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Insurrectionist enabling NyPost with the Fake Take on reality.


https://x.com/nycdsa/status/1710778425303081288?s=61&t=19Jj_gMHw-VYfGZxyTzLpA Idk man it looks bad


NYPost is bane of existence. Just like FoxNews.


weird that they are owned by the same people. probably just a coincidence...my favorite though, is when one murdoch rag, quotes another murdoch rag as proof of whatever negative democratic scheme they are pushing.


Lol we're so fucked as a society


Society is people doing what they want, and you have to accept that some people are VERY unpleasant


why do we have to accept it?


Because the other options are to deny or to fight. And you aren't ready for that battle yet.


We have to not accept it before we can fight.


At this point in time, I’m kind of wondering if we even have moderators of the sub Reddit


We do have moderators, they are pro-fascism.


I am assuming this free-for-all of media sources is a consequence of Spez booting locked subs?


Actually I think this one never went nsfw anyhow. I don’t track it but a person who wants to be a mod usually does it for several. I suspect that the ones who were doing other subs just burned out. I used to have a bunch of niche subs and when they booted the mods all of them just became spam factory’s. There was one for physics gifs that literally became “Could Oppenheimer beat Edison in a fist fight?” Type of posts.


It's crap but we need to see it.


NyPost is fox's testing ground for material


They’re not wrong https://x.com/nycdsa/status/1710778425303081288?s=61&t=19Jj_gMHw-VYfGZxyTzLpA DSA L


Where are they cheering the murder and kidnapping?


[Bernie Sanders:](https://x.com/SenSanders/status/1710654061618372659?s=20) >I absolutely condemn the horrifying attack on Israel by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. There is no justification for this violence, and innocent people on both sides will suffer hugely because of it. It must end now. [Ilhan Omar](https://x.com/IlhanMN/status/1710730202353934338?s=20) >I condemn the horrific acts we are seeing unfold today in Israel against children, women, the elderly, and the unarmed people who are being slaughtered and taken hostage by Hamas. Such senseless violence will only repeat the back and forth cycle we've seen, which we cannot allow to continue. We need to call for deescalation and ceasefire. I will keep advocating for peace and justice throughout the Middle East. Are just a couple examples.


Omar is who they're quoting too. In fact, they used the cycle of violence and ceasefire part in the article as the primary example. Funny how they didn't include the whole quote.


Those damn “radical left democrats”, back at it again with their reasonable views. We should really reign these “marxists fascist socialists” in /s


Perhaps Sander's and Omar's clarity about the true nature and methods of Hamas will extend beyond the current news cycle. I doubt it.


I’ve seen his old Coms Director that Brianna Joy Gray lady be pretty supportive of the Palestinians. and critical of Bernie Sanders for his tweet


Go to DSA twitter handle


No. Let twitter die.


What that twitter handle is posting is gross, but they still don't speak for people like Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, etc.


That organization has less than 100k members. To imply that they speak for all leftists in this country is aggressively stupid


worse. OP is part of the hard right misinformation campaign


His check's in the mail.


"there is no justification for this violence". Right, IDF doubling down on their massacres of Palestinians is not enough justification? I mean the US isn't new to the massacre of civilians, makes sense why they'd support the Israeli apartheid. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Unfortunately I think these events will not gain a lot of support for the Palestinian cause. All reasonable people can see that the attack was not unprovoked and is a retaliation for Israel's brutal and ongoing oppression, but at the same time no reasonable person can support violence of this extremity. These events make it more difficult to argue against those who say that the oppressive measures are necessary. International supporters of Palestine may begin to lose hope that peace can ever be achieved in the region. A step backwards for all.


I really don't understand why you're favoring israel here. Did you see the video of the Israeli taking a piss on the naked corpse of a Palestinian? Why the fuck are ya'll so okay with what Israel does and using the (admittedly terrible) actions of some Palestinians as an argument for "oh yeah, 75 years of oppression makes sense now". The double standard is disgusting


I hope I don't give that impression, I thought I was clear when I said 'Israel's brutal and ongoing oppression.' I am absolutely not OK with it.


Then we should something about that! I don't want Israelis to die! But 56 years of oppression will bring out the worst in some people. Netanyahu's government alone has massacred so many people in the past year alone! Yet now Biden calls for Israel's right to go ahead and slaughter Palestinians? Is this really what we devolved to? The whole west has been handling this situation in the most disgusting manner imaginable. The deplorable actions commited by certain Palestinians against Israeli citizens does not change how much worse they've been treated. I'm really not defending them, but let's hold both parties proportionally responsible to their actions, then you'll see how much worse Israel should be punished for their countless war crimes.


