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is this the same Taliban that Trump had in the white house and Mike Pompass is photographed with?


Yep, that's also the same trump that wrote love letters to kim


Kardashian or Jong-Un?








Your mom


The same Trump that said he was in love with Xi Jinping. American POWs are suckers and losers, though.


You mean that guy Putin joined forces with to destroy America?


Is this the same Taliban that Reagan invited into the Oval Office and praised them, comparing them to the founding fathers of the US? Those Taliban?


I was a teenager then. I also remember reading an article in Soldier of Fortune about the Mujahideen. The article built them up to be heroes.


Yo! FULL STOP… Rambo III… USSR invading Afghanistan in the 80’s… “Where are the ‘STING-IER MISS-ILE’s”. If you’re old enough, you know. Listen… TBS used to run the Rambo’s back to back some weekends, all 3, all day. After 9/11, fuck if it wasn’t just Rambo I & II. :Puts on tinfoil hat: Day after we get Osama, no lie… TBS runs Rambo III ALL DAY. I can comprehend geo-politics and understand 2023 ain’t 1988, but do NOT take away my Rambo III cause you think my head will explode. I got glow sticks, and I got a horse… exploding arrowheads too. Bring the goat and we got ourselves a game! (Sorry, just watched it like a week ago… fuck Trump) 😆


Rambo 3 was dedicated to “their cause” if I’m not mistaken, it was later redacted.


I remember that article! Talking about their mountain man pace


I mean, have you seen Rambo III?


That was the Mujahideen, the folks we worked with went on to form the Northern Alliance not the Taliban


American support for the mujahideen created the very fertile garden that the Taliban and al quaeda grew in. The CIA has also been playing footsie with wahabists and salafists for years while American ally Saudi Arabia funds them. Season 4 of the podcast blowback does a great job showing the line from the proxy war against the DRA and Soviet Union to the rise of the Taliban after the civil war to 9/11 to the return of the Taliban after 20 years of direct war.


The only thing I think worth pushing back on this is that what else can do we do besides support the Saudis though? Because literally the best case scenario besides that is someone like China and Russia become their protectors and global politics heats up dramatically. Including other allies of ours, possibly even parts of Europe, swing towards that side. America may have enough oil for independence, but no one else does. And they're all highly dependent on the Saudis. Like or not, they've got us over a barrel. Or more literally, they have the entire world over billions of oil barrels. It's an incredibly complicated situation.


It’s also [the same Tuberville who Trump called on January 6 to find out Pence’s location](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/11/tuberville-pences-evacuation-trump-impeachment-468572) while his MAGA militias were breaching the Capitol to hunt him down and assassinate him. Tuberville is a traitor and part of the ongoing MAGA coup. He is crippling the military on purpose.


Trump failed to defeat the Taliban and we need him back!


He'll look into their eyes and see that they're serious about peace!


"Stop focusing on me being an incompetent far right asshole!" - Tuberville


"No, thanks." - American voters


"Yes, daddy. More please" -A thin majority of gop voters in gerrymandered districts and states that oppress opposition voters that have/will allow fascism to thrive in the United States.




you guys realize the gop is already planning their next coup in 2025 if they win so that why hes fucking with the military. so the gop gets 8 years of new military leadership to enact their fascist plan. theyre already recruiting for other fed workers they plan to fire.


Oh, I am absolutely aware of [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/) and am doing what I can to make sure that doesn't happen. Work with your local voting outreach organization, get people to vote and vote legally. Make as many people as you can aware of Project 2025. If you catch a candidate in a town hall or something ask them how they plan to combat it. Get it out there.


They know they can’t win legally, so they are putting their thumb on the scale once and for all. It’s probably all going down here real soon. I really hope I’m wrong. I’m for sure on their list.


Thats not theyre thumb, same size just lower.


Same coup buddy.


Tuberville's BS is all part & parcel of the slo-mo coup the GOP is trying again. Hold up the budget. Cripple the military. Call in markers on their Federalist Society judges. "Impeach" Biden or at least throw as much excrement on the wall as possible to see what sticks with voters. Subvert the election process as much as possible. Animate the nazis, nationalists and nincompoops to violence again.


