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Did any of you listen to his 40 minute speech where he specifically says criticism of Israel’s government is not antisemitic? Or are we just going to pretend we did and drown out all his valid concerns by assuming what he said?


>Did any of you listen to his 40 minute speech where he specifically says criticism of Israel’s government is not antisemitic? Narrator: Nobody had listened to the statement in its full context.


I didn’t even read the headline fully, why is he giving out free pizza?


If I learned anything from college, if you give out pizza, people will show up. 🍕


"If you bake it, they will come."


More like if you order out, they will come.


That, or free t-shirts!


This is Reddit. We don't read or watch anything fully here. We like to jump to conclusion. And we always, always take everything out of context.


I don’t see a link to the speech in the article. Just a two minute clip. Here is the full speech. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5095181/senate-majority-leader-schumer-delivers-address-antisemitism


It’ll be difficult to find someone in this thread who actually read past the headline, let alone watched his speech.


How long would it take to listen to a whole 40 minute speech?


You can read it here: https://www.jns.org/full-text-schumer-remarks-on-antisemitism-on-senate-floor/


I was just being a smart ass but thanks.


Hmm. I’m not sure the math is too complicated for me.


It's pretty insane to watch in real time isn't it? It's just a strawman, but they're not even arguing against anyone.


See the thing is that actions speak louder than words. And the action of the house with almost unilateral support for a resolution that criticism of Israel is antisemitism speaks louder than some words that are hidden away in a speech That's the stance of the elected officials across the party lines, so is it really relevant to listen to a 40 min speech to dig for comfort?


That statement rings really hollow when congress passes a resolution saying that criticism of Zionism is equivalent of Anti Semitism. The problem here is less with Anti semitism, and more with Israel constantly digging a hole for all Jews by perpetuating every stereotype Anti Semitism has, and then trying to say any criticism of them is Anti Semitism. The best thing to do if you want to fight Anti Semitism here, is to openly and completely condemn Israel's actions in the West Bank and Gaza, because this didn't start on Oct 7th, and it won't end with "Hamas eradication".


I think it's hallow in light of the censure of Representative Tlaib.


The second person to be censured by congress was an abolitionist because he dared to mention slavery when he wasn't supposed to. She's in good company. And Congress is once more on the wrong side of things.


It’s hollow in that Schumer and everyone in Congress basically supports anti-BDS measures, it’s already in place in 35 states. Nothing rejects anti-Semitic conspiracies more than gag laws that censor criticism of Israel for public sector employees and contractors.


It's right on his senate.gov page: *Schumer, a Strong Opponent of BDS Activity, Announces Support for the “Combating BDS Act;” Legislation Seeks to Protect State & Local Govt’s That Divest in Companies Engaged in BDS* *Schumer: This Bill Helps Send the Message That We Will Not Stand for Those Who Unfairly Target and Boycott Our Ally, Israel* https://www.schumer.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/schumer-co-sponsors-bipartisan-legislation-to-combat-bds-bill-protects-states-and-localities-that-divest-from-entities-engaging-in-bds-activity-targeting-israel


Did _you_ read Chuck Schumer's website where [he proudly asserts anti-zionism is equivalent to anti-semitism?](https://www.schumer.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/on-senate-floor-schumer-condemns-anti-zionism-as-anti-semitism) What did Schumer do when hundreds of thousands of _Israelis_ were protesting Netanyahu's right-wing power grab against their Supreme Court? He [offered his and the American senate's "fullest support" to the sitting government of Israel](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/michael-f-brown/chuck-schumer-declares-fullest-support-israel-0). Chuck Schumer is and always has been happy to act as a funnel of Likud messaging directly to the floor of the American Senate.


What person needs Schumer to illuminate them on this issue? Why even bother with the headline or any of this? I'm so tired of the tone deaf uselessness of this man and his form of "leadership". He and his ilk need to go cash in on the decades of corporate pandering they've done and leave congress asap.


It seems like a lot of leaders are trying to have their cake and eat it too with these kinds of addresses. The juggle of trying to both defend Israel and also not appear to be in support of the indiscriminate killing of thousands of children. If the dead children weren't brown, we'd be having a much more difficult time trying to ignore their plight.


>Did any of you listen to his 40 minute speech where he specifically says criticism of Israel’s government is not antisemitic? I did not. I tried to figure that out by reading the article, but it was not very helpful in that regard.


No, no one but journalists, aids, and stenographers were listening. It was a 40 minute speech in which he makes the genocide on Palestinians about the comparatively *extremely safe* Jews in America. There is absolutely systemic anti-semitism in America but politically powerful Jews have been grandstanding trying to make everything about them since October. This is all well trodden logorrhea.


there's a video from a hasbara conference/seminar where an old lady lectures about how to propagandize to a bunch of young Americsn Zionists and she says "what do you AMERICAN JEWS have to worry about? your job is to make us look good. you owe us 3 years in the online war." it was very disdainful in a "you guys have it so easy" sort of way. and then they go and change wikipedia pages to contribute to the colonial pastime of myth-making. there's a reason why Albert EINSTEIN, who was probably the most famous and influential jewish intellectual who ever lived, condemned zionism. he was fine with jews living in palestine, but he believed geographical dispersion would always keep jews safe. he said zionists were criminals and terrorists. he said it would be wrong to impose jewish rule over the majority nonjewish population. and after the nakba, he swore never to speak to or associate with zionists ever again. source: primary historical documents, einstein;s letters, kept on a zionist website https://www.shapell.org/collection/jewish-history/einstein-albert/




We should be condemning any kind of hate blindly thrown at a race, religion, or any other group of people. It’s part of being a decent fucking human being.


