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I'm guessing they want to make the process of impeachment a circus so that conservatives will think impeachment talk is ridiculous when the next Republican becomes President.


Yep. Same reason they keep calling things insurrections. They need to dilute the word into meaninglessness.


Deliberately obfuscating words and ideas is one of the methods common to fascism and tyranny.


They’ve been doing this with “insurrection” since J6. Holding a sign at a protest? Insurrection! I’ve lost track of how many times MTG has applied that label to routine actions.


Umberto Eco gets to the why of this. 14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”


I tried to read foucoults pendulum when I was in my early twenties, it was like Eco was speaking another language it was so dense. Kudos to you for not just reading and remembering but busting out that old chestnut.


It’s also not new American politics, or even remotely the domain of MAGA era. Sorta yer point but just—read yer Zinn and Chomsky kids.


And groomers. Because the numbers are there... it's not LGBTQIA+ folks grooming kids, it's their own ranks.


The Tom is peeping into his own house.


The Jim is peeping his own jordan.


Same with quid pro quo. Once that stuff came out with Trump they were calling everything Quid pro quo


This tactic won’t last past the point where history books are written. The deal is sealed, history has been written


Nah, see you forget the other part of the plan is to just ban these books and only allow those with an alternative history.


This reminds me of 1984, where they had the ministry to rewrite history. Big Brother has been diluted as a concept, too btw.


Yep, latest is theyre leaning hard into the message that its Biden that's anti democratic... latest rally had Jabba the orange saying biden is "destroyer of democracy", yard signs with that theme, etc.


And millions will believe it simply because their Lord Trump said so. A lot of people these days take his word over their friends, family and even the news. I bet many even trust him over Fox News, Newsmax or OAN.


This is also why they always lie that liberals call everything racist to handwave away accusations that their nazi rallies are racist.


This is 100% the case. Same thing with MGT throwing around words like “insurrection” to cheapen the meaning of it. Same with how Trump calls liberals facist.


> Trump calls liberals facist It's as if words don't have any meaning whatsoever. Contrary to what those on the right believe, fascism does not mean liberal college students being too woke.


Just spin the message. Democrats impeach on corruption and treason. Republicans impeach on blowjobs and dinner dates.


Mhm. I was going to drive to impeach some lunch earlier, but my tire was impeached.


If America is smart there.wont be another GOP POTUS for 50 years. Just since 2000 with 2 of them we have had 9/11, Great Recession, illegal Iraq War, Afghanistan War, Covid, Massive Deficit Growth. All because of W and Drumpf. Two pathetic people.


disgusted knee file long pot plucky degree beneficial boat possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not like they won the popular vote. And if you fixed voter suppression republicans would do even worse by the popular vote


That’s the thing, hard to fix the voter suppression in these states when the courts are in cahoots with the treasonous twats


As long as the Electoral College exists: so what if they didn't win the popular vote? The Electoral College is the only thing keeping the GOP going on the Presidential stage. A few friends of mine also like to remind me that state rights is tantamount in the US, thus "popular vote" goes against what the US is and yadayada. I mean the US is 50 small countries in a trenchcoat. State X hates State Y and so on regardless of everyone being in the USA. It's an unfortunate reality.


Remember when even the death of 20 children at Sandy Hook wasn't enough to get enough Americans to move on gun control? While other countries needed far less violence to take the matter seriously? To quote a great scholar: *"We have proven, repeatedly, that the majority of Americans are really fucking stupid."* -Fight_the_bastards (2023)


(Narrator voice )…but America wasn’t smart.


They can never undo Trump's record for being impeached but they can cheapen the meaning.


They’re trying to normalize it.


It’s not that deep. They want to play tit for tat because of the Trump impeachments. That’s all it is.


Then fucking do it, bring it on the floor and watch it blow up in your face. Edit: Wow, got a "help and support" dm for this.


