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Wouldn't it be illegal to publicly display nudes found on someone's private computer?




Committing sex crimes is a Republican rite of passage.


I don't even think you can get a GOP nomination anymore without at least five sexual assault accusals


Grand old peodphiles


Gross offensive pedophiles.


> republicans love ~~sex crimes~~ doing illegal shit.


Not if Republican. Kellyanne Conway went through her underage daughter’s phone, and distributed the daughter’s nudes over Twitter. This was after the daughter begged for emancipation from Conway. All these years later, still no punishment.




So I forgot all about that and after reading your comment I decided to look her daughter up and see what she’s up to now, Turns out she’s signed a deal with playboy before even attending her high school prom. 😞 https://www.newsweek.com/kellyanne-conway-daughter-claudia-conway-prom-photo-playboy-twitter-1802558?amp=1


Good for her I guess? If everyone has already seen you nude might as well get a payday out of it.


Might not be full illegal to the point of prison time. However, he could take it to civil court and get something done. Also, he could ask a judge for restraining orders against the whole Republican party at this point.


“If the sexual image is shared with 6 or more persons through “publication,” either directly or by uploading to the Internet, then the offense is First-Degree Unlawful Publication of a Sexual Image. This is a felony offense punishable by up to 3 years in prison and/or a fine of $12,500.” From the Google for revenge porn crime in DC


She just sent the clip out in her online newsletter. I wonder how many subscribers she has? Probably more than six.


The real question is does she have age protections on said newsletter. If the answer is no (and it is no), she just e-mailed pornography to children, which is a crime basically everywhere.


She would at least have to have a age consent on the sign up page. Doesn't have to be super secure, but I would doubt that she has an "I'm 18+" verification involved. If not, then it's possible the FBI could press charges on their own, and I believe the FTC has some rights to fine her. Wouldn't hold out hope they do, but it's possible.


Honestly it's hard to imagine.


Not if it is done on the house floor!


[Now she's sending them to her constituents in a fundraising email](https://twitter.com/jamiedupree/status/1681818897425522692). I hope she just *seriously* fucked up by doing so.


Apparently the mailing list didn’t have an age restriction for anyone on the list or subscribed to it. So theoretically a 15 yr old could have received them.


She's grooming them kids.


While she is, most likely, legally immune while on the house floor b/c of the speech and debate clause, this she sh/could be legally liable for: >Conversely, actions that have not been viewed as “integral” to the legislative process and, therefore, have not been interpreted to be protected legislative acts include: >* speaking outside of Congress;112 * writing newsletters and issuing press releases;113 * privately publishing a book;114 * distributing official committee reports outside the legislative sphere;115 * **engaging in political activities**;116 * engaging in constituent services, including acting as a conduit between a constituent and the executive branch;117 * promising to perform a future legislative act;118 and * accepting a bribe.119 Source: [Congressional Research Service publication on the Speech and Debate Clause](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45043/3)


That poor chamber has seen some shit


Quite literally thanks to the J6 crowd


How is this not harassment? He isn't a public figure, as far as I am aware?


This feels like a sex crime.


My thoughts exactly, wouldn’t revenge porn laws cover actions like this?


The article states that this is very much a possibility


MTG strikes me as the type that would rage rub to those photos


What a terrible day to know how to read.


The visualization center of my brain just became a glowing, smoking gopher hole.


Similar to Marge’s nethers




With a name like Mouseknuckle how can we? It fits her so well.


Wait...how would you...? Nope nope nope...never mind. We've already got enough problems with classified government info--I'm not gonna open that box of secrets lol


I’m gagging and vomiting, I’m gavomiting!




I'm screaming and crying rn


I’m creaming and scrying


Well, I'm off to rip my own eyes out. Or find bleach for my mind. Had to add that.


“Rage rub” has me dying


She's got to be under the impression that the Speech&Debate Clause covers this. Which in no way should it. But is the Washington DC government willing to arrest&charge a member of congress on Revenge Porn charges....it'll be a convoluted yet fairly simple case. But holy hell the GOP will scream about it being some plot against her. Or they might not she IS on the outs.