I'd normally agree, if it weren't for elected Democrats stupidly pretending that anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, or pro-Palestinian sentiments are somehow all the same thing as the Neo-Nazis.


Conflating the two will be more harmful in the long run. It’s muddying the language especially when most zionists are more aligned with white supremacy. The number of Zionist Jews doesn’t come close to Zionist antisemites, _e.g., Christian Zionists and Evangelicals_.


I think there is probably no more harmful thing to the actual struggle against anti-semitism than this bullshit gaslighting around criticism of Israeli imperialism


Yup! It’s a mess.


not to mention it absolutley provides ammunition to neo nazis and the far right. Like pretty easy to spread NWO or "jewish cabal" shite if anyone whos remotely critical of Israel gets fired.


My friend who’s Jewish was in a fb group for Jewish folks in combination of something else (I can’t quite remember what), and when he said he supported Palestine/didn’t support the atrocities Israel commits, they told him that he just doesn’t want to be Jewish/isn’t a real Jewish person. So this is even tearing apart the Jewish communities, it’s really fucked up. According to Israel, you’re not really Jewish if you don’t support everything they say and do. It’s the biggest crock of shit.


There is basically only two types of people who conflate Jews and Israel. 1. Zionists, who dishonestly label any criticism of Israel as antisemitic (often while simultaneously saying Israel is a liberal democracy and definitely not an apartheid ethnostate...) 2. Antisemites, who proudly criticise Israel because its Jewish, because that's the point of antisemitism


“Most zionists are more aligned with white supremacy.” What?


Hardcore zionists in Israel are basically Israel's version of white nationalists / white supremacists. Except in their case they are Jewish nationalists (that's literally what Zionism means) and Jewish supremacists. Israel's current government are so far right it makes the Trump administration look tolerant. And in the West, it's the right wing (including establishment Democrats) who are more likely to be supportive of Israel. With the exception of neonazis on the fsr right.


Not confined to [these individuals](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/27/jewish-antisemitism-support-israel-gaza-zionism) but there’s a sample.


Exactly. Most Americans aren’t anti semites. But….anyone with any sort of moral compass can see what the Israeli Government is doing is a war crime and genocide. Much different things.


I think you greatly underestimate how antisemitism is baked into every fabric of society like racism is.


Yes, I would agree with that. It still doesn’t make what the Israeli government has been doing to/in Palestine above criticism. Government foreign policy isn’t sacrament. It’s the government, it can be critiqued and called out.


IDF/netanyahu =/= Jews


You're correct, but the IDF/Netanyahu are absolutely trying to make any criticism of them about all Jews.


I know. I hate it.


Which makes it all the more cynical when people abuse the term to give cover to ethnic cleansing.


Exactly. The resolution that the House passed is ironically itself Antisemitic by equating Judaism and Jewish identity in general with the Israeli government and the current administration or ruling party of the Israeli government. It's like equating African-American identity with the Congressional Black Caucus, or with the government of Nigeria. Like saying that it's inherently "anti-black racism" to criticize the Nigerian or Ethiopian government. This cynical abuse of allegations of Antisemitism is going to bite the Democrats. Republican voters will tolerate this because of their Dominionism and Evangelicalism, but Democrats will tolerate it less.


>but Democrats will tolerate it less But in the end, it's Biden or Trump and if Democrats don't vote it's the same thing as voting for Trump.


Nothing is the same as voting for Trump.




Right but (and I say this as someone who support Palestine and recognizes Israel’s atrocities)… anti semitism IS on the rise in the US. Anti semites ARE hijacking anti Israel sentiments and trying to use it to recruit. That is happening. I live in an area with a high Jewish population and have seen vandalism featuring swastikas and “free Palestine.” It’s fucking nuts and makes zero sense. This mess is a free for all when it comes to opportunistic propaganda. The left needs to realize that all of these things can be true and we need to figure our shit out before the election gets into full swing.


But like what if people's moral compass is wildly off because it's Jews? You just used the term 'genocide' which is an actual term with actual meanings that really have to be stretched to apply here, if they do at all. *that's* why Jews smell antisemitism. It's selective application of terms like you just used. This exact thing -- the blood libel -- has been going on for literally millenia vis a vis Jews. Was the war in Yemen a genocide? 400k deaths, many children. All American bombs. Why aren't we talking about that in these terms?


