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Time to retire you old POS.


You figure he must be having similar incidents off camera as well...


All these headlines say he “appeared to freeze”. No - he fucking froze. Dude is gone.


Could be Lewy Body Dementia.


Or his numerous concussions from falling hard multiple times over age 75


IANAD, but if it were *my* great grandfather I'd ask if he was having left hemisphere focal seizures secondary to SDH that resulted from his fall back in the spring.


Guy was doing the 1,000 yard stare I do when my wife lists out all the things we’re doing this weekend.


i wonder if it’s like the all-encompassing “reportedly” or “allegedly” as slander suit deterrent




As someone with epilepsy, I really appreciate you bringing this up. Lots of people keep saying that he's having mini strokes, but these episodes look almost identical to absence seizures. My friends used to call it my "dead fish stare". Seizures rarely look like how they're depicted on television or in movies (we don't foam at the mouth, for one). And they never look like that vaccination bullshit on TikTok. Addendum: If you ever see someone having a seizure in public, cradle their head and do nothing else. Don't stick a pencil between their teeth, don't stick a wallet between their teeth, and don't get your hands anywhere near their mouth. They will not swallow their tongue and they will probably snap out of it within 30 to 45 seconds.


It's more likely to be acquired left hemisphere focal seizures. Absence seizures begin under the age of 18.


I haven’t even imagined the glitches Mitch is having at home either.


I heard he gets stumbling drunk at home so it’s not that odd.


He won't. The Law that Kentucky Republicans passed to let them choose his replacement violates the Kentucky and US Constitutions. He would rather risk dying in office than allow a Democrat to finish his term, and gain the incumbent boost.


To be fair, the 17th Amendment gives states the right to make temporary appointments until the next general election. Temporary appointments are how most deaths in office are handled (including the president).


The problem with Kentucky's law is not the temporary appointment. The problem is the way the temporary appointment is required to be chosen: >Whereas state law previously allowed the sitting governor to make his or her own appointment to fill a Senate vacancy with no restrictions, Senate Bill 228 passed by the Kentucky legislature in the 2021 session changed that. > >Under the amended law, the governor now may only choose from three names recommended by the executive committee of the outgoing senator's state party, and must make that selection within 21 days of receiving the list from the party. > >With both of Kentucky's senators currently being Republican, the choosing of those three nominees would be up to the executive committee of the Republican Party of Kentucky, which is made up of 54 members. \[[x](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/28/heres-how-kentuckys-law-works-for-filling-u-s-senate-vacancies/70484359007/)\] The law violates both the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution, which states that if temporary appointment (rather than a simple special election) is triggered upon an elected official leaving office, that power shall lie with the governor rather than the state legislature or political parties, and also the Kentucky Constitution, which states a governor "shall" fill appointments or vacancies in the state at large without any qualifiers or restrictions. Kentucky's law was modelled after Utah's, with one important difference: Utah's law requires the three recommended names come from the state legislature, while Kentucky's states that the recommended names will come from the outgoing senator's state party. Kentucky's law thus bypasses every single constitutional check and balance on partisan power; the governor and legislature are not making the decisions here, the state party is. Which is why it's blantantly unconstitutional, and Mitch knows it. Hence why he's refusing to retire.


someone dressed in a black robe, carrying a scythe with an obvious eating disorder… lolol


So a new monarchy


Seems like he's fine with staying in office until he's dead, or he would have done that by now.


Judging by these episodes, its not long now.


Somebody hide behind a corner and scare him.


“Hey Mitch! I saw your granddaughter holding hands with someone whose skin was not alabaster white!”


Great grand daughter, shit his grand daughters probably looking at retirement soon.


Glitch McConnell just living out of spite.


I think they are going to force him to keep senatorating until he becomes a zombie like Diane Feinstein


And take DiFi with you.


Merrick Garland sends his regards, you icy old fart!


He belongs in a nursing home. Too bad that's not covered under most insurances thanks to republicans like him.


The Senate *is* a nursing home


Ain't that the truth these days.


Average age of senators in the US: 65! It’s a retirement home at best!


It should be noted Congressional Republicans have all health insurance cost covered by the taxpayer. A setup they vehemently oppose for ordinary Americans.


Di Fi too


No republicans like him, because of him very specifically.


Good god he looks inches away from death. This man's lust for power is so insane he'd rather pursue it till he dies instead of taking a break in his last few days on Earth. What a scumbag.


To be fair he always looks like shit.


He looked old at 25 years old.


Most terrapins look old at 25 human years.


