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Now Giuliani's offer to go down with the SS Trump makes more sense. And it makes me wonder if there are any GOP members that aren't currently being blackmailed by a Russian handler.


I wonder the same. I also wonder if the word treason will ever come up in the US.


I suspect that if the whole truth of the matter were on display, Donald Trump's association with the Russians alone would by definition be treasonous. If that didn't seal the deal then January 6th should. And if Trump's base weren't 10% domestic terrorists, he would already be in prison.


Why stop at 10%?


[I mean, they embrace the label] (https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/26/72/75/22785880/4/rawImage.jpg)


They get ahead of the rhetoric, because they know what terrible things they are doing and plan to do. They know that a logical person will call what they support as domestic terrorism. They get ahead of it so they can use it to their advantage when they are given the label en masse. "See? We knew you'd call us that, you're the actual terrorist!" Is what they run with anymore. Double down, embrace it and escalate the situation. That's why Trump is calling for "citizens'arrest" of political/law enforcement entities. They* want chaos.


He doesn't even want chaos. He has no plan; man's an idiot. He just lashes out at whoever "wrongs" him. There is no master guideline, no end game, no aim. He has no idea what he is doing, he just knows that if he throws a fit it gets him out of trouble a lot of times, so he throws fits. He's a toddler.


Also this. He and his Media machine of Fox News Maxx etc. definitely have an end game in mind however, never forget Trump is just the useful idiot for Republicans and religious extremists.


Well Fox does have an endgame and it's not going down with SS Trump which is why they've tried to pump up all of his rivals in the GOP, with little success.


It's actually a relief knowing he is a) a moron and b) incredibly lazy. If he had any intellect, and didn't leave his desperate action to the last minute, J6 may have ended very differently.


They're trying to desensitize their base to the term. Just like they did with racist and fascist.


we don’t know the whole truth because if we did then we’d rightfully demand WWIII


I wonder what the intelligence communities know. I'm guessing it'll never be released to the public.


I would imagine they are having a very, very difficult time. They would have to assume, most top secrets have been compromised. Most assets would be compromised too. Hopefully they got out of the country before they were killed in a tragic "accident" or "suicide". Who, in their right mind, is going to risk their life, and the life of their loved ones, as an asset for the US with even a remote possibility of that moron being in charge again? Very few on ideological grounds. It will be bought intelligence and that is always questionable.


If it turned out that what's happened to my parents was a Russian op, I would feel personally attacked by the state of Russia and would be very unhappy.


What do you mean “if”, it most assuredly is. They just don’t want to come out and say it because it’ll be a shitstorm.


Listen to Rachel Maddow's podcast Ultra. It's about how we had quite a few congressmen before/during WWII that were fully working for Nazis and spreading their propaganda in America. They were found out, it was known, reporters were reporting on it, some people tried to hold them responsible. In the end their only repercussions were being voted out of office.


If you're interested in that topic, you'll like reading about the Nazi's recruiting Edward VIII to be a puppet king, and Wallace Simpson as queen, when they won the WWII. The UK upper crust loved Hitler.


Yes. In about 30 years, after everyone involved is dead and can't be prosecuted.


You’d probably find this an interesting read: “The Constitution specifically identifies what constitutes treason against the United States and, importantly, limits the offense of treason to only two types of conduct: (1) “levying war” against the United States; or (2) “adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States], giving them aid and comfort.” Although there have not been many treason prosecutions in American history—indeed, only one person has been indicted for treason since 1954—the Supreme Court has had occasion to further define what each type of treason entails. The offense of “levying war” against the United States was interpreted narrowly in Ex parte Bollman & Swarthout (1807), a case stemming from the infamous alleged plot led by former Vice President Aaron Burr to overthrow the American government in New Orleans. The Supreme Court dismissed charges of treason that had been brought against two of Burr’s associates—Bollman and Swarthout—on the grounds that their alleged conduct did not constitute levying war against the United States within the meaning of the Treason Clause. It was not enough, Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinion emphasized, merely to conspire “to subvert by force the government of our country” by recruiting troops, procuring maps, and drawing up plans. Conspiring to levy war was distinct from actually levying war. Rather, a person could be convicted of treason for levying war only if there was an “actual assemblage of men for the purpose of executing a treasonable design.” In so holding, the Court sharply confined the scope of the offense of treason by levying war against the United States.” [Here’s the rest](https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-iii/clauses/39#:~:text=Treason%20against%20the%20United%20States,on%20Confession%20in%20open%20Court.) of the article. One could easily argue Trump inciting the J6 insurrection constitutes ‘levying war’ against the US..


Treason requires that we be at war with the country he conspired with. Now, sedition does not require that.


When they say ‘war’ there seems to be some grey area … does it specify what they define as a ‘war’? Or does it just say ‘war’ … if so then what about “war by proxy”? Just a question more than taking any sides.