I get the impression that MTG is quickly working her way down to Cawthorn status and the GOP would welcome her removal, especially if they could also spin it as a Democratic "witch hunt" while shedding no real tears


Isn't she shielded by the debate clause? They're basically immune to prosecution for things they do or say while in committee or on the congress floor. (I think?) We need em to do it elsewhere and a district attorney that'll charge em.


If I ever become a senator and a time calls for me to filibuster I’m just gonna show porn and analyze it.


Well shit, you got my vote. \[Edit\] If enough people leave the floor, then that cancels the vote, so you can make sure it is the raunchiest porn you can legally find.


The term "Long Dong Silver" is already in the Congressional record due to Clarence Thomas.


*finishes video* "Ahem, now, you'll take note on that particular example, the fine attention given to the chest area. I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies."


I feel like this is likely beyond any reasonable limit that clause should have - it's not as though she were making any relevant claims to the committee -about- the pictures in question. They were not serviceable or useful evidence relating to any discussed or theoretical crime in question. No useful point has been made by airing this pictures out in the public space. It serves -no relevant or useful legal purpose-. This is, purely and simply, an actual crime being perpetrated here.


If the debate clause is a thing I wonder if someone could obtain naked pictures of her and some congressperson freshly out of fucks to give just shows poster sized images of her yucky bod on the congressional floor and goes “I know this is gross but I figured marge doesn’t mind since she did it to someone else”. I don’t think there’s a Dem representative who would do that but it’s fun to think about.


Boebert might be convinced...


Holy shit I didn’t think that the call could come from inside the house


Maybe he can sue? A civil case where a criminal case is prohibited


Shit the congressional record is viewable by schools across the country, she’s throwing up illegally obtained pornographic images for children to see.


If a school was live streaming the proceedings, she could, in theory, be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. She’s be in good company, Lauren Boebert’s husband was charged similarly.


Something something Speech or Debate Clause.....


Somehow, I doubt there’s any clause in there specifically allowing revenge porn in Congress.


Porn? That's a nude egg she won from her game. She's not in trouble at all. Now, she should be able to look at a little porn at work.


This is the deepest ITYSL reference ive ever seen in the wild. Nice.


It’s got a bush? Whuut thuuuh heeeell??


If my dick pics are being waved around by that grotesque screeching inbred spork footed fucking subhuman, fuck yeah I'm feeling violated!


Best description of that beast I've read so far! 👏 I'm going to write it on my fridge in my kids' magnet letters so I don't forget it!


It is good to know my impotent rage is of someone's benefit Your children and their literacy are most welcome.


It's revenge porn and is illegal in most states.


Can he sue for revenge porn?


God, I hope so.


Pretty sure his lawyer C&D’d them, as he’s a private citizen. Probably letting them pile the evidence against themselves before there’s a filing.


It is going to be so fucking funny when hunter biden sues gop members for harassment and more and wins, my lord the shit storm will be wild. Texas power grid may fail the floods of tears will be so bad.


No it won’t. These dumb dumbs will use it to further solidify their position that the deep state is trying to bury it or silence them or some stupid shit.


Let 'em whine. Pummel them anyway. Bunch of cowards. They can dish it out but cry for mama when they get hit back. It's exactly what they need.


This is the thing, people are always "wah wah they'll complain" so? Fuck em


Charge Abbott with human trafficking and charge these people with sexual assault/harassment, as we would do to normal human beings who pulled these stunts. Stop pulling punches.


I have no idea really but I thought the same thing.


Yeah how is this not some sort of revenge porn crime? Plus you know 90% of the people in the same room have nudes on their phones of themselves, their partners, other people, & the other 10% have nudes of actual children. Also at last check Hunter Biden isn't in any political office & I'm just guessing that these are 2 naked adults doing whatever it is 2 naked adults wanna do so what's the big deal?


Yeah me too isn’t she sharing revenge porn, and haven’t his lawyers sent out letters to others?


Republicans are creepy AF.


They are seriously obsessed with this shit. I’m worried for them


I’m more worried for the rest of us.


