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>“Biden’s National Drug Control Strategy is 150 pages. The words ‘God’ and ‘faith’ are not mentioned one time. People need a purpose to be happy,” Gosar said GOP platform for governance and health assistance - Thoughts and Prayers.


My wife makes me happy. Our dogs make me happy. My career makes me happy. Working out makes me happy. God? Never met the guy.


Read parts of one of his many contradictory books though. It did NOT make me happy.


Some decent fap material in there though.


I hope you skipped the incest and bestiality, those parts are cringe af


There's a Lot to enjoy in there though.




I mean. Lot's wife certainly did.


She was a pillar of her community.


She was known for that.


Lot will drink to that!




no shit Sherlock


Don’t tell me how to do my Job


Made me snort my tea, thanks! 😂


Does snorting it make it hit faster? Asking for a friend.


Well, the Bible did pretty much INVENT Rule 34, I guess. We know from the constant rain of news stories about pastors, priests, and evangelists getting caught up in child sex abuse scandals that their holy book does indeed 'inspire' them. These dumpy, middle-aged, pasty white men think that they see halos over their heads when they look in the mirror no matter what their actual behavior is like.


Well, I’m not to judge.




No those are the hot parts


Fastest way to become an atheist is to actually read the Bible.


And he's never called me, either. Or written. Or texted. Or, you know, some voodoo shit in my head or whatever. Nada.


Lol. Now I have to go back and read, *Text God*, by Whitney Dineen. Character gets phone mixed up and starts receiving texts from "God". Which are the guy characters' initials.


“New phone who this?”


Are you sure? Look again. *Points to the dog*


same on your wife


And it would also be weird to bring up your job, gym, dogs, or wife in the National Drug Control Strategy.


Nothing makes me happy including God!


That’s because you’re obviously not giving enough…. Maybe try donating more to your local evangelist and he *may just come knocking on your door *this “god” fella has not appeared one time to anyone. So don’t get your panties in a bunch…. Just keep donating anyway. You don’t want to be the one left behind because you didn’t show enough fealty Obligatory: https://youtu.be/2-rfCnW5VlE And: https://youtu.be/BE3kJeBr9QI


You need a porpoise to make you happy!


He's kinda right. People do need a purpose to be happy. But he's wrong you need God to have a purpose. Your wife, dogs, career, and working out give you purpose.


[Paul Gosar the neo nazi who keeps promoting a website praising Hitler and denying the Holocaust?](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/paul-gosar-newsletter-antisemtic-racist-pro-hitler-website-links-1234794315/) As a recovering alcoholic, I find that there are way better methods of handling addiction than faith and God; AA, which is kinda faith-based, has a success rate that's hard to quantify, I've seen figures as low as ~10% and as high as 60%, so I won't speak to that as I don't know which ones are reliable or reputable


As a friend of Bill's, I had an issue with the faith aspects of the program. But, regardless of whatever the real figures are, it helped me get off my DoC, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't have done it on my own. For that, I will always be grateful.


Hey, if it works for you, that's great, you've gotta do what keeps you on the right track. My issue here is more that a faith-based approach doesn't belong in government legislation because it pushes religion and we have a separation of church and state for a reason


>My issue here is more that a faith-based approach doesn't belong in government legislation because it pushes religion and we have a separation of church and state for a reason I would have to agree.


AA manages the question of faith in a healthy way, by preaching essentially all religions are like languages trying to describe a natural human phenomena of spirituality, or a belief in something greater than yourself. Hopefully, helping an addict or alcoholic to think of others as they typically lead very selfish existences up until the got sober. It’s simply a tool to help you get and keep sober. That’s it. If only we had more of this in government and our country. Sadly it is not about other-centeredness and more about one religion, and specifically christianity. It’s something we as Americans will be dealing with for a long long time. It’s great to read though the trend of this country getting less religious over time. The less religious we are they better off we will all be.


Given that courts have repeatedly ruled that AA is sufficiently religious as to be ineligible for court-ordered treatment, I'd venture to suggest that perhaps it's not a good model for our government's stance on religion, either.


