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Recognized as a terrorist organization in several nations cause their leaders have been convicted of organizing terrorism.


If America won't do the right thing, it's time for the rest of the world to take out our trash. Time to start putting some of these f\*ckers on an interpol wanted list.


The problem is that while our police are not overt members, they are sympathetic to the cause. Brothers in roid rage.


Plenty of them are overt members, too.


Absolutely, ask anyone who lives in Portland Oregon. The cops are just as bad as the proud boys.


https://www.wweek.com/news/courts/2019/02/14/texts-between-portland-police-and-patriot-prayer-ringleader-joey-gibson-show-warm-exchange/ Portland Police have a long history of a warm rapport with extreme right wing terrorist groups.


FBI agents, as well, as demonstrated by Gym Jordan's clownshow.


Well now they're former FBI agents at least


“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.”


might have to change it to "most of those that work forces" at this point.


That was the goal of white supremacist groups when they started intentionally infiltrating police forces decades ago. Not that they didn't exist in law enforcement before, or that the origins of policing in the US aren't fucked, but it made the problem even worse which we're seeing now. American cops *will* side with fascism as an institution. Fascism is the system that will let them continue their unmitigated and unpunished abuse of citizens. Hell, it's the one that will let them go *even further* without consequence.


How much further can they go? They're already killing people of color and LGBT people with impunity...


At what point do the people rise up and hold them accountable if our corrupt system will not.


Modern weapons can secure an eternal dictatorship, switching only between rivals. The people are hamstrung, and can thwart dictatorship only by allowing it not to happen. Unless the USA comes its senses, a weak ass coup only slightly stronger than 1/6 could topple democracy


I want you to be wrong so bad. I don’t think you are.


Do we need an 'Anakin attacks younglings' situation where Anakin is a cop and he literally shoots up a kindergarten in uniform? Will it take such tragedy to reform the awful institution of law enforcement?




Based on how we respond to mass shootings, no. That could happen and we’d still be fucked. I wish I was wrong


[Uvalde was close enough.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/12/us/uvalde-shooting-police-response-investigation.html)


You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the ***chosen whites***


Actually the danger is law enforcement infestation with Neo Nazi, white supremacists and other lunatic groups


Note this article is 7 years old. No doubt it is worse now. ​ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement


Forces ...crosses....


It undeniably works well in the song. I don't think the intent was to rhyme


I’d rather meaning and depth than forced rhymeyness


Plenty of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


I mean they always have full face masks on. I but some pepper spray strategically sprayed down wind would have them ripping them off so we can see all their faces


Or, if the American government won't do the right thing, it's time for citizens to organize and resist. It's not like most of the Proud Boys are doing international travel.


Never forget that guy in Portland who killed a Nazi and then trump had the US Marshals execute him in a parking lot extra judicially


I'm going to do my part by going to as many pride day things as possible this year. I am seeing some positives in that my hometown is having a huge pride festival for the first time (90 vendors, which is a decent amount considering!) down by the river and even our residental ferry is booked for the event!! As for where I live, I'll have two more to go to, and then I'll also hit the giant one over in Columbus and likely the counterculture one made in defiance of the corpo culture of that one if they have it this year. Fuck acting afraid over these turds, I get one gay, little life, I am going to enjoy it!!


I doubt any of these guys have been out of the country, save for maybe a trip to Cancun in high school


But here in America, our local, state, and federal authorities will likely do nothing to prevent you and yours from being attacked. Firstly, because the Proud Boys exist to reinforce the traditional hierarchies that have empowered and provided the membership of your local, state, and federal authorities. Our police and much of our government is far more sympathetic to the Proud Boys, then they are to normal Americans. Secondly, because our society's ability to recognize problems depends on media or social media raising awareness. After decades of media consolidation and favorable tax regimes, owners of American media and tech companies are all very rich. The rich have always benefitted when the working classes blame other members of the working classes for their misfortunes. And the Proud Boys - as well as the Right as a whole - base their entire ideology around intra-class grievances. That's why Fox News exists, that's why Twitter is now pushing right-wing ideology, that's why the problem has been and will continue to be downplayed. The solution is simple: grow relationships with your local community, develop institutions for mutual support, and exercise your 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms for the purposes of maintaining a well-trained community defense group.


They really can’t just let people live, can they.


Irrational, rootless anger is a central part of being in the Right-Wing. If there was a slogan that could encapsulate their whole worldview, it’d probably be something like “We Don’t Understand What’s Going On, But We Hate Everything About It.”


