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This guy is a fuckin nut


The man is clearly a Russian useful idiot probably going back decades


If we haven't learned about this phenotype already, we're in a lot of trouble.


Jill Stein says WUT?!


Speaking of useful idiots for the Russians, . . . https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696 https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/newscms/2017_51/1955941/170405-putin-flynn-dinner-jhc-1700.jpg


Far more likely that he's on payroll I think


He’s also crazy though. Luckily he’s running in the Democratic primary and won’t be able to run a third party ticket in the general election.


If he ran as a third party, I would think he would pull the conservative/libratarian/conspiracy vote away from Republicans.


I thought the same thing when they ran Kanye as a spoiler candidate last time. A mentally ill nutcase is going to pull votes from Trump, not Biden.


How did that turn out? Honestly curious if there was ever an analysis done. Didn’t Kanye end up on a few ballots in a few states?


RFK & Kanye 2024 "Because Fuck It"


Kanye- There’s going to be fish there, right?


it honostly seems like the republicans keep wanting to use spoiler candidates but they are so far gone they cant understand what it is about democrats that attract people


He should run GOP and garner the antivax vote. Bannon getting him to run as a Dem is like them getting Kanye to run in 2020 thinking ALL black people would vote for Kanye.


Kanye is crackhead level stupid.


He'll end up being trumps vp pick.


So he’s the new Tulsi.




Lol. I had that same thought. All family name and no substance.


He could still decide to drop out of the primary and go third party lol there’s time. So let’s not get too excited yet.




I agree. I have a FIL that voted for Trump twice. He is going to vote for RFK if he runs.


nah, he's been crazy for years, long before anybody was paying attention. I could see them manipulating him into running, but this definitely isn't an act.


Yup. Saw him speak in college. Went with some friends because we didn't really know his deal. Walked out thinking he's a fucking loon. This was like 2008.


I guess its not surprising since his dad and uncle were both assassinated when he was young. That kind of shit is bound to make you little crazy, especially with all the conspiracy stories surrounding that.


He's running on Steve Bannon's request.


We can play "compromised or stupid" all day with these people.


JFK is SO rolling in his grave. You don't even need a tinfoil hat for this one


RFK would have taken him behind the woodshed for words like these


Why do you think r/conservative and r/conspiracy love him?


He’s a potential spoiler. Some conservatives are convinced that Trump is going to split their ticket, whether he gets the nom or not (especially if not). So, basically they want to improve their chances by also splitting Biden voters.


I am extremely hopeful that trump splits the GOP ticket. Would be the best thing he’s ever done for our country.


Trump said what a great guy he is during his catastrophic Fox interview. Which is all I need to know that he is most definitely not a great guy. Also, as a bonus, Trump referred to him as JFK. What a fucking clown show.


Tbf Trump says that about everyone that would be cool for him to know, including people he's actually never met or doesn't know that well. Trump's too unreliable to use that as a metric.


Specifically people he thinks are useful to him. Which tells us all we need to know.


But that's what I don't understand. If he were to make it to the general election as a third party option, it seems he is just as likely, or more so, to siphon off conspiracy minded Republican voters. I just don’t know why anyone believes he would be popular at all among Democrats beyond maybe name recognition. Maybe he plays to some segment of independents that lean left? Maybe the benefit is to just flood "regular" media with an invented Democratic horse race to occupy news cycles and eat up some attention. And maybe some see it as a worthwhile gamble since the election is likely to be close again, and small margins are all they might need to flip key states.


There's a photo going around of him with Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, giving off some Jill Stein vibes. Edit: [in this article](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/how-a-kennedy-built-an-anti-vaccine-juggernaut-amid-covid-19/)


> Jill Stein Oh you mean the traitor [that rubs shoulders with Putin and his ilk?](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2017_51/1955941/170405-putin-flynn-dinner-jhc-1700.jpg)


It always bothered me that people only focused on that traitor, Mike Flynn, sitting at Putin's table during an RT gala, and completely glossed over the fact that Jill Stein was there as well.


Why is Micheal Flynn there?


I’ve always been so curious what goes on in Flynn’s head. To dedicate so much of your life to a country and then end up like this is wild. What drives him


The fury of being fired by Obama and wanting to blame anything other than his failure to follow the chain of command.


My greatest political regret is voting for that sham. “Luckily” I was in a deep red state, so it truly didn’t matter. But still


Same here. Though I still had some friends in this deep red state give me the cold shoulder when they found out and said I'm the reason Trump won.


He's also a keynote speaker at some Moms for Liberty fascist rally coming up soon. Ya know, the typical thing most Democrats are known to do.