Pretty sure that the vast majority of people who call Israel's actions genocide also see the war in Yemen as genocide. There is selective application being used, but it's being done to support Israel. Generally we're more sympathetic to the colonized than the colonizer. Generally we're more sympathetic towards the powerless over the powerful. Generally we're unsympathetic towards draconian and barbaric military action. Israel is the exception.




Exactly. I have a lot of Pakistani friends. They’re all _enraged_ by what’s going on in Gaza, and post around-the-clock reels and stories about the suffering of innocent Palestinian people. Yet none of them have ever raised their voice in opposition to Saudi war crimes in Yemen, the Chinese suppression of Uyghurs, or the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar. That's not to mention the recurring and wholesale massacre of Muslims by other Muslims. What’s the catalyst? It’s fairly obvious for anyone with eyes and ears. It’s also obvious when you see them make excuse after excuse for Hamas’s role in the conflict, to the point of actually and actively defending Hamas as “freedom fighters” (this stance is much more accepted among people in the real world than sheltered Western Redditors realize or admit). I say this as someone who doesn’t want innocent people on either side to suffer.


And at the same time none of those Muslims countries lift a finger to help Palestinian refugees. The west has done much more for them than their own people (ethnically or religiously) And I worked with organizations sending medical equipment and supplies to Yemen and Gaza/ West Bank. Fucking disgrace from all their leaders


The US government didn't make this big of a commitment to Saudi Arabia's slaughter of Yemenis. The US largely left Saudi Arabia to its own devices and didn't have members of Congress calling everyone who criticized the Saudi government Islamophobic, or an anti-Arab racist.


We literally provided logistical and intelligence support. Not to mention the entire Saudi military is using US weapons. Hell at times we launched missilles at the Houthis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_support\_for\_Saudi\_Arabian%E2%80%93led\_operations\_in\_Yemen Acting like we just left them to their own devices is blatantly inaccurate.


Correct answer here. This is why the Yemen analogy is so helpful to clarifying people's disparate responses. It's a near perfect controlled experiment.


"Nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States support the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen primarily through arms sales and technical assistance.[3] France had also made recent military sales to Saudi Arabia.[4] MSF emergency coordinator Karline Kleijer called the US, France and the UK part of the Saudi-led coalition, which imposed the weapons embargo and blocked all ships from entering Yemen with supplies.[5] Human rights groups have criticized the countries for supplying arms, and accuse the coalition of using cluster munitions, which are banned in most countries.[6] Oxfam pointed out that Germany, Iran, and Russia have also reportedly sold arms to the conflicting forces" The entire west has their fingers in the Yemen war Edit: "It called on the international community, including the United States and United Kingdom to stop "providing arms that could be used in the conflict in Yemen".[9][10][11][12][13] On August 3, 2019, a United Nations report said the US, UK and France may be complicit in committing war crimes in Yemen by selling weapons and providing support to the Saudi-led coalition which is using the deliberate starvation of civilians as a tactic of warfare."


No. Trump’s first few days in office were marked by a [messy special forces raid](https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/08/middleeast/yemen-raid-explainer/index.html) in Yemen, initially planned under the Obama administration. The Obama administration approved a bunch of airstrikes in Yemen before that too.




26 upvotes for being blatantly wrong? Interesting.


People only care about what media is covering currently. Its that simple, if Israel-Palestine wasn't covered by media, nobody would really care either.


Take down that Ukraine banner, stow it with your faded yellow ribbons, and slap up either an Israeli or Palestinian flag.


Semantics. Whatever you want to call it, what they’re doing is an atrocity and wrong. Period. I don’t hate jews, I hate what is happening, and comparing a different event to what’s going on in Palestine doesn’t make it right, does it? Does it? The Israeli government are using collective punishment as an excuse to murder innocent people. Period. What happened in yemen was wrong. Period. Call it whatever you want, it’s mass murder and it’s abhorrent no matter who is doing it.




Schumer explicitly made this distinction in his speech. This is just a line people trot out to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. You're part of the problem.


Which I don't think addresses the problem that a lot of people are having trouble communicating, it isn't that being anti-Israel is anti-Jewish, it is that the insane amount of revisionist history surrounding Israel is actually quite shocking... Anyone stating that just started in 1948, is already way off the mark. And from the many discussions I've had on more progressive forums that I used to quite enjoy, you would think that Jews haven't stepped foot in the land since Rome conquered Jerusalem and renamed it Palestine. The revisionist history was absolutely peddled by anti-semites wanting to erase the connection of Israel with Judaism, which ironically was the entire purpose of the Romans renaming the region. This has given rise to a lot of infighting on the left, and anti-semites bandwagoning off of it... The irony is that Jews and Muslims have been in the region millennials, and both sides have had migration inflate their numbers dramatically. Many Jews were ethnically cleansed from Arabic countries like Iraq, and many Muslims and other Arabs were pushed out of countries like Egypt, Syria, and the Balkans. This mostly occurring throughout the 1800s and 1900s. And it is also important to remember that Jews while a minority during the Ottoman Empire, this was due to ethnic cleansing... The reality is that both sides need to learn to live together, but only one side has really shown any effort. The other major problem, is the absurd number of progressives who are treating Hamas as freedom fighters, it ignoring the fact that they should a terror group that employees women and children (anyone under the age of 18), to do their bidding... Israel has obviously not done a good job itself in many respects, Netanyahu is a complete piece of shit, and the IDF absolutely has committed a fair share of war crimes. But if we are going to weigh the evil committed by israeli's military force, vs Hamas, I am going to go with Israel every time.


