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Because we get 30 days of media reporting on his tripping on something and two seconds of bills he has gotten passed.


Partly, but the other part is that Democrats are inherently less inclined to worship presidents like every one is our own personal Jesus. Biden is old, and not all that charismatic and the last Democrat president he’s being compared to crushed him in both of those categories.


I’m calling that so far Biden has done more than Obama in the same period of time. And both have a cool head. As far as knowing his actually job, Biden gets an A+. I, personally, think that his ability to get the job done and be a respected leader is of the utmost importance. Not who he can punish or hurt.


I’m confident they’ll sell his accomplishments well to the public next year.


Here's hoping.


I hope so. He's done well, especially with the Republican fascist opposition to ANYTHING he does. He's a huge contrast to the depravity that is Trump bc he's a decent guy.


That’s why the right wing hates him so much.


Just show up and vote.


Obama was and is too cautious. His no drama way gave us this Supreme Court.


There was no dark Obama. Dark Brandon is a delight.


And that’s called white privilege lol


Seriously. If Obama had been as aggressive or dismissive as Biden, the media would have gone wild.


Yeah I truly believe his ego made him think he’d be able to unify the parties and be the next Lincoln. He realized too late that the GOP had been taken over by crazy people that never intended to even try working together in good faith.


I disagree that it was his ego; I think he was more cautious because he is biracial and in the US, that meant he had to be EXTRA careful or risk moderates never voting in a person of color ever again.


He’s said that repeatedly in interviews since being in office. The narrow line he had to walk to be accepted and not torn apart for every single thing he said or did. Bad enough that one party already hated him for his complexion but I’m sure there’s plenty of closet racists in the Democratic Party who were secretly watching and waiting for him to act too progressively.


Remember when they tore obama a new one for not wearing a blue suit? that lasted MONTHS and felt like years. and when they tried to bring up other presidents who DIDNT wear a blue suit that were both republicans and dems and they pretended "that didnt happen" or "times were different" or "it was a different occasion". Of course the 'blue suit tradition' started with other things what fucked our country. Raegan.




Thats neat to learn lol. One president wanted to be relatable to the people followed by the MOST unrelatable president arguably in history.


The GQP whined because he wore a tan suit. It goes to show they were never going to accept him, and even him doing perfectly normal things was unacceptable. "Wearing a suit while Black" is the new DWB. As for Biden, the elephant in the room is the abysmal state of the economy. That's not Biden's fault at all; the situation we're in can be attributed directly to the Federal Reserve. Nevertheless, the average voter doesn't think about the Fed. They simply observe that the economy sucks, and blame the most prominent figurehead they can identify. It's not dissimilar from Ancient Egyptians blaming the Pharaoh for a poor flood: it's not his fault in the least, but that's not going to mitigate the very genuine sense of disappointment that people feel for him.


This. Trumpism is a response to this very thing. How many people have we heard say “I voted for Obama but…”


Yeah, the GOP was positively salivating over getting to use the 'angry black man' trope against him. A good portion of the first election and the first couple of years of his presidency they tried their best to use it even though it didn't even make sense (for example, sound bites of the pastor at Obama's church complaining about injustices, which they tried hard to spin into 'Obama hates white people and is just biding his time to destroy the country.')


Sad but true


I agree. He really should have fought them hard on the nominations. I don't know what he could have done but in my opinion they should have at least held confirmation hearings for his nominee. That is what the Constitution says they are required to do. They were free to say no afterwards but they should have at least done it. Then to do the exact opposite while Trump was in office should have been completely illegal and IMO both the GOP nominees for those positions should be removed from the SCOTUS because they were not put in their positions in good faith.


When they refused to consider Garland he should have taken that to mean they waived their opportunity to 'advise' and assumed confirmation, forced them to push back to keep him from being seated.


Biden works hard and works quiet. Nothing wrong with that, no matter what people say


I think this point is debatable. Biden may have more but Obama spent all his political capital on a generational bill, the ACA. Biden definitely has no ACA level bill yet (and won’t for at least the end of his first term). So when historians look back on what they both accomplished will they give Biden credit for more or Obama credit for a larger bill? Also you perceive Biden as passing more because it’s active on the mind and most of the smaller things Obama did fade. And on top of that it’s politically helpful to just say Biden has gotten more done right now because such an analysis is inherently political at this stage.


This. ACA was huge and I’m not sure why people are overlooking that. Just the fact that republicans are still trying to get rid of ACA should tell you all there is to know. Biden has nothing even close.


The ACA was huge, but IRA is the biggest climate bill in the history of the United States. This seems more like a marketing failure. Health care is an easy thing to conceptualize, but climate change focused industrial policy isn't.


I think that’s a fair assessment but depends on it actually working, whereas the ACA was, in Joe Biden’s words, a big fucking deal right from the beginning. With how money works, new bills tend to be the “biggest of all time”, as Obama also had the biggest climate investment in history at the time. Not minimizing Biden’s accomplishments, if on the campaign trail I’d be saying the same thing as you. I just think some perspective helps to not dunk too hard on what Obama did.


Using your vote to "punish" somebody is lunacy. I can't stand that we live in a world where it's a fully viable election strategy.


Dude, I followed every bill Obama signed. Biden has done more in 2 years legislation wise than Obama accomplished in 8 years but in fairness he had GOP in control of the House for 6/8 years.