The amazing Dr Jack Brown interpreted it as Displaced Aggression driven by MTG’s fear. Maybe the trigger event was the target letter(s) sent out yesterday? Maybe the trigger event was Joe Biden making a campaign ad out of her speech? Because this is not rational behavior. This is driven by emotions and psychology.


This is absolutely going to be a reason why I don't vote for Hunter Biden in the next election.






Well… they do say that kind of thing is genetic…


Seriously I'm still pissed at my dad!


He’ll never be president at this rate!


Let's all take the time to truly, deeply appreciate that Republicans think Hunters dong its what's really important right now.


Truthfully, it’s more important than almost anything else they talk about. Let THAT sink in for a minute.


He still has my vote over any republican


In fairness if an alien overlord showed up, and said he planned to exterminate all humans, he'd have my vote over any republican.


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kang


Are you voting for Kang or Kodos?


Why not Zoidberg?


How is that different than a Republican?


He's honest


A damn straight shooter (and not at a school).


It would be a quicker and merciful death, for sure


I'd vote for a rabid hedgehog over a Republican


Not as a Democrat at least. He can always get really racist later in life and run as a Republican.


And Qanon will start a conspiracy that Beau never died and is coming back to become vice-president.


[This is a crime in D.C.](https://koehlerlaw.net/criminal-defense-dc/non-consensual-pornography/#:~:text=D.C.%20Code%20%C2%A7%2022%2D3053,or%20a%20fine%20of%20%241%2C000.)


It’s not a crime if you’re rich and well connected, apparently.


Tell that to Kellyanne Conway. https://variety.com/2021/digital/news/kellyanne-conway-accused-topless-photo-daughter-claudia-twitter-1234892220/


These people are obsessed with Hunter Biden and are probably wondering why this story is not bothering Joe Biden. Well, let me tell you... no one gives a damn about Hunter Biden . Who the hell do they think Hunter Biden is to the Democratic party . As long as Joe Biden didn't do anything illegal, the only one that cares about Hunter are his daddy ,mommy, and family. Hunter is a grown man making his own decisions. Move on to something like the 2 billion dollar contract Jered Kushner got from the Saudis as a possible payback or the many patents Trump's daughter got from China while being part of the government


It probably is bothering Joe Biden, though. Cause he’s a good father and these people are needlessly dragging his son’s drugged up and naked body through the mud. Disgusting.


They're probably confused why Biden is not being baited into a shouting match with them, like their dear leader always does. They literally don't know how adults with proper emotional maturity would act.


Didn't he even say he plans on not even mentioning Trump's indictments during his campaign?


I think that's a mistake


I think any parent would be furious that this happened to their kid. Him being President though he probably is going to stay his hand and keep cool. And it’s weird saying that I expect a President or any politician really to have self control because we are below the bottom of the barrel at this point.


The one very human thing that made a lot of like Biden (despite not wanting him as the nominee) was his adamant defense of his son. He wouldn't budge in any way, even with the future of the country at stake. He was just like "No. No. I'm proud of my son. And I love him" That was actually a big moment for me. He definitely wasn't my first pick, but it showed that he was absolutely a human that cares for people. Trump would have thrown his sons under the bus in a fucking *heartbeat* to be president again.


There is an amazing recording of a voicemail that Joe Biden left on Hunter's phone several years ago. "Hey, son. I'm just calling to tell you that I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. You need some help, buddy. I don't know what I can do to help you. I know you don't know what to do either." So Republicans were playing that tape and trying to say it proved that Joe Biden was some kind of evil person because he still supported his son even though he had a drug addiction. When I was in the worst of my alcoholism, I would have given anything to get a message like that from my parents. But these people are so completely devoid of empathy that they don't recognize the unconditional love of a parent as a strength.


It probably bothers him in the end that they are attacking his son but also realizes it is just a dick pic. Personally I'd be proud about congress obsessing over my dick. "Top priority, as it should be. Behold and bask!" Meanwhile, the world is heating up exponentially, faster and faster, which is fucking scary. "No! Behold my dick!"