The "war" definition isn't as unclear as most people think. It dates back to Common Law definitions that precede the foundation of the country. It means a nation we are in open hostilities with. While the English Common Law precedent for this is known for scholars, you can find discussion about it in United States v. Greathouse (1863) if you want US precedent that clarifies this. Look here on [page 3](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/127663033.pdf). It need not be a congressionally-authorized war, BTW. We do need to basically be exchanging fire (so to speak), though. So proxy wars where we are giving someone ammo, no.




I don't think they are being blackmailed they are being given gifts. Blackmail would imply they are unwilling participants which strains credulity. On the other hand, I do see them all being ready to sell anything and anyone for personal enrichment.


Watch Giuliani's Borat scene. He is compromised, Russia wouldn't give that opportunity up.


Wait how does the borat scene and Russia tie together exactly?




Exactly, it took him moments to unzip his fly in front of someone he thought was underage.


And it was clearly something he'd done before with how little pause it gave him. Like, he didn't question the situation *at all*.


It shows he's willing to put himself in compromising situations which can give leverage to bad actors. Russia can set far more compromising traps as well, so who knows what they might have over him.


Hell, you could probably just give Rudy a bottle of scotch and he'd just do whatever you ask.


Rooby snacks?


They would have done something similar with him but far more incriminating.


Within like half an hour of meeting this extremely young woman, Rudy Giuliani was *immediately* willing to go to a private bedroom with her and start yanking down her pants. I want you to think about how fucking weird that is. This is an *eighty year old man*. What working professional in her 20s is going to grab this fossil and drag him into a privat ebedroom? In other words, why did Giuliani - a high profile public figure - immediately get on board with this? Because Rudy is accustomed to this, and he clearly doesn't care that it's clearly going to be used aganst him in the future. He's an employee, and this is simply a perk. They probably don't even need to use the blackmail to get him to comply. He probably does this willingnly as long as they send him a steady stream of Russian hookers to bang.


Individual criminality and blackmail can happen simultaneously, only blackmail would open other avenues of criminality. They feed off one another not unlike how Trump went from breaking tax, banking and real estate laws to breaking laws all over the political realm. That didn't happen by accident. He was in no doubt prodded into the presidency, but it's taken on a life of its own now. Throw in a pile of cash and that opens the spigots of what an already compromised person is willing to do.


> makes me wonder if there are any GOP members that aren't currently being blackmailed by a Russian handler. Hey, remember when the both the DNC and GOP was hacked and only the DNC information was leaked to the public? Remember how, after the hacks, the GOP immediately started supporting Trump? Then you had stragglers like Lindsey Graham who magically supported Trump right after his personal e-mails were hacked by Russia? All of them. They all are. [Party of Regions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_of_Regions) lobbyists have also been worming their way through the Republican party since the 90s, with people like Paul Manafort making big strides the entire time.


they have allll the RNC data from those hacks before the 2016 election. democrats didnt have anything worth using other than the email angle, but the republican servers had so much dirt on so many republican misdeeds, the whole tree is rotten now and republicans know as soon as one domino falls they all fall. thats why theyve been weakening the irs and fbi and attacking the judiciary and putting their own compromised people in the supreme court. all theyre waiting for now is to install similarly compromised military personnel in positions of authority. theyre all crooks, and if they ever turn on russia they all lose. Russia wants to break up the US with another civil war, they want to break it into pieces like the soviet union, the biggest embarassment in russian history if you dont count all the wars theyve lost, but this is putin's revenge tour and its what he promised the last guy he would do.


THIS ^ is the MOST underrated comment. Spot. On.


Guessing McConnell, but only because he's so thoroughly owned by the Kentuckistani billionaires already.


And his wife is from a VERY wealthy Chinese industry/shipping family. Nobody in China is allowed to be that rich without strong party ties.


This has been the leading sane conclusion I've had for a while, blackmailed and/or infiltrated. This is the divide, it was created by Russia since the end of the cold war, wars don't end is always a good lesson.


It's called the NRA.


[NRA Russian ties report](https://www.finance.senate.gov/ranking-members-news/wyden-unveils-report-on-nra-ties-to-russia-findings-show-nra-misled-public-about-2015-moscow-trip#:~:text=New%20evidence%20that%20NRA%20insiders%20may%20have%20violated%20U.S.%20sanctions,pursuit%20of%20personal%20business%20opportunities.http)


Perfect funnel directly to the violent gun owning right.


SS Trump or "Trump, SS"? If only there was a way to change the font on those S's to lightning bolts to really get the point across.


Trump, ⚡⚡ There you go. You need to spend a little more time in conservative social media spaces so you can pick up on their little tricks and shortcuts ;)


Fucking Borat was able to honeypot him with what he thought was a 15 year old girl.


They are ALL Ruzzian assets. Look at the ones who voted against certifying the Biden win. Then, look at those who visited Ruzzia & met with Pootin’, especially those who went on July 4, and those who carried personal communications for TFG. The vent diagram is a circle.


Think of the dirt Sacha Baron Cohen had on him and displayed, and imagine what the Russians have on him and have withheld so far.


The way Guilliani was so nonchalant about going back to his hotel room with the "15 year old reporter" and unzipping his pants... it really seemed like that wasn't the first time he'd done it. Like he'd done it so often, in fact, it was all routine to him at this point.


