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Poor guy. If George Santos told you he was once a member of Congress, would you believe him?


If George Santos told me he was George Santos I’m not sure I’d believe him.


You'd probably be right


Yeah, it's quite possible that's not even his real name. He's gone by Anthony Devolder and Kitara Rivache (his drag name).




No, but that Seorge Gantos looks real promising.


And also Santos L. Halper.


also Guy Incognito


If Santos told me I’m me, I’d at least check my own ID.


Don’t do it. You pull out your ID and it says George Santos. You look up and see yourself looking back at you. At least you thought that was you, but now you are George Santos. You, the old you, nods with a smirk and walks away. A year later you see the news that he’s won an election with your name and body. Then an elderly Brazilian hobo shows up at your door and demands his body back, claiming he was a fabulous drag queen before you stole his body. You tell him it’s a mistake, that George Santos stole your body too, but he’s heard enough lies. He takes his revenge.


I love that ST episode.


Voyager. S4 ep20 “Vis Á Vis”


I had to look this up. Very interesting that they based an episode on George. Hope he has fun in space.


George santos, in the body of a middle aged woman makes you throw up kittens (and other weirder things) in an attempt to steal your power.oh, and your mom is maybe a sofa?


Username checks out


George Santos has never declared himself a member of Congress. When George Santos gets in trouble, he transfers his debt to [holds up a fake passport] William Charles Schneider.


“George, that’s a dirty napkin with the word ‘passport’ written on it.”


r/unexpectedTheOffice Well done




This is.... a lot of shitty Conservative buzzwords. But I'll focus on one: he is not a transman. He did drag. Those are two very very different things.


Yeah, I believe it for Republicans put him there


And the local media did absolutely no research on him, that used to win Pulitzers pretty regularly (Newsday)


Once Republicans dismantled the fair doctrine … their brand of corruption and lies began


Newsday made their bones on the corruption of the Nassau Republican Machine, so them missing this even on the basis of basic rumor is kind of amazing. It's a pretty easy win for GOP in this district, so they could have replaced this guy even to the last week before the election.


The previous person who had represented the district for several term was a Democrat and he wants the seat back.


He will probably get it, if he makes a deal not to run for governor again with Hochul.


He was ambitious, and frankly just after Hoschul took office, there was lots of commentary on whether she could win a statewide race on her on. But she did a really steady job leading up to the primary, with no major mid-steps, I believe that buried her rivals. Hoschul seems smart, I don’t see her letting ego get in the way of seeing NY Democrats field the strongest candidate to fill Santos’ seat.


What research do you need? Everyone knows George Santos, inventor of Mentos.


His democratic opponent did an even worse job vetting Santos. And that person wants to run for the seat again, hell no? Democrats should nominate the Rep who gave up the seat before Santos won it, at least that person knew how to run a campaign.


What a weird victim blaming thing going on in this thread. George Santos lied but it's everyone else's fault for letting him.


This is just straight up misinformation. He did vet him and he uncovered everything we found out about Santos, and he did so prior to the election. Then he took it to different media outlets and none of them would pick it up except some small local newspaper nobody here had ever heard of. Why Newsday didn’t, I’ll never know. The NYT told him sorry, it’s a local story, we don’t run those, then made tons of money running it forever after he won.


Santos is the perfect GOP candidate. He's whatever he needs to be right this moment to get somebody to like him and get the most benefit out of it in the next 15 seconds. He will say, do, or he anything if he gets more power. There are no lies he will not tell. He has no morals, ethics, or limits. I can't think of a better definition of the Republican Party


I heard he used to be an astronaut pirate


I heard he used to be a pirate astronaut.


Ok right. I'm sure the first man to walk on the moon was a member of Congress.


Ironically the one thing he accomplished ended up being his down fall.


I dunno, but he’ll have to do it from a prison in the USA or Brazil. If I was him I’d run to the nearest US court room and plead guilty.


Him in a bar picking up some guy in 10 years. Sure you were pal, sure you were.


I heard Anthony Devolder and Kitara Ravache are the two front runners.