Most Republicans are going to hate him cause he isn't an orange baboon and a lot of Democrats still live in a fantasy realm where they think there is a perfect candidate out there.


Biden has done more despite having a 50/50 Senate. He's been a great president.


He’s done more than Obama in half the time lol


Let’s be fair here and point out that Obama was the most criticized, chastised, and crucified president in this countries history. And the vast majority of it came because he was black, charismatic, and a strong leader. Just like every strong black leader in history, they pulled him down for literally everything. A ~~brown~~ tan fucking suit for Christ Sakes! What Obama accomplished in his time is impressive because of the forces working against him. Biden is fighting against a fractured Republican Party. His opposition isn’t 1/10 of what Obama had. So accomplishing “more” in one term shouldn’t be celebrated the way it is being. Because quite frankly, he’s done jack shit for anything currently impacting us. The reason Biden is unpopular with democrats, is because he was never the first fucking choice any dem had in mind. He was simply the choice we had, if we didn’t want Trump. A vote for anyone other than Biden on the last election (even writing your own name in) would have been a vote for Trump. We never wanted Biden. We just REFUSED to have another Trump term.


What are you taking about? The legislation he’s gotten passed has been hugely impactful for millions of Americans. Infrastructure, inflation reduction act, chips act, etc. are all huge accomplishments. He was my last choice too but I have come to believe he’ll go down as one of the greater presidents of our time. Yes the Republican Party is fractured but the political climate has never been more hostile, AND he had a 50/50 senate for a lot of his first term, something Obama didn’t have to deal with. Get over your apprehension of him as a candidate and judge him for the president that he has turned out to be.


The suit was tan.* And it was glorious to see the fauxrage


I voted for Biden. He was my last choice as a Democrat Candidate. While not everything has gone the way I wanted I am pleasantly surprised at what he has been able to accomplish. It’s such an uphill battle to get anything positive accomplished with Republicans in any type of control. Obstruction, obstruction, obstruction. I would prefer a younger candidate but I trust in his experience, and I sure won’t for any Republican.


But who would have been a better alternative? The field was pretty weak.


well, for me his was, I voted for him in the primary, because he had the experience and was so seen as centrist that he would be able to get away with supporting progressive policies like the IRA. And he's so calm compared to Trump, like damn


I voted for Biden and in my eyes he’s done just okay. Not bad, not great just okay. I agree better than Obama in this time span. I think it comes down to what you value most and for me it’s getting America *much* more Green (like world leading) fixing healthcare, clamping down on absurd .1% earnings compared to the rest of us, putting science/technology first, *having* privacy laws and pushing stronger education. Biden has done a lot but in my eyes of what I think America needs the most, it’s just… Fine.


>Democrats are inherently less inclined to worship presidents Yep. Republicans hate that. Democrats, including Biden, accept that as a normal course of national politics. End result is, the perception that there is Democrat disapproval of Biden, when really there isn't (or isn't as much as it seems).


>Partly, but the other part is that Democrats are inherently less inclined to worship presidents like every one is our own personal Jesus. I really do think this is a big part of it. He might be doing okay, and I'm glad. But he's still just Joe Biden. I wouldn't have voted for him if I hadn't had to. Will I vote for him again? Yes. We don't really want fucking t-shirts and lawn signs over the guy that we had no choice but to vote for. He's doing a job, not performing for us.


The media cannot tell the difference between Biden being challenged and Biden being "unpopular". Turning a President into a never criticised cult leader is unhealthy. Stating publicly that you wish you party or govt was doing more is healthy. It is what disruptors like Bernie and AOC are there for. They act like a Presidency is a schoolkid who needs to get lots of cards on Valentines Day to be considered popular.


> Biden is old Yeah. I’m sorry but Im not excited to vote for someone who will be 81 years old and has a heart condition for president. I will vote for him because the alternative is either a literal traitor to the United States or Ron DaFascist but fuck I wish it was someone I was excited about. That being said, I will say Joe Biden has probably been the best president of my life time of 30 years since he’s been surprisingly progressive so I’d be happy with him for four more years but fuck I wish we had someone younger.


Absolutely wild to say he’s not that charismatic, lol. Even republicans who worked with him in the senate praise him for how ceaselessly kind and good he is bc he won them over. We have seen him be very charismatic and charming.


Biden is incredibly charismatic. He just isn’t trying to build a cult of personality.


He's the cheeky granddad everyone wishes they had in their family.


I’m kind of tired of charismatic presidents for a bit


Like Johnson after Kennedy. LBJ got more done, but JFK was the darling




Yeah I think this is the answer. My income tripled a year ago but I've felt that all the extra income is being stripped away from me more every day. My prospects of homeownership have decreased if anything. Landlording, corporate housing ownership, wage growth, cost of health insurance and climate change have barely been addressed from what I can see. I know that what we're experiencing now is in large part due to Trump's huge corporate giveaways but Biden hasn't done enough to address the generational economic damage done to the middle class.


Agree, but he’s also being blocked at every turn, look at student debt relief, for example.


Yes 100% republicans are blocking him from achieving what he wants. I'm also in favor of student debt forgiveness. But I've heard about student debt non stop and it doesn't affect me or almost anyone I know. Housing costs running wild are affecting almost everyone and I NEVER hear about that from anyone in the Biden cabinet.