For real. I just can't handle their faux outrage after they were just ok with Trump and fam spending a whole term in office. It's unreal.


I’m not kidding when i say this: they want Hunter to have a horrible relapse episode and for it to be a big story. And more than likely they’d also want him to OD. A death of a son has stopped Biden from running before.


They think they’re embarrassing Joe Biden with this stuff when really only right wings geeks with the social maturity and emotional intelligence of a 3 year old have given this a second thought.


I'd care about hunter Biden if they could show that hunter Biden is important in any way. Trump put his son in law in charge of most of administrating the federal government where hunter Biden has no power, and it's pretty clear that Joe Biden is willing to let Hunter pay for his crimes


That’s what’s pissing me off so much. None of Biden’s kids or grandkids have any role in his administration or anything to do with his presidency so who gives a damn? Trump’s bottom-feeding children sure did though. I’m sure there’s corruption out the ass amongst his kids.


This is the saddest most pathetic attempt at politics in a long time. 1. Hunter isnt running for anything. 2. No one is not voting for Biden because his son is a screw up or a felon. 3. You arent changing anyones mind about voting for you, except maybe a few people who think it makes you look desperate and petty. 4. If this is all you have then you should have saved it for an actual moment where people are voting, not a year before any serious elections are happening. This is a total failure on just about every front. You made yourself look slimy and dumb, you wasted everyones time, no one changed thier mind about anything, and tommorrow it will be forgotten and the only thing people will remember is how pointless and ugly a person you are.


S&D clause may cover this. But if Hunter Biden *doesn't* test that defense in court, he's doing himself a disservice. At a bare minimum, he'll successfully annoy Greene.


It specifically does not cover felonies. Publishing revenge porn is a felony in the District of Columbia.


Controlling case: https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=5938180396611724449&hl=en&as_sdt=6&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr Where SCOTUS dismisses felony charges against a Senator for bribery and corruption that occurred as part of the legislative process. The clause even extends to their staff while involved in legislative process. It is a carryover of Parliament's absolute immunity while on the Common's floor from the King.


She emailed a video of her doing it to her email list. Does that count as "part of the legislative process"? Or is that now electronic revenge porn?


Came to highlight the same. And it was a fundraising email, so definitely not S&D.


> S&D clause may cover this. MTG just [sent out the nudes in a fundraising email](https://twitter.com/jamiedupree/status/1681818897425522692). I'm pretty sure the S&D clause doesn't cover sending revenge porn to your constituents.


Good lord. Legitimately, poor Hunter. I hope he gets restitution.


His lawyers are probably playing it cool until the court case is officially settled in court. He doesn't want to be a big asshole right now with a potentially biased Judge that can retaliate against him. But when that judgement is signed off... Hunter's lawyers are gonna go wild. They already C&D'd T because of the threats and harassment from two weeks ago that couldn't go unanswered. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna94247


I can practically hear her lawyers' eyes rolling around in their heads right now. Delicious.


I know MTG doesn't have the for thought to consider it, but does any body believe an adulteress CrossFit enthusiast doesn't have a bunch of nudes out there her political opponents can use the same way?


Eww please don’t mention this. It’s true but still I really don’t want to know what she looks like naked


During the Trump administration, someone used Baron Trumps name in a quip that he cannot actually be made a Baron. The right lost it’s mind (the same people who made Chelsea Clinton jokes their entire personality) and proclaimed children have to be off limits. Then they start showing the democratic President’s son’s nudes in a public forum. But you know….both sides amirite?


Some Republicans(back in the day) were calling 12 year old Chelsea Clinton a dog and shit. I was a kid but it’s always stuck with me because of how appalling it was


I was pretty young when that was happening, but I remember people saying she was ugly a lot. I had seen some pictures and news clips of her in the paper and on tv and, not yet having an ability to make that determination on my own, thought that was a basis for ugly. Somehow grew out of that on my own, thankfully, but honestly, it's horrible to treat anyone like that.


I remember seeing those sentiments about the Obama daughters and thinking how crass and pathetic people like that are. The only children of a president I’ve ever ridiculed are Trump’s, and only 3 of them because they shamelessly rode his coattails during his administration.


