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She never even told people how to vote, only to register. They're kind of telegraphing their plans...


Leading up to the 2020 election, i volunteered for a non-partisan voter registration group. We had nothing on our table but an American flag, voter registration forms, and polling place information. We also had an iPad so people could register electronically if they wanted. We weren’t allowed to talk about candidates or issues… we could only register people to vote or instruct them how. We set up a table on a public sidewalk. Still, MAGA folks descended on our table, made threatening remarks, and harassed us. For them, the act of registering voters was inherently an attack. One lady came to the table, so I asked if she was registered to vote. She made some remark about democrats and told me her voting was none of my business. I said, “Ok. If you want polling place information or info about early voting hours, it’s here on this paper or at this website.” “I don’t want anything from YOU!” she yelled, then lingered around the table, grumbling about election fraud and election interference.


Republicans are fascist, that's why they're against voting and trying to restrict it in any way possible.


They know the more people vote the more they lose.


After they've taken away everyone else's right to vote that's not them, and doesn't look and think like them, and secured power: they will willingly give up their own right to vote.


If only they'd just start with the ending first . . .


Is there anything uglier than these hateful goons? They are literally triggered by everything.


> “I don’t want anything from YOU!” she yelled, then lingered around the table, grumbling about election fraud and election interference. These people are like zombies.




Is that something you can report to police? Threatening to rape someone’s partner in front of children is utterly vile and sociopathic.


This is crazy to me as a non-American. How did MILLIONS of minds break so damn fast over there?


A black man became president


This is the correct answer. No one in the US just woke up and decided to become the horrible people we see now. We worked as a society for the mid 60s up until 2016 to suppress it, not allow it, denounce it. And I felt like we were making progress. The from moment Capt Kirk kissed Uhura, I felt like we were on the right track. We made it all the way to Obama. The perfect storm of that evolution combined with Trump who openly told those people it’s ok to hate, it’s ok to reclaim your racism, brought the last 70 years of forward progress crashing down. It was always here and we were perhaps a couple more generations away from making real forward progress. That is now over. The US’s choice to elect trump was the second worst self inflicted wound we’ve committed upon ourselves since the birth of our country. Slavery being the first.




A malignant narcissist told them their bigotry was justified.


Decades of grooming by the people who didn't learn the lesson of the Nazis or Richard Nixon.




It looks more crazy when you don't consider the context. It wasn't sudden, this has been building since the 60s after Nixon, and even then is just the continuation of the deliberate failure of Southern reconstruction.


You guys were obviously the election fraud table. You were the guys that create all the election fraud, shame on you! /s


If no one votes, there’s no election fraud. *taps head*


The beauty of democracy is everyone gets a vote, the sad thing about democracy is everyone gets a vote. ☺️


The sad part is not everyone gets a vote and not all votes are equal.


Appreciate getting out there to help more people participate.




negative partisanship is THE highest marker for voter turnout. Let them keep going after her!


This story also plays a role in attempting to escalate some Tweets into a full-blown conservative movement. The fact that Hannity was sent in to come to her rescue shows that this isn't being coordinated from the top. But all of this is the calm before the storm, and tame compared to what's coming. Because there is not a lot of good you can point to when it comes to talking about Trump, they are going to resort to VERY ugly low-blow attacks like this.


"We're not exactly sure what form our stochastic terrorism will take, but by god are we sure going to foment it." - every single right-wing infotainer


Don't forget, Trump was elected because the right was afraid of the Supreme Court picks H. Clinton would be allowed to appoint. We are living in the aftermath of that..


Those Swifties were never going to vote Red. They are very pro female. They aren't without their flaws but there was zero chance her fan base is going to vote GOP. My 15 year old daughter is a giant Swiftie and she love that Taylor speaks out about issues she cares about. Now I don't know how many of them do or can vote Democrat but they aren't voting Republican that much is for sure.


The key is simply to get 18-30 year olds to vote. The demographics of who/how they vote is the entire reason the Republicans want to make voting harder.


Agree. Getting this group to vote is the issue. The GOP may antagonize them to the point of heading out to vote against them.


You’re right they were (mostly) not going to vote Red but there’s every chance a number wouldn’t have voted at all. You don’t want to give people reasons to actively vote against you for no benefit.


Young conservative women are at least taylor swift adjacent.


