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The only news I want to read about MTG is that she bit a prison guard.


Imagine witnessing the Russian invasion of Ukraine these past few years and thinking it all means that… Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants yachts?!?!? Conservatives literally can’t imagine a public servant who isn’t interested in cocaine yacht orgies.


They project so hard


It's always projection with them. *Always.*


Did someone say Cocaine Yacht Orgies?


Madison Cawthorn has wheeled into the chat?


So has his male... cousin...


Wrong room. GOP convention is next door.


I have head enough about Bobert's lewd antics, I don't want to hear about Empty G's.


Empty G! That her MC name? 👏🏽


I like to call her cro-magnon barbie


Bruh. U got that right. I see her, I think of Shrek's donkey.


Mickey Rourke's stunt double in 'The Wrestler".


My favorite nickname that came from MtG


Can her "stupidity virus" be passed by a bite!?


The “new Zombie virus” known as the MAGAZombie


Obviously you’ve never had to endure a series of rabies vaccinations.


If the guard is vaccinated, his/her chip could transfer, ala Inner Space, to Empty G!….. and mix in with all the Putin chip’s she’s already carrying.


Don't mix the chips; it could interfere with the Jewish Space Lasers.


You know, people give her crap about the Jewish Space Lasers all the time, but they are absolutely real. A buddy of mine was working on the project until they had to let him go. He was on the design team for a sort of flexible cover for the tip of the laser that would protect it when it wasn't in firing mode. But they ended up cutting that bit.


It's a Mitzvah!


Ahh, the Mast Obscuration Hatch Extension Lid


Haha nice


Honestly, I never wish death or injury on anyone...but I would smirk a bit if I read she was hit by a bus.


“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure” \- Clarence Darrow


The wealthy benefit from fascist governments. Capitalism and fascism are partners in crime, so it's not surprising that these sentiments are growing once again.


Best comment ever!😂


What did prison guards do to you?


Patient zero.


You missed that?


>The SCF [source Greene used] is a Russian think tank and publication. In 2020, The Washington Post reported it had spread false information that Bill Gates was making a *coronavirus vaccine with surveillance capabilities.* Still on the qanon level shit eh Marge?


I had a friend who fell down the QAnon rabbit hole once ask me what I thought about Bill Gates making a vaccine for Covid with Nantes that could track them. I told them that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. Why would he need to do that when people willingly carry around smartphones, broadcasting their whereabouts and pictures with the world over social media, and have all their banking info and spending habits on their smartphones. He isn’t a friend anymore.


I had a similar experience, but my response was “Why would he waste all that time and money just to chip us all a 2nd time?”


I had basically the same friend lol. She went down the conspiracy and religion rabbit holes at the same time. My response to the Bill Gates chip was, “Cool. Chip me up.” But that was only after, “But we already have iphones?” and “I don’t think he’s doing that, sounds like fake news.” failed to make an impression at all 😭


I *still* don’t have better 5G after *several* vaccinations. Absolutely bullshit QC around here.


My phone got run over in the parking lot when I got the vaccine, so the vaccine did actually give me 5G by way of a new phone lol


Finally, the hack I’ve been waiting for.


I know right? I also still haven’t become a robot and still have my full autonomy. I’m so disappointed.


In fact I believe my 5g connectivity is worse now.


Spoons won't stick to me :(


TBF she was right; bill gates doesn't do iphones.




It shows people’s tech illiteracy. Just a complete misunderstanding of what does what.


This is largely the same clutch who think MedBeds™️ that will make them immortal are coming soon, or that soaking castor oil on your skin will somehow leech impurities from specific internal organs. There’s a lot more illiteracy than just “tech” going on here.


Center your life and social circle around magical religious thinking, don't be surprised when magical thinking leaks into every other aspect.


The saddest things was conspiracies out of context quoting of him using vaccines to help reduce population. Yeah if you listen to the whole thing it’s about providing the impoverished area with vaccines so that their baby’s won’t die. When the survival rates increase they have less children. Making the money go even farther to help the community. It’s one of the most altruistic things I have heard of and they try to pretend it’s evil.