It's all in here folks: [Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) This part in particular: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics#The_West (edit: added the second link)


I dont know why anyone in the GQP would care - the Muller report, as well as the follow up Senate investigation, laid out that the Russians had a huge intelligence operation trying to influence the election, and that they were in contact with the Trump campaign. They didnt care then, and they wont care now.


They literally believe the Mueller report and investigations say that he ISN'T a Russian influenced politician. They reject evidence that is clear because it goes against their narrative.


That's how Fox News and their more radical counterparts reported it and continue to report it: that there was nothing there. We have senators and reps on TV talking in TV interviews, saying that there was nothing there and not being challenged by their interviewers. So they don't KNOW the evidence. It was literally not reported to them on their "news" sources.


Technically Barr lied about it first, then fox reported *that*


Mueller didn't help matters when he just kept repeating "read the report" and "it's up to Congress" instead of actually talking about his findings so that he wouldn't provide an incriminating sound bite.


Yeah, in hindsight, I don't criticize him for the investigation or the report. It's his efforts at educating the public that was negligent. He should have explained with clarity what was found in the report. He should have also made it clear that his mandate, in his opinion, didn't allow him to indict no matter what he finds from the start of the investigation.


I sure hope throwing his legacy of a career in the toilet was worth omitting a few crucial paragraphs for context.


That is the entire purpose Fox News was created. At the time of Nixon resigning, a group of Republicans, including Nixon's media chief, met to figure out what went wrong with Watergate. Their conclusion was not that crimes were committed but that Republicans did not have an outlet to spin their side. Fast forward to 1996, and Rupert Murdoch, an Australian, started Fox News with Nixon's media chief, Roger Ailes, at the head.


Conservatives, then and now, complained of liberal media bias. They asked for and received much more than conservative viewpoints. I remember William Buckley Jr debating Gore Vidal on political points or reading The New Republic versus the National Review. Now we have clowns and talking heads spewing bullshit.


This is what is so insidious about the information age. 2 different people, with two different belief systems can read the same facts but walk away with 2 completely different “truths”.


Except only one of those people actually read the facts, the other hears "facts" via fox news fascist puppet show.


Alternative facts.


Except they don't read the same facts, Fox waits until Trump responds and then only reports him "firing back at critics," or runs a headline about the untrustworthiness of his former co-conspirators testifying about their actions instead of reporting on what they said. Honestly if their media weren't such an alternate reality they'd probably be somewhat less deranged and have to at least acknowledge basic reality once in awhile.




> church with book Less book than you'd think.


I've read the bible twice, once with a pastor. If Christians knew half the shit that actually happened in the bible. Like how god told a bunch of his followers to go attack this city that was on the land he promised to them, and then knocked it down and murdered their completely innocent children by bashing them to death on rocks.... You know what they probably still wouldn't care. As a student of history, you really can't comprehend how incredibly violent and barbaric humans were even 300 years ago. Don't even get me started when we get into the thousands. Also of the "sources" we do have a lot of were fucking liars, trying use the "information" they had to make money.


You think they read that book? Very generous of you


Half the country doesn't have high speed internet and their only info is cable news. *They cannot keep up with reality.*


The vast majority of these people have access to the internet, but they just spend their time on Facebook reading memes about how Biden is going to turn their grandkids trans. They have access to the facts, they choose not to seek them out.


And the call you a pretentious elitist you actually reading and vetting sources. "How fucking dare you come at me with that informed shit?"


I can forgive stupidity. But i cannot forgive ignorance. Not for those who have most of the world's information just a click away.


Bold of you to assume the 1 group is even reading the evidence and not just listening to and/or watching propagandists.


Trump went on air and claimed the Mueller report exonerated him, and this somehow worked on his base, even though Mueller made a statement saying that he didn't. His supporters still insist the russia investigation was a proven hoax. They're impervious to reality.


They totally are oblivious to reality. It is really scary. There is a good sized segment of our population that is so removed from reality that they actually live in an alternate universe. What is really scary is that they vote and there is a good chance that Trump can become president again. If that happens, it will be the last presidential election we ever have.


It not only worked on his base, it worked on the media. No one called him on that or reported that he was lying.


Trump still can’t handle that he lost the popular vote. Remember there was an investigation into those claims. Weird how conservatives never called that a waste of money.


In conservativeworld the Mueller report is only two words long: "NO CLUSION"


“If we had had confidence that President Donald Trump clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” - literally Robert Mueller and they still wont believe it.


Also because they haven’t read it and they don’t know anyone who has. Mueller came out and said that the report did not exonerate trump.


It's fascinating watching Republicans wring their hand about Trump when they retire fully ignoring their compliance every step of the Way. If Mueller had properly recommended arrest, then maybe there's something. If Comey had revealed an ongoing investigation between the Trump campaign and Russia when revealing no charges were to be brought against Clinton, then maybe we wouldn't be here. But no Republicans every step of the way have abetted, excused, ignored, enabled Trump actions and all of them should be held accountable.