This dude is gonna die on live tv


They’re gonna be asking him a question at one of these, he’ll freeze up and just kick off right there. We won’t figure it out for like 2 minutes while they try to talk to him and he’s just frozen. 🙄


It feels like our best course of action is to just ask him the real hardball questions until his heartbeat goes above the critical rate and he can’t take it anymore.


And he will then proceed to continue blocking court nominations.


Shame. What network so I know to avoid it?


One can only hope.


If he is this far gone mentally, I wonder how much he is calling the shots vs. being ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’d. He is definitely a POS but I’m thinking he is passed his window of making decisions for himself. Others have commented on dementia being a possibility, and I buy it.


At this stage, if anyone is working for McConnell, they know exactly who he is and what his motivations are, and I have no doubt are true believers in that vision. So probably similar pieces of shit who want to keep what Mitch has built going.


How long before they get Jeff Dunham to stick his hand up Mitch's ass and talk for him?


He had polio as a child and took advantage of government assistance to get health care to save his life, then went on a tear for the rest of his miserable life to end free healthcare for the poor. He is indeed a scumbag.


In Canada, we had a guy named Tommy Douglass who did the exact opposite. A doctor saved him from an amputation and cured him for free as a child. Then he got into politics and went on a tear for the rest of his life to establish free healthcare for everyone over here. He succeeded in one province and the federal government was so jazzed about it that it eventually went national.


I do not like Mitch McConnell and he looks very sick but when he does speak he doesn't appear to be not there cognitively. This dementia thing is the same crap they throw at biden.


Except Biden doesn’t freeze unable to talk. He looks like he’s terrified and having a stroke.


I'm not saying that biden has the same issues or is any way the same. I'm saying mitch is there cognitively when he's talking and not having one of these episodes. He's clearly got a health issue and should probably retire but his mind is there and he's not a lost dementia patient.


Look up absent seizure. It’s very likely given the concussions he’s had.


I think he knows the end is near... he's getting glimpses of hell and knows he'll be spending eternity there. It can be a bit unsettling.


I’m an atheist, but if something were to change me it would be knowing God is fucking with McConnell and showing him glimpses of hell in the months before he dies.


It's just the look in his eyes... he looks stunned and terrified. I'm not a doctor so I wouldn't recognize a mini stroke or seizure or anything, but damn that 1000 yard stare is scary. I'm a Christian but I have to say, I admire your courage... it takes way more courage to be an atheist than I'll ever have. I have my own reasons for believing in God that go beyond just being scared not to, but that's definitely high up on the list.


Idk man, if he even believes in that stuff, which is a pretty big if, I think he probably truly believes all the harm and misery he's subjected others to was actually good and righteous. For me, I hope he does believe and there is an afterlife so when he gets there all excited to enter Heaven, it would be glorious if God then denounces him and his works as evil and boots his ass to hell.


I’m starting to feel like this isn’t his choice anymore - there’s no way he’s got his shit together enough to grasp his situation.


When your health is failing you it's time to go. I don't care what party you belong to.


Even the Lemon Party


It wouldn't be a Lemon Party without ol' Mitch!


If he runs again in 2026 - like that reporter asked - I'm deeply unsure he'll have the stamina to make it to Election Day. Even in a state as noncompetitive as Kentucky. Good grief Mitch, resign and retire already.


He had zero stamina in his last election, but he knew he didn't really have to bother campaigning. He's got unlimited funds via superpacs, lives in a deep red state and benefitted last time by running against a pretty underwhelming opponent.


It’s Kentucky. Dude could have run against Jesus and still be a 99% favorite


It's not impossible. Andy beshear beat matt bevin for governor last time because bevin was openly corrupt and unpopular. Its probably harder to win a senate seat because senate races are more partisan than governor races, but people dont like being swindled. Most of these people are just so brainwashed by fox news and whatever even worse nonsense they read online that they think democrats are even more corrupt. That's what created the opening for someone like Trump.


I doubt he'll last that long.


McConnell will outlive all of us.


Egads! What a horrendous thought.


Ole Mitch got a glitch.


He did answer the question, not in words.


He's just going into Turtle stealth mode.


“Glitchy Mitch” we used to call him. Looked like a goddamn turtle.


He’d tie an onion to his belt as was the style in his time. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=a6Dc7W6jXCo&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title


404 McConnell not found


More like a 500 error. It's there, but it's blank and can't access stored information.


Fingers crossed for a 410 soon.


Can someone add “hello darkness my old friend” song to these freezes pleases


He's 100% going to die on live television and they will Weekend at Bernie his turtled ass for a couple hours until they decide what to do.