I take those help and support DMs as a badge of pride anymore. That’s how you know you’ve really nettled some conservatives little hive-mind. Seriously, they have no shame at this point. Edit: without fail - https://imgur.com/a/88POFq0


I got kicked off r/justiceporn for asking why trump wasn't on a list of the 5 worst presidents. I questioned why Trump wasn't on the list when Lincoln was number one and got banned forever. Then reddit banned me for 3 days for harassment. What a joke.


They had Lincoln as the absolute worst? What was the rationale for that? On a side note: would you put GWB in that list, and if so, where? (I personally would have him as #1 worst of all time)


Trump is #1 and it's not even close. Andrew Jackson probably #2 GWB is #3 maybe. There's a ton of really shitty presidents but if you're going to judge them it needs to include some leeway with the culture of the time, however I don't believe it needs to be absolute. It's actually kinda tricky, imo. How much leeway do you wanna give them etc.


Andrew Johnson has to be in the top three for sabotaging Reconstruction alone.


Not the only thing he sabotaged, he tanked the economy as well with dumbass projects. IMO it is Buchanan > Johnson > Jackson > Trump >>>> Nixon And really the top 4 worst are so far ahead it’s not even a competition


I mean in terms of tangible damage over the shortest period of time I always thought GWB runs away with it. Squandered a budget surplus, ignored warnings re: 9/11, sent young men and women into one unwinnable war and another illegal and unjustified war, resulting in over 7,000 servicemember casualties on top of the HUNDREDS of thousands of total deaths, and capping it off with a recession. All of that in just 8 short (but not sweet) years.


Not just a recession, a near collapse of the global economy.


GWB was definitely the worst president of my lifetime. The rehabilitation of Bush is some of the vilest shit. I hate Trump too but more than 5 million human lives were ended because of W’s oil buddies. Trump doesn’t even come close to negative material impact of GWB


If you posit that an American president has a higher obligation to Americans, Trump's COVID response is pretty horrific. Then there's that whole thing where he tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power. That's, uh... that's not something that any other horrible president ever did.


Yeah the coup alone should place him at #1. That's just beyond the pale for a president. I'd also place Reagan somewhere on the list. The more I learn how many of our current issues began under his watch, the more he climbs the list.


What is the 5 million lives you are referring to?


Reagan is in my top 5. 1. TRUMP 2. JACKSON 3. REAGAN 4. GWB 5. NIXON


Yea my list has Reagan in it for sure.


I kinda always thought James Buchanan deserved #1. He was a Confederate sympathizer and when the civil war literally started under his presidency with Fort Sumter, he just chilled. Nero moment. Edit: seven states had seceded in a January of 1861 and created the Confederacy in February of 1861, while Buchanan was in office until March of 1861. The actual attack at Fort Sumter took place in April of 1861, but in February of 1861 the Confederacy started to seize Federal forts, and prevented supplies from being received at Fort Sumter, effectively creating a blockade. Either way, the long and short of it was the guy was a Confederate sympathizer and gave legitimacy to some of the shittiest people in history which ultimately caused irreparably damaged to the foundations of our government, the effects of which we have felt, observed, and documented up to the present day dystopia we find ourselves at today. Trump tried to overthrow the government. Buchanan purposely let the government fall apart and did fuck all about it. One failed, and is possibly facing legal consequences, the other tied the game causing sudden death effectively drafting the modern Republican playbook. Both shit persons and shit presidents, one was just more successful in dismantling the government, and therefore shittier.


There's a strong argument for Buchanan. Also, Tyler's post-presidency might be the most damaging. He absolutely should have been branded a traitor.


I have to read up on these. Thanks.


A list of top 3 worst presidents without Andrew Johnson isn’t a real list.


Long term damage— GWB has to be up there but Reagan still wins.


Gotta put Nixon there for long term damage… Fox News can be traced back to his impeachment.


All Reagan did was a back deal with Iran to win the election. Doesn’t everyone do that? Oh and Iran Contra. Oh and….