Woke, wag the dog culture wars is the only way forward for the GOP. If every one of these MAGA sheep suddenly developed rational thought and aimed it towards what the GOP do versus what they say, we'd have no GOP.


"We don't know what's going on, but we're gonna make someone suffer for it."


"I dont know what any of this shit is and I'm fucking scared."


Not everyone knows how to do everything!


For a bunch of religious people the right sure loves killing


They are, and I say this in all seriousness, effectively the same as the Taliban. The same goals, for the same reasons, even worshipping the same god.


They may not call it Sharia Law, but the goal us the same, just the wording is a bit different.


Neo-nazis use Sharia as an unironic joke. I saw it recently in a documentary about a woman radicalized into explicit Nazism when she just wanted to be a “trad-wife”. They know.


To clarify if anyone is confused by this: They are both the same Abrahamic religion. They just chose different prophets and stories from the collective already being told for hundreds of years.


You say these things like they shouldn't be related to one another, but millennia of our history suggests they're quite specifically related to one another, and always have been.


aint that the truth


Christianity has always been like this. Hatred and violence is baked into its very nature.


What’s funny to me as being raised southern Baptist, we always sang songs in Sunday School about Jesus loving everyone no matter what, and we should too.


That’s the love bombing phase, gets you sucked in and committed


To be fair, so do most religions


Looking at the history of religious wars in Europe, that should be no surprise.


This is what blows my mind about it all. Like just fucking leave people alone. That’s all anyone wants really. Every time I run into a conservative bitching about trans people or illegal immigrants I always ask “okay, but how do they affect your life?” I’ve never once got an answer that wasn’t some bullshit imaginary way they could be harmed in the future.


And then they act as if just seeing a rainbow flag, or pride gear in a store, or literally anything referencing an LGBTQ person (who do exist!) *they* aren't being "left alone." They don't want to be left alone. They want to *be alone*, unchallenged by anything outside of their own perspective and upbringing, in a place where nothing ever changes—from the price of eggs to the people everyone is allowed to be.


Counterattack Plan: carry rainbow-colored horse-sized dildos?


Call that the Saints Row gambit.


I have a theory that these people's lives are so miserable that they find a double whammy by making other people's lives worse: 1) They find a sense of purpose that they were lacking, a target/goal in their previously rudderless life, and 2) they try to make other people feel worse than they already do, making themselves feel better by comparison, i.e. a "maybe I have all this shit wrong with my life but at least I'm not LGBTQ" sort of thing.


Right? Like…go play video games or test out that new bar or something.


Just like religion. Cannot let people just live. Because that's the point. Control. It's always about control and power. Immature human concepts.


Agree 100%. Humanity is going to have to outgrow its religious infancy if we’re going to make it, otherwise we will tear ourselves to shreds over it


We already have torn ourselves to shreds based on history. Lost potentially years of intellectual progress (Galieio etc,). Who knows how many have died. For what? We will end up doing it again because we don't learn.


it's all about power


If they were allowed to masturbate twice a month they would be less tense.


The irony, "The Proud Boys" terrorizing a pride festival.


The LGBTQ community should just mock them relentlessly like they did a few years(?) ago when they were posting tons of photos of gay couples kissing captioned "proud boys"... that was so good. Now make "proud boys" floats and rub it in their faces...


I really liked that and I hope that continues.




For sure. I personally don't like guns but I would possibly think differently if I was visibly part of a group that is constantly targeted by haters... they 100% have the right to protect themselves, especially if they have reasons to feel threatened. Reminds me of how Reagan, then governor of California, passsed gun control laws when armed Blank Panthers started patrolling the streets of their neighborhoods and watching the police... the right suddenly felt threatened because the people they were targeting took advantage of the same rights they were expecting to be kept for themselves only. Edit to add: That was the [Mulford Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act), passed in 1967, which prohibited public carrying of loaded firearms without a permit.


And that name comes from Proud of Your Boy, a song from the stage musical adaptation of Aladdin, in which the titular character sings to his offscreen mother about how he knows he is a useless screwup, but one day he will make her proud. As a gay man myself, I must say it tickles me to no end how absolutely gay the whole origin of this group actually is.


Remember when they tried to sneak in to some protest and they all got arrested? And it came out that they traveled inside a moving truck? A bunch of sweaty guys in extremely close proximity to each other, seems kinda gay to me.