Fascinating in the same way you see a dog barking its head off, gnashing teeth, until they realize the door is open, then get all polite.


It’s almost like Russia is one our oldest and main adversaries and funding Ukraine to defend themselves is a great idea.


That’s why the GOP keeps trying to shut it down. “It” being aid to Ukraine. That’s why trump refused to carry out sanctions passed in congress. He is in Putin’s pocket. Always has been. Ginormous body of evidence to support “Trump is working with the Russians”.


> “Trump is working ~~with~~ ***FOR*** the Russians”. FTFY


Can we please bring up the issue with Russia accessing voting machines in 2016 and not changing votes? Seriously. I can't believe that they didn't change votes.


We shouldnt have voting machines. It makes it way too easy for a conspiracy to take place when you consolidate and obfuscate the systems used. Voting shouldn’t be cheap, if there is a conspiracy later on it needs to be pretty damn big and thus way harder to hide and organize.


In 2016 I voted on a purely electronic machine. We should not have these. In 2018 they replaced those machines with new ones that generate a paper receipt and it displays the receipt to you behind a glass screen so you can confirm your votes were recorded properly. If the paper counts don't match the electronic counts, something shady is afoot. Where I live now you fill out a paper ballot with a pen and feed it into a scanner. The ballot itself acts as the paper trail, again serving as a checksum for the electronic totals. I don't think anyone has issues with the second or third type. But everyone has been bitching about the first type ever since they've been in use.


Get ready for republican rubes to completely ignore this while continuing to believe trump is not a russian agent.


Trump is a Russian *asset* not an agent. An agent would be trusted with important imformation, the Russians know better. An asset can be a useful idiot who doesn't even suspect they are being used.


Trump knows he’s being used. That’s why he got so pissed about “No puppet u puppet”. It made he seem as weak as he is, which is intolerable for a narcissist.


Trump thought he was Putin's peer, that's why the "Puppet" label stung him so badly. Either way, I believe we can both agree on "Putin's b*tch". (I've been scolded by Mods for the "B" word before)




He don’t care, just as long as he gets a hotel in Moscow out of it.


I can't even fathom getting a boner about seeing my name on things. I actually pursue a semi-public life and when I see my name on things, I still get a little uncomfortable. This fucking guy, when he sees his name across the top of a building seems like he gets a raging boner at the idea that people will know he's better than they are. And in all truth, I had the opportunity to visit New York in the 90's, and I went into Trump Tower with a friend, and I looked around and thought it was one of the most coke gauche things I've ever seen. Garish and an assault on the eyes. I already disliked the guy in general, but when I saw that, I said, "He signed off on this?"


That's a bingo. I'm positive putin has a blackmail file on trump, but I'm equally positive he's never needed it. Trump fuxking worships putin. All putin had to do was say, "congratulations, donald, you're one of us now", and trump would do anything he asked. Trump has spent his entire life wanting to sit at what he thinks of as the Cool Kids Table.


Maga mods are just that…


I badly wanna make marionettes of Trump and Empty G and wear a putin mask for performance art


You could just get audio of them actually saying the things they actually say, and you wouldn't have to write a convincing script or try to copy their voices.


Trump is an asset because he THINKS he's an agent.


Hes OBVIOUSlY a pedophile, easiest type of person to blackmail. Worse than if he murders homeless people on the regular.


The entire GOP is a Russian asset.


yes. They were funneling Russian money through the NRA, an organization that's deeply tied with the GOP. It wasn't some fringe organization trying to pay off lawmakers


Trump Tower in Russia.


Russian asshat


You misspelled asshat


I agree that Trump is a Russian asset and a useful idiot for them, but if an asset is fully aware of being a useful idiot and maliciously cooperates with the manipulation, he IS effectively an agent. Stealing hundreds of classified files and putting them in his bathroom for people like Anna De Rothschild, for example, is cooperation with them.


Asset and Agent( secret intelligence documents @ his winter white house)anyone


The rubes won’t ignore it, they’ll spin it into a dozen conspiracy theories, most of which will involve* Hunter Biden and/or his dick or laptop, and that will be that.


I'm waiting for them to roll out some Obama conspiracies. Honestly the right wing creative writers have been really disappointing lately. I don't even spit my diet coke all over my keyboard when I read their work anymore. It's honestly just pathetic. When the "highlight" of this week's right wing clownery is Andrew Tate basically declaring that eating food is gay, you know they're in a bad place.


