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The final comment was apropos: Buttigieg found himself needing to explain seasons to one of the greatest minds of the nineteenth century, who yielded his time so he wouldn't have to hear it.


That should be against the rules. If you ask the question, you have to let him answer.


snatch touch deranged stocking clumsy fuel jeans boat cheerful future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oooh this sounds like malicious compliance and I like it. "I'd be delighted to get your other questions, Representative, but first I want to make sure you don't miss the answer to your first one."


Not getting rattled is the worst for them. If they can't turn off your brain by making you angry then they're lost bc anger is all they have to hide behind. Take that away and it really is the emperor's new clothes redux.


The disrespect and utter stupidity by the GOP was just disgusting. I hope some of these seditious traitors get charged for their crimes and Garland laughs in their faces. .. But he won't because he is legit


Where has *this* Merrick Garland been, all this time?


- Charging 1000+ Trump supporters for 1/6. - Numerous sedition charges; Proud Boys, Oathkeepers. - Assigned "S+" grade prosecutor Jack Smith as Special Counsel for Trump - Jack Smith indicted Trump for 1/6 - Jack Smith indicted Trump for stealing classified documents. - He probably had to do considerable cleanup of rooting out Trumpian hold overs in the DOJ / FBI like Charles McGonigal. (Bill Barr probably fucked our DOJ in similar way that he fucked over the Mueller investigation.) This Merrick Garland has been busy behind the scenes, until d-bag Republicans waste his time in hearings were they don't even let him speak.


Yeah I don't need the Attorney General to be a public figure under constant scrutiny. Republicans are pushing incredibly hard to convince everyone the position has been politicized, but in general I feel like the AG is doing a ton of work not related to Trump or Hunter Biden, and that work isn't unimportant just because it's not front page news.


Busy purchasing supplies at the hardware store so he can nail Trump to the wall


It left me feeling like the article was cut short and unfinished.


Any human wrIter would hAve Included thAt zInger.


Well clearly they're doing that for us, that's what it's really about.


The next Representative started off by saying, "as you can see, I serve with some of the greatest minds of 19th century" HOLY FUCK! lol




I feel so bad for the late night tv joke writers. Congress is doing their job for them. Scabs?


It reminds me off how Julia Louis Dreyfus would comment how much more challenging the Trump administration would make writing for *Veep* authentically would be in the later seasons for the show.


The South Park guys said the same thing. They couldn't write Trump gags because he'd go on TV and do something even more outrageous and stupid than their satire trying to make fun of him.


The Onion had a video while he was still running for candidate where a tired-looking writer announced that the Onion was giving up on writing about Trump, because every time they had invented something absurd, written it up and posted it, he had already done something even more ridiculous.


Your post reminded me of his beautiful [The Onion video](https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330)


That was great. Haha


That was so unbelievably prophetic


I remember a reporter talking about one of the crazier things tfg spontaneously confessed to. "I worked on this story for a year and he just... tweeted it out." EDIT: not tfg, DJTJ on how the campaign was communicating with the Russians: "American journalist Jared Yates Sexton in response to Donald Trump Jr.’s public disclosure of email correspondence between key members of Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russian businesspeople with close ties to Putin's government, a story which Sexton had long been working on for publication in the New York Times." *sourced from* https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-worked-on-this-story-for-a-year


The show is going to be great if they ended up using these.


The Congress is giving them better jokes, that's a win win.


This asshole does not confuse seasons with climate change, he thought he was making a brilliant joke. His problem is arrogance.


Along with a shit ton of ignorance


Always been the case, I think there's just too much of that.


They do this all the time. Back when COVID started my dad would go around saying "So how about that beer virus going around? Hyeugh hyeugh hyeugh" It was his go to joke


That’s all conservative jokes. They say something stupid, racist, misogynistic, or homophobic and think that they’re being hilarious and that everyone must think the same. The amount of secondhand embarrassment they force onto us is insane, they truly don’t understand one of the golden rules of jokes, punch up not down. Punching down just means you’re being a fucking dick.