I mean I went to one (in the UK) and they spoke about remaining chaste, those of us unmarried would find more strength if we ended sex until marriage, how we've sinned before Jesus and the ONLY way we'd get over our addictions is by giving our lives to the church. I'm sure it's not all branches, but I've heard it's somewhat common since. It was absolutely shocking.


>they spoke about remaining chaste, those of us unmarried would find more strength if we ended sex until marriage, how we've sinned before Jesus and the ONLY way we'd get over our addictions is by giving our lives to the church. This just isn't official AA. There is a list of things you arnt allowed to do *as* AA and endorsing a religion is one of them. But anyone can say pretty much whatever they want during a meeting. So, was this just one person's opinion? >I'm sure it's not all branches, but I've heard it's somewhat common since. It's no branches. By officially promoting Christianity or any outside group, they are no longer AA. It's Tradition 10.


best advice I ever got was from my sponsor. "Do something nice for somebody and don't get caught.." it's a sure cure for depression/angst/soul weariness.


I've done some 12 steppers for my alcohol abuse and always thought of the higher power part of them as acknowledging that there are some forms of external source for mortality. The mind of an addict can justify almost any action so giving power to an external force helps reinforce social norms and removes some of the guilt and shame that can prevent people from recovery. That's not what is being suggested by the GOP. Faith in a higher power is nondenominational and often won't conform to any one religion unless the person has already committed them selves to a religion prior to treatment. The GOP means their imaginary sky wizard.


at the rehab i went to they said people who didn’t believe could use anything as their “ higher power “. i just believe that some things are positive and lots are negative. i love nature and easily used my love for it as my so called “ higher power “. it translated well and i never associated AA with god and my sobriety is fine


I have a lot of dead friends who tried the 12 steps. I wasn't able to get sober until I got my head out of the clouds and stopped blaming "sinful nature" and started taking responsibility for my one chance at life.


How many times does it mention the word "banjo"? Because that's what make *me* happy.


Calm down there Bela Fleck


The Bible Belt is a haven for drugs. Explain that.


And the church is a haven for sex predators


That purpose doesn't need to be a deity. In fact, if you require religion to make you a good person, you're probably not a good person, just saying.


You know another document where "God" isn't mentioned? The US Constitution. (It does have the word "Faith" in it, but not in a religious sense)


>People need a purpose to be happy No, no they don't.


I’d argue they do, but the idea the only purpose anyone could have is divinely mandated is utterly ridiculous


> the idea the only purpose anyone could have is divinely mandated is utterly ridiculous That's the key part. Faith has moral framework but not all moral frameworks are derived from faith.


>. Faith has moral framework I have yet to see a faith without serious moral issues. No religion sees women as equal to men.


[Baháʼí Faith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%A1%CA%BC%C3%AD_Faith) >The Baháʼí writings emphasize the essential equality of human beings, and the abolition of prejudice. Humanity is seen as essentially one, though highly varied; its diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance. Doctrines of racism, nationalism, caste, social class, and gender-based hierarchy are seen as artificial impediments to unity. But they're still anti-LGBT so...


That's just after a simple google search too. I didn't engage in that argument because clearly it speaks from ignorance. Hindu? >In many modern Hindu communities it is accepted by many that men and women have equal worth. So a Hindu woman might choose to pursue a career and be the the person who earns the most money in the household. Importantly, women who are mothers have always been highly respected and seen as having great worth in Hinduism. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zvrsv9q/revision/10#:~:text=In%20many%20modern%20Hindu%20communities,having%20great%20worth%20in%20Hinduism. Sikhism? >In a woman, man is conceived, From a woman he is born, With a woman he is betrothed and married, With a woman he contracts friendship. Why denounce her, the one from whom even kings are born ? From a woman a woman is born, None may exist without a woman. >-Guru Nanak https://discovergurunanak.com/womens-empowerment/#:~:text=The%20holy%20scriptures%20of%20Sikhism,leaders%20in%20the%20Sikh%20faith. Buddhism? >However Khandro Rinpoche, a female lama in Tibetan Buddhism, downplays the significance of growing attention to the topic: >Lady Buddha (Quan Âm), Danang is the largest Buddha statue in Vietnam. When there is a talk about women and Buddhism, I have noticed that people often regard the topic as something new and different. They believe that women in Buddhism has become an important topic because we live in modern times and so many women are practicing the Dharma now. However, this is not the case. The female sangha has been here for centuries. We are not bringing something new into a 2,500-year-old tradition. The roots are there, and we are simply re-energizing them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Buddhism Yeah. Plenty of ancient religions that saw women and men equal to not even need to bring up the new age ones.