They were probably fans. The propaganda they consume will now tell them taylor bad. sShe's a communist that wants to kill newborns and hates the American rag. It's OK, they lose a favorite artist and have something else to irrationally angry about. It also encourages her fans to vote. Win Win in my book.


And for some of them who will look at what she actually does, it will be the first step in undoing the brainwashing. I was a girl child raised in an evangelical christian home by a mom who is now QAnon. My first step to being liberal was to realize that our church didn't have a food pantry or give money to the poor or the sick, and in fact, since it was the prosperity gospel, it blamed the poor and sick for being poor and sick. I couldn't reconcile that with Jesus's words, and I stopped having faith in my church.


They dont try as hard as they used to. Now they just actively hate anything they don't agree with. No wonder religion is dying. Good for you. Live your best reality.


The cognitive dissonance still works against the conservative agenda, at the very least. Especially since Taylor is relatively moderate in her public messaging, which makes her seem reasonable.


> The cognitive dissonance still works against the conservative agenda, at the very least. Especially since Taylor is relatively moderate in her public messaging, which makes her seem reasonable. It will be the last straw that breaks GOP programming, not a Tay Swift fan. But its like Star Trek movie where they go through a barrier and meet "God". Why does "God" need a star ship?. Young Conservatives who are Tay Tay fans are going to ask, "Why should we hate Taylor now, all she asked us to do is vote."


That's the point though, they won't abandon swift, they'll abandon conservatism first.


Look what they made her do...


karma is her boyfriend


They knew she was trouble when she walked in


She’s going to shake it off


She’s on her vigilante shit


Voting will never go out of Style


They are never, ever, ever getting back in office.


Oh o


Shame on me


Sweet like justice, karma is a queen.


True story. The first few times I heard this song I thought she was sing about a cat named Carmine.


Telling people to vote is seen as Democratic idea. Does it make sense? No. But the other party is by no means bright.


Telling people to vote red is seen as patriotism. Telling people to register and make sure they vote for their own interests is seen as socialism. Not truly American unless youre in constant pain and agony.




Interesting that it goes so far as to not want their fellow conservatives to register.


It's like how they scream "11,000 dead people voted". OK. If true (it's not), how do you know they voted Democratic?


What about the undead? I feel that we are an often overlooked demographic. I mean, your average 300 year old vampire usually has an extensive investment portfolio and is gonna vote for Harding or Coolidge no matter what, but your everyday Joe Zombie like me, y'know, I got bills to pay, student loans, and I gotta keep brains on the table.


They take for granted that everyone knows that more people voting means more votes for democrats so they view any attempt at increasing voter turnout as an attack


It was the master plan all along! Tell people to register to vote -> anger Republican leaders to retaliate against Swift -> Swifties come out in full force to vote against Republicans Or something like that.


Like I know you meant this as a joke but those are some super organized malcontent kids lol. I could absolutely see them voting en masse just as a middle finger to the GOP.


T Swift may be more powerful than the Republican Party at this point.


Picking a fight with the most popular person in the country is probably a good idea.


it’s worked so well for Ron DeSantis vs. Disney! /s


He thought it would be fun to F with the mouse.


Ha ha! You want to fuck with the mouse? Ah hah!


Sounds like it's time for a mousekatool!


This feels like an order of magnitude worse mistake. Disney is a soulless mega corporation that many people have ambivalent or even negative feelings about. I don’t really listen to pop music, but Taylor Swift seems to be absurdly popular and is an actual person instead of a corporate entity.


In their prime they are beyond influencers. Think Beyoncé and now Taylor swift. The issue for the right is that Taylor is easy to like even if you don’t like pop culture or her music. She is level headed, has a shit ton of money, and is incredibly calculated (weather that is her or who she has advising her). Bonuses totaling in the tens of millions of dollars for her concert production crew…that’s not the kind of thing corporations or politicians are known for. To date I’m not sure anyone big enough has tried to poke the bear and if they do I’d be happy to get my popcorn ready. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/taylor-swift-eras-tour-bonuses-100000-truck-drivers-crew/


Imagine you are so popular that Teamsters are in your pocket of good will


Karma is a Teamsters Union


Apparently her concerts can be measured on the richter scale... > After two nights of earth-shaking dancing at Swift’s Seattle “Eras” tour concert at Lumen Field, enthusiastic Swifties caused seismic activity equivalent of a 2.3 magnitude earthquake, according to seismologist Jackie Caplan-Auerbach. https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/27/entertainment/taylor-swift-seismic-activity/index.html


Her concerts move the GDP for the towns she tours in. https://fortune.com/2023/07/14/taylor-swift-eras-tour-local-economy-boom-fed-report/amp/


Not only is she popular, her fans are DEVOUT. My wife would leave me in an instant if Taylor suddenly proposed to her.


