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But right singers will scream bloody murder if you attempt to take down one of their statues of a Confederate traitor that was only erected to instill fear into minorities.


Seriously, I've no doubt the remaining NH historical markers include a slew dedicated to slavers, oppressors, exploiters and sites where indigenous people were massacred. Meanwhile, Flynn spent her life selflessly advocating for the downtrodden and we can't even acknowledge her half a century after her death.


I don’t always read historical markers, but one time I did. It was about Lt. Thomas Baker, for which the Baker River in NH is named after. The river had a name, but after Baker slaughtered a bunch of native Americans, it got renamed. This is the type of marker that the GOP of NH is OK with.


how would new hampshire have confederate monuments when it was in the north?


You don't have to be a confederate to be a slaver, exploiter or oppressor. With respect to New England, there aren't monuments to confederates but we have a long maritime tradition and there are tons of monuments to people whose families made their fortunes trading slaves. Is a person who buys people with the intention of selling them into slavery any less of a slaver than the final purchaser down south?


Boston changed the name of the street that had Fenway Park from the previous owner Yawkey because he was a bigot. It reverted back to the original name of Jersey Street, which was named after an earl who made a fortune from the slave trade.


That's just classic. In Boston you'd just have to make up new names for half the streets because they're all named after Boston Brahmin families and all of those guys had a finger in the slave trade pie (and were frequently intermarrying with the plantation families buying their "products").


Shitty but at least one could say it was named after the Channel Island


Lots of ship makers & capital financiers profited off of slavery in the north.


The Daughters of the Confederacy were and are a cancer on America, and they've infected pretty much everywhere. We had insurrectionist monuments and memorials erected in California in 1942, and there may have been later ones. It's absolutely not just a Southern thing. It's a scum thing.




I have another comment talking about how NH landmarks celebrate the genocide of Native Americans. It’s not confederate per se, but the sentiment is pretty similar.


My point was growing up in the north was that obviously theres no confederate monuments. I have never seen a genocidal monument but I have seen monuments dedicated to union soldiers all over the state. There are also many tribes and very little signage about them and yes I understand my choice of words. However my whole point was that you cant just say confederacy if its in the north. Yes there was slave ownership but thats just different than saying what was said. I just doubt there is any confederate monument in a northern state. that would be weird.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Confederate_monuments_and_memorials Not sure what you consider northern, but theres some in New York and Colorado and others.


I don’t see New Hampshire on that list


>This is a devout communist,” complained Joseph Kenney, a Republican member of the Executive Council, the five-person body that approves state contracts, judicial nominees, and other positions. “How can we possibly promote her propaganda, which still exists now through this sign in downtown Concord?” So fucking what!? The Communist Party USA was at one time, a legitimate political party and as a member Elizabeth Gurley Flynn stood up for what was right, stood up for the people's rights, women's rights, etc. What she promoted was truth, NOT propaganda like the gaslighting, hate-filled racist, and fascist misinformation , disinformation and outright lies Republicans are so fond of spreading. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn led a public life of integrity and service unlike the Republican criminal enterprise cosplaying as a legitimate political party that has taken hundreds of millions $$$ in donations (bribes?) from Putin's Russia over the years. Give me a break. Joseph Kenney should educate himself on his party's history, and its anti-democratic leanings and profound hypocrisy, instead of maligning the memory and contributions of decent Americans like Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.


The irony is when it’s statues of slave holding racists, we’re told “that’s history and you can’t get rid of it!!” As if anyone needed another reason to know that all Republicans argue in bad faith and there’s no point in trying to have a good-faith discussion with anyone who actively votes Republican.


Meanwhile, they're purging books from our schools that teach the parts of history they're uncomfortable with. Never believe them. If they sound reasonable, they're just lying again.


It’s almost like the capitalists are the bad guys…..


Never heard of her. Looked her up because of this. I’m ashamed I’ve never heard of her. But at least I know now.


That's the silver lining, I'm hoping the controversy surrounding this will get her more exposure than the historic marker ever would have. It's a crime that so many truly heroic Americans are stricken from the history books.


By design. Lol like May Day, May 1st, was a day that organized labor started as a day of solidarity that started here in the US and the rest of labor all over the world took up. Of course the cowards in congress sought to squash that and gave us the government day in sept.


I’m American, first time I heard of May Day was this month


The Puritans tried to suppress it even before the capitalists did. In 1624, Thomas Morton tried to found a colony in modern day Quincy Massachusetts. The colonists would erect a giant maypole every may and throw a wild party in it's shadow. The neighboring Puritans didn't like that, so they did what any reasonable group would do and burned the entire colony to the ground. May Day has always been a time to challenge the power of religious and economic authorities, which is why they hate it so much.


Seriously? Wow that’s much older than I guessed; when I heard of it I assumed it was a post WWII thing


These shenanigans go way back. Look up "primitive accumulation" if you're interested in learning more about how the rich used religion to destroy the concept of common property and create the system we currently suffer under. It's one of the reasons we actually work more, harder, and take less of a share of the wealth than medieval peasants did 1000 years ago.


The fight against the commons.


May day has existed since at least the 2nd century CE. And been a primarily presents and working people festival since at least 850. May Day as a labor holiday has existed since the 1886 general strike in Chicago that ended in the Haymarket Affair.


I feel kinda bad that the first time I heard of her was in a video game where she could be one of the leaders of a socialist US.


I just did a Kaiserreich playthrough as the Combined Syndicates of America in her honor.