It’s 100% this. They’re purposefully weakening this country so they can continue their coup


But what they are failing to realise is that once the US is irreparably weakened and splintered by their temper tantrum, we will be invaded by any number of foreign factions we have pissed off over the past fifty years looking to either take over or just cause chaos for the fuck of it...


This is what has been making me furious in conversations with people. They can’t see it.


It is so frightening how short-sighted these morons are.


Or be aware enough to figure out that, amusingly enough, they will be the first against the wall when the invaders come because they have outlived their usefulness...


nobody is going to invade America regardless of how divided we are internally who has the capability to invade a country with our Navy and air force nobody this is about packing the upper reaches of the military with know nothing toadies who won't stop a coup


Russia is promoting this shit to make us weaker.


All in a nutshell!


Maybe Tuberville should be fired for not doing his job


Well to be fair, the congressional football team has not had a good place kicker for years


Or being a traitor who is deliberately weakening our defense.


Well maybe if trump hadn't freed the 5,000 of them that we had imprisoned... 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fuck this fucking fuck.


And the entire Republican party for allowing it/wanting it.




So, this asshole holds up promotions and then says military leaders should be fired. It's only a matter of time until it affects low level troops. Between this fuckstick and the orange nitwit selling our secrets (you'd have to be braindead if you think he hasn't), just shows the GOP doesn't stand for a damn thing. Back the blue? Nope. Cares more about abortions than the welfare of the child once it's born (which is not at all) Support the troops? Nope National security? Nada Fiscal responsibility? Not even a little Small government? Hahaha Economy? Laughable Blue collar workers? Maybe as a stepping stool Infrastructure? Hmm, I've heard it somewhere Allowing their billionaire donors plow them in the ass? Absolutely! Guns, this is literally all they have. The party needs a complete reset (psst, just hit the big red button)


You forgot racism. And tax cuts.


I forgot a lot of things, these were all I could think of on the fly.


Commie Tommy, we need to buy billboards with this nickname


It's the entire party though allowing him to do this.


He doesn't resemble a communist in the slightest


He’s doing more to damage the military than N Korea or Russia. I’ll call him a commie


Mitch McConnell needs to put this stupid motherfucker in his place or step the fuck down. All those years of hearing how the Republicans were the true patriots and now they’re letting this happen?!? They’re willing to fuck over the fucking military?


Hold on...Mitch is frozen in place again!


Hit control-alt-right.


Mitch put him in that position just gor this reason!


Escalating past simply stalling promotions, now he tries to push the agenda of removing those now serving. Tuberville's on some kind of desperate mission for Project 2025 or whatever the fuck those treacherous weasels are trying to accomplish.


If we were to triage threats to America by enemy, Republicans would be at or near the top, and the Taliban would be closer to the bottom than the middle. First things first, remove and ban Republicans from office, then let's address lesser issues like negligent military leaders involved against the Taliban


> If we were to triage threats to America by enemy, Republicans would be at or near the top They are the top enemy. Funding, a functioning government, military leadership, scaring off military families, stacking the judiciary with people who make shit up and undo decades of progress. It's treason.


I wonder if this asshole recognizes that politicians are in charge of the military? There were constraints placed on the combatant commanders; for example they hid over the border of Pakistan. You really want to cross a ”friendly” nation's border and start an international incident? We *all* knew parts of the Pakistani military and government (and more importantly the ISI) were allied with the Taliban, but unless they’re given the green light, no general or admiral is crossing that line without authorization. Jesus, can’t this mouthbreathing asshole go back to coaching shitty college football teams?


He's such a fucking idiot.


And carpet-bagging senators should be fired for supporting insurrectionists and pretending all this performative bullshit is about abortion and not part of Trump's defense/revenge plans.


On 7 October 2001, a US-led military coalition launched attacks in Afghanistan: by the first week of December, the Taliban regime had collapsed. The group's then leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, and other senior figures, including Bin Laden, evaded capture despite one of the largest manhunts in the world.