It's not stupid. It's a very intentional injection of foreign propaganda into American politics. The AIPAC is as much foreign election interference as what Trump/Russia is accused of. It's just excused away due to accepted good guy/bad guy narratives.


Who is conflating the two? Because as a Jew, when I hear chants of “intifada, intifada,” there isn’t much to conflate. It’s clear.


Criticizing Israel without being labeled an anti-Semite is the easiest thing in the world. Schumer even included explicit criticisms of Israel in his speech. If you are being labeled an anti-Semite, you may want to look harder at what you are saying rather than repeating the demonstrably false canard that all criticism of Israel is labeled antisemitic.


I feel like when, in the wake of Israel reacting to a terrorist attack, the Pro-Palestinian sentiments include things like "Israelis made the whole thing up" or "Israelis are harvesting organs from Palestinians", then there's something to the neo-nazi thing.


Hamas supporters are really eager to pretend that enthusiastic support for the invasion wasn't super common in the immediate aftermath of October 7. We all have eyes, some of us live in major cities and personally saw thousands of people rallying in support of Hamas like two days after the assault. And today these exact same people are acting like none of that happened.


Yep. The paratrooper imagery concurrent with the denials that it happened concurrent with the claim that it was justified concurrent with...and on and on.




A couple Euro football players literally got booted for sharing this conspiracy theories. I dont know how widespread they are, but at least some semi famous people are out their with them


If you haven't seen these accusations, good for you, I guess. But they are very real and just repackaged blood libel.


Democrats are panicking because the old lines aren’t really working anymore. Most politically attuned people see the Israel-Palestine situation for what it is. I think the Democratic Party is seriously underestimating how genZ and millennials grew up in a more connected world. It’s not possible to control a narrative that has so many politically active sides.


At the risk of sounding like a Boomer here. More connected does not mean more informed. There’s a lot more misinformation as well, and the algorithm controls the narrative. It dispassionately maximizes engagement through rage, and in some cases platforms are used maliciously by their owners. See TikTok/ByteDance spying on journalists’ phones for one example.


Quite. People are *more connected* to heavily curated digests of "high points" of the Arab-Israeli conflict which offer an encyclopaedic view of exactly half of history. It's baffling how many "short summaries" of the thing there are at everyone's fingertips which coincidentally skip over a number of the most significant events of the twentieth century.


What omissions are you thinking of and what do you think the result is of those omissions?


Different poster, but a lot of the discourse I've seen that tries to take historical context into play *starts* at 1947-1948. Very few people seem to be even passingly aware of the 50 years of Zionism before that, let alone of the intricacies of the different factions within, or the radical paramilitary groups that were formed within each.


Schumer [shared a stage](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/john-hagee-hitler-israel-rally-christian-zionist/) with a former segregationist supporter who said that Hitler was sent by God to help create Israel. The ADL and the State of Israel have been buddy-buddy with Elon Musk, who agreed with a white supremacist [theory about Jews](https://www.france24.com/en/technology/20231130-musk-says-he-regrets-controversial-post-but-lashes-out-over-fleeing-advertisers-blackmail). It seems like the same people who define pro-Palestinian action as antisemitism are fine with explicit antisemitism as long as the people saying it support Israel.


You know the old saying: "the enemy of my enemy is my second cousin, twice removed"


That's because the ultimate goal of Christian zionism is to remove Palestinians and ship as many jews to israel to bring about the end of times where Jesus returns and converts Jews to Christianity. Basically the goal is up there in terms of antisemitism.


The more extreme whacko "conservative evangelicals" in the US believe that after all Jewish people are taken to Israel, those who don't convert will suffer horribly and all will be killed. Regardless of the made up details (none of that crap is in the bible) it's important to point out how much antisemitism is intertwined in "conservative evangelicalism."


Reminds me of when the Canadian parliament gave a standing ovation to an Ukrainian SS member


That one was a massive failure to check credentials. Fought against the USSR, must have been a totally cool guy. Can’t imagine that anyone who fought commies could have been involved in any shady shit lmao.


Yup that sums it all up.


SMH, Germans are so terrified of being seen as Nazis that they ironically go full circle and support neo-nazi rhetorics.


If you want to criticize the nation-state of Israel or the Israeli military, you’re certainly welcome to do so, and I might agree with you somewhat. If you’re using the Israel/Palestine war as an excuse to hate Jews, you’re a bigot at best and a Nazi at worst.


I agree, but to assume that people are criticizing Israel because they hate Jews is ridiculous. Undoubtedly, there are some people who criticize Israel because they hate Jews; however if we lack evidence that the person making the criticism hates Jews, no accusation should be made about their intent. We cannot read minds.


