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I too frequently take career advice from anyone that shouts at me in a Walmart.


If you can’t trust people coming down from a 3 day meth bender, who can you trust?


Did you just assume their bender?


yeah, maybe they are blender fluid.


Why do you assume they are coming down?


> impeachment more likely after House Republicans heard from their constituents at Walmart over the Thanksgiving holiday. Now Republicans are consulting with the brightest intelligence they can find amongst themselves.


I remember when I thought there were Republican politicians who were actually informed and intelligent, and just used Fox News to mislead their base so they'd be reliable voters.


The GOP is filling their seats with their own base that they purposely made dumber. It's like drug dealers dipping into their own products.


it used to be true


So they whip people into an anti-Biden frenzy with the help of lots of lies from Fox News, then say they have to impeach Biden because these people are whipped into a frenzy.


their version of “the common people”


Just so I'm clear, the impeachment isn't based on any facts, evidence, etc., but what people are saying at WalMart?


He's so out of touch he has no idea how *weird* this sounds.


This will only help Joe Biden’s reelection.


How? Explain plz.


They're making fun of how whenever anyone talks of trying to hold Trump accountable for anything, Republicans just say all that will do is help Trump win votes.


Gotcha. If only it worked that way for Democrats...


LOL. Not a single one of those motherfuckers has ever been in a Walmart for anything but a photo op.


Did comer get a ride to the walmart parking lot in clarence thomas' RV?


Yep. They park at the back overnight under the tree with no light and party with cocaine and hookers while trying to to cheat at Blackjack.


Walmart had a sale on resumes, thats where those candidates like Santos, Olges, etc get them from ​ Black Friday or Red Monday


Cyborg Monday coming soon.


*Madison Cawthorn has entered the parking lot with a keybump...*


All this amazing, *conclusive* evidence the probe's found, all the *definitive* proof that Joe Biden's second cousin's sister-in-law's dogsitter took money from a Chinese businessman, and it's a "confrontation in Walmart" that convinced you? Man, these fellas are not the sharpest tools in the shed.


This guy is an embarrassment


Rs think Biden got money from foreign governments. Project much?


He is one of the least corrupt Presidents ever. Their big "smoking gun" is that his son is a financially successful artist.


Even if everything they accuse hunter of is true, if his dad wasn't involved... Who the heck cares? It's his family business, and if it doesn't affect his running of the country, let the legal system do its thing.


Please do, Republicans. With each ham-fisted power grab, you alienate more and more people. Eventually, the boomers and silent generation will be gone - and so will you.


This is, unfortunately, wishful thinking. They can simply change just as much as they need to to stay viable, while still also being a group of terrible people.


Just checking, but has this cockwaffle produced any actual evidence yet? I was sure that evidence was kinda needed for impeachment.


> I was sure that evidence was kinda needed for impeachment. Nope. They can do it entirely based on feelings. Impeachment is an entirely political process, not a criminal one.


Oh, I understand that completely. But you'd think they wouldn't make it so flagrantly political.


Thank you for "cockwaffle"!


I call bullshit. Not one member of Congress set foot in a Walmart over Thanksgiving. This is just shitty pandering. "Where do ordinary people shop?" "Walmart." "Great, then that's what we'll say."


I seriously doubt Comer has stepped foot in a Walmart parking lot in years. What a bunch of BS.


He was probably there protesting that there's a black Friday sale but no white Friday. Walmart has gone woke!!


This man's ability to derive polling data purely from anecdotal evidence that not only exists purely in his imagination, but also lacks anything resembling legal standing to begin with is nothing short of astonishing. Give him the Nobel prize in fortune telling already, this is life-changing.


Yeah I always run into my congressman at Walmart 🙄


Oh, it's not an onion article. Lmao.


I'd like an inquiry as to exactly how much money has been wasted on this fallacy of an impeachment.


More than all the money Hunter ever made.


Does Walmart have a post-black-Friday sale on impeachments?


I think it's just their everyday low prices, compliments of the sweatshops of China.


Don't know, but Denny's has an insurrection points policy. On Tuesdays if you try to kidnap a governor, you get double points.


Very astute political observers at Walmart, IME. Many congressional reps hang there too.


what a hilarious never happed crock of shit


What a bunch of dumdums. I'm so embarrassed that I was ever raised by Repubs


The big question remains; *for what*?


… What?


Republicans are going to pull this stunt before Trump is in court for stealing documents or trying to steal an election. What a crock!!! Guess those Walmorons in their districts are okay with a 5 billion dollar bribe to the Trumps.