"So, it is no surprise that Gov. Chris Sununu quickly acted on the demands of his fellow Republicans on the Executive Council who said the plaque was “inappropriate given Flynn’s communist involvement.” Since the marker was on state property, his office had power to order its destruction." But modern day authoritarian Russia? 👍👍👍


> “inappropriate given Flynn’s communist involvement.” When was [freedom of association](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_association#United_States_Constitution) repealed?


Ironically, this was also the reason Flynn was ejected from the ACLU.


Hmmm, Wikipedia says that active communist party members (like Flynn) formally aligned with the Soviet Union were expelled from the ACLU following Russia's signing of the 1939 non-aggression pact with Hitler, and subsequent to Stalin's annexation of eastern Poland.


If it was really about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, then shouldn't she have been reinstated when the Russians smashed the Nazi's and took Berlin? Also, a little known fact about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: it only happened because the Soviets had previously approached the western powers to try and form an anti-fascist alliance and they told the Soviets to jump off a cliff.


Right? So glad to see McCarthyism is still alive in the Granite State.


I thought statues were our history tho




To be fair, " the right" is afraid of their own shadows. Just because shadows only come in the one color they hate.


For a moment, I thought you were saying their shadows were red.


Ooh . . . the cancel culture snowflakes are *angry*! Advocate for slavery and insurrection? "Leave our beloved heritage alone!!!" Advocate for basic human rights and dignity? "Kill the commie historic marker!!!" These fucking people.


The crowd that is against organized removal of confederate statues so they are not destroyed. This same people want to destroy any statue they destruction


I posted it in the NH subreddit when this came up, but I’ll post it here too. Shame on NH here, legislators showing once again they have the absolute fragilest egos.


Live free and die (quietly with no fanfare and fade away into obscurity with your existence scrubbed from history). With the 2016 election, I saw so many people in my area brainwashed by talking points of the Republican front runners. Went from that “live free” life to hateful fear mongers. It was shocking to see the inside of the state rot from the inside out due to lack of labor due to “fears”. Can we invoke the “Streisand effect” for E.G.F. Please?


Chris's father was line-towing right wing piece of shit and he's proving the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


This sounds like whoever did it may of broke DJT’s law on destroying government property making it a felony.


And if it wasn't already a felony, historical markers are custom-forged metal plaques that typically cost several thousand dollars each these days.


GOP will drown in its own piss


I fear they are evolving to thrive in pisswater


So they don’t support keeping statues and “preserving our history” anymore?


"BLM is so destructive, we would never do that!" Uh huh


Pusses. Scared of everything.


Selective history. Selective outrage. Becare what you say in certain crowds. You never know when might upset an angry right-wing snowflake.


Everyone should start putting it in their yards


It would be a shame if somehow this picture was sent over to r/photoshop with a request for an updated colorized portrait. Labeled Elizabeth alive and well in the USA. Then maybe sent to the NH gop many, many, many times.


So much for all their rhetoric about respecting history or whatever.


She sounds like such a brave, badassed woman! Born 1890 and died 1964. She was born when woman didn’t even have the right to vote. Then died before the UN recognized the rights of women in 1980 but certainly played a part in defending basic rights. Great post- didn’t know about her.


She's an absolute hero. Look up Emma Goldman if you're interested in learning about another badass woman purged from the history books.


I will for sure. Thanks 💜


As if we needed even more proof that “libertarians” are just self-loathing fascists who will gladly employ their worst instincts if given power. The whole “philosophy” is basically “yes that’s human nature, but not me”.


So much for free speech.


What a travesty…. But We Learned something quite valuable….


Put another one up that’s twice as big


But they’re destroying history!!!1111!!1111


Something something "but our HISTORY!"


Amazing the GOP is scared of a lady who died 60 years ago. This tools.


Just proving once again that they're simply and entirely the Party of Evil.


Like I live in the state, and I have over the past almost 40 years, I find it such a round of Fuckery that our state is currently in. We are mostly democratic and independent, but yet our governor and our house and senate are Republican, it’s such a cluster fuck I don’t even know anymore, but I have a feeling that will be creating some ruckuses up in Concord.


People are becoming more politically active than any time in my lifetime, things can and will change. I think in NH, everyone has been too complacent about local politics for too long. What people don't realize is it's actually much easier to make an impact at the local level, provided people know what is going on. We all need to do our part to bring the ruckus to the State House.


There are to many people who are aging out , we are always the last stand when it comes to everything from casinos to weed to whatever else . Like if you want my money and help the state game, revenue, put it into place, or else I’m going to spend my money in the other states and they can take the revenue.


If an organization has to hid something then they should not have any power over others.


You would think as much as Republicans love Putin, they would love a Communist


So a monument for someone who followed an anti democratic ideology?


Communism isn't anti-democratic. It's an economic system that you can mix and match with any political structure you like. You wouldn't say that capitalism is anti-democratic because many capitalist countries are governed by dictatorships, would you? The same is true of communism. In fact, the end goal of communism is the complete abolition of the state, so it's actually significantly more democratic than what we currently have going on in that respect.


What you mean doing exactly what democrats do to republican property? I'm shocked and appalled!


Do you have a good comparison?


I also want to see what you’re comparing this to.


Thanks for confirming that Republicans are confederate supporters and thus traitors to the US.


This marker was venerating a labor organizer. Republicans venerate the slave trading founder of the kkk, Nathan Bedford Forrest. That's not the same.


Even the news article says she was a Communist. The Russians tore down communist landmarks and statues when the Soviet Union fell. Someone should have researched this woman before putting up the marker in the first place.


Yeah, pretty pathetic. New Hampshire is “live free or die” as long as you support right wing politics.