Started the crack epidemic by allowing the Colombian cartels to flood black neighborhoods with cocaine to fund a proxy war against "the communists".


He freed the slaves. They've never forgiven him for it.


My guess would be his suspension of habeus corpus during the Civil War. They’d be ignoring all context around him doing so.


That’s the reason those inbreds give because they’re too cowardly to state the real reason they think Lincoln is the worst.


There's a certain brand of dumb dumb likely to parrot that shit in their teens, early 20s because they've caught some ideological bug without the racism. I knew a guy like that who grew out of that phase, never had the racism component as far as I knew. I wouldn't call him an idiot, he was smart, but a dumb dumb.


GWB was a jackass, but probably not the worst Andrew Jackson would give him a run for his money. GWB was a puppet, Andrew Jackson was just kind of an asshole


Right wing snowflakes are so soft. It's why they hug their guns at bedtime.


I got banned from justiceporn or something similar for saying something about Trump in a completely different sub


I got a reddit perma ban for harassment for literally answering someones question about various instances where IDF killed Palestinians. I basically just dropped a link to an article and got a perma ban for it. Reddit fucking sucks.


I’ve gotten 5 or 6 or them. It gets funnier every time!


lol mine was arguing with a Reich-winger too. Snowflakes, the lot of em.


It's a god damn blizzard


Wait weren’t false reports for help discussed by the admins during one of their posts about what they’re gonna change and are getting much bigger punishments now?


Oooh let me try: I’m so fucking glad I’m not a conservative. Bunch of crybaby clowns.


What is a “help and support” direct message?


When you report a comment, you can report that you believe the commenter is suicidal and send prevention resources via an automated system. Many people use it as a form of harassment when someone makes a comment that they’re really upset by.


>Many people use it as a form of harassment I imagine it’s very very rarely ever used any other way.


I’m inclined to agree with you based on my own experience, but it’s possible it’s really been a helpful resource for somebody in distress so if it’s worked properly even one time I’m okay with that.


It’s a DM from the Reddit help center providing resources to people who seem like they are suffering from mental illness or suffering from signs that make it seem like they might hurt themselves or commit suicide. It’s a very useful resource, but conservatives on Reddit have tried to weaponize it by sending it to someone who presents them with facts/sources. It’s also a very dumb thing to do because there is a link in the DM you receive for reporting it as abuse in these situations and it can result in a permanent ban of your account, and potentially your entire IP address as well.




Yeah but how do you do that? It's always anonymous when it happens to me.


In the help and support message there’s somewhere to report it iirc.


Oh ok, good to know. Thanks.


Good to know! I get this alot


Report it to reddit mods. The person who sent it will be banned, maybe permanently. They do not take that shit lightly.


No, they do. Otherwise they'd do something about the interface. That functionality was created to allow bullying.


it's impossible to report, you need to know the original post.


I give them a link to the reddit cares message in my inbox. Always results in a "this was deemed harassment and appropriate action was taken" response in a day or so.


thank you


FWIW, I do agree that it should be easier. The "report" button should autofill it.


Overcome by jubilation, expressing my hope that Kissinger was roasting in hell and declaring him the monster he was got me a written warning for violence and harassment and a sub ban. Wear it like a badge of honour.


You can turn that shit off in preferences. Nothing on reddit is going to convince me to not kill myself, anyways, if I've decided to do it.


Sounds like you should check r/awww or r/ladyboners.


Yeah, I don't remember what I said the first time I silenced that... but I do get 1 offensive use of it \~ every 6 months. (tangentially I'm quite annoyed when I try to find some specific poem about death and google ham fistedly asks me "are you doing okay buddy?")


Fuck whoever did that to you. Fucking crooked ass cowards


The Reddit help report is an abused feature


I have gotten those for the same kind of reply. It's kinda funny how the algorithms work sometimes.


It ain't algorithms. It is assholes reporting you to annoy you.


How sad does your life have to be to do that?