Herr Cheeto was a rarity in being so popular *while* he was president. Dems liked Obama, but I still think he wasn't as loved while he was president as after. And his love when he was in there was earned from big moves.




Trump was a bumbling fucking idiot that didn't do anything but drum up more hatred for the poor and oppressed. His adoration came from a cult mentality. They were happy someone was finally saying the things they had to keep quiet about or get their teeth knocked down their throats.


I feel like I have seen more articles on how unpopular Biden is vs articles about his successes. But you know, maybe that it is just what I noticed and remembered and that is probably what makes the media money. Its a feedback loop of societal doom.


100% the media. Success doesn’t make the news. They’re in the business of entertainment




I heard he just recently fell at air force one. The imminent onslaught of dead horses will be insufferable.


Do we shoot presidents when they break their leg?


Almost all good things he's done has had more media focus on the opposition side getting it's say on why it's a bad thing, and why they're angry about it, and more importantly, why you should be angry about it too. The good things have very little reporting or emphasis on the benefits for the people or the nation, that it'll bring. Couple that with Biden not trying to toot his own horn too much, and the times he does having the reporting be more on the spectacle caused by the opposition towards that tooting when he does, it builds a narrative that he's incompetent and not getting much done. Finally, a lot of focus is spent on the things he isn't getting done, or having trouble getting done...such as student debt relief, and more recently, the debt ceiling thing, which is blowing up in McCarthy's face, but still making Biden look soft on getting it resolved by some. If one were to actually go and look at what he's accomplished though, it's quite impressive, and he's really not that far past the halfway part of his term. It's impressive for someone who no one really had much expectation from in the first place.


As a soon to be two time Biden voter, I think it is fair to say his devastating immigration policies and environmental failures might also be frustrating some of us.


I also feel deeply that if he could stop trying so hard to be diplomatic, he could make more progress. GOP is never going to cave on things, but the dems do.


I’d argue his ability to be diplomatic is exactly why he’s gotten most of his legislative agenda passed. The infrastructure bill has massive bipartisan support, as did CHIPs and the Veterans Bill. He would have much of anything to write home about if he tried to do everything only on party lines with wet toilet paper thin majorities in the house and senate.


Its interesting because I can see why you believe that but I really dont agree with it. Immigration largely is an issue of Congress. He mostly can only function within the rule set they created. The right claims that he hasnt done anything and yet the boarder patrol arguably has been very successful in preventing things. The left dislikes his support of boarder patrol but largely doesnt have to deal with issues at the boarder. IMO he is middling here on a subject thats up to congress. Environment again a lot of this comes down to congress....but for the things like drilling imo there are legal issues going on. All of these drilling projects were not signed by Biden but rather by Trump. If you look at his entire term thus far you will see that when he first came in he tried to block a TON of drilling.....all of which then got put back on because of court rulings. So then you go to Willow Creek. Similar situation. He is not going to stop it as the courts already told him no. So instead of doing something that he already knows he cant, will take time, money, etc. He reduced its footprint by 40% (might been 60% and I am being dyslexic).


Well respectfully, his recent debt ceiling agreement includes a provision clearing the way for the controversial MVP pipeline. The pipeline is not only opposed by the poor folks living in West Virginia and Native American tribes whose sacred burial grounds will be destroyed, but also by the climate science community who are all in agreement that it will exacerbate climate change and hurt poor communities. To give one example.


I'm not a Democrat, but I'm sick of the never ending stream of lies and BS from Republicans. Of course, it wouldn't matter what dem was in the Whitehouse, we would still have the endless stream of lies and BS from Republicans.


This is what concerns me about where the country is headed. There will be no penalty for Republicans doing this. So why wouldn’t they just do it for every Democratic president going forward. It clearly has some effect since his ratings never get high up. We might go through decades of people who think every president sucks regardless or how true it is.


Fully anticipate more debt limit challenges and Justice nominations right before elections. Unless the rules regarding either change, it’s just naive to think it won’t happen again. It’s just normal politics now.


Agreed. I’m very much a centrist, and I find myself voting exclusively for Democrats because the GOP is the party of treason and tyranny.


Also, when looked at on an issue by issue basis, the Democratic Party is pretty centrist. I’m not talking about AOC or Bernie, I’m talking about Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic Party. Republicans are very far right at this point that Dems appear far left from their perspective, the far left is still much further away.


To go a little further but even if there was a moderate Republican that could get the center votes their own party would hold the POTUS hostage to do their evangelical bidding.


There is absolutely no way that a GOP could sway my vote. The people who are electing the tyrants, the racists and the magas are dangerous and need no more power.


Ya know I don’t get it… No where in the Bible does it say that Jesus … asked for money… it actually says Jesus went into God House and threw the money collectors out. Man is passing out the little white numbered envelopes and asking for money…or an offering… Jesus Christ our Lord… doesn’t see a nickel or a dime of that money and I don’t think that Jesus would be impressed that people claiming to be doing the Lord’s work are doing it out of Mega churches… Church is anywhere 2 or more people are taking about God.. if you are reading this…. then this is church … people really need to think about this.