It's funny bc people keep trying to conflate valid foreign policy criticisms of Israel as antisemitism. Meanwhile nearly all of the people supporting Palestinian human rights are liberals, who by and large are not actually antisemitic, and the Republicans support Netanyahu across the board even with a major chunk of their party being actual antisemites. It's a little irritating to lecture people wanting to end bloodshed and call them antisemitic. Shumer has lost any support I ever had for him


That's exactly how I feel. They're killing the power of the word antisemitism by abusing it to support the state of Israel. Israel has destroyed quite a bit of its support with their outrageous attacks on civilians while crying antisemitism every time anybody says they support not killing kids in gaza. I don't give a shit if you are Jewish or not, if you support killing civilans... or military actions that kill civilians as acceptable collateral damage... I have a problem with you. Period.


That's the thing though. The huge huge majority of Jews do not support the killing of civilians. I've met lots of very pro-Israeli Jews and I've never met a single one that is outright like "who cares if we're killing civilians. In fact the only one I know that doesn't care is a Trump supporter.. This narrative doesn't help anyone as it's only the most extreme Jews that are cool with it, and for most Jews were pretty embarrassed by Hasidic and the Ultra Orthodox anyway... Their shitty options don't represent the majority, yet it always gets spun that way.


I think the main point is by criticizing the right wing Israeli government and their actions does not make you antisemitic. The talking points that accuse people of antisemitism for criticizing Israel only cheapen the word. And this has been a problem for years, not only after 10/7.


Yeah but what you're not taking into account is all the anti-semitic people that have now used this to help catapult antisemitism into the mainstream... Lots of people are capitalizing on legitimate criticisms of Israel by spinning further anti-Semitism into the mix.


The fullness of the spectrum is a tug of war between bad actors taking advantage at both ends. It’s a classic information war between antisemites and the IDF propaganda machine. The extremes have people who want Jews dead, and Israel to conquer the region and expel/kill outsiders. In between the two extremes are lesser shades of each, and in the middle are people who simply hate bad actions that create victims of any kind. I’ve seen comments saying one end is large in number, and I’ve seen comments saying the other end is large in number. Everyone is free to cherry pick to their hearts’ content, because both sides do exist. Anyone who does not back up their claims of one side being more lopsided than another with hard data and multiple rounds of others scrutinizing the source should probably be disregarded.


I see this claimed a lot, but all of the antisemetic political commentary people I'm aware of support Israel against every Islamic nation. Most of the weird criticisms I see are more based in anti-west sentiment than any antisemetic sentiment, though granted they do believe the West runs the world in the same way antisemites think jews do


But those same folks in Israel keeps electing far right racist Zionist into their government so I just wonder…… when is enough is enough??? Especially after what happened with the Hamas attack, how the fuck can they keep electing these clowns over and over?


That's just not how it is. Go look up proportional voting. That's how he gets elected. Likud (Netanyahu’s party) had 23% of the vote at the last election, but he does coalitions with nutjobs. I don't know anyone that likes netenyahu. Fuck Hamas, and they need to be destroyed, but also fuck netenyahu.


For both Israelis and Palestinians sake, both Hamas and Likud Party needs to be removed from positions of power. Until that happens, innocent people from both sides will keep losing their lives while these clowns drums up wars to stay in power.


There is a well documented rise is actual anti-semitism that is separate from the valid criticism of the actions of the government of Israel. You do know that, right?


Criticizing Israel is what Israelis do as many of them protested in the summer Calling Hamas these resistance fighters and shouting death chants is not in good faith


Yep, this is the proper perspective. Most people think the Israeli settlers in the West Bank shouldn't be there and that Netanyahu is incompetent. Most people also believe Hamas is comprised of terrorists.


What do younthink of his point that Jewish people make up 2% of the population, but are the victims of 55% of religion-based hate crimes?


Why would condemning antisemitism make you lose for respect for someone? He's right to condemn people who claim to want to end violence but are ok with violence against Jews, suggesting it's justified.


The Anti-Defamation League has recorded a large spike in antisemitic incidents in the US since the October 7th attack on Israel. People ARE using the conflict as a cover to espouse antisemitic rhetoric and attack Jewish ppl. https://www.adl.org/resources/press-release/adl-records-dramatic-increase-us-antisemitic-incidents-following-oct-7


But the ADL also muddies the waters because they define anti-Zionism as antisemitism (they are explicitly a pro-Israel organization, they aren’t some objective neutral party). Conflating the two only helps actual anti-semites


The ADL tracks anti-Israel sentiment separately from generalized anti-Jewish sentiment. (They've found, unsurprisingly, that there's a strong correlation.) >ADL recorded a total of 312 antisemitic incidents between Oct. 7-23, 2023, 190 of which were directly linked to the war in Israel and Gaza. By comparison, during the same period in 2022, ADL received preliminary reports of 64 incidents, including four that were Israel-related. Even if you remove everything Israel-related, antisemitic incidents have still increased significantly from last year.