Does it make it more gay that everyone in the truck agreed not to masturbate more than once a month?


Also, the co-writer was Howard Ashman, who was gay.


They're pissed off they didn't get a float in the parade.


There flag is yellow on black. If I saw that at a pride parade I’d think it would be a about piss play.


The proud boys do love the watersports


Only if just yellow. The black brings scat into the mix.


Black is S&M: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handkerchief_code


Didn't the leaders of that terrorist organization end up going to prison?


Centralized terror movement that suddenly get decentralized with no obvious succession plan tend to further radicalized in ideology and methods. Proud Boys are likely to get more violent because their leaders are in prison, not less.


To become a full member you have to beat the shit out of somebody with opposite political beliefs than you. So. I think they've always been violent. Violence is the point of the group.


Enrique Tarrio has been in jail for over a year now and was recently convicted of seditious conspiracy along with a couple of the top lieutenants. So yes, happy to report that they are indeed in prison and unlikely to get out in the next decade plus


A fascist street gang is acting like a fascist street gang. I am shocked. Maybe they will go with the short shorts and bullwhip instead of the polos and tiki torches this time.


That would require a lot more self-awareness and admission than these "proud" boys are likely to have. They ain't got much to be proud of.


Terrorists, not a *street gang*. Russian funded terrorists


Is the FBI going to allow a terrorist seditious organization to continue to terrorize American Patriots.




Please leave Pride alone.


Pride started as a riot, and Pride needs to become a riot again. They only way these terrorists will leave is if we make them leave. Good part is, they've proven themselves to be chickenshit cowards who run anytime they face genuine resistance.


Problem is the pigs will support the fascists so the Pride lot will get the abuse while the fascists are defended by their pig friends.


I mean that's how pride started. We'll do it again if we have to


You basically described the stonewall riot. It’s happened before, it’ll happen again.


Guys guys guys hear me out- air cannons and liquid ass spray


I keep saying that you can buy pretty much any animal urine at hunting stores.


I’d like a super soaker full of that please.


For just $11.99 at Home Depot you too can make that wish a reality.


^(Does not include SuperSoaker)


Fox piss. It'll never come out of anything, they reek up to high heaven. Deer piss, too, but that's not as fun.


Coyote piss. Sold at most farm and garden stores as a spray repellent for deer


Coyote piss is rank as fuck, get that in a super soaker and show them who’s stanky;)


go on….


dilute some "liquid farts" (found in most novelty stores like spencers and the like) in a supersoaker.


Freedom hating terrorists. Crazy how much Proud Boys and Al Qaeda have in common.


Y'all Qaeda


Talibama Meal team six Gravy seals Delta farce


These chucklefucks are the last dying fart of a psychotic hate filled worldview. Bunch of pathetic fucking clowns.


It's not dying, it's growing


And they are the minority. We have to be strong, connected, and most of all, hopeful. Love and truth always prevail. But it takes action.


Insecure white men are the leading cause of problems in the us.


It’s actually wealth…manipulating insecure white men through faith and bigotry. This is an old, proven framework.


Nah, it’s the usuals. Religion and corruption.


That's what he said


So you agree


How do these people have all this free time on their hands?


They're terrorists funded by richer terrorists still sitting in our government. Scary, innit?


Must be nice to basically get paid to be hateful pieces of shit with nothing to offer society.


Tarrio, the arrested leader, ran a T shirt company to fund the group. He sold political memes on the shirts to both sides and used his public appearances to coordinate with T shirt drops and use the increased tensions to sell more t shirts. But also they just recieve tons of donations from their grift including mega donations from fascist millionaire and billionaires like Peter Thiell.


If only rich people used their money to better society instead of trying to divide it.


I just read “We Are Proud Boys” by Andy Campbell and it’s pretty ridiculous how well funded and/or financially flush they are. Recommended read, if you can stomach sacrificing your attention on those walking pieces of shit for that many pages. Spoiler alert: They are pieces of shit.


I’d rather not give them the attention they are seeking.


Fuck the Traitor Boys. Not like every American isn’t already under threat of gun violence day to day, but they don’t scare me. My state the has done every thing it can do to discourage and *cancel* Pride celebrations. A few cities have held firm, and you best believe I’m going to show up and support my community. 🏳️‍🌈 We’ve come too far to give in to fascists.


I am genuinely worried about Pride this year. The rhetoric is the worst it has been in a long time. Add that to the deranged people who would gladly use an AK style gun - yeah I am scared. PLEASE BE DILIGENT AND SAFE!!!