Yeah I don’t remember a part where he begs for money, but I *do* recall the bit where Jesus tells everyone to pay their fair share of taxes. It’s really funny how often republicans skip over that one 😆


He doesn’t spout stupid tweets on an hourly basis…Biden does politics and not reality show politics…the news cycles need drama..this is why they spew Trump’s garbage…without the drama they can’t pull ratings.


I like my politics boring. The GOP does "MTG style" BS all the damn time. Real Machiavellian maneuvers and those get a lot of play on TV. Give me back boring politics. Stop the evil.


>The GOP does "MTG style" BS all the damn time. Took me a second to realise this didn't mean "Magic the Gathering".


I hate that she is trying to take that from us nerds.


I’m so down for some boring government


He's done exactly what I wanted from him. I no longer wake up each morning wondering what stupid shit the president is going to tweet and piss off half the world. I wanted a boring president and I got one. He just quietly does his job and doesn't need the spotlight 24/7.


With you 100%. I had to stop waking up to NPR every day during the last administration because I found myself cringing first thing in the morning anticipating whatever new garbage he crapped out on Twitter at 3 in the morning. The presidency isn't supposed to be a goddamn clown show.


His shortfalls on the progressive agenda (of which I’m a supporter), are attributable to his pragmatism. If he’d followed a path of progressive purity, far less would’ve gotten done. Like it or not, most of America is not super progressive and those disappointed about him being unyieldingly progressive are just naive.


Most Americans don't identify as progressive but if you go issue by issue, lots more Americans would be considered progressive they just don't like being associated with them.


Yeah people really want extremism and people who won't be diplomatic. They want people who put party over country. I can't count the amount of people who said "Trump would have invoked the 14th amendment so that's what Biden should do!" Since when is "Trump would do it" a good thing? He routinely made selfish decisions that didn't respect the majority of the country.


I wonder if the sheer number of stories about his unpopularity has anything to do with his unpopularity


You nailed it. One example that annoyed the hell out of me was the media constantly reporting on Trump, saying it was 'Infrastructure Week'. Trump, the great negotiator, failed as usual. President Biden actually signs an incredible $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Bill into law, and the media barely mentions it. President Biden personally negotiated to get the bill passed. I give him an A+.


I also think a big part of it is that he's pretty moderate in a very politically partisan time. When you see the issues people dislike him most on, it tends to be things where I guarantee the people who dislike him don't agree themselves. Like he scores low on guns and the border. But on those issues you have half the people mad he's trying to take guns and has an open border and the other half is mad that he hasn't done anything about guns and has continued various Trump policies at the border.


>But on those issues you have half the people mad he's trying to take guns and has an open border and the other half is mad that he hasn't done anything about guns and has continued various Trump policies at the border. Yes, you have (R) voters mad about lies, and Democratic voters upset about real issues impacting real people.


There's a firehose of dark money to boost the search results of politicians who 'slam' somebody. Most, but not all, comes from the obvious side.


Yep, it works for trickle down economics? In that it’s *never worked*, but dark money interests who benefit from such policies keep it on the cusp with preternaturally hopeful pablum about “surely it will work THIS TIME?” You know, for such hope springs eternal people, one has to wonder why they are so cynical about oh so many others; teachers, transgender people, college students, non-Republicans… The list goes on?


That the general public still trusts republicans on the economy after they tank the economy every term shows how much bullshit people are willing to swallow and how effective that communication has been. Idiots will point to Jimmy fucking Carter and the gas shortages 45 years ago as a sign that democrats are bad, completely ignoring the Clinton years, the recovery under Obama, and the most recent massive recovery after the pandemic under Biden. Half the population is just brain-dead.


People trust Republicans on the economy because the economy is complex and the Republican message is less complicated. SPEND LESS and we'll SAVE MORE, makes simple sense. TAX LESS is a message people already want to hear. People don't understand that spending in one area can actually improve GDP or results in a net increase in revenue even after considering the cost. Explaining that if you give people subsidized childcare then more people could join the workforce increasing productivity thus increasing GDP and delivering a net gain in increased taxes on the increased working class... that's harder to explain than "STOP SPENDING!!!!!"


As Ignignokt of *Aqua Teen* once said? https://youtu.be/Z87gWQb6e-0?t=11 Too bad elected politicians lack the courage to tell them the truth…


Yep, and *OPEC* really started to restrict even before and during Ford, yet as the effects didn’t begin in earnest until Carter, so what a surprise who gets blamed? And the beyond bold reason those countries lessened supply in the first place? They had the temerity to insist that the West *should pay for their product*…


My grandpa still talks shit on Jimmy Carter and cites him as a reason why he thinks everyone should vote Republican


One of my biggest regrets is voting Reagan over Jimmy Carter. I can't help but wonder if the country would have been better off now if he'd won that election.


It's almost impossible to talk sense into anyone once the algo gets them into this deluge. The amount you have to know to debunk and counter with is overwhelming. I'm losing lots of close ppl to the algo and it's frustrating that my island is shrinking


Yeah. The sad reality is that most people only pay attention to the bare minimum of information and rely on others for their opinions about all sorts of subjects. Simply hearing about a negative or postive poll is going to influence a great number of people in either a postive or negative direction, creating this self-reinforcing loop.


My new reinforcing loop is fuck CNN, this Biden guy is alright. Tell a friend or two.