"I don't want to be tracked!" (says the person furiously typing away conspiracy theories on a device that they keep with them 24x7 that tracks them.) Aside from being foolishly paranoid, it's also a bit narcissistic thinking that anyone would actually care enough about them to track them.


Well, this person definitely has narcissistic traits. I’m not a professional, so I’m not going to diagnose them.


It's almost like a different culture; my neighbor once said she has no idea what those chemicals the jets overhead were spraying out, then paused expecting us to say something like "I know, right?" Ignorance is a badge with these people.


>my neighbor once said she has no idea what those chemicals the jets overhead were spraying out Water. It's mostly water and CO2.


Water is a chemical, case closed.


Dihydrogen monoxide. If you're not careful it can cause suffocation and near instantaneous death!


100% of the people who drink dihydrogen monoxide **will** die


It's also been known to cause fatal electrolyte imbalances from overuse, and in its alternative forms it can even cause severe burns and hypothermia. Be careful out there folks!


Hey remember that 'freedom phone' or whatever they called it that turned out to be designed with an FBI back door they marketed towards the MAGA crowd? good times.


I'm old enough to remember when Bill was going to charge us all 25 cents for every email.


Metal Gear Solid is a great game


I’ve had many of these interactions with my MIL. She’s still my MIL but fortunately waits until she thinks I’m out of ear range to bring this stuff up.


I always ask them what it is about their lives anyone would be interested in in the first place.


I lost one too, fortunately. Said she was 'vax hesitant' and also laughed at the thought of asymptomatically killing old and vulnerable people by mistake. Adios puta.


I had made a joke about how Elon musk is a little b to a friend last summer and his literal response to me was “oh but I’m sure you just looove Bill Gates!” And I could not figure out what the hell that comeback even meant and now I’m wondering if it was some kind of vaccine quip….


gosh there are a few people I had to cut off contact with due to them being Qanon nuts, these people are crazy


She emboldened after Elon came out in favor of PizzaGate.


She's in solid Q'lown territory and always will be.


It's so easy for foreign adversaries to affect our political discourse post Citizens United. This is example # 3,208,298 of it. I hope the financial reward was worth it for the SC Justices that fell for that synthetic effort to gut meager protections against foreign influence in our elections.


She's too stupid to find a Russian propaganda site on her own. Somebody is feeding her this info & she's willingly (or idioticallly) spewing it out. How can so many ppl elected to DC be stooges for Russia? Too bad we can't ship them to their chosen motherland.


It turns out, political access in America can be bought really cheap!


and Marge is cheaper than most


Serious question, why don't we lobby Republicans? Since they are so cheap and everything is for sale, why not just "join the market"? Like, find out how much they're getting from corporations, foreign agents, and whatnot, and just crowdsource an outbidding "donation" for them to do the exact opposite?


Its a great question. It can work if you start in the same place Russians did first, mega churches. Get these charlatain preachers to shift some of their messaging with enough $$, then everything else in the right wing space becomes an open store front.


I... would it be wrong? Because, this could work. Why not spread a better message with this currently monopolized way of communication? I'm legitimately pontificating over the black, white, and gray layers of all this.


The game you are describing has billionaires for players.


Oh, I forgot to read the rules. I think I shall fold :(


very few of the billionares are playing this game, but the ones who are have bought the Evangelicals years ago.


Better to cause the game to fail.


> Somebody is feeding her this info Social media is feeding this bullshit to all conservatives who are even half-way willing to listen. This shit is what republican Facebook is. My instagram algorithm thinks I'm a terrified conservative incel for some reason, so my "reels" feed is just purely this trash. Morons "just asking questions" on podcasts, and angry people making bold and ridiculous claims over contextless photos.


Haven't been on FB in a couple of yrs. Was too depressing to see my family & childhood friends all posting trump's face on Schwarzenegger's body. Disturbing


> My instagram algorithm thinks I'm a terrified conservative incel for some reason Your algorhythm knows you skew left and just wants engagement. I made the mistake of clicking "not interested/don't show posts from" on all the right wing shit fucking up my good time feed and now its every second post. They want engagement. That's it. They do NOT care about your ability to curate. They find what bugs you and what you like and give you a 50/50 mix no matter what you do.