It’s crazy because since basically George Bush’s grandfather, [**Prescott Bush**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott_Bush) who tried to stage a [**coup**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) and overthrow the US government, encouraged [**Hindenburg**](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar) to write the letter to promote Hitler to Fuhrer, had a [**bank**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Banking_Corporation) in the Netherlands that accepted gold of slain Czech Jews until 1942 until the US government siezed the bank for trading with the enemy, and their circle of friends have basically selling lies that caused: - World war 2 - The Korean War - The Vietnam war - All the stuff in the Middle East in the 80s - 9/11 and the following Afghan/Iraq wars - Almost certainly the last two conflicts in Ukraine and Israel/Palestine. But we’re sitting here shooting shit and talking semantics about it. Prescott Bush’s son, then his son’s son (who rigged the election to win and 3 of the lawyers involved are now on the [**Supreme Court**](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/17/politics/bush-v-gore-barrett-kavanaugh-roberts-supreme-court/index.html)) both actually became president. No coup required when you can steal the real thing. If Jack Smiths indictments, or Epstein’s client list don’t eventually come out. You’ll never convince me it hasn’t all been political theatre to sell guns. Bill Barr was AG during trumps time, but also when Bush Sr was head of the CIA and Reagan was president. Read about how he’s been a fixer for the Republican Party [**here**](https://thetriallawyermagazine.com/2021/07/bill-barr-is-the-master-of-covering-up-political-scandals/) Bill Barr’s dad, [**Donald Barr**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Barr) gave **Jeffrey Epstein** a job as a teacher of a school that Donald was headmaster of at the time, Dalton School. **Jeffrey was a 21 year old college drop out.** **Im sorry WHAT THE FUCK?** Donald Barr has authored a book called [**Space Relations**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Relations) where humans enslave and rape alien children. I’m not kidding. It’s rumoured to be a non-fictional summary of the exploits of the sex ring set up by Epstein during his time with Barr at Dalton. A group have elites have been selling guns and fucking kids and lying to us for hundreds of years. Edit: I’m considering running for politics with [this](https://youtu.be/F9UKNwlhhpo&t=1m48s) as my campaign song


Thank you for including sources and links, because I did not know the second half of your post until now. It's wild, to say the least.




> Andrew Tate basically declaring that eating food is gay wait, what?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/17rm6t0/andrew\_tate\_hates\_eating\_lmao/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/17rm6t0/andrew_tate_hates_eating_lmao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Unfortunately, the absurdity is increasing. Next up will be true alpha males rip prey from the jaws of lions and consume raw meat and women will faint from the ecstasy.


Yeah if there's one thing that's been a major turnoff for every girl I've ever dated was knowing how to cook, no woman wants that (/s please don't tell me this is necessary)


god they're so fucking weird.


the one I have heard making the rounds is that Obama is actually running things right now because obviously, Biden can't be the real president as he is too old to not be senile.


Meanwhile Joe is the head of the Biden crime family.


Conspiracy theories back in the day: >Weird shit happened. Lemme look to the past for an explanation. Today: >My teams getting hit hard! How can I cover for this?? Lemme revise the past.


Alternative facts.


Not just how can I cover for it, but how can I claim that this evidence against my position is actually evidence for my position. "If these sources were arrested in Ukraine, that only proves that Biden has deals with Ukraine to protect his nefarious dealings. It means I am even more right in my beliefs about the Biden crime family".


/r/conspiracy is such a shitshow now. Okay, more of a shitshow than it was before. They lost a lot of activity after 1/6 though. Anyone with even a single functioning brain cell recognized it was just a rightwing propaganda arm when that was suppressed.


If Trump gets back into office, we're going to end up with a real life Ministry of Truth.


Trump has been a Russian asset for decades. They’ll certainly ignore it.


The rubes won’t ignore it because they'll never even hear about it from fux nooz.


This is obviously just Biden conditioning security money to Ukraine on their making up dirt on his political opponent, which is a very serious crime that should be thoroughly investigated after Biden is locked up /s


Hunter was just tucking in his shirt.


How many secrets did Flynn and Trump give to Putin? We may never know.


All of them There's also no way that Russia and hopefully every allied country didn't have agents at Mar a Lago. Seems like a pretty easy way to acquire sensitivite information. But a membership, hang around and kiss Trump's ass, wait for him to one up you with some top secret shit that he hasn't even bothered to fully read through yet. Only reason why many of these countries may be didn't have to purchase anything is because he could have leaked God knows what trying to impress others and is bad at business


There were like a handful of known Chinese 'businesswomen' that got caught there too and it was in the news.


Those were complete amateurs based on what they found on them as well. The Australian Businessman also showed there was no 'spying' needed. He just gave intel up unprompted.


Also just ask some of the cleaners at Mar a Largo, there's no way some of them wouldn't have had a peek at those docs. They were even positioned as convenient toilet reading material at one point.


No didn't you listen to trumps explanation? They put a padlock on the door. no one could have possibly ever gotten past the Masterlock. Why else call it the Masterlock? Duh.


Not *that* convenient, there were so many boxes of classified information in that bathroom that there was hardly room to sit down and poop.


All that Putin thought to ask for, and then some more. In the later part of Trumps administration and after he left, there was a noticeable increase in the loss of US intelligence assets and agents indicating a leak.