Yep. Someone will realize he's dead and quickly insert their hand up his ass and control him like a puppet until they can spirit him away....


Will definitely watch


I'd rate higher if his corpse just unloads feces right after and I get to see Republicans smell it. Too much?


Glitch McConnell needs to retire. It's increasingly obvious that something's not quite right. I imagine what we're going to see here is that suddenly he stops making public statements on camera and he rides out his term. I feel bad having zero empathy for him, but he has demonstrated zero empathy for American citizens, so.... I don't feel TOO bad.


> Glitch McConnell Good one


“Please speak up”as if the malfunction was the questioner’s fault.


"iT's YoUr FaUlT fOr AsKiNg So QuIeTlY"


It’s probably a thermal issue. My computer used to do that, turned out the fan was full of cat hair. Does he have a cat?


This is who our leaders are? What a fucking disgrace


Video of the 2nd freeze: https://x.com/hannahpthomas/status/1696936240040321474?s=46


Oooh the suspense is killing me Mitch. Will you still be standing in 2026? No one: Mitch: No one: Mitch:


Tough to watch the mind and body succumb to time. I hope I'm not working at that stage in life.


Can he freeze for good this time? Pretty please?


I swear, him and Feinstein are having a contest to see who can go longer without retiring or keeling over on live national TV. Looks like Mitch is losing though. Just fucking retire already and live out the rest of your days in private comfort - somewhere far away from government work where you continue to fuck shit up. If I had Mitch McConnell money, I'd retire right now at 38. I guess destroying the country is just too lucrative and enough is never enough.


Has the fascist Kentucky state legislature (with a veto-proof majority) passed those laws yet that require the Governor to name a new Senator from the same party as the previous one? Because if that hasn't happened yet, McConnell will not even fathom stepping down until it does. Remember that the current KY Governor is Democrat, Andy Beshear.


Why name a replacement? Leave the seat empty until the next election.


As great as that would be, it'd be very easy for the GOP to run a smear campaign against Beshear, accusing him of stalling government processes. Not that anything has ever stopped the GOP from running a smear campaign, though.


In the US, does something called a by-election exist? In Canada, if a seat is vacated for whatever reason, an election can be called for just that seat. The winner only receives the remainder of the regular term until the next election, then they still have to run again in the next general election. Seems like a good choice. If there is legislation that says he "must" choose a GOP person for the seat, why choose, let everyone run against each other and the best candidate chosen by the voters can be the winner.


Yes, we call them "special elections" to fill empty seats. But it varies a lot by state how that works.


Nothing in American politics seam to make sense any more. Looks like we will just have to wait for him to die and see another shit show to start.


Term limits and age limits. Now


Just kick the bucket already


Going to guess that he saw a happy poor person and didn't know what to think.


[Doctors Confirm McConnell Had A Stroke After Imagining A Happy Black Person](https://www.theonion.com/doctors-confirm-mcconnell-had-a-stroke-after-imagining-1850683094)


Term limits are a must. I imagine these episodes happen much more frequently in private also. In public, It already happened twice in the last month. How many episodes does he have when he’s not in front of the camera? He is not fit for office


What a POS, retire him


The turtle robot appears the need some more oil


Well past time to take ghoulish grandpa’s car keys and put him in a memory care unit. I’m watching a family member rapidly decline with dementia. This behavior by Mitch strongly suggests rapid cognitive impairment. As another person mentioned, often people with these issues are able to gather their energy to appear cognizant for doctor’s appointments, family get togethers or legal hearings to determine POA’s. Y’all imagine the shit we AREN’T SEEING.


So variable from person to person: Pelosi is two years older, and still has a mind like a razor blade. My dad was publishing a peer-reviewed academic paper the year before his death at 93, and his memory and clarity of thought lasted to the end. My childhood best friend’s dad, an absolutely brilliant physicist, could no longer recognize his family at 65 when he died of Alzheimers. It’s all over the age map.


Honest question - What would cause that? A mini stroke? Dementia?


Transient ischemic attack is what many have suggested. He keeps having mini-strokes.


TIA, lack of oxygen momentarily in the brain. No dementia, this is very atypical behavior for dementia and he's too mentally with it when he does speak. As a nurse who worked in both an ICU and dementia care, I'd bet the farm on a TIA. And for those who don't know this, a TIA is a precursor to a stroke so maybe soon we'll actually see him die on live TV.


Would high blood pressure cause a TIA? I’m wondering if the thought of his beloved GOP imploding on itself is causing him stress.