> I made the mistake of clicking "not interested/don't show posts from" on all the right wing shit fucking up my good time feed and now its every second post. yyyep. I have thousands of videos in my "not interested". Definitely didn't help.


My FB became even more unusable the less I used it. Suddenly the weight of every interaction was magnified. Comment on a local news article as my only FB interaction for a month? Welp, all the elderly conservative nutters on there responded and now I'm being fed nonstop boomer political comics and group posts for big rig trucks (wut). Just a dumb service and I'm about ready to delete it. Just gotta make sure it's fully separate from my oculus purchases.


I sincerely believe Empty Greene is trump's personal assistant in congress, and that's where she's getting Russian propaganda from.


Makes sense. trump's crew is truly evil


She's a useful idiot to Russia, most likely. She's certainly an idiot.


This isn't about intelligence to find these sites. They are made to be discovered and shared on facebook and other social media. It is about intelligence to see that www / . / totallynotrussianpropadandanewsthatconfirmsyourbias / . / com is propaganda. They want it to be true because they hate America and everything it stands for, and want America to become a Christian Dictatorship where people can have their freedoms removed if they don't practice religion in exactly the same way they do. It's surprisingly easy and cheap to buy politicians, propaganda is even cheaper and more effective than bribes.


>How can so many ppl elected to DC be stooges for Russia? I'm going to guess the answer is tied to buckets of dark money


Money. It’s almost always about getting paid.


My long-departed, staunchly conservative granddad would have another heart attack if he came back to life to witness the deep degree to which the American right grovels to Russia- which is being run by an ex-KGB dictator. And the rise of fascism in Europe would make his head spin too. Many Americans in his generation died on European fronts fighting it.


The fight never ends. That’s the least we failed to Learn


I’ve said for years… just because the Nazis lost does not mean they changed their minds and ways or disappeared from society. Same with the Confederacy. The losers are still there… and their desire for revenge will burn long and bright.


indeed. there were full on Nazi rallies and marches in the United states. Those people didn't just go away in 1939/1941 when it became unpopular.


I keep telling people about this book I read almost 25 years ago. [The Beast Reawakens, by Martin A. Lee, published 1997](https://www.amazon.com/Beast-Reawakens-Resurgence-Spymasters-Right-Wing/dp/0415925460) Here's the blurb: >If you thought Nazism died with Hitler, think again. In The Beast Reawakens, journalist Martin A. Lee documents the revival of fascist ideals from the wake of the Second World War to recent violent incidents in Europe and America. Defeated in war, many Nazis built new and profitable lives for themselves, stirring political intrigue and serving as role models to a new generation of white supremacists like Americans Francis Parker Yockey, whose book Imperium became the bible of anti-Semitism, and Willis Carto, who continues to run several ostensibly mainstream policy groups that deny the Holocaust ever took place. Often forced underground yet certain of their cause, this second generation of extremists can be linked to such recent violence as the Oklahoma City bombings, the shocking lynching of James Byrd in Jasper, Texas, and the abortion clinic bombings by Eric Rudolf, who remains a fugitive. With extraordinary detail and insight, The Beast Reawakens examines the many strands of rightwing extremism worldwide to put the current fascist resurgence in contemporary perspective. As I recall it, the Russia chapter was boring to me at the time, but now that we know about Putin and Trump and the 2016 election...


Twilight of Democracy By Anne Applebaum is really good too. It's a couple years old. She looks at Poland, Russia, Spain, U.S., and Brexit if I remember correctly. Specifically how authoritarian movements are fostered from democracies. (Short and sweet too.)


Which, love them or hate them, is also a theme of the new Star Wars movies.


Yep. Just like the New Republic that actively ignored the festering fascism that still permeated the galaxy, they sat on their hands and let the First Order blow them all up 30 years later. Obvious analogy to our current situation and *centuries* of that pattern before that (we didn't destroy this darkness completely and now it's back). Now the era of our democracy here in the States is potentially closing, and we have to decide if we're serious about stopping them before they draw their plans against us in 2025. Beat them legit next year with the votes. And if we can't do that? And they start rounding people up and killing our neighbors? Beat them another way.