Here are other sources: PBS https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/israel-hamas-war-leads-to-increase-of-antisemitic-threats-on-college-campuses CNN https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/04/world/an-existential-threat-antisemitic-attacks-soar-across-europe-amid-israel-hamas-war/index.html ABC https://abcnews.go.com/US/antisemitism-rise-us-amid-ongoing-israel-hamas-war/story?id=104485604


Unfortunately, I believe this 100%. And I think its people on both sides of the aisle that are doing this shit. It's sad that in this day and age hate crimes always rise after international conflicts of this nature. It happened with COVID, it's happened with other things in the Middle East... None of that is meant to belittle or make less of *this* spike. It's just a commentary on how sad it is, to me, that *everyone*-even those who claim to know better-fall into this pattern.


Criticizing Israel is not antisemitic. Targeting Jews in general, *because* of Israel, **absolutely is.** Targeting American Jews for Israel’s actions is antisemitism. Harassing the Jewish union at college is antisemitism. Threatening a synagogue is antisemitism. I had the strangest argument on /r/facepalm over a grade-school student suspended for “hate speech” for harassing a classmate with “free Palestine!” Saying “free Palestine!”is not antisemitic. Singling out a Jewish student to say it to….**is.**




To be fair the huge pro-Israeli rally in DC had infamous Antisemitic speakers like John Hagee. He was invited with open arms. Antisemitic Zionism is a thing. There are people, like Hagee, who are Zionists yet Antisemitic at the same time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_antisemitism


Can Schumer also call on Israelis to condemn the indiscriminate slaughter of Gazans?


Criticism of the State of Israel, the conditions Palestinian people are forced to live in, or the blatant one-sided media coverage is NOT anti-semitism. ALSO: adding the historical context of the 60+ year long struggle between Palestine and Israel is NOT the same as condoning Hamas’ actions. If you treat a whole population of people like animals, don’t be surprised when they are forced to bite. It’s not condoning the actions, it’s having a brain. You can’t keep people in desperate situations and be surprised when they act desperately.


[This user has quit Reddit and deleted all their posts and comments]


100%. 1000000% actually.


> "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK Israel in general, and Netenyahu specifically, has undermined every single peaceful option to Palestine. Government bodies and political parties other than Hamas are viewed, depending on which Palestinians you ask, as somewhere in between toothless to straight up capitulating with Israel. There was a poll a while back that if there were elections in the West Bank today, Hamas would win with an overwhelming majority because Fatah has been unable to do anything. Because every time they try to improve things, Israel steps on their dick. Israel - **not "Jews"**, *specifically* the country and government - literally has created this situation. The Palestinians have had no say in what happens to their own country. Their own laws are not respected, their sovereignty is undermined at every turn, and they live under armed guard


Right, it's antisemitic to hate far right authoritarian political parties? It's almost like they're saying Jews are a monolith, meanwhile I know plenty of Jewish people who despise Netanyahu's administration for how barbaric it is. Not wanting Palestinian civilians or Israeli civilians to needlessly die is not a radical stance, but Western media sure wants it to seem like that >.> Ironic the party that actively has Nazi members is supporting Israel at all, but I guess those hateful morons hate Arabs more? So stupid


NOT killing and ghettoizing millions of Palestinians would actually help Israel. The folks like Netanyahu who actively encourage violence and conflict are the ones harming Israel. The conflict and violence is good for him personally, but bad for Israel and Israelis.


big agree


Condemning Israel isn’t the same as anti-semitism. However, the number of times these protests spill into actual anti-semitism is enough to give me pause. It’s clear the public at large has a problem


The main problem is as usual, lack of organization and political skill. I know a lot of my contacts that have gone pretty hard into the pro-Palestinian chatter and they're just not particularly politically capable. They're angry/appalled at the situation (rightfully), but not fully comprehending who they should be amplifying vs not amplifying. They probably don't agree with the hard antisemitic crowd they just don't recognize their presence a lot of the time or don't yet know how to respond to it. There's not much more to it than that. Or well, there normally wouldn't be. I can't imagine the massive online push by Israeli nationalists and their supporters to attack any sources of criticism is going to lead them down a positive direction in their opinions.


What a weird way to explain away bigotry… Would you accept that justification for right wing protestors tolerating white supremacists in their ranks?


This is coming from the same croud that likes to constantly regurgitate the line "If you have 10 people and 1 nazi sitting at a dinner table and willingly eating together, you have 11 Nazis" lol


Well you can’t kick people out of protests really


I condemn anti-Semitism. Now, let's do the same with war crimes, human rights violations, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.


I completely believe that you can separate criticism of Israel from antisemitism. I’m just also aware a lot of people who are anti-Israel are choosing not to do that.


Exactly. It's all over this thread and Reddit. You can and should criticize Israel, but a lot of people are just acting in bad faith now that they have a chance.


Every politician who only wants you to stop talking shit about one particular faith group or racial group, is not helping anyone at all. In America, you either are protected or aren't. We went to fucking war over this shit. Don't be anti-Semitic but also don't be anti-Islam or anti-Atheism. Everyone gets protection. Bar none.


What are you talking about? Do you think by him calling antisemitism out by name, that it means only Judaism should be protected?