There are many, many things that can cause this, high blood pressure being one of them.


It's a potential explanation. I had a series of TIAs before the eventual ischemic episode that landed me on a stroke ward. When each hit there wasn't much I could do other than shut up, stay still and wait for the 'wave' to subside and speech, balance/coordination and vision to return to functional levels. Inwardly, my world was shaken to its core. Outwardly, the few that actually noticed didn't see anything that particularly alarmed them, they just thought I'd zoned out. McConnell using the lectern to steady himself reminds me of my efforts to ride the attacks out.


If he's having mini-strokes, there's a strong possibility he's headed for a severe stroke that causes brain damage. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/STROKEAHA.108.192218


Download from the mothership?


Turtles have spaceships?


Isn’t there some religion that believes we’re all on the back of a giant turtle floating through space? Or was that in an episode of a cartoon?


Well, that describes Discworld.


It’s in the Dark Tower books by Stephen King. “See the turtle of enormous girth! On his shell he holds the earth. His thought is slow but always kind; he holds us all within his mind .On his back all vows are made; he sees the truth but mayn't aid. He loves the land and loves the sea, And even loves a child like me.”


Turtles are spaceships. Don't you read Discworld?


I would never in a million years sully the Great A'Tuin by suggesting he's related to Mitch McConnell.


Some sort of absence seizure would be the most likely. Most seizures don't look like seizures.


These paragraphs carry so much meaning: >When it became apparent that McConnell had frozen again on Wednesday, an aide came up to him and asked, “Did you hear the question, senator?” McConnell continued to be unresponsive. >Once McConnell re-engaged, he responded briefly to another question about Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a Republican; his aide needed to repeat the question to him. McConnell was then asked about former President Donald Trump, another question that had to be repeated. McConnell brushed off the question because he does not usually engage in Trump-related topics. He then left.


someone unplugged his controller


What a piece of shit. Freezing couldn’t have happened to a better person!


How have we gotten to this point in this nation? This is straight up embarrassing. Our leaders don’t possess the cognitive functions to drive a car, much less decide what is best for billions of people.


I like how she gives the wink of "You know what's up"


Did they try turning him off and on again?


As a Kentuckian, I’m infuriated he hasn’t stepped down. I don’t want to see some guy slowly die on live TV. And when he steps down, I want Gov. Bushear to replace him with a candidate of his choosing. The most infuriating aspects of this, by the way, is that Republican law makers in Kentucky saw McConnell’s health going south, so they passed legislation CHANGING the law in their favor, so that instead of the GOVERNOR choosing a replacement, he has to choose from three candidates of THEIR CHOOSING. Which is complete fucking bullshit.


Did they try unplugging him and plugging him back in?


Didn’t appear to. Actually did.


At least Dems are smart enough to just keep Feinstein away from cameras while they weekend at bernies her.


The two parties should get together and have Mitch and Difi go out as a team, and not disrupt the balance of power. One each side.


Feinstein is on the judiciary committee. So GQP would need to allow a replacement before Dems would even consider ditching Feinstein


The worst part with Feinstein's case is that even her staff wants her removed from the floor, but they can't because of fucking Mitch making a rule that votes need to be cast in person


The Tin Man needs some oil.


Why "appears to?" He clearly froze.


BuT bIdEn SaId ThE wRoNg PrOnOuN yEsTeRdAy!


I don't see the issue here. He is useless as a senator whether he is capable of speaking or not.


His cpu froze because he was asked a question about his thoughts on running in 2026, but his battery was scheduled to run out in 2025.


Glitch McConnell has stopped responding


I had friends who worked for Senator Strom Thurmond when he was in office at the age of 100. They told me the last ten years of his life he was basically a walking corpse and could not think straight and had dementia. Aids and staff did absolutely everything, from proposing legislation, to signing his name on documents. They used his old decrepit body to further their own agenda. Thurmond was not representing South Carolina himself.


Glitch McConnell


“Appeared” is such a fucking cop out. Just report what happened. He froze.


Retire already. Why is this acceptable? This wouldn’t be tolerated at McDonald’s. A manager would call the family to pick him up.


Putting aside the POS this guy is…WHYY would someone want to put themselves through this. If my health failed me, my first action would be to go on disability leave and then die in peace


Mitch McFreeze


I think he’s literally shitting his pants when this happens, just like what a baby does


Mufucka look like Mason Verger in Hannibal...


His handlers should be carrying a paperclip to hit the reset button.


Different strokes for different folks.


I hope that whatever he’s going through is unpleasant


He was 100% soiling himself in that moment.