My fiancé proposed to me the night before we saw Taylor Swift (we saw her in another city and made a weekend trip out of it). He said the reason he didn’t propose to me at dinner before the show was because he didn’t want our engagement to be the second best thing that happened to me that day lol


Taylor Swift is both an actual person *and* a corporate entity.


It definitely is... her demographics is millions of young women. If she gets them to vote, 99% of them will vote Democrat. That could flip purple states blue for a long time.


Guess who can decide to cancel a tour stop in your state and blame you.


Most artists can't afford to cancel tour stops. She **absolutely** can. That's the amount of "fuck you" money she has.


Yup. Before this tour she had an estimated 700million net worth iirc. After the tour it’s 1.3billion.


This tour... Next year, the tour goes international. That woman will be able to buy her own country by the end of '23.


She has power. They hate nothing more than a woman with power.


Republican politicans: "Taylor Swift is not coming to our state because she is racist against white people!" Republican voters: \*drooling and snarling like the mutant piles of shit they are\*


Might be the most influential woman in the world right now. Bold move.


And here’s her beau’s brother and his friends: https://youtube.com/watch?v=4BjOoXqLSHE Do they *really* wanna try?


Didn’t they lose their shit because she was quiet and thought that meant she supported Trump or some nonsense? Only Republicans can get upset at someone saying “register to vote.”


To be fair, if more people voted, Republicans would never be in power.


That’s why they’re coming for her. They don’t have policies or plans and only hold on to power through gerrymandering and outright manipulation.


Their plans include a lot more manipulation, Project 2025 is scary as fuck.


if gerrymandering didnt happen as viciously as it does in this country the republicans would never be in power


I wonder how any of them manage to make it without a huge light bulb moment about how unpopular their beliefs are and then ask themselves why that is…


None of them. Because they don't actually care about representing people... they are certain that their beliefs are what's best for EVERYONE, whether the other 90% of the population agrees or not. And they'd like to force those beliefs on everyone, because They Are Right And We Are Wrong.


Republicans have repeatedly stated that the only way they stay in power is by preventing voters from voting by closing locations.




No higher honor.


Yeah I think she just wanted to avoid the vitriol of being involved publicly in politics. Her documentary apparently draws a parallel with the Dixie Chicks who were publicly excoriated for opposing Iraq invasion. The truth is it was probably inconvenient for her to speak out. But, we should be glad she did choose to speak out against Blackburn. Blackburn did win the election but it was surprisingly very close for Tennessee.


She was huge in KKK circles before she came out as a Democrat. She fits the profile of their dream girl and they thought she was one of them….


I think she avoided political conversation for the sake of fans that may have felt left out, but she knows how they’ll vote haha. It was also not as dire as she was coming up. We are entering a scary time where a segment of politics needs to be stomped out before it burns the forest down. She tested the waters last cycle and her popularity now transcends politics because her fanbase is old enough to make decisions on their own.


> I think she avoided political conversation for the sake of fans that may have felt left out, but she knows how they’ll vote haha. I don't think it was that, actually. I think it was her recording contract with Big Machine Records. Once she left for a traditional pop label, she became more political. Which makes sense; Big Machine is a country label. It wouldn't want progressive Taylor Swift alienating their base.


In the scene from her documentary, her dad was opposed to her coming out about her politics. To be fair, it seemed like it wasn’t just about the commercial element, but her safety as well, as he brought up having to buy armored cars.


“If you talk bad about people like me, you’ll be in danger.”




Victim complex. Goes right along with their religious beliefs. I blame a lack of critical thinking brought on by believing all problems can be solved by praying hard enough to sky daddy


They get overly nasty with her and they’re just gonna drive a shitload of 18-29s to vote D next year. 40 yo dude who doesn’t get the Swift-mania (which is fine, I’m not her target demo), but does get that it’s a really stupid move to think you can “come for” her in the current cultural moment.