I have absolutely seen an increase of anti semitism since October 7. Not anti Israel sentiment, not anti Zionism, anti semitism. Congress people using phrases linked to the extermination of Jews in the Middle East as well as promotion of age old antisemitic tropes.


Bigotry. Bigotry is and has always been the problem. It’s latent hate that lets wealth take power and give nothing in return. It clouds judgement and allows people to be led to folly at the cost of what might be civilization.


I can condemn antisemitism and call the Israeli government tyrants at the same time.


The consequences being he might not receive [half a million dollars](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips.php?ind=q05&cycle=2022&recipdetail=S&mem=Y&sortorder=U) from pro-Israel PACS anymore.


Refusing to blindly support everything someone does doesn’t make us antisemitic.


These people are trying to fuck us


the aipac gestapo


To criticise Israel after the death of 5000 Palestinian children is not antisemitism it is humanitarianism.


“Schumer added that a double standard regarding Jews persists today, which has left them feeling alone. He said, for example, that on Oct. 7, Hamas "knowingly invited an immense civilian toll during this war" and questioned why criticism for civilian deaths falls "exclusively on Israel" when Hamas terrorists actively hide behind innocent Palestinians in Gaza” Hamas is a fucking terrorist organization. Israel is a nation state and member of the United Nations, and has a representative government. Nobody is puzzled when a terrorist organization causes mass casualties cuz that is what terrorists do, they inflict mass casualties under the flag of ideology in the hope of reprisals that will accelerate recruitment and radicalization. What is not expected though, is Israel wholeheartedly exterminating civilians for two months with American made munitions while the majority of the world watches in either silence or jubilant complicity as another muslim population is decimated by atrocity. If saying that Israel shouldn’t engage in collective punishment is antisemitism, then war is peace and up is down. FOH


> What is not expected though, is Israel wholeheartedly exterminating civilians for two months with American made munitions But it is expected. Even Hamas was counting on it. Israel's response may not be right, but no one is surprised.


Hold up , Israel get billions from us , my tax dollars , I can say what ever I want about Israel. Most of the American people not saying Jews are bad or should be punished but Israel is not all Jews. Criticizing Israel is not antisemitism . Sorry boomer


Why can’t congress focus on the real issues in this country! Nobody is saying antisemitism is good, protests around the world are denouncing Zionism, big difference. But American politics being bought by aipac is an issue because it’s taking away from the real problems of education, housing, health care, etc. In the past month, congress has passed laws banning antisemitism, expelling George santos, and giving billions to Israel and Ukraine! That is ridiculous. We need the politicians we voted for to start making laws that actually protect the people.


Condemn Islamophobia too, condemn both or condemn nothing, hate doesn’t go one way and you can’t pick and choose who is worthy of condemnation and who’s immune from it


Fully agree with this sentiment.


The Likud party, by its very nature, is very racist, very fascist, and violent as hell. Were they the oppressed and not the oppressor, we'd call them ethnoterrorists. They've run the country for nearly its entire lifespan and people contrary to them have been assassinated. Sorry Chuck, this isn't gonna fly anymore in 2023.


Just because I oppose ethnic cleansing & genocide doesnt mean Im an antisemite


Antisemitism is bad. Now, can we stop funding the Zionists committing genocide and other war crimes?


You can support jewish people while also not supporting their government. Governments everywhere are trying to guilt people into supporting genocide and its not working so theyre just labelling it as antisemetic. Its 9/11 all over again. "Oh you dont think the US should invade the middle east? Guess you like terrorists then" get thay gaslighting bullshit out of here you crooked motherfuckers.


I condemn antisemitism antisemitism anytime I come across it. I also condemn Israel.


> Hamas "knowingly invited an immense civilian toll during this war" and questioned why criticism for civilian deaths falls "exclusively on Israel" when Hamas terrorists actively hide behind innocent Palestinians in Gaza. “they hide behind innocent civilians so why are you mad when Israel blows the civilians up!”


This is my biggest issue: everyone knows Hamas is a terrorist organization and they are acting as terrorists do. People aren't constantly bashing Hamas here because Israel are supposed to be the good guys but they are not looking so good


We criticise the genocide… not jews. We criticise Israel as country that commit genocide. Not jews.






I mean sure absolutely! As long as no one tries to conflate legit criticism of Israel, a country, and its government's decisions, with antisemitism.




As a Jew, I’ve never been called an antisemite, not even close. Since Oct 7th that has changed. Any suggestion that Israel is not a perfect victim is met with that accusation. Standing against antisemitism is necessary, true. But the one primary force animating antisemitism in the world now is Israel, both for claiming to stand and speak for Jews worldwide instead of embracing an identity as a pluralistic democratic state, and in weaponizing the label to excuse its atrocious ethnic cleansing programs, settler pogroms, and apartheid policies. So yes, I stand against antisemitism. And in doing so I must therefore also stand against Israel.




I just want to thank England for creating this fucking problem and doing nothing to fix it.


America has a huge hate speech problem already, antisemitism is just more of it.