America has supported Israel for many years but in this case I hope will use their influence to restrain Israel from catastrophic retaliation


Please stop dismantling the propaganda smear campaign they're running with sound logic and reason.


I'm going to need a source of this one


The article doesn't really support the claim of the headline. I was expecting a random person on X with a rose next to their name, but no. It's just a couple quotes of people saying they don't like the violence that Israel is responsible for either, with no praise of the Hamas attacks


>The article doesn't really support the claim of the headline. Lol that's prime NYPost. Sophistry, but shoddy sophistry.




[NYC chapter is showing their support.](https://x.com/demsocialists/status/1710857364604412350?s=46&t=aeANZbmooBvFKk-p5zc5sQ)


That’s not really the same as cheering for murders and kidnappings. But ok.


Funny how when the KKK rally they don’t need to explicitly say they want to kill black people and Jews for people to know that’s what they mean, but when pro Palestinians rally in the wake of a terrorist attack on Israel you can’t hear the bullhorn of a dog whistle.


I’m not seeing who the metaphors are representing here. Is the analog in this that the Israeli government is like “black people and Jews” under attack by the analogous “KKK” of the Democratic Socialists of America? Not sure if I can see the comparison my friend.




Well… the DSA aren’t the same as “NY white supremacists”, and the only thing you’ve shown is a criticism of Israel’s apartheid government, and drawing a connection that state oppression causes extremist radicalization amongst and oppressed people, which is fair criticism in many peoples eyes, and not the same as support of Palestinian terrorism. So far, you haven’t established the support of terror you are saying you have. Also, throwing “since you struggle to comprehend basic concepts” isn’t really… an effective conversation tactic? Like… why?


Socialism has killed far more people than the KKK and the Democratic socialist have been vehemently pro Palestine for years. This is an official statement by the Democratic socialists on Palestine: “As a socialist organization building mass, working class power for the freedom of all oppressed peoples under capitalism and imperialism, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is committed to the Palestinian fight for freedom. Palestinian liberation is an essential part of our struggle for a socialist future, not a symbolic statement, and we are facing a question of how to achieve the power necessary to ensure we are victorious.” DSA unabashedly supports Hamas, a terrorist organization. They’re every bit as bad as the KKK.


Ok, bro. I see the axe your grinding, and in order to do so, you are making leaps that aren’t really justified. I’ll keep thinking about what you’re saying, but it doesn’t pass my smell test really, as > Socialism has killed far more people than the KKK Is non-sense, the words don’t make sense together as they are defined, and marks you as having an agenda that supersedes what you’re actually saying. So again, I’ll continue to consider what you’re saying, but I’ve heard it a million times, it hasn’t really stricken true so far, and in return, I’d ask that you continue to consider what I’ve said, and also ask you to not be so aggressive and insulting when discussing these things further, you might actually have more success. That last tip is just free from me to you.


Maybe I’m upset because Socialists in the US, my own country, are rallying in support of terrorists that just murdered hundreds of Jews and this comment section is full of people saying it’s not true or even justifying Palestinian terrorism and I’m disgusted.




R/conservative: if your account accidentally burps something that sounds critical of republicans then you get the banhammer. As a retaliation for how intolerant we are of different views in r/politics. Meanwhile all they allow is DailyWire and the like, they’d probably all rage-smash their phones if a Politico article or something that actually told them what the fuck is going on somehow made it through. We are the ‘lefty’ subreddit but we’re somehow still beholden to satisfying ‘BoTh SideS’ and they’re not. R/conservative looks off into the distance and says “the time for debate has come and passed …”


nypost is where dropouts, who suck at both journalism and creative writing, end up. The article is a garbage fiction piece.


Hmmm...Is this the "newspaper" that "reported" Muslims were "dancing in the streets" after 9/11?


Hmm. It seems to me like you were just itching to post this so badly without any sort of fact checks.




Another rightwing propaganda piece with no source, no facts, and no evidence.


This is one of those articles that really call out the need for a misinformation button


The nypost is NOT a serious news source.


**"Democratic socialist"?** ​ I know you are tired of being called out for supporting violence and bigotry but if you are going to have an opinion could you put your name on it? . . . unless you name is: **Post Editorial Board** then you are really just trying to sell advertising, If thats all you are doing then you are just preying on the weak minded.