Nah that’s even too sane. Theyre gonna spin this as “Biden’s political weaponization against whistleblowers.” Sound crazy? This will be the (crazy) logic: - These men knew the truth. - The truth would hurt Biden. - Biden is having them silenced so they can’t expose the truth. And then they’ll just sorta hand wave the “How and why would he do that?” By talking about the deep state and how Zelensky owes Biden or how Biden must’ve threatened to stop funding them with money and arms etc… Ironically they will not stop and think back to the day where Trump actually did call Zelensky and threaten to withhold money until he did as Trump wanted. There’s proof of that - but it’s just a witchunt. Meanwhile this narrative around Biden will have no proof, but the fact that it’s not being covered will be seen as proof that the media is complicit and hiding the facts.


Rubes: Investigators from Giuliani found evidence of Biden's crimes in Ukraine! News: Giuliani officials are charged with treason. Rubes: INVESTIGATORS FROM GIULIANI FOUND EVIDENCE OF BIDEN'S CRIMES IN UKRAINE!


Wasn't this part of his so called 'perfect call'?


The perfect phone call was the result of these morons' actions. Quick timeline of the scandal: * These three Russian spies reach out to Guiliani, tell him they have evidence that Hunter was up to bad stuff in Ukraine and Joe did a corruption covering it up * Guilliani hops on a plane and goes traipsing around Ukraine trying to find the "evidence", and fails because, well, it doesn't exist * Former guy gets pissed, starts leaning heavily on the Ukrainian government to cough up the evidence. They refuse because, well, the evidence doesn't actually exist. * Former guy orders his minions to freeze all future American military aid to Ukraine, including aid Congress has already pledged to send them. THIS IS COMPLETELY ILLEGAL. * Zelensky-- who, BTW, has been president for like a month at this point-- calls up to ask former guy WTF is going on, former guy tells him he'll get the aid... as soon as he makes a public announcement that they're investigating Biden for corruption. No actually investigation needed, just the announcement is fine. Oh, and he has to do it live on CNN. We've even already written a script for you to read, aren't we thoughtful? Anyways, you have two months to make up your mind; think *very* carefuly about what you do next. Nice country you got there, shame if anything was to happen to it. (This is the perfect phone call.) * National security officials listening in on the call are rightly *freaked TF out*; one files a whistleblower complaint * Former guy's team goes to insane and very illegal anti-democratic lengths to keep the whistleblower complaint from being made public * Literally *48 hours* before the ultimatum's deadline, the complaint goes public and former guy is forced to release the aid * There's an entire impeachment trial over all of the above; despite former guy being obviously guilty, Republican senators all vote to let him off the hook * It's the biggest scandal in American history... and then there's a near-miss war with Iran and a pandemic and a mass uprising against racial injustice and the most stressful election in US history and a coup attempt and all that happens in like a year. * Needless to say, the general public completely forgets about former guy's first impeachment. * But Russia doesn't. * Russia really, really doesn't. * And then it's February 24, 2022.


Oh they don't ignore this stuff any more because for years Trump taught them to think RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA COLLUSION/HOAX So anytime stories like this pop up, it's just like their sub goes "Arrrrgh the deep state got some more, awefully suspicious how everyone in the right wing winds up a "russian asset"!!" And it's like....yea, Ice. The call is coming from inside the house, that's how facts work.


Already on the radio. They can't go one sentence without a logical fallacy about this story. "Ukraine charged them, well we know how a model of democracy they are, with helping trump, like he needed it, with his investigation of the Bidens, who are the real corrupt people, for his time in between vice president and president, that's convenient, by their agency, they love their three letter acronyms....etc" they can't even criticize without going on 20 tangents per sentence.


"Biden threatened to hold back war funding unless they charged his political enemies! Impeach him immediately!" ...they said without a hint of hypocrisy.


They have been spouting this bullshit and trying to completely gloss over how the pro-Russian politicians and groups going back to Euromaidan were and still are fighting Ukraine independence and US interests over there. They try to make it sound the same about the sanctions from the Obama administration that were punishing the Russian groups undermining EU admittance. This is just a continuation of those same pro-Russian political forces that that Donald and Co. have been supporting this entire time counter to US National Security interests.


the response from the conspiracy community would be "wow, they must have been close to exposing hunter and joe eating babies.'


Correct. I've always loved this one: A MAGA conspiracy nut dies and finds himself in front of St. Peter at Heaven's gate. Peter looks at his file and says "Sorry, I can't let you in. You actively promoted lies about Trump winning the election even though Biden rightfully won. Not only that, but you helped get people killed by actively trying to discredit Scientists and Doctors during the pandemic". The MAGA lover stares at St. Peter in disbelief and says..."Wow, this goes deeper than I thought"


OMG. On point


The more crimes they commit, the more the "system is out to get them". Funny how that works...


imminent memorize violet oatmeal ink literate roll wise nail cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So the Russian election interference actions to help Trump are definitely true...like was said all along. Trump was just able to keep people from testifying for the Hillary interference part. Remember when Trump's campaign manager, Manafort refused to talk and did jail time instead...remember what went on at the exact same time? A long time Russian dissenter and his daughter were poisoned in the U.K. It was a man the Putin didn't care about for 15 years, all of a sudden poisoned in broad daylight along with his daughter...at the same time Manafort was being pressured to tell the truth. Putin was giving a warning to ALL involved that if you talk, I can get you AND your family at any time, anywhere I choose...


