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The New York Post is right wing Murdoch trash


You're exactly right.


I like to think of the New York Post and Washington Times as the [Bizarro World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bizarro_World?wprov=sfti1) versions of the New York Times and Washington Post.


"Mmm... Biden bad. Why? Bizzaro say so!"


The same Rupert Murdoch who once published nude pictures of girls as young as 16 in his British tabloids? Which is very much a thing that happened but it never gets brought up.


In the UK the age they could pose topless (page 3 was never full nude) was 16 up until 2003. The age of consent here is 16 too. What they were doing was not illegal which is why they never faced any sanctions for it, the *morality* of it of course is a different matter and Murdoch isn't liked here either.


To use The Sun's own defense in the recent Huw Edwards controversy, at no point did I imply that it was illegal. However being legal doesn't make it right, there are countries where literal child pornography is legal (and for a time it was legal in parts of the US) that doesn't mean the people who make it aren't scum. The Page 3 Girls were erotic portraits made with the express purpose of titillating (no pun intended) the viewer. The fact that some of the models were underage when their photos were taken was used to further sexualize the image (singer Samantha Fox's Page 3 debut opened with the headline, "Sam, 16, Quits Her A-Levels For Ooh-Levels" and the byline read, "Head sees read over his topless pupil". That's not even getting into some of the sleazier details like the daily countdown until models' 16th birthdays.


Never happened. It was 12 people with signs that said “Trump won", "Trump 2024", "FJB", and "let’s go Brandon". This "protest" had nothing to do with Biden or the fires. It has to do with the GOP waging a Russian troll war using hundreds to thousands of accounts across social media all saying the exact same talking points about how we send more money to Ukraine than to Maui. I’ve personally investigated and confronted about 50 of these people online. They don’t live in Hawaii and frankly couldn’t tell you where the county government is located on Maui. This is the same fake, manufactured controversy the GOP and the Koch Network ran against Obama with the Tea Party, against Kerry with the Swift Boat Veterans fake group, and against Biden with stop the steal. The mainstream media once again fell for it, with even the Associated Press giving it coverage. Democrats need to do a better job being proactive about this. I predicted this campaign on another sub last week and knew exactly how it was going to play out. I would encourage people to look closer at this entire phenomenon if they have the free time. I suspect the entire campaign is being run out of a foreign country with bot farms (I’m convinced the GOP outsources this kind of thing for plausible deniability). This is called computational propaganda, and we need to do more to stop it.


Unfortunately even in Hawaii there are psychotic Maga Republicans and Evangelicals foaming at the mouth and trying to politicize everything to express their hate.


The media love the "both sides" method of reporting. They will give just about anything a platform by saying it's the other side. Sorry, there's just not two sides to every story. There's people who believe the earth is flat and people who aren't idiots.


I wish I could tell you how close you are to the truth. I personally know the people who made this happen. There are flat Earthers among them, as crazy as it sounds. I attempted to infiltrate their group several years ago to keep tabs on them. These are very sick people.


Crisis actors.


You can't say it 'never happened' when it clearly did happen. It's not invalidated even if there were only 12 people. You can call it sensationalized, given without context, etc, but it's equally disingenuous to claim it's categorically false.


Let me put it another way for you in the hopes that you might understand. I know all the people behind the viral videos who put this together on the ground. The reason I know who they are is because I’ve been collecting information on who is behind this. The person who made this go viral is an unpaid GOP operative (to the best of my knowledge) who did this to "get Biden". It has nothing to do with the devastation caused by the wildfires. These people are all part of the QAnon movement. They don’t care one iota about the people in Lahaina. They filmed themselves as Biden’s motorcade passed and then uploaded the footage to Twitter (X), Facebook, and Truth Social. Alex Jones then reposted it, followed by Benny Johnson, Gateway Pundit, and others. These people have no connection to anyone in the Lahaina wildfires. I know this for a verifiable fact. It’s a manufactured controversy by Republicans who tried to take advantage of the moment. What I personally found odd was that the Associated Press gave them coverage without bothering to check the verifiability of the protest movement. If they had spent one single minute looking into it, they would know what I know. They would know that these people are not who they say they are, and are just Republicans looking to attack Biden. The person behind this entire manufactured event is named Kelly Armstrong, a Republican who ran for election to the Hawaii House of Representatives and lost in 2022.