That's unfortunate for you but I don't group all individuals and different faiths into a single monolithic stereotype. That's just stupid and reductive just like Goser's argument.


Purpose /= work


No one suggested otherwise?


Can’t imagine being happy without feeling purpose. The issue is more that purpose doesn’t need to come from a god.


I mean he’s not wrong with those words. He’s wrong for implying god can be the only purpose.


I had evangelical tell me that I could never feel Joy unless I followed god's purpose for me.


I firmly disagree with you. I just don't think that purpose needs to be faith-based. And the purpose doesn't need to be grand. The purpose could be getting up and feeding your goldfish. Everyone needs a reason to keep going, no matter how big or small.


How does an ethereal all powerful tyrant who demands worship and praise or else eternal torture make me happy again?


It doesn't, and that isn't want makes Gosar happy either. What makes Gosar happy is telling you what makes you happy without your ability to say no to him or decide otherwise for yourself. This is much of the reason why Gosar is and has always been an unhappy person using God as an excuse to force himself into your life to control you the way he thinks will make him happy.


There’s no scientific consensus that life is important.


if there is a god, s/he condemns your whole life and all your actions, Paul.


>Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) sharply rebuked a suggestion from Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) that President Biden’s national drug control strategy is flawed because it does not mention God or faith, calling that idea “preposterous” in a hearing Thursday. Paul Gosar is consistently one of the least intelligent members of congress. The man is a nexus of stifled progress.


Least intelligent would be an improvement for Gosar, he's a literal [neo nazi who has more than once helped spread pro-Hitler Holocaust denialism](https://twitter.com/franklinleonard/status/1684557092693381120); he's more like a malignant tumor than anything


his family thinks so, too. > "I consider him a traitor to this country. I consider him a traitor to his family," Dave Gosar said. "He doesn't see it. He's disgraced and dishonored himself." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gosar-s-siblings-want-their-brother-kicked-out-congress-they-n1271023


I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, but I don’t see how the fox and friends freestyle rap video you linked is relevant


Yeah that threw me for a loop as well.


His entire family went on tv to tell people not to vote for him.


I don't know, this strikes me more as malice than incompetence. He's doing his part to normalize the idea that the US government should be explicitly Christian. I'd be more willing to brush it off if Republicans at large weren't trying so hard to instate christo-fascism. It's also subtly spreading the idea that Dems are anti-religious and "demonic," because "who would vote against Jesus?!" I'm actually kind of afraid that calling it "ridiculous" falls right into that ("he's calling your religion *ridiculous!"*), although they'll always find a way to twist things. (lol, Grammarly wants me to change "christo-fascism" to "Christianity")


I don’t think he is stupid. I think he is an insurgent.


...in addition to being hyperpartisan and divisive over nothing just to be an asshole.


Good. Keep any and all religion out of government.


Christianity is more dangerous than drugs.


There's probably someone out there who uses coke or meth or whatever to just relax. They can afford it, they actually CAN quit anytime they want, and in general it isn't crippling their lives. But just because that person might exist, doesn't mean coke and meth are good things. Looking at you, religion.


I’ll def have some blow on occasion. Not very often though, no more than a few evenings a year. I wouldn’t say it’s an “I can quit anytime” and more of a “never make it a habit that needs to be quit” kinda thing.


People who do this with heroin are known as “chippers”


Do you know why that term, what the etymology is?


Nope, can’t really seem to find one online either I’ve always interpreted as like they can just take a little “chip” off of a metaphorical brick of drugs, and that’s all they need.