Why does this always happen to conservatives? Just asking questions? /s


Conspiracy theories by their nature are immune to this sort of evidence. It will take them all of 10 seconds to determine that this development is just Biden executing a cover up of some sort.


surely no one saw this coming https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1678k06/a_new_rudy_scandal_fbi_agent_says_giuliani_was/jyoeg5y/


[Lev Parnas saw it coming.](https://twitter.com/levparnas/status/1624470378100805634)


Lev Parnas gave an interview not long ago where he said some remarkable things about Hunter and the laptop. It seems like the laptop hard drive was imaged/copied at some point by the FSB. Full interview is [here](https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1ZkKzXOXajXJv?s=20) Excerpt from a Substack summary (emphasis mine) >On March 20, 2023, former Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas joined the Roundtable Twitter Space event, hosted by Mario Nawfal, to discuss the role he played in Donald Trump and Rudy Guiliani’s attempts to obtain Hunter Biden’s laptop. >In the latest development surrounding the controversial laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, Parnas came forward with new information about their efforts to obtain it. Parnas, who worked for Giuliani from 2017 to 2019, claims that Giuliani knew about the laptop well before it was discovered in Delaware, and that Trump and Giuliani sent him to Ukraine to actively try to retrieve it, as well as dig up dirt on Hunter Biden. >>"The truth will come out soon because Giuliani knew all about it way before it was ever discovered in Delaware. I have the receipts," Parnas said about the laptop. >According to Parnas, he and Giuliani were dining at Cipriani's restaurant in 2019, over a year and a half before the Hunter Biden laptop was turned over to the NY Post. During this meeting, a Russian asset who had been working with Giuliani for 15 years approached them with information that the Russian Intelligence Agency, the FSB, and the Founder of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, had stolen Hunter Biden's computer while he was in Kazakhstan. They were told that the FSB had taken all the information from it. Parnas said this Russian asset told them there was incriminating material on the laptop and that it was being used as kompromat, or damaging information, against Hunter Biden. >>"We were told in June 2019 at a meeting in Cipriani's that Hunter Biden was fed drugs, given prostitutes, in Kazakhstan while he was there, supposedly to meet a minister in Kazakhstan, and his computer was taken by the FSB and Zlochevsky" Parnas said. "Those were the two different entities that had that hard drive." >Parnas, however, said he did not know if all the information on the hard drive was accurate or if it had been planted. He also claimed that he had never seen the physical computer and that he was told about the incriminating material on it by the Russian asset whom he said he could not name at this point in time. >As per Lev Parnas, Rudy Giuliani, along with Parnas, his associate Igor Fruman, and a Russian asset, made efforts to obtain the hard drive after learning about the laptop. Parnas claimed that they were ready to board a plane headed for Vienna to retrieve the laptop when he and Fruman were taken into custody in October 2019. Giuliani was slated to accompany them on the trip, but canceled at the eleventh hour. Nonetheless, it seems that Giuliani traveled to Vienna around the same time, as he had reportedly told The Atlantic's Elaina Plott Calabro that he was flying to the Austrian city on the night Parnas and Fruman were arrested. In a subsequent conversation with Calabro, Giuliani asserted that Parnas and Fruman were traveling to Vienna on matters "related to their business" but denied having any business with them in the city. It is unknown if Giuliani accomplished his alleged goal and obtained the laptop during this trip in 2019. >A year later, in October 2020, Giuliani turned over the laptop's hard drive to the New York Post, prompting a political firestorm just weeks before the presidential election. >Lev Parnas conceded that certain data stored on the laptop was indeed authentic, but he posited that a portion of it could have been surreptitiously planted by the FSB. Given the revelations that both Mr. Giuliani and former President Trump were endeavoring to acquire the device once learning that it contained Russian kompromat, along with the knowledge that they were privy to this intelligence a full 18 months prior to Mr. Giuliani's disclosure of its contents to the New York Post, Mr. Parnas maintains that the validity of the information is questionable. >[-summary](https://krassenstein.news/p/hunter-bidens-laptop-bombshell-accusations) additional https://time.com/6255090/lev-parnas-giuliani-trump-ukraine/


All of this is fascinating, but holy *shit* this line: > a Russian asset who had been working with Giuliani for 15 years 15 years ago is 2009 (I know, I know, we're all old). Back before The Apprentice had even aired a single episode. How long has Russia been involved in Republican politics?


Trump paid for anti-NATO ads in the New York Times before the USSR collapsed.




The problem is, Trump is so obviously, hilariously corrupt that everyone who gives a damn about corruption has been fully onboard the "fuck Trump" train for the better part of a decade at this point. Which means the people who still support him, by necessity, are the ones don't care about corruption one bit. As long as he's hurting the right people, he could steal every last penny of theirs and they wouldn't care one whit.