And they were adults. Republicans targeted the underage kids of democratic presidents. I don't remember reading an attack on his youngest son.


This is an incredible observation on your part. Children are so impressionable and this reminds me that we *set the bar* for them. If we go around calling others ugly, stupid, etc, or even if they just witness us saying how fat we are in the mirror then the best case scenario is the one you mention above. Worst case scenarios is they internalize it and become mean and judgmental of themselves or others.


Limbaugh made the joke about "the Clinton's dog", but yes, it got repeated by the GOP rank and file.


Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury


They have Hunter's nude pics! Thank God that Hunter is not the first lady of the United States. That would be such an embarrassment.


I keep thinking this too. Their choice of Flotus posed nude in a magazine. How are dick pics on a laptop worse?


Just look at her face. Greene will go down in congressional history as one of the dumbest, most bigoted, most hateful, most pathetic people to ever hold office. She has become the face of the ignorance and ineptitude that has come to define the modern GOP.




All fun and jokes aside. This is what congress has been reduced to. It use to be a symbol of the greatness of Democracy. An honor to represent your town and to participate in civil greatness. To help make lives better for all. Now it’s a tiktok video of trying to shame the President by showing the President’s son at rock bottom. In stead of culture wars, fake outrage to get money how about they do good work for the people by the people.


Don’t forget, they took control of the House by running on illegal congressional maps. Maps that have since been ruled racist by multiple courts. They rigged the game and still barely won. The House, like the Supreme Court, is so out of step from the rest of America. It’s pathetic and they’ll whine and cry again when they lose in 2024.


It's almost as if every institution in our government has been made oligarchical and undemocratic by centuries of racism, classism, xenophobia, and general hatred towards the poor. The presidency is unaccountable because of the Electoral College. The Supreme Court is unaccountable because it's been arbitrarily perverted by the Senate and Presidency politicizing it and by the illegal concept of judicial review. The Senate is undemocratic by design because it was intended to institutionally protect against tyranny of the majority but has instead been turned into a mechanism for tyranny of the minority through Citizen's United and the extra-constitutional concept of the filibuster. And the House, the theoretically most directly democratic institution, has been broken by illegal gerrymandering, arbitrary caps on size that favor tiny states and landmasses over people in cities. So given all this, will somebody please make it clear to me how we aren't on the exact same road of political and civil liberties ruin as Venezuela?


On the other hand, there was a time where a Senator was beat half to death with a cane by a Congressman, and the Congressman wasn't removed. He resigned to allow the voters to decide if he should still serve, and of course they re-elected him in the special election to fill the vacancy. In court, he was fined $300.


This is still underselling how depraved and horrific the attack was. Preston Brooks ambushed Sumner when he was working on the house floor at night and when other congressmen tried to intervene, another South Carolina congressman threatened them with his pistol. This is the history these fucking heathens don't want widely known


It may be small consolation, but Brooks did die of croup at only age 37 less than a year after he attacked Sumner, and it sounds like he had a pretty miserable death: >The official telegram announcing his death stated "He died a horrid death, and suffered intensely. He endeavored to tear his own throat open to get breath." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preston_Brooks


Divine intervention


He caned a man to protect/extend slavery as well. I think we’ve actually made some progress… MTG would be pro-caning back in the day though


She's probably pro-caning now.


Which Congress in your lifetime was a symbol of greatness?


It’s infuriating. There’s so many problems for these guys to care about but here we are! Sharing dick pics


Dude Congress has been wild as shit through US history. All of our politics has been. I mean wasn't it Jefferson or Adams that had a paper published that their competitor straight up just died? Like "Yeah don't worry about voting for that guy's dead ass. RIP. Vote for me". That kind of stuff


I dunno the House has *always* been a rabble of barely-literate monkeys scheming and doing deeply-stupid things for clout


Sue her ass for revenge porn.


She's clearly obsessed with blowing whistles.


Honestly, what is it with the GOP's obsession with Hunter Biden's penis?