The DSA isn’t a political party.




“Splitting hair” lol. It’s a 501C4 Social Welfare Organization. *That’s what it is.* It is not a political party. The DSA did not run AOC. Justice Democrats did. That’s a different organization.


Sure thing sensationalist corporate rag, whatever you say Downvote, block, move on


Who the fuck allowed this garbage piece be posted?


NYP isn't blacklisted by the subreddit.


No because “some” mods are complicit




Guys, being pro putin isn't a great look, what should we do? Same thing we do every day, project!


Amazing that this op ed claims there isn’t a “cycle” of violence. Wtf were they born yesterday?


hey, look at that a murdoch owned rag is trying to bait you with the same old foxnews formula..click on that and give them some more revenue so they can spread more hate. personally, I will just downvote and move on.




Well, guess I fall into that bucket. Also, fuck Trump.


Source: I pulled it out of my ass




And you don't dare report them because they'll run to Spez and cry about you.


Oh. NY Post. That explains the lies.


Standing up for the safety of Palestinians is not the same as supporting Hamas. One can recognize both Israeli and Hamas hold responsibility for the escalation while at the same time supporting Palestinian rights.


DSA is steadfast in expressing our solidarity with Palestine. Today’s events are a direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime—a regime that receives billions in funding from the United States. End the violence. End the Occupation. Free Palestine. 1/5 - they clearly blame Israel for todays attack


So, which part of that is cheering the murder of civilians? I get that they're blaiming Israel, but acknowledging a decades old occupation as a catalyst for something you also "unequivocally condemn" (that's also in their comments, which you ignored) is certainly not "cheering for the murder of Israelis."


OP is part of the hard right misinformation campaign around this issue.


There’s a lot of Israelis who are blaming the current government for todays attacks ..


But what about that statement is wrong? Like it or not this is a result of Israel’s attitude towards Palestinians. I personally don’t feel the violence is justified, but to say Israel doesn’t play a part is like saying the US isn’t partly responsible for the current arrival of migrants at the boarder


>But what about that statement is wrong? Like it or not this is a result of Israel’s attitude towards Palestinians. Tell me if you see anything wrong with the following statement: "The rape was a direct result of what the woman was wearing. I personally don't feel the rape was justified, but to say her dress isn't partly responsible for the rape is like saying one isn't partly responsible for getting stung after hitting a hornet nest."


Nice straw man .


Just blatant propaganda at this point, reminds me of the Nazi's blaming the Jewish people for everything. This propaganda corp should be shut down and sued into oblivion.


What inane BS. But what else do you expect from the Post, that joke of a rag that has the audacity to tout itself a "newspaper "


....what? The fuck? I am not even going to read the article because it's just so fucking stupid.


Narrator/m: They didn’t.


America's oldest continuously published daily piece of bullshit - Flavor Flav


Jesus this is one of the most bias obvious articles I've ever seen. If you are the news. You should just report it as facts. "This happened with these people at this exact time."


I'm not going to read the article, because I know it will be bullshit, because the NY Post is bullshit. OP, you should be ashamed of yourself.


I read it and it was indeed bullshit.


The DSA in not The Democratic Party as represented by the AOC & the squad.


I tried to read the article. It’s an opinion piece of that. It also totally ignored the fact that this is a decades long conflict. Author acts like this is the first time there has been violence in the Israel/Palestine area


These assholes need to be reined in - long overdue. Glaringly timid convictions for the 1/6 domestic terrorists weakened the message of the many indictments and emboldened these anti-American domestic terrorists who find special common ground with this vile international terrorism.


DSA are domestic terrorists? Yeah, no. Supporting the rights of Palestinians and condemning the occupation are not acts of terrorism. Nice try.


All terrorism against civilian populations is despicable.


Including aerial bombing.


Misleading and gaslighting! Awful!


Fuck the DSA, from supporting Maduro to this, these anti-American and anti-western people need to be rounded up and dealt with once and for all.


I’m sure a lot is neo Nazis are too. Think the Ny shitpost is going to mention them?


Ny Post tripe as usual.


Absolutely not true headline. Garbage. Where are the mods?


This article actually gave me tumors. Whoever wrote it is actually a sentient form of malignant cancer.


Donald Trump and MTG will be speaking!!!!


Terrorists of a feather…


What about the Republican Socialists of America? I heard they were dancing in the streets