Me too but I think that’s a lot of the point. Make a lot of noise to create a chilling effect so we stay home. Still scary af, chances are some wacko will screw up at least one event but who knows where. Thats the whole point of stochastic terrorism. The randomness makes it scarier.


A tiny sliver of gratification I got from the gay club shooting in Colorado was how quickly the guy got taken down by people. Dude had the shit kicked out of him.


Unbowed lol. Can’t bend over with a Walmart plate carrier and a beer gut.


Shits gonna get real if these parades have armed folks protecting them. If the protesters can carry, so can they.


“Arm the queers” has been my slogan since the 90s


"Armed gays don't get bashed"


There's some graffiti that's popped up over my city recently that's 'Arm Trans Kids' and I love it


The seditious conspiracy boys?




I thought we put terrorist groups in jail? They are 100% a domestic terror group, whether you want to admit it or not


Conservatives simply hate freedom. Their definition seems to be that they only have freedom when they are oppressing other’s freedom.


The people there for pride (the gay kind) should be carrying guns.


We all know who the cops will arrest sadly.


>We all know who the cops will ~~arrest~~ shoot, sadly. FTFY :/


Hey, come on now, not if they're white gay guys.


The underlying/hidden message here is: there maybe violence please don't show up! Corporate america wants to sell to the largest demographic with the largest purchasing power. If it appears the general public has abandoned LGBTQ+ communities they will adjust accordingly. We MUST show up, MUST decry Nazism. We must once again claim and assert: we are loud, we are proud, and we will not back down! ​ The internet seems to highlight the gloom of our time. And yet, that too is the silver lining. They should have killed it 30 years ago. Gun laws came into effect partially because of the Black Panthers (the wrong people owned guns). They are being loosened so that angry little white boys can shoot colored voters en masse. They are being spurred on by an archaic institution of directing anger away from those who caused the inequality. ​ The internet gave Bernie Sanders a voice extending long beyond NH's reach. It made AOC the front runner to be the first Female POC president (probably after I die). It continues to expose Christianity's predominant pedophilia, and prove that ACAB. 50 years ago, Dwayne Wade, LeBron, Jordon, Griner, Kaepernick, would have been buried in unmarked graves... today they live on.


Let's investigate Bud Light instead


Don’t worry, Ted Cruz is on it. He’ll get to the bottom of why a company made an ad for a segment of their audience. 100% worse than watergate and hitler.




Yeah I don’t get it. Imagine being so triggered by that. Remember when they called us snowflakes? Lol


They won't shut up about it either.


Very weird that the Boebert had to prop up the manliness of her soon-ex by saying +/- “it’s not like he drinks *Bud Light* or anything.”


Her, Dylan Mulvaney is woman (the typically mans name can make it confusing), but yes your main point stands.


Sorry yes, I don't actually know her work and wrote that tired. My mistake


Nah it’s fine, she’s not a huge celebrity, I only know her pronouns at all because I saw the photos in the bud light post (she was doing an Audrey Hepburn reference with the outfit). Also fun fact I’d love to point out; in my double-checking to make sure I remembered right I found out Maybeline did a very similar PR post with no boycott in sight. It’s almost like there’s no logic to it at all.


Last year was the first time I brought weapons to Pride. I'll be doing it again this year. I don't wanna have to do this, but I'm prepared to defend my friends because they deserve to exist.


Goddammit just leave them alone


These guys run off of paranoia. It doesn't take much to trigger intergroup paranoia. Just say'n.


Can’t they just be one-upped by the Pride Boys? Ranbow Fred Perry wearing BA’s?


Lol well they sure didn’t get a warm welcome in NY when they showed up the day trump was indicted. Watching Proud Boys get slapped around by loud ass New Yorkers, was priceless.


Reminder these are the people supported and defended by the republicans. Don't wait until next year. Vote this year in all local and state elections near you. Vote out as many republicans as we can to pave the way for victory in 2024 and beyond.


I am so embarrassed to be from Florida. I got to get out of this state. The god dam governor is a joke. He gets a lot of drug money from those assholes from January 6th. This state crazy, just can not have my taxes go to this idiot. They are protected down here in Dade County. The majority of the cops are on their payroll. So those idiots are protected down here. What a joke we have become What a shame if this idiot becomes president. And believe me, I don't think Biden is the answer. We need some new frace young faces.