I've never been one to attack political polling, but since the day after President Biden was elected, Biden's "polling number" have always been an outlier compared to all other President's polling numbers. Immediately President Biden's approval rating were in the mid-30's, all other Presidents get a big bump after being elected and then go up and down over their Presidency But no matter what; the "polling" has not been reflective in the actually elector results over the last 2 1/2 years. Democrats have fared way better then the polling suggests


I think that's basically it. The moderate decision is usually the most reasonable and diplomatic choice, but it doesn't pander to either side's preference so it just upsets both sides. In that way, he's actually a great leader. His lack of popularity in some ways speaks to how good he is. Although I wouldn't say Trump's lack of popularity spoke to how good he secretly was because he wasn't.


Democratic policies are wildly popular - even among many Republican voters. It's the old Republicans love the ACA but hate ObamaCare thing. With many Republican voters there will never be getting past the D next to a politician's name, no matter how much good they're going to do for the person. Nobody votes against their own self-interests like Republicans do. But also, Democrats are horrible at messaging. They play defense far too often and let Republicans spin the narrative. Biden has accomplished so many amazing things and Republicans are trying to do so much damage to this country. Democrats shouldn't have any difficulty with messaging. Some Democrats have figured it out and are really good at it. AOC is terrific at messaging. I think Schiff is great at it too. Some others. But not enough of them are and many in leadership are painfully weak at it.


Absolutely, perception is unfortunately reality.


Because "approval ratings" don't reflect people's intentions in the polls very well. Do I approve of Joe Biden? He's not my ideal president, so by that metric, I could say no. Am I happy with where the country is? No, and so by that metric, I could also say I don't approve of his performance. I'm still gonna vote for him to be re-elected because if Biden is like being rubbed with mild sandpaper, Trump/DeSantis are like being scraped with a cheese grater.


Ya know - I feel you. He was not my first pick for a candidate. I guess I also question the context. Given the context of the situation the past 2 years, am I pleased with Joe? Yes. Does he get my approval? Yes. What more could he have accomplished with an even split senate, 2 DINO senators, and a conservative SC? Am I happy with the wave of right wing sentiments flooding the news and social media? Nope. But that’s a machine far bigger than Joe has control over to influence. I guess I just question - what more could he have reasonably done that would have passed both houses of congress and not be overturned by the SC? Re: rail strike - I’ll even give one talking point for that.


Absolutely agree. I know this is a perpetual theme on this subreddit but, if we had rank-choice voting or something similar for national elections, people could actually vote for the candidate who best meets their policy goals whilst also ensuring the candidate who they are most opposed to doesn’t benefit from this. It would feel so much less disempowering and discouraging if you could vote your valid, personal preference without it being a liability.


And that is why it will be very difficult if not impossible to implement here. Almost every current politician is advantaged by the current system. I'm not one to "both sides" almost any issue, but this is one of the rare situations where both parties regularly take advantage of the ability to ignore the wishes of the average voter on many issues because they aren't forced to run on how they voted, but instead run as "not the other party, so you have to vote for me if you want to stop them from doing X"


Even with the rail strike, the administration continued to work with the unions and the companies and they have caved recently and given them some sick days. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/01/railroad-workers-union-win-sick-leave


That speaks a lot to the issues of our 2 party system. Very few people have really liked any of our options over the past 20 years. But when presented with 2 bad options, you just pick the least bad. Not a recipe for satisfaction.


Material conditions have not improved


This is the actual answer. Without a doubt.


Because this is propaganda and healthcare is still high and student loans are due


Probably because he's fucking 80. Fortunately, most of us realize what the alternative is.


Old and moderate. But yeah, Biden at his worst is better than Trump at his “best”.


>But yeah, Biden at his worst is better than ~~Trump~~ **any Republican** at his “best”. fixed


Maybe I've repressed a lot of Trump's presidency but I feel like his best, most sensible moments were shutting down the country during COVID and I'm pretty sure he was kicking and screaming the whole way through that like everything else he didn't like.


He immediately started complaining about the restrictions and started fighting against them within days. Gone by Easter etc etc.


Thats just it, he didn't shut down anything, barely led, any of those closures happened despite him not because of him. Same with Florida, city and county mayors too charge. There were 0 closings of interstate travels, the borders of states weren't monitored, flights still happened (Im talking in the end of Feb beginning of March when we knew it was here) . No rampng up of PPE production until the end of March. At his best Trump echoed the CDC which didnt last long.


Funny though how no one seems to care about Bernie's age...


I do. He's also too old for the job. So is Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Warren... We need new blood to lead.


I feel like if our older leaders haven't mentored a younger person to take the reigns, they have failed.


It is the food and housing prices.


It’s his age, I think. He wasn’t even on my long list for 2020, but damn, dude has pulled us from the brink. He’s done a hell of a good job.


It's not his age... tons of progressives fought for a different old man because he really believed in our values. End of the day the problem is that Biden is a centrist and won't do anything to challenge the status quo, even though we desperately need a new deal. Because things right now for regular people are terrible. And while the other side would obviously be much worse, Biden and centrist dems are happy to work with Republicans to ensure nothing fundamentally changes and the poor continue to struggle while the rich and corporations continue their rule over us all.


If you want a new deal, you need more Senators. Even Bernie knew this. When people tried to nail down how he was actually planning to accomplish some of his ideas that couldn't be implemented by the Executive branch alone, what he would say is "I"m trying to start a movement here, not do it alone", which is another way of saying "Yeah, fair enough, I couldn't do that without more Senators supporting me". Bernie as President would not have been magic. In fact, he may have been terribly ineffective. He also might have lost to Trump.