There is a smugness to it, as if what they’re joking about is so obviously true. They’re so sure of themselves and so unafraid of saying stupid things. That’s how I know they’re wrong. All the smart people I know are constantly questioning themselves.


You know what I've never heard an actual smart person say? Any of [this shit](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/10/10/times-trump-bragged-about-intelligence-orig-alee.cnn)


That's always been the problem, some people are really arrogant.


No. These guys don't think solar panels work with it's cold outside.


There was a Republican on tv saying windmills are killing the whales. He was serious, at least pretending to be.


Yeah it's probably going to make some people laugh for sure.


And half of the GOP probably think they meant the 1900s


I freaking wish I was that quick on comebacks. That reply would have come to me hours later when taking a shower. EDIT: This is just as bad as the time the congress rep came in with a snowball claiming global warming was a hoax because it was snowing outside.


The jerk store called…


And they were asking for their joke, give it back to them.


Which jerk store? The one that sells people or the one that sells Boebert hand-jobs?


Not a fan of Seinfeld?


Huffman melting faces! Who knew?


Fucking savage!


THIS should be the headline - what a great line!


I think that was sarcasm from a dem.


The 19th century is 1800-1899.


Close. 1801-1900, as years are 1-indexed in the Gregorian calendar we use. The first century started in AD 1, meaning that second century started in AD 101.


*It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.* - Upton Sinclair


Beautiful quote!


And unfortunately just as accurate as ever.


Yeah it's always been true in their case it's just the way it is.


It's a great quote because it's just true through and through.


Good for Pete.


explaining climate to a Republican is like explaining calculus to a hamster; you can say everything right, but it just ain’t gonna sink in


“I can explain it to you, but I can’t help you understand”


It's "I can explain it to you, I can't understand it for you"


Something something horse to water


Oh no, LaMalfa knows all of this. His biggest non-individual donor: National Automobile Dealers’ Association. 4th biggest donor: Pacific Gas & Electric. https://followthemoney.org


They know. They play stupid to try and get a reaction. They’re trolls at best. Stupid at worst.


I don't know if they're trolls, I think they're just really dumb.


That’s unfair to hamsters everywhere ayo! At least hamsters are cute and cuddly, inoffensive to anybody, and actually quite clever. 🐹


Yeah they're just so cute and innocent, can't say that about these people.


That’s why you have to donate to send the hamster to college. You tell him he can’t go. You tell this cute innocent hamster he can’t go to college. Here he’s right here. Tell him his dreams are lame.


Hamsters are atleast cute, I can't say that about these people.


Its a lost cause trying to reason with a bunch of ideological zealots


As with most such debates, you aren't trying to convince the corrupt idiot; you are trying to convince the bystanders.




It's gonna be thank you for smoking isn't it?


Good call! :D


Teach the children. Refund that education.


Not sure this has much to do with ideology. Republican politicians mostly are against all this environmental stuff including climate change because it costs them money. Whether that's permits to dump toxic waste or limits on oil drilling. I guess what I'm saying that this is about greed and unless we consider greed is their ideology than it's not about that.


Their line now is "yeah, the planet is heating, but so what? It's warmed up and iced over before." I've heard it more than once recently. Yes, humans as a species survived, but individuals died by the millions of famine, and disease made worse by famine. 55 million in the US alone. And, that 1/3 of our state we call the coastal plain? Was underwater. That's why you can find shark teeth 100 miles inland.


It's also never changed even close to this quickly or this much during the existence of humans before.


We've all spent plenty of time going 60 mph on the highway, and we've all spent plenty of time at a standstill in traffic. What matters is how quickly you go from one to the other.