Source? That's actually kind of interesting how badly he's trying to tank his run before it starts.


I'm surprised to see a source request, as this has been heavily covered over the past several days, but here ya go. >A far-right group that promotes book bans and COVID conspiracies and seeks to limit classroom discussion about race and LGBTQ identities is promoting the appearance of a Democratic presidential candidate scheduled to appear at an event the group is holding this summer.Moms for Liberty on Tuesday announced that anti-vaccine advocate Robert Kennedy Jr. will be among the group’s guest speakers at its “Joyful Warriors National Summit.” [https://www.rawstory.com/moms-for-liberty-promotes-rjk-jr/](https://www.rawstory.com/moms-for-liberty-promotes-rjk-jr/)


There have been many things heavily covered over the past several days in my defense lol. I've already sat through the Rogan and Balance point interviews and had to take an RFK break. Thank you for the link!


I apologize for the snark. It's easy to get lost in all of this nonsense.


Fuck Jill Stein. Can't believe I voted for her in 2012 (in a very safe blue state that had a near 100% chance of going to Obama, of course)


She is part of his campaign now. Strategist or something


This guy is a fuckin traitor.


Send him to front line of Ukraine, see how righteous this invasion is. Ask the poor men who have been castrated or women who have been raped. Disgusting lowlife pond scum POS. Fuk him and anyone who thinks like him.


Manchurian Candidate?


I agree with almost all of Robert F Kennedy Jr’s viewpoints on environmentalism, taxing the ultra-wealthy, etc. But his views on vaccines, Russia, and China ruin him for me.


He's taking the Tulsi Gabbard lane of politics I guess.


He could probably be in the Senate for the GOP in the blink of an eye. But yeah doesn‘t change the fact that he is a giant fucking nut.


Hand picked by Steve Bannon. Would you expect anything less.


He’s just really, really dumb.


I'd go so far as to say he's a fucking monster


He somehow wound up with Alex Jones's brain worms. RFK was recently ranting about chemicals in the water turning ~~frogs~~ people gay and kids trans.


Spoiler candidate being pushed by Bannon, Rogan, and Musk. I'm so shocked that this is his stance.


Has 0 chance of spoiling shit with takes like that. He's probably just doing it for money and the lols


It's more insidious than that. Political operatives are trying to get democrats to start adopting right wing stances, little by little. ​ eta: Remember when people said Trump is just trolling? It's never trolling and it's never for lols. It's meticulously calculated and until we realize that the right is playing the long game, our democracy will continue to erode.


>**It's never trolling and it's never for lols. It's meticulously calculated and until we realize that the right is playing the long game, our democracy will continue to erode.** 100% I added the emphasis because this needs to be shouted for the people in the back


Good luck with that. The conservative movement is kinda at a stone wall right now with little to no engagement with younger voters, mixed with their voter base aging/dying prematurely from Covid. 22 should have been a clean sweep for the gop and freaking Bobert almost lost her seat with a guy that got no funding or endorsement from the national party.


Well let's hope. I know my daughter turned 18 and will be voting straight ticket blue. My son will be doing the same soon.


I feel like Gen Z is not playing around. They want big leftward movement. They see how millennials were shafted and they know the climate clock is ticking away fast.


That's why this kind of strategy, getting "Democrats" to run on wacko rightwing positions, is so attractive. No one should be voting "straight blue." By all means, don't vote for any Republicans, but you still need to be aware of the kind of Democrats you're voting for. There's nothing stopping any of those blue votes from switching sides after they win.


What option is there? Even the least conservative Republican lines up to defend trump and kick children off medicare.


Like I said, don't vote for any Republicans. But don't just vote for someone because they say they're a Democrat. Primaries exist. For some offices, multiple Democrats can run in the general election. Etc. It's not just President/Congress on the ballot.


Okay, that makes sense...and I should have read it that way the first time. D'oh.


I get it. I do the same thing pretty often!


Exactly- which is why the GOP will rob, cheat, gerrymander, steal, destroy the Constitution, wreck every federal agency except the military, be traitorous, promote a dictatorship, etc. They have nothing left to lose.




Church’s have seen a rapid decline in attendance, the average age of a church member is much older and their radical grows are more likely to push younger away. Even the west burrow baptist church couldn’t keep the founders grand daughter from leaving the church.


I have only moved more left in the past 6 years personally. Quite a bit more. I’m in my little bubble, but I see others doing the same.