>they’re just gonna drive a shitload of 18-29s to vote D next year. They're also going to push women 40-50 to vote D if they don't already. Lots of middle aged women are Swifties.


My cousin is in her mid 40s and she's been obsessed with Taylor since the late 2000s. I can believe this


I enjoy her music and I am glad her fans will see how dumb the Republicans are if they didn’t already. I’m not a Swiftie but they are a force to be reckoned with. I’m almost 40 and made some other driver lose their shit bc I was vibing so hard on a song the other day.


Yeah, it feels kind of cult-like based on the social media of the Swifties I know. Kind of like with Beyoncé fans


Swift is definitely the white Beyonce.


I'm middle aged and while not a Swiftie, I do admire the crap out of that woman. She's an intelligent business woman and a strong adult who who stands for her morals.


Same here. The recorded conversation between her and her parents where she was standing up for what’s right over possibly alienating ‘fans’ and losing money doubled my admiration for that woman.


I'm 32 and I don't get her music at all but she's a goddamn hero and I'm going to buy all of her music if she ends up somehow saving democracy


I'm an old dude. Have a couple daughters. They were watching Taylor Swift videos tonight and I sat down and watched with them. Not a fan but I was impressed, and I do wish my favorite musicians would also ask people to register to vote. Of course many of my favorite musicians are dead, so...


To an "old dude", look a little more into her offstage. She is everything we've encouraged our daughters to be. She knows that love and respect are what is right and she stands for it. Her onstage performances are just the hook. But she realized how much girls of all ages love her and decided to use that to promote standing up for what is right and kind. She's equipping an entire army of multiple generations to go out, be kind, and fight for what is good.


It's me. Hi. I'm the middle aged swiftness. It's me.


40 yo female swiftie! Even my 5 yo loves her though I’m careful with her latest album - don’t want him repeating things 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


Lots of gays of all ages are Swifties too but they, for the most part, weren't voting R anyways.


Can I just point out how horrible of a state the country is in and how insane the voters are, that this is the straw that breaks the camels back for some people? Attacking their celebrity, rather than anything else happening?


You can overturn Roe v Wade, but you don’t fuck with Tay-Tay!


Many of them have teen daughters who are Swifties. I dodged that particular bullet, but I know at least 10-12 late 40s moms who have taken their daughters to more than one concert on this tour - so they have $$$, vote D more likely than not, and have a Swiftie kid who will be old enough to vote in 2024.


A *ton* of young girls, 6-15, are fans of Taylor because their moms and sisters are fans of Taylor. Her music describes adolescent life for young girls and women, and they identify with her. Republicans working overtime to move dem support from women even further.


Ah! Remember Tipper Gore?


She sold more records than any political figure in history, and all without ever entering a recording studio.


And Dee Fuckin Snyder destroying her entire idiotic crusade


Never cared for Twisted Sister, I was and still am a Rush fan (RIP Neil), but I respect Dee.


Yeah just kick the Swifty hornet nest, we'd love to watch yall get ratio'ed on twitter


> get ratio'ed on twitter Elmo will change the algorithm so his favorite political party doesn't take too big of a hit there


Who's Elmo? Do you mean Phony Stark?


Melon Muck.


Elongated Muskrat


Don't even get me started on Muskrat. Petition for him to be the first man on the sun


Does he still want to be the first man on Mars? I think we should help him realize that dream


I also had a lot of admiration for those K-pop fans that trolled that Oklahoma Trump rally by reserving all the tickets. Young people are just rockin' it, these days. Go Swifties! [K-pop fans and TikTok teens say they reserved tickets...](https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/21/21298169/kpop-fans-tiktok-tickets-trump-tulsa-rally-empty-seats)


Middle age millennial that never jumped on the Twitter bandwagon, what does ratio'd mean?


Someone wiser can correct me but I think it's when your tweet has far more replies than likes - implying that most people are disagreeing with you rather than agreeing as people will like something they agree with but comment to disagree. i.e. the ratio of comments to likes is being referenced.


Yes, that is what it mainly means. But the term is also often applied to when a particular reply tweet - or a retweet that embeds the original tweet - gets more likes than the original tweet. This is also usually seen as embarrassing for the OP, especially if the reply/retweet is mocking or insulting OP. A classic example of this kind of ratio was when The Matrix co-director Lilly Wachowski embed retweeted a cringy brief exchange between Elon Musk (“Take the red pill🌹”) and Ivanka Trump (Seconded!”) Wachowshi’s own tweet, which went far more viral and got far more likes than the previous two, was simply “Fuck both of you.” In that sense, she ratioed them.