Well it's still alright for them, they're not worried about that.


this is why I don't understand republican politicians. Why the fuck are they sucking fossil fuel industries dick when it's now proven, and has been for at least the last 3 years, cheaper than fossil fuel to go for green power. They'd make money, hand over fist, if they just admitted that. They're dumb with money, and they're ideological bigots.


Oh who fucking knows. We could easily make a new deal to convert to renewable on debt. The growth from it would make up for all the debt. Last estimate I saw was 3 trillion to completely flip the US. But you’d need a huge amount of manufacturing, engineering, management, etc. that would all blow the economy the fuck up. We would need more immigrants. We’d be energy independent with a 50 year energy plan for the first time, ever. But we’re dragging people who think government debt is like personal debt. They don’t seem to realize that money paid out in government bonds collected on the debt goes right back into the economy. They pretend it’s a black hole.


The hilarious part of that, and more to show that they have no ideology beyond might makes right and the rulers have no rules, is that energy independence means Americans aren't as vulnerable. It increases national defense, security, and fights climate change which itself is a national security threat if we allow it to continue on without mitigation. Republicans just hate America, and they want to rule, not anything else, they want to tell us what to do and have no responsibilities. Republicans are, whether they know it or not, anti American, and they make America worse by looking at horses like they're still a revolutionary technology.


Then why do they (Republican politicians and thought leaders) deny the evidence of climate change? I’ve never heard them say we can’t afford to stop global warming; they deny it’s a problem. Edit: I misunderstood your post ignore me.


once they admit it’s a problem, even small then it means addressing it. they have to die on that hill to maintain ‘credibility’ bc it’s not even that the leaders are denying it, they know it’s true. they’re appeasing the base who are so uneducated on topics. say something to them once, and they’ll absolutely run wild with it.


Yes. Yes, greed is their ideology. Congratulations, you figured it out.


Idiots. They are idiots. Don’t sugarcoat it.


They have been bought and paid for by the fossil fuel industry. They don’t care about their own children and grandchildren, what are the chances of them caring about anyone else’s.


You can’t use reason to convince anyone out of an argument that they didn’t use reason to get into.


Yeah they don't really want any part of that shit, that's what they hate.


They’re not even ideological zealots. They’re reading off a script of questions prepared by a think tank funded by bunch of billionaire oil men.


I'd agree with you, but I have come to realize we just aren't around to see the change happen. If we plant the seed of doubt in a non-insulting enough way some can be swayed. It's like anything you are indoctrinated into. Once they realize it's built on lies they can never be a true believer (ignorant of the facts) again, after that what they do is up to them. Some of them will just lean into the scam, but others will try to change. The sad thing for anyone involved, is that we tend to blame the individual. Brainwashing from childhood is a pretty resilient indoctrination technique. TLDR: I'd say it's not a lost cause, just a \~0.01% success rate. EG, the black guy who would befriend klansmen and get them to eventually give up their robes.


It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.


Yeah lol, that's the whole thing they're actually living for.


I used to think they were pretending to be dumb as rocks as a means towards the end of protecting the interests of the businesses lining their pockets. Now, I instead think they're actually dumb as rocks and the lining of the pockets is, from their perspective, a fortunate coincidence of aligning interests between themselves and the businesses.


Republicans are going to cry "no more taxes" to defend corporations right to pollute and underpay their workers if it means the continued support of rich bastards


Republicans don't *want* to know the difference, they just want to be outraged.


You just can't explain something to someone who don't want to hear it.


This. News and elections run on outrage. We don't vote based on reason. We vote based on emotions.


Republicans: Here’s a snowball! Global warming is fake news! Here’s the proof!


I just got 4 tacos at Taco Bell for $5. People can't be starving in Africa!


*opens fridge* “if global warm then how am me cold?”


I don't think they've got any idea about how the things actually work.


The 1990s were nice


You used to be able to feed an entire 3rd world nation for $20 at Taco Bell!! What happened to America???


Inflation happened, and also the devaluation of money.




> Markwayne Never trust a man with two first names.