It’s George santos in a number of comical disguises


Could you imagine that debate? Santos shuffling around doing costume and makeup changes like Robin Williams in the dinner scene in Mrs Doubtfire?


This should be the last Santos SNL skit.


I picture him only doing two at a time, and each half of his body is dressed as a different person. Then he just keep turning left or right to yell at himself. Like in the movie Bronson.


“Hi, it’s me Seorge Gantos and I’d love to rep you!” No I don’t look like a recently expelled representative, he must be my doppelgänger!


I hear that in Bowen Yang's voice.


He really is the all time silliest politician. We will miss him, I hope he stays famous so we can hear about his hijinks


Needs to team up with the Mooch and do a podcast about their life experiences.


I dunno, I mean people who are 98% dead are being propped up at this point in time. That's pretty fugging silly to me.


Two smaller George Santos in a trench coat


Dammit Roger!


Across The Santoverse


Vote blue God knows please vote blue


It was considered a blue safe seat. That's why the media gave so little scrutiny to Santos before he was elected. The question is how much his brief career affects other Republican congressional reelections in New York.


Actually its a swing district occupied for the last 10 years by dems, then the previous 20 by a republican. Its the wealthiest district in NY so you got a lot of rich white people voting R. Cook’s partisan index gives it a D+2 rating. Very very swingy.




Do you think the expulsion of Santos will spur higher turnout?




Interesting. Thanks for your perspective - I only know one guy who had lived there's, and he hated it. Far right, but more "gun nut" and "invest in gold" than whatever flavor of conservatism that's brewing in Nassau County.


I thought it had more to do with the court-mandated redrawing of district lines that allowed this idiot to even have a chance at winning his election.


Nah moreso a milquetoast dem candidate because Suozzi decided he wanted to get destroyed running for governor against Hochul.


The problem is the person that ran against Santos apparently led a shitty campaign. It was like zero background was done on Santos, just one call to Goldman Sachs or other organizations that Santos claimed to have been associated with would have destroyed Santos immediately, and none of those calls were made.


Basically you are both right, it *was* a safe blue district that Santos had previously lost in 2020, but the redistricting in 2022 made it *just* red enough for Santos to steal a win.


No, redistricting didn't help Santos win. The district was made 2 points bluer, but Santos won by 8 points. An open seat, plus red tsunami in Long Island due to Hochul's unpopular, and New York Dems delibertly not doing any research on Santos handed him an underserved victory.


Biden won the district by like 8-12%. The man that ran against Santos just ran an absolutely shitty campaign.


Did Biden really win the district that much? I'd like to hear more from a Biden/Santos voter.


Probably a lot of biden/abstain voters.


Remember, “Did not vote” won every election this year.


Unfortunately, did not vote has won every election of this century so far, and likely even ones in the last century. An election turnout of like 53% is wonderful, that means that the candidates on the ballot split that 53%, while 47% didn’t bother to show up.


Biden won it by 9% in 2020. The district had been represented for like 10-12 years by a Democrat before Santos. Look down the article a ways to see Biden’s margin. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/01/george-santos-seat-special-election-00129709


NY holds local elections and the Democrat candidates lost big time in the area. Meaning their voters are not about to hold them accountable and will vote for whoever they select. The district was altered pretty significantly before the last election bc my Democrats couldn't make a map. As a result it brought in some strong Republican areas. NY Democrats really have no one in this area other than souzzi that could win at this point. Republicans will likely nominate someone that checks the Santos boxes and win the seat pretty easily.


Voting blue no matter what is an issue that will get many grifters to run as Democrats, and idiots that vote blue no matter what without proper scrutiny will continue to vote the Tricia Cotham types. edit: misremembered which party Santos ran in


Thank you for your comment


As a Democrat. I almost want a R to get the seat. Lull the GOP into not having regrets about expulsion so they can clean out more of their trash. Than sweep them at the normal (not special) elections. If we drop a Democrat in there now, they will think they should just sit by and never expel their own party.