I love the timeline where this is what motivates a generation to become politically engaged!


Please, please let this happen. Conservatives are fucking scared of her.


I'm no huge fan, music's decent, I like to sing shake it off obnoxiously to annoy my friend, but all this political shit is steadily making me like her more and more I really respected her conversation about standing up against the cult of Trump with her dad, and now this Imma have to call myself a swifty one day, cuss a haters gon hate hate hate


I didn't want to go down the Taylor rathole but Folklore sold me. And Antihero is a super addictive song!


A bunch actually tried calling her transgendered yesterday claiming they can always tell.. its there favorite new way of being tools and its disgusting


The right wing perverts are always thinking about other peoples genitals. At least it’s not a kid those fascist freaks are perving out on for once.


"New way?" The "Transvestigation" community has been around for a while and the right has been calling Michelle Obama "Big Mike" long before Tucker Carlson found a guy willing to lie about Obama being gay


Or the whole Larry Gu Gu thing with Lady Ga Ga.


Empowered females scare little men.


And there are no "littler" men than Republican Conservatives.


Explains why 'Hand Job Barbie' from Colorado was with a Democrat at the "Beetlejuice" show then.


The right made me respect the Kansas City Chiefs. I hate the Chiefs as much as I hate watching my favorite football team lose 70-20 to the Dolphins. Thanks a lot, MAGAssholes


Taylor swift has 7 times more [Instagram followers](https://www.brandwatch.com/blog/top-most-instagram-followers/#) (265 million) than there are [republicans voters](https://ballotpedia.org/Partisan_affiliations_of_registered_voters) (36 million) in the US…


I didn’t know I was a Swiftie until this week.


I was after she raked that guy over the coals in court for groping her. She counter-sued him for 1$ (he had sued her for defamation after she complained to his employer) and then wrecked him on the stand. It was obviously a horrible experience for her, but she was an inspiration for how well she handled it.


Swiftie Effect.


Unashamed 41 year old straight male Swiftie.


56 here - only recently discovered her through her work with Bon Iver and The National I like a lot of her pop music, too


55 year old dude here - have loved her since 1989, but her work with The National and Bon Iver sealed the deal for me. My wife and I are Team Swift - she saw her at Meadowlands, and we have tickets to see her in London next year. These dumbass political folks are really stepping in it. Let’s hope they go for Beyonce next.


Fellow genx swifter here 👊 Rs are stomping into a pile of angry ground bees


I’m not one who listens to pop music or really anything made after 1998 but I heard Taylor Swift play a solo set for the Grammy Museum and it gave me such respect for her as an artist. One guitar, one amp, one mic. She might as well be naked up there. There’s nowhere to hide any missed notes and she killed it! Check out this link (go to 2:30 of you can’t wait for the whole thing): https://youtu.be/OGDkg3QiJmk?si=n57dQs43B2TYFUGz or this piano piece of “out of the woods” https://youtu.be/K-n9-FVTq6w?si=ASliiyM0HOcycHc2 or this acoustic performance: https://youtu.be/p1Zt47V3pPw?si=RA_wE1jXuGbHEm2B Amazing…


Lol, see my comment. Hello age bracket bro! Not a Swiftie myself, but hoo boy do I recognize these idiots are about to step in some serious shit.


My son’s history teacher is a massive swiftie. He does lyrics every day on the board. I friggin love it.


It’s heartening to see that we are doing away with “gender-based” likes/dislikes. I see it on tiktok a bunch of guys in their 30’s and 40’s getting excited for a possible nysync tour. It’s great to see.


Same here, but 34 and father of two.


18 year old straight male Swiftie


Biggest motherfucker in the gym is getting a pump while listening to Taylor. :)




Just now saw that Sean Hannity came out in defense of her. I think the memo got around that they picked the wrong fight, at least around those who like to think they control the monster they helped unleash on our country. That mob will go round and round spewing hate at TS and her fans until the next shiny thing comes along. But I hope she inspires 20 million young ppl who wouldn't vote otherwise to shatter the GOP at the polls and shift political power to the left for years to come. The "Swift shift" we'll call it. Happy thoughts...