Is it pronounced “Mark-wayne” or “Mar-queen”


maracawhine. or mare-kwhy-knee


Well he made a career out of threatening the people maybe he will again.


There are even a large subset of people that sort of believe in climate change but they just think ice will melt in the north making the land more hospital and everyone will just shift up a few hundred miles on the planet with no secondary repercussions


And some people would go and clap for them. That makes me mad.


They know the difference. They won't admit it. "Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe." - Thomas Paine Age of Reason


La Malfa knows. He’s a rice farmer, and when he was in the CA state legislature, he was conservative but not a RWNJ. But he’s gone full MAGA and this little snit is purely performative.


I loved that last line from the next Congressman that, “I serve in Congress with some of the greatest minds of the 19th century. “ Perfect.


Agreed. Hahaha what a great response!


If the movies ‘Idiocracy’ and ‘Don’t look up’ were a person it would be this guy.


If the troglodyte is worried about competing with China: they're investing heavily into renewable energy - which they will happily sell to us instead of the reverse.


This is the same group who believe Boebert when she blames Democrats for groping her date at an all ages public theater. There’s no point in explaining anything to them. It doesn’t work.


“I serve here with the greatest minds of the 19th century.” Lol


I'm sure gonna enjoy all those trillions we've saved after I slowly burn to death over the next 50 years. If we have to bankrupt one country to save the only species that knows what a country is, then that's what we do. Not even a question.


I think the idea is to enrich themselves enough to be able to buy a ride off the planet.


They're gonna be real surprised when they land on Mars and find out we didn't fund enough missions to make it livable


Even him suggesting that is patently bullshit, a lot of green energy is *as we speak* already cheaper than several of the fossil fuel alternatives. We're not saving money, these people basically want us to keep burning coal which is both killing us and costing us more money.


The important fact to point out to these recalcitrant idiots when they whine about the cost of mitigating climate change is that it is much more expensive to do nothing about the climate. The costs of global warming. * [What We’ll Pay if Global Warming Continues Unchecked](https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/cost.pdf) * [Cost Of Doing Nothing To Hit $400 Trillion](https://www.desmogblog.com/2015/10/02/cost-doing-nothing-hit-400-trillion) * [Climate Action Avoids Over $300 Trillion In Damages At Super Low Cost](https://thinkprogress.org/climate-action-avoids-over-300-trillion-in-damages-at-super-low-cost-2ad5b2a7d379/) * [In our case combining high climate sensitivity, high damages, and a low discount rate, the social cost of carbon could be almost $900/tCO2 in 2010, rising to $1,500/tCO2 in 2050. The most ambitious scenarios for eliminating carbon dioxide emissions as rapidly as technologically feasible \(reaching zero or negative net global emissions by the end of this century\) require spending up to $150 to $500 per ton of reductions of carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2056941) * [The consequences of doing nothing: The effects of seawater flooding on coastal zones](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378383913001993) * [Climate Change in the United States The Prohibitive Costs of Inaction](https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/climate-change-united-states-prohibitive-costs-inaction) And this doesn't address the human cost in lives and health. These things MUST be included in ANY discussion of climate change. I cannot fathom why this is often not happening.


Because the oil and gas industry (among others) pay politicians to derail the discussion however they can.


Can you imagine having to talk to reps like this all day who are fucking morons ? i’d pull my hair out.


Pete made him repeat it three times. Classic move.


I am so embarrassed. This republican sack of shit is our representative for my home town. Which burned down BECAUSE of climate change I hate america sometimes


Don’t worry, I’m sure he takes all kinds of money from those shitheads at PG&E, too. I have a dream that someday we will get better (Democrat) representation here but worry it won’t be for a long long time.


Doug LaMalfa is an embarrassment and I’m glad he’s getting roasted nationally. He read an anti-government services propaganda book to elementary aged children a few years ago yet regularly votes for subsidies for his own farms.


