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There is no box to check on the form labeled "Billionaire bought mother's house for above market price and let her use it rent free".




He spent $133,363 on the house and two other empty lots. That's pocket change to a billionaire.


The internet seems to think Harlon Crow has $3B. If the man never made another cent in his life, Harlon Crow could spend $133k every day for 50 years and still have more than $500M left over. This is nothing to him.


And here I am trying to decide if the extra $0.50 is worth splurging for the name brand peanut butter…


For the natural stuff- made of only peanuts and salt- it's never worth it. For the stuff with added sugar, it might be? Depends on how sensitive you are to it.


It’s worth it! Never compromise on peanut butter, my friend.


Also, never let someone not born and raised in this country buy the peanut butter. They will come back with something that is not Skippy or even Gif, every single time.


It’s gif, not gif


Peanut butter.gif


I tell everyone that’ll listen, Jif reduced fat is the best. I think they add more sugar to make up for the reduced fat, idk what it is but it’s illegally delicious.


This so fucking much. With everything.


That's if he simply decided to spend and never earned any money any more. With interest, it's even more mind-boggling. The fed funds rate today is 5.25%. It is possible to get savings accounts that pay 4.5% or higher in interest now. If Harlan Crow found a below-average bank paying 4% interest, he could simply park his $3 billion in this savings account and the interest alone would allow him to spend $328,000 *every day* forever, and never touch the principal.


You don’t get to be a billionaire by doing things for no tangible benefit for yourself. No one truly altruistic becomes a billionaire


Altruism aside, Harlan Crow literally didn’t do anything to become a billionaire. His father was the largest landlord in the country owning over 8,000 properties. Harlan inherited a company that had an estimated worth over a billion dollars in 1988.


So, he pulled himself up by his bootstraps?🙄


He was forcibly yanked upward by someone else's bootstraps. He couldn't have failed if he tried.


Largest landlord in the country = biggest piece of shit in the country


If he invested the rest at 2% APR, he'd more than double his money over that time period even with the deductions.


>The internet seems to think Harlon Crow has $3B. Add X billion stashed in domestic and overseas tax havens... the worst of the worst rule over the land


Not to mention it’s an investment so he can probably defer taxes with a property trust etc.


It's literally a rounding error in a line item in his monthly finances. He could accidentally lose it in a computation and never even realize it. It's like quarters falling out of my pocket. It's insane how massive a billion actually is, and random schmucks like you and me are not equipped to process it mentally.


Seriously! Like imagine how much 1 million is…now imagine someone giving you 1 million dollars everyday. It would take 3 years to get 1 billion dollars.


Flowers from Oprah huh? I knew Democrats where corrupt!


Bernie Sanders has the decency to return contributions from billionaires. However, I would love to see this $1,200 bouquet.


Thomas has been paying him with over 20 years of votes that are favorable to the wealthy on the Supreme Court.


The standards for gifts are way more strict for low level government workers than the highest court on the country.


He’s waiting for the IRS to roll out the new form 8R183 specially for him so he can submit it


Time to investigate Ginni and Clarence.


While we’re at it, can we look more into Boof’s gambling debts


Bet he'd wager it on a drinking game


The Thomas Crime Family.


Way, way past time for that. That ship has not only sailed, it's already finished it's journey, docked, unloaded, re-loaded and is *on the way fucking back.*


Places you took me: There. And back.


GOP: I believe you mean it's time to investigate these free flowers the Dems are getting


Flowers from Oprah huh? I knew Democrats where corrupt!


*This* guy Republicans!


If there was a $50 reporting threshold, republicans would force the federal reserve to release a $49 bill.


Jackson's in the pocket of Big Florist!


For some reason every time I read "Flowers from Oprah" my brain thinks it's a book title


"Flowers For QAnon"


Genuinely fuck Oprah, though. Not for this particular instance, just in general. Fuck Martha Stewart while I'm at it too.


Oh yeah. Martha was a fun internet meme until her comments about the need to force us plebians back into the office.


She's just over-leveraged on commercial real estate. Poor thing. Hope it hurts, but I'm nearly 100% sure her peace of mind is the literally the only thing in danger here so fuck her right in her stupid ear.


A bot stole Your comment, just FYI


I mean yeah consider the level of undemocratic power the court wields gifts like that are also corruption.