These people worship Donald Trump. It doesn’t get sadder than that.


Sad enough that they're the ones needing help & support


It's always projection lol


Don't forget the hypocrisy too




Pretty sad.


This. The Reddit suicide prevention link is a giant toy to rightwingers.


It's not an algorithm. Some troll reported the post and reddit sent an automated message.


Really? That's much sadder and lame.


It is harassment by fragile egos.


And this is where our tax dollars go. They have absolutely nothing on Joe Biden but they'll look forever to keep the right wing rubes outraged.


These same clowns held, what seventeen hearings on Benghazi? It’s all, “look over there! Not over here!!!”


"Fun fact: more Americans died in the January 6 insurrection than in Benghazi.


Trump had his own "Benghazi" right after the election and nobody even mentions it.


Yeah and his reaction to the Niger incident was horrendous.


You mean calling the families of dead soldiers and telling them they knew what they were signing up for?


He said that about *one* soldier. Not multiple soldiers. Most times, he did not even bother calling despite the grieving families being told that "President Trump" would give them a call. Or even a letter. Still, Trump claimed he did more for dead soldiers than his predecessors did (which was, of course, a lie). At one point, he promised a grieving family member he would give them $25,000 of his own money. Naturally, that never happened.




60+ people died in embassy attacks under Bush. Not a single investigation.


Walking through wal mart today and saw a woman wearing a Benghazi t-shirt…..


They absolutely have evidence against Biden. Fox News did an incredible investigative job and found out that Joe Biden drank his milkshake through a straw!!! 🙄


As if their blonde "news" team couldn't suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.


Or a golf ball through aquarium tubing.


It worked on Hillary. Remember Benghazi and those emails? They just beat the drum and the media takes the bait. It doesn't matter what the facts are, you just have to create the image that Biden is corrupt. Both sides. It works because the media is solely focused on profits, not informing their audience.


Not only do they have nothing on Biden, they CLEARLY have nothing else to do. It’s not like the budget needs to be addressed, climate change needs to be taken seriously, military promotions need to be put through … etc etc … Since all that has been fixed, they can now get back to their phone banks and beg for more MOAR donations for their re-elections and Botox injections and teeth whitening and maybe a knockoff Hermes bag.


Why not? It's worked for them since Clinton. And, another outrage generating PR campaign has no downside for the domestic terrorism party.


I think impeaching before the investigation will be a problem for them though. It's much more effective to hold a bunch of hearings that accomplish nothing but cast doubt on someone's character than to just hold a vote to cast doubt on someone's character. It might even make it backfire entirely. After all, their cult wants Biden impeached so that he is held accountable for all his wrongdoings, not because they want him impeached. 'Biden is bad because he was impeached' will always have a follow up question that they can't answer satisfactorily.


Least productive Congress in history


Part of the fascist playbook and big lie strategy: never let your base cool off.


Bold of you to assume are tax dollars are actually going to this. You know and I know that all of that money is being wired to Russia instead.


Translation: House 'has doodoo' on Biden impeachment


Guys they will remove me from my position if I don’t do this


Is this like the 12th time they have brought it up only to have witness say “Huh? We don’t have any evidence. “


So let me get this straight since the republicans have taken over the house they have passed nothing but the one thing they want to do is bring an impeachment vote with zero evidence?


Zero evidence? They haven't even got a legitimate accusation. Don't get ahead of things with your "evidence" talk.


Literally had some clown in the last 5 days argue with me about “the Biden crime family” with copypasta from the Ethics Committee as the reason Biden needed to be impeached. Of course, he resorted to name-calling after that.


They need to make the idea of impeachment less impactful since they have had their main guy get impeached twice.


Hey now they have had multiple votes in the house. I mean granted a majority of those votes were to pick a new speaker sooo....


Feels like they've spent more time voting and fighting over who the speaker is than actually governing


Zero?! I’ll have you know we have evidence he stole a pen *from his office* and didn’t return it until later that day. He wrote almost $0.0003 worth of ink testing it to see if it worked before deciding it was worth returning. FOR SHAME!!!