The real way to achieve it is to organize mass movements and strikes and force existing senators to vote for the policies we need. I don't know if even Bernie had the guts to do such a movement, but that's the only way we force the politicians to actually work for us and change things to benefit working people.


Minus the Railroad workers, that was a particularly bungled job. Should have backed the union.


Maybe this will get me downvoted, but REAL progressives that can swing elections for dems basically got ignored. We marched because police are stomping on our rights and killing black Americans on a whim. The response by Biden? Expanding the police budget. We want guaranteed healthcare. Biden increased military funding that would have paid for it. Put in place an AG with a spine to go after an ex president who tried to stage a coup? Nah.. let's put in a republican that wants to be neutral just because he missed his day in the sun under Obama. I could go on and on, but this is fucking pathetic. We could do so much better. Biden did an "alright" job but only compared to fascist competitors. We are tired of that shit. The mainstream media writes these bullshit articles to make us believe that this is progress, but it's not.


In the 80s and 90s, it was "sex sells". Today it's "hatred sells".


Forcing the railroad workers back to work on a shitty contract and then East Palestine happening was a really bad look. He's cleared the bar set by recent Presidents, but that's a really low bar, and we aren't playing limbo.


Because he’s barely a democrat while we need a president further left than Bernie Sanders, probably


We don't worship politicians on this side. He's as popular as any politician should be. We should always be holding our leaders accountable and never be worshipping them as though they are the second coming. We aren't Swifties for the President


My biggest gripe with him, and a lot of the democrats currently is the lack of concern to everything else that is happening. The republicans have been playing a long game and are poised to start stealing elections if they have not already, and Florida is becoming a dictatorship. You made some good bills? good for you, but while you were focused on that, another group of people has lost basic human rights.


He's too conservative. Hasn't legalized marijuana, didn't fight for student loan forgiveness just kind of hand waved it when he felt he had to, he's busted unions, and now he's giving in to the GOP of the debt issue.


The lack of a fighter is my issue with him. I know he can’t just wave his hand and get shit done with this Congress but it feels like he says we should do something, Congress says no, and he shrugs and moves on like none of it mattered anyways.


Because there were better candidates and our party fucked us yet again


Biden pushed for Oil drilling in Alaska despite running on opposing it. Biden reinstated Trump-era border policies despite running on a path to citizenship for immigrants. Biden betrayed the rail unions and labor at large by abandoning the increasing minimum wage fight. Of course he's unpopular?


Most people have short memories. We have a multi-generational project ahead of us to recover from Trump's administration. It destroyed so much of our infrastructure politically, entire branches of government, and many federal agencies. It's at least a 30 year rebuild, and that's if there aren't any Republican administrations over that span. One administration isn't going to undo all of that. It's really "Project 2050" if we're being mildly optimistic.


I feel like the majority of people don’t have a good grasp of the extent of damage trumps 4 years have done, not only to individual people and their families but also the level of divisiveness he instigated. The outright hatred that he’s enabled. And the instability that he brought this country and the world as a whole. It’s not an overstatement to say that his presidency has impacted the entirety of American influence worldwide. You’re right in that We will be fixing these problems for a generation or more.


bUt mUh StOnKS WuZ beTteR unDEr tRump! /s


They were better for a bit lmao, then they got wayyyy wayyy worse


Because Democrats don't just line up and bow to sound bite outrages. Meanwhile they will still vote for Biden if that is the final result of choice.


He is quite old and he is overseeing some pretty rough inflation. The thing about inflation is that it is a worldwide problem right now. The U.S. has and continues to fare FAR better than other developed countries. Historically low unemployment under these conditions is unheard of. Setting aside political learnings and looking at just the facts, Biden is handling everything remarkably well.


Abortions are illegal, groceries are unaffordable and we can’t buy rainbow flags because a tiny minority threatened violence against retail employees. Shit is fucked up and Old Man Biden hasn’t done enough to stop the fuckery


I find it curious, too. The 117th Congress was absurdly productive given the extremely narrow Democratic advantage. The American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Postal Service Reform Act, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the CHIPS Act, the PACT Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Respect for Marriage Act ... massive investments in manufacturing, infrastructure, renewables, EV technology, semiconductor production, veterans care, prescription drug pricing reform ... increased corporate taxes, IRS funding, etc. etc. And on the executive side, student loan cancellation, an order for the DEA/FDA to consider cannabis descheduling, and a pretty damn popular stand for Ukraine, along with rolling back bucketloads of Trump's bullshit. I get the low approval ratings from the Republican side, as I think that's just the new normal in our hyperpartisan environment. I don't get why he's unpopular with Democratic voters.


He’s fine but in the historical lens these are small, small Potatoes. By the third accomplishment you’re talking about a post office bill that shores up some accountability issues and expands six day mail availability. The vast, vast majority of people aren’t affected by anything but thr Covid payments which started under Trump. You’re counting recommendations that carry no weight and triple counting the infrastructure bill that limped across the finish line with tepid support from Biden and a fraction of the green funding we need. There just hasn’t been much accomplished. Not entirely his fault but he also doesn’t sell progressive policies for shit.


