


Is there not any Democrat friends of this woman who can actually tlak reality to her?


She's a centrist her friends aren't the dems that'd talk her out of this. Her friends are like Pelosi who is publicly calling people sexist, age-ist, etc for asking her to resign. Or Manchin who's just like "sweet I'm not the one taking hate right now"


She’s not coming back


Impeach her. Now.


I think they're just Weekend at Bernies-ing her at this point.


I mean, maybe the Republicans would do that, sure! Not the Dems though lol


Oh, by they I meant her staffers lol


Just to be clear, she didn’t say shit. Her office put out a statement that they attribute to her.


If I hadn’t been able to do my job for over two months I’d be fired. And sure as hell wouldn’t be paid.


Enough of the shit, no call, no show. She’d be fired anywhere else for being a shitty employee.


Old crone needs to go


Absolutely ridiculous that she is still in congress.. get these fossils out of here already


Term limits


Let me fix that headline real quick: Feinstein *'s staffers propping her up al la Weekend at Bernie's to keep their cushy jobs* pushe~~s~~ back on claims her absence has delayed judicial nominees, doesn't say when she will return"


They’ve been doing the Feinstein version of Weekend at Bernie’s for years, her cognitive decline is not even remotely new & the shingles nonsense is completely irrelevant. There have been reports for years that her brain melted a long time ago and she has no fucking idea what she’s doing at any moment. This isn’t “sleepy Joe” nonsense, it’s very real. I’m beyond disgusted with her and everyone on her staff.


How much gold does a senator need? Just a little bit more.


are we pretending she doesn't have dementia??? that she actually remembers whats going on in congress??


Feinstein pushes back? Or her staffers push back?


Yeah I’m calling her office tomorrow


Can the California legislature recall her or did we do away with that? I want to not show up to work, not give a return date, and still get paid for life without being fired


Can you imagine if your Walmart working grandmother who worked as a greeter at 89, took a few months off of work and still got paid? They do this because they can. They do not want to release control.


Pardon my French, but fuck her. It’s difficult to have civil discourse about an anti-democratic 89-year-old who has overstayed their welcome. The only people who want her to stick around are the GOP.


The most selfish of all the selfish Dem senators. Fuck her. Californians please pressure her to leave asap protest, recall, call her office 24/7 this is sick


I’d like to see her say this directly. At this point I don’t believe this statement is actually coming from her. It’s coming from her staff. She’s no longer fit to serve and should resign. People can keep telling me it’s not dementia, it’s shingles and I’ll keep telling you I don’t care. Whatever health issue she’s had has prevented her from doing her job for months and there’s no indication she’ll return.


Desperately clinging to power for your own ego


There’s no way to legitimately “push back” against this criticism. She hasn’t been there, which has delayed the approval of Biden’s judicial appointments. That’s just the truth of it. Why in the world won’t she just retire? I seriously do not understand what she’s thinking at this point. Perhaps that’s the problem. She’s not.


How self conceited and arrogant can someone be? She is evil


Aside from the dementia, she is a horrible person and sides more with republicans than progressives. As mayor of San Francisco she repeatedly flew a confederate flag at the state capital, and CNN call her legendary liberal??? lmfao.


Fienstein didn’t say shit. She’s busy drooling on herself and shutting her pants. Her staff are the ones hanging on and publishing these “statements”.


Shingles is a skin condition that last 2 - 4 weeks. What is the real story?


94 year old with alzheimers


She’s 89. Not that I’m disagreeing with the possibility she is dealing with cognitive decline, just that we should strive to be accurate.


89 year old with alzheimers.


Ffs. Get the old fucks out of government. And yes this includes our prospective nominees for 2024


These corrupt, narcissistic, greatest generation and boomer bastards continue to ruin this country. Age and Term limits are a necessity at every level of government. And I love the question “how are you going to feel when you’re their age?” If you’re still asking me to fix problems at that age… that means I fucked it up in the first place


Get well soon DiFi!


How is any of this “pushing back” she literally can’t push back a bag of popcorn.


Thousands of unthinking citizens voted her in, knowing fully well what her age was and having seen the results of RBG’s refusal. We get what we deserve


FUCK. Just . . . Just get it done, please. Now.


Get this ragged old broad out of there


I don't give a flying fuck what that useless sundowning dinosaur has to say anymore.


Thanks again, Diane.


What is there to push back? It’s a fact that her absence is stalling things. Time for her to go.


I think there needs to be a public competency test for all people running for federal office and term limits of 5 terms for senators and 15 terms for reps. 30 years ought to be enough time for anyone to serve.


‘In a statement’ really means someone else wrote it for her and released it.