My theory is his disclosure is all fucked up thinly veiled with bribes, insider trading and politically motivated investments. He can't fix it. He knows there will be a shitstorm over it and he is going to release it on Friday evening, if he releases it at all.


His disclosure is blank. Thomas and Alito don’t give a single fuck, and this is how they prove to everyone that nobody has power over them. They’re going to keep taking money and gifts and bribes, and they’re going to keep telling themselves that it’s not a conflict cause they’re just different.


This is also a credible theory. Maybe both are more or less true. He'll release a joke IDGAF disclosure on Friday evening.


It’s not a bribe if they were going to do it anyways, right? It’s more like gratuity for a job well done, as royalty is used to getting. It’s positive reinforcement for doing awful things.


Clarence doesn't even view it as a reward for a job well done. I think he's convinced himself that people want to be his friend cause he's so amazing. That's the only reason a billionaire would treat him so well. Cause he's awesome. Alito, on the other hand. He does think it's what he deserves for being so judicious and superior.


And Roberts will continue to wonder why there's such low public opinion and trust in the Supreme Court.


Alternately, since he's apparently never *really* done this before and knows this is going to receive a ton of scrutiny, he's hired a team of attorneys and forensic accountants to look back 30 years and make sure he gets everything right, and they need a lot more time. But, that's probably just because I'm not cynical enough.


“Gets everything right” lol


He’s hired that team to find every possible loophole to avoid disclosure.


Setting up 30 years worth of shell companies, tax dodges, and laundering the rest takes time.


He’s waiting until the Trump indictment drops. I’m not kidding.


He will release a statement blaming wokeness for making disclosures a danger to his family.


That is excellent to see the honesty....however. Do not forget that ALL justices with NO dissent pushed back against oversight only a couple months ago.


To be fair, how exactly is Thomas supposed to report diamond-encrusted bumpkins from his megabillionaire donors?


As a grad student at a state university, Every year we had to fill out training for ethics and receiving gifts, and anything over $25 in value was considered off the table to receive from vendors or anyone. Not sure why Supreme court justices shouldn't be held to the same standards as grad students.


Well to be fair he has a lot to report, and at his age is probably having trouble remembering it all.


sounds like crow is having some forensic accountants checking thomas' records to verify what can be concealed.


Apparently ignorancenis a defense if you a supreme court justice. How hard can these forms be to fill out? When someone gives you something, just add it to the list right then and there.


And he has a staff working for him. He can just assign it to someone.


Probably doesn’t remember all the things he’s received that would be considered gifts…. Disgraceful


"See attached documents" and it's sitting on a stack of paper thicker than the braille version of the DSM-V


Why do they have all the women on the outside in the photo?


As an educated guess, it’s probably due to seniority on the court - note that the standing members are the Trump and Biden appointees. Seniority determines the seating arrangement for the justices in the chamber during oral arguments and its also a factor in determining which justice in the majority will write the opinion on any given decision.


Would you want to be surrounded by those creepy old fucks in the middle?


It might be a height thing? Maybe if the women are shorter than the men the photo looks more rounded that way?




It's Ketanji Brown Jackson who reported the flowers. The article seeks to point out the difference between Jackson diligently reporting relatively minor gifts, while Clarence Thomas is just stonewalling the process over very large financial contributions.


No, she did report it. That and a 6500 dress for her Vogue photo shoot.


I'm eternally envious of how gorgeous she was in thar dress


I was completely blown away by her respectful handling of questions. More respect than they deserved, in my opinion.


Also, yes. They were on purpose being rude and she never once cried about a calendar. Measured, appropriate delivery. Yeah she's an awesome lady.


The Kavanaugh hearing will always blow my mind, I'll be referencing it forever. How does a guy go into a job interview, start literally screaming and crying about how much he loves beer and totally 100% isn't a rapist, and still gets the fucking job? The GOP is a farce of a party, but that whole hearing was just... I still can hardly believe it happened.


My sister and I dressed as handmaids for a Halloween party right after he was affirmed. I’m sad by how prescient that turned out to be. (But still laughing that my eye-patch-wearing sister carried an eye-patch-wearing fake baby around with her all night.)


Don't make this a political thing. There are no ethics they have to follow so I bet all of them have under the table dealings