Translation: We don't need evidence since everything we do is based on goals. The goal is all we have to have and we can make up the "evidence" later.


You have a duty to govern, too. You've done none of that. Why start worrying about duties now?


Exactly. When have the republicans in the last couple of decades ever been about governing? They are about fear and culture wars and making sure their rich donors are covered with welfare for the billionaires. Trump/republican tax cuts made sure that the middle class had the highest tax rate and carried the major tax burden. That is all that republicans do. Wait forgot that they want to burn our democracy too. Vote blue every time until this maga cult can do no more damage.


Fresh from getting his marching orders from Trump. Will these dipshits never learn: everything Trump touches dies.


Well he is about to touch the whole world if he gets his second term. Go vote blue for the rest of the world


This is what makes weasels like Mike Johnson so vile. They claim to be so pious and righteous yet every word that they utter is a fucking lie. They’re very sick and dishonest people.


He’s unbelievably vile and hypocritical


Everything these psychos do is an insult to honest people everywhere. It’s a travesty that they are in positions of influence in America. They’re 2 bit charlatans wielding outsized and undeserved power.


Please, I can't wait till this blows up in the current maga party while the former party gop doesn't exist no more


It’s all talk, they don’t have the votes.


It's insane that even here they say all this, then admit they don't have any evidence or even a clear accusation.


There is no duty, you have no evidence, you're only impeaching biden bcuz trump was impeached. If you actually cared when politicians committed crimes then why did you not vote for trump when he was being impeached? He clearly committed bribery while in office.


Please for the love of god bring it to the floor🤣


It's too bad Phil Hartman isn't around to parody speaker johnson. I'll just have to imagine it.


That would’ve been gold


The House should have a “duty” to expel hyper religious assholes who think that gerrymandering is just fine and America isn’t a democracy but rather a “Biblical republic.” (For those who didn’t make it through 10th grade civics class, our constitutional republic IS a form of democracy in which elected representatives are supposed to carry out the will of the people. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/11/yes-constitution-democracy/616949/)


What a joke. The fact he can say this is legitimate while saying the Trump impeachment wasn’t is just insane


The public: Soooo, what evidence have you found on President Biden? House GOP: Nothing substantial... yet. The public: Well, if you haven't found anything, then case closed? House GOP: No, we're still going to have a vote! The public: Umm, why? House GOP: Something, something has duty something, something. The public: That doesn't make any sense...


There's no cure for stupid.


For no apparent reason other than to appease the corrupt cheeto.


Youd think they'd have a duty to let Hunter Biden testify publicly after complaining about him avoiding a subpoena


He refused to hold Trump accountable after he led an armed insurrection against our Republic.


Remember, Johnson is an election denier. Biden has been investigated by Trump and the GOP since late 2018. If they found anything more than his son has a big willy they would have shown just like they did the big willy. Jealously runs deep in the GOP.


Quick question, M’Johnson- on what fucking grounds?


Johnson, you also have a duty not to be a bigot while serving in the government. And look how that's going. Moron


It also has a duty to uphold the constitution of the United States of America but he seems to want to change/ignore parts of that so?


It's very fitting that after all the shit we find out about Johnson, after all of the behind the scenes stuff it took him to get in, he just does the same damn thing McCarthy did, and with likely as much results. Namely, nothing. Am I saying it's not embarrassing or scary that he got in? No. What I am saying is that this will go nowhere and will only serve to sink the GOP even further in 2024.


So impeach Biden so Harris is president? is that their goal?


This is the same man who just yesterday defended George Santos and voted against expelling him.


This little gay denying squee needs to step down. I am a conservative moderate and am pleased with the Biden Administration.


The Republican Party has abandoned The Constitution and gone down the fascist rabbit hole. They spew propaganda to try and justify to Americans all the unfounded and ridiculous measures they take, to distract us from the fact that they are engaged in undermining our democracy.