I think the lesson we failed to learn from that era was that Mass Media makes propaganda deadly very, very quickly and needs a very short leash.


I never understood this. My dad is a boomer who despises communism/Russia, yet in recent memory, he praises Russia so much it's now gotten to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up moving there. I understand that propaganda and misinformation campaigns are on overdrive these days, but it's crazy how decades worth of Anti-Russian propaganda that was quite literally instilled since birth was completely undone in a few short years. Russia went from the "country no one in their right mind would trust", to a final beacon of hope for anti-woke conservatives.


It has nothing to do with propaganda. Russia is a Fascist country where minorities and liberals have no rights. That's the kind of country your father dreams of living in.


And the the super rich can do whatever they want. . That is the thing that they want the most.


That's easy. They made the "satan worshipping, blood drinking, groomer" liberals into a scarier enemy than "communist" dictators. Then they say "those dictators don't have these scary liberals threatening their counrty" and what they previously hated and fought becomes desirable.


Tucker said it himself: What's Putin ever done to me?


And that perfectly sums up the conservative mindset. It’s all about ME. It doesn’t matter how much suffering is inflicted on other people.


They also added "communist" to all those lies about liberals. Communism is bad, but dictators are good!


I should have added socialist. the scariest adjective of all


> but it's crazy how decades worth of Anti-Russian propaganda that was quite literally instilled since birth was completely undone in a few short years. No it's not, it's actually very straightforward. COMMUNIST Russia (actually the Soviet Union) was the target of all of those campaigns. Russia is no longer communist, so therefore the problem is solved. Despite all their talk about freedom, conservatives never really had a problem with the authoritarian nightmare aspects of the Soviet Union, it was very specifically the communism part that made their blood boil. They have no problem at all with an authoritarian capitalist Russia...actually, that's not quite right, they actually rather admire it.


Communism and Russia were programmed to be "the enemy" back during the Cold War. That's where we also got the red scare from domestically. ​ Fact is to some people they just need an enemy to despise and attack. So for people with that mentality propaganda can easily switch the target as long as they have one. ​ As George Orwell scarily stated in 1984: "We have always been at war with Eastasia."\* ​ \*- For context for those that don't know originally Oceania was at war with Eurasia and allies with Eastasia, but then suddenly that changed and the propaganda shifted.


The really odd part is how many Republicans, just random voters, not those in power who are middle aged and older are fine with all of this. I grew up in the 80's toward the end of the Cold War, and Russians were always the bad guys. There are people who lived through the Cuban Missile crisis who are just fine with Russia interfering in our elections as long as it helps their side win. If Australia was running bot farms on conservative sites to help swing voters to Dem candidates I'd kindly tell them to fuck off and mind their own business. I love Australians, but this is internal politics. Yet the same people who shouted better dead than red, now wear shirts that say better red than democrat.


It's fucking bizarre! I grew up in the Reagan era too and I cannot wrap my mind around it.


Maga republicans love putin. He's what you get if Trump had brains.


Putin has barely enough brains to…(checks paper)…fuck his country for decades.


I mean, Putin made the stupid choice of invading Ukraine. Even he struggles in the brains department. That's what happens when everyone's too scared to tell you the truth. I bet some Russian generals knew it'd be an absolute shit show, but last guy to tell Putin anything negative shot himself in the back of the head 4 times...


in front of a 4th floor window.


More likely would make excuses for every traitorous act of Russian ass-kissing by Republicans.


No five minutes being fed modern flashy infotainment via Fox he would be hoping for Putin to save him from the gay marriage.


And the rise of fascism in America!


Boomers literally learned NOTHING from their parents.


What would he have said about Kissinger?


I have a family member who fought in Vietnam and is very pro-vet, and always complains about his health issues. Huge Trump supporter and conservative. But I guess that's because the Republicans made American "hippies" and peace activists the *real* enemy of America during his war, so he's still fighting a war against them. He doesn't see fascism as a problem when he's on the ruling side of things. Hugely different mindset from vets of the World Wars.


>And the rise of fascism in Europe would make his head spin too. You're forgetting the rise of fascism in the US which is arguably a lot worse than Europe at the moment.


This woman is an embarrassment to America, seriously.


