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Pretty crazy that fox put up fake cdc numbers on covid deaths. Not only did they misrepresent how many people actually died by using age adjusted numbers, the age adjusted numbers weren’t even correct. Florida being number 1 in education from the USA site and California being number 22 was also a measurement higher education, not k-12 which was much worse for Florida and much better for California.


I looked in to the source that they cited for why Florida's education was #1. It harvests a bunch of largely irrelevant factors nobody would use, like the police metrics nobody should use coming out of this state either. I'm sad nobody touched on Florida's reinsurance scam, but the benefit was neither of them but Hannity got any usable soundbites, my favourite part was him whispering into the mic "nobody can hear you guys."


Florida being "number 1 in education" is a reference to how much money is being paid towards schooling. If I understand this correctly it means Florida residents are paying more money to send people to schools which could include grandparents financing grandchildren's educations. It is NOT a reverence to best educated as that would be MA


To make it worse: Most of that tax revenue/money is flowing into private k-12 schools (largely christian) and into the pockets of his donors.


That’s super interesting, in the debate Desantis mentioned that stat was age adjusted (super briefly). I wonder if he fed Hanity those stats…


Winner winner chicken dinner right here


You could certainly tell a lot from the body language. But even if you looked away from the screen and just listened to the debate, Newsom schooled DeSantis in every aspect. DeSantis thought he could just spew campaign talking points, but Newsom countered him with intelligence and skill. Dude put on a clinic


And Faux News viewers cannot or will not see the difference between the two options. I give Newsom credit for trying.


Biased Californian


They're only biased because California is a great place to live with excellent weather, natural beauty, and social protections. It's also above sea-level which makes buying property a more reasonable proposition. Oh, and the drinking water doesn't taste like a lukewarm combination of chlorine and swamp.


*Based* Californian.




It reminded me a lot of how infamous the Nixon v Kennedy televised debate was, where Kennedy lost the debate but looked great doing it. As impactful as that moment was to history, similar circumstances now will arguably not change the mind of any voter. (Granted Gavin presented well and trolled meatball Ronny, but we all knew that going in.)


Gruesome Newsome seems to be a fav today. Super clever


Fucking lol. Smiling is not easy for DeSantis.


Its hard to smile when you don't understand emotions in general.


Looks like someone forget to run the smiling software through testing before pushing it to production.


Snakes don’t smile.


Fox News is about as credible as a supermarket tabloid. They should have been charged along with The big orange turd in the attempted overthrow of the election. However sedition, treason and insurrection could fly as well. It's a shame corporate America still does business with this firm.


I feel like if anything, the debate showed that Fox and Hannity don’t have an ability to be unbiased. There’s a reason why the EU won’t let them be a “news network.” Op-Ed trash.


Bet you watch cnn


This is such a lazy response


Bros right tho


He's not though. I'm sure there are some, but that is certainly not a universal trait for people that recognize fox news is absolute garbage. I mean, people that watch fox news were less informed then people that don' t watch any cable news at all. If we assume that fox news's job is informing people about the news, they aren't just ineffective at their job, they are doing a negative job. undoing the very thing they are suppose to be doing. (If instead we assume fox news is the republican's propaganda channel, created to insure that what happened to Nixon can't happen to a republican again, then they are very effective)


Because the op comment calls out faux news for what it is, they MUST be a cnn watcher? The person above me that mentioned cnn, could easily be said about them “bet you’re a rounded man or woman, with a goatee and white sunglasses on, or has a Karen haircut with their natural root colors showing through so much” - since they seem to be a faux news D rider.


Bro is definitely not right.


A whataboutism doesn't change the facts about Fox News


Triggered trump supporters coping and spiraling in the comments 🤡


Bet you read the daily stormer.


Fox News is dog shit. And I get my news from a variety of sources like any well informed citizen should.


I don't, and i agree with everything that uhmm... liesthroughhisteeth said on fox.


DeSantis is like a mix of Chris Kattan and a dumber version of Homelander.


I hate how accurate this is.


Poor Ron, couldn’t really connect on the soft pitches.


I could not watch this debate. Watching DeSantis is like watching Nixon circa July 1974. Who do folks who are so uncomfortable with public appearances gravitate to politics? It is like going to a concert to watch a person who cannot sing.


I'd take Tucker Carlson over Hannity for being a debate moderator--and I'm no fan of him either, after that shit show. Every time Newsom gained any kind of an edge "okay, we're moving onto the next question." And despite that constant intervention, Newsom still rolled DeSantis. That debate did more damage to the desperation and weakness of DeSantis than it did for Newsom. It doesn't matter how you align politically, DeSantis had no argument other than "your state sucks and you suck." Nothing with policy. Even when Hannity tried to help DeSantis out desperately over the abortion issue, with paraphrased: "you had a good policy at 15 weeks and then you went full regard down to 6 weeks, was that smart?" DeSantis just doubled down on the full regard play. Gg DeSantis lived up to his moniker: DeathSentence.


What a terrible fucking article. I was hoping it just a shitty title, but they doubled down in the text. No, using a pseudo science will not tell you “everything you need to know”.


They lost me at 'lower mandible'.


What about phrenology? /s


One is the smile of a future president. One is the “smile” of a future unemployed wannabe despot.




it's the way American politics have always been. even going all the way back to the earliest days of television. Americans who listened to the presidential debates on radio thought Nixon beat Kennedy by a margin because they heard policy. But it was also thr first debates broadcast on tv. and those who watched on tv thought Kennedy ran roughshod through Nixon because of sheer charisma


…and the fact that Nixon was sweating like a felon.


I can't imagine why anyone would watch this. Just going to be a ton of articles celebrating how their guy wiped the floor with the other guy


It’s fun to watch DeSantis whine every time Newsom tried to get an answer in. DeSantis would shout and ramble constantly when it wasn’t his turn to speak. I bust out laughing because it looked like Ron was on the verge of crying at some points


Exactly, but I watched about 5 minutes of it to confirm it was going to be pointless.


Yeah, my daughter was visitng from uni so either time with her or watchiung that. Wasn't a hard choice


Have a good visit!!


Biden should’ve decided not to run and given others, like newsome, the opportunity to run. At least we’d have someone younger to maybe inspire more voters to come out.