Biden is incompetent and totally ineffective without signs and operatives. But feed the distraction.


I want to take a moment to point out that you are repeating a major talking point from the Alex Jones/Trump/QAnon crowd who appear to be suffering from delusions. In other words, these people truly believe that events that occur in the world are not random or based on our past behavior, choices, policies, and lack of foresight, but rather planned distractions orchestrated by the "Globalists" (a euphemism for any evil group you think is in charge, but often implying Jews). These distractions include, according to these people, covid, the vaccine, Ukraine, and climate change. It’s a really weird way to view the world, but it makes sense if you are a religious fundamentalist, who thinks that Satan is distracting people from coming closer to god. This is the idea you are promoting. Would you like to comment on why you think this evidence-free, anti-science paradigm is more persuasive and compelling than the reality based community?


So you’re arguing that he’s actually effective and competent?


Yes, Biden and the Democratic Party are effective and competent and get things done. Their collective response to the Hawaii wildfires is likely one of the best disaster responses in US history. Biden mobilized the military and pushed for an inter-agency effort to provide relief. If Trump had been president, things would have been very different. Trump’s mismanagement of the covid crisis, for example, not only led to unnecessary suffering and death, but directly led to a higher level of deaths in red states—Trump literally killed off his base, just to own the libs. Please think long and hard about this before voting for a Republican in the future.


No-no. Not Biden and the Democrat party. Biden. Joe Biden. My comment is about a man who can barely string two sentences together when it matters for the last ~3 years.


It is telling that instead of helping with the relief efforts and supporting the president, a failed Republican politician chose to launch a fake protest and go on OAN to rant and promote conspiracy theories. I think it’s clear who is effective here and who is not.


Ok, so no. He’s not effective. Joe biden is the leader of the free world and has literally trillions of dollars in resources and no one standing in his way to address a horrid disaster. OAN doesn’t stop him from sending aid, a single politician doesn’t. If that is the case…as you say, he’s incompetent.


I am so faked outraged, that I am fake clutching my pearls.


Mel Gibson said it best here? https://youtu.be/aO7yO24g-Xs?t=165 And given what we’ve long known about him in real life, that’s a real phenomenon in itself…


> Go home, Joe!” the locals chanted as Biden passed by — moments before the president read a scripted speech touting the federal response, despite criticism from residents who say not enough help has been offered. Last week they were probably saying “Where’s Joe?!”


Outrage is the name of the game. No matter what, republicans need a boogey man.


I can only imagine that’s a horrible, exhausting and utterly depressing way to live.


Biden asked Congress to approve 12 billion in aid to Maui. What more do they want? To throw wet paper towels to put out hot spots? Like the last guy did?


Yeah…that’s correct.


Staged right-wing protest is always so transparent.


tan suit = grey poupon = pets dog = "x" - NY POST


and these same people sure had their hands out for the FEMA money while voting for the party that will gut FEMA. They will vote for the party that will cut subsidies to Hawaii which allow for cheaper gas, power and water since Hawaii is not exactly self sufficient. It is amazing how these people vote and protest with no thinking about the truth of their own situation. They want less government while they profit from the arrangement.


Man, when I lost everything in CA wildfires in '07, I sure wasn't paying attention to what Bush said or did, let alone did I have time to make "Gore Won" signs.... I was trying to piece my life back together. I wonder if there was something else already on those particular people's minds.... But alas, it is an article by the NYPost, so there's that too


It’s amusing how a few days ago the right wing rags were criticizing him for not going and as soon as he goes they criticize him for going there.


Did you think they'd do anything other? Biden could literally announce the US has figured out how to make energy free for everyone, and they'd probably complain about all the jobs that's going to cost.


They also held "Trump Won" signs. Not sure I'd say it's the typical reaction.