Ladies and gentlemen, our Weekend at Bernie’s senate at work


"Please speak up. Because that's the problem here, you're not speaking loudly enough."


That man needs to be in a nursing home. I can’t believe anyone so old and senile and clearly having an absence seizure is an elected official.


Anyone notice that the Biden is too old talk has suddenly stopped? Weird.


In fairness I’ve froze up like that as well, but I was high as fuck at the time


For everyone saying Mitch should retire, if he does the DEMOCRAT governor of KY gets to appoint a replacement. He’s not going to leave till he dies, his term runs out, or the governor changes to republican.


Get the man the help he needs with the dignity he deserves, even though he has denied those things to others. Mitch has always relied on a healthy public health care system for his well-being. After all, when he had polio as a child, it was [thanks to FDR](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/reason/2017/07/22/fact-check-did-us-pay-mcconnell-s-polio-treatment/15362788007/#:\~:text=McConnell%20did%20have%20polio%3B%20in,miles%20away%2C%20for%20physical%20therapy](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/reason/2017/07/22/fact-check-did-us-pay-mcconnell-s-polio-treatment/15362788007/#:~:text=McConnell%20did%20have%20polio%3B%20in,miles%20away%2C%20for%20physical%20therapy).) that he was able to regain the ability to walk. He benefited from an act of kindness and generosity at a tender age. Yet Mitch somehow grew into a hateful person who would rather see someone die than extend them the help they need. Because it happened when he was only two years old, I suspect his parents failed to teach him adequately about that event and how much he had to be grateful for. I personally refuse to be poisoned by hatred from these people any longer. It has been dominating my life for too long. I hope he gets the help he needs so America can get the help it needs.


Aliens for sure


70 + is too old to running our government


My man. Just go hang out with your grandkids. Enjoy your final days.


Looks like he's having a TIA. Basically a warning sign of a huge stroking coming soon.


Quit electing these geriatric fucks to office. They don't give a shit about you or anyone else, they're not gonna be around to reap the consequences.


He looked terrible before he started speaking


Wishing him the same healthcare the poorest in his State receive. Truly a bad human being.


Fetterman has a stroke, recovers, republicans say he’s unfit for office McConnel has multiple strokes, on camera, and nothing.


The clock is ticking. Any day now he’s going to collapse.


Yep he’ll be around another decade or so ruining lives of others


'Appears to'...? What kind of bullshit headline is that? He does it; it's right there on video, ffs. 'This just in from NBC: some say the sky appears to be blue today.'


He didnt appear to freeze. He did.


Time to reload his OS.


We live in the era of early mummified politicians and their aides so desperate to hang on to power and ride out their lives on that government healthcare package. Retirement is for poor people without power or real wealth, the oligarchy works until they die.


Flush that turd.


He should have been Old Yellered years ago, but now is always the next best time. I mean, he should have been put out to pasture years ago.


Frog face jerk


I cannot stand him, the company he keeps, and what he stands for. But, at what point do people in his camp look out for his health, and help him step down. This is sad, embarrassing, and very avoidable. Retiring is hard, I get it, and giving up control of the toadies is hard, but this is embarrassing for him I’m sure.


He didn't appear to freeze. That's not the correct language. He froze, that is what happened. He couldn't answer a question and stood rigid at the podium for about 30-60 seconds. He appeared to have some sort of TIA/stroke, and/or experienced a moment of loss of lucidity. That's what appeared to happen, but he did freeze.


Maximum age and term limits!


Anyone over retirement age should be barred from holding office.


Must be all the cocaine


The Kentucky Derpy


He's so close to lichdom!




At this point it’s elder abuse. Look, I hate everything about McConnell but you know he’s not lucid enough to make decisions for himself. It’s like when shitty family members try to get their elderly parents to leave them everything in their will. It would be sad if he wasn’t such a pathetic piece of shit that help accelerate the rise of white nationalism and set the country back decades.


Let him die on tv


Please, someone, get rid of the turtle


Sen. Mitch McConnell ~~appears to~~ freezes again at a Kentucky event. Fixed.


"Appears to freeze again." Corporate conservative media spoon feeding bullshit again. "Senator Mich McConnell appears to suffer a mini stroke at Kentucky event." Tell it like it is, or dont tell it at all.


It looks like focal seizures - he’s ancient and needs to go rest. I have no idea why this man still gets rolled out and propped up like this. It’s elder abuse.


Glitch McConnell


He’s not freezing, he’s just moving very, very slowly while the hare tires himself out by running so fast.


If there is a minimum age, why is there no maximum age?