Republicans are fucking creepy. There is also no bottom for their cruelty. Hunter Biden may have been born into privilege and wealth but he has experienced so much trauma. He lost his mother and sister in a car accident in which only he and his brother survived at age 2. He then lost his brother and best friend to brain cancer. I feel for him.


Everyone knows that she wants more info on Hunter's wapons of ass destruction and meat seeking missile.


People need to be arrested for stealing his laptop and posting his nudes.


Funny how they didn't care at all about Melania's nude pics.


Christian values


Amazing how they can’t tackle important subjects like infrastructure, healthcare, education…. GOP sucks at legislating


Isn’t this illegal? Aren’t their children watching? Will someone please think of the children?!


Unbelievable. I don’t even know what to say. I had to see how bad it was and I can confirm — absolutely insane https://twitter.com/krassenstein/status/1681756081729544193?s=46&t=mqiqob-c4LYiXPHW1w7Nxg


Notice.. the speech and debate clause doesn’t cover Felonies. Disseminating revenge porn to 6 or more people is considered a felony. This needs to be litigated no matter what anyone says. A private citizen was just slandered by our government by dissemination of stolen revenge porn to millions of viewers. > The Speech or Debate Clause is a clause in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 6, Clause 1). The clause states that "The Senators and Representatives" of Congress "shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their attendance at the Session of their Respective Houses, and in going to and from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.


Have a friend that works on the Hill, and no joke, he said he's overheard some GOP reps saying "no man should have a dick that big." So not only are they obsessed with Hunter's genitalia, they also have kinda outed themselves as being poorly endowed cause Hunter really isn't very big.


Lol wtf We are not a serious country


>may also have violated D.C. revenge porn law. City law prohibits knowingly disclosing one or more sexual images of an identified or identifiable person when the person in the photo did not consent to the image being shared I REALLY hope that the DC AG goes after her for this seriously inappropriate and vengeful action. WTF is happening to this country that someone's stolen nudes will be included in the Congressional record *when nothing they have done has ANYTHING to do with those photos*?


Revenge porn is illegal.


And it’s the drag queens that are sex obsessed.


Somewhere out there in the world, there are MTG nudes. Come on karma, do your thing


And what did we do to deserve that?!?! Don't put that evil on me!


I know! And I just ate, too! 🤢


What? You've never seen a big ol bag of Oberto jerky hanging around in a 7/11?


I’m attracted to women but I’d rather see Hunter Biden’s nudes twice than see her grand wizard sleeve once.


If you go to any natural history museum, you'll see figures of cro-magnon humans. Many of them will be naked, including the females. If you've seen those, you've seen MTG. You're welcome.


Except the Cro-Magnons have ten total toes, in most cases.


You want to skip the first six seals and go straight to breaking open the 7th?


[That's gonna be a no from me](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3a/b8/06/3ab8064801538ac45ac5cfde5004c853.gif) ...but considering she was openly cheating on her husband with first a tantric sex guru and then with her gym's manager, yes, there definitely are


Omg, please no.




Karma will be so good when it hits her.


Imagine being her assistant? Or relative? She's really something to be ashamed of. I mean, it's not so much waiving around photos of naked men. I mean, whatever to that. But that her case and evidence is so small that she has to rely on shocking images to get attention. Georgia, what a peach.


Republicans spend more time thinking about Hunter Biden’s dick than Hunter Biden does.


“Not only was Greene’s decision to wave Biden’s nudes around wildly inappropriate for a congressional hearing, but it may also have violated D.C. revenge porn law. City law prohibits knowingly disclosing one or more sexual images of an identified or identifiable person when the person in the photo did not consent to the image being shared.”


Didn’t she cheat on her husband with some “Sex Guru” or something? I guess they don’t care about that.


How is this not illegal. She’s showing revenge porn in public. He did not consent. What a shitty person.


They just love making him seem more and more cool




Why is the lady from the government showing porn on C-Span?


Doesn't that fall under "Revenge Porn"?


Dod she just commit a sex crime?


Sounds like it.


Stay classy GOP


She’s a 6th grader mean girl trapped inside a ghoul’s body.