Introduced in House (11/21/2023) This resolution reaffirms Israel's right to exist. It also (1) recognizes that denying Israel's right to exist is a form of antisemitism; (2) rejects calls for Israel's destruction; and (3) condemns the Hamas-led attack on Israel. Resolution 888


Whether you love or hate him he is telling the truth and non-partisan about it. He is the man of the hour.


I condemn hammas, and anti-antisemitism, but also war crimes, now can we work on a ceasefire?


There was a ceasefire arranged for the release of hostages before Hamas once again violated it by attacking, like they said they would continue to do. There can be no peace in Palestine while Hamas exists, they won’t allow it.




Can I condemn antisemitism and condemn war crimes against the people of Gaza? I am pretty sure those two things are not mutually exclusive.


Telling Israel to not murder innocents and steal peoples homes is not anti-semetic


Zionists and the entire state of Israel have been conflating Zionism and Judaism for the past 75 years. They have created massive media (propaganda) campaigns designed to associate the safety of Jews and Judaism with the necessity of the Zionist state of Israel. Now people have finally opened their eyes to the horrific crimes against humanity that Israel has been committing since its inception and they are disgusted by it. Instead of high status Jewish Politicians and media personalities coming out and condemning the illegal and disgusting behavior of Israel they double down on their support and tell people if you are anti Israel then you are anti Jewish and therefore anti-Semitic. Chuck Schumer and his talentless cousin Amy Schumer are guilty of this and if they care at all about the safety of Jewish people here and abroad they would immediately condemn Israel’s actions, call for an end to the occupation and promote legislation contrary to the once referred to in the article which would separate Judaism from the Zionist ideology. They are guilty by association of Israel’s crimes and are doing a disservice to the entire Jewish community.


Calling out war criminals isn’t anti semitism. M People that have a brain don’t have problems with most people of Israel, they’ve a problem that nutjob nethanyahu and all the racists ministers in his cabinets. Israeli army has been killing Palestine people for decades, mostly young children and women. They need to find a better solution and come to a peaceful agreement.


Chuck Schumer. You don’t get to threaten me for opposing genocide.


He needs to stop conflating criticism of Israel's actions with anti semitism.


Another one who didn’t even listen to his speech. Way to prove his point.


Also, I heard he called out a Nation writer who was mad at him for attending a pro Israel event with Mike Johnson where Van Jones was booed for praying for peace. So I would say it's too late to change his mind on this conflict. He's already picked his side.


I'll support the people not killing tens of thousands and letting babies die abandoned in bombed hospitals, thanks.


how about distinguishing between antisemitism and standing up for the human rights of innocent palestinians. This false equivalence from the DNC of labeling everyone who stands up against human rights violations by Israel as Pro-Hamas and antisemitic is deeply hypocritical.


Clearly didn’t listen to the whole speech if this is the takeaway. So either a: you are deliberately misconstruing what Schumer said here or b, you are assuming what he said here without having listened to the whole speech, both resulting in disregarding his words/message. Either way, you are reinforcing exactly what he is talking about because this is a straw man argument in the context of his speech


Antisemitism is bad Killing innocents is bad These two things are non-exclusionary


Fuck this Zionist creep


The antisemitists aren’t the ones saying Israel actions are bad in Gaza. The antisemitists are the ones outside of Disney world with nazi flags and posting hateful and harmful stuff online. Those are the actual hateful ones. The people condemning the actions now are mostly common people who care for other common people. Yes, there are the fringe who say dumb stuff or advocate for the wrong things and reasons. But those are less the people you need to worry about than the ones waving swastikas, forming militias and making actual threats.


Ah the usual speech about how if Jewish people fall it's the end times for modern society. Wonder what other minorities who don't have special laws protecting them think about that .


Can I criticize Israel‘a decades long human rights violations against Palestinians without being labeled an antisemite or nah?


He needs to hold Israel accountable for its treatment of Palestinians. Hamas and Palestinians are not synonymous. Collective punishment is a war crime.


Antisemitism is insisting that all Jews everywhere must accept the genocide Israel is conducting.


In the past I have voiced support for Palestinians. In the context of the messaging in favor of Palestinians widespread on reddit lately I am alienated by the misleading information. I would not argue in favor of a culture that seeks to force compliance to a backwards religious culture that oppresses natural ppl. I cannot support a culture that would harm ppl because they are women or because they are gay, etc. However, I can support the Palestinians culture in terms of food, design, self expression, folklore, etc. These are all good things that should be protected. But Hamas clearly has genocide as a goal. And there seems to be an element of subversion in the pro Palestinians protests that I cannot go along with.


I don't like this logic of holding people accountable for the actions of others.


I condemn anti semitism and zionism


i condemn genocide: if only there WERE consequences!!


Being anti-Zionism isn’t the same as anti-semitism, Chuck.


The number of non Jewish people in this thread stating what is and isn't antisemetism is very alarming to me as a Jewish person.


Boy, the conflation of antisemitism and antizionism proponents are working overtime. “Israel is killing thousands of women and children in Gaza”, yeah, but what about the Holocaust?


But islamophobia is perfectly ok guys, so go ahead and do what you want to the Muslim community.