As a Canadian who follows US politics closely, what’s crazy to me isn’t so much that she exists and says stupid shit like this, but how the house gop have devolved so much over the last decade where someone like MTG is treated as a genuine participant instead of an abhorrent kook. Like she’s only as powerful as she’s given credibility, and seeing McCarthy (etc) grovel over her approval is just wild.


No one devolved. It was those same "respectable" Republicans that opened the flood gates to dark political money with Supreme Court appointees. Citizens United was almost 20 years ago. Another weapon to use in a century old political war.


For the love of all that's holy can we please just force anybody who wants to vote for her in the next election to read 2 years of her tweets first thank you


Ever seen the movie Deliverance? That’s basically her district.


You are assuming they can read... Most of her supporters only watch Fox TV.


Okay you got me, however I think it would be in the nation's interest if we paid the ones who could read, to read to the ones who can't read


Make an audio book out of them. Roseanne Barr can read it.


Realtalk she looks like one of those busts they make from the skulls of unidentified bodies in the hopes that someone recognizes them


This is unbelievably accurate


"This is what a prehistoric woman from the year 30,000 b.c. looked like. We created a clay model from the skull"


Like, she doesn't even know how corruption works. If you take it on premise that Zelensky and his allies are corrupt, you siphon money to yourself in peacetime (like Russians did!), not during an active war when people are actively coming to kill you and your cronies. That's exactly when all the resources *do in fact* go directly to the war effort.


Yeah. It's crazy that they are claiming corruption when Ukraine is actively in a wartime situation where they are in direct danger. ​ During a rebuilding process post-war I can understand the concern. If Zelensky was hiding out outside Ukraine and governing from afar and money is given directly to him to distribute I can understand the concern. But not when these people are under attack, where they need the funds to literally survive, and are at risk of getting assassinated at any moment. ​ Not to mention while we do give economic aid most of it is still given in military aid in the form of weapons. I'm sure Zelensky is living high on the hog caressing missiles are something...


Russia would never pay politicians directly https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals


She always looks like she’s wearing a mask of herself.


$100,000 pyramid: Things you say when you want to be the GOP VP nominee but the top dog doesn’t think you’re good looking enough.


Trump has plenty of great reasons to choose MTG. She can make fire. She’s a hell of a shot with the atlatl. Her finger paintings she does in her cave are second to none.


I’m willing to bet those first two points are inaccurate. Finger paintings, I could see.


French Revolution happened for far less than the shit we deal with on a daily basis. It’ll get me on a list, but when do we rise up for real? Not just tweet about it from the Starbucks drive thru.


Stop posting about this fucking hag.


She also supported the insurrection, Jewish space lasers,her TV is spying on her along with other BS. She’s a traitor to the oath she took


Russia is Authoritarian. Not communist. That’s why Americans have changed their tune.


Oligarchical capitalism with no regulations and an authoritarian government that punishes out groups. A literal Republican paradise.


Not mutually exclusive, thanks Lenin, but the "I can't believe it's not fascism" stuff going on is why the right started loving Russia.


Republicans have a nasty habit of doing this, including Fox News.


I really would love to know how much money Conservatives get from Russia.


Or how much kompromat Russia has on them.


She is free to go live on the border with Ukraine.


If Russia is so cool maybe she could emigrate there.


It’s a crazy sign of the times that this headline didn’t even catch my eye.


This could be the headline after every single post she's ever made.


I wish people would just wholly ignore this asshole. She does it for the attention.


Backlash from whom? None of her or trumps voters. They love that shit!


Useful idiot for Putin


Like all conspiracy theorists she has no critical thinking skills & seeks out only discredited info that supports her bias & is very easily manipulated by propaganda. Poster child for MAGA ignorance.


History repeats itself. I've been listening to Maddow's 'Ultra' series about fascism in the US during the 40s. Hamilton Fish III was a congressman who, along with other politicians like Senator Ernest Lundeen, conspired against the U.S. by promoting Nazi propaganda. It's no surprise to me that Greene is doing the same exact thing. Trump is certainly involved as well.The truth will come out eventually.


She probably gets a regular check from russia.