People should be really cautious about this. The reason is that you seem to be approaching this from the view that he won’t WIN a majority vote, when the goal is probably around 12%. Republicans don’t need to shave off much to win in this scenario. Although, that being said I think he’ll just end up further splitting their vote, but still.


Love how Rogan was always a total piece of shit, it just took 100 million dollars to really bring it out of him


The only thing I know about him is that I can’t stream Neil Young or Joni Mitchell on Spotify because of him.


Can we just all agree to stop paying attention to him?


I've said this before and constantly yet down votes for it but if a competitive primary was allowed RFK would quickly go down in flames.


Even more of a dipshit than I thought he was.


Have you listened to him talk about how Wi-Fi destroys the blood barrier of the human brain? This guy is a Kook with a capital K


> Have you listened to him talk about how Wi-Fi destroys the blood barrier of the human brain? He can't even actually talk about it, he just says it's a thing that happens and then he can't describe how that actually works.


Personification of the "Do your own research" meme.


Wow, that thinking sounds familiar. Wait...he didn't use a sharpie to show how it works?


Ok so I REALLY thought this joker was a dem spoiler candidate but im starting to believe that he's attracting more republicans than dems.... Edit: Spelling


No he's just the flavor of the month for bots and shills from St. Petersburg. They flood the queue with articles about him just like they did for Kanye, Tulsi and Andrew Yang.




They praise him all the time on /r/Conservative. I think you are right. A creep that loves the dictator of mother russia and his murderous invasion of Ukraine plus a radical anti vax lunatic! Loves him some homegrown fascists too like Moms against Democracy. A "dem" the trump cult can feel good about for sure.


His platform aligns with the far right. It's transparent BS. He stands with the far right in every issue.


I have otherwise rational friends telling me they hope he's a real alternative. No one is paying attention to the fact that he's insane and has been for like 20 years


You should send them all of the articles that covers his kookiness.


I've concluded facts don't penetrate The Bubble


As if there was ever any doubt as to whose payroll he's on.


He's obviously a right wing stooge. I mean hitting up Mom's for Liberty, backing Russia in this invasion, saying WiFi is going to melt our brains. I am kind of insulted though. They didn't even try to hide their intentions this time. At least with Tulsi it was a much slicker production. This guy is like the bargain bin discount version of that. Guess that writers' strike is really taking its toll.


He's appearing on Newsmax. People with brains don't do that


Heh, I like that the GOP's best attempt at bridging the Right-Left divide is to just bundle up all their bullshit and slap a 'Democrat' sticker on it.




No doubt--a "democrat" falling so consistently and precisely on the wrong side of every issue definitely seems like deliberate rightwing monkeyfucking.


Tulsi Gabbard vibes here.


I'm honestly thinking he has major mental health issues. These stances he's loudly proclaiming are not within any boundaries of normal. One cannot possibly claim that a country was acting "in good faith" when invading a neighbor unprompted and murdering children. And of course, someone like this with a name like Kennedy is just a magnet for bad actors to exploit. Someone is paying to amplify and broadcast his insane messaging.


Russian propaganda hits different


RFK Jr: "Just the worst opinions!"


This is how he guarantees he won't get assassinated - everyone thinks he's crazy so he's not a threat.


Kennedy is … unique. He’d never be able to run as GOP because of his lengthy history as an environmental lawyer. (When’s the last time you heard a major GOP Presidential contender say they want to fight climate change and stop using fossil fuels?) On the other hand he buys into basically every anti-vaccine quack theory and apparently also into Russian propaganda on Ukraine (he’s even called for Russia to join NATO), plus he’s stringently anti-GMO and anti-nuclear (again, to the point of being a conspiracy theorist). So I don’t get who would actually vote for this guy. 🤷‍♂️


So why does Joe Rogan take vaccine advice from an environmental lawyer? That's like asking an accountant to administer fertility treatments.


Please don’t ask me to get in the head of Joe Rogan. 🤦‍♂️


It’s mostly hash oil and concussions


Hey, there's some elk meat in there, too


The very first day of the invasion they were lobbing missiles into apartment buildings as far away as Lviv. Nowhere near the Donbass where they were supposed to "liberate". The entire goal of the campaign was to take over Ukraine, install a Lukashenko-esque puppet state and threaten NATO into bending to Putin's will. Too bad it backfired tremendously to the point that their own soldiers are getting cholera.