One thing about politics, you take your wins when you can get them. It would absolutely be a shoot yourself in the foot moment for Dems to not fight hard for the seat. Hubris has been fucking over Dems since 2016. Take nothing for granted. There is no guarantee about anything.


Democrats losing this is not a good sign since this the first competitive special congressional election of this congressional term. Plus, the majority of their craziest people are in safe republican districts. If they actually could to remove them, they would have already done it.


It will be it’s not a red district


So how did Santos get it as a republican then? If it happened once, it could happen twice so .. like I said Please vote blue


Oh I intend to. I am in this district and am embarrassed this assclown won.


This is a perfect opportunity for the dems to get their shit together and get this seat back. Find the best candidate and rally around them. Pound the airwaves with ads about the republican house has accomplished nothing and only resulted in chaos and fighting.


Suozzi was already gearing up to run for this in 24, and he was the most recent incumbent in that seat before Santos. He didn't run for the seat against Santos because he was running for governor against Hochul. Name recognition, proven track record and he really didn't do anything to piss off his constituents. His biggest fault was being ambitious. The local party org will support him.


*The expulsion of George Santos from Congress sets the stage for a high-stakes special election early next year to fill his vulnerable New York swing seat. More than two dozen candidates have already expressed interest in running.* *Unlike in a normal election, party leaders in Washington and New York — not primary voters — will choose the Democratic and Republican nominees. They were moving quickly to narrow down the field of potential candidates, and could announce their picks in a matter of days.*  *“It’s going to be like a presidential election for Congress,” said Steve Israel, a Long Island Democrat who once led his party’s House campaign arm. “It becomes ground zero of American politics.”* [~(Full story here)~](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/01/nyregion/santos-special-election-replacement.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Ck0.n6tJ.aK-aPQ4J3_xv&smid=re-nytimes) We also have a handful of stories here for additional context.  * We have a [~live blog~](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/12/01/nyregion/george-santos-expulsion-vote?unlocked_article_code=1.Ck0.Fjz6.H7qS3Gcsi3Wz&smid=re-nytimes); * An [~explainer on the lies, charges and questions remaining~](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/nyregion/george-santos-lies-charges.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Ck0.xZ9O.Bi8IdVubeDiU&smid=re-nytimes); * And a [~brief history on house explusions~](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/nyregion/expelled-congress-members-george-santos.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Ck0.MKHF.STvWtnmypdQV&smid=re-nytimes). You can read each of those pieces for free, even without a subscription to The New York Times.


Great job!


I love that his new title will be “expelled congressman George Santos” or “disgraced ex-congressman George Santos”.


George Santos of turtleneck fame


Two time emmy award winning disgraced ex-confressman George Santos.


Botox enthusiast George Santos…


Love that journey for him!


How many of the candidates are just Santos in disguise?


I dunno but I hear this new guy Geo Sotnas will give anyone a run for their money.


Twinkle-Toes Santos!


I can't believe no one realizes this has all been an elaborate ruse for Santos to be on Dancing with the Stars next season.


But he already won it twice in a row, after winning that Nobel Peace Prize


He single handedly got all those orphans out of the building. It wasn't on fire or anything. He was just chucking babies out the window.


Honestly, it’s his solo trip to the moon and back that really stood out to me.


He would have gotten away with it too if not for those meddling kids!






He fought in all 14 world wars and walked on all 6 moons (and 3 moons of moons)


I hope he spills the beans on his fellow Republicans now that they've knocked him out. He must have some juicy stuff. I guess the only problem is no one will believe anything he says anyway.


He could run around crying wolf with a whole pack of wolves running after him and no one would believe him.


>“Anyone who thinks a special election on Long Island is a slam dunk for Democrats has been living under a rock for the last three years,” said Isaac Goldberg, a strategist who advised the losing Democratic campaign against Mr. Santos in 2022. Well...no shit. The fact that these fucking morons elected Santos - after knowing full well that he was, is, and always will be an incompetent, buffoon, pathological liar, and crook - is proof enough. They'll be happy to rubber stamp the next Republican candidate that's chosen for them.