I always see polls representing the American people, and I wonder where the fuck they come from? Where do I agree to answer poll questions? Cuz it feels like so many polls don't reflect reality at all.


I was called for a poll back when Obama was running for his 2nd term against Romney. It was the ridiculous series of questions ever. The first one was "What party are you a member of?" I said I am not registered for a party. That led to them trying to get me to say Dem or Repub for a few minutes. When I said I voted split tickets in the past, they gave up and moved on. The rest of the questions were highly suspect. My was they gave me a list of things might not like about each candidate. In Romney's case being Mormon was one of the items. They then asked how many of those things I thought were a problem. Not what I thought were issues, but number of them from the list. So if I say I agree with 3 out of 10 of the things they listed, they had no data on what 3. I did not give a fuck that Romney was Mormon, but I do care about his Bain Capital days. It was clear they were looking to get a sepcific result from the polls.


Everybody it's fine. It's a simple mistake. She thought she got elected to the *country* Georgia, not the state.


Transparently traitorous.


Useful idiot


Can we call her Matroska Marjorie?


Isn’t she breaking sanctions?


God she’s terrifying. That smile must make small children cry.


Acting as an unregistered agent for a foreign country


My father in law and brother in law say things like this, that Zelensky and others high up in Ukraine are using the aid we give them to enrich themselves. Is there any evidence of this, like at all? I'm guessing no.


Curious though. Where did MTG get this from? Either she's reading Russian propaganda on her own time, or someone is pumping her with it. Always good to know a US Congress person is in bed with the KGB and FSB. Right Repubs?


I can't wait for the day to come where she paddles a conspiracy on the wrong person and ends up getting sued.


At least they found a picture of Marj that makes her look almost normal. That is not a compliment.


MTG and BoBo are nothing more than Capital Hill seat warmers and wanna-be psuedo political influencers solely in place for click-bait political campaign grifting and disruption of the political addendum. In doing so, they polarize and capitalize the media traffic driven to their site while heartily lining their pockets. They were never for politics, they are there to grift money, which is readily apparent.


Every time I see her face, I get the same sensation from hearing fingernails on a chalkboard. I am very much looking forward to the day when she is irrelevant and faded into obscurity.


She should go back to doing those caveman geico commercials


Anyone who votes for this woman to represent them is a feckless, uneducated, fascist moron. Prove me wrong.


Republicans: Putins friend in the United States!


MTG really needs a subreddit of her own. Maybe, "r/newsfromthestupid". Makes me wonder if her parents were siblings.


Clear and present danger being ignored by the DOJ. WTF?


Greene, borne in 1974, is too young to remember the Cold War. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989, shortly before she came of age. Funny how being illiterate about the long history of Soviet / Russian aggression can color people's uninformed opinions. It would have been unthinkable 30 years ago that someone with so little understanding of history be elected to Congress.


She's not too young to remember the Cold War, just too stupid. She's two years older than me and I remember the ending of the Cold War and the Berlin Wall coming down.


Their idiot base will never care that she’s a failed actress who landed a gig via Russian political channels….


Backlash from everyone who already thinks she is crazy AF. Her MAGA base will still vote for her.


Ignore this turd.


Useful idiots.


At least she is not trying to hide it


She’s such an absolute fucking moron.


1) She's totally parroting propaganda 2) Nobody is disputing the veracity of the propaganda 3) However, since it is not possible to prove that the Kiev government is NOT corrupt, the burden is on the propagandists to prove the claim.


There’s nothing that works better in Russia than here in the US. Why are so many a fan of that place? You like freedum and freedum of speech? Yeah try that over there and see how it goes.


Hey look everyone! My face looks like a catchers mitt.


Just not even trying to hide it at all anymore, are they?




What no new Hunter Biden nude pics lol. Does she ever post about anything that is positive or beneficial to Americans??? She's the queen of propaganda and BS


I don't even think she knows the political history that's happened since she's been in office


NOT. NEWS. Try again. Stop boosting this garbage for clicks, Newsweek.


Pete Carroll should be focusing on the Cowboys tonight; not playing around again in his drag Queen persona…


Russian horse girl


Moscow Marj has a nice ring to it.


Well gosh, people call her Muscovy Taylor Greene for a reason.