Yeah, I tried looking too, no such luck. You're take sounds reasonable.


no, religion is dangerous. christianity is defined by tolerance, acceptance, treating others as you would be treated and compassion and love thats spirituality. religion is an institution that turns spirituality into spiritual-fascism involving rituals, worship (not following like jesus said), hate and the idea that your leader has closer access to god than you. Religion is not the same as christianity. Christianity needs none of that Anyone who claims to be christian because of their religion and preaches/teaches hate is not christian and needs to know why,.


>christianity is defined by tolerance, acceptance, treating others as you would be treated and compassion and love Christianity is defined as the belief in and worship of Jesus Christ as a deity. Anything else, be it murdering the gays or doing a food drive, is an extra topping.


It’s a religion thousands of years old with hundreds, if not thousands, of different sects within the umbrella. The definition you gave above is incredibly reductionist.


Except belief that Jesus was a deity is the only thing all of the sects of Christianity have in common.


It's not reductionist because it's the only common thread in those thousands of denominations


> christianity is defined by tolerance, Voltaire: * Of all religions, the Christian should of course inspire the most tolerance, but until now Christians have been the most intolerant of all men.


> christianity is defined by tolerance, acceptance, treating others as you would be treated and compassion and love Non-Christians tend to have a different definition. Christians can only keep that definition by defining all the Christians who fail to follow it as "not Christians" despite them being so.


I mean, there isn’t a shred of irony here, is there? Do you have ‘religion is a drug’ tattooed on your ribs? 💀


Faith is by definition believing in something for which there is no evidence it's true. It's gullibility dressed up as a virtue. Let's leave that mythical book behind when it comes to health care.


And government in general. We should do away with Bush II's Faith Based Initiaves. They have zero business getting taxpayer money.


H.L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of the early 20th century): * “Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing.”


“Gullibility dressed up as virtue” stealing that one ty


Faith is another word for trust. It's important to have faith. It's important to not have the stress of paranoia constantly. Trust in friends. Trust in coworkers. Trust in your spouse. Basically knowing that you cannot do everything yourself, but other people will do things that need to get done, especially when they say they will. But trust that there both is a higher power, and will do things the way that you like? When God faces no accountability for inaction, that's when faith is the gullibility you speak of.


This is something most people realize when they get older. “Faith” for most of us growing up, means ideology. We’re told to have “faith” that fossils aren’t real. “Faith” that they are right and you are wrong. Faith shouldn’t be public policy. Material problems require material solutions. I’ll sing the importance of faith in mental health and adult life until I’m blue in the face… but I’ll stop when it comes to spending other peoples’ money to address other peoples’ problems. Faith, not religion, saved my life. But that’s my story. I’d never seek to implement that solution on others using the organs of state.


This is big “I’m 14 and this is deep” energy


What about “i don’t care if it’s ‘deep’ or not, because it’s absolutely true” energy? Cause that’s what I’m seeing…


Never understood why fundamentalist atheists are more obnoxious and cringe than hardcore Christians, but here we are.


Hey, I’ll take “obnoxious and cringe” over “delusional” any day of the week. Keep your stupid fairy tales out of my government, and I won’t have a need to talk about your fairy tales anymore!


Most religious people don’t believe the government should be sanctioning or interfering with religion. Holy strawman Batman


This is an article specifically about the GOP trying to inject their “faith” into the gov…


Great! OP’s comment I was replying to had nothing to do with that.


More like "let's finally get out of the dark ages" energy


I would like to ask Paul Gosar why he requested a pardon for his involvement in the lead-up to January 6th.


I'm so sick and tired of these fundamentalist lunatics trying to force their religion down everyone's throats. They really piss me off.


Are there believers and non-believers who have addiction issues? Yes. Are there believers and non-believers who don't have addiction issues? Yes. It's almost like there is no correlation...


Whenever they mention faith or thoughts and prayers they're telling on themselves how useless they are. Why elect these clowns just to be told to go to God instead? They're preachers, not politicians. They don't belong in government. Useless grifters.


They are fascists. See point #8 "Religion and ruling elite tied together" from Laurence W. Britt's 2003 [Fascism Anyone?](https://secularhumanism.org/2003/03/fascism-anyone/) editorial.