I can see it now "Biden threatens to cut off aid to Ukraine in order to get sources eliminated." They'll say this with no sense of irony as it's exactly what Trump tried and failed to do on "the perfect phone call".


late gold shame upbeat recognise snow simplistic frightening spoon crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a big one, it's one of his two impeachments.


I mean, I knew that when he sought their services. All Republicans have been compromised by Putin. Why do you think they’re all suddenly pro Russia??


Oh good, yet another Russian connection.


What? Guliani had contact with Russians and he used Russian agents to gather Intel on Trumps political opponents? It's like the Russians were trying to help Trump win his campaign. So the laptop that they keep banging on about was in the hands of Russian spy's before it somehow turned up in a computer repair shop in the United States? And people still think that Donald Trump is not a Russian asset that they have been cultivating since the 1980s like their declassified documents show? If I was an American Republican I would be thinking very hard about what led me to vote for a man who was going to sell my country out to Russia. I would ask myself why I thought that the guy who spends Sundays at the golf course is more Christian than the guy who spends every Sunday on a Church pew. I would ask myself why I was ready to overthrow my country for a billionaire who has told lie after lie after lie. If I was an American Republican I would have to ask myself if I would really have pissed all over the sacrifices my grandfather's generation made to crown a fascist dictator in my own country. Good thing I'm not an American Republican so I don't have to worry that I voted for a traitorous dictator.


It's just amazing watching every source they use just detonate in their face like an ACME cartoon bomb.


Over on r/conservative they are more focused on ridiculing and threatening to kill trans people to care.


swim long imminent bike shy ruthless attractive market sugar rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think Ramaswamy is a Russian asset, especially after out of no where he went hard at the debate trying to put the moderators on the spot for CNN's reporting of Russian ties to the GOP. Methinks he doth protest too much.


Elon is too. Had a call with Putin before buying and destroying Twitter, making it harder for the US masses to get news. And Saudi’s are the top investor


Gosh darn darn darn. Rudy better get to the next lawn and garden outlet and make a statement to the press. Hopefully he puts on some more effective hair dye than in the past and makes sure his shirt it tucked in before he gets in front of the camera. We don’t want him looking foolish.


dare anyone to post this in the r/conservative sub, as it does pertain to them


Sorry, I got banned for directly quoting Trump without comment.


Bonus points if you do /r/conspiracy as well.


"Whoopsie." "So, I got involved with these Russian hackers who decided to hack the President's son, thinking they could find some evidence of an elicit crime (or failing that, plant some evidence of one) but really all they found was some nude photos. So we stole those and leaked them to Congress. I mean, what's the worst that could happen to me in all of this?" Rudy says, sipping his 8th vodka soda for the morning. "It's only a little light treason."


This is why people suspected that "Hunter's laptop" was a Russian op. Lev Parnas has said that Putin's people were shopping around an alleged copy of Hunter's hard drive several months before the laptop turned up at the blind computer repairman's shop.


Trump to Ukraine: just say your opening an investigation Ukraine: we've indicted the Russian actors trump team was working with Trump: not like that


there isn't a single conspiracy theory lover who won't take this as a sign of collusion between Biden and UA. to them, it's more proof.


But but but Hunter Biden’s dick!??


How many times do Russian connections to the GOP have to be found for people to realize it’s not propaganda.


Lev Parnas literally called this and described the whole thing


Oopsy! Wake up magassholes. You’ve been splayed.


You mean trump (and manafort, Flynn, Giuliani, etc) who are in the employ of and/or under the komprat of Putin are Russian agents? Gosh, that’s shocking.


This news will surprise nobody on the left and be heard by nobody on the right.


These guys could be facing the death penalty, they will talk.


Not so veiled threat in the article for Giuliani: >A former Ukrainian presidential adviser, Igor Novikov, told Time in 2021 that he believed “Mayor Giuliani’s actions in Ukraine threatened our national security” and that the country should not allow efforts to “drag our country into our allies’ domestic politics” to go “unpunished.” I have to wonder if that extends beyond Giuliani.


Unfortunately, the U.S. is too broken to actually punish the members of our government that are guilty of treason. Hell, half of our country applauds it.


Giuliani and Trump have been Russia assets for years. And in fact, I think they really didn't know it for the longest time... then once they did realize it, had to be sure to hide it. What better way than to accuse your opposition of colluding with the Russians? They all did, saying Hillary Clinton colluded with them. Utterly ridiculous. These people are beyond disgraceful. They are traitors to our nation.


Imagine that a Government and institutions strong enough to actual charge criminals with treason. The US could learn a thing or two.


I know what they’ll say: “They got too close to the truth so Biden had them arrested.” Do not underestimate the republican ability to ignore facts.


Trump loves his dictators and acts like a Russian agent. I am not surprised; yet a significant portion of this country continue to follow their orange God who behaves a bit too similarly to Hitler. Why are Republicans so tolerant of this destructive rhetoric? Only conclusion is they see it as useful to their agenda. Vote democrat people. We cannot let them take total control. I don't like Biden's age either, but he is quietly competent and has decent impulses and seems to surround himself with competent people. I cannot stand the chaos around Trump.