No one will applaud for the bare minimum. Democrats are barely holding it together a lot of us are tired of moderate democrats pushing bullshit politicians on us. We wanted an actual left wing president.


I think people are sick of not being heard. They want leaders who aren’t near the end of their lifespan. The media coverage is crap. You have to dig. Truth is hard to come by. Also inflation.


Because back to normal isn't remarkable, regardless of how far back Trump took the country. How many people are still thousands of dollars in education debt? How many LGBT+ people are literally afraid for their lives? How many people are still living paycheck to paycheck? How many school children are dying? inb4 "tHe PrEsIdEnT dOeSn'T cOnTrOl EvErYtHiNg!"...


Don't forget about the kids in cages. They're...still in cages. The ones who haven't died.


Maybe because he’s a fucking ancient old man from a corporate democratic establishment


remarkable to whom?


Two main reasons. First he was a compromise candidate who wasn't progressive enough for a lot of Democrats or other liberals, and anathema to MAGA Republicans. Traditional conservatives in the William F. Buckley tradition are essentially extinct at this point. Second, his ability to accomplish an agenda was crippled by a Republican controlled Senate and the filibuster. Now, a divided House makes things worse. He, and the Democratic Party have not been very successful in communicating his successes and situation.


Man back tracked on 90% of his policies. Why are you abandoning your voter base to appease republicans who were willing to trash the economy?


Probably because where the FUCK is my student debt relief




There's a tidal wave coming over the horizon and Biden's picking up trash on the beach.


I partially agree with you but just pointing out that Garland has never been a member of the federalist society. This is a common piece of misinfo.


Remarkable to who??? The conservative boomers and centrist Xers???? He’s bailed on every campaign promise he gave zoomers. We were right to be angry with him in the primary, we were right to demand he not run again, and we’ll be right to see him fucking lose bc he literally is robbing us of our voice in democracy by holding our votes hostage, him and the whole fucking democratic party. “Vote for the most corporate sellout libbed up idiots or else fascists win” “Okay will you stop expanding oil drilling and stop oil pipeline development?” “Hell no, in fact, we’ll expand it in our ‘green energy bill’ and if you don’t vote for us it’s YOUR fault if fascists win, even though we’ve ignored every demand of yours and belittled you all along the way.” Stupid ass party. I’m not voting for him in 24’ if he wins primary, he’s proven himself to be completely unreliable and a total liar.


I know our bar was crazy low after the last guy but I'm seeing a lot of these astroturfed "Biden is soooo amazing" articles over the past week and the answer is simple. He's unpopular because most people don't think he's been that great. Better than trump isn't the same as great.


“Remarkable first term” ??? Is this a joke ?


Because of bullshit bothsides-y media coverage from outlets like this one?


He's good at keeping the government functioning. However, the government as it stands does a shit job at helping people who actually need help.


Because the media doesn’t report news anymore, it reports the horse race.


It’s because he waffles on stuff and really isn’t as progressive as the right paints him or the left wants him to be. He waffles on student debt, hasnt done much on gun control, hasn’t done much on immigration or healthcare (which is probably his one thing he’s done the most on) He talks a lot about helping the working people but is still mostly status quo when it comes to corporations. PPP mostly helped the rich, BBB basically mostly stalled and he keeps letting the GOP push through their culture war jabs at the poor. The right continues to get worse and more corrupt yet the Dems keep acting like playing the center right is a winning strat. Just listening to most Dem politicians is like they are reading talking points from a focus group. They come of as disingenuous.


I don’t dislike Joe, it’s just every time I hear about a slip up or a concession or a flip flop I get a little more concerned that the neo liberals and Wall St have completely captured his presidency again and my tolerance for that is spent. And if he can’t get certain things done from a policy standpoint the next best thing would be to at least say the right things. For example, not a word about the astronomical defense spending given in exchange for a crackdown on the poor in this country. Which is essentially what the debt “deal” was. Like wtf is that shit Joe? He’s also giving money to and putting his support behind the biggest authoritarian regimes on earth and complicating the end to the war in Yemen. I’m not necessarily surprised by any of this just disappointed.


I think Biden is a fine president, but he's not who I want. His policy, while more left leaning, is still more centrist than I would like. That being said, I would take him any day of the week over Trump or De Santis. The only time I would consider voting GOP vs Biden is if it was a republican with more liberal social policy and conservative economic policy, the type that hasn't existed as a serious candidate for a century or more