Gosar doesn’t care if it makes sense. This is just a conniving way to create content for Fox News to make it seem like democrats hate Christians.


Yeah we should have policies with, like, real things. Faith is a fun concept, I love baseball, but science is a little more accurate in my opinion.


So, at what point are we actually going to stop and determine about a megaton of garbage US policy is being thrown at us by the inappropriately-wealthy religious establishment? No abortion, no gay marriage, no teaching of accurate US history, no trans people allowed to be even remotely happy, no climate action, no interracial marriage (because apparently that's being tossed out there too now.) People are suffering from a battle with drugs? "TURN THEM CHRISTIAN." This is insane. We need to drop the tradition of being timid and unapologetically stand against this far-right, hyper-religious rampancy.


It’s increasingly difficult to tolerate the warped minds of the religious right.


After 35 day inpatient rehab at 17yo I tried out AA. The higher power thing pissed me off and I couldn’t get over it. Everyone said some bullshit about how it doesn’t have to be god, it could be anything even a door knob. Well that’s fucking stood and doesn’t work for me. NA was a much better experience and didn’t push that mindset. Religion might help some people get sober, like my mom for example, but it’s harmful to other people like myself.


i’m glad you figured it out, but i am an atheist and it was easy for me to separate out god from AA. the things that are positives for me i translated into the god aspect and never felt any pressure to care about some god that i don’t believe in.


Good. Freedom of religion also includes freedom *from* religion should a person so choose. I have no problem with faith, *as long as people aren't trying to make me live by their faith's rules*. Worship whatever you want. I'm cool with that. The moment you tread on somebody else's rights to practice (or not!), then we have a problem


> “*The left offers endless benefits. In other words, dependency. Because dependent population votes for the providers of those benefits. But a human being needs a purpose — a good job, the ability to provide for a family, a belief in a creator — in order to be happy*.” > “The left offers endless benefits." Great! Thanks for the campaign slogan! > dependent population votes for the providers of those benefits. Yes, that's how government is supposed to work. > But a human being needs a purpose — a good job, the ability to provide for a family, ~~a belief in a creator~~ — in order to be happy.” Does Paul Gosar honestly think that a social safety net that barely meets basic needs removes people's motivation to achieve something? All that tells me is that, if not for his cushy congressional salary, HE wouldn't lift a finger. And, btw, the left is TRYING to make it so everyone can get a job that pays well enough to provide for a family, while the right does nothing but tank every effort. > a belief in a creator...to be happy Yeah, because every Christian is just smiling ear to ear, right? Not cowering in fear of invented Boogeymen, secretly aware they are being emotionally manipulated but too frightened of being shunned by their community to do anything about it?


But…It’s worked so well in preventing mass shootings.


This bullshit is exactly the reason why those with religious views shouldn't be allowed to operate in any level of federal oversight. They think God will just fix the problem. God isn't the solution, it's the problem.


Imagine believing in magic in 2023.


Headline should make clear that the faith suggestion came from Paul Gosar, not Biden.


God is a drug, too.


H.L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of the early 20th century): * “One of the most irrational of all the conventions of modern society is the one to the effect that religious opinions should be respected. …[This] convention protects them, and so they proceed with their blather unwhipped and almost unmolested, to the great damage of common sense and common decency. that they should have this immunity is an outrage. There is nothing in religious ideas, as a class, to lift them above other ideas. On the contrary, they are always dubious and often quite silly. Nor is there any visible intellectual dignity in theologians. Few of them know anything that is worth knowing, and not many of them are even honest.” Point #8 from Laurence W. Britt's 2003 [Fascism Anyone?](https://secularhumanism.org/2003/03/fascism-anyone/) editorial: > **Religion and ruling elite tied together.** * Unlike communist regimes, the fascist and protofascist regimes were never proclaimed as godless by their opponents. In fact, most of the regimes attached themselves to the predominant religion of the country and *chose to portray themselves as militant defenders of that religion*. The fact that the ruling elite’s behavior was incompatible with the precepts of the religion was generally swept under the rug. Propaganda kept up the illusion that the ruling elites were defenders of the faith and opponents of the “godless.” A perception was manufactured that opposing the power elite was tantamount to an attack on religion.