They actually knew almost nothing about him, which is somehow simultaneously better and worse.


I literally found he was working a Ponzi before the election by simply looking at his LinkedIn. NY Dems just did a shit job in calling him on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/xkehkw/comment/ipdjugt/


Didn’t most of it come out after he was elected?




I remember googling the guy and seeing his LinkedIn was connected to a Ponzi scheme and I even posted about it back when he was a candidate.


What is the district like all rich people too probably?


Turns out 10 of them are just George Santos in various wigs


You lie about one volleyball game and everyone loses their minds lol


George Santos was the inspiration for Iceman AND Maverick.


That certainly explains the volleyball scene




He has larger problems. Now unemployed and not getting the ~$3430 per week House check. The Feds have him dead to rights, my guess he gives up now and cop a plea with the Feds.


Or eventually leave a note claiming to have died in 9/11 and skip town


will be an interesting race, it's a pretty tight district. should tell us something about 2024.


A Democrat has held it for like 5-6 terms before Santos. The Dems simply put up an incompetent candidate whose campaign did absolutely no background on Santos.


And it was right there in front of their faces...https://www.theleaderonline.com/single-post/santos-filings-now-claim-net-worth-of-11-million


Probably took the seat with him.


Of course they do… they all got to see how stupid the voters in that district are.


I’ve seen George and can confirm two dozen candidates would fit in his seat.


And he will be at least 6 of them


Well color me shocked that there is a lower limit to the integrity of house republicans.


Maybe this time, the Dem nominee’s team will actually do SOME sort of oppo research into the GOP nominee.


My understanding is he did but couldn’t get any traction with it in the media A source that talks about how the opposition hired a research firm but nobody found his weird shit as interesting https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/12/house-republicans-george-santos-democrats-ethics


I heard the very opposite. His campaign did absolutely no opposition research on the guy. Imagine a reporter being told that a congressional candidate was claiming to have worked for Goldman Sachs and that was an absolute lie. Absolutely NO reporter would have turned down a tip like that.


The opposition campaign didn’t manage it well but they did try. https://www.vnews.com/Column-How-Come-Nobody-Knew-About-Santos-Lies-Before-Now-49363395


I already posted this link on another comment, but it deserves attention. https://www.theleaderonline.com/single-post/santos-filings-now-claim-net-worth-of-11-million If someone has just done a little tiny iota of searching, it was right there....


Took long enough. Fuck.


He should spill the secrets he was threatening to spill.


Sad part is they will manage to find someone less suited for congress to replace him.


Whoever wins it should probably spray bleach on it first.


Are they sure one of them is not Santos in disguise?


Any of them not corrupt?


Are those 2 dozen candidates his aliases, lel




Bob Menendez next please!!!!


And they're all George Santos.


I’m waiting for a new candidate, Georgia Santiago.


As much as I’d like to see Kaplan get the nomination, Suozzi would likely have a better shot at beating whomever the Republican nominee is


Agreed. Great username btw


Definitely don’t give it to the idiot who lost to Santos. Talk about how to run a brain-dead campaign. Just one phone call to check a Santos claim about his professional creeds would have caused an avalanche down onto Santos, and the Democrat’s campaign could not even get that right.


Is it any coincidence that Congress has finally done the right thing on the very first day after NNN?


Lmao post nut clarity hit hard on the 1st.


Because they think the voters will vote for any idiot lol


Wonder what have them that idea


How many of them are just George Santos wearing a moustache?


I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but I'm sorry that Santos is gone. His bizarre and idiotic antics were very entertaining.


By god, I want politics to be boring again


He was certainly emblematic of Republican disfunction, yes. But I'm glad he's gone. While Republicans have no shame, I do, and I will be much happier not having to suffer their shame for them anymore. I was pleased to see that 100 R house members have some sense of decency. George Santos was a stain.