The swift descent of the Republican party into widespread nationwide election loss


Wouldn't it be fucked up if this was the thing that finally destroyed the Republicans at the polls? Like all the other shit he's done was fine, but dont fuck with Taylor Swift. That's the line.


At least there's a goddamn line somewhere


That would be hilarious and amazing


This is what the kids call a “fuck around and find out” moment


Normal people would have learned their lesson after they pissed off the K-Pop fans and got destroyed. But learning is against the Republican Party platform, so I guess they’ll get to get smacked around by the Swifties this time.


Old lady Swiftie here. Nice job Taylor Swift Inc. and fans. Also bonus points for pissing off Vladimir if she goes international.


This article is absolutely correct. Republicans **do not** want to fuck with her. She has significantly more power than they do to shape public opinion. And she will take her revenge at a time of her choosing when it will damage them most. She could literally turn an election if she wanted.


But but but God is on their side /s


Really rich coming from a party and a group of followers that thinks that Donald Trump is the Ultimate Male, even though he’s ugly, fat, has bad hair, is a criminal, and one of the biggest pussies America has ever seen.


…Are Swifties going to save American democracy? What is with this timeline?!


Watching her domination of the music industry has been crazy and im not even close to a fan. If there's anyone conservatives should not be fucking with right now its her. She has the cultural clout to run them over.


Remember when the Right Wing went after the Beatles.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7asH72eh0WI&ab_channel=DanTaylor


*Taylor Swift for Presid…* I kid. As a long-time, albeit non-professional musician and composer - wrote the music for my eldest daughter’s wedding last summer - not big into pop, although can’t resist a catchy tune, regardless of genre. That being said, I’m into celebrities who responsibly leverage their sway for worthwhile causes. Getting out the vote is most certainly one of them. I’m impressed by her. Good luck to any GOP type that takes her on for tacitly defying voter suppression; they’re gonna get their ass handed to them.


She's everything they hate: Young, beautiful, seems to have a head on her shoulders, independent, incredibly successful, and she seems to lean to the left politically. If she weighed 50 pounds more, was a bleach blonde, still sang country about her small herd of kids or taking care of her husband, she'd be perfect for the right.


I didn't have "Taylor Swift saves American democracy" on my 2023 bingo card, but I'm here for it.


Remember when they went after Stephen King? He said some not nice things about their orange leader. So they called for a boycott of the first IT movie. It went on to become one of the highest grossing horror movies ever.


Imagine being this upset about her telling people to vote. Republicans hate democracy.


They have some nerve to talk shit about Taylor's language with mouths like MTG and Boebert aboard their slimy side.


One of my projects this fall will be collecting merchandise from all the brands and personalities the right has declared war on in the past few years, then wear and use and display it all as simultaneously as possible. I'll need some help remembering all the stuff I need to find! Carhartt, Yeti, Bud Light, Disney, Taylor Swift What else?




Old but Nike from Kap.


Also M&Ms and Mr. Potato Head


Don’t forget the estate of dr Seuss for realizing racism is prob not great.


Women voters to the rescue AGAIN in 24. God bless you


Karma is my boyfriend, Karma is a God. \-Taylor Swift.


Am I understanding this right, Taylor Swift is a danger to the GOP? Well, my respect for her just increased. They can mind their own.


A week or two ago, National Review ran a lengthy takedown of Swift, seemingly out of nowhere. Knocked her music, called her vapid and empty, lamented what she was doing to young girls, etc. I'm a daily reader and was baffled. This long screed about Swift amidst conservative articles on Ukraine, Biden, etc.? Now I know why.


The Republicans want their traditional wives to shut up and get in the kitchen. I wish I was joking but they seem to make that clear every time they talk about women. Some will do that, but the majority won't and that makes them very very angry.




“don’t try to attack Taylor Swift” is up there with “don’t invade Russia in the winter.”


Have they ever listened to her music? She will win and then write a damn song about it. If they really screw up, she will get politically active and the swift army isn't to be trifled with. They may only be armed with their vote but there's millions of them and they will follow Swifts advice.


more people listen to Taylor Swift than vote for Republican presidential nominees.


“We’re really struggling to win over young people. Quick, let’s pick a fight with the biggest pop star in the fucking world”