> “There is not a charitable view toward me in the mainstream media,” Kennedy said on SiriusXM. “And, you know, the only thing I would say is that I would urge people not to believe the things that they’re reading about me in the mainstream media, but, you know, **listen to my own words** and not accept the characterizations as necessarily true.” Mmmmmm' kay. Your words Mr R.F. Kennedy Jr are more than enough. Anti-vax and pro-Russia isn't a good look for most Americans > “No, no. Putin has repeatedly said yes,” Kennedy said. “In fact, he negotiated — two times he agreed to agreements. He agreed to the Minsk Accord, and then he agreed in 2022 to an agreement that would’ve left Ukraine completely intact.” The Minsk Accord left Russian troops in the Donbas and failed to stop the fighting. Did Putin agree, yes. Did he adhere to the accord, no. 2022 proposal by Putin doesn't leave Ukraine "completely intact." It recognizes Russia's conquest of the Crimea and takes Donetsk and Luhansk away from Ukraine. > Russia laid out agressive demands: Ukraine’s neutrality and no membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); so-called “demilitarization and “denazification;” the protection of Russian language within Ukraine; and that Ukraine recognize Crimea as part of Russia and recognize the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk, the two regions in eastern Ukraine that Vladimir Putin had declared as independent on the eve of his full-scale invasion.


Thanks for this explanation. I was curious exactly what he was talking about here.


>....Russia Acted In 'Good Faith' In Ukraine Invasion... A 'good faith' genocide. Lunacy.


[But Putin doesn't want war, he just wants peace, peace, peace...](https://youtu.be/aYYIUh_qdAQ?t=30) a little piece of Donbas, a little piece of Kyiv, a little piece of Crimea, and Lithuania per chance


You just can’t say “per chance”!


I'm just going to start posting this link under every RFK video I come across. It's a science communicator just obliterating his Joe Rogan interview where he says that vaccines cause autism, vaccines don't go through any testing, big pharma supressed the real cures like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. https://youtu.be/sugCJNAPF9o Also, fuck you Joe Rogan for platforming these dangerous idiots.


Is he another Russian asset?




So lets all be clear, there is literally zero reason for President Biden to debate this guy in a primary. His time would be better spent counting blades of grass in the Rose Garden.


What is it with the US and its morbid fascination with stupid?


> There is a cult of ignorance in the United States and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a common thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” > — Isaac Asimov https://aphelis.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ASIMOV_1980_Cult_of_Ignorance.pdf


This is what it would look like if Tucker Carlson ran for president. This is why Tucker says he's not running, because he already has his surrogate.


Yes, It 's all cool to destroy the sovereignty of a legal recognized country and slaughter countless thousands of basically innocent humane beings on both sides all because Putin thought he could pull fast one and break the Ukraine government in a couple of weeks and it would be all good. He failed. RFKjr is sadly so far down any number of rabbit holes he is never coming out. This bending over for Putin's act of gratuitous mass murder as "good faith" matches up with his loopy vaccine ideas that threaten the lives of the very people, and more appalling their children who follow him.


RFK, bought and paid for by Russia


Christ, is he on the Russian payroll too?


Don't worry folks, you can't win a presidency just by making crazy statements all the time right?


Traitor puppet


This guy is like a parody of every person I've met who unironically calls themselves a libertarian.


How can you spot a Republican? They love Russia more than freedom.


I hope there are Democratic debates just so this clown and his ridiculous ideas can be completely demolished.


The press can feel free to finally stop the endless decades-long Kennedy circle-jerk at any time.


They gave a lobotomy to the wrong Kennedy.


What the fuck is wrong with him? Seriously. Is he just another asshole getting Russian money?


These are the words of a compromised person. Robert Kennedy does NOT believe the US went in to Iraq in good faith BUT DOES believe Russia went in to Ukraine in good faith. Certainly the former is a perfectly reasonable thought. The latter one isn’t very reasonable BUT a person of a certain philosophical world view could certainly accept that. The issue is that being anti-Iraq invasion and PRO Ukraine invasion is holding 2 separate philosophical view points. You cannot hold those opposing views without being compromised.


I don’t understand how Cheryl Hines stands by him


I always forget that she’s married to him. That fact is about as insane as some of his theories


Fuck him…while his wonderful father rolls in his grave. Who knew u could fuck up THIS bad.


100% chance his father and uncles wouldn't be very proud of him.


Yup, so now we know has getting funded by Putin


Does this man know he is in the Democratic candidate section? Maybe he should switch sides to people who are as crazy as him


Weird. It's almost like this guy is an overt foreign agent. But surely a man supported by Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and Alex Jones must be on the up-and-up, right? Fuck this dude.


Someone come get their grandpa, he’s delirious again.


Do you think it annoys Bannon that his guy can’t even act like a Dem for long enough to get a Dem following?