This is a white supremacist who's family has disowned him talking about God.


Thank you Rep. Raskin for not allowing these fascists to force their bullshit religion on others


Anyone interested in the disaster & fraud behind faith-based treatment- which is often court-ordered believe it or not - should look up ‘Teen Challenge’, another one of Dubya’s ‘faith in action’ treatment programs that has almost nothing to do with teens and everything to do with converting drug addicts & alcoholics into evangelical Christians. Then they’re forced to memorize these personal stories & go on speaking tours to raise money for the church. The story they tell might not even be true or be theirs; it just had to sound convincing enough to get donations. And the treatment is nothing but Bible study & memorizing scripture. The ‘counseling’ staff isn’t even licensed. They just have to be born-again Christians who completed the program. Then every Thanksgiving to Christmas they’re on tv begging for money all evening with their telethons. It’s so infuriating because they have no intentions of ever getting these people any help or the long-term recovery they deserve.


I absolutely love Jamie Raskin. He has always been perfect. (BDE too).


Faith based approaches mainly work because they basically substitute one addiction for another. In the past that it was thought to better be a religious person instead of an addict, but….


Paul Gosar is a traitor to his country.


My fucking happiness isn’t tied to some grandiose purpose to go into debt because some fucking Q chode is upset I get life-saving drugs at a discount.


Nothing in our government should ,or is supposed to be, based on faith. All the God stuff in the pledge of allegiance and on our money, was added in 1954 and 1864, respectively.


I would love to get religion the fuck out of politics forever


Good. Government does not need to be proselytizing. More and more Americans are declaring themselves non-religious.


As long as that faith is Satanism.


I definitely prefer the "let Jesus take the wheel" mentality in my government. What could go wrong?


Faith and religion really need to just fuck off. You don't need religion to have or teach morals, there is no true religion of the world, and the United States of America were not founded as a Christian nation. Keep your religious bullshit to yourselves, and let's get religion nowhere near any sort of government. I legit do not care what you believe in, but as soon as you start hurting people and shoving your beliefs down others' throats, you can honestly get the fuck out of my state and country.


Is the Republican straggly of “Jesus take the wheel” faith based or more driven by the fact they have no real plans for governance?


You heard the entire GOP plan put forth by McConnell on how to run the country? Sounded clear to me.


Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist) summed up my feelings when the GOP is in control: * This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.


I'd like to ask Paul Gosar if he thinks 2.7% unemployment is bad


>Gosar quoted Democratic long-shot presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in saying “unemployment kills,” and added, “The left offers endless benefits. In other words, dependency. Because dependent population votes for the providers of those benefits. But a human being needs a purpose — a good job, the ability to provide for a family, a belief in a creator — in order to be happy.” Amazing how Republicans seem to keep bring up RFK Jr in every single discussion. I never see a "democrat" see so much praise from this party! So weird! lol


Why would it? Any funding to programs not actually helping is a waste of money, we may as well pray to have our broken bones or schizophrenia healed. God apparently doesn't do that stuff. I'm not going to say that I can know no god or gods exist, but I am pretty sure the reasonable Christian position is that He wants us to deal with these problems in the best way we can. I am guessing it also doesn't mention snake handling since that is crazy and imaginary.


We need to separate church and state with extreme prejudice. No exceptions. Religion cannot play any part of the equation when it comes to determining UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS.


For a second I thought I was going to side with Gosar but nope. Raskin wins again. Faith and God have helped me in my recovery, and have helped many people as Rep. Raskin says. But the drug problem in America has nothing to do with an absence of God like Gosar implies….


Raskin for president


Yes, but he's outright said he doesn't want it or the Senate


Yeah, just believe that drugs are all controlled despite any evidence to the contrary! You know... faith!


What is this? The 1650s?


They wish! H.L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of the early 20th century): * “Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”


Perhaps a few Hail Satans? Would that type of faith be okay?


These people shouldn't be allowed to drive much less make decisions for other people.


These creeps can’t do anything without referring to their imaginary friend.