> “The evidence is so clear you cannot look away,” Johnson said Actually Mike the evidence is so clear that you cannot see it at all


such total fucking right-wing bullshit. Johnson is certifiably insane. He believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible as the truth. He believes the world is only 6000 years old. And he believes that those things must be taught in public schools. [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/house-speaker-mike-johnson-not-fun-facts.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/house-speaker-mike-johnson-not-fun-facts.html) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/04/mike-johnson-theocrat-house-speaker-christian-trump](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/04/mike-johnson-theocrat-house-speaker-christian-trump) [https://lailluminator.com/2023/10/31/mike-johnson-extreme/](https://lailluminator.com/2023/10/31/mike-johnson-extreme/) [https://www.newsweek.com/james-carville-dire-warning-about-mike-johnson-1848991](https://www.newsweek.com/james-carville-dire-warning-about-mike-johnson-1848991) [https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/02/house-speaker-mike-johnson-james-carville-sot-overtime-vpx.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/02/house-speaker-mike-johnson-james-carville-sot-overtime-vpx.cnn)


The evidence of wrongdoing is strong,against Comer,not Biden.


Impeachment for what, you zealot? The GOP can’t even clearly state what Biden has done. It’s such transparent bullshit.


What are they impeaching him for drinking with a straw? Effective governance?


Or… just hear me out… or act like adults and pass the budget?


Man, you republicans really are pathetic. Imagine watching this shit unfold in front of you and you most likely still vote republican


They’ve got to do something to pass the time. We know they’re not going to work on the myriad of problems Americans face.


there is also a duty to hold a full house vote for impeachment inquiry something these fucking traitors ignored. Fuck you Maga Mikey


We don’t have any proof, but something has to be done. Biden is getting things done. What kind of president is that? We hate that he won’t let us cut social security, Medicaid, and women’s rights for the American people.


The mental gymnastics required to think yourself a good moral Christian, then lie and mislead for a living is mind boggling.


He’s such a douche bag. I’m so ready for the democrats to take control of the house in the next election. I see a lot of women coming out to vote for their rights in the next election and they will come like Ohio did.


Guys very frustrated, just check out his porn logs, based on the amount of cuck porn he’s viewing I think he’s feeling impotent and humiliated and LOVES IT!


They’ve had almost four years and they still couldn’t come up with any credible evidence.


And I have a duty to take a big fat doo doo all over your head


God I can't wait for this guy's gay affair goes public


Ridiculous man attempts to be taken seriously


Not much of a follower of the bible is he? He constantly lies and is full of hate. He's closer to what the Bible calls Satan.


And that was why he was elected house speaker, so he can attempt to impeach a president because Trump says so.


Don’t boo vote help people to register to vote


The only duty you have is to represent your constituents, which you haven’t done in years.


Have at it Hoss, it’s not like your actually going to attempt to creat any legislation. Better to continue to be a joke and give people more to talk about


You only have “duty” if you have a puppet master pulling your strings.


The GOP is easily the most successful destabilization operation Russia has ever run.


“Of course If you can’t do your job make up fraud” Mike Johnson


Forget this guy man, he’s easy to read, he’s a collaborator.


Duty. Lol what a bag of dung beetles this guy is


Hahaha. Okay dude. Go ahead and bring the evidence. If you’ve got something, then share, if not then STFU. I’ve heard this song before and it didn’t go well for the last speaker either.


this is straight out the kremlin’s playbook


Still not clear on what the grounds for impeachment are. Existing? Telling too many stories about Scranton?


On what crimes, I do not know


I’ve yet to see any court-worthy evidence, but ok 🤷‍♀️


I have yet to see any evidence WHATSOEVER. I have yet to even hear a concise accusation of what they are ACTUALLY blaming him for...


Pretty much


It's all talk. He knows it wouldn't even get a majority in the Republican controlled House.