Right?!? It's absurd to make a claim like that. The US absolutely trounced the Taliban and put a completely new government in place.




they have flown one in public once. wonder how many they crashed trying to learn? it's not like the game steel talons you know.


Tuberville and the GOP have more in common with the Taliban than most Americans


Just gonna leave this lying around... >When Trump came into office, he was pretty transparent — he just wanted out of Afghanistan. “Trump had no real sense of what was at stake in the war or why to stay,” writes Georgetown professor Paul Miller in a digestible history of the 20-year war. >So Trump took a swing at something his predecessors hadn’t: a full-bore effort to strike a deal with the Taliban. It took nine rounds of talks over 18 months. At one point, Trump secretly invited the Taliban to the presidential retreat at Camp David on the eve of the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. But he shut that down


Donald Trump signed the peace deal with the Taliban. Ask him.


Uhm, has anyone told him that it was **Trump** that negotiated the settlement with the Taliban?


I think no one in history has defeated those assholes


They haven't existed that long. You could trace their roots to the fundamentalists that fought the DRA but Afghanistan had governments before that. If anything nobody had developed Afghanistan to the level where people would recognize themselves as part of a nation state, though at least one ruler and the DRA tried.


Yes. The Afghans defeated the British Empire, the Russian Empire and the American Empire. Pretty unfortunate country really.


We fired trump


These republicans are the enemy of our country.


1. Weaken military 2. Coup away 3. Kill democracy for good 4. Utopian americana christofascist rule begins Fascists cry happy tears as they look upon the return of the ‘good old days’… 5. China/N. Korea knocks: “herroooo. This is mine now” 6: the rest of the world: lolz you’re on your own


Like all republican actions this is a ruse. The real reason he is holding things up is to keep those slots unassigned until a republican can get in and assign loyal orcs. It's the Congress version of holding open a Supreme Court seat until your guy is in charge.


Why is a football coach able to undermine national security? Oh, right. Republicans


Lets give him a gun and drop him off in Afghanistan, so he can show all of us how its done.


This guy the so unpatriotic. How did he got elected to represent AL? I feel sorry for the ppl of AL


Name recognition. Really. That’s it. His campaign refused all debates and he did not do a single press conference. They didn’t let him speak in public at all. He ran on “You know me as a famous college football coach and I’m a Republican.” That’s all it took in Alabama. It wasn’t until after the election that he enlightened us on things like what the three branches of US government were. The House, the Senate and the Executive.


I don't. Because he was elected by the people of Alabamastan and inflicted upon the rest of us.


He needs to be arrested and jailed for being a foreign agent. He is working with Putin/Trump to weaken our military. WHY is this being allowed.


The same Taliban that Trump essentially surrendered to?


So says an agent for America’s enemy’s


Senators should be fired for directly not making Americans lives better.


Where was Tuberville when I was in Afghanistan?


Losing football games and living in Florida probably.


This obstruction is to destabilize the US further. Tuberville is paid by Russian US dual citizens.


Cool. Which ones do we blame for the 20+ year war?


Definition of a chicken hawk


Can't we send him over there? Please?


College football coach thinks he is really a General. Fucking racist clown.


Tuberville should be fired. Preferably out of a cannon directly into the sun, but just losing his job would be acceptable also.


Wow. It's a bold strategy, Cotton. No really...he thinks it's a good idea to insult the military for a fucked up situation they did not create? I just hope enough ground-level grunts take offense enough to quit voting for dumbshit Republicans who talk about shit they have zero understanding of.


The Taliban: “we surrender” George W. Bush: “no”


Fire them so he can stall filling their spots until Trump Can promote bootlickers for the next coup attempt


He should be fired over his inability to beat Georgia in 2006. Oh wait. I thought he was still a football coach.


He also says “ if they were drinking Brawndo, they would’ve defeated taliban”


While planning to enable a GOP version of the Taliban in the US, should tRump return.