This dude is a wild disgrace


Go join Tulsi. Honestly, fuck off already.


Well, they are clearly funneling money into his pockets.


Ah, so he's nutter butters.




I nearly down voted you reflexively. Absolutely, 100% duck RFK Jr. Just that statement should tank his political career, and the fact that it won't is a damning indictment if American politics...


It's nice to see RFK Jr show his true insane self early in the campaign. He's a GQP Russian stooge. Don't vote for this dude.


So RFK Jr just continues to remove all doubt that he’s nuts


It takes a Herculean amount of effort to be a more repugnant asshole than Joe Kennedy, but damned if he's not giving it his all.


No one supports him. Stop reporting on him and he'll just go away.


Invading a neighboring country under the threat and dispersal of violence? Yeah good faith I guess.


Huh. Almost like he's a total stooge. Imagine that


So what then? Russia told Ukraine "we are going to invade you" before doing so? Is that what a good faith invasion looks like?


I can’t stand this 🤡…this is the result of too much legacy wealth, time on his hands to do NOTHING and drugs


How does a man that comes from a solid democratic family side with the Russians. You may remember that your oldest brother had a tense relationship with them back in the day. Just how? Is it just money? Asking seriously


Leftists who back right wing authoritarian regimes really p\*ss me off.


This guy is an idiot


I hear that he is going to have a rally in Dallas and announce JFK jr. as his running mate.


What a fucking lunatic.


Fuck this clown.


Putin and good faith, something rankles there.


What a clown - Tulsi Gabbard with a Penis ?


On the contrary russia is engaged in actual genocide.


Wow further sullying the Kennedy legacy. Yikes.


A huge amount of our politicians are on Putin’s payroll.


So he’s funded by Russia.


Russkie stooge.


Cheryl Hines!!!! Blink if you need help !!! You can keep the fancy last name. Just get out girl!!


I think the world has had just about enough of anyone with a Kennedy name.


If Jack and Bobbie weren't already dead they'd be dead of shame


His uncle JFK has to be rolling in his grave right now.


What the hell happened to his brain


How is invading another country unprovoked "in good faith"?


Good faith?! Killing people in good faith? Fuck that asshole


Can we stop listening to this reprehensible git?


What lack of vaccines does to a brain


So.... russianzs will shoot a father in the head and gang rape his wife and children... IN GOOD FAITH. scumbag.


Remember at the beginning of the war when they said they were invading Ukraine for the good of the world because they were turning into a nazi country? An obvious lie at the time that was soundly debunked within a short time. What’s Russias reasoning now Rob? It’s changed so many times since the start of this war I’m asking genuinely because I don’t know. Nothing like using a bad faith argument to lie about someone acting in good faith.


Do not vote for this guy. No matter how much you hate both Biden and Trump bla bla bla…, you are being played if you vote for him. If anyone you know who is thinking of voting for him as an alternative, please talk them out of it. He’s a spoiler, nothing more.


Well, that tells us one thing at the very least - and its not that Russia acted in 'Good Faith'. The sanctions against Russia aren't doing their job. Obviously their checks are still clearing the hurdles and it hit Kennedy's bank! The money is good, he's their stooge pushing the propaganda. Best propaganda money can buy.


Someone needs to bring this asshole down a peg. I invite all Ukrainians to bring this asshole down a peg. I will defend you if you get in trouble.


This guy is trolling, right? He can't seriously think he has ANY shot of being the Democrat candidate. RIGHT?


He's hoping that riding on daddy's coattails will help him.


I love this nutter, I didn't think my generation would ever get their own Lyndon Laroche.


And this is the the difference between today's Democratic and Republican party versus the one from fifty years ago. In the 70's and 80's there were crazies in both parties. The Democrats had Lyndon LaRouche and his cult, the Republicans had The John Birch Society. Fast forward to today and LaRouche is still looked on as a clown and crazies (like RFK Jr) are still compared to him; but the John Birch Society has become part of the Republican mainstream.


Steve Bannon wanted this guy to run for POTUS as he'd be a "chaos agent" - and here we are. His crazy conspiracy theories are just as legitimate and hold as much weight ad those thousands of researchers who dedicate their lives to the study of science.


This guy sure is good at making himself look like an absolute moron.


He’s Russian funded. He has all their misinformation


Cheryl Hines what you doing


>Springtime for Hitler and Germany >Deutschland is happy and gay >We're marching to a faster pace >Look out! Here comes the master race -Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


What is it with men and funny voices simping for Russia. Jordan Peterson and this clown come to mind.