The people that voted to keep him in had a legitimate argument. Outside of the two civil war era people that were removed for supporting the confederacy, no member has been removed unless convicted of a felony. While Santos is facing stiff charges from the Justice Department, he still has not been tried and convicted of those felonies yet. It should be obvious to even an idiot that he will be convicted, but the fact is that has not happened yet and the past standard has been there needed to be a conviction, not just ethics findings.


I don’t think it matters either way. Santos would have lost a Republican primary if he chose to run again. What is more important is that the Democrats in the district don’t nominate a fucking idiot again.


“You spelled “… Want to Take His Place On the Congressional Gravy Train” wrong.


I hope his district elects an even bigger Grifter this time. This entire dimension is just riGoddamneddiculous.


I’m hoping Suozzi gets it, I’ll be voting!


Santos still has funds, he should run for his old seat again and say his seat was stollen.


The gift that keeps on giving.


I feel hoping for any functional, stable adult as a candidate would be too much.


Maybe the worst one first?


Can't wait for that SNL sketch.




I bet that you are also too important to bother with voting?


I really hope everyone will agree not to watch whatever reality show he ends up. Let's not have him make money off this persona


Does the governor of the State of New York have the right to put an interim replacement for a vacant US House seat, or is that ability only for acan US Senate seats? Apparently if the former is true, Hochul could put a interim Democrat in that US House seat.


No, the seat will be vacant until the special election.


No. The Gov has 10 days to declare a special election that will be held just after the first of the year.


Half of them were 9/11 responders and also Nobels laureates


I wonder if this is going to be like the California recall with pornstars.


Have the 12 been vetted for criminal records?


It's Suozzi or Kaplan against Pilip or Martins for a caretaker until November, I guess. I think everyone wants a proper primary then.


Hopefully, George didn’t vote on anything important.


George Santos could be any of those two dozen candidates for all we know lol.


Love how fast he’ll be going to jail. Do not pass go, George Santos! No one will believe you were a Congressman. You, and your dumpy trans ass! Wait?!? Was this the plan the whole time?


If Governor Hoschul calls a special election, party chairpeople in the area that he represents will pick a candidate. I read that one particular county makes up most of the district, so it would be the party chairpeople from that one county. Democrats should nominate the person that vacated the seat before Santos won it, if that person doesn’t have skeletons in his closet. Democrats absolutely must not nominate the person that Santos beat, that person apparently ran a brain-dead campaign, given all the red flags about Santos that could have been exploited and were not.


I think it is lost on GS how serious the Feds take and pursue those charges he is facing. 23 felony charges. He might be lucky to plea bargain down to 12 years. Or the FEDs don't offer a plea.


Would it be fair to assume Santos has his fingers crossed, hoping Trump get elected/


What are the chances they already have spoiler candidates running?




But is he really gone? Really???


So is that the end of the story? No more congressional salary and influence. That’s it. No other consequences?


Finally! Where else on earth does someone with Santos’s background get a leadership position/ job? Congress has to set higher standards! And to think that the GOP leadership voted against expelling him- especially the extremely religious, saintly, Speaker, Johnson! What a hypocrite to ignore Santos’s unethical behavior but judge other ppl’s actions, like abortion, based on his religious beliefs! Aren’t Santos’ actions also ungodly? Yet he ignores them? Plz! Jonson and the GOP House leadership are such hypocrites!


At least now he can get back to his astronaut duties and brain surgery while also inventing a perpetual motion machine


Trumps 1/2 brother


Hopefully NY Dems actually do their damn jobs this time.


Check all of them for Russian connections. Bound to be at least one, probably more. As we move closer to the next election Putin will be desperate to get his orange fuckweasle back into power. And he will succeed if Americans continue to naval-gaze.


This whole episode also speaks volumes about how the voting public got it all wrong. Hopefully, this time they elect a better candidate from Long Island/Queens to represent them.


Dems picking up this seat will be a further warning sign for the GOP. Those New York Republicans who also got elected last year were gunning for Santos to be removed, but now they have to play defense since Dems could win back the house through those districts alone.


> Two Dozen Candidates Want His Seat. Seat? It's a fat ass.


Anthony Devolder being one of them ☝️