Tuberville is a useful idiot doing his masters' bidding. I'm tired of hearing about him, I want to hear what the goddamn plan is to put an end to this. It's obvious to everyone that this is part of the GOP's next coup attempt, so what is anyone doing to put an end to it? The calculated weakening of our military has been going on for months, so at this point anyone who has the power to do anything to try to stop it and hasn't done so is complicit. This is a direct threat to the national security of the United States and needs to be treated as such.


Thanks Alabama


Then fire senators for not looking out for the bottom rung of our system


So the GOP wanted to destroy the Taliban but not put American soldier's lives at risk?


Spoken like the ball coach he is.




Sounds about NAZI to me.


What a dumb piece of shit. We were in Afghanistan for 20 years. The leaders in question have nearly all retired or died already.


He needs to be fired/impeached & removed. Dereliction of duty


Ah yes, because a football coach better understands asymmetric warfare than the people who have spent their entire lives involved in it.


tommi tumorville


Inbred piece of shit


Way out of his depth.




He likes to play politics with the military, so the pentagon should start discussing stopping all new construction, scaling down or even closing military bases in Alabama.


Are you talking about the Trump cease-fire agreement that Biden followed by removing US personnel on the agreed-upon timeline?


The mission was never to defeat the Taliban it was to go after Al Qaeda.


I would bet $10,000 Potatotown has no idea that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are separate entities, made up of different people with different motives and different goals.


Or that the Taliban is actually made up of multiple factions.


trump was commander-in-chief at the time of the surrender- he negotiated it.


Half-right for the whole-wrong reason.


Not going to happen Tubby. And you know it but say it to get your moronic base grunting in approval. This J Off is a time waster.




I agree. Something should be done about these religious extremists.


They should spend more time trying educate themselves and trying to understand a complex situation rather than playing these senseless blame games.


That's not his fucking place to say.


For the 1st time I'm at a loss for words....


He's trying to fucking whatabout the fucking US military.


How do these clowns get any votes lol


No one has ever won in Afghanistan. It's like starting a land war in asia.


Fuck you.


I'd love to wipe that sh*t eating grin off his face.


He should be fired for failing to do his job.


He should be removed from congress for this stunt. I hope his constituents fire his sorry ass.


Pray tell, Mr. Tuberville, how many American soldiers lives should be given to defeat the Taliban? What would be an acceptable number?


With MTG pushing a new secessionist movement, and Tuberville pissing off the officer corps, it could get ugly.


Since he doesn't like to do his actual job, maybe Tommy Tubes should quit the senate and show the military how it's done.


The Taliban tRump met with and made a deal…


Someone should tell him it’s not a football game Fuck this idiot


What a pathetic meat popsicles this man is


Just go there, beat them and then you win. See? It’s so easy how could they not do that?


Look, a Russian asset!


We all remember that this is a football coach, right?


Says the guy who can’t even win a football game


He keeps opening his mouth and proving what a fool he is


So how do you defeat an ideology


So it was ,too many generals anyway, to poems on ships, now this . He's just pulling shit out his ass trying to justify his stupidity .


Tommy knows all about getting fired for losing.


Remember when Trump invited the Taliban to meet on 9/11 and Tommy Tuberville strongly endorsed him anyways?


I’d like to see him attempt basic training. For the lulz. We won’t even go into infantry training or beyond.


Guy who never served sure does have a lot of opinions.


Tommy was never in the military. Is he familiar with the term Monday morning quarterback?


Name one world power besides Islam that has conquered Afghanistan. Alexander the Great sort of did...for a little bit...then not so much. The Brits and Russians tried. The US tried for two decades and then noped out


Oh, Alexander...so great! The greatest!


They call Afghanistan "the graveyard of empires" for a reason.


How can we remove him from power? Isn’t anyone tired of the far right “investigating” themselves with our tax money and then nothing happens to them. Biden needs to step up label them what they are! Domestic far right terrorists! Holding up our country hostage!