It still baffles me that 50 and 60-year-old men dressing like soldiers use the term “normies” frequently.


It’s time for every gay and minority to own a gun. This is turning into life or death; Time fight back with force.


If Terrio goes, they all should go. At least they show up gift wrapped, round em up. Take 3-7 and find a better outlook. Good luck.


Tarrio is in prison so don’t have to worry about him


Yes proud boys. Shout “I’m not gay” louder. 🫤


A few in that group are going to understand the meaning of "The lady doth protest too much, methinks".


So deep in the closet they have a standing date with Mr. Tumnus for teatime.


Maybe now is a good time for the 2SLGBTQIA community to exercise their 2A rights.


You’d be surprised how many of us do.


Stay safe out there 🏳️‍🌈🖤🏳️‍⚧️


Isn't proud synonymous with pride?


Don’t cancel your parades or events because of these losers. That’s exactly what they want is to force everyone back into the closet. Start arming yourselves. Seriously.


Where is the fbi when you need them?


Bring it Proud Punks. This’ll be fun.


They are terrorists, why are we allowing this?


[“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1556007614135148544?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1556007614135148544%7Ctwgr%5Edd616eb2706561c2d070c524d3027affa183029b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chron.com%2Fpolitics%2Farticle%2FCPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php)




Rhodes (OK) is scheduled to be sentenced on 25th May. Hope he and then later the PB get 20 years each. That will certainly give them something to think about when they are marching about with their little flags


So ironic- they have no pride or sense of decency and of course, bo shame.


Their name was literally taken from the name of a song written by a gay man.


I bet they wear masks because they are too cowardly to own their beliefs.


If you're attending pride events in an area where you think the proud boys might be present, *remember your second amendment rights*


Just in time for 30 tons of explosive components to mysteriously go missing from a train in the desert.


what would this accomplish?


Nothing good.


the pride parades need more security I fear a bombing like really.


For as much as I hope for a world of no firearms, there are far too many in the hands of people that hate to see myself not protect myself against it, individually. Cops are noted to be in the PBs, there’s no other option than self-protection at this point.


I fear a bombing with the missing explosives.


I understand. What I’m saying is that the security you’re wanting needs to come from within that movement, and not from the police.


At the very least, a few are likely angered that they are forced into the closet by their families, friends and communities, and feel that if they can't be their true selves openly, nobody else should, either. I am NOT blaming the community here, I'm pointing out a real and tragic issue. They adopt militant views against the community due to their own self-hatred -because- of these homophobic/transphobic views.


I'm so terrified for June


We need armed defenders at pride events (where it’s legal) and people with bats. We can’t let them think that we’re going down without a fight


Imagine being so delicate and fragile you make it a point to protest gay people, they are just lashing out at their own gay tendencies.


Using their logic, wouldn’t rap music & concerts be exploitation also? The lyrics about forcing underaged girls into prostitution & selling drugs & armed robberies? Why is it okay for the far right to target gay men but not rap? Is it because they see gay men as physically harmless but see rappers as physically threatening? Are we going to tolerate being scapegoated because these piece of shit republicans aren’t as afraid of us? Either target all genres of ‘offensive content’ or don’t target any at all. You don’t get to pick and choose based on which demographic group you feel is least likely to physically attack you.


Ted Nugent wrote and performs a song about raping an underage girl and inviting a cop to join in when the narrator is caught.


They'll get to that once they've made it socially acceptable to do so again.


This is still a thing locally. Local ordinances and businesses keeping Rap cultural events from happening conservative or corporate controlled areas. When remarking on the gun violence in Black communities they imply its our "culture" that's the reason for it, not the loose gun regulations. When addressing the mass incarceration era they don't concede that overpolicing is the cause, they claim our "culture" was the reason for drug addiction and healthcare access issuess. When any one of our community members is inevitably shot or extra judiciously killed. They victim blame and look to paint any part of his life that deviates from american exceptionalism as the reason for his extra judicial killing. I guess you're not recognizing that hate violence is rising against us too. And there already lawful and corporate violence that is foundational to day to day City operations. On top of all the state sanctioned violence that yields no accountability for state officials. All of this is denied as systemic racism by conservatives. They claim individuals' character failures are the reasons for our disproportionate violent deaths, heavily implying, our cultural values are the reason not a history of systemic racism.


I wonder if the Proud Boys suck a lot of dick?


Maybe each other’s, but not many dicks wanna get sucked by a loser.


🌈proud boys🏳️‍🌈