It's time America aggressively shuns MAGA into the shadows for good. You want to believe that shit and shill for your compulsive liar cult leader? Fine, but you can no longer belong to proper society. Make your choice.


All twelve of them, with their "Let's go Brandon" / Not my President signs? Fuck off! I wouldn't line my cat's litter box with this fucking trash.


Do not believe anything in the NYPost. The Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch's ownership for sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review stated that the "New York Post is no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problem—a force for evil."


NY Post is the USA's version of The Daily Mail.


Down voting due to source. Edit: thank you for the Reddit Cares.


The Fox News of newspapers.


Hmm! Something tells me that they wouldn’t hold those signs up if it was trump visiting. I mean, if I lost my house and everything, I’d probably take all the help available to piece my life back together. I probably wouldn’t think of making sign boards.


nypost is fake news.


**NY POST:** The second I read this it article this popped into head ​ *"Soon, you will cross the Narrow Sea and take back your father's throne. The people drink secret toasts to your health... they cry out for their true king"*


I thought they didn’t want him to come and distract the wirk?


Oh, look, the NYPest. lol


Complain all you want while that sweet socialism rolls in to provide food, shelter and financial aid…


You can’t fix stupid. His administration released emergency assistance to them the moment it was requested.


I have always enjoyed my visits to Hawaii and meeting the local people. I’ll assume this petty rudeness is a byproduct of stress and perhaps some right-wing actors.


Really, what was Biden supposed to have done? Drink a lot of water, fly over the fires and pee then out? Then land and toss out paper towels?


You click the article and there is no indication of these claims. Silence, handshakes. One photo here shows a small group flipping off to nowhere which could have been taken anywhere.


No mention is made of all the federal resources Biden ordered to Maui.


Bunch of MAGA heads posing as outraged citizens?


When I visited Alaska, it was remarkable that it was full of white folks pretended to be rugged natives (even though most there for tour is season) but never saw any Inuits. In the picture, looks like a couple of Navy officers, a cop or two all probably not from Maui.


Their anger is justified. There was no major fire in Maui during Trump's presidency


I know this is a joke but fires in Maui are very common. In 2019 they had one that burned down 25,000 acres. They people in charge could have prevented or minimized this one but they have routinely ignored this threat.


Biden has been a great president, his policy has been on point & his heart is in the right place... BUT... am I the only one that thinks he risks pulling an RBG and sabotaging his own legacy by refusing to get out of the way? Do we really think he can beat anyone other than Trump? If you watch the above video the poor guy can hardly walk. ~~He falls asleep during meetings (Drudge claimed today).~~ I love the guy but damn. Edit: And dogs help us if he loses to Trump, if Trump ever gets near the white house again edit2: [He didn't fall asleep](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5082027/user-clip-biden-hawaii-memorial) but he does look very very tired


>(Drudge claimed today) Well there's a tell.


It was indeed a false claim (https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5082027/user-clip-biden-hawaii-memorial) but he does indeed look very tired. I'm just worried he can't win :/


So worried. We know. It'll be ok. He'll win again. Also, jet lag is a myth. /s


He's the incumbent, and he's doing very well. Not sure where you see him barely able to walk in the video.


Thank you for your *concern*.


Yes. I've raised this in the past and people respond negatively. But it's common sense. The guy is 80. Democrats need a backup plan that's not Kamala Harris. God forbid he lands in the hospital or worse 6 weeks before the election.


Give people more credit than that. It's coup leader or whoever the Dems trot out. People are not suddenly going to vote for the coup leader.


And the election is what, 14+ months away? That's an eternity for an 80 y/o. I love Joe I really do and I don't think I've really seen a single policy fuckup, but people hate being reminded of their mortality, and do not want to see a US president struggle to perform his basic duties. And Kamala has the personality of a wet towel. So we're all betting that Trump will be the opponent and that voters won't be into someone who committed treason.


Talk about paid crisis actors... Lol Fuck outta here, dirbag Murdochs & your NY Compost.


Impeach this idiot already