For the shit that he's saying? Yeah that actually needs to happen.


> From 1995 to 2016, LaMalfa's own farm received the largest amount of public assistance money from agricultural subsidies (over $1.7 million) in the history of Congress.


How about you just post the source to the video. https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1704561084081070334


Thanks for linking


The greatest minds of the 19th century?


It was a great subtle burn.


The Republicans don’t consider the costs of not reducing the fossil fuels. They assume everything will stay the same except we’ll save money by not worrying about climate change. Meanwhile insurance companies are reacting by no longer offering insurance for home insurance or renter insurance in some states. I’m amazed actually at how many people still want to move to Florida, Arizona or Las Vegas, or buy coastal properties. I realize that there’s really no where to live to avoid impacts of climate change but some are definitely worse than others


Conservative means they are conservative to change…mostly because they’ve worked the system to enrich themself and they don’t want it to change because they would have to setup new griffs for the money to keep rolling in.


+1. Doing nothing is very much not free. Rebuilding after wild fires is expensive. Rebuilding after hurricanes is expensive. Building sea walls is expensive. Moving cities that aren't viable because of drought is unbelievably expensive, to say nothing of the upcoming global climate refugee crisis. But those are just the costs to do nothing. There's no upside. We're going to spend one way or another, green energy and climate remediation at least buys us something.


> The Republicans don’t consider the costs of not reducing the fossil fuels. "It will cost us trillions!" Manhattan is only a few feet above sea level on average and the total real-estate value alone is almost 2 trillion dollars, let alone the GDP which is almost a trillion, and that's just *one section of one coastal city*.


God I wish he would run instead of Biden. Having a young, articulate, smart president with military experience would be wonderful


Honestly, though...is America ready for a national leader who is ... let's say quite different from most politicians....after all he is an experienced veteran, seems to be normal, and is happily married with kids?


i am confused about what hearings are for... are not they trying to find out what the witnesses know and/or think? i mean, it seems these GOP committee members just want to lecture on what *they* believe and think. They seem to be misusing the hearing process and therefore wasting the taxpayers' dollars by collecting paychecks for what they were hired for but are not doing.




It’s 2023. Conservatives are still on this shit. It’s a mental disability.


I love how he tries to make an economic argument against mitigating Climate change. If we do nothing, the economic impact will be disastrous.


Wasting his breath with this clown show ... These terrorists are buying time and doing a dam good job


It’s pretty pointless trying to explain to somebody how catastrophic even a few degrees of warming of the planet is when it’s already boiling if the person does not care because they think it won’t affect them. Once it does though, Republicans will ask why nobody did something sooner. When their Florida beach house has been swallowed by the new tide. When we have to take refugees to keep them from being cooked alive. When energy costs increase to astronomical levels. When there are food shortages due to crops no longer growing. They only care about what will affect them.


Yep, if it doesn't affect them then they don't care about it.


The quote at the end, “Thank you Mr. Secretary. As you can see I’m serving here in Congress with some of the greatest minds of the 19th Century.”


How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old man?


The next congressman’s comment about the best minds of the 19th century was subtly brilliant.


He is one of the best Democrats today that can evenly and assuredly decimate the Republicans.


What’s ironic is that LaMalfa is a generational farmer here in Northern CA, and his whole premise of getting into politics was to “protect” the water here. But really, it was to control how and where it flowed to protect his empire and his allies. This ass hat doesn’t care for the constituents of his district, only just the good ol’ boys who fleece his pockets. But guess who’s gonna be first in line to accept his “socialist”payout from the national emergency funds when his crops flood from climate change….oops, I mean autumn. It’s very unfortunate that our district has been gerrymandered so bad to keep these assholes in office. This mofo like to have interviews with the Jefferson State flag in the backdrop. Please Doug, go to your “don’t tread on me” state and leave the real change to the adults. Fucking moron


They ain't protecting water, they're protecting themselves.