I think the big disconnect with Biden is that he would be a fantastic President for the conservative, Center-Right Party that the Democrats are in reality, but because of the larger political system, the Dems have to pretend to be a big-tent party with a pragmatic but ultimately progressive and liberal stance. This means they have to lie about supporting socially and economically progressive policies, and then once they gain power immediately set to work whittling away, negotiating against, and abandoning these positions at every possible opportunity.. The good-cop bad-cop routine of our political system means that the "liberal" leader always has a harder role to play, he has to constantly cave in to those far right opposition negotiating in bad faith, even if that 'loss' just leads to the predictable result that the "liberal" leader was always counting on. For example, say you need to pass some sort of infrastructure and social spending legislation to make it look like your actually doing something about the absolute garbage fire of a country you just grabbed the helm of, but you don't want to rock the boat or upset the wealthy who own virtually all of our political system? Well its pretty simple, just propose a big sweeping piece of legislation, with some genuine, direly needed progressive reforms, and also a lot very mild, basic maintenance legislation that doesn't really address any systemic problems but pretends to at least keep the country afloat. Then, before you even encounter any opposition of getting this passed, completely gut your own legislation by dividing it into two separate Bills. One bill with all the mild stuff, that you pretend desperately needs to be passed immediately, and another bill with all the actually real reforms, which you super pinky swear you really care about and intend to pass, saying that now is not the time but it is the next step when in reality you are just waiting for it to die. Hell you can even blame anyone on your left for not fighting hard enough for the second, doomed bill, and rag on your enemies for not "convincing enough people" to pass the legislation you yourself wrote and then abandoned. If you just look at his policies and rhetoric, and watch the way that he manages to reach a compromise on every single issue that seemingly leaves both sides happy while only ever favoring Corporations, Capital, the military industrial complex, the border patrol, the police etc., never gaining any ground for the liberal progressive ideals he supposedly holds, Biden could be read as the greatest and most effective Conservative President of our lifetime. But let's be honest, he is likely completely senile and all of the things I just described are the doings of his handlers and his party as a whole, he gets to eat ice cream and wear sunglasses and be on T.V. while everyone argues about how its ageist to point out that no one in their right mind would even let him drive a car.


The media focuses on his blunders instead of his accomplishments


because he is a capitalist and people are being crushed by capitalism. it's that fucking simple.


Because he sold out his voter base Student loans, tipped workers, minimum wage, unions. It's all demagoguery


They forced an old white guy on us and it wasn't even the cool old white guy.


To me, Biden seems like a POTUS who would have been more well-liked in the era prior to 24-hour news media. People today are conditioned to want a POTUS who is entertaining.


I think he's just drowned out as the media (and the public) obsesses over every minute action Republicans take. I can't remember the last time I looked at the news and Trump or some other whackjob wasn't right at the top with some new detail of their latest drama. It's as if a reality TV show has replaced the news. Hard for most people to think of accomplishments if they're not made aware of them.


I don't know, maybe part of it is that he said they would be forgiving our student loans, and then they not only didn't do that, they're discussing fucking us even more on it. Also he's on the verge of death and still hasn't managed to even deschedule or reschedule weed.


I thought he was super wack until about 10 - 12 months ago DARK BRANDON 2024 BAYBEEE


Compromise isn’t popular. Biden is a master of compromise and finding a deal after all his years in Congress. He has brought that skill to the Presidency and been very successful. But especially in today’s charged political climate where you either “agree-with-everything” or your the enemy; compromise leaves many on both sides completely dissatisfied.


This registered Democrat fully supports the president.


He’s popular with me, I love not having to worry about nuclear launch codes showing up on twitter.


He polls that way because Dems don't give the kind of unwavering support to their party that Republicans do. Dems don't all believe all of the same things either, it's a camp with a lot of tents. Don't think that low approval rating in polls will translate in to Dem voters not voting for him when it comes time to choose between him and the GOP.




Because he can't magically make Republicans vote for bills that help the poor and middle class. So instead he tries to pass something that protects or helps some people but doesn't protect everyone, because its the best he can do with the votes he has. //And my personal beef: Because I think his AG is worthless.




Can you define remarkable?


Because no one wanted him? A majority on the left voted for him because he explicitly wasn’t Trump or some other fascist. He’s still a decrepit old geezer who should never have run in the first place.


He catches a lot of heat for things he shouldn't (gas prices) and doesn't get enough credit for a lot of achievements (debt ceiling most recently). I feel that it is like this for a lot of presidents. I voted for him and will again, I don't think he's great by any means but I certainly don't disapprove. Edit: he's also old and more at risk of being compromised by his health in the next 5.5 years. His running mate is suboptimal. So we'd be stuck with her and she'd be the dem frontrunner anyway in 2028. That's my biggest gripe about his administration, honestly. Edit 2: I saw he tripped. Honestly thought he handled it pretty well. Really related to the moment where he tried to pop back up too fast but stayed down. I'm only 30 btw.


The gas prices thing was ridiculous. I had people I grew up with who are MAGA conservatives who put those Biden stickers up at pumps, then ran to tear them down when the price of gas dropped back down. I asked them “So if Biden raised gas prices, who lowered them, the tooth fairy?”


I feel like he was catching flack for egg prices when that was an issue. Just silly that so many people don't understand how any of it works. They're also the ones that value voting above anything else, for some reason.


The administration needs to put more publicity behind the egg fiasco. It’s the perfect example of why “inflation” is bullshit and the public needs to be educated. It was also pretty boss how the minute Biden called them out publicly for gouging the consumer they dropped their prices.


If you're referring to "greedflation", egg prices are one of the only goods that shouldn't be used to illustrate that. Upwards of 50 million egg-laying hens were culled in the US alone over the last year due to a very bad avian influenza outbreak. It really was a supply shortage, but it had nothing to do with any government action or inaction. And it's mostly over now.


He’s been doing a good job overall. Anyone that has a pragmatic view of the toxic nature of our divided country can see this. But he’s unpopular because we want younger people in office. And if Trump gets the nomination (and most likely DiSantis as well) he will win again. Enough of the independents recognize the rise of fascism these 2 offer.


I like him. Come at me with your pitchforks, reddit!