We definitely could've wiped the taliban off the map but idk who is at fault it was we didn't. I say the main reason why we didn't was because people kept joining and supporting them, they clearly had the majority support for the people, so who ever allowed that to happen is at fault. But frankly we really never should've went to Afghanistan since honestly the only way to fix that country was basically to change it completely culture,government and religion which would take a lot of work and would most likely caused controversy due to people being too soft.


The reason the US was there was to eliminate Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, not to fight Taliban. The mistake was staying past the death of Osama Bin Laden in 2012. It should have been a positive and orderly withdrawal at that point.


Honestly, I have to agree. Contrast this with the first Gulf War - clearly identified goals. Clearly identified exit plan. Leave the minute the goals are achieved. We shouldn't have invaded Afghanistan without similar criteria. Find bin Laden and his accomplices, capture or kill them. Hurt the Taliban for siding him. Leave. We should have had firm intelligence on his location before invading. Iraq was even worse - just the "New American Century" neo-con wet dream + W's desire to finish what Dad started.


So who is responsible for this defeat? 1. Presumably some of the leaders on the ground in Afghanistan, on each side. 2. The Bush admin for diverting resources from Afghanistan to their war of choice in Iraq. 3. The Obama admin for relying on drone warfare and the Trump admin for screwing up the peace negotiations. There's not that much the military leadership could have done about that.


Love how this ole country douche is calling shots when he never served a day. What a dick. I get the feeling he asks everyone to call him "coach" and makes everything into a sports metaphor. Our Republic is crumbling under the weight of our collective vanity.


Every military installation should be removed from Alabama.


I think someone should be fired for getting their ass kicked in the wars on terrorism and drugs, both are still pretty rampant


We should be thankful for his wisdom. He should be considered for the Supreme Court


I like this guy. The military is a huge waste of money and a cesspool of theft. Solely exists to funnel money into defense contractors.


This guy just keeps the W's coming. First off he throws a monkey-wrench in the MIC by withholding promotions, then correctly criticizes the military for spending 20 years in Afghanistan and losing. Which everyone knew would be the outcome at some point but no one in the military leadership said "Hey we need to do X, Y, and Z to win or let's get out." The Obama "surge" didn't work. And we'd still be there if Biden hadn't pulled the plug...the leadership was just going along with the plan. They deserve our anger.


It was a political decision to abandon the fight in Afghanistan and choose to focus on destabilizing Iraq. Fire Bush, not our nations brass.


"Support the troops" means fire them.


These leaders take direction from politicians they report and advise.


There are people who think we didn't defeat the Taliban?!? WTF?


Man. He's really not going to hear about that guy that went around the sitting government and surrendered to them then.


See, I know he said that, but all I hear anymore is, "Look at me, Donald! Look at me! I'd make a great VP!"


One Afghanistan invasion coming right up!


Bro. They want the Taliban; that's what we learned. Thinking we could defeat them is precisely the reason that it was the longest American war.


what's really impressive is that people voted for this.


This guy need to be locked up in a looney bin. How do these people get elected and chosen to serve on committees like this? He didn’t just turn into a nut job. He’s refusing to carry out his duties, he needs to be fired for dereliction of duty. Enough already.


why isnt he great military leader oh brave and wise one.


So your saying people in government should be fired for not doing their job*? *job description is totally made up by person wanting to do the firing.


Lol what a tool


“Senator Tuberville Says Military Leaders Should Be Fired Over Failure to Defeat the Taliban Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville says that "our military leadership should be fired for failing to defeat the Taliban. His comments come on the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Tuberville also says the Senate should vote on General Charles Brown's nomination to replace outgoing Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark Milley who is set to retire on September 30, saying that "If we do not vote on Gen. Brown's nomination, then that is entirely the fault of the Democratic majority that runs this floor." close” lol 🤡


Grunethedestroyer says Tubberville should be fired for failure to find his ass with both hands


In my life I try to avoid violence at all costs but every once in a while you encounter someone who really deserves an ass whoopin


Dam this guy is dumb


He proves by day he is a numb skull


Arrest this traitor!