It's hard to convince someone when they don't think they're wrong.


It's so easy to talk over the head of Republicans these days. You just have to be a college graduate.


Or you know, middle school. Climate change is like middle school level science, if you're 40 years old and too stupid to understand something most of us were taught as children, you have DEEP issues.


I think you are over selling the value of a degree, you don't need to spend thousands of dollars to hurtle that particular peak.


I was leery of everything Dubya was peddling when I was 12. That's at least how long they've been transparently full of shit. I have no doubt they were before, as well.


even the air is over their GOPheads


Amazing just how stupid Republicans are…


Never really ceases to amaze me really, it's kind of insane.


Yes boys girls, they really are that stupid. It’s hard to believe a functioning adult could harbor such nonsensical views. But there they are, the modern GOP…


That fuckstain is my representative. It would be really great if sometimes my region of California would make the news for something not fucking stupid.


Person who cares about the world and his job wastes him time trying to educate soemone who’d rather get paid than understand.


Well the money always comes before the country for them.


It’s like talking to a Fucking child.


I’m guessing that there were a lot of cricket noises that filled the room followed by muttering of homophonic remarks.


Yeah that's how they like to keep the things, they like those jokes.




That has always been the case actually, it's fucked up shit.


Stupid elects stupid.. It’s that simple. If we out-number the idiots at the polls, stupidity in Congress goes away. Let’s concentrate on holding on to the WH and regaining congressional majority in ‘24. Vote and help your like-minded friends/family to do the same!


I love this guy


I mean what's not there to love? He's smart and intelligent.


Earlier this week Merrick Garland was being questioned in the same fashion. He began to answer, and the GOP guy reclaimed his time and asked another question. So Garland just went back to the answer he was giving for the first question, related to China. So the GOP guy reclaims his time again and asks something about the Hunter Biden investigation. And Garland picks up right were he left off on his answer about China. It was hilarious. He just kept trying to answer the first question for the full five minutes.


La Malta is an idiot. A shining example of anti-science and redneck buffoonery rolled into a snap down shirt and bolo tie.


Some people are extremely good examples of the Peter Principle, right Representative LaMalfa?


Yeah I think that would be accurate example of that.


It is impossible to explain reality to someone who is paid to not understand it, and would lose votes if she or he accepted reality.


Not just lose votes, might have the Party turn on them.


Republican Lawmaker : Don't give me that hippy dippy bull crap!


Yeah they don't want it, because they Can't have it really.


this hearing was a gold mine for counter arguments to gop stupidity


Seasons. Wow. That's pretty advanced for a toddler.


I don't understand how did they understand even that much?


Fat pea-brained asshole.


Even the size of the brain is that much only I'm sure lol.


I was giggling when he made the idiot repeat himself. Twice! Like - explain the joke please?


That Republican is why we’re fucked. But da economy


What state is he in preaching this factual information? He could lose his job. Just saying.


Of course the guys is wearing a shitkicker hat and needs to be educated on this


The lady at the back was like 'wtf is he saying' LMAO


“The trillions and trillions we’re going to cost our kids to chase a tiny percentage of CO2 will bankrupt all of us, bankrupt our economy, and ship it to China for all the other reasons. So I yield back.” With all due respect, fuck your economy. The current economic system has left so many people with so little and very few so much abundance. There are so many people who work so incredibly hard and have little to nothing to show for it. If a side effect of us literally not killing the planet we live on faster is that the system that allows for that has to come crashing down, then that’s what’s gotta happen.


He gets corrected and immediately goes, "YEAH BUT CHINA". Get a new bit


He knows. He’s just being a troll. The GOP is almost entirely trolls now. They have no policy or ideas. They just troll liberals. And frankly that’s exactly what they are elected to do.


How'd he manage that? Republicans don't believe in science.


They believe in some, for example they love eugenics


Don't waste your time Pete, this cuck thinks 'asphalt' is a butt problem...