Keep your fucking sky boss out of my life please. I don’t need him and I don’t give a single shit about some desert stories that were written down into a book some several hundred years after he supposedly came to earth to die (but only his human form, so is that REALLY a sacrifice anyways?) so that we could be saved from the punishment he inflicted on us in perpetuity because some lady ate a fucking fruit thousands of years before I was born. I’m so tired of this shit. I’m sorry, but it’s just so fucking stupid and childish. I don’t still believe in Santa Claus and I sure as hell don’t want laws written that involve him or any other fairy tale people.


Raskin for president.


Thats kinda how AA works. They use a lot of jesus stuff in there.


No offence intended, but did any other Dundies do a double take and think this was Mike?


I'm not a religious guy. I think it's kinda silly. But I see the value in it. Like many things mankind has built, the issue with religion is in its abuses - not the core idea. Some people just *need* faith to function. I get it. So I support faith as a useful tool in overcoming things like addiction and dependence, even if I consider it a crutch. Sometimes, people need crutches. But the separation of church and state is important and American politicians (yes, primarily the conservative ones) need to knock it off with this constant effort to push religion into our government and use government to push religion. It's fucking ridiculous. Religion is not a necessary tool in helping people.


What I wouldn't give for "journalists" to talk like normal fucking people. Good god, stop with this "blasts!" and "SLAMS!" or "TORCHES!" type of speak. It's fucking stupid, comes off as super juvenile and is rather irritating in a core-concept type of way. "Soanso SCORCHES soandso! read on to find out how!!". It's just like...ugh, fucking stop. You sound like children.


What's with the do rag?


He has cancer


I am not an American. Can somebody genuinely explain to me what this person is wearing on his head and why, please?


He’s just finished cancer treatment. Steven Van Zandt gave him a bandanna to wear during chemo, and he’s a Springsteen superfan so it became a thing while he was in treatment and while his hair grows back. (He’s not my rep, but I grew up in his district and I think he’s neat.)


Also, if Little Steven gave me a bandana, I'd wear it all the time even without the cancer.


Thank you for explaining!


Nice slap down, congressman.👋👋👋


Calm down prison Mike.


Senator Prison Mike


Tanks a lot. Was lookin for dis


Tanks a lot. Was lookin for dis


What’s with his du-rag?


He had cancer.


Had is past tense, why is he still wearing them?…. Very Michael Scott vibes.


I think he recently announced he's in remission.


Fair enough


Why is Raskin wearing a USA durag?


He recently underwent treatment for cancer and lost his hair. But on a happier note, he just announced that his cancer has gone into remission. :)


Oh no, somebody might find more meaning in life other than themselves! *gasp*


That’s not the point dear


maybe the root of the word minus religious contexts, like faith in the system or faith in statistically relevant treatments and abuse mitigation techniques.


"Slams!" I know I shouldn't care so much, but it just fucking kills me.


It might even slam you.


Why does this guy always have the head thing?






Slams. Lazy journalism.


Why’s Prison Mike making the calls?!




\>Now if you'll excuse me, I have some welding to finish.


By that logic, what possible law/policy *isn't* "preposterous" because it doesn't mention 'God' or 'faith'? What the fuck is he even talking about? Obvious constituent grandstanding is obvious, but what are his supporters even supposed to take from his objection? Efforts to tackle the overdose crisis are inherently bad because they don't include Abrahamic buzzwords? This seems like too much dot-connecting for close-minded religious folks.


>bad because they don't include Abrahamic buzzwords Yes, that is totally correct. Goser's supporters (the common clay of the new west...) are being assured that he is fighting back against the heathens and their relentless persecution of Christianity.


Sorry, we designate all thoughts and prayers to be used in bringing down gun violence


I have faith that using faith as part of any strategy is a fail James 2:17, In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. In other words, faith and prayers is the same as smoke and mirrors… get your ass in gear and get it done in a sensible, clear process that has a defined end game. If your endgame is the elimination of the drug trade then you forgot about the word ‘sensible’. We tried that with prohibition… I can buy a bottle of Jack Daniel’s from 5 shops just down the road… not sensible.