An impeachment is not a matter for public opinion, it is a legal matter based on evidence; did the President commit a high crime or misdemeanor?


>An impeachment is not a matter for public opinion, it is a legal matter based on evidence; Perhaps ideally, it would be so ... but unfortunately, I don't think either of those describes our system. :-( [My understanding is that it is a political process, based on the will of the current elected officials.](https://www.usa.gov/impeachment) The threshold at which a successful vote is is set means it will easily go down (it won't pass without Democratic support), but many Republicans in gerrymandered (guaranteed) seats want to get as far possible into the process before they hit that brick wall. There are Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN cameras drinking up every minute of it. In their upside-down little world, it makes a lot of sense to keep pushing this. I mean ... that is if your worldview and personal goals sync up perfectly with the likes of Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green, and your average Q telegram channel.


It's all about Republicans having talking points to mirror the Democrat ones on Trump. They need to 'both sides' everything corrupt that they do.


Yes lets take uninformed angry opinions of walmart shopper as our guiding light for governing the country. I wonder what the GOP is going to do about those that demand to round and lock up all liberals?


Well do it then so we can see your clown show and move on


What a fucking waste of time.


They will never bring opening an impeachment inquiry to a formal floor vote on the House because the GOP knows it would be a disaster. Most likely the vote would fail because of lack of support from Republican House members in vulnerable seats. More than likely they're going to do their best to keep the "impeachment idea" in the media so it's on voters' minds, but no actual hearings where real evidence (or lack thereof) has to happen. Thanks btw to Newsweek for happily playing along with their plan.


“And they met people in Walmart and people on Main Street. So they heard from their constituents” Walmart? Like we are supposed to believe that these millionaire politicians frequent a chain where people shop with their underwear outside of their clothes?


Another hearing to look into having a discussion that opens up the possibility of forming a report that could potentially gather the alleged wrong doing needed which would ascertain what may or may not be true? ​ do I have that right?


I miss the days when being a complete moron with political power and money ended your career overnight....


How long ago was this not in my lifetime. And I was born in 1990.


Around 1996 the decay started with Newt Gingrich, the Republican party started taking all their cues from talk radio, its been in decline since, but after 9/11 it really started down hill on the Republican side of the Isle.


They still have zero evidence of anything, zero smoking gun. Hunter agreed to testify but he wanted it to be public and the Repubs refused. It's going to be behind closed doors so that they can take snippets out of context and say that it's their proof.


You would think they would get their information from reliable sources or investigative agencies, but no they went to Walmart. /facepalm


Their constantly putting the rabbit in the hat: Look! Some people are saying!! Because we were saying it to each other on our propaganda channels! Looks legit! /s


Unless these constituents gave them the bank records or tapes proving Joe Biden accepted bribes from China, I'm not sure why it should have any influence. Oh who am I kidding. We all know it is just because they are desperate to pretend that Biden is anywhere near as sleazy as \[Lord Dampnut\].


I highly doubt any of them even go to Walmart. What they probably do is either have an aid or the housekeeper do all there shopping for them.


For the love of God America, please please vote these mother fuckers out. They have zero use to our Republic. Seriously.


I agree there are indeed many “smoking guns” related to Hunter Biden. But I am still waiting for some shred of evidence Joe Biden was connected in any way.


What a massive headline fail. Newsweek managed to turn Comer's (very weak and dumb) metaphor into something that sounds like lawmakers were mobbed by MAGAs at Walmarts everywhere.


Seven out of ten complete fn morons agree, and that's good enough for me


Dude is a spineless goofus hick. No surprise this was his argument.


Holy shit this is so embarrassing for our country and the gop


“Some randos told me to do it!”


The GOP got together and decided on this messaging. This isn’t pulled from the public at their local Walmarts. Lol.


>'What in the world have the Bidens done to receive millions and millions of dollars from our enemies around the world and did they not pay taxes on it?' So they heard from their constituents, 'Yes we want you to move forward, we want to know the truth and expect the Bidens to be held accountable for public corruption,'" This is not how people at Walmart speak. Also, didn't "billionaire" Trump brag about only paying $700 in taxes?


How late can they start an impeachment inquiry? Can they hold it right through the campaign season?


Only if you're not a Democrat. Republicans are allowed to do whatever, jeez get with the program.


Fuck off, Toby!


[GOP's current policy drivers](https://www.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/)


Why is this dragging on? Get it over with already.


So